/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2016 Mopria Alliance, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ipp_print.h" #include #include "ipphelper.h" #include "wprint_debug.h" #include "plugins/media.h" #define TAG "ipp_print" static status_t _init(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p, const char *printer_address, int port, const char *printer_uri, bool use_secure_uri); static status_t _validate_job(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p, wprint_job_params_t *job_params, const printer_capabilities_t *printer_caps); static status_t _start_job(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p, const wprint_job_params_t *job_params, const printer_capabilities_t *printer_caps); static int _send_data(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p, const char *buffer, size_t length); static status_t _end_job(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p); static void _destroy(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p); static const ifc_print_job_t _print_job_ifc = { .init = _init, .validate_job = _validate_job, .start_job = _start_job, .send_data = _send_data, .end_job = _end_job, .destroy = _destroy, .enable_timeout = NULL, }; /* * Struct for handling an ipp print job */ typedef struct { http_t *http; char printer_uri[1024]; char http_resource[1024]; http_status_t status; ifc_print_job_t ifc; const char *useragent; } ipp_print_job_t; /* * Returns a print job handle for an ipp print job */ const ifc_print_job_t *ipp_get_print_ifc(const ifc_wprint_t *wprint_ifc) { LOGD("ipp_get_print_ifc: Enter"); ipp_print_job_t *ipp_job = (ipp_print_job_t *) malloc(sizeof(ipp_print_job_t)); if (ipp_job == NULL) { return NULL; } memset(ipp_job, 0, sizeof(ipp_print_job_t)); ipp_job->status = HTTP_CONTINUE; memcpy(&ipp_job->ifc, &_print_job_ifc, sizeof(ifc_print_job_t)); return &ipp_job->ifc; } static status_t _init(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p, const char *printer_address, int port, const char *printer_uri, bool use_secure_uri) { LOGD("_init: Enter"); ipp_print_job_t *ipp_job; const char *ipp_scheme; if (this_p == NULL) { return ERROR; } ipp_job = IMPL(ipp_print_job_t, ifc, this_p); if (ipp_job->http != NULL) { httpClose(ipp_job->http); } if ((printer_uri == NULL) || (strlen(printer_uri) == 0)) { printer_uri = DEFAULT_IPP_URI_RESOURCE; } int ippPortNumber = ((port == IPP_PORT) ? ippPort() : port); LOGD("Normal URI for %s:%d", printer_address, ippPortNumber); ipp_scheme = (use_secure_uri) ? IPPS_PREFIX : IPP_PREFIX; httpAssembleURIf(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, ipp_job->printer_uri, sizeof(ipp_job->printer_uri), ipp_scheme, NULL, printer_address, ippPortNumber, "%s", printer_uri); getResourceFromURI(ipp_job->printer_uri, ipp_job->http_resource, 1024); if (use_secure_uri) { ipp_job->http = httpConnect2(printer_address, ippPortNumber, NULL, AF_UNSPEC, HTTP_ENCRYPTION_ALWAYS, 1, HTTP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, NULL); // If ALWAYS doesn't work, fall back to REQUIRED if (ipp_job->http == NULL) { ipp_job->http = httpConnect2(printer_address, ippPortNumber, NULL, AF_UNSPEC, HTTP_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED, 1, HTTP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, NULL); } } else { ipp_job->http = httpConnect2(printer_address, ippPortNumber, NULL, AF_UNSPEC, HTTP_ENCRYPTION_IF_REQUESTED, 1, HTTP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, NULL); } httpSetTimeout(ipp_job->http, DEFAULT_IPP_TIMEOUT, NULL, 0); return OK; } static void _destroy(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p) { LOGD("_destroy: Enter"); ipp_print_job_t *ipp_job; if (this_p == NULL) { return; } ipp_job = IMPL(ipp_print_job_t, ifc, this_p); if (ipp_job->http != NULL) { httpClose(ipp_job->http); } free(ipp_job); } /* * Outputs width, height, and name for a given media size */ static void _get_pwg_media_size(media_size_t media_size, float *mediaWidth, float *mediaHeight, const char **mediaSizeName) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < SUPPORTED_MEDIA_SIZE_COUNT; i++) { if (media_size == SupportedMediaSizes[i].media_size) { // Get the dimensions in 100 mm if ((SupportedMediaSizes[i].WidthInMm == UNKNOWN_VALUE) || (SupportedMediaSizes[i].HeightInMm == UNKNOWN_VALUE)) { *mediaWidth = floorf(_MI_TO_100MM(SupportedMediaSizes[i].WidthInInches)); *mediaHeight = floorf(_MI_TO_100MM(SupportedMediaSizes[i].HeightInInches)); } else { *mediaWidth = SupportedMediaSizes[i].WidthInMm * 100; *mediaHeight = SupportedMediaSizes[i].HeightInMm * 100; } *mediaSizeName = (char *) SupportedMediaSizes[i].PWGName; LOGD("_get_pwg_media_size(): match found: %d, %s, width=%f, height=%f", media_size, SupportedMediaSizes[i].PCL6Name, *mediaWidth, *mediaHeight); break; // we found a match, so break out of loop } } if (i == SUPPORTED_MEDIA_SIZE_COUNT) { // media size not found, defaulting to letter LOGD("_get_pwg_media_size(): media size, %d, NOT FOUND, setting to letter", media_size); _get_pwg_media_size(US_LETTER, mediaWidth, mediaHeight, mediaSizeName); } } /* * Fills and returns an ipp request object with the given job parameters */ static ipp_t *_fill_job(int ipp_op, char *printer_uri, const wprint_job_params_t *job_params, const printer_capabilities_t *printer_caps) { LOGD("_fill_job: Enter"); ipp_t *request = NULL; // IPP request object ipp_attribute_t *attrptr; // Attribute pointer ipp_t *col[2]; int col_index = -1; if (job_params == NULL) return NULL; request = ippNewRequest(ipp_op); if (request == NULL) { return request; } if (set_ipp_version(request, printer_uri, NULL, IPP_VERSION_RESOLVED) != 0) { ippDelete(request); return NULL; } bool is_2_0_capable = job_params->ipp_2_0_supported; bool is_ePCL_ipp_capable = job_params->epcl_ipp_supported; ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, printer_uri); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "requesting-user-name", NULL, job_params->job_originating_user_name); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "job-name", NULL, job_params->job_name); // Fields for Document source application and source OS bool is_doc_format_details_supported = ( job_params->accepts_app_name || job_params->accepts_app_version || job_params->accepts_os_name || job_params->accepts_os_version); if (is_doc_format_details_supported) { ipp_t *document_format_details = ippNew(); if (job_params->accepts_app_name) { ippAddString(document_format_details, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "document-source-application-name", NULL, g_appName); } if (job_params->accepts_app_version) { ippAddString(document_format_details, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "document-source-application-version", NULL, g_appVersion); } if (job_params->accepts_os_name) { ippAddString(document_format_details, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "document-source-os-name", NULL, g_osName); } if (job_params->accepts_os_version) { char version[40]; sprintf(version, "%d", g_API_version); ippAddString(document_format_details, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "document-source-os-version", NULL, version); } ippAddCollection(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, "document-format-details", document_format_details); ippDelete(document_format_details); } LOGD("_fill_job: pcl_type(%d), print_format(%s)", job_params->pcl_type, job_params->print_format); if (strcmp(job_params->print_format, PRINT_FORMAT_PDF) == 0) { if (is_2_0_capable) { // document-format needs to be the very next attribute for some printers ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE, "document-format", NULL, PRINT_FORMAT_PDF); LOGD("_fill_job: setting document-format: %s", PRINT_FORMAT_PDF); } else { // some earlier devices don't print pdfs when we send the other PRINT_FORMAT_PDF ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE, "document-format", NULL, (job_params->accepts_pclm ? PRINT_FORMAT_PCLM : PRINT_FORMAT_PDF)); LOGD("_fill_job: setting document-format: %s", (job_params->accepts_pclm ? PRINT_FORMAT_PCLM : PRINT_FORMAT_PDF)); } if (is_ePCL_ipp_capable) { if (job_params->render_flags & RENDER_FLAG_AUTO_SCALE) { ippAddBoolean(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, "pdf-fit-to-page", 1); // true } } // Fix Orientation bug for PDF printers only. if (job_params->render_flags & RENDER_FLAG_PORTRAIT_MODE) { ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "orientation-requested", IPP_PRINT_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); } if (job_params->render_flags & RENDER_FLAG_LANDSCAPE_MODE) { ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "orientation-requested", IPP_PRINT_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); } } else { switch (job_params->pcl_type) { case PCLm: ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE, "document-format", NULL, PRINT_FORMAT_PCLM); LOGD("_fill_job: setting document-format: %s", PRINT_FORMAT_PCLM); if (is_ePCL_ipp_capable) { ippAddResolution(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, "pclm-source-resolution", IPP_RES_PER_INCH, job_params->pixel_units, job_params->pixel_units); } break; case PCLPWG: ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE, "document-format", NULL, PRINT_FORMAT_PWG); LOGD("_fill_job: setting document-format: %s", PRINT_FORMAT_PWG); break; default: LOGD("_fill_job: unrecognized pcl_type: %d", job_params->pcl_type); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE, "document-format", NULL, PRINT_FORMAT_AUTO); break; } if (is_ePCL_ipp_capable) { ippAddBoolean(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, "margins-pre-applied", 1); // true } } // Add print-scaling attribute to the request if (strlen(job_params->print_scaling) != 0) { LOGD("_fill_job: setting print-scaling to %s", job_params->print_scaling); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "print-scaling", NULL, job_params->print_scaling); } // Add copies support if required and allowed if (job_params->copies_supported && (strcmp(job_params->print_format, PRINT_FORMAT_PDF) == 0)) { ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "copies", job_params->num_copies); } if (printer_caps->jobPagesPerSetSupported && job_params->job_pages_per_set > 0) { unsigned int job_pages_per_set = job_params->job_pages_per_set; if (strcmp(job_params->print_format, PRINT_FORMAT_PCLM) == 0 && wprintBlankPageForPclm(job_params, printer_caps)) { job_pages_per_set++; LOGD("_fill_job: incremented job_pages_per_set: %d", job_pages_per_set); } ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-pages-per-set", job_pages_per_set); } // Add print quality if requested if (job_params->print_quality) { ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "print-quality", job_params->print_quality); } ippAddResolution(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, "printer-resolution", IPP_RES_PER_INCH, job_params->pixel_units, job_params->pixel_units); if (printer_caps->sidesSupported) { if (job_params->duplex == DUPLEX_MODE_BOOK) { ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, IPP_SIDES_TAG, NULL, IPP_SIDES_TWO_SIDED_LONG_EDGE); } else if (job_params->duplex == DUPLEX_MODE_TABLET) { ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, IPP_SIDES_TAG, NULL, IPP_SIDES_TWO_SIDED_SHORT_EDGE); } else { ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, IPP_SIDES_TAG, NULL, IPP_SIDES_ONE_SIDED); } } if (job_params->color_space == COLOR_SPACE_MONO) { ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, IPP_OUTPUT_MODE_TAG, NULL, IPP_OUTPUT_MODE_MONO); } else { ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, IPP_OUTPUT_MODE_TAG, NULL, IPP_OUTPUT_MODE_COLOR); } if (is_2_0_capable) { // Not friendly to 1.1 devices. if (job_params->media_tray != TRAY_SRC_AUTO_SELECT) { if (job_params->media_tray == TRAY_SOURCE_PHOTO_TRAY) { col[++col_index] = ippNew(); ippAddString(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-source", NULL, "main-tray"); } else if (job_params->media_tray == TRAY_SOURCE_TRAY_1) { col[++col_index] = ippNew(); ippAddString(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-source", NULL, "main-tray"); } } // MEDIA-Type is IPP 