T-Mobile - US 310026 310160 310200 310210 310220 310230 310240 310250 310260 31026 310270 310300 310310 310490 310530 310640 310660 310800 311490 311660 311882 312250 +EE 234302343041 23430*ee*eeff {Telekom* 26201 26206*01*02*03*04*99*4B*4bB 26201 26206 Telekom.deT-Campus T-Mobile DBusinessPrivat 9Magenta Telekom 23203*01*31*32 23207999999 ,Odido 20416*FF 20416 T-Mobile NL QT-MobileC 23001 T-Mobile CZKAKTUSMobil CZ RWE MobilinnogyPREmobil sT-Mobile+ 26002*11*12*16*17*21*22*23*24*268 26002 T-Mobile.pl T-Mobile.pl Qheyah tu biedronka 3Magyar Telekom 21630 Telekom HU T-Mobile H t Hrvatski Telekom: 21901 21920 HT-CampusHT HR R&D Network T-Mobile HR" 21901 21920*01*02*03*99*FF 0 Slovak Telekom 23102 Telekom SKJuro.sk   T-Mobile - UA 25502 Z Mkedonski Telecom AD Skopje, 29401 T-Mobile MK Telekom.mk Telekom MK 29401*FF -A1% 23201 23202 23209 23211 23212 Vodafone 50503 Swisscom 22801Swisscom ,Vodafone 20205 vodafone GRCUCU-X /Vodafone! 27201 vodafone IE Vodafone IE nVodafone` 20404204040204041204042204044204045204047204048204049 vodafone NLVodafone "Vodafone 53001 vodafone NZ ;Vodafone- 26801 26891 26892 vodafone PVodafone "Vodafone 22601 Vodafone RO Vodacom 65501 Vodafone 262022620202620211262021226202132620214262021526202162620217262021826202190 262021910 262021911 262021912 2620219130 2620219131 2620219132 2620219133 2620219134 2620219141 2620219142 2620219143 2620219144 2620219149 262021915 262021916 262021917 262021918 2620219192620219226202193262021942620219526202196262021972620219826202199262022262023262024262025262026262027262028262029Vodafone Vodafone.de vodafone.de OVodafoneA 21401vodafone vodafone ESVodafonePersonal Profesional %SFR 20809 20810 20811 20813 5Vodafone' 23415 23491Vodafone vodafone UK .Vodafone 22210 vodafone ITVodafone Optus 50502 50590 Singtel 52501 52502 + Orange 20800 20801 20802Orange F !TIM 22201 "Movistar 21405 21407 Mobiland 21303 Etisalat 42402 AWCC 41201 Roshan 41220 New1 41230 Areeba Afghanistan 41240 Afghan Telecom 41288 APUA PCS 344030 <.Advanced Communications Technologies Pty. Ltd. 50524 )Localstar Holding Pty. Ltd. 50588  Setar GSM 36301 0"Bakcell Limited Liabil ity Company 40002 Claro BR 72405 72438 'Vivo 72406 72410 72411 72423  Maxitel MG 72408  Telepar Cel 72409 Americel 72412  Telesp Cel 72413  Maxitel BA 72414  Sercomtel 72415 Brasil Telecom GSM 72416  Ceterp Cel 72417 Datora 72418  Telemig Cel 72419  Telerj Cel 72421 Telebrasilia Cel 72425  Telegoias Cel 72427 Unifique 72429  Teleamapa Cel 72457  Telaima Cel 72459 Bhutan Telecom Ltd 40211 (Mascom Wireless (Pty) Ltd. 65201 (Orange Botswana (Pty) Ltd. 65202 A1 BY 25701 MTS 25702 ,Belize Telecommunications Ltd. 70267 =/International Telecommunications Ltd. (INTELCO) 70268 Clearnet 30236  Ice Wireless 30262 Aliant Mobility 30263 E Bell Mobility 30264 302610 302630 302640 302690*41*43  Tbay Mobility 302656 : MTS Mobility 302660 302370*2c*4d 302660MTS CityTel Mobility 30267 XSask Tel Mobility 30268 302654 302680 302780 20404*5a 302681 302781  Globalstar 30271 +Colombia Móvil S.A. 732103 732111 Movistar 732123 WOM 732130 732360  KOLBI ICE 71201 71202 !Barablu Mobile Ltd. 23807 Telia 23820 23830 Tele2 23877 Altice Dominicana 37001 Telia 24801 Elisa 24802 Tele2 24803 OY Top Connect 24804 AS Bravocom Mobiil 24805  OY ViaTel 24806  Televõrgu AS 24807 5'Siseministeerium (Ministry of Interior) 24871  Orange Egypt 60201 &Vodafone Egypt 60202vodafone Orange 21403Orange YoigoY 21404Yoigo PepephoneMASMOVILLLAMAYAGuuk CablemovilSwenoLebara LycamobileB 214042140423 EUSKALTELRACCmobilR Virgin telco telecable ETH MTN 63601 "Finnet Networks Ltd. 24404 jVirgin' 23430 23433 23438*2800000000000000 20601*2800000000000000 20620*2800000000000000 ,EE# 23431 23432 23430 23433 23486 ,Cable and Wireless Guensey Ltd 23455 Gibtelecom GSM 26601 *Cloud9 Mobile Communications 26609 Tele Greenland 29001 Gamcel 60701 Africell 60702 !Comium Services Ltd 60703 Orange 61101 Sotelgui 61102 Cellcom Guinée SA 61105 %Orange Caraïbe Mobiles 34001 Outremer Telecom 34002 ;-Saint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl 34003 Digicel 34020 Orange 62701 COSMOTE 20201*FFFF*FF Info Quest S.A. 20209 %3G Radio System/HKCSL3G 45402  Hutchison HK 45403 ' SmarTone HK 45406 45417 45415 2$MVNO/China Unicom International Ltd. 45407  MVNO/Trident 45408 1#MVNO/China Motion Telecom (HK) Ltd. 45409 'GSM1800New World PCS Ltd. 45410  MVNO/CHKTL 45411 7"中國移動香港 China Mobile HK 45412 45413 PCCW 45416 (GSM7800/Hong Kong CSL Ltd. 45418 Public Mobile Networks/Reserved 45420 45421 45422 45423 45424 45425 45426 45427 45428 45429 45430 45431 45432 45433 45434 45435 45436 45437 45438 45439 Claro HN 708001 