/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2016 Mopria Alliance, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "../../media.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TAG "genPCLm" #define STRIP_HEIGHT 16 #define JPEG_QUALITY 100 #define TEMP_BUFF_SIZE 10000000 #define DEFAULT_OUTBUFF_SIZE 64*5120*3*10 #define STANDARD_SCALE_FOR_PDF 72.0 #define KID_STRING_SIZE 1000 #define CATALOG_OBJ_NUMBER 1 #define PAGES_OBJ_NUMBER 2 #define ADOBE_RGB_SIZE 284 #define rgb_2_gray(r, g, b) (ubyte)(0.299*(double)r+0.587*(double)g+0.114*(double)b) static PCLmSUserSettingsType PCLmSSettings; /* * Shift the strip image right in the strip buffer by leftMargin pixels. * * Assumptions: The strip buffer was allocated large enough to handle the shift; if not * then the image data on the right will get clipped. * * We allocate a full strip (height and width), but then only copy numLinesThisCall from * the original buffer to the newly allocated buffer. This pads the strips for JPEG processing. */ static ubyte *shiftStripByLeftMargin(ubyte *ptrToStrip, sint32 currSourceWidth, sint32 currStripHeight, sint32 numLinesThisCall, sint32 currMediaWidth, sint32 leftMargin, colorSpaceDisposition destColorSpace) { ubyte *fromPtr, *toPtr, *newStrip; sint32 scanLineWidth; if (destColorSpace == grayScale) { scanLineWidth = currMediaWidth; // Allocate a full strip newStrip = (ubyte *) malloc((scanLineWidth * currStripHeight) + leftMargin); memset(newStrip, 0xff, scanLineWidth * currStripHeight); for (int i = 0; i < numLinesThisCall; i++) { toPtr = newStrip + leftMargin + (i * currMediaWidth); fromPtr = ptrToStrip + (i * currSourceWidth); memcpy(toPtr, fromPtr, currSourceWidth); } } else { scanLineWidth = currMediaWidth * 3; sint32 srcScanlineWidth = currSourceWidth * 3; sint32 shiftAmount = leftMargin * 3; newStrip = (ubyte *) malloc((scanLineWidth * currStripHeight) + shiftAmount); memset(newStrip, 0xff, scanLineWidth * currStripHeight); for (int i = 0; i < numLinesThisCall; i++) { toPtr = newStrip + shiftAmount + (i * scanLineWidth); fromPtr = ptrToStrip + (i * srcScanlineWidth); memcpy(toPtr, fromPtr, srcScanlineWidth); } } return newStrip; } #ifdef SUPPORT_WHITE_STRIPS bool PCLmGenerator::isWhiteStrip(void *pInBuffer, int inBufferSize) { uint32 *ptr = (uint32 *) pInBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < inBufferSize / 4; i++, ptr++) { if (*ptr != 0xffffffff) { return false; } } return true; } #endif void PCLmGenerator::Cleanup(void) { if (allocatedOutputBuffer) { free(allocatedOutputBuffer); allocatedOutputBuffer = NULL; currOutBuffSize = 0; } if (leftoverScanlineBuffer) { free(leftoverScanlineBuffer); leftoverScanlineBuffer = NULL; } if (scratchBuffer) { free(scratchBuffer); scratchBuffer = NULL; } if (xRefTable) { free(xRefTable); xRefTable = NULL; } if (KidsArray) { free(KidsArray); KidsArray = NULL; } } int PCLmGenerator::errorOutAndCleanUp() { Cleanup(); jobOpen = job_errored; return genericFailure; } static sint32 startXRef = 0; static sint32 endXRef = 0; /* * DO NOT EDIT UNTIL YOU READ THE HEADER FILE DESCRIPTION. */ void PCLmGenerator::fixXRef() { if (!startXRef || !mirrorBackside) { return; } if (currDuplexDisposition == duplex_longEdge && !(pageCount % 2) && mirrorBackside) { assert(startXRef); sint32 start = startXRef; sint32 end = endXRef - 1; sint32 aSize = endXRef - startXRef - 1; sint32 *tmpArray = (sint32 *) malloc(aSize * 20); sint32 xRefI = startXRef; for (int i = 0; i < aSize + 1; i++, xRefI++) { *(tmpArray + i) = xRefTable[xRefI + 1] - xRefTable[xRefI]; } // Reorder header and image sizes for (int i = 0; i < aSize + 1; i += 2, xRefI++) { sint32 t = *(tmpArray + i); *(tmpArray + i) = *(tmpArray + i + 1); *(tmpArray + i + 1) = t; } xRefI = aSize; for (int i = start + 1, j = aSize; i < end + 2; i++, start++, xRefI--, j--) { xRefTable[i] = (xRefTable[i - 1] + *(tmpArray + j)); } for (int i = startXRef + 2; i < endXRef; i++) { xRefTable[i] += 2; } sint32 k = endXRef - 1; int i; sint32 lSize = (endXRef - startXRef) / 2; for (i = startXRef; i < startXRef + lSize; i++, k--) { sint32 t = xRefTable[i]; xRefTable[i] = xRefTable[k]; xRefTable[k] = t; } free(tmpArray); } startXRef = 0; } bool PCLmGenerator::addXRef(sint32 xRefObj) { #define XREF_ARRAY_SIZE 100 if (!xRefTable) { xRefTable = (sint32 *) malloc(XREF_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(sint32)); assert(xRefTable); xRefTable[0] = 0; xRefIndex++; } xRefTable[xRefIndex] = xRefObj; xRefIndex++; if (!(xRefIndex % XREF_ARRAY_SIZE)) { xRefTable = (sint32 *) realloc(xRefTable, (((xRefIndex + XREF_ARRAY_SIZE) * sizeof(sint32)))); } return true; } bool PCLmGenerator::addKids(sint32 kidObj) { #define KID_ARRAY_SIZE 20 if (!KidsArray) { KidsArray = (sint32 *) malloc(KID_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(sint32)); assert(KidsArray); } KidsArray[numKids] = kidObj; numKids++; if (!(numKids % KID_ARRAY_SIZE)) { KidsArray = (sint32 *) realloc(KidsArray, ((numKids + KID_ARRAY_SIZE) * sizeof(sint32))); } return true; } void PCLmGenerator::initOutBuff(char *buff, sint32 size) { currBuffPtr = outBuffPtr = buff; outBuffSize = size; totalBytesWrittenToCurrBuff = 0; memset(buff, 0, size); } void PCLmGenerator::writeStr2OutBuff(char *str) { sint32 strSize = strlen(str); // Make sure we have enough room for the copy char *maxSize = currBuffPtr + strSize; assert(maxSize - outBuffPtr < outBuffSize); memcpy(currBuffPtr, str, strSize); currBuffPtr += strSize; totalBytesWrittenToCurrBuff += strSize; totalBytesWrittenToPCLmFile += strSize; } void PCLmGenerator::write2Buff(ubyte *buff, int buffSize) { char *maxSize = currBuffPtr + buffSize; if (maxSize - outBuffPtr > outBuffSize) { assert(0); } memcpy(currBuffPtr, buff, buffSize); currBuffPtr += buffSize; totalBytesWrittenToCurrBuff += buffSize; totalBytesWrittenToPCLmFile += buffSize; } int PCLmGenerator::statOutputFileSize() { addXRef(totalBytesWrittenToPCLmFile); return (1); } void PCLmGenerator::writePDFGrammarTrailer(int imageWidth, int imageHeight) { int i; char KidsString[KID_STRING_SIZE]; sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= PCLm: FileBody: Object 1 - Catalog\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); sprintf(pOutStr, "%d 0 obj\n", CATALOG_OBJ_NUMBER); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "<<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Type /Catalog\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Pages %d 0 R\n", PAGES_OBJ_NUMBER); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endobj\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= PCLm: FileBody: Object 2 - page tree \n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); sprintf(pOutStr, "%d 0 obj\n", PAGES_OBJ_NUMBER); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "<<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Count %ld\n", numKids); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); // Define the Kids for this document as an indirect array sprintf(KidsString, "/Kids [ "); writeStr2OutBuff(KidsString); for (i = 0; i < numKids; i++) { sprintf(KidsString, "%ld 0 R ", KidsArray[i]); writeStr2OutBuff(KidsString); } sprintf(KidsString, "]\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(KidsString); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Type /Pages\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endobj\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= PCLm: cross-reference section: object 0, 6 entries\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); // Fix up the xref table for backside duplex fixXRef(); xRefStart = xRefIndex - 1; sprintf(pOutStr, "xref\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "0 %d\n", 1); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); // Note the attempt to write exactly 20 bytes sprintf(pOutStr, "0000000000 65535 f \n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%d %ld\n", PAGES_OBJ_NUMBER + 1, xRefIndex - 4); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); for (i = 1; i < xRefIndex - 3; i++) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%010ld %05d n \n", xRefTable[i], 0); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } // sprintf(pOutStr,"<>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "startxref\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld\n", xRefTable[xRefStart]); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%%%%EOF\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } bool PCLmGenerator::injectAdobeRGBCS() { if (adobeRGBCS_firstTime) { // We need to inject the ICC object for AdobeRGB sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= PCLm: ICC Profile\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter); objCounter++; writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "[/ICCBased %ld 0 R]\n", objCounter); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endobj\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter); objCounter++; writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "<<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/N 3\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Alternate /DeviceRGB\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Length %u\n", ADOBE_RGB_SIZE + 1); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Filter /FlateDecode\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "stream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); FILE *inFile; if (!(inFile = fopen("flate_colorspace.bin", "rb"))) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", "flate_colorspace.bin"); return 0; } ubyte *buffIn = (unsigned char *) malloc(ADOBE_RGB_SIZE); assert(buffIn); sint32 bytesRead = fread(buffIn, 1, ADOBE_RGB_SIZE, inFile); assert(bytesRead == ADOBE_RGB_SIZE); fclose(inFile); write2Buff(buffIn, bytesRead); if (buffIn) { free(buffIn); } sprintf(pOutStr, "\nendstream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endobj\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } adobeRGBCS_firstTime = false; return true; } bool PCLmGenerator::colorConvertSource(colorSpaceDisposition srcCS, colorSpaceDisposition dstCS, ubyte *strip, sint32 stripWidth, sint32 stripHeight) { if (srcCS == deviceRGB && dstCS == grayScale) { // Do an inplace conversion from RGB -> 8 bpp gray ubyte *srcPtr = strip; ubyte *dstPtr = strip; for (int h = 0; h < stripHeight; h++) { for (int w = 0; w < stripWidth; w++, dstPtr++, srcPtr += 3) { *dstPtr = (ubyte) rgb_2_gray(*srcPtr, *(srcPtr + 1), *(srcPtr + 2)); } } dstNumComponents = 1; } else { assert(0); } return true; } int PCLmGenerator::injectRLEStrip(ubyte *RLEBuffer, int numBytes, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, colorSpaceDisposition destColorSpace, bool whiteStrip) { bool printedImageTransform = false; if (currDuplexDisposition == duplex_longEdge && !(pageCount % 2) && mirrorBackside) { if (!startXRef) { startXRef = xRefIndex; } injectImageTransform(); printedImageTransform = true; } if (destColorSpace == adobeRGB) { injectAdobeRGBCS(); } // Inject LZ compressed image into PDF file sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= PCLm: FileBody: Strip Stream: RLE Image \n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); if (currDuplexDisposition == duplex_longEdge && !(pageCount % 2) && mirrorBackside) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter - 1); objCounter++; writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter); objCounter++; writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "<<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Width %d\n", imageWidth); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (destColorSpace == deviceRGB) { sprintf(pOutStr, "/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else if (destColorSpace == adobeRGB) { sprintf(pOutStr, "/ColorSpace 5 0 R\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "/ColorSpace /DeviceGray\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "/Height %d\n", imageHeight); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Filter /RunLengthDecode\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Subtype /Image\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Length %d\n", numBytes); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Type /XObject\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/BitsPerComponent 8\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); #ifdef SUPPORT_WHITE_STRIPS if (whiteStrip) { sprintf(pOutStr, "/Name /WhiteStrip\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "/Name /ColorStrip\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } #endif sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "stream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); // Write the zlib compressed strip to the PDF output file write2Buff(RLEBuffer, numBytes); sprintf(pOutStr, "\nendstream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endobj\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (!printedImageTransform) { injectImageTransform(); } endXRef = xRefIndex; return (1); } int PCLmGenerator::injectLZStrip(ubyte *LZBuffer, int numBytes, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, colorSpaceDisposition destColorSpace, bool whiteStrip) { bool printedImageTransform = false; if (currDuplexDisposition == duplex_longEdge && !