/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.wifi; import static android.net.wifi.WifiManager.EASY_CONNECT_NETWORK_ROLE_AP; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.content.Context; import android.net.wifi.EasyConnectStatusCallback; import android.net.wifi.IDppCallback; import android.net.wifi.ScanResult; import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration; import android.net.wifi.WifiManager; import android.net.wifi.WifiSsid; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.internal.util.WakeupMessage; import com.android.modules.utils.build.SdkLevel; import com.android.server.wifi.SupplicantStaIfaceHal.DppAkm; import com.android.server.wifi.SupplicantStaIfaceHal.DppCurve; import com.android.server.wifi.SupplicantStaIfaceHal.DppEventType; import com.android.server.wifi.SupplicantStaIfaceHal.DppFailureCode; import com.android.server.wifi.SupplicantStaIfaceHal.DppNetRole; import com.android.server.wifi.SupplicantStaIfaceHal.DppProgressCode; import com.android.server.wifi.WifiNative.DppEventCallback; import com.android.server.wifi.util.ApConfigUtil; import com.android.server.wifi.util.WifiPermissionsUtil; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * DPP Manager class * Implements the DPP Initiator APIs and callbacks */ public class DppManager { private static final String TAG = "DppManager"; private final WifiInjector mWifiInjector; private final Handler mHandler; private DppRequestInfo mDppRequestInfo = null; private final WifiNative mWifiNative; private String mClientIfaceName; private boolean mVerboseLoggingEnabled; WifiConfigManager mWifiConfigManager; private final Context mContext; @VisibleForTesting public WakeupMessage mDppTimeoutMessage = null; private final Clock mClock; private static final String DPP_TIMEOUT_TAG = TAG + " Request Timeout"; private static final int DPP_TIMEOUT_MS = 40_000; // 40 seconds private static final int DPP_RESPONDER_TIMEOUT_MS = 300_000; // 5 minutes public static final int DPP_AUTH_ROLE_INACTIVE = -1; public static final int DPP_AUTH_ROLE_INITIATOR = 0; public static final int DPP_AUTH_ROLE_RESPONDER = 1; private final DppMetrics mDppMetrics; private final ScanRequestProxy mScanRequestProxy; private final WifiPermissionsUtil mWifiPermissionsUtil; private final DppEventCallback mDppEventCallback = new DppEventCallback() { @Override public void onSuccessConfigReceived(WifiConfiguration newWifiConfiguration, boolean connStatusRequested) { mHandler.post(() -> { DppManager.this.onSuccessConfigReceived(newWifiConfiguration, connStatusRequested); }); } @Override public void onSuccess(int dppStatusCode) { mHandler.post(() -> { DppManager.this.onSuccess(dppStatusCode); }); } @Override public void onProgress(int dppStatusCode) { mHandler.post(() -> { DppManager.this.onProgress(dppStatusCode); }); } @Override public void onFailure(int dppStatusCode, String ssid, String channelList, int[] bandList) { mHandler.post(() -> { DppManager.this.onFailure(dppStatusCode, ssid, channelList, bandList); }); } @Override public void onDppConfiguratorKeyUpdate(byte[] key) { mHandler.post(() -> { DppManager.this.onDppConfiguratorKeyUpdate(key); }); } @Override public void onConnectionStatusResultSent(int result) { mHandler.post(() -> { DppManager.this.onConnectionStatusResultSent(result); }); } }; DppManager(WifiInjector wifiInjector, Handler handler, WifiNative wifiNative, WifiConfigManager wifiConfigManager, Context context, DppMetrics dppMetrics, ScanRequestProxy scanRequestProxy, WifiPermissionsUtil wifiPermissionsUtil) { mWifiInjector = wifiInjector; mHandler = handler; mWifiNative = wifiNative; mWifiConfigManager = wifiConfigManager; mWifiNative.registerDppEventCallback(mDppEventCallback); mContext = context; mClock = new Clock(); mDppMetrics = dppMetrics; mScanRequestProxy = scanRequestProxy; mWifiPermissionsUtil = wifiPermissionsUtil; // Setup timer mDppTimeoutMessage = new WakeupMessage(mContext, mHandler, DPP_TIMEOUT_TAG, () -> { timeoutDppRequest(); }); } private static String encodeStringToUtf8Hex(String str) { if ((str.length() > 1) && (str.charAt(0) == '"') && (str.charAt(str.length() - 1) == '"')) { // Remove the surrounding quotes str = str.substring(1, str.length() - 1); // Convert to Hex byte[] bytesArray = str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); StringBuffer hexBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < bytesArray.length; i++) { hexBuffer.append(Integer.toHexString(0xFF & bytesArray[i])); } return hexBuffer.toString(); } return str; } private void timeoutDppRequest() { logd("DPP timeout"); if (mDppRequestInfo == null) { Log.e(TAG, "DPP timeout with no request info"); return; } // Clean up supplicant resources if (!mWifiNative.stopDppInitiator(mClientIfaceName)) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to stop DPP Initiator"); } // Clean up resources and let the caller know about the timeout onFailure(DppFailureCode.TIMEOUT); } /** * Generate DPP connection keys for Configurator. This is used to connect to * other devices (APs) which this configurator has enrolled using DPP-AKM. * DPP connection keys are received via DppEventCallback.onSuccessConfigReceived * * @param networkId Network ID of DPP-AKM wifi configuration. */ private void generateSelfDppConfiguration(int networkId) { WifiConfiguration config = mWifiConfigManager .getConfiguredNetworkWithoutMasking(networkId); if (config == null || !config.isSecurityType(WifiConfiguration.SECURITY_TYPE_DPP) || !config.isDppConfigurator() || (config.getDppConnector().length > 0)) { Log.e(TAG, "Not eligible for generateSelfDppConfiguration yet."); return; } mDppRequestInfo.isGeneratingSelfConfiguration = true; if (!mWifiNative.generateSelfDppConfiguration(mClientIfaceName, config.SSID, config.getDppPrivateEcKey())) { Log.e(TAG, "generateSelfDppConfiguration failed!!"); mDppRequestInfo.isGeneratingSelfConfiguration = false; } return; } /** * Start DPP request in Configurator-Initiator mode. The goal of this call is to send the * selected Wi-Fi configuration to a remote peer so it could join that network. * * @param uid UID * @param packageName Package name of the calling app * @param clientIfaceName Client interface to use for this operation. * @param binder Binder object * @param enrolleeUri The Enrollee URI, scanned externally (e.g. via QR code) * @param selectedNetworkId The selected Wi-Fi network ID to be sent * @param enrolleeNetworkRole Network role of remote enrollee: STA or AP * @param callback DPP Callback object */ public void startDppAsConfiguratorInitiator(int uid, @Nullable String packageName, @Nullable String clientIfaceName, IBinder binder, String enrolleeUri, int selectedNetworkId, @WifiManager.EasyConnectNetworkRole int enrolleeNetworkRole, IDppCallback callback) { mDppMetrics.updateDppConfiguratorInitiatorRequests(); if (isSessionInProgress()) { try { Log.e(TAG, "DPP request already in progress"); Log.e(TAG, "Ongoing request - UID: " + mDppRequestInfo.uid + " Package: " + mDppRequestInfo.packageName + ", New request - UID: " + uid + " Package: " + packageName); mDppMetrics.updateDppFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_BUSY); // On going DPP. Call the failure callback directly callback.onFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_BUSY, null, null, new int[0]); } catch (RemoteException e) { // Empty } return; } mClientIfaceName = clientIfaceName; if (mClientIfaceName == null) { try { Log.e(TAG, "Wi-Fi client interface does not exist"); // On going DPP. Call the failure callback directly mDppMetrics.updateDppFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_GENERIC); callback.onFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_GENERIC, null, null, new int[0]); } catch (RemoteException e) { // Empty } return; } WifiConfiguration selectedNetwork = mWifiConfigManager .getConfiguredNetworkWithoutMasking(selectedNetworkId); if (selectedNetwork == null) { try { Log.e(TAG, "Selected network is null"); // On going DPP. Call the failure callback directly mDppMetrics.updateDppFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_INVALID_NETWORK); callback.onFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_INVALID_NETWORK, null, null, new int[0]); } catch (RemoteException e) { // Empty } return; } String password = null; String psk = null; int securityAkm; byte[] privEcKey = null; // Currently support either SAE mode or PSK mode or DPP mode // Check PSK first because PSK config always has a SAE type as a upgrading type. if (selectedNetwork.isSecurityType(WifiConfiguration.SECURITY_TYPE_PSK)) { if (selectedNetwork.preSharedKey.matches("[0-9A-Fa-f]{64}")) { // PSK psk = selectedNetwork.preSharedKey; } else { // Passphrase password = selectedNetwork.preSharedKey; } securityAkm = DppAkm.PSK; } else if (selectedNetwork.isSecurityType(WifiConfiguration.SECURITY_TYPE_SAE)) { // SAE password = selectedNetwork.preSharedKey; securityAkm = DppAkm.SAE; } else if (selectedNetwork.isSecurityType(WifiConfiguration.SECURITY_TYPE_DPP)) { // DPP if (selectedNetwork.isDppConfigurator()) { privEcKey = selectedNetwork.getDppPrivateEcKey(); } else { if (enrolleeNetworkRole != EASY_CONNECT_NETWORK_ROLE_AP) { try { Log.e(TAG, "Device is not configured previously to configure" + "the peer enrollee devices to this network"); callback.onFailure( EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_INVALID_NETWORK, null, null, new int[0]); } catch (RemoteException e) { // Empty } return; } } securityAkm = DppAkm.DPP; } else { try { // Key management must be either PSK or SAE or DPP Log.e(TAG, "Key management must be either PSK or SAE"); mDppMetrics.updateDppFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_INVALID_NETWORK); callback.onFailure( EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_INVALID_NETWORK, null, null, new int[0]); } catch (RemoteException e) { // Empty } return; } mDppRequestInfo = new DppRequestInfo(); mDppRequestInfo.uid = uid; mDppRequestInfo.packageName = packageName; mDppRequestInfo.binder = binder; mDppRequestInfo.callback = callback; mDppRequestInfo.authRole = DPP_AUTH_ROLE_INITIATOR; mDppRequestInfo.networkId = selectedNetworkId; if (!linkToDeath(mDppRequestInfo)) { // Notify failure and clean up onFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_GENERIC); return; } logd("Interface " + mClientIfaceName + ": Initializing URI: " + enrolleeUri); mDppRequestInfo.startTime = mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis(); mDppTimeoutMessage.schedule(mDppRequestInfo.startTime + DPP_TIMEOUT_MS); // Send Enrollee URI and get a peer ID int peerId = mWifiNative.addDppPeerUri(mClientIfaceName, enrolleeUri); if (peerId < 0) { Log.e(TAG, "DPP add URI failure"); // Notify failure and clean up onFailure(DppFailureCode.INVALID_URI); return; } mDppRequestInfo.peerId = peerId; // Auth init logd("Authenticating"); String ssidEncoded; WifiSsid originalSsid = mWifiInjector.getSsidTranslator().getOriginalSsid(selectedNetwork); if (originalSsid != null) { ssidEncoded = encodeStringToUtf8Hex(originalSsid.toString()); } else { ssidEncoded = encodeStringToUtf8Hex(selectedNetwork.SSID); } String passwordEncoded = null; if (password != null) { passwordEncoded = encodeStringToUtf8Hex(selectedNetwork.preSharedKey); } if (!mWifiNative.startDppConfiguratorInitiator(mClientIfaceName, mDppRequestInfo.peerId, 0, ssidEncoded, passwordEncoded, psk, enrolleeNetworkRole == EASY_CONNECT_NETWORK_ROLE_AP ? DppNetRole.AP : DppNetRole.STA, securityAkm, privEcKey)) { Log.e(TAG, "DPP Start Configurator Initiator failure"); // Notify failure and clean up onFailure(DppFailureCode.FAILURE); return; } logd("Success: Started DPP Initiator with peer ID " + mDppRequestInfo.peerId); } /** * Start DPP request in Enrollee-Initiator mode. The goal of this call is to receive a * Wi-Fi configuration object from the peer configurator in order to join a network. * * @param uid UID * @param clientIfaceName Client interface to use for this operation. * @param binder Binder object * @param configuratorUri The Configurator URI, scanned externally (e.g. via QR code) * @param callback DPP Callback object */ public void startDppAsEnrolleeInitiator(int uid, @Nullable String clientIfaceName, IBinder binder, String configuratorUri, IDppCallback callback) { mDppMetrics.updateDppEnrolleeInitiatorRequests(); if (isSessionInProgress()) { try { Log.e(TAG, "DPP request already in progress"); Log.e(TAG, "Ongoing request UID: " + mDppRequestInfo.uid + ", new UID: " + uid); mDppMetrics.updateDppFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_BUSY); // On going DPP. Call the failure callback directly callback.onFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_BUSY, null, null, new int[0]); } catch (RemoteException e) { // Empty } return; } mDppRequestInfo = new DppRequestInfo(); mDppRequestInfo.uid = uid; mDppRequestInfo.binder = binder; mDppRequestInfo.callback = callback; mDppRequestInfo.authRole = DPP_AUTH_ROLE_INITIATOR; if (!linkToDeath(mDppRequestInfo)) { // Notify failure and clean up