2.0 only // put margins in with media-type // Client-Error-Attribute-Or-Values-Not-Supported col[++col_index] = ippNew(); // set margins - if negative margins, set to full-bleed; otherwise set calculated values if (job_params->borderless) { LOGD("Setting Up BORDERLESS"); ippAddInteger(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-bottom-margin", 0); ippAddInteger(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-top-margin", 0); ippAddInteger(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-left-margin", 0); ippAddInteger(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-right-margin", 0); } switch (job_params->media_type) { case MEDIA_AUTO: ippAddString(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-type", NULL, "auto"); break; case MEDIA_PHOTO_GLOSSY: ippAddString(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-type", NULL, "photographic-glossy"); break; case MEDIA_PHOTO: case MEDIA_ADVANCED_PHOTO: case MEDIA_PHOTO_MATTE: case MEDIA_PREMIUM_PHOTO: case MEDIA_OTHER_PHOTO: ippAddString(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-type", NULL, "photographic"); break; default: ippAddString(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-type", NULL, "stationery"); break; } float mediaWidth; float mediaHeight; const char *mediaSizeName = NULL; _get_pwg_media_size(job_params->media_size, &mediaWidth, &mediaHeight, &mediaSizeName); ipp_t *mediaSize = ippNew(); if ((job_params->media_size_name) && (mediaSizeName != NULL)) { ippAddString(mediaSize, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-size-name", NULL, mediaSizeName); } else { ippAddInteger(mediaSize, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "x-dimension", (int) mediaWidth); ippAddInteger(mediaSize, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "y-dimension", (int) mediaHeight); } ippAddCollection(col[col_index], IPP_TAG_JOB, "media-size", mediaSize); // can either set media or media-col. // if both sent, device should return client-error-bad-request ippAddCollections(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, "media-col", col_index + 1, (const ipp_t **) col); while (col_index >= 0) { ippDelete(col[col_index--]); } } else { ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media", NULL, mapDFMediaToIPPKeyword(job_params->media_size)); } LOGI("_fill_job (%d): request", ipp_op); for (attrptr = ippFirstAttribute(request); attrptr; attrptr = ippNextAttribute(request)) { print_attr(attrptr); } return request; } static status_t _validate_job(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p, wprint_job_params_t *job_params, const printer_capabilities_t *printer_caps) { LOGD("_validate_job: Enter"); status_t result = ERROR; ipp_print_job_t *ipp_job; ipp_t *response; ipp_t *request = NULL; ipp_status_t ipp_status; LOGD("_validate_job: ** validatePrintJob: Entry"); do { if (this_p == NULL) { break; } if (job_params == NULL) { break; } ipp_job = IMPL(ipp_print_job_t, ifc, this_p); if (ipp_job->http == NULL) { break; } ipp_job->useragent = NULL; if ((job_params->useragent != NULL) && (strlen(job_params->useragent) > 0)) { ipp_job->useragent = job_params->useragent; } request = _fill_job(IPP_VALIDATE_JOB, ipp_job->printer_uri, job_params, printer_caps); if (ipp_job->useragent != NULL) { httpSetDefaultField(ipp_job->http, HTTP_FIELD_USER_AGENT, ipp_job->useragent); } if ((response = ipp_doCupsRequest(ipp_job->http, request, ipp_job->http_resource, ipp_job->printer_uri)) == NULL) { ipp_status = cupsLastError(); LOGE("_validate_job: validatePrintJob: response is null: ipp_status %d %s", ipp_status, ippErrorString(ipp_status)); } else { ipp_status = cupsLastError(); LOGI("_validate_job: %s ipp_status %d %x received:", ippOpString(IPP_VALIDATE_JOB), ipp_status, ipp_status); ipp_attribute_t *attrptr; for (attrptr = ippFirstAttribute(response); attrptr; attrptr = ippNextAttribute( response)) { print_attr(attrptr); } ippDelete(response); } LOGD("_validate_job : ipp_status: %d", ipp_status); if (strncmp(ippErrorString(ipp_status), ippErrorString(IPP_OK), strlen(ippErrorString(IPP_OK))) == 