/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.wifi; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.os.SystemClock; import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.server.wifi.proto.nano.WifiMetricsProto.WifiWakeStats; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Holds WifiWake metrics and converts them to a protobuf included in WifiLog. */ public class WifiWakeMetrics { /** Maximum number of sessions to store in WifiWakeStats proto. */ @VisibleForTesting static final int MAX_RECORDED_SESSIONS = 10; @GuardedBy("mLock") private final List mSessions = new ArrayList<>(); @GuardedBy("mLock") private Session mCurrentSession; private boolean mIsInSession = false; private int mTotalSessions = 0; private int mTotalWakeups = 0; private int mIgnoredStarts = 0; private final Object mLock = new Object(); /** * Records the beginning of a Wifi Wake session. * *

Starts the session. * * @param numNetworks The total number of networks stored in the WakeupLock at start. */ public void recordStartEvent(int numNetworks) { synchronized (mLock) { mCurrentSession = new Session(numNetworks, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); mIsInSession = true; } } /** * Records the initialize event of the current Wifi Wake session. * *

Note: The start event must be recorded before this event, otherwise this call will be * ignored. * * @param numScans The total number of elapsed scans since start. * @param numNetworks The total number of networks in the lock. */ public void recordInitializeEvent(int numScans, int numNetworks) { synchronized (mLock) { if (!mIsInSession) { return; } mCurrentSession.recordInitializeEvent(numScans, numNetworks, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); } } /** * Records the unlock event of the current Wifi Wake session. * *

The unlock event occurs when the WakeupLock has all of its networks removed. This event * will not be recorded if the initialize event recorded 0 locked networks. * *

Note: The start event must be recorded before this event, otherwise this call will be * ignored. * * @param numScans The total number of elapsed scans since start. */ public void recordUnlockEvent(int numScans) { synchronized (mLock) { if (!mIsInSession) { return; } mCurrentSession.recordUnlockEvent(numScans, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); } } /** * Records the wakeup event of the current Wifi Wake session. * *

The wakeup event occurs when Wifi is re-enabled by the WakeupController. * *

Note: The start event must be recorded before this event, otherwise this call will be * ignored. * * @param numScans The total number of elapsed scans since start. */ public void recordWakeupEvent(int numScans) { synchronized (mLock) { if (!mIsInSession) { return; } mCurrentSession.recordWakeupEvent(numScans, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); } } /** * Records the reset event of the current Wifi Wake session. * *

The reset event occurs when Wifi enters client mode. Stores the first * {@link #MAX_RECORDED_SESSIONS} in the session list. * *

Note: The start event must be recorded before this event, otherwise this call will be * ignored. This event ends the current session. * * @param numScans The total number of elapsed scans since start. */ public void recordResetEvent(int numScans) { synchronized (mLock) { if (!mIsInSession) { return; } mCurrentSession.recordResetEvent(numScans, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); // tally successful wakeups here since this is the actual point when wifi is turned on if (mCurrentSession.hasWakeupTriggered()) { mTotalWakeups++; } mTotalSessions++; if (mSessions.size() < MAX_RECORDED_SESSIONS) { mSessions.add(mCurrentSession); } mIsInSession = false; } } /** * Records instance of the start event being ignored due to the controller already being active. */ public void recordIgnoredStart() { mIgnoredStarts++; } /** * Returns the consolidated WifiWakeStats proto for WifiMetrics. */ public WifiWakeStats buildProto() { WifiWakeStats proto = new WifiWakeStats(); proto.numSessions = mTotalSessions; proto.numWakeups = mTotalWakeups; proto.numIgnoredStarts = mIgnoredStarts; proto.sessions = new WifiWakeStats.Session[mSessions.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < mSessions.size(); i++) { proto.sessions[i] = mSessions.get(i).buildProto(); } return proto; } /** * Dump all WifiWake stats to console (pw) * @param pw */ public void dump(PrintWriter pw) { synchronized (mLock) { pw.println("-------WifiWake metrics-------"); pw.println("mTotalSessions: " + mTotalSessions); pw.println("mTotalWakeups: " + mTotalWakeups); pw.println("mIgnoredStarts: " + mIgnoredStarts); pw.println("mIsInSession: " + mIsInSession); pw.println("Stored Sessions: " + mSessions.size()); for (Session session : mSessions) { session.dump(pw); } if (mCurrentSession != null) { pw.println("Current Session: "); mCurrentSession.dump(pw); } pw.println("----end of WifiWake metrics----"); } } /** * Clears WifiWakeMetrics. * *

Keeps the current WifiWake session. */ public void clear() { synchronized (mLock) { mSessions.clear(); mTotalSessions = 0; mTotalWakeups = 0; mIgnoredStarts = 0; } } /** A single WifiWake session. */ public static class Session { private final long mStartTimestamp; private final int mStartNetworks; private int mInitializeNetworks = 0; @VisibleForTesting @Nullable Event mUnlockEvent; @VisibleForTesting @Nullable Event mInitEvent; @VisibleForTesting @Nullable Event mWakeupEvent; @VisibleForTesting @Nullable Event mResetEvent; /** Creates a new WifiWake session. */ public Session(int numNetworks, long timestamp) { mStartNetworks = numNetworks; mStartTimestamp = timestamp; } /** * Records an initialize event. * *

Ignores subsequent calls. * * @param numScans Total number of scans at the time of this event. * @param numNetworks Total number of networks in the lock. * @param timestamp The timestamp of the event. */ public void recordInitializeEvent(int numScans, int numNetworks, long timestamp) { if (mInitEvent == null) { mInitializeNetworks = numNetworks; mInitEvent = new Event(numScans, timestamp - mStartTimestamp); } } /** * Records an unlock event. * *

Ignores subsequent calls. * * @param numScans Total number of scans at the time of this event. * @param timestamp The timestamp of the event. */ public void recordUnlockEvent(int numScans, long timestamp) { if (mUnlockEvent == null) { mUnlockEvent = new Event(numScans, timestamp - mStartTimestamp); } } /** * Records a wakeup event. * *

Ignores subsequent calls. * * @param numScans Total number of scans at the time of this event. * @param timestamp The timestamp of the event. */ public void recordWakeupEvent(int numScans, long timestamp) { if (mWakeupEvent == null) { mWakeupEvent = new Event(numScans, timestamp - mStartTimestamp); } } /** * Returns whether the current session has had its wakeup event triggered. */ public boolean hasWakeupTriggered() { return mWakeupEvent != null; } /** * Records a reset event. * *

Ignores subsequent calls. * * @param numScans Total number of scans at the time of this event. * @param timestamp The timestamp of the event. */ public void recordResetEvent(int numScans, long timestamp) { if (mResetEvent == null) { mResetEvent = new Event(numScans, timestamp - mStartTimestamp); } } /** Returns the proto representation of this session. */ public WifiWakeStats.Session buildProto() { WifiWakeStats.Session sessionProto = new WifiWakeStats.Session(); sessionProto.startTimeMillis = mStartTimestamp; sessionProto.lockedNetworksAtStart = mStartNetworks; if (mInitEvent != null) { sessionProto.lockedNetworksAtInitialize = mInitializeNetworks; sessionProto.initializeEvent = mInitEvent.buildProto(); } if (mUnlockEvent != null) { sessionProto.unlockEvent = mUnlockEvent.buildProto(); } if (mWakeupEvent != null) { sessionProto.wakeupEvent = mWakeupEvent.buildProto(); } if (mResetEvent != null) { sessionProto.resetEvent = mResetEvent.buildProto(); } return sessionProto; } /** Dumps the current state of the session. */ public void dump(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("WifiWakeMetrics.Session:"); pw.println("mStartTimestamp: " + mStartTimestamp); pw.println("mStartNetworks: " + mStartNetworks); pw.println("mInitializeNetworks: " + mInitializeNetworks); pw.println("mInitEvent: " + (mInitEvent == null ? "{}" : mInitEvent.toString())); pw.println("mUnlockEvent: " + (mUnlockEvent == null ? "{}" : mUnlockEvent.toString())); pw.println("mWakeupEvent: " + (mWakeupEvent == null ? "{}" : mWakeupEvent.toString())); pw.println("mResetEvent: " + (mResetEvent == null ? "{}" : mResetEvent.toString())); } } /** An event in a WifiWake session. */ public static class Event { /** Total number of scans that have elapsed prior to this event. */ public final int mNumScans; /** Total elapsed time in milliseconds at the instant of this event. */ public final long mElapsedTime; public Event(int numScans, long elapsedTime) { mNumScans = numScans; mElapsedTime = elapsedTime; } /** Returns the proto representation of this event. */ public WifiWakeStats.Session.Event buildProto() { WifiWakeStats.Session.Event eventProto = new WifiWakeStats.Session.Event(); eventProto.elapsedScans = mNumScans; eventProto.elapsedTimeMillis = mElapsedTime; return eventProto; } @Override public String toString() { return "{ mNumScans: " + mNumScans + ", elapsedTime: " + mElapsedTime + " }"; } } }