onFailure(DppFailureCode.FAILURE); return; } mDppRequestInfo.startTime = mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis(); mDppTimeoutMessage.schedule(mDppRequestInfo.startTime + DPP_TIMEOUT_MS); mClientIfaceName = clientIfaceName; logd("Interface " + mClientIfaceName + ": Initializing URI: " + configuratorUri); // Send Configurator URI and get a peer ID int peerId = mWifiNative.addDppPeerUri(mClientIfaceName, configuratorUri); if (peerId < 0) { Log.e(TAG, "DPP add URI failure"); onFailure(DppFailureCode.INVALID_URI); return; } mDppRequestInfo.peerId = peerId; // Auth init logd("Authenticating"); if (!mWifiNative.startDppEnrolleeInitiator(mClientIfaceName, mDppRequestInfo.peerId, 0)) { Log.e(TAG, "DPP Start Enrollee Initiator failure"); // Notify failure and clean up onFailure(DppFailureCode.FAILURE); return; } logd("Success: Started DPP Initiator with peer ID " + mDppRequestInfo.peerId); } /** * Start DPP request in Enrollee-Responder mode. The goal of this call is to receive a * Wi-Fi configuration object from the peer configurator by showing a QR code and being scanned * by the peer configurator. * * @param uid UID * @param clientIfaceName Client interface to use for this operation. * @param binder Binder object * @param deviceInfo The Device specific info to attach to the generated URI * @param curve Elliptic curve cryptography type used to generate DPP * public/private key pair. * @param callback DPP Callback object */ public void startDppAsEnrolleeResponder(int uid, @Nullable String clientIfaceName, IBinder binder, @Nullable String deviceInfo, @WifiManager.EasyConnectCryptographyCurve int curve, IDppCallback callback) { mDppMetrics.updateDppEnrolleeResponderRequests(); if (isSessionInProgress()) { try { Log.e(TAG, "DPP request already in progress"); Log.e(TAG, "Ongoing request UID: " + mDppRequestInfo.uid + ", new UID: " + uid); mDppMetrics.updateDppFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_BUSY); // On going DPP. Call the failure callback directly callback.onFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_BUSY, null, null, new int[0]); } catch (RemoteException e) { // Empty } return; } mDppRequestInfo = new DppRequestInfo(); mDppRequestInfo.uid = uid; mDppRequestInfo.binder = binder; mDppRequestInfo.callback = callback; mDppRequestInfo.authRole = DPP_AUTH_ROLE_RESPONDER; if (!linkToDeath(mDppRequestInfo)) { // Notify failure and clean up onFailure(DppFailureCode.FAILURE); return; } mDppRequestInfo.startTime = mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis(); mDppTimeoutMessage.schedule(mDppRequestInfo.startTime + DPP_RESPONDER_TIMEOUT_MS); mClientIfaceName = clientIfaceName; logd("Interface " + mClientIfaceName + " Product Info: " + deviceInfo + " Curve: " + curve); String info = deviceInfo == null ? "" : deviceInfo; // Generate a QR code based bootstrap info WifiNative.DppBootstrapQrCodeInfo bootstrapInfo = null; if (SdkLevel.isAtLeastS()) { bootstrapInfo = mWifiNative.generateDppBootstrapInfoForResponder(mClientIfaceName, deviceInfo, convertEasyConnectCryptographyCurveToHidlDppCurve(curve)); } if (bootstrapInfo == null || bootstrapInfo.bootstrapId < 0 || TextUtils.isEmpty(bootstrapInfo.uri)) { Log.e(TAG, "DPP request to generate URI failed"); onFailure(DppFailureCode.URI_GENERATION); return; } mDppRequestInfo.bootstrapId = bootstrapInfo.bootstrapId; logd("BootstrapId:" + mDppRequestInfo.bootstrapId + " URI: " + bootstrapInfo.uri); if (!mWifiNative.startDppEnrolleeResponder(mClientIfaceName, bootstrapInfo.listenChannel)) { Log.e(TAG, "DPP Start Enrollee Responder failure"); // Notify failure and clean up onFailure(DppFailureCode.FAILURE); return; } logd("Success: Started DPP Enrollee Responder on listen channel " + bootstrapInfo.listenChannel); try { mDppRequestInfo.callback.onBootstrapUriGenerated(bootstrapInfo.uri); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, " onBootstrapUriGenerated Callback failure"); onFailure(DppFailureCode.FAILURE); return; } } /** * Stop a current DPP session * * @param uid User ID */ public void stopDppSession(int uid) { if (!isSessionInProgress()) { logd("UID " + uid + " called stop DPP session with no active DPP session"); return; } if (mDppRequestInfo.uid != uid) { Log.e(TAG, "UID " + uid + " called stop DPP session but UID " + mDppRequestInfo.uid + " has started