/* * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "EvsEmulatedCamera.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { using ::android::hardware::automotive::evs::V1_1::EvsEventDesc; using ::android::hardware::automotive::evs::V1_1::EvsEventType; using BufferDesc_1_0 = ::android::hardware::automotive::evs::V1_0::BufferDesc; using BufferDesc_1_1 = ::android::hardware::automotive::evs::V1_1::BufferDesc; // Arbitrary limit on number of graphics buffers allowed to be allocated // Safeguards against unreasonable resource consumption and provides a testable limit const unsigned MAX_BUFFERS_IN_FLIGHT = 100; uint32_t yuvToRgbx(const unsigned char Y, const unsigned char Uin, const unsigned char Vin) { const float U = Uin - 128.0f; const float V = Vin - 128.0f; const float Rf = Y + 1.140f * V; const float Gf = Y - 0.395f * U - 0.581f * V; const float Bf = Y + 2.032f * U; const unsigned char R = static_cast(std::clamp(Rf, 0.0f, 255.0f)); const unsigned char G = static_cast(std::clamp(Gf, 0.0f, 255.0f)); const unsigned char B = static_cast(std::clamp(Bf, 0.0f, 255.0f)); return ((R & 0xFF)) | ((G & 0xFF) << 8) | ((B & 0xFF) << 16) | 0xFF000000; // Fill the alpha channel with ones } void fillRGBAFromYUYV(const BufferDesc_1_1& dstBuff, uint8_t* dstData, void* srcData, unsigned srcStride, unsigned srcHeight) { const AHardwareBuffer_Desc* pDesc = reinterpret_cast(&dstBuff.buffer.description); unsigned width = pDesc->width; uint32_t* src = reinterpret_cast(srcData); uint32_t* dst = reinterpret_cast(dstData); unsigned srcStridePixels = srcStride / 2; unsigned dstStridePixels = pDesc->stride; const int srcRowPadding32 = srcStridePixels / 2 - width / 2; // 2 bytes per pixel, 4 bytes per word const int dstRowPadding32 = dstStridePixels - width; // 4 bytes per pixel, 4 bytes per word const unsigned numRows = std::min(srcHeight, pDesc->height); for (unsigned r = 0; r < numRows; ++r) { for (unsigned c = 0; c < width / 2; c++) { // Note: we're walking two pixels at a time here (even/odd) uint32_t srcPixel = *src++; uint8_t Y1 = (srcPixel) & 0xFF; uint8_t U = (srcPixel >> 8) & 0xFF; uint8_t Y2 = (srcPixel >> 16) & 0xFF; uint8_t V = (srcPixel >> 24) & 0xFF; // On the RGB output, we're writing one pixel at a time *(dst + 0) = yuvToRgbx(Y1, U, V); *(dst + 1) = yuvToRgbx(Y2, U, V); dst += 2; } // Skip over any extra data or end of row alignment padding src += srcRowPadding32; dst += dstRowPadding32; } } void fillBufferCopy(const BufferDesc_1_1& dstBuff, uint8_t* dst, void* srcData, unsigned srcStride, unsigned srcHeight) { const AHardwareBuffer_Desc* pDesc = reinterpret_cast(&dstBuff.buffer.description); // HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 default output format const unsigned bytesPerPixel = 4; const unsigned dstStride = pDesc->stride * bytesPerPixel; // Simply copy the data, row by row, without the scaling. const unsigned copyStride = std::min(srcStride, dstStride); const unsigned numRows = std::min(srcHeight, pDesc->height); uint8_t* src = reinterpret_cast(srcData); for (auto r = 0; r < numRows; ++r) { memcpy(dst, src, copyStride); // Moves to the next row src += srcStride; dst += dstStride; } } } // namespace namespace android { namespace automotive { namespace evs { namespace V1_1 { namespace implementation { EvsEmulatedCamera::EvsEmulatedCamera(const char* deviceName, const EmulatedCameraDesc& desc) : mFramesAllowed(0), mFramesInUse(0), mCaptureDeviceDesc(desc) { LOG(INFO) << "EvsEmulatedCamera instantiated"; mDescription.v1.cameraId = deviceName; mVideo = new VideoCapture(); // Default output buffer format. mFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888; // How we expect to use the gralloc buffers we'll exchange with our client mUsage = GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_RARELY | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN; mDescription.v1.cameraId = deviceName; } EvsEmulatedCamera::~EvsEmulatedCamera() { LOG(INFO) << "EvsEmulatedCamera being destroyed"; shutdown(); } bool EvsEmulatedCamera::openDevice() { bool opened = false; if (mVideo) { opened = mVideo->open(mCaptureDeviceDesc.path, mCaptureDeviceDesc.interval); } return opened; } void EvsEmulatedCamera::shutdown() { LOG(INFO) << "EvsEmulatedCamera shutdown"; // Make sure our output stream is cleaned up // (It really should be already) stopVideoStream(); // Note: Since stopVideoStream is blocking, no other threads can now be running // Close our video capture device mVideo->close(); // Drop all the graphics buffers we've been using if (mBuffers.size() > 0) { GraphicBufferAllocator& alloc(GraphicBufferAllocator::get()); for (auto&& rec : mBuffers) { if (rec.inUse) { LOG(WARNING) << "Releasing buffer despite remote ownership"; } alloc.free(rec.handle); rec.handle = nullptr; } mBuffers.clear(); } } // Methods from ::android::hardware::automotive::evs::V1_0::IEvsCamera follow. Return EvsEmulatedCamera::getCameraInfo(getCameraInfo_cb _hidl_cb) { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; // Send back our self description _hidl_cb(mDescription.v1); return {}; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::setMaxFramesInFlight(uint32_t bufferCount) { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; std::scoped_lock lock(mAccessLock); // Check whether underlying device is still open if (!mVideo->isOpen()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring startVideoStream call when camera has been lost."; return EvsResult::OWNERSHIP_LOST; } // We cannot function without at least one video buffer to send data if (bufferCount < 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Ignoring setMaxFramesInFlight with less than one buffer requested"; return EvsResult::INVALID_ARG; } // Update our internal state if (setAvailableFrames_Locked(bufferCount)) { return EvsResult::OK; } else { return EvsResult::BUFFER_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::startVideoStream(const sp& stream) { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; std::scoped_lock lock(mAccessLock); // Check whether underlying device is still open if (!mVideo->isOpen()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring startVideoStream call when camera has been lost."; return EvsResult::OWNERSHIP_LOST; } if (mStream != nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Ignoring startVideoStream call when a stream is already running."; return EvsResult::STREAM_ALREADY_RUNNING; } mStream = IEvsCameraStream_1_1::castFrom(stream).withDefault(nullptr); if (mStream == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "A given IEvsCameraStream does not supoprt v1.1 interface."; return EvsResult::INVALID_ARG; } // If the client never indicated otherwise, configure ourselves for a single streaming buffer if (mFramesAllowed < 1) { if (!setAvailableFrames_Locked(1)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start stream because we couldn't get a graphics buffer"; return EvsResult::BUFFER_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } if (!mVideo->startStream([this](VideoCapture*, imageBufferDesc* tgt, void* data) { this->forwardFrame(tgt, data); })) { // No need to hold onto this if we failed to start mStream = nullptr; LOG(ERROR) << "Underlying camera start stream failed"; return EvsResult::UNDERLYING_SERVICE_ERROR; } return EvsResult::OK; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::doneWithFrame(const BufferDesc_1_0& buffer) { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; doneWithFrame_impl(buffer.bufferId, buffer.memHandle); return {}; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::stopVideoStream() { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; // Tells the capture device to stop (and block until it does) mVideo->stopStream(); if (mStream != nullptr) { // V1.1 client is waiting on STREAM_STOPPED event. std::scoped_lock lock(mAccessLock); EvsEventDesc event; event.aType = EvsEventType::STREAM_STOPPED; auto result = mStream->notify(event); if (!result.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error delivering end of stream event"; } // Drop our reference to the client's stream receiver mStream = nullptr; } return {}; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::getExtendedInfo(uint32_t /*opaqueIdentifier*/) { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; // Return zero by default as required by the spec return 0; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::setExtendedInfo(uint32_t /*opaqueIdentifier*/, int32_t /*opaqueValue*/) { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; std::scoped_lock lock(mAccessLock); // If we've been displaced by another owner of the camera, then we can't do anything else if (!mVideo->isOpen()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring setExtendedInfo call when camera has been lost."; return EvsResult::OWNERSHIP_LOST; } // We don't store any device specific information in this implementation return EvsResult::INVALID_ARG; } // Methods from ::android::hardware::automotive::evs::V1_1::IEvsCamera follow. Return EvsEmulatedCamera::getCameraInfo_1_1(getCameraInfo_1_1_cb _hidl_cb) { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; // Send back our self description _hidl_cb(mDescription); return {}; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::getPhysicalCameraInfo(const hidl_string& /*id*/, getPhysicalCameraInfo_cb _hidl_cb) { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; // This method works exactly the same as getCameraInfo_1_1() in EVS HW module. _hidl_cb(mDescription); return {}; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::doneWithFrame_1_1(const hidl_vec& buffers) { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; for (auto&& buffer : buffers) { doneWithFrame_impl(buffer.bufferId, buffer.buffer.nativeHandle); } return EvsResult::OK; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::pauseVideoStream() { return EvsResult::UNDERLYING_SERVICE_ERROR; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::resumeVideoStream() { return EvsResult::UNDERLYING_SERVICE_ERROR; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::setMaster() { // TODO(b/162946784): Implement this operation return EvsResult::OK; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::forceMaster(const sp&) { // TODO(b/162946784): Implement this operation return EvsResult::OK; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::unsetMaster() { // TODO(b/162946784): Implement this operation return EvsResult::OK; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::getParameterList(getParameterList_cb _hidl_cb) { // TODO(b/162946784): reads emulated controls from the configuration and // returns. hidl_vec hidlCtrls; _hidl_cb(hidlCtrls); return {}; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::getIntParameterRange(CameraParam /*id*/, getIntParameterRange_cb _hidl_cb) { // TODO(b/162946784): reads emulated controls from the configuration and // returns. _hidl_cb(0, 0, 0); return {}; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::setIntParameter(CameraParam /*id*/, int32_t /*value*/, setIntParameter_cb _hidl_cb) { // TODO(b/162946784): Implement this operation hidl_vec values; values.resize(1); _hidl_cb(EvsResult::INVALID_ARG, values); return {}; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::getIntParameter(CameraParam /*id*/, getIntParameter_cb _hidl_cb) { // TODO(b/162946784): Implement this operation hidl_vec values; values.resize(1); _hidl_cb(EvsResult::INVALID_ARG, values); return {}; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::setExtendedInfo_1_1(uint32_t opaqueIdentifier, const hidl_vec& opaqueValue) { mExtInfo.insert_or_assign(opaqueIdentifier, opaqueValue); return EvsResult::OK; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::getExtendedInfo_1_1(uint32_t opaqueIdentifier, getExtendedInfo_1_1_cb _hidl_cb) { const auto it = mExtInfo.find(opaqueIdentifier); hidl_vec value; auto status = EvsResult::OK; if (it == mExtInfo.end()) { status = EvsResult::INVALID_ARG; } else { value = mExtInfo[opaqueIdentifier]; } _hidl_cb(status, value); return {}; } Return EvsEmulatedCamera::importExternalBuffers(const hidl_vec& buffers, importExternalBuffers_cb _hidl_cb) { LOG(DEBUG) << __FUNCTION__; // If we've been displaced by another owner of the camera, then we can't do anything else if (!mVideo->isOpen()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring a request add external buffers " << "when camera has been lost."; _hidl_cb(EvsResult::UNDERLYING_SERVICE_ERROR, mFramesAllowed); return {}; } auto numBuffersToAdd = buffers.size(); if (numBuffersToAdd < 1) { LOG(DEBUG) << "No buffers to add."; _hidl_cb(EvsResult::OK, mFramesAllowed); return {}; } { std::scoped_lock lock(mAccessLock); if (numBuffersToAdd > (MAX_BUFFERS_IN_FLIGHT - mFramesAllowed)) { numBuffersToAdd -= (MAX_BUFFERS_IN_FLIGHT - mFramesAllowed); LOG(WARNING) << "Exceed the limit on number of buffers. " << numBuffersToAdd << " buffers will be added only."; } GraphicBufferMapper& mapper = GraphicBufferMapper::get(); const