/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define STATSD_DEBUG false #include "Log.h" #include "FieldValue.h" #include "IncidentdReporter.h" #include "packages/UidMap.h" #include "stats_log_util.h" #include #include #include namespace android { namespace os { namespace statsd { using android::util::ProtoOutputStream; using std::vector; using util::FIELD_TYPE_INT32; using util::FIELD_TYPE_INT64; using util::FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE; using util::FIELD_TYPE_STRING; // field ids in IncidentHeaderProto const int FIELD_ID_ALERT_ID = 1; const int FIELD_ID_REASON = 2; const int FIELD_ID_CONFIG_KEY = 3; const int FIELD_ID_CONFIG_KEY_UID = 1; const int FIELD_ID_CONFIG_KEY_ID = 2; const int FIELD_ID_TRIGGER_DETAILS = 4; const int FIELD_ID_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TRIGGER_METRIC = 1; const int FIELD_ID_METRIC_VALUE_METRIC_ID = 1; const int FIELD_ID_METRIC_VALUE_DIMENSION_IN_WHAT = 2; const int FIELD_ID_METRIC_VALUE_VALUE = 4; const int FIELD_ID_PACKAGE_INFO = 3; namespace { void getProtoData(const int64_t& rule_id, int64_t metricId, const MetricDimensionKey& dimensionKey, int64_t metricValue, const ConfigKey& configKey, const string& reason, vector* protoData) { ProtoOutputStream headerProto; headerProto.write(FIELD_TYPE_INT64 | FIELD_ID_ALERT_ID, (long long)rule_id); headerProto.write(FIELD_TYPE_STRING | FIELD_ID_REASON, reason); uint64_t token = headerProto.start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_ID_CONFIG_KEY); headerProto.write(FIELD_TYPE_INT32 | FIELD_ID_CONFIG_KEY_UID, configKey.GetUid()); headerProto.write(FIELD_TYPE_INT64 | FIELD_ID_CONFIG_KEY_ID, (long long)configKey.GetId()); headerProto.end(token); token = headerProto.start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_ID_TRIGGER_DETAILS); // MetricValue trigger_metric = 1; uint64_t metricToken = headerProto.start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_ID_TRIGGER_DETAILS_TRIGGER_METRIC); // message MetricValue { // optional int64 metric_id = 1; headerProto.write(FIELD_TYPE_INT64 | FIELD_ID_METRIC_VALUE_METRIC_ID, (long long)metricId); // optional DimensionsValue dimension_in_what = 2; uint64_t dimToken = headerProto.start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_ID_METRIC_VALUE_DIMENSION_IN_WHAT); writeDimensionToProto(dimensionKey.getDimensionKeyInWhat(), nullptr, &headerProto); headerProto.end(dimToken); // deprecated field // optional DimensionsValue dimension_in_condition = 3; // optional int64 value = 4; headerProto.write(FIELD_TYPE_INT64 | FIELD_ID_METRIC_VALUE_VALUE, (long long)metricValue); // } headerProto.end(metricToken); // write relevant uid package info std::set uids; for (const auto& dim : dimensionKey.getDimensionKeyInWhat().getValues()) { int uid = getUidIfExists(dim); // any uid <= 2000 are predefined AID_* if (uid > 2000) { uids.insert(uid); } } if (!uids.empty()) { uint64_t token = headerProto.start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_ID_PACKAGE_INFO); UidMap::getInstance()->writeUidMapSnapshot( getElapsedRealtimeNs(), true, true, /*trucnatedCertificateHashSize*/ 0, /*omitSystemUids*/ false, uids, nullptr /*installerIndices*/, nullptr /*string set*/, &headerProto); headerProto.end(token); } headerProto.end(token); protoData->resize(headerProto.size()); size_t pos = 0; sp reader = headerProto.data(); while (reader->readBuffer() != NULL) { size_t toRead = reader->currentToRead(); std::memcpy(&((*protoData)[pos]), reader->readBuffer(), toRead); pos += toRead; reader->move(toRead); } } } // namespace bool GenerateIncidentReport(const IncidentdDetails& config, int64_t rule_id, int64_t metricId, const MetricDimensionKey& dimensionKey, int64_t metricValue, const ConfigKey& configKey) { if (config.section_size() == 0) { VLOG("The alert %lld contains zero section in config(%d,%lld)", (unsigned long long)rule_id, configKey.GetUid(), (long long)configKey.GetId()); return false; } AIncidentReportArgs* args = AIncidentReportArgs_init(); vector protoData; getProtoData(rule_id, metricId, dimensionKey, metricValue, configKey, config.alert_description(), &protoData); AIncidentReportArgs_addHeader(args, protoData.data(), protoData.size()); for (int i = 0; i < config.section_size(); i++) { AIncidentReportArgs_addSection(args, config.section(i)); } uint8_t dest; switch (config.dest()) { case IncidentdDetails_Destination_AUTOMATIC: dest = INCIDENT_REPORT_PRIVACY_POLICY_AUTOMATIC; break; case IncidentdDetails_Destination_EXPLICIT: dest = INCIDENT_REPORT_PRIVACY_POLICY_EXPLICIT; break; default: dest = INCIDENT_REPORT_PRIVACY_POLICY_AUTOMATIC; } AIncidentReportArgs_setPrivacyPolicy(args, dest); AIncidentReportArgs_setReceiverPackage(args, config.receiver_pkg().c_str()); AIncidentReportArgs_setReceiverClass(args, config.receiver_cls().c_str()); int err = AIncidentReportArgs_takeReport(args); AIncidentReportArgs_delete(args); return err == NO_ERROR; } } // namespace statsd } // namespace os } // namespace android