it"); return; } // Clean up supplicant resources if (mDppRequestInfo.authRole == DPP_AUTH_ROLE_INITIATOR) { if (!mWifiNative.stopDppInitiator(mClientIfaceName)) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to stop DPP Initiator"); } } mDppRequestInfo.isGeneratingSelfConfiguration = false; if (mDppRequestInfo.connStatusRequested) { logd("skip DPP resource cleanup - waiting for send connection status result"); return; } cleanupDppResources(); logd("Success: Stopped DPP Session"); } private void cleanupDppResources() { logd("DPP clean up resources"); if (!isSessionInProgress()) { return; } if (mDppRequestInfo.isGeneratingSelfConfiguration) { logd("Generate Self Configuration in progress. Skip cleanup"); return; } // Cancel pending timeout mDppTimeoutMessage.cancel(); // Remove the URI from the supplicant list if (mDppRequestInfo.authRole == DPP_AUTH_ROLE_INITIATOR) { if (!mWifiNative.removeDppUri(mClientIfaceName, mDppRequestInfo.peerId)) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to remove DPP URI ID " + mDppRequestInfo.peerId); } } else if (mDppRequestInfo.authRole == DPP_AUTH_ROLE_RESPONDER) { if (!mWifiNative.stopDppResponder(mClientIfaceName, mDppRequestInfo.bootstrapId)) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to stop DPP Responder"); } } mDppRequestInfo.binder.unlinkToDeath(mDppRequestInfo.dr, 0); mDppRequestInfo = null; } /** * Indicates whether there is a dpp session in progress or not. */ public boolean isSessionInProgress() { return mDppRequestInfo != null; } private static class DppRequestInfo { public int uid; public String packageName; public IBinder binder; public IBinder.DeathRecipient dr; public int peerId; public IDppCallback callback; public long startTime; public int authRole = DPP_AUTH_ROLE_INACTIVE; public int bootstrapId; public int networkId; public boolean isGeneratingSelfConfiguration = false; public boolean connStatusRequested = false; @Override public String toString() { return new StringBuilder("DppRequestInfo: uid=").append(uid).append(", binder=").append( binder).append(", dr=").append(dr) .append(", callback=").append(callback) .append(", peerId=").append(peerId) .append(", authRole=").append(authRole) .append(", bootstrapId=").append(bootstrapId) .append(", nId=").append(networkId) .append(", connStatusRequested=").append(connStatusRequested).toString(); } } /** * Enable vervose logging from DppManager * * @param verbose 0 to disable verbose logging, or any other value to enable. */ public void enableVerboseLogging(boolean verboseEnabled) { mVerboseLoggingEnabled = verboseEnabled; } private void onSuccessConfigReceived(WifiConfiguration newWifiConfiguration, boolean connStatusRequested) { try { if (mDppRequestInfo == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onSuccessConfigReceived event without a request information object"); return; } logd("onSuccessConfigReceived: connection status requested: " + connStatusRequested); if (mDppRequestInfo.isGeneratingSelfConfiguration) { WifiConfiguration existingWifiConfig = mWifiConfigManager .getConfiguredNetworkWithoutMasking(mDppRequestInfo.networkId); if (newWifiConfiguration.isSecurityType(WifiConfiguration.SECURITY_TYPE_DPP) && existingWifiConfig != null && existingWifiConfig.isDppConfigurator() && TextUtils.equals(existingWifiConfig.SSID, newWifiConfiguration.SSID) && existingWifiConfig.isSecurityType(WifiConfiguration.SECURITY_TYPE_DPP)) { if (newWifiConfiguration.getDppConnector().length > 0 && newWifiConfiguration.getDppCSignKey().length > 0 && newWifiConfiguration.getDppNetAccessKey().length > 0) { Log.d(TAG, "Updating DPP Connection keys for self"); existingWifiConfig.setDppConnectionKeys( newWifiConfiguration.getDppConnector(), newWifiConfiguration.getDppCSignKey(), newWifiConfiguration.getDppNetAccessKey()); NetworkUpdateResult networkUpdateResult = mWifiConfigManager .addOrUpdateNetwork(existingWifiConfig, mDppRequestInfo.uid); if (!networkUpdateResult.isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "DPP configuration generated, but failed to update network"); mDppRequestInfo.callback.onFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_CONFIGURATION, null, null, new int[0]); } } } // Done with self configuration. reset flag. mDppRequestInfo.isGeneratingSelfConfiguration = false; } else { long now = mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis(); mDppMetrics.updateDppOperationTime((int) (now - mDppRequestInfo.startTime)); NetworkUpdateResult networkUpdateResult = mWifiConfigManager .addOrUpdateNetwork(newWifiConfiguration, mDppRequestInfo.uid); if (networkUpdateResult.isSuccess()) { mDppMetrics.updateDppEnrolleeSuccess(); if (mDppRequestInfo.authRole == DPP_AUTH_ROLE_RESPONDER) { mDppMetrics.updateDppEnrolleeResponderSuccess(); } mDppRequestInfo.connStatusRequested = connStatusRequested; mDppRequestInfo.callback.onSuccessConfigReceived( networkUpdateResult.getNetworkId()); } else { Log.e(TAG, "DPP configuration received, but failed to update network"); mDppMetrics.updateDppFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_CONFIGURATION); mDppRequestInfo.callback.onFailure(EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_CONFIGURATION, null, null, new int[0]); } } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failure"); } // Success // If Peer configurator has not requested for connection status, // DPP session is completed. Clear the DPP session immediately, otherwise wait for // send connection status result if (!mDppRequestInfo.connStatusRequested) { cleanupDppResources(); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Wait for enrollee to send connection status"); } } private void onSuccess(int dppStatusCode) { try { if (mDppRequestInfo == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onSuccess event without a request information object"); return; } logd("onSuccess: " + dppStatusCode); long now = mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis(); mDppMetrics.updateDppOperationTime((int) (now - mDppRequestInfo.startTime)); int dppSuccessCode; // Convert from HAL codes to WifiManager/user codes switch (dppStatusCode) { case DppEventType.CONFIGURATION_SENT: mDppMetrics.updateDppR1CapableEnrolleeResponderDevices(); dppSuccessCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_SUCCESS_CONFIGURATION_SENT; // For Configurator STA, generate self signed keys for network access. generateSelfDppConfiguration(mDppRequestInfo.networkId); break; case DppEventType.CONFIGURATION_APPLIED: dppSuccessCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_SUCCESS_CONFIGURATION_APPLIED; break; default: Log.e(TAG, "onSuccess: unknown code " + dppStatusCode); // Success, DPP is complete. Clear the DPP session automatically mDppRequestInfo.isGeneratingSelfConfiguration = false; cleanupDppResources(); return; } mDppMetrics.updateDppConfiguratorSuccess(dppSuccessCode); mDppRequestInfo.callback.onSuccess(dppSuccessCode); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failure"); } // Success, DPP is complete. Clear the DPP session automatically cleanupDppResources(); } private void onProgress(int dppStatusCode) { try { if (mDppRequestInfo == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onProgress event without a request information object"); return; } logd("onProgress: " + dppStatusCode); int dppProgressCode; // Convert from HAL codes to WifiManager/user codes switch (dppStatusCode) { case DppProgressCode.AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS: dppProgressCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_PROGRESS_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS; break; case DppProgressCode.RESPONSE_PENDING: dppProgressCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_PROGRESS_RESPONSE_PENDING; break; case DppProgressCode.CONFIGURATION_SENT_WAITING_RESPONSE: mDppMetrics.updateDppR2CapableEnrolleeResponderDevices(); dppProgressCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_PROGRESS_CONFIGURATION_SENT_WAITING_RESPONSE; break; case DppProgressCode.CONFIGURATION_ACCEPTED: dppProgressCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_PROGRESS_CONFIGURATION_ACCEPTED; break; default: Log.e(TAG, "onProgress: unknown code " + dppStatusCode); return; } mDppRequestInfo.callback.onProgress(dppProgressCode); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failure"); } } private void onFailure(int dppStatusCode) { onFailure(dppStatusCode, null, null, null); } private void onDppConfiguratorKeyUpdate(byte[] privEcKey) { if (mDppRequestInfo == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onDppConfiguratorKeyUpdate event without a request information object"); return; } WifiConfiguration selectedNetwork = mWifiConfigManager .getConfiguredNetworkWithoutMasking(mDppRequestInfo.networkId); if (selectedNetwork != null && privEcKey != null && privEcKey.length > 0 && selectedNetwork.isSecurityType(WifiConfiguration.SECURITY_TYPE_DPP)) { Log.d(TAG, "Updating network access keys for DPP networkId=" + mDppRequestInfo.networkId); selectedNetwork.setDppConfigurator(privEcKey); NetworkUpdateResult networkUpdateResult = mWifiConfigManager .addOrUpdateNetwork(selectedNetwork, mDppRequestInfo.uid); if (!networkUpdateResult.isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to update DPP configurator key."); } } } private void onConnectionStatusResultSent(int result) { if (mDppRequestInfo == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onConnectionStatusResultSent event without a request information object"); return; } logd("onConnectionStatusResultSent: result code: " + result); cleanupDppResources(); } /** * * This function performs the Enrollee compatibility check with the network. * Compatibilty check is done based on the channel match. * The logic looks into the scan cache and checks if network's * operating channel match with one of the channel in enrollee's scanned channel list. * * @param ssid Network name. * @param channelList contains the list of operating class/channels enrollee used to search for * the network. * Reference: DPP spec section: DPP Connection Status Object section. * (eg for channelList: "81/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,117/40,115/48") * @return True On compatibility check failures due to error conditions or * when AP is not seen in scan cache or when AP is seen in scan cache and * operating channel is included in enrollee's scanned channel list. * False when network's operating channel is not included in Enrollee's * scanned channel list. * */ private boolean isEnrolleeCompatibleWithNetwork(String ssid, String channelList) { if (ssid == null || channelList == null) { return true; } SparseArray dppChannelList = WifiManager.parseDppChannelList(channelList); if (dppChannelList.size() == 0) { Log.d(TAG, "No channels found after parsing channel list string"); return true; } List freqList = new ArrayList(); /* Convert the received operatingClass/channels to list of frequencies */ for (int i = 0; i < dppChannelList.size(); i++) { /* Derive the band corresponding to operating class */ int operatingClass = dppChannelList.keyAt(i); int[] channels = dppChannelList.get(operatingClass); int band = ApConfigUtil.getBandFromOperatingClass(operatingClass); if (band < 0) { Log.e(TAG, "Band corresponding to the operating class: " + operatingClass + " not found in the table"); continue; } /* Derive frequency list from channel and band */ for (int j = 0; j < channels.length; j++) { int freq = ApConfigUtil.convertChannelToFrequency(channels[j], band); if (freq < 0) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid frequency after converting channel: " + channels[j] + " band: " + band); continue; } freqList.add(freq); } } if (freqList.size() == 0) { Log.d(TAG, "frequency list is empty"); return true; } /* Check the scan cache for the network enrollee tried to find */ boolean isNetworkInScanCache = false; boolean channelMatch = false; for (ScanResult scanResult : mScanRequestProxy.getScanResults()) { if (!TextUtils.equals(ssid, scanResult.SSID)) { continue; } isNetworkInScanCache = true; if (freqList.contains(scanResult.frequency)) { channelMatch = true; break; } } if (isNetworkInScanCache & !channelMatch) { Log.d(TAG, "Optionally update the error code to " + "ENROLLEE_FAILED_TO_SCAN_NETWORK_CHANNEL as enrollee didn't scan" + "network's operating channel"); mDppMetrics.updateDppR2EnrolleeResponderIncompatibleConfiguration(); return false; } return true; } private @EasyConnectStatusCallback.EasyConnectFailureStatusCode int getFailureStatusCodeOnEnrolleeInCompatibleWithNetwork() { if (!SdkLevel.isAtLeastS() || mDppRequestInfo.packageName != null && mWifiPermissionsUtil.isTargetSdkLessThan( mDppRequestInfo.packageName, Build.VERSION_CODES.S, mDppRequestInfo.uid)) { return EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_NOT_COMPATIBLE; } else { return EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_ENROLLEE_FAILED_TO_SCAN_NETWORK_CHANNEL; } } private void onFailure(int dppStatusCode, String ssid, String channelList, int[] bandList) { try { if (mDppRequestInfo == null) { Log.e(TAG, "onFailure event without a request information object"); return; } logd("OnFailure: " + dppStatusCode); long now = mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis(); mDppMetrics.updateDppOperationTime((int) (now - mDppRequestInfo.startTime)); int dppFailureCode; // Convert from HAL codes to WifiManager/user codes switch (dppStatusCode) { case DppFailureCode.INVALID_URI: dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_INVALID_URI; break; case DppFailureCode.AUTHENTICATION: dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_AUTHENTICATION; break; case DppFailureCode.NOT_COMPATIBLE: dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_NOT_COMPATIBLE; break; case DppFailureCode.CONFIGURATION: dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_CONFIGURATION; break; case DppFailureCode.BUSY: dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_BUSY; break; case DppFailureCode.TIMEOUT: dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_TIMEOUT; break; case DppFailureCode.NOT_SUPPORTED: dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; case DppFailureCode.CANNOT_FIND_NETWORK: // This is the only case where channel list is populated, according to the // DPP spec section DPP Connection Status Object if (isEnrolleeCompatibleWithNetwork(ssid, channelList)) { dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_CANNOT_FIND_NETWORK; } else { dppFailureCode = getFailureStatusCodeOnEnrolleeInCompatibleWithNetwork(); } break; case DppFailureCode.ENROLLEE_AUTHENTICATION: dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_ENROLLEE_AUTHENTICATION; break; case DppFailureCode.CONFIGURATION_REJECTED: dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_ENROLLEE_REJECTED_CONFIGURATION; break; case DppFailureCode.URI_GENERATION: if (SdkLevel.isAtLeastS()) { dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_URI_GENERATION; } else { dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback .EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_GENERIC; } break; case DppFailureCode.FAILURE: default: dppFailureCode = EasyConnectStatusCallback.EASY_CONNECT_EVENT_FAILURE_GENERIC; break; } mDppMetrics.updateDppFailure(dppFailureCode); if (bandList == null) { bandList = new int[0]; } mDppRequestInfo.callback.onFailure(dppFailureCode, ssid, channelList, bandList); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failure"); } // All failures are fatal, clear the DPP session mDppRequestInfo.isGeneratingSelfConfiguration = false; cleanupDppResources(); } private void logd(String message) { if (mVerboseLoggingEnabled) { Log.d(TAG, message, null); } } private boolean linkToDeath(DppRequestInfo dppRequestInfo) { // register for binder death dppRequestInfo.dr = new IBinder.DeathRecipient() { @Override public void binderDied() { if (dppRequestInfo == null) { return; } logd("binderDied: uid=" + dppRequestInfo.uid); mHandler.post(() -> { // Clean up supplicant resource if (mDppRequestInfo == null) { Log.e(TAG, "binderDied event without a request information object"); return; } mDppRequestInfo.isGeneratingSelfConfiguration = false; if (mDppRequestInfo.authRole == DPP_AUTH_ROLE_INITIATOR) { if (!mWifiNative.stopDppInitiator(mClientIfaceName)) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to stop DPP Initiator"); } } cleanupDppResources(); }); } }; try { dppRequestInfo.binder.linkToDeath(dppRequestInfo.dr, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error on linkToDeath - " + e); dppRequestInfo.dr = null; return false; } return true; } @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.S) private int convertEasyConnectCryptographyCurveToHidlDppCurve( @WifiManager.EasyConnectCryptographyCurve int curve) { switch (curve) { case WifiManager.EASY_CONNECT_CRYPTOGRAPHY_CURVE_SECP384R1: return DppCurve.SECP384R1; case WifiManager.EASY_CONNECT_CRYPTOGRAPHY_CURVE_SECP521R1: return DppCurve.SECP521R1; case WifiManager.EASY_CONNECT_CRYPTOGRAPHY_CURVE_BRAINPOOLP256R1: return DppCurve.BRAINPOOLP256R1; case WifiManager.EASY_CONNECT_CRYPTOGRAPHY_CURVE_BRAINPOOLP384R1: return DppCurve.BRAINPOOLP384R1; case WifiManager.EASY_CONNECT_CRYPTOGRAPHY_CURVE_BRAINPOOLP512R1: return DppCurve.BRAINPOOLP512R1; case WifiManager.EASY_CONNECT_CRYPTOGRAPHY_CURVE_PRIME256V1: default: return DppCurve.PRIME256V1; } } }