(pageCount % 2) && mirrorBackside) { if (!startXRef) { startXRef = xRefIndex; } injectImageTransform(); printedImageTransform = true; } if (destColorSpace == adobeRGB) { injectAdobeRGBCS(); } // Inject LZ compressed image into PDF file sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= PCLm: FileBody: Strip Stream: zlib Image \n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); if (currDuplexDisposition == duplex_longEdge && !(pageCount % 2) && mirrorBackside) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter - 1); objCounter++; writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter); objCounter++; writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "<<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Width %d\n", imageWidth); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (destColorSpace == deviceRGB) { sprintf(pOutStr, "/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else if (destColorSpace == adobeRGB) { sprintf(pOutStr, "/ColorSpace 5 0 R\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "/ColorSpace /DeviceGray\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "/Height %d\n", imageHeight); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Filter /FlateDecode\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Subtype /Image\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Length %d\n", numBytes); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Type /XObject\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/BitsPerComponent 8\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); #ifdef SUPPORT_WHITE_STRIPS if (whiteStrip) { sprintf(pOutStr, "/Name /WhiteStrip\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "/Name /ColorStrip\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } #endif sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "stream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); // Write the zlib compressed strip to the PDF output file write2Buff(LZBuffer, numBytes); sprintf(pOutStr, "\nendstream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endobj\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (!printedImageTransform) { injectImageTransform(); } endXRef = xRefIndex; return (1); } void PCLmGenerator::injectImageTransform() { char str[512]; int strLength; sprintf(str, "q /image Do Q\n"); strLength = strlen(str); // Output image transformation information sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= PCLm: Object - Image Transformation \n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); if (currDuplexDisposition == duplex_longEdge && !(pageCount % 2) && mirrorBackside) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter + 1); objCounter++; writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter); objCounter++; writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "<<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Length %d\n", strLength); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "stream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%s", str); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endstream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endobj\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } int PCLmGenerator::injectJPEG(char *jpeg_Buff, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int numCompBytes, colorSpaceDisposition destColorSpace, bool whiteStrip) { char str[512]; bool printedImageTransform = false; if (currDuplexDisposition == duplex_longEdge && !(pageCount % 2) && mirrorBackside) { if (!startXRef) { startXRef = xRefIndex; } injectImageTransform(); printedImageTransform = true; } yPosition += imageHeight; if (destColorSpace == adobeRGB) { injectAdobeRGBCS(); } // Inject PDF JPEG into output file sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= PCLm: FileBody: Strip Stream: jpeg Image \n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); if (currDuplexDisposition == duplex_longEdge && !(pageCount % 2) && mirrorBackside) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter - 1); objCounter++; writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter); objCounter++; writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "<<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Width %d\n", imageWidth); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (destColorSpace == deviceRGB) { sprintf(pOutStr, "/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else if (destColorSpace == adobeRGB) { sprintf(pOutStr, "/ColorSpace 5 0 R\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "/ColorSpace /DeviceGray\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "/Height %d\n", imageHeight); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Filter /DCTDecode\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Subtype /Image\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Length %d\n", numCompBytes); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Type /XObject\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/BitsPerComponent 8\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); #ifdef SUPPORT_WHITE_STRIPS if (whiteStrip) { sprintf(pOutStr, "/Name /WhiteStrip\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "/Name /ColorStrip\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } #endif sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "stream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); write2Buff((ubyte *) jpeg_Buff, numCompBytes); sprintf(pOutStr, "\nendstream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endobj\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(str, "q /image Do Q\n"); if (!printedImageTransform) { injectImageTransform(); } endXRef = xRefIndex; return (1); } /* * Writes str to buffer if the size of buffer is less than TEMP_BUFF_SIZE */ void writeStr2Buff(char *buffer, char *str) { int buffSize; char *buffPos; buffSize = strlen(buffer) + strlen(str); if (buffSize > TEMP_BUFF_SIZE) { assert(0); } buffSize = strlen(buffer); buffPos = buffer + buffSize; sprintf(buffPos, "%s", str); buffSize = strlen(buffer); if (buffSize > TEMP_BUFF_SIZE) { printf("tempBuff size exceeded: buffSize=%d\n", buffSize); assert(0); } } void PCLmGenerator::writePDFGrammarPage(int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int numStrips, colorSpaceDisposition destColorSpace) { int i, imageRef = objCounter + 2, buffSize; int yAnchor; char str[512]; char *tempBuffer; int startImageIndex = 0; int numLinesLeft = 0; if (destColorSpace == adobeRGB && 1 == pageCount) { imageRef += 2; // Add 2 for AdobeRGB } tempBuffer = (char *) malloc(TEMP_BUFF_SIZE); assert(tempBuffer); memset(tempBuffer, 0x0, TEMP_BUFF_SIZE); sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= PCLm: FileBody: Object 3 - page object\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); addKids(objCounter); objCounter++; sprintf(pOutStr, "<<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Type /Page\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Parent %d 0 R\n", PAGES_OBJ_NUMBER); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Resources <<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); // sprintf(pOutStr,"/ProcSet [ /PDF /ImageC ]\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/XObject <<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (topMarginInPix) { for (i = 0; i < numFullInjectedStrips; i++, startImageIndex++) { sprintf(str, "/Image%d %d 0 R\n", startImageIndex, imageRef); sprintf(pOutStr, "%s", str); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); imageRef += 2; } if (numPartialScanlinesToInject) { sprintf(str, "/Image%d %d 0 R\n", startImageIndex, imageRef); sprintf(pOutStr, "%s", str); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); imageRef += 2; startImageIndex++; } } for (i = startImageIndex; i < numStrips + startImageIndex; i++) { sprintf(str, "/Image%d %d 0 R\n", i, imageRef); // sprintf(pOutStr,"/ImageA 4 0 R /ImageB 6 0 R >>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%s", str); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); imageRef += 2; } sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (currMediaOrientationDisposition == landscapeOrientation) { pageOrigin = mediaWidth; sprintf(pOutStr, "/MediaBox [ 0 0 %d %d ]\n", mediaHeight, mediaWidth); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { pageOrigin = mediaHeight; sprintf(pOutStr, "/MediaBox [ 0 0 %d %d ]\n", mediaWidth, mediaHeight); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "/Contents [ %ld 0 R ]\n", objCounter); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); #ifdef PIECEINFO_SUPPORTED sprintf(pOutStr,"/PieceInfo <> \n",9997); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); #endif sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endobj\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); // Create the FileBody stream first, so we know the Length of the stream if (reverseOrder) { yAnchor = 0; } else { yAnchor = (int) ((pageOrigin * STANDARD_SCALE) + 0.99); // Round up } // Setup the CTM so that we can send device-resolution coordinates sprintf(pOutStr, "%%Image Transformation Matrix: width, skewX, skewY, height, xAnchor, yAnchor\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(str, "%f 0 0 %f 0 0 cm\n", STANDARD_SCALE_FOR_PDF / currRenderResolutionInteger, STANDARD_SCALE_FOR_PDF / currRenderResolutionInteger); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); startImageIndex = 0; if (topMarginInPix) { for (i = 0; i < numFullInjectedStrips; i++) { if (reverseOrder) { yAnchor += numFullScanlinesToInject; } else { yAnchor -= numFullScanlinesToInject; } sprintf(str, "/P <> BDC q\n"); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); sprintf(str, "%%Image Transformation Matrix: width, skewX, skewY, height, " "xAnchor, yAnchor\n"); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); sprintf(str, "%d 0 0 %ld 0 %d cm\n", imageWidth * scaleFactor, numFullScanlinesToInject * scaleFactor, yAnchor * scaleFactor); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); sprintf(str, "/Image%d Do Q\n", startImageIndex); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); startImageIndex++; } if (numPartialScanlinesToInject) { if (reverseOrder) { yAnchor += numPartialScanlinesToInject; } else { yAnchor -= numPartialScanlinesToInject; } sprintf(str, "/P <> BDC q\n"); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); sprintf(str, "%%Image Transformation Matrix: width, skewX, skewY, height, xAnchor, " "yAnchor\n"); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); sprintf(str, "%d 0 0 %ld 0 %d cm\n", imageWidth * scaleFactor, numPartialScanlinesToInject * scaleFactor, yAnchor * scaleFactor); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); sprintf(str, "/Image%d Do Q\n", startImageIndex); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); startImageIndex++; } } for (i = startImageIndex; i < numStrips + startImageIndex; i++) { // last strip may have less lines than currStripHeight. Update yAnchor using left over lines if (i == (numStrips + startImageIndex - 1)) { numLinesLeft = currSourceHeight - ((numStrips - 1) * currStripHeight); if (reverseOrder) { yAnchor += numLinesLeft; } else { yAnchor -= numLinesLeft; } } else { if (reverseOrder) { yAnchor += currStripHeight; } else { yAnchor -= currStripHeight; } } sprintf(str, "/P <> BDC q\n"); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); sprintf(str, "%%Image Transformation Matrix: width, skewX, skewY, height, xAnchor, yAnchor\n"); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); // last strip may have less lines than currStripHeight if (i == (numStrips + startImageIndex - 1)) { sprintf(str, "%d 0 0 %d 0 %d cm\n", imageWidth * scaleFactor, numLinesLeft * scaleFactor, yAnchor * scaleFactor); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); } else if (yAnchor < 0) { sint32 newH = currStripHeight + yAnchor; sprintf(str, "%d 0 0 %ld 0 %d cm\n", imageWidth * scaleFactor, newH * scaleFactor, 0 * scaleFactor); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); } else { sprintf(str, "%d 0 0 %ld 0 %d cm\n", imageWidth * scaleFactor, currStripHeight * scaleFactor, yAnchor * scaleFactor); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); } sprintf(str, "/Image%d Do Q\n", i); writeStr2Buff(tempBuffer, str); } // Resulting buffer size buffSize = strlen(tempBuffer); sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= PCLm: FileBody: Page Content Stream object\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); statOutputFileSize(); sprintf(pOutStr, "%ld 0 obj\n", objCounter); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "<<\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "/Length %d\n", buffSize); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, ">>\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "stream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); // Now write the FileBody stream write2Buff((ubyte *) tempBuffer, buffSize); sprintf(pOutStr, "endstream\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "endobj\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); objCounter++; if (tempBuffer) { free(tempBuffer); } } /* * Mirrors the source image in preparation for backside duplex support */ static bool prepImageForBacksideDuplex(ubyte *imagePtr, sint32 imageHeight, sint32 imageWidth, sint32 numComponents) { sint32 numBytes = imageHeight * imageWidth * numComponents; ubyte *head, *tail, t0, t1, t2; if (numComponents == 3) { for (head = imagePtr, tail = imagePtr + numBytes - 1; tail > head;) { t0 = *head; t1 = *(head + 1); t2 = *(head + 2); *head = *(tail - 2); *(head + 1) = *(tail - 1); *(head + 2) = *(tail - 0); *tail = t2; *(tail - 1) = t1; *(tail - 2) = t0; head += 3; tail -= 3; } } else { for (head = imagePtr, tail = imagePtr + numBytes; tail > head;) { t0 = *head; *head = *tail; *tail = t0; head++; tail--; } } //origTail++; return true; } bool PCLmGenerator::getInputBinString(jobInputBin bin, char *returnStr) { returnStr[0] = '\0'; switch (bin) { case alternate: strcpy(returnStr, "alternate"); break; case alternate_roll: strcpy(returnStr, "alternate_roll"); break; case auto_select: strcpy(returnStr, "auto_select"); break; case bottom: strcpy(returnStr, "bottom"); break; case center: strcpy(returnStr, "center"); break; case disc: strcpy(returnStr, "disc"); break; case envelope: strcpy(returnStr, "envelope"); break; case hagaki: strcpy(returnStr, "hagaki"); break; case large_capacity: strcpy(returnStr, "large_capacity"); break; case left: strcpy(returnStr, "left"); break; case main_tray: strcpy(returnStr, "main_tray"); break; case main_roll: strcpy(returnStr, "main_roll"); break; case manual: strcpy(returnStr, "manual"); break; case middle: strcpy(returnStr, "middle"); break; case photo: strcpy(returnStr, "photo"); break; case rear: strcpy(returnStr, "rear"); break; case right: strcpy(returnStr, "right"); break; case side: strcpy(returnStr, "side"); break; case top: strcpy(returnStr, "top"); break; case tray_1: strcpy(returnStr, "tray_1"); break; case tray_2: strcpy(returnStr, "tray_2"); break; case tray_3: strcpy(returnStr, "tray_3"); break; case tray_4: strcpy(returnStr, "tray_4"); break; case tray_5: strcpy(returnStr, "tray_5"); break; case tray_N: strcpy(returnStr, "tray_N"); break; default: assert(0); break; } return true; } bool PCLmGenerator::getOutputBin(jobOutputBin bin, char *returnStr) { if (returnStr) { returnStr[0] = '\0'; } switch (bin) { case top_output: strcpy(returnStr, "top_output"); break; case middle_output: strcpy(returnStr, "middle_output"); break; case bottom_output: strcpy(returnStr, "bottom_output"); break; case side_output: strcpy(returnStr, "side_output"); break; case center_output: strcpy(returnStr, "center_output"); break; case rear_output: strcpy(returnStr, "rear_output"); break; case face_up: strcpy(returnStr, "face_up"); break; case face_down: strcpy(returnStr, "face_down"); break; case large_capacity_output: strcpy(returnStr, "large_capacity_output"); break; case stacker_N: strcpy(returnStr, "stacker_N"); break; case mailbox_N: strcpy(returnStr, "mailbox_N"); break; case tray_1_output: strcpy(returnStr, "tray_1_output"); break; case tray_2_output: strcpy(returnStr, "tray_2_output"); break; case tray_3_output: strcpy(returnStr, "tray_3_output"); break; case tray_4_output: strcpy(returnStr, "tray_4_output"); break; default: assert(0); break; } return true; } void PCLmGenerator::writeJobTicket() { // Write JobTicket char inputBin[256]; char outputBin[256]; if (!m_pPCLmSSettings) { return; } getInputBinString(m_pPCLmSSettings->userInputBin, &inputBin[0]); getOutputBin(m_pPCLmSSettings->userOutputBin, &outputBin[0]); strcpy(inputBin, inputBin); strcpy(outputBin, outputBin); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% genPCLm (Ver: %f)\n", PCLM_Ver); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%%============= Job Ticket =============\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% PCLmS-Job-Ticket\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% job-ticket-version: 0.1\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% epcl-version: 1.01\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% JobSection\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% job-id: xxx\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% MediaHandlingSection\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% media-size-name: %s\n", currMediaName); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% media-type: %s\n", m_pPCLmSSettings->userMediaType); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% media-source: %s\n", inputBin); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% sides: xxx\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% output-bin: %s\n", outputBin); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% RenderingSection\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (currCompressionDisposition == compressDCT) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%% pclm-compression-method: JPEG\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else if (currCompressionDisposition == compressFlate) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%% pclm-compression-method: FLATE\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "%% pclm-compression-method: RLE\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "%% strip-height: %ld\n", currStripHeight); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (destColorSpace == deviceRGB) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%% print-color-mode: deviceRGB\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else if (destColorSpace == adobeRGB) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%% print-color-mode: adobeRGB\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else if (destColorSpace == grayScale) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%% print-color-mode: gray\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "%% print-quality: %d\n", m_pPCLmSSettings->userPageQuality); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% printer-resolution: %d\n", currRenderResolutionInteger); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% print-content-optimized: xxx\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% orientation-requested: %d\n", m_pPCLmSSettings->userOrientation); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (PCLmSSettings.userCopies == 0) { PCLmSSettings.userCopies = 1; } sprintf(pOutStr, "%% copies: %d\n", m_pPCLmSSettings->userCopies); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%% pclm-raster-back-side: xxx\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); if (currRenderResolutionInteger) { sprintf(pOutStr, "%% margins-pre-applied: TRUE\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } else { sprintf(pOutStr, "%% margins-pre-applied: FALSE\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } sprintf(pOutStr, "%% PCLmS-Job-Ticket-End\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } void PCLmGenerator::writePDFGrammarHeader() { // sprintf(pOutStr,"%%============= PCLm: File Header \n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%%PDF-1.7\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); sprintf(pOutStr, "%%PCLm 1.0\n"); writeStr2OutBuff(pOutStr); } int PCLmGenerator::RLEEncodeImage(ubyte *in, ubyte *out, int inLength) { ubyte *imgPtr = in; ubyte *endPtr = in + inLength; ubyte *origOut = out; ubyte c; sint32 cnt = 0; while (imgPtr < endPtr) { c = *imgPtr++; cnt = 1; // Figure out how many repeating bytes are in the image while (*imgPtr == c && cnt < inLength) { if (imgPtr > endPtr) { break; } cnt++; imgPtr++; } if (cnt > 1) { /* If cnt > 1, then output repeating byte specification * The syntax is "byte-count repeateByte", where byte-count is 257-byte-count. * Since the cnt value is a byte, if the repeateCnt is > 128 then we need to put * out multiple repeat-blocks (Referred to as method 1) range is 128-256 */ while (cnt > 128) { *out++ = 129; // i.e. 257-129==128 *out++ = c; cnt -= 128; } // Now handle the repeats that are < 128 if (cnt) { *out++ = (257 - cnt); // i.e. cnt==2: 257-255=2 *out++ = c; } } else { /* If cnt==1, then this is a literal run - no repeating bytes found. * The syntax is "byte-count literal-run", where byte-count is < 128 and * literal-run is the non-repeating bytes of the input stream. * Referred to as method 2, range is 0-127 */ ubyte *start, *p; sint32 i; start = (imgPtr - 1); // The first byte of the literal run // Now find the end of the literal run for (cnt = 1, p = start; *p != *imgPtr; p++, imgPtr++, cnt++) { if (imgPtr >= endPtr) break; } if (!(imgPtr == endPtr)) { imgPtr--; // imgPtr incremented 1 too many } cnt--; // Blocks of literal bytes can't exceed 128 bytes, so output multiple // literal-run blocks if > 128 while (cnt > 128) { *out++ = 127; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { *out++ = *start++; } cnt -= 128; } // Now output the leftover literal run *out++ = cnt - 1; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { *out++ = *start++; } } } // Now, write the end-of-compression marker (byte 128) into the output stream *out++ = 128; // Return the compressed size return ((int) (out - origOut)); } PCLmGenerator::PCLmGenerator() { strcpy(currMediaName, "LETTER"); currDuplexDisposition = simplex; currCompressionDisposition = compressDCT; currMediaOrientationDisposition = portraitOrientation; currRenderResolution = res600; currStripHeight = STRIP_HEIGHT; // Default media h/w to letter specification mediaWidthInPixels = 0; mediaHeightInPixels = 0; mediaWidth = 612; mediaHeight = 792; destColorSpace = deviceRGB; sourceColorSpace = deviceRGB; scaleFactor = 1; jobOpen = job_closed; scratchBuffer = NULL; pageCount = 0; currRenderResolutionInteger = 600; STANDARD_SCALE = (float) currRenderResolutionInteger / (float) STANDARD_SCALE_FOR_PDF; yPosition = 0; numKids = 0; // XRefTable storage xRefIndex = 0; xRefStart = 0; objCounter = PAGES_OBJ_NUMBER + 1; totalBytesWrittenToPCLmFile = 0; // Initialize first index in xRefTable xRefTable = NULL; KidsArray = NULL; // Initialize the output Buffer allocatedOutputBuffer = NULL; // Initialize the leftover scanline logic leftoverScanlineBuffer = 0; adobeRGBCS_firstTime = true; mirrorBackside = true; topMarginInPix = 0; leftMarginInPix = 0; m_pPCLmSSettings = NULL; } PCLmGenerator::~PCLmGenerator() { Cleanup(); } int PCLmGenerator::StartJob(void **pOutBuffer, int *iOutBufferSize) { /* Allocate the output buffer; we don't know much at this point, so make the output buffer size * the worst case dimensions; when we get a startPage, we will resize it appropriately */ outBuffSize = DEFAULT_OUTBUFF_SIZE; *iOutBufferSize = outBuffSize; *pOutBuffer = (ubyte *) malloc(outBuffSize); // This multipliy by 10 needs to be removed... if (NULL == *pOutBuffer) { return (errorOutAndCleanUp()); } currOutBuffSize = outBuffSize; if (NULL == *pOutBuffer) { return (errorOutAndCleanUp()); } allocatedOutputBuffer = *pOutBuffer; initOutBuff((char *) *pOutBuffer, outBuffSize); writePDFGrammarHeader(); *iOutBufferSize = totalBytesWrittenToCurrBuff; jobOpen = job_open; return success; } int PCLmGenerator::EndJob(void **pOutBuffer, int *iOutBufferSize) { if (NULL == allocatedOutputBuffer) { return (errorOutAndCleanUp()); } *pOutBuffer = allocatedOutputBuffer; initOutBuff((char *) *pOutBuffer, outBuffSize); // Write PDF trailer writePDFGrammarTrailer(currSourceWidth, currSourceHeight); *iOutBufferSize = totalBytesWrittenToCurrBuff; jobOpen = job_closed; if (xRefTable) { free(xRefTable); xRefTable = NULL; } if (KidsArray) { free(KidsArray); KidsArray = NULL; } return success; } int PCLmGenerator::StartPage(PCLmPageSetup *PCLmPageContent, void **pOutBuffer, int *iOutBufferSize) { int numImageStrips; // Save the resolution information currRenderResolution = PCLmPageContent->destinationResolution; *pOutBuffer = allocatedOutputBuffer; if (currRenderResolution == res300) { currRenderResolutionInteger = 300; } else if (currRenderResolution == res600) { currRenderResolutionInteger = 600; } else if (currRenderResolution == res1200) { currRenderResolutionInteger = 1200; } else { assert(0); } // Recalculate STANDARD_SCALE to reflect the job resolution STANDARD_SCALE = (float) currRenderResolutionInteger / (float) STANDARD_SCALE_FOR_PDF; // Use the values set by the caller currSourceWidth = PCLmPageContent->SourceWidthPixels; currSourceHeight = PCLmPageContent->SourceHeightPixels; // Save off the media information mediaWidth = (int) (PCLmPageContent->mediaWidth); mediaHeight = (int) (PCLmPageContent->mediaHeight); // Use the values set by the caller mediaWidthInPixels = PCLmPageContent->mediaWidthInPixels; mediaHeightInPixels = PCLmPageContent->mediaHeightInPixels; topMarginInPix = (int) (((PCLmPageContent->mediaHeightOffset / STANDARD_SCALE_FOR_PDF) * currRenderResolutionInteger) + 0.50); leftMarginInPix = (int) (((PCLmPageContent->mediaWidthOffset / STANDARD_SCALE_FOR_PDF) * currRenderResolutionInteger) + 0.50); if (topMarginInPix % 16) { // Round to nearest 16 scanline boundary to ensure