auto before = mFramesAllowed; for (auto i = 0; i < numBuffersToAdd; ++i) { auto& b = buffers[i]; const AHardwareBuffer_Desc* pDesc = reinterpret_cast(&b.buffer.description); // Import a buffer to add buffer_handle_t memHandle = nullptr; status_t result = mapper.importBuffer(b.buffer.nativeHandle, pDesc->width, pDesc->height, pDesc->layers, pDesc->format, pDesc->usage, pDesc->stride, &memHandle); if (result != android::NO_ERROR || !memHandle) { LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to import a buffer " << b.bufferId; continue; } auto stored = false; for (auto&& rec : mBuffers) { if (rec.handle == nullptr) { // Use this existing entry rec.handle = memHandle; rec.inUse = false; stored = true; break; } } if (!stored) { // Add a BufferRecord wrapping this handle to our set of available buffers mBuffers.emplace_back(memHandle); } ++mFramesAllowed; } _hidl_cb(EvsResult::OK, mFramesAllowed - before); return {}; } } EvsResult EvsEmulatedCamera::doneWithFrame_impl(const uint32_t bufferId, const buffer_handle_t memHandle) { std::scoped_lock lock(mAccessLock); // If we've been displaced by another owner of the camera, then we can't do anything else if (!mVideo->isOpen()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring doneWithFrame call when camera has been lost."; } else { if (memHandle == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Ignoring doneWithFrame called with null handle"; } else if (bufferId >= mBuffers.size()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Ignoring doneWithFrame called with invalid bufferId " << bufferId << " (max is " << mBuffers.size() - 1 << ")"; } else if (!mBuffers[bufferId].inUse) { LOG(ERROR) << "Ignoring doneWithFrame called on frame " << bufferId << " which is already free"; } else { // Mark the frame as available mBuffers[bufferId].inUse = false; --mFramesInUse; // If this frame's index is high in the array, try to move it down // to improve locality after mFramesAllowed has been reduced. if (bufferId >= mFramesAllowed) { // Find an empty slot lower in the array (which should always exist in this case) for (auto&& rec : mBuffers) { if (rec.handle == nullptr) { rec.handle = mBuffers[bufferId].handle; mBuffers[bufferId].handle = nullptr; break; } } } } } return EvsResult::OK; } bool EvsEmulatedCamera::setAvailableFrames_Locked(unsigned bufferCount) { if (bufferCount < 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Rejecting a buffer request to set buffer count to zero"; return false; } if (bufferCount > MAX_BUFFERS_IN_FLIGHT) { LOG(ERROR) << "Rejecting a buffer request in excess of internal limit"; return false; } // Is an increase required? if (mFramesAllowed < bufferCount) { // An increase is required unsigned needed = bufferCount - mFramesAllowed; LOG(INFO) << "Allocating " << needed << " buffers for camera frames"; unsigned added = increaseAvailableFrames_Locked(needed); if (added != needed) { // If we didn't add all the frames we needed, then roll back to the previous state LOG(ERROR) << "Rolling back to previous frame queue size"; decreaseAvailableFrames_Locked(added); return false; } } else if (mFramesAllowed > bufferCount) { // A decrease is required unsigned framesToRelease = mFramesAllowed - bufferCount; LOG(INFO) << "Returning " << framesToRelease << " camera frame buffers"; unsigned released = decreaseAvailableFrames_Locked(framesToRelease); if (released != framesToRelease) { // This shouldn't happen with a properly behaving client because the client // should only make this call after returning sufficient outstanding buffers // to allow a clean resize. LOG(ERROR) << "Buffer queue shrink failed -- too many buffers currently in use?"; } } return true; } unsigned EvsEmulatedCamera::increaseAvailableFrames_Locked(unsigned numToAdd) { // Acquire the graphics buffer allocator GraphicBufferAllocator& alloc(GraphicBufferAllocator::get()); unsigned added = 0; while (added < numToAdd) { unsigned pixelsPerLine; buffer_handle_t memHandle = nullptr; status_t result = alloc.allocate(mCaptureDeviceDesc.width, mCaptureDeviceDesc.height, mFormat, 1 /* layers */, mUsage, &memHandle, &pixelsPerLine, 0, "EvsEmulatedCamera"); if (result != NO_ERROR) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error " << result << " allocating " << mCaptureDeviceDesc.width << " x " << mCaptureDeviceDