/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "TestControlFlow" #include <ControlFlow.h> #include <android-base/logging.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include "TestNeuralNetworksWrapper.h" namespace android::nn { namespace { using test_wrapper::Compilation; using test_wrapper::Execution; using test_wrapper::Model; using test_wrapper::OperandType; using test_wrapper::Result; using test_wrapper::Type; constexpr uint64_t kMillisecondsInNanosecond = 1'000'000; constexpr int32_t kNoActivation = ANEURALNETWORKS_FUSED_NONE; class ControlFlowTest : public ::testing::Test {}; TEST_F(ControlFlowTest, InfiniteLoop) { // Expected result: execution aborted after the specified timeout. // Model: given n <= 1.0, never returns. // // i = 1.0 // while i >= n: // i = i + 1.0 OperandType boolType(Type::TENSOR_BOOL8, {1}); OperandType activationType(Type::INT32, {}); OperandType counterType(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {1}); Model conditionModel; { uint32_t i = conditionModel.addOperand(&counterType); uint32_t n = conditionModel.addOperand(&counterType); uint32_t out = conditionModel.addOperand(&boolType); conditionModel.addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_GREATER_EQUAL, {i, n}, {out}); conditionModel.identifyInputsAndOutputs({i, n}, {out}); ASSERT_EQ(conditionModel.finish(), Result::NO_ERROR); ASSERT_TRUE(conditionModel.isValid()); } Model bodyModel; { uint32_t i = bodyModel.addOperand(&counterType); uint32_t n = bodyModel.addOperand(&counterType); uint32_t one = bodyModel.addConstantOperand(&counterType, 1.0f); uint32_t noActivation = bodyModel.addConstantOperand(&activationType, kNoActivation); uint32_t iOut = bodyModel.addOperand(&counterType); bodyModel.addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_ADD, {i, one, noActivation}, {iOut}); bodyModel.identifyInputsAndOutputs({i, n}, {iOut}); ASSERT_EQ(bodyModel.finish(), Result::NO_ERROR); ASSERT_TRUE(bodyModel.isValid()); } Model model; { uint32_t iInit = model.addConstantOperand(&counterType, 1.0f); uint32_t n = model.addOperand(&counterType); uint32_t conditionOperand = model.addModelOperand(&conditionModel); uint32_t bodyOperand = model.addModelOperand(&bodyModel); uint32_t iOut = model.addOperand(&counterType); model.addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_WHILE, {conditionOperand, bodyOperand, iInit, n}, {iOut}); model.identifyInputsAndOutputs({n}, {iOut}); ASSERT_EQ(model.finish(), Result::NO_ERROR); ASSERT_TRUE(model.isValid()); } Compilation compilation(&model); ASSERT_EQ(compilation.finish(), Result::NO_ERROR); float input = 0; float output; Execution execution(&compilation); ASSERT_EQ(execution.setInput(0, &input), Result::NO_ERROR); ASSERT_EQ(execution.setOutput(0, &output), Result::NO_ERROR); ASSERT_EQ(execution.setLoopTimeout(1 * kMillisecondsInNanosecond), Result::NO_ERROR); Result result = execution.compute(); ASSERT_TRUE(result == Result::MISSED_DEADLINE_TRANSIENT || result == Result::MISSED_DEADLINE_PERSISTENT) << "result = " << static_cast<int>(result); } TEST_F(ControlFlowTest, GetLoopTimeouts) { uint64_t defaultTimeout = ANeuralNetworks_getDefaultLoopTimeout(); uint64_t maximumTimeout = ANeuralNetworks_getMaximumLoopTimeout(); ASSERT_EQ(defaultTimeout, operation_while::kTimeoutNsDefault); ASSERT_EQ(maximumTimeout, operation_while::kTimeoutNsMaximum); } } // end namespace } // namespace android::nn