decompressability. int i = topMarginInPix % 16; if (i < (16 / 2)) { topMarginInPix -= i; } else { topMarginInPix += (16 - i); } } if (leftMarginInPix % 16) { // Round to nearest 16 scanline boundary to ensure decompressability. int i = leftMarginInPix % 16; if (i < (16 / 2)) { leftMarginInPix -= i; } else { leftMarginInPix += (16 - i); } } currCompressionDisposition = PCLmPageContent->compTypeRequested; if (strlen(PCLmPageContent->mediaSizeName)) { strcpy(currMediaName, PCLmPageContent->mediaSizeName); } currStripHeight = PCLmPageContent->stripHeight; if (!currStripHeight) { numImageStrips = 1; currStripHeight = currSourceHeight; } else { // Need to know how many strips will be inserted into PDF file float numImageStripsReal = ceil((float) currSourceHeight / (float) currStripHeight); numImageStrips = (int) numImageStripsReal; } if (PCLmPageContent->srcColorSpaceSpefication == grayScale) { srcNumComponents = 1; } else { srcNumComponents = 3; } if (PCLmPageContent->dstColorSpaceSpefication == grayScale) { dstNumComponents = 1; } else { dstNumComponents = 3; } currDuplexDisposition = PCLmPageContent->duplexDisposition; destColorSpace = PCLmPageContent->dstColorSpaceSpefication; // Calculate how large the output buffer needs to be based upon the page specifications int tmp_outBuffSize = mediaWidthInPixels * currStripHeight * dstNumComponents; if (tmp_outBuffSize > currOutBuffSize) { // Realloc the pOutBuffer to the correct size *pOutBuffer = realloc(*pOutBuffer, tmp_outBuffSize); if (*pOutBuffer == NULL) { // realloc failed and prev buffer not freed return errorOutAndCleanUp(); } outBuffSize = currOutBuffSize = tmp_outBuffSize; allocatedOutputBuffer = *pOutBuffer; if (NULL == allocatedOutputBuffer) { return (errorOutAndCleanUp()); } } initOutBuff((char *) *pOutBuffer, outBuffSize); // Keep track of the page count pageCount++; // If we are on a backside and doing duplex, prep for reverse strip order if (currDuplexDisposition == duplex_longEdge && !(pageCount % 2) && mirrorBackside) { reverseOrder = true; } else { reverseOrder = false; } // Calculate the number of injected strips, if any if (topMarginInPix) { if (topMarginInPix <= currStripHeight) { numFullInjectedStrips = 1; numFullScanlinesToInject = topMarginInPix; numPartialScanlinesToInject = 0; } else { numFullInjectedStrips = topMarginInPix / currStripHeight; numFullScanlinesToInject = currStripHeight; numPartialScanlinesToInject = topMarginInPix - (numFullInjectedStrips * currStripHeight); } } writeJobTicket(); writePDFGrammarPage(mediaWidthInPixels, mediaHeightInPixels, numImageStrips, destColorSpace); *iOutBufferSize = totalBytesWrittenToCurrBuff; if (!scratchBuffer) { // We need to pad the scratchBuffer size to allow for compression expansion (RLE can create // compressed segments that are slightly larger than the source. size_t len = (size_t) currStripHeight * mediaWidthInPixels * srcNumComponents * 2; scratchBuffer = (ubyte *) malloc(len); if (!scratchBuffer) { return errorOutAndCleanUp(); } } mirrorBackside = PCLmPageContent->mirrorBackside; firstStrip = true; return success; } int PCLmGenerator::EndPage(void **pOutBuffer, int *iOutBufferSize) { *pOutBuffer = allocatedOutputBuffer; initOutBuff((char *) *pOutBuffer, outBuffSize); *iOutBufferSize = totalBytesWrittenToCurrBuff; // Free up the scratchbuffer at endpage, to allow the next page to have a different size if (scratchBuffer) { free(scratchBuffer); scratchBuffer = NULL; } return success; } int PCLmGenerator::Encapsulate(void *pInBuffer, int inBufferSize, int thisHeight, void **pOutBuffer, int *iOutBufferSize) { int numCompBytes; int scanlineWidth = mediaWidthInPixels * srcNumComponents; int numLinesThisCall = thisHeight; void *savedInBufferPtr = NULL; void *tmpBuffer = NULL; void *localInBuffer; ubyte *newStripPtr = NULL; if (leftoverScanlineBuffer) { ubyte *whereAreWe; sint32 scanlinesThisTime; // The leftover scanlines have already been processed (color-converted and flipped), so // just put them into the output buffer. // Allocate a temporary buffer to copy leftover and new data into tmpBuffer = malloc(scanlineWidth * currStripHeight); if (!tmpBuffer) { return (errorOutAndCleanUp()); } // Copy leftover scanlines into tmpBuffer memcpy(tmpBuffer, leftoverScanlineBuffer, scanlineWidth * numLeftoverScanlines); whereAreWe = (ubyte *) tmpBuffer + (scanlineWidth * numLeftoverScanlines); scanlinesThisTime = currStripHeight - numLeftoverScanlines; // Copy enough scanlines from the real inBuffer to fill out the tmpBuffer memcpy(whereAreWe, pInBuffer, scanlinesThisTime * scanlineWidth); // Now copy the remaining scanlines from pInBuffer to the leftoverBuffer numLeftoverScanlines = thisHeight - scanlinesThisTime; assert(leftoverScanlineBuffer); whereAreWe = (ubyte *) pInBuffer + (scanlineWidth * numLeftoverScanlines); memcpy(leftoverScanlineBuffer, whereAreWe, scanlineWidth * numLeftoverScanlines); numLinesThisCall = thisHeight = currStripHeight; savedInBufferPtr = pInBuffer; localInBuffer = tmpBuffer; } else { localInBuffer = pInBuffer; } if (thisHeight > currStripHeight) { // Copy raw raster into leftoverScanlineBuffer ubyte *ptr; numLeftoverScanlines = thisHeight - currStripHeight; leftoverScanlineBuffer = malloc(scanlineWidth * numLeftoverScanlines); if (!leftoverScanlineBuffer) { return (errorOutAndCleanUp()); } ptr = (ubyte *) localInBuffer + scanlineWidth * numLeftoverScanlines; memcpy(leftoverScanlineBuffer, ptr, scanlineWidth * numLeftoverScanlines); thisHeight = currStripHeight; } if (NULL == allocatedOutputBuffer) { if (tmpBuffer) { free(tmpBuffer); } return (errorOutAndCleanUp()); } *pOutBuffer = allocatedOutputBuffer; initOutBuff((char *) *pOutBuffer, outBuffSize); if (currDuplexDisposition == duplex_longEdge && !(pageCount % 2)) { if (mirrorBackside) { prepImageForBacksideDuplex((ubyte *) localInBuffer, numLinesThisCall, currSourceWidth, srcNumComponents); } } if (destColorSpace == grayScale && (sourceColorSpace == deviceRGB || sourceColorSpace == adobeRGB)) { colorConvertSource(sourceColorSpace, grayScale, (ubyte *) localInBuffer, currSourceWidth, numLinesThisCall); // Adjust the scanline width accordingly scanlineWidth = mediaWidthInPixels * dstNumComponents; } if (leftMarginInPix) { newStripPtr = shiftStripByLeftMargin((ubyte *) localInBuffer, currSourceWidth, currStripHeight, numLinesThisCall, mediaWidthInPixels, leftMarginInPix, destColorSpace); } bool whiteStrip = false; #ifdef SUPPORT_WHITE_STRIPS if (!firstStrip) { // PCLm does not print a blank page if all the strips are marked as "/Name /WhiteStrip" // so only apply /WhiteStrip to strips after the first whiteStrip = isWhiteStrip(pInBuffer, thisHeight * currSourceWidth * srcNumComponents); } #endif if (currCompressionDisposition == compressDCT) { if (firstStrip && topMarginInPix) { ubyte whitePt = 0xff; ubyte *tmpStrip = (ubyte *) malloc(scanlineWidth * topMarginInPix); memset(tmpStrip, whitePt, scanlineWidth * topMarginInPix); for (sint32 stripCntr = 0; stripCntr < numFullInjectedStrips; stripCntr++) { write_JPEG_Buff(scratchBuffer, JPEG_QUALITY, mediaWidthInPixels, (sint32) numFullScanlinesToInject, tmpStrip, currRenderResolutionInteger, destColorSpace, &numCompBytes); injectJPEG((char *) scratchBuffer, mediaWidthInPixels, (sint32) numFullScanlinesToInject, numCompBytes, destColorSpace, true); } if (numPartialScanlinesToInject) { // Handle the leftover strip write_JPEG_Buff(scratchBuffer, JPEG_QUALITY, mediaWidthInPixels, numPartialScanlinesToInject, tmpStrip, currRenderResolutionInteger, destColorSpace, &numCompBytes); injectJPEG((char *) scratchBuffer, mediaWidthInPixels, numPartialScanlinesToInject, numCompBytes, destColorSpace, true); } free(tmpStrip); } firstStrip = false; // We are always going to compress the full strip height, even though the image may be less; // this allows the compressed images to be symmetric if (numLinesThisCall < currStripHeight) { sint32 numLeftoverBytes = (currStripHeight - numLinesThisCall) * currSourceWidth * 3; sint32 numImagedBytes = numLinesThisCall * currSourceWidth * 3; // End-of-page: we have to white-out the unused section of the source image memset((ubyte *) localInBuffer + numImagedBytes, 0xff, numLeftoverBytes); } if (newStripPtr) { write_JPEG_Buff(scratchBuffer, JPEG_QUALITY, mediaWidthInPixels, currStripHeight, newStripPtr, currRenderResolutionInteger, destColorSpace, &numCompBytes); free(newStripPtr); newStripPtr = NULL; } else { write_JPEG_Buff(scratchBuffer, JPEG_QUALITY, mediaWidthInPixels, currStripHeight, (JSAMPLE *) localInBuffer, currRenderResolutionInteger, destColorSpace, &numCompBytes); } injectJPEG((char *) scratchBuffer, mediaWidthInPixels, currStripHeight, numCompBytes, destColorSpace, whiteStrip); } else if (currCompressionDisposition == compressFlate) { uint32 len = numLinesThisCall * scanlineWidth; uLongf destSize = len; int result; if (firstStrip && topMarginInPix) { ubyte whitePt = 0xff; // We need to inject a blank image-strip with a height==topMarginInPix ubyte *tmpStrip = (ubyte *) malloc(scanlineWidth * topMarginInPix); uLongf tmpDestSize = destSize; memset(tmpStrip, whitePt, scanlineWidth * topMarginInPix); for (sint32 stripCntr = 0; stripCntr < numFullInjectedStrips; stripCntr++) { result = compress(scratchBuffer, &tmpDestSize, (const Bytef *) tmpStrip, scanlineWidth * numFullScanlinesToInject); injectLZStrip(scratchBuffer, tmpDestSize, mediaWidthInPixels, numFullScanlinesToInject, destColorSpace, true); } if (numPartialScanlinesToInject) { result = compress(scratchBuffer, &tmpDestSize, (const Bytef *) tmpStrip, scanlineWidth * numPartialScanlinesToInject); injectLZStrip(scratchBuffer, tmpDestSize, mediaWidthInPixels, numPartialScanlinesToInject, destColorSpace, true); } free(tmpStrip); } firstStrip = false; if (newStripPtr) { result = compress(scratchBuffer, &destSize, (const Bytef *) newStripPtr, scanlineWidth * numLinesThisCall); free(newStripPtr); newStripPtr = NULL; } else { // Dump the source data result = compress(scratchBuffer, &destSize, (const Bytef *) localInBuffer, scanlineWidth * numLinesThisCall); } injectLZStrip(scratchBuffer, destSize, mediaWidthInPixels, numLinesThisCall, destColorSpace, whiteStrip); } else if (currCompressionDisposition == compressRLE) { int compSize; if (firstStrip && topMarginInPix) { ubyte whitePt = 0xff; // We need to inject a blank image-strip with a height==topMarginInPix ubyte *tmpStrip = (ubyte *) malloc(scanlineWidth * topMarginInPix); memset(tmpStrip, whitePt, scanlineWidth * topMarginInPix); for (sint32 stripCntr = 0; stripCntr < numFullInjectedStrips; stripCntr++) { compSize = RLEEncodeImage(tmpStrip, scratchBuffer, scanlineWidth * numFullScanlinesToInject); injectRLEStrip(scratchBuffer, compSize, mediaWidthInPixels, numFullScanlinesToInject, destColorSpace, true); } if (numPartialScanlinesToInject) { compSize = RLEEncodeImage(tmpStrip, scratchBuffer, scanlineWidth * numPartialScanlinesToInject); injectRLEStrip(scratchBuffer, compSize, mediaWidthInPixels, numPartialScanlinesToInject, destColorSpace, true); } free(tmpStrip); } firstStrip = false; if (newStripPtr) { compSize = RLEEncodeImage(newStripPtr, scratchBuffer, scanlineWidth * numLinesThisCall); free(newStripPtr); newStripPtr = NULL; } else { compSize = RLEEncodeImage((ubyte *) localInBuffer, scratchBuffer, scanlineWidth * numLinesThisCall); } injectRLEStrip(scratchBuffer, compSize, mediaWidthInPixels, numLinesThisCall, destColorSpace, whiteStrip); } else { assert(0); } *iOutBufferSize = totalBytesWrittenToCurrBuff; if (savedInBufferPtr) { pInBuffer = savedInBufferPtr; } if (tmpBuffer) { free(tmpBuffer); } if (newStripPtr) { free(newStripPtr); } return success; } int PCLmGenerator::GetPclmMediaDimensions(const char *mediaRequested, PCLmPageSetup *myPageInfo) { int i = 0; int result = 99; int iRenderResolutionInteger = 0; if (myPageInfo->destinationResolution == res300) { iRenderResolutionInteger = 300; } else if (myPageInfo->destinationResolution == res600) { iRenderResolutionInteger = 600; } else if (myPageInfo->destinationResolution == res1200) { iRenderResolutionInteger = 1200; } else { assert(0); } for (i = 0; i < SUPPORTED_MEDIA_SIZE_COUNT; i++) { if (strcasecmp(mediaRequested, SupportedMediaSizes[i].PCL6Name) == 0) { myPageInfo->mediaWidth = floorf( _MI_TO_POINTS(SupportedMediaSizes[i].WidthInInches)); myPageInfo->mediaHeight = floorf( _MI_TO_POINTS(SupportedMediaSizes[i].HeightInInches)); myPageInfo->mediaWidthInPixels = floorf( _MI_TO_PIXELS(SupportedMediaSizes[i].WidthInInches, iRenderResolutionInteger)); myPageInfo->mediaHeightInPixels = floorf( _MI_TO_PIXELS(SupportedMediaSizes[i].HeightInInches, iRenderResolutionInteger)); result = i; break; // we found a match, so break out of loop } } if (i == SUPPORTED_MEDIA_SIZE_COUNT) { // media size not found, defaulting to letter printf("PCLmGenerator get_pclm_media_size(): media size, %s, NOT FOUND, setting to letter", mediaRequested); result = GetPclmMediaDimensions("LETTER", myPageInfo); } return result; } void PCLmGenerator::FreeBuffer(void *pBuffer) { if (jobOpen == job_closed && pBuffer) { if (pBuffer == allocatedOutputBuffer) { allocatedOutputBuffer = NULL; } free(pBuffer); } }