0) { result = OK; } else { result = ERROR; } } while (0); ippDelete(request); LOGD("_validate_job: ** validate_job result: %d", result); return result; } static status_t _start_job(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p, const wprint_job_params_t *job_params, const printer_capabilities_t *printer_caps) { LOGD("_start_job: Enter"); status_t result; ipp_print_job_t *ipp_job; ipp_t *request = NULL; bool retry; int failed_count = 0; LOGD("_start_job entry"); do { retry = false; if (this_p == NULL) { LOGE("_start_job; this_p == NULL"); continue; } ipp_job = IMPL(ipp_print_job_t, ifc, this_p); ipp_job->useragent = NULL; if ((job_params->useragent != NULL) && (strlen(job_params->useragent) > 0)) { ipp_job->useragent = job_params->useragent; } request = _fill_job(IPP_PRINT_JOB, ipp_job->printer_uri, job_params, printer_caps); if (request == NULL) { continue; } if (ipp_job->useragent != NULL) { httpSetDefaultField(ipp_job->http, HTTP_FIELD_USER_AGENT, ipp_job->useragent); } ipp_job->status = cupsSendRequest(ipp_job->http, request, ipp_job->http_resource, 0); if (ipp_job->status != HTTP_CONTINUE) { failed_count++; if ((failed_count == 1) && ((ipp_job->status == HTTP_ERROR) || (ipp_job->status >= HTTP_BAD_REQUEST))) { retry = true; LOGI("_start_job retry due to internal error"); // We will retry for one of these failures since we could have just // lost our connection to the server and cups will not always attempt // a reconnect for us. ippDelete(request); continue; } } ippDelete(request); LOGI("_start_job httpPrint fd %d status %d ipp_status %d", ipp_job->http->fd, ipp_job->status, cupsLastError()); result = ((ipp_job->status == HTTP_CONTINUE) ? OK : ERROR); } while (retry); return result; } static int _send_data(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p, const char *buffer, size_t length) { ipp_print_job_t *ipp_job; if (this_p == NULL) { return ERROR; } ipp_job = IMPL(ipp_print_job_t, ifc, this_p); if (ipp_job->http == NULL) { return ERROR; } if (ipp_job->status != HTTP_CONTINUE) { return ERROR; } if (length != 0) { if (ipp_job->useragent != NULL) { httpSetDefaultField(ipp_job->http, HTTP_FIELD_USER_AGENT, ipp_job->useragent); } ipp_job->status = cupsWriteRequestData(ipp_job->http, buffer, length); } return ((ipp_job->status == HTTP_CONTINUE) ? length : (int) ERROR); } static status_t _end_job(const ifc_print_job_t *this_p) { LOGD("_end_job: Enter"); status_t result = ERROR; ipp_t *response; ipp_attribute_t *attrptr; int op = IPP_PRINT_JOB; ipp_print_job_t *ipp_job; int job_id = -1; char buffer[1024]; if (this_p == NULL) { return result; } ipp_job = IMPL(ipp_print_job_t, ifc, this_p); if (ipp_job->http == NULL) { return result; } LOGD("_end_job: entry httpPrint %d", ipp_job->http->fd); if (ipp_job->useragent != NULL) { httpSetDefaultField(ipp_job->http, HTTP_FIELD_USER_AGENT, ipp_job->useragent); } ipp_job->status = cupsWriteRequestData(ipp_job->http, buffer, 0); if (ipp_job->status != HTTP_CONTINUE) { LOGE("Error: from cupsWriteRequestData http.fd %d: status %d", ipp_job->http->fd, ipp_job->status); } else { result = OK; LOGD("0 length Bytes sent, status %d", ipp_job->status); response = cupsGetResponse(ipp_job->http, ipp_job->http_resource); if ((attrptr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-id", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) == NULL) { LOGE("sent cupsGetResponse %s job id is null; received", ippOpString(op)); } else { job_id = ippGetInteger(attrptr, 0); LOGI("sent cupsGetResponse %s job_id %d; received", ippOpString(op), job_id); } if (response != NULL) { for (attrptr = ippFirstAttribute(response); attrptr; attrptr = ippNextAttribute( response)) { print_attr(attrptr); if (strcmp(ippGetName(attrptr), "job-state-reasons") == 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ippGetCount(attrptr); i++) { if (strcmp(ippGetString(attrptr, i, NULL), "job-canceled-at-device") == 0) { result = CANCELLED; break; } } } } ippDelete(response); } } LOGD("_end_job: exit status %d job_id %d", ipp_job->status, job_id); return result; }