70801  Telkomsel 51010 XL/AXIS 51008 51011  Indosat - M3 51021 )3 27202 27211272110200677368 /!Meteor Mobile Communications Ltd. 27203 Eircom 27207 (Clever Communications Ltd. 27209 4Partner Communications Co. Ltd. 42501 42510 !Cellcom Israel Ltd. 42502 +Pelephone Communications Ltd. 42503 Vi 40404 40407 40412 40414 40419 40422 40424 40444 40456 40478 40482 40487 40489 40570 40545 405799 405845 405846 405847 405848 405849 405850 405851 405852 405853 405908 405909 405910 405911 # Orange Jordan 41677 416770 K NTT DOCOMO 44010*00FFFF*01FFFF! 44010: spmode.ne.jp: mopera.net + Safaricom 63902 63902 Safaricom  Airtel Kenya 63903 Beeline 43701 Mobitel (Cam GSM) 45601 !Smart 45602 45605 45606 )S Telecom (CDMA) (reserved) 45603 "Camshin (Shinawatra) 45618  HURI - SNPT 65401 Telia 24601 BITĖ 24602 Tele2 24603 P&T Luxembourg 27001 Tango 27077 Orange 27099 LMT 24701 Tele2/ZZ 24702 Telekom Baltija 24703  Beta Telecom 24704 Méditélécom 60400 Maroc 60401 Orange Moldova GSM 25901  Moldcell GSM 25902 Eventis Mobile GSM 25904 ,Mobile Telecommunications Ltd. 64901 Powercom Pty Ltd 64903  OPT Mobilis 54601  Airtel Niger 61402 Telenor 24201 24212 Telia 24202 0"Teletopia Mobile Communications AS 24203 Tele2 Norge AS 24204 -Nepal Telecommunications 42901 42903 0"Reserved for AMPS MIN based IMSI's 53000 -Teleom New Zealand CDMA Network 53002 +Woosh Wireless - CDMA Network 53003 Spark 53005 2degrees 53024 Omantel 42202 42204 Ooredoo 42203 *Cable & Wireless Panama S.A. 71401 Movistar 71402 714020 9+Société Réunionnaise du Radiotéléphone 64710 KTelekom Romania5 22603 22606 TELEKOM.ROCOSMOTEfrog MTV Mobile Orange 22610 Yettel 22001 22002 !Telekom Srbija a.d. 22003 Vip mobile d.o.o. 22005 MegaFon 25002  Sibchallenge 25004  BM Telecom 25007  Don Telecom 25010 Orensot 25011  Kuban GSM 25013 #New Telephone Company 25016 Volgograd Mobile 25019 6Tele2* 25003 25005 25012 25017 25020 25039 Extel 25028  Stuvtelesot 25044 (Comium (Sierra Leone) Ltd. 61904 (Lintel (Sierra Leone) Ltd. 61905 Mobitel 61925 "Datatel (SL) Ltd GSM 61940 . Golis Telecommunications Company 63730 Telesur 74602 Digicel 74603 Intelsur 74604 7)Companhia Santomese de Telecomunicaçôes 62601 #Digicel, S.A. de C.V. 70602 Syriatel 41701 Spacetel Syria 41702 Syrian Telecom 41709  Swazi MTN 65310 ,IslandCom Communications Ltd. 376352  Airtel Chad 62201  Tchad Mobile 62202  Togo Telecom 61501 CAT CDMA 52000 52002 AIS GSM 52001 AIS 52003 +Iridium Satellite, LLC (GMSS) 90103  Globalstar 90104 "Thuraya RMSS Network 90105 :,Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Company 90106 " Consolidated Telcom 310060 /  Corr Wireless Communications LLC 310080 5 &New Mexico RSA 4 East Ltd. Partnership 310100 B 3High Plains Midwest LLC, dba Wetlink Communications 310340 # Mohave Cellular L.P. 310350 @ 1Cellular Network Partnership dba Pioneer Cellular 310360 + Guamcell Cellular and Paging 310370 [ AT&TP 310030 310070 310170 310280 310380 310410 310560 310680 310950 311180 # TX-11 Acquistion LLC 310390 & Wave Runner LLC 310400 311250 + Cincinnati Bell Wireless LLC 310420 ! Alaska Digitel LLC 310430   Numerex Corp. 310440 ' North East Cellular Inc. 310450  TMP Corporation 310460 ' Choice Phone LLC 310480 311120 , Public Service Cellular, Inc. 310500 " Airtel Wireless LLC 310510  VeriSign 310520 1 "Oklahoma Western Telephone Company 310540   UBET Wireless 310960  Globalstar USA 310970 $ Mid-Tex Cellular Ltd. 311000 9 *Chariton Valley Communications Corp., Inc. 311010 - Missouri RSA No. 5 Partnership 311020 $ Indigo Wireless, Inc. 311030 # Commet Wireless, LLC 311040 1 "Thumb Cellular Limited Partnership 311050 % Space Data Corporation 311060 0 !Easterbrooke Cellular Corporation 311070 7 (Pine Telephone Company dba Pine Cellular 311080   Siouxland PCS 311090 q Alltel Communications Inc.P 311110 311271 311272 311273 311274 311275 311276 311277 311278 311279 8 )MBO Wireless Inc./Cross Telephone Company 311140 # Wilkes Cellular Inc. 311150 # Commnet Wireless LLC 311320 & Bag Tussel Wireless LLC 311330 ' Illinois Valley Cellular 311340 % Torrestar Networks Inc 311350 # Stelera Wireless LLC 311360  Mobifone 45201   Vinaphone 45202  SMILE 54101 ) Telecom Samoa Cellular Ltd. 54901  Sentech (Pty) Ltd. 65506  Cell C (Pty) Ltd. 65507  MTN 65510 65512   SAPS Gauteng 65511 , Cape Town Metropolitan Council 65521 ! Bokamoso Consortium 65530 ( Karabo Telecoms (Pty) Ltd. 65531 ' Ilizwi Telecommunications 65532 .  Thinta Thinta Telecommunications 65533  Bokone Telecoms 65534 $ Kingdom Communications 65535 0 "Amatole Telecommunication Services 65536   Airtel Zambia 64501 ! Telecel Zambia Ltd. 64502  Zamtel 64503  Net One 64801 ) Cable & Wireless (Antigua) 344920 & AT&T Wireless (Antigua) 344930  Weblinks Limited 365010 ( One Telecommunications 27601*01 # Vodafone 27602 VODAFONE AL   Eagle Mobile 27603   TELCELL GSM 36251  CT GSM 36269   SETEL GSM 36291  Unitel 63102 # Nextel Argentina srl 722020  Movistar 72207  Claro AR 722310 72231 > /Compañía de Telefonos del Interior Norte S.A. 722320 8 )Compañía de Telefonos del Interior S.A. 722330 3 Telecom Personal S.A. 722340 72234 722341  Telefonica Austria 23208  Drei 23205 23210 * Telstra 50501 50539 50571 50572 # Department of Defence 50504 * The Ozitel Network Pty. Ltd. 50505 .  Hutchison 3G Australia Pty. Ltd. 50506 / One.Tel GSM 1800 Pty. Ltd. 50508 50599 .  Airnet Commercial Australia Ltd. 50509 @ 2Hutchison Telecommunications (Australia) Pty. Ltd. 50512   AAPT Ltd. 50514 6 (Azercell Limited Liability Joint Venture 40001  Catel JV 40003   Azerphone LLC 40004 / !Eronet Mobile Communications Ltd. 21803 & MOBI'S (Mobilina Srpske) 21805  GSMBIH 21890 /  Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Ltd. 342600 & Sunbeach Communications 342820   Grameenphone 47001  Aktel 47002   Mobile 2000 47003  Proximus 20601  Orange 20610  BASE 20620  Orange 61302  Telecel 61303  A1 28401  Yettel 28405  Batelco 42601 42605  Spacetel Burundi 64201  Safaris 64202 % Telecel Burundi Company 64203  Libercom 61601  Telecel 61602  Spacetel Benin 61603  DST Com 52811   Nuevatel S.A. 73601   ENTEL S.A. 73602   Telecel S.A. 73603  Nextel 72400 72439   CRT Cellular 72401 & TIM 72402 72403 72404 72454   Sercontel Cel 72407  Oi 72430 72431 72424 )  Algar Telecom 72432 72433 72434   Telebahia Cel 72435   Telergipe Cel 72437   Telpe Cel 72441   Telepisa Cel 72443   Telpa Cel 72445   Telern Cel 72447   Teleceara Cel 72448   Telma Cel 72451   Telepara Cel 72453  Teleamazon Cel 72455 ( B-Mobile of Bhutan Telecom 40217  Rogers 302720 30272 9 TELUS Mobility$ 302220 302221 30222 30286*5455 $ Vodacom Congo RDC sprl 63001  Supercell Sprl 63005   Orange RDC 63086 - Centrafrique Telecom Plus (CTP) 62301 ' Telecel Centrafrique (TC) 62302 # Orange Centrafricaine 62303   Airtel Congo 62901  Libertis Telecom 62910  Sunrise 22802 22812  Salt 22803   Comfone AG 22805  SBB AG 22806   IN&Phone SA 22807 ) Tele2 Telecommunications AG 22808   Bebbicell AG 22851 # Atlantique Cellulaire 61202 # Orange Côte d'Ivoire 61203 # Comium Côte d'Ivoire 61204  Loteny Telecom 61205 # Oricel Côte d'Ivoire 61206 $ Aircomm Côte d'Ivoire 61207   Telecom Cook 54801 ! Entel 73001 73010 73026  Movistar 73002 73007  Claro CL 73003  WOM 73004 73009   Multikom S.A. 73005 0 "Mobile Telephone Networks Cameroon 62401  Orange Cameroun 62402 6  China Mobile# 46000 46002 46004 46007 46008 (  China Unicom 46001 46006 46009 9 *Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. - Telecom 732001   Edatel S.A. 732002  Emtelsa 732020  Emcali 732099  Claro CO 732101 & Bellsouth Colombia S.A. 732102  ETECSA 36801  Cabo Verde Telecom 62501 " T+Telecomunicaçôes 62502  CYTA 28001  epic 28010  O2 23002   Mobilkom a.s. 23004 .  Sprava Zeleznicni Dopravni Cesty 23098 / Vodafone 23003 Vodafone CZ 23099x &  Telefonica 26203 26205 26277  o2 26207 26208  Arcor AG & Co. 26210 ) O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG 26211 0 "Dolphin Telecom (Deutschland) GmbH 26212 & Mobilcom Multimedia GmbH 26213 ' Group 3G UMTS GmbH (Quam) 26214   Airdata AG 26215 $ Siemens AG, ICMNPGUSTA 26276  Evatis 63801   TDC Mobil 23801 23810  Telenor 23802 23866   MIGway A/S 23803  3 23806  Claro RD 37002 370020   Tricom S.A. 37003 " CentennialDominicana 37004  Algérie Telecom 60301 & Orascom Telecom Algérie 60302  Movistar 74000  Claro EC 74001 740010   Telecsa S.A. 74002  Elisa 24405 24421   Finnet Group 24409 $ Alands Mobiltelefon AB 24414 ! Oy Finland Tele2 AB 24416  Telia 24436 24491  Vodafone 54201   FSM Telecom 55001 # Faroese Telecom - GSM 28801  Kall GSM 28802 - Globalstar Europe 20805 20806 20807 , Bouygues Telecom 20820 20821 20888   Libertis S.A. 62801  Telecel Gabon S.A. 62802   Airtel Gabon 62803 + Mapesbury Communications Ltd. 23401  O2 23410  Jersey Telenet Ltd 23403  FMS Solutions Ltd 23404 + Spitfire Network Services Ltd 23405  Internet One Ltd 23406 $ Cable and Wireless plc 23407 & Wire9 Telecom plc 23409 23418 4 Ntework Rail Infrastructure Ltd 23412 23413  Hay Systems Ltd 23414  Opal Telecom Ltd 23416   Flextel Ltd 23417   Teleware plc 23419 (  Three Mobile 23420 23494 23594  Jersey Telecom 23450 (  Manx Telecom 23458 23410*519 , Inquam Telecom (Holdings) Ltd. 23475 $ British Telecom 23400 23476  Airwave mmO2 Ltd 23478   Geocell Ltd. 28201  Magti GSM Ltd. 28202  Iberiatel Ltd. 28203   Mobitel Ltd. 28204  MTN 62001 # Vodafone 62002 Vodafone GH ! Kasapa Telecom Ltd. 62004  Telestet 20210  Claro GT 70401 + Comunicaciones Celulares S.A. 70402  Movistar 70403 704030  Guinétel S.A. 63201 ) Spacetel Guiné-Bissau S.A. 63202 $ Cel*Star (Guyana) Inc. 73801 * 1O1O / csl / Club Sim 45400 45419   MVNO/CITIC 45401 $ Celtel 708002 70802 708020  Telemach 21902   A1/Tomato 21910  Comcel 37201  Digicel 37202  Rectel 37203  Yettel 21601 8 Vodafone 21670 vodafone HU 2167021670xx2  PSN 51000  Indosat 51001  Reliance 40409 40418 40436 40450 40452 40467 40485 40501 40503 40504 40505 40506 40507 40508 40509 40510 40511 40512 40513 40514 40515 40517 40518 40519 40520 40521 40522 40523 , BPL Mobile Communications Ltd. 40421   Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) 40434 40438 40451 40453 40454 40455 40457 40458 40459 40462 40464 40466 40471 40472 40473 40474 40475 40476 40477 40479 40480 40481   RPG Cellular 40441   Aircel Ltd. 40442 40425 40428 40429 40437 40491 405800 405801 405802 405803 405804 405805 405806 405807 405808 405809 405810 405811 405812 3 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. 40468 40469 - Reliable Internet Services Ltd. 40483 $ IR-MCI (Hamrahe Avval) 43211 0 "Telecommunication Kish Co. (KIFZO) 43214  MTCE (Espadan) 43219 " Iceland Telecom Ltd. 27401  Tal hf 27402 ! Islandssimi GSM ehf 27403  IMC Islande ehf 27404   IceCell ehf 27407  Elsacom 22202   IPSE 2000 22277  WINDTRE 22288  Blu 22298  WINDTRE 22299 , Cable & Wireless Jamaica Ltd. 338020 + Mossel (Jamaica) Ltd. 338050 33805  Fastlink 41601  Xpress 41602  Umniah 41603 ) au 44050 44051 44052 44054*10  Zain 41902  Ooredoo 41903 ( Cable & Wireless (Cayman) 346140  Beeline 40101   Kcell/activ 40102 $ Lao Telecommunications 45701   ETL Mobile 45702  Millicom 45708 ) Cellis 41532 41533 41534 41535 ,  Libancell 41536 41537 41538 41539   Telecom FL AG 29501 " Viag Europlatform AG 29502 & Mobilkom (Liechstein) AG 29505  Tele2 AG 29577  Dialog Sri Lanka 41302  Celtel Lanka Ltd. 41303  Comium Liberia 61804 1 Vodacom Lesotho (pty) Ltd. 65101Vodacom  Econet Ezin-cel 65102 # MTEL d.o.o. Podgorica 29703  Airtel Madagascar 64601  Orange Madagascar 64602 % Telecom Malagasy Mobile 64604  Cosmofon 29402   Nov Operator 29403  Malitel 61001 0 "Myanmar Post and Telecommunication 41401  Mobicom 42899 9 +Smartone Mobile Communications (Macao) Ltd. 45500  CTM 45501 45504  Hutchison Telecom 45503   Mattel S.A. 60901  Chinguitel S.A. 60902  Mauritel Mobiles 60910 # Vodafone 27801 vodafone MT   go mobile 27821  Orange Mauritius 61701 2 $Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd. 61702  Emtel 61710   DhiMobile 47201 " Telekom Network Ltd. 65001   Airtel Malawi 65010  Art900 50200   Maxis/Hotlink 50212 ) Digi 50210 502143 502146 50216  TimeCel 50217  U Mobile 50218  Celcom 50213 50219   T.D.M. GSM 64301  Vodacom 64304Vodacom   Sahel.Com 61401  Telecel 61403  Airtel Nigeria 62120 ( MTN Nigeria Communications 62130 - Nigeria Telecommunications Ltd. 62140  Claro NI 71021 @ *Servicios de Comunicaciones, S.A. (SERCOM) 71073 710730   KPN Mobiel 20408 20412 % NS Railinfrabeheer B.V. 20421  Claro PE 71610   Tikiphone 54720  Vodafone 53701 53702   Digicel Ltd 53703  Islacom 51501   Globe Telecom 51502 " Smart Communications 51503 % Smart 515035150363 51505  Jazz 41001 41007 - PAK Telecom Mobile Ltd. (UFONE) 41003  Plus 26001  Orange 26003 4 &Tele2 Polska (Tele2 Polska Sp. Z.o.o.) 26004 2 $IDEA (UMTS)/PTK Centertel sp. Z.o.o. 26005  PLAY 26006  Premium internet 26007  E-Telko 26008 .  Telekomunikacja Kolejowa (GSM-R) 26009 " Telefony Opalenickie 26010 5  St. Pierre-et-Miquelon Télécom 30801 30808 A NOS7 26803 26893 26897 26898 26899NOSWTFWOOGET 0 "Oniway - Inforcomunicaçôes, S.A. 26805  MEO 26806 26808 ? 1Palau National Communications Corp. (a.k.a. PNCC) 55201 ' Hola Paraguay S.A. 74401 74406  Claro PY 74402 6 (Compañia Privada de Comunicaciones S.A. 74403  Ooredoo 42701  Orange La Réunion 64700  Telco OI 64702  МТС 25001   Printelefone 25092   Telecom XXI 25093   Билайн 25099  MTN Rwandacell 63510  STC 42001  Mobily 42003 0 "Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd. 63301 * Mediatech International Ltd. 63302  Airtel Seychelles 63310   SD Mobitel 63401   Areeba-Sudan 63402 . Telia Sverige AB 24001 24005Telia  3 (Hi3G Access AB) 24002 % Nordisk Mobiltelefon AS 24003 + 3G Infrastructure Services AB 24004 " Svenska UMTS-Nät AB 24005  Telenor Sverige AB 24008 : Tele2/Comviq Sverige/Com Hem 24007 24024Tele2  Spring Mobil AB 24010 ' Linholmen Science Park AB 24011 , Barablu Mobile Scandinavia Ltd 24012  Ventelo Sverige AB 24013   TDC Mobil A/S 24014 ) Wireless Maingate Nordic AB 24015  42IT AB 24016 3 %Wireless Maingate Message Services AB 24020   Banverket 24021  M1 52503  StarHub 52505 + Digital Trunked Radio Network 52512  SI Mobil 29340  Telekom Slovenije 29341   T-2 d.o.o. 29364  Tusmobil d.o.o. 29370  Orange 23101Orange   Eurotel, UMTS 23104   Orange, UMTS 23105  Orange 61901  Millicom 61902  Africell 61903 " Dtatel (SL) Ltd CDMA 61950 ' SMT - San Marino Telecom 29201  Orange Senegal 60801   Sentel GSM 60802   ACT Mobile 52015   JC Somoncom 43601 $ CJSC Indigo Tajikistan 43602   TT mobile 43603  Josa Babilon-T 43604  CTJTHSC Tajik-tel 43605 6 (Barash Communication Technologies (BCTI) 43801  TM-Cell 43802  Tunisie Telecom 60502  Ooredoo Tunisia 60503 .  Tonga Communications Corporation 53901 % Shoreline Communication 53943  Paycell | Turkcell 28601  Vodafone 28602 "  Türk Telekom 28603 28604 Y  TSTT MobileG 37412 374122 374123 374124 374125 374126 374127 374128 374129 6  Digicel Trinidad and Tobago Ltd. 374130 37413   LaqTel Ltd. 374140  TIGO 64002  Zantel 64003 0 Vodacom (T) Ltd. 64004VodaCom Tanzania  Airtel 64005 1 #Ukrainian Mobile Communication, UMC 25501   Kyivstar GSM 25503 3 %International Telecommunications Ltd. 25504  Golden Telecom 25505  Astelit 25506   Ukrtelecom 25507 + CJSC - Telesystems of Ukraine 25521 "  Airtel Uganda 64101 64122  MTN Uganda Ltd. 64110 ! Uganda Telecom Ltd. 64111 C 5House of Integrated Technology and Systems Uganda Ltd 64114 ' ICO Global Communications 90101 3 %Sense Communications International AS 90102  Ellipso 90107   Tele1 Europe 90109 , Asia Cellular Satellite (AceS) 90110   Inmarsat Ltd. 90111 > 0Maritime Communications Partner AS (MCP network) 90112 # Global Networks, Inc. 90113 0 "Telenor GSM - services in aircraft 90114 4 &SITA GSM services in aircraft (On Air) 90115 " Jasper Systems, Inc. 90116  Jersey Telecom 90117 8 *AT&T Mobility (Wireless Maritime Services) 90118  Vodafone 90119   Intermatica 90120 , Seanet Maritime Communications 90121 $ Denver Consultants Ltd 90122 A 3Telecommunications for Disaster Relief (TDR) (OCHA) 90188  MCI 310010  Mobile Tel Inc. 310013  Cricket Wireless 310150 . North Sight Communications Inc. 310017 & Union Telephone Company 310020 " Nevada Wireless LLC 310034 2 #MTA Communications dba MTA Wireless 310040  ACS Wireless Inc. 310050 " Pacific Telecom Inc 310110  Sprint 310120 312530 % Carolina West Wireless 310130  GTA Wireless LLC 310140 $West Central Wireless 310180 1"Alaska Wireless Communications LLC 310190 Nep Cellcorp Inc. 310290 1"Smith Bagley Inc, dba Cellular One 310320 AN Subsidiary LLC 310330 / Wireless Solutions International 310550  MTPCS LLC 310570 tcellcom 310600*BA00040000000000 311480*BA00040000000000 311850*BA00040000000000 311840*c1000000 <-Elkhart Telephone Co. Inc. dba Epic Touch Co. 310610 G8Coleman County Telecommunications Inc. (Trans Texas PCS) 310620 #Jasper Wireless Inc. 310650 .AT&T Mobility Vanguard Services 310670 Limitless Mobile 310690 1"Cross Valiant Cellular Partnership 310700 =.Arctic Slopo Telephone Association Cooperative 310710 4%Wireless Solutions International Inc. 310720  Sea Mobile 310730 A2East Kentucky Network LLC dba Appalachian Wireless 310750 8)Panhandle Telecommunications Systems Inc. 310760 8)Iowa Wireless Services LLC dba I Wireless 310770 Connect Net Inc 310780 +PinPoint Communications Inc. 310790 2#Brazos Cellular Communications Ltd. 310810 :+South Canaan Cellular Communications Co. LP 310820 0!Caprock Cellular Ltd. Partnership 310830 Edge Mobile LLC 310840 )Aeris Communications, Inc. 310850 5&TX RSA 15B2, LP dba Five Star Wireless 310860 ,Kaplan Telephone Company Inc. 310870 / Advantage Cellular Systems, Inc. 310880  Mid-Rivers 310900 RCSouthern IL RSA Partnership dba First Cellular of Southern Illinois 310910  James Valley 310920 -Copper Valley Wireless 310930 312380  PetroCom LLC 311170 'Cellular Properties Inc. 311190 ARINC 311200 )Farmers Cellular Telephone 311210 0C Spire 311230 310023 20404C Spire 2#Cordova Wireless Communications Inc 311240 C4SLO Cellular Inc. dba CellularOne of San Luis Obispo 311260 Verizon Wireless 20404*BAE0000000000000 310012 310590 310591 310592 310593 310594 310595 310596 310597 310598 310599 310890 311270 311280 311281 311282 311283 311284 311285 311286 311287 311288 311289 311480 311481 311482 311483 311484 311485 311486 311487 311488 311489 %Pinpoint Wireless Inc. 311290 )Rutal Cellular Corporation 311300 0!Leaco Rural Telephone Company Inc 311310 'GCI Communications Corp. 311370  GreenFly LLC 311380 ,Midwest Wireless Holdings LLC 311390 ,Iowa RSA No.2 Ltd Partnership 311410 8 northwestcell 311420 311480*BA00150000000000 @ Chat Mobility 311430 312160 311480*BA00130000000000 ABluegrass Cellular LLC 311440 311480*BA00010000000000 PTCI 311450 +Fisher Wireless Services Inc 311460 <-Vitelcom Cellular Inc dba Innovative Wireless 311470 , Virgin Mobile 310120 312530*000003 CTC Telecom Inc 311500 #Benton-Lian Wireless 311510 &Crossroads Wireless Inc 311520 .Wireless Communications Venture 311530 $Keystone Wireless Inc 311540 "Commnet Midwest LLC 311550 )Nextel Communications Inc. 316010 4%Southern Communications Services Inc. 316011 !Ancel 74800 74801 74803 Movistar 74807 Claro UY 74810 Buztel 43401 Uzmacom 43402  Daewoo Unitel 43404 Coscom 43405  Uzdunrobita 43407 Infonet 73401 "Corporación Digitel 73402 Digicel 73403 Movistar 73404 /!Telecomunicaciones Movilnet, C.A. 73406 ;,Caribbean Cellular Telephone, Boatphone Ltd. 348570 #GoMobile SamoaTel Ltd 54927 SabaFon 42101 Spacetel Yemen 42102 Telecel 64803 Econet 64804 < 遠傳電信 Far EasTone Telecom 46601 46602 46603 _0遠傳電信Far EasTone Telecom(原亞太電信) 46605 46601 4660116090 4660116091 Tuntex Telecom 46606 2中華電信_Chunghwa Telecom 46611 46692 D6台灣大哥大(原台灣之星) Taiwan Mobile Telecom 46689 $MobiTai Communications 46693 3%台灣大哥大 Taiwan Mobile Telecom 46697 TransAsia Telecoms 46699 KT 45002 45004 45008  SK Telecom 45005 LG U+ 45006 450006 nTelos 310470 SoftBank 44020 Freedom Mobile 302490 dtac 52018 dtac  52005  True Move 52099 Viettel Telecom 45204 OneCall 24205 Android Emulator 310995 Access Telecom 27204 3 27205 DNA 24403 24412 24413 Nokia Test Network 24407 Unknown 24408 TDC 24410  Scnl Truphone 24429 0 Euskaltel 21406 21408 214032140359 @COX, 311480*BA015700000000002B100000000000000 311600 6(Test Network, Used by GSM test equipment 00101 ?AT&T MX 33401 334090 33409 22201IUSACELLUNEFON Telcel 334020 33402 Movistar 334030 33403 .AT&T MX 334040 334050 334070 334080 Dauphin Telecom 34080 eMobile 44000 Hondutel 70830 Digicel 70840 Alfa 41501  MTC Touch 41503  Ogero Mobile 41505 Ncell 42902  Smart Telecom 42904 Claro PA 71403 Digicel 71404 714040 Telecel 74404 Personal 74405 Movistar 71606 Entel 71617 'Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel 41301  Airtel Lanka 41305 0"Hutchison Telecommunications Lanka 41308 Sasatel Tanzania 64006  Life Tanzania 64007 Orange Tunisie 60501 ArmenTel 28301 Karabakh Telecom 28304 K Telecom CJSC 28305 Orange 28310 )Bahamas Telecommunications 364390  Open Mobile 33000  Orange Niger 61404 'Bell Benin Communications 61604 &Glo Communications Benin 61605 Onatal (Telmob) 61301  Moov Togo 61503 Orange 63203 MetroPCS 310260 310800 310660 310640 310530 310490 310310 310300 310270 310250 310240 310230 310220 310210 310200 310160 311490 311660 311882 312250*6D38 life:) 25704 FBoost 311870 310120 312530*000002 310240*0000b0*6230  U.S. Cellular 311580 311581 311582 311583 311584 311585 311586 311587 311588 311589 311220 311221 311222 311223 311224 311225 311226 311227 311228 311229 20404 U.S. Cellular Claro CR 71203 Claro SV 70601 Claro PR 330110 33011 'Telenor Sweden (not used) 24009 Bluesky 54411 Free 20815  Digi.Mobil 22605 ! Hutchison 2G 45404 45405 Airtel 40402 40403 40410 40416 40431 40440 40445 40449 40470 40490 40492 40493 40494 40495 40496 40497 40498 40551 40552 40553 40554 40555 40556 Fido 302370*DD Vi 40401 40405 40411 40413 40415 40420 40427 40430 40443 40446 40460 40484 40486 40488 40566 40567 405750 405751 405752 405753 405754 405755 405756 Vodafone IN Telkom 65502 3 51089 Irancell 43235 Etisalat 60203 Asiacell 41805 du 42403  Zain Iraq 41820 41830 Zain Saudi Arabia 42004 Libyana 60600 0Jazztel 21421 21403JAZZTELJazztel Telenor 41006 ONO 21418 Ooredoo 60303  Smartfren 51009 51028 9Pay 62160 Zong 41004  TATA DOCOMO 405025 405026 405027 405028 405029 405030 405031 405032 405033 405034 405035 405036 405037 405038 405039 405040 405041 405042 405043 405044 405045 405046 405047 Korek 41840 Virgin 20823 inwi 60402  Tele2/Altel 40107 40177 Rightel 43220 O2 23106  Google Fi 23420*0306 45403*0206 23210*0306% 310120 Fi Networknova Google FiN 310120*A00184*Virgin Mobile Canada# 30264 302610 302630 302640*3e TracFone6 310240 310260 310280 310410 310950 311180*DDFF6 310410 310280 310240 310260 311180 330110*DEFF 310260*534D 310260*4D4Bj 310590 310591 310592 310593 310594 310595 310596 310597 310598 310599 311480*BA01270000000000 FConsumer Cellular. 310260 310280 310410 310950 311180*2AC9 * Locus Telecom 310280 310410*49FF >Telrite/Pure Talk& 310280 310410 310950 311180*62FF ? Red Pocket. 310260 310280 310410 310950 311180*4201 5Airvoice& 310280 310410 310950 311180*44FF 1Ztar& 310280 310410 310950 311180*4102 #Defense Mobile 310410*60FF AGMS 310380*50FF AKore& 310280 310410 310950 311180*69FF 310260*4B4F Xfinity Mobiler 310590 310599 311480 311481 311482 311483 311484 311485 311486 311487 311488 311489*BA01450000000000 Ooredoo 47202  Orange Mali 61002 Celcom 61807 Tigo 63089 Bite 24705 " unifi mobile 50211 502153 Virgin 42005 K PC mobile# 30264 302610 302630 302640*40 302220 302221*5043 5 Solo Mobile# 30264 302610 302630 302640*3f T Chatr Mobile 302320) 302720 302720x94 302720x84 302720x83 302720*d2 3 Ztar Mobile 302720 302720x98 302720*d4 :Cityfone 302720 302720x97*cc 302720CITYFONE $Amaysim (MVNE2) 310260*6133 'Bright Spot (Leto) 310260*4C45 GoSmart 310260*4753 IDT 310260*AB %Kajeet (Arterra) 310260*6136 ( Lyca Mobile 310240 310260*6C79 M2M 310260*3201 Nest 310260*4E45 1Plintron" 310240 310260*6902*7031*7032 9 PWG/Cintex( 310240 310260*4358*6901*6909*7531 #Ready Wireless 310260*8234 <Republic Wireless (MVNE2) 310240 310260*6134*6905 ( Roam Mobility 310260*726D*524D  Rock Island 310260*6137 Solavei 310260*7376 Ting 310260*6135  Twilio M2M 310260*7477 hUltra/UnivisionR 310240 310260*354D*364D*4153*4154*4155*554D*6132*6303*6903*756D*7601  Vodafone US 310260*2801 Wyless 310260*574D ,Crnogorski Telekom 29702 Telekom.me * Public Mobile 302220 302221*4D4F %Tbaytel 302720 302720x92*ba ?Bonbon 21901 21920bonbon 21901 21920*10*11*12 8congstar) 26201 26206congstar congstar.de*44 ITesco= 23410*0A*0AFFFF*(0AFFFFFFFFFF544553434F202020202020202020 # tele.ring 23207*07*FF*30 &Ben 20416*5F 20416Ben NL &Y!mobile 44020*01ffff*16ffff BT 23430*c3*c3ff # BT Business 23430*b3*b3ff + BT One Phone 23430 23408*b2*b2ff Skinny 53005Skinny JIIJmio 44010: iijmio.jp 44051: iijmio.jp 20601IIJ 44003 ONE 29701  AirtelTigo 62003 62006 KRakuten Mobile 44010: rmobile.co: rmobile.jp 44051: a.rmobile.jp ) UQ mobile 44050 44051 44054*20 ) Euskaltel 21403 21408 EUSKALTEL  Telecable( 21416 telecable Telecable TeleCable3 21405 214050111 telecable Telecable TeleCable1 214062140613 telecable Telecable TeleCable <mobilR/ 21403 21408 21417mobilRmobil RMobil R EWE 26202ewe.de Glo 62150 Ratel 44010: ratel.com TalkTalk 23410*537 .giffgaff 23410*508 23410giffgaff 7FirstNet( 313100 313110 313120 313130 313140 FirstNet (Lab) 312670 Gmineo 44010: mineo-d.jp 44051:mineo.jp 44020: mineo-s.jp 6 Lucky Mobile# 30264 302610 302630 302640*42 Vodafone 54002 "Iliad 22250 20815*F003 *Simyo 21419simyo 21403simyo :Spectrum Mobile 311480*BA01490000000000 313450 (Free RE 64703 20815*F2330002 Sprint Wholesale 310120*ETB 4G 732187 732103ETB MOVI 732111 ETB MOVIL Digicel 54105 Digicel 53988 Etisalat 41250 Globacom 62007  Grenada:Lime 352110 &Cable & Wireless 33818 338180  MTN/Areeba 61104 'Tigo/Milicom/Tchad Mobile 62203 Rebtel 26044  bulsatcom 28411  MAX TELECOM 28413 BICS 29509BICS EMnify 29509  Itisaluna 41862 Perfectum Mobile 43406 SEATEL 45611 9 China Telecom 46003 46011 20404 中国电信 Sunsurf 52504 AIL 54100 Kiribati - TSKL 54501 Guinetel 63207 Privet 63409  Rwandatel 63512 Somafone 63704 Hormuud 63725 Unitel 63757 Eritel 65701 Digicel 70804 708040 .Tuenti 72201*02 722010Tuenti*01 Argentina:Nuestro 72236 Sberbank-Telecom 250050 EastLink 302270  ALU Test-SIM 310028 etex 310035etex NexTech Wireless 311100 !TelAlaska Cellular 311740  Cleartalk 311750  MobileNation 311910 Syringa 311930  NexTech Ota 312420  Blue Wireless 312570 & Open Mobile 330000 openmobile Claro 338070 Videocon 405823 405824 405825 405826 405827 405828 405829 405830 405832 405833 405834 405835 405836 405837 405838 405841 405842 405843 405932 ;STEL0 405881 405882 405883 405884 405885 405886 uCheersh 405912 405913 405914 405915 405916 405917 405918 405919 405920 405921 405922 405923 405930 Tuyo 712019 712190 Viettel 51403 Telenet 2060120601889  Transatel 20610 BE-Transatel 20610*BB00 22803 CH-Transatel 22803*BB00 27077*BB00 27077 LU-Transatel Auchan 20810A MOBILE /Reglo# 20810 LeclercMobile RegloMobile La Poste 20810*4C Darty 20810*44 !Keyyo 20810 Keyyo Mobile ( Zero forfait 20810 ZERO FORFAIT R 214062140612 " eroskimovil 214062140606 Noverca 22201Noverca LIFE 23433LIFE Telmore 23801TELMORE Call Me 23820Call me DLG Tele 23820DLG Tele Halebop 24001halebop GSC 311590gsc Cable & Wireless 348170 Cable & Wireless 366110 @1Cable & Wireless West Indies Ltd (Turks & Caicos) 376350 Cable & Wireless 354860 Cable & Wireless 358110 B3Cable & Wireless (St. Vincent & the Grenadines) Ltd 360110 Cable & Wireless 365840 Happy 21403Happy RACC 21403RACC & CABLE movil 21403 CABLE movil Ibercom 21403Ibercom & PosteMobile 22210 PosteMobile ERG 22210ERG & Sainsbury's 23415 Sainsbury's Lebara 23415Lebara Debitel 26201debitel jNorvado\ 311500Norvado WirelessNorvado Wireless RPANorvado Wireless RPTNorvado Wireless RPO O Mosaic Mobile; 311500 Mosaic RPA Mosaic Mobile Mosaic RPT Mosaic RPO Nemont 311350nemont )Bravado wireless 311140sprocket ,Element Mobile 311070 elementmobile 'strata 310960strata 312290 ) southcentral 310960 southcentral % snakeriver 310960 snakeriver % silverstar 310960 silverstar & NNTC Wireless 310960nntcwire 'Clear Sky Wireless 310820nepa #EMnify 53703 29505EMnify Telemach 2937029370029 % Fonic Prepaid 2620726207520 Tchibo 2620726207500 Djuice 25503djuice &Send 24801248010x2248010x3 Ventelo 2420124201700 Chess 242022420256 Virgin 655076550710 / Movil exito 732103 732111 movil exito UNE 732103 732111UNE + Virgin Mobile 732123 Virgin Mobile  Google CBRS 312580 Mobitel 41845 Unitel 45703 Unitel 42888  Libya Phone 60603 ' YemenMobile 42103 42111 42122 B-Mobile 52802 AGMS 20465 MTCE 43270  SK Telink 45011 Smart 70299  Smart Mobile 64207 Digicel 34877 348770 Tuenti 21405Tuenti Farzanegan Pars 43293 Bitel 71615 l Telefonica[ 26203*(010301FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF*(010901FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF do2[ 26207*(010301FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF*(010901FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Vodacom 64004 Crnogorski Telekom 29702 Vodafone 53001 %Hrvatski Telekom 21901 21920 Swisscom 22801 T-Mobile 26002 Vodafone 27801 Orange 21403 Vi 40401 40405 40411 40413 40415 40420 40427 40430 40443 40446 40460 40484 40486 40488 40566 40567 405750 405751 405752 405753 405754 405755 405756 Vodafone 60202 Vodacom 64304 Vodafone 62002 Slovak Telekom 23102 Odido 20416 Vodafone 27201 Vodafone 22601 VCL 65101 Vodafone 42702 T-Mobile 23001 Telekom 26201 26206 )Mkedonski Telecom AD Skopje 29401 Vodafone 26202 Vodafone 23003 Vodafone 20205 Magyar Telekom 21630 $ Lycamobile 26009 Lycamobile $ Lycamobile 23208 Lycamobile $ Lycamobile 24012 Lycamobile +Rabo Mobiel Int. 20408 Rabo Mobiel POCN MOBILE ONE2 44010:lte-d.ocn.ne.jp: lte.ocn.ne.jp: ocn.ne.jp 44013  Vmax Telecom 46609 Dishnet Wireless 40448 $Wireless City Planning 44100 ACeS 52020 TOT 52047 Airtel Wireless 302290 Fonyou Telecom 21420  Fastweb SpA 22208 FIZZ 302500*55 * TalkMobile 23415 Talkmobile*C1 # EE Business 23433*ec*ecff , ION Mobile 21434 21405 214050104 ! Testing US 310014 311400 MTX 27002 # Plintron IT 22254Plintron # Plintron AT 23222Plintron  iD Mobile 23420*0305 ( 京东通信 46000 京东通信 Telin 45400 454006081 !Rakuten Mobile(MNO) 44011  Syma Mobile 20801SYMA K nuromobile 44010: so-net.jp 44051: so-net.jp 44020: so-net.jp iAssurance Wireless 310120 311490 312530*000006. 310240 311490 311660 311882 312250*1A53 giga_sg 52505giga Xplornet 302130 302131 izi 4010140101568  Wind Telecom 37005 1Daily Telecom Mobile 22210 Daily Telecom %VERY 22288 22299* 0000000099 2 Digi Spain 21422 21405 22605*44474553 2 Digi Italy 22236 21405 22605*44474954  Next Mobile 25047 'rain 65538 65519 65573 65574 Sberbank 25050 IDC 25915IDC  VTB Mobile 25026  Spectrum+ 314020 * SUN Mobile 45400*01030000FFFFFFFF  Tune Talk 502195021955  WEB CoopVoce 22253 Connect 41515 Annatel 42526  homobile_it 22210ho. $Nordic Telecom 23004230040 Yota Nicaragua 71070 GigSky 312870 22201GigSky! 3103803103805GigSky*6F*6E! 2380123801395GigSky*6F*6E" 24007 240075614GigSky*6F*6E > Shaw Mobile 3024903024904*53 3024903024905*53 . 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Netcom Group, 20801 Netcom MobileMobile O YouPrice O IZI 43701437018 Southern 50501SOUTHERN Everyday 50501Everyday ZMVNx #TL 310280 310410 310950 311180*20*21*22*23*24*25*26*27*28*29*30 & iWireless 310240 310260*6957 "Qlink 310240 310260*514C "Tello 310240 310260*6941 OiSeaD 20670 20671 20672 20673 20674iSeaBELPOLBPS-BPVPZAPOA  Vodafone Oman 42206 2DITO Telecommunity Corporation 51566DITO Viti 54705 nDENTc 23450 26001 26003 26006 27877 42501 44011 45403 51503 310240 310260 311882* 3597bfd533 $ Coriolis ESP 20810*434F5249 SIMBA 52510SIMBA Paradise Mobile 350007 Skylo 90198 GTelnyx: 20601 22201 311210 311588 313260Telnyx*5AA525254 > NetGenuity- 312630 NetGenuityPersistent TelecomPTI #Spusu AT 23217 24007*41 -HELP mobile AT 23217*42 24007*42 .Tchibo mobil AT 23217*44 24007*44 #Spusu IT 22256 24007*40 #Spusu GB 23440 24007*48 #Spusu CH 22871 24007*52 ' Gen Mobile 310410 311180*3442 "Boost 310410 311180*3444 "Boost 310410 311180*3446 %Republic 310410 311180*3448 !Ting 310410 311180*3450 !Ting 310410 311180*3452  Gen Mobile 310240*6438 )Boost 20809 302220 313340*6732 )Boost 20809 302220 313340*6336 )Boost 20809 302220 313340*6736 3Project Genesis 20809 302220 313340*6738 ,Republic 20809 302220 313340*6830 (Ting 20809 302220 313340*7530 . Gen Mobile 20809 302220 313340*6636 . 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