/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "HalUtils.h" #include "Manager.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "TestNeuralNetworksWrapper.h" #include "TestUtils.h" #ifdef __ANDROID__ constexpr bool kRunningOnAndroid = true; #else // __ANDROID__ constexpr bool kRunningOnAndroid = false; #endif // __ANDROID__ using namespace android::nn; namespace hardware = android::hardware; using WrapperResult = test_wrapper::Result; using Type = test_wrapper::Type; using android::sp; using android::nn::isAhwbBlob; namespace { // A buffer for test that does nothing. class TestBuffer : public V1_3::IBuffer { public: hardware::Return copyTo(const hardware::hidl_memory&) override { return V1_3::ErrorStatus::DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } hardware::Return copyFrom(const hardware::hidl_memory&, const hardware::hidl_vec&) override { return V1_3::ErrorStatus::DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } }; enum class AllocateReturn { OK, BAD_TOKEN, BAD_IBUFFER, BAD_STATUS, NOT_SUPPORTED }; // Print AllocateReturn enum for better GTEST failure messages std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, AllocateReturn allocateReturn) { switch (allocateReturn) { case AllocateReturn::OK: return os << "OK"; case AllocateReturn::BAD_IBUFFER: return os << "BAD_IBUFFER"; case AllocateReturn::BAD_TOKEN: return os << "BAD_TOKEN"; case AllocateReturn::BAD_STATUS: return os << "BAD_STATUS"; case AllocateReturn::NOT_SUPPORTED: return os << "NOT_SUPPORTED"; } LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid AllocateReturn code " << static_cast(allocateReturn); return os; } class TestDriverLatest : public sample_driver::SampleDriver { public: TestDriverLatest(const char* name, std::set supportedOperations, AllocateReturn allocateReturn) : SampleDriver(name), kSupportedOperations(std::move(supportedOperations)), kAllocateReturn(allocateReturn) {} hardware::Return getCapabilities_1_3(getCapabilities_1_3_cb cb) override { android::nn::initVLogMask(); // Faster than cpu. const V1_0::PerformanceInfo kPerf = {.execTime = 0.1, .powerUsage = 0.1}; const V1_3::Capabilities capabilities = { .relaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceScalar = kPerf, .relaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceTensor = kPerf, .operandPerformance = nonExtensionOperandPerformance(kPerf), .ifPerformance = kPerf, .whilePerformance = kPerf}; cb(V1_3::ErrorStatus::NONE, capabilities); return hardware::Void(); } hardware::Return getSupportedOperations_1_3(const V1_3::Model& model, getSupportedOperations_1_3_cb cb) override { // The tests will never use a referenced model. CHECK(model.referenced.size() == 0); std::vector supported(model.main.operations.size(), false); std::transform(model.main.operations.begin(), model.main.operations.end(), supported.begin(), [this](const V1_3::Operation& op) { return kSupportedOperations.count(op.type) > 0; }); cb(V1_3::ErrorStatus::NONE, supported); return hardware::Void(); } hardware::Return allocate(const V1_3::BufferDesc&, const hardware::hidl_vec>&, const hardware::hidl_vec&, const hardware::hidl_vec&, allocate_cb cb) override { switch (kAllocateReturn) { case AllocateReturn::OK: cb(V1_3::ErrorStatus::NONE, new TestBuffer(), mValidBufferToken++); return hardware::Void(); case AllocateReturn::BAD_IBUFFER: cb(V1_3::ErrorStatus::NONE, nullptr, mValidBufferToken++); return hardware::Void(); case AllocateReturn::BAD_TOKEN: cb(V1_3::ErrorStatus::NONE, new TestBuffer(), 0); return hardware::Void(); case AllocateReturn::BAD_STATUS: cb(V1_3::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, new TestBuffer(), mValidBufferToken++); return hardware::Void(); case AllocateReturn::NOT_SUPPORTED: cb(V1_3::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, nullptr, 0); return hardware::Void(); } LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid AllocateReturn code " << static_cast(kAllocateReturn); return hardware::Void(); } private: const std::set kSupportedOperations; const AllocateReturn kAllocateReturn; uint32_t mValidBufferToken = 1; }; // Create the following model for test. // // input0 ---+ // +--- ADD ---> output0 ---+ // input1 ---+ +--- MUL ---> output1 (dynamic shape) // +--- SUB ---> temp ---+ // input2 ---+ // void createTestModel(test_wrapper::Model* model) { test_wrapper::OperandType tensorTypeFullySpecified(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {1}); test_wrapper::OperandType tensorTypeDynamicShape(Type::TENSOR_FLOAT32, {0}); test_wrapper::OperandType actType(Type::INT32, {}); uint32_t input0 = model->addOperand(&tensorTypeFullySpecified); uint32_t input1 = model->addOperand(&tensorTypeFullySpecified); uint32_t input2 = model->addOperand(&tensorTypeFullySpecified); uint32_t temp = model->addOperand(&tensorTypeFullySpecified); uint32_t output0 = model->addOperand(&tensorTypeFullySpecified); uint32_t output1 = model->addOperand(&tensorTypeDynamicShape); uint32_t act = model->addOperand(&actType); int32_t activation = 0; model->setOperandValue(act, &activation, sizeof(int32_t)); model->addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_ADD, {input0, input1, act}, {output0}); model->addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_SUB, {input1, input2, act}, {temp}); model->addOperation(ANEURALNETWORKS_MUL, {output0, temp, act}, {output1}); model->identifyInputsAndOutputs({input0, input1, input2}, {output0, output1}); EXPECT_EQ(model->finish(), WrapperResult::NO_ERROR); } class MemoryDomainTestBase : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { ::testing::Test::SetUp(); if (DeviceManager::get()->getUseCpuOnly()) { GTEST_SKIP(); } createTestModel(&mModel); // Clear the device list. DeviceManager::get()->forTest_setDevices({}); } void TearDown() override { DeviceManager::get()->forTest_reInitializeDeviceList(); ::testing::Test::TearDown(); } // If "deviceNames" is not empty, the compilation is created with explicit device list; // otherwise, it is created normally. test_wrapper::Compilation createCompilation(const std::vector& deviceNames) { test_wrapper::Compilation compilation; if (!deviceNames.empty()) { // Map device names to ANeuralNetworksDevice. std::map deviceMap; uint32_t numDevices = 0; EXPECT_EQ(ANeuralNetworks_getDeviceCount(&numDevices), ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { ANeuralNetworksDevice* device = nullptr; const char* name = nullptr; EXPECT_EQ(ANeuralNetworks_getDevice(i, &device), ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); EXPECT_EQ(ANeuralNetworksDevice_getName(device, &name), ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); deviceMap.emplace(name, device); } std::vector devices(deviceNames.size()); std::transform(deviceNames.begin(), deviceNames.end(), devices.begin(), [&deviceMap](const std::string& name) { return deviceMap.at(name); }); WrapperResult result; std::tie(result, compilation) = test_wrapper::Compilation::createForDevices(&mModel, devices); EXPECT_EQ(result, WrapperResult::NO_ERROR); } else { compilation = test_wrapper::Compilation(&mModel); } EXPECT_EQ(compilation.finish(), WrapperResult::NO_ERROR); return compilation; } std::pair allocateDeviceMemory( const test_wrapper::Compilation& compilation, const std::vector& inputIndexes, const std::vector& outputIndexes) { const auto* annCompilation = compilation.getHandle(); ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc* desc = nullptr; EXPECT_EQ(ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_create(&desc), ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); for (uint32_t index : inputIndexes) { EXPECT_EQ(ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_addInputRole(desc, annCompilation, index, 1.0f), ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); } for (uint32_t index : outputIndexes) { EXPECT_EQ(ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_addOutputRole(desc, annCompilation, index, 1.0f), ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); } EXPECT_EQ(ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_finish(desc), ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); ANeuralNetworksMemory* memory; int n = ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromDesc(desc, &memory); ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_free(desc); return {n, test_wrapper::Memory(memory)}; } test_wrapper::Model mModel; }; // Test memory domain with the following parameters // - If true, use a V1_2 driver, otherwise, use the latest version; // - If true, compile with explicit device list, otherwise, compile in the default way; // - The return of the allocate function. using MemoryDomainTestParam = std::tuple; class MemoryDomainTest : public MemoryDomainTestBase, public ::testing::WithParamInterface { protected: // If kUseV1_2Driver, allocateReturn must be AllocateReturn::NOT_SUPPORTED. void createAndRegisterDriver(const char* name, std::set supportedOperations, AllocateReturn allocateReturn) { if (kUseV1_2Driver) { CHECK(allocateReturn == AllocateReturn::NOT_SUPPORTED); const sp testDriver = new TestDriverLatest(name, supportedOperations, AllocateReturn::NOT_SUPPORTED); DeviceManager::get()->forTest_registerDevice( V1_2::utils::Device::create(name, testDriver).value()); } else { DeviceManager::get()->forTest_registerDevice(makeSharedDevice( name, new TestDriverLatest(name, std::move(supportedOperations), allocateReturn))); } } // If not kCompileWithExplicitDeviceList, the input argument "deviceNames" is ignored. test_wrapper::Compilation createCompilation(const std::vector& deviceNames) { if (kCompileWithExplicitDeviceList) { return MemoryDomainTestBase::createCompilation(deviceNames); } else { return MemoryDomainTestBase::createCompilation({}); } } const bool kUseV1_2Driver = std::get<0>(GetParam()); const bool kCompileWithExplicitDeviceList = std::get<1>(GetParam()); const AllocateReturn kAllocateReturn = std::get<2>(GetParam()); }; // Test device memory allocation on a compilation with only a single partition. TEST_P(MemoryDomainTest, SinglePartition) { createAndRegisterDriver( "test_driver", {V1_3::OperationType::ADD, V1_3::OperationType::SUB, V1_3::OperationType::MUL}, kAllocateReturn); auto compilation = createCompilation({"test_driver"}); ASSERT_NE(compilation.getHandle(), nullptr); auto [n, memory] = allocateDeviceMemory(compilation, {0}, {0}); if (kAllocateReturn == AllocateReturn::OK) { // The memory should be backed by the IBuffer returned from the driver. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); const RuntimeMemory* m = reinterpret_cast(memory.get()); ASSERT_NE(m, nullptr); EXPECT_NE(m->getIBuffer(), nullptr); } else { if (kCompileWithExplicitDeviceList) { // Should not fallback when the compiled with explicit device list. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_OP_FAILED); } else { // The memory should fallback to ashmem or blob ahwb based on the driver version. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); const RuntimeMemory* m = reinterpret_cast(memory.get()); ASSERT_NE(m, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(m->getIBuffer(), nullptr); const auto& memory = m->getMemory(); EXPECT_TRUE(validate(memory).ok()); if (kUseV1_2Driver) { EXPECT_FALSE(isAhwbBlob(memory)); } else { EXPECT_EQ(isAhwbBlob(memory), kRunningOnAndroid); } } } } // Test device memory allocation on a compilation with multiple partitions. TEST_P(MemoryDomainTest, MultiplePartitions) { createAndRegisterDriver("test_driver_add", {V1_3::OperationType::ADD}, kAllocateReturn); createAndRegisterDriver("test_driver_sub", {V1_3::OperationType::SUB}, kAllocateReturn); createAndRegisterDriver("test_driver_mul", {V1_3::OperationType::MUL}, kAllocateReturn); auto compilation = createCompilation({"test_driver_add", "test_driver_sub", "test_driver_mul"}); ASSERT_NE(compilation.getHandle(), nullptr); { // input0 is only used in one single partition. auto [n, memory] = allocateDeviceMemory(compilation, {0}, {}); if (kAllocateReturn == AllocateReturn::OK) { // The memory should be backed by the IBuffer returned from the driver. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); const RuntimeMemory* m = reinterpret_cast(memory.get()); ASSERT_NE(m, nullptr); EXPECT_NE(m->getIBuffer(), nullptr); } else { if (kCompileWithExplicitDeviceList) { // Should not fallback when the compiled with explicit device list. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_OP_FAILED); } else { // The memory should fallback to ashmem or blob ahwb based on the driver version. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); const RuntimeMemory* m = reinterpret_cast(memory.get()); ASSERT_NE(m, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(m->getIBuffer(), nullptr); const auto& memory = m->getMemory(); EXPECT_TRUE(validate(memory).ok()); if (kUseV1_2Driver) { EXPECT_FALSE(isAhwbBlob(memory)); } else { EXPECT_EQ(isAhwbBlob(memory), kRunningOnAndroid); } } } } { // input1 is shared by two partitions with different drivers, so the runtime will not // attempt to allocate on device. auto [n, memory] = allocateDeviceMemory(compilation, {1}, {}); if (kCompileWithExplicitDeviceList) { // Should not fallback when the compiled with explicit device list. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_OP_FAILED); } else { // The memory should fallback to ashmem or blob ahwb based on the driver version. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); const RuntimeMemory* m = reinterpret_cast(memory.get()); ASSERT_NE(m, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(m->getIBuffer(), nullptr); const auto& memory = m->getMemory(); EXPECT_TRUE(validate(memory).ok()); if (kUseV1_2Driver) { EXPECT_FALSE(isAhwbBlob(memory)); } else { EXPECT_EQ(isAhwbBlob(memory), kRunningOnAndroid); } } } { // output0 is shared by two partitions with different drivers, so the runtime will not // attempt to allocate on device. auto [n, memory] = allocateDeviceMemory(compilation, {}, {0}); if (kCompileWithExplicitDeviceList) { // Should not fallback when the compiled with explicit device list. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_OP_FAILED); } else { // The memory should fallback to ashmem or blob ahwb based on the driver version. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); const RuntimeMemory* m = reinterpret_cast(memory.get()); ASSERT_NE(m, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(m->getIBuffer(), nullptr); const auto& memory = m->getMemory(); EXPECT_TRUE(validate(memory).ok()); if (kUseV1_2Driver) { EXPECT_FALSE(isAhwbBlob(memory)); } else { EXPECT_EQ(isAhwbBlob(memory), kRunningOnAndroid); } } } } // Test device memory allocation with dynamic shape. TEST_P(MemoryDomainTest, DynamicShape) { createAndRegisterDriver( "test_driver", {V1_3::OperationType::ADD, V1_3::OperationType::SUB, V1_3::OperationType::MUL}, kAllocateReturn); auto compilation = createCompilation({"test_driver"}); ASSERT_NE(compilation.getHandle(), nullptr); auto [n, memory] = allocateDeviceMemory(compilation, {}, {1}); if (kAllocateReturn == AllocateReturn::OK) { // The memory should be backed by the IBuffer returned from the driver. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); const RuntimeMemory* m = reinterpret_cast(memory.get()); ASSERT_NE(m, nullptr); EXPECT_NE(m->getIBuffer(), nullptr); } else { // We do not fallback in the case of dynamic shape. ASSERT_EQ(n, ANEURALNETWORKS_OP_FAILED); } } static const auto kAllocateReturnChoices = testing::Values(AllocateReturn::OK, AllocateReturn::BAD_TOKEN, AllocateReturn::BAD_IBUFFER, AllocateReturn::BAD_STATUS, AllocateReturn::NOT_SUPPORTED); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(DeviceVersionV1_2, MemoryDomainTest, testing::Combine(testing::Values(true), testing::Bool(), testing::Values(AllocateReturn::NOT_SUPPORTED))); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(DeviceVersionLatest, MemoryDomainTest, testing::Combine(testing::Values(false), testing::Bool(), kAllocateReturnChoices)); class MemoryDomainCopyTest : public MemoryDomainTestBase {}; TEST_F(MemoryDomainCopyTest, MemoryCopyTest) { DeviceManager::get()->forTest_registerDevice(makeSharedDevice( "test_driver", new sample_driver::SampleDriverFull( "test_driver", {.execTime = 0.1f, .powerUsage = 0.1f}))); auto compilation = createCompilation({"test_driver"}); ASSERT_NE(compilation.getHandle(), nullptr); // Allocate ashmem. const float initValue1 = 3.14f, initValue2 = 2.72f; auto ashmem1 = TestAshmem::createFrom(&initValue1, sizeof(float)); auto ashmem2 = TestAshmem::createFrom(&initValue2, sizeof(float)); ASSERT_NE(ashmem1, nullptr); ASSERT_NE(ashmem2, nullptr); // Allocate device memories. auto [n1, memory1] = allocateDeviceMemory(compilation, {0}, {}); auto [n2, memory2] = allocateDeviceMemory(compilation, {0}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(n1, ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); ASSERT_EQ(n2, ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); // Test memory copying: ashmem1 -> memory1 -> memory2 -> ashmem2 ASSERT_EQ(ANeuralNetworksMemory_copy(ashmem1->get()->get(), memory1.get()), ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); ASSERT_EQ(ANeuralNetworksMemory_copy(memory1.get(), memory2.get()), ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); ASSERT_EQ(ANeuralNetworksMemory_copy(memory2.get(), ashmem2->get()->get()), ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR); EXPECT_EQ(ashmem2->dataAs()[0], initValue1); } } // namespace