###################################### # Android Photopicker README ###################################### Note: This photopicker app is currently under development, and is not (currently) being shipped with mediaprovider. You might be looking for: /packages/providers/MediaProvider/photopicker ###################################### # To install for development / testing: ###################################### Consider using photopicker_utils.sh for deploying/incremental installs/removing. Build a mediaprovider APEX which includes Photopicker. The initial deployment needs to be from the APEX to ensure Photopicker receives its certificate specific permissions. Incremental builds can be done by making the Photopicker target and directly installing the resulting APK. ###################################### # Troubleshooting ###################################### Launching ACTION_PICK_IMAGES or ACTION_GET_CONTENT should bring you into the new PhotopickerActivity. If not, try debugging the intents to see if the activity is getting picked up by Android: adb shell pm query-activities -a "android.intent.action.GET_CONTENT" -t "image/*" This should give a print out of all activities (and their respective priorities) that can handle this intent and com.android.photopicker.MainActivity should be in the list. If not, try the installation steps above again. (Be sure to reboot) ###################################### # Testing ###################################### To run the tests: atest PhotopickerTests Note: PhotopickerTests bundles the application code with the tests, so the app does not need to be installed first for the test suite to be run. The test suite will bring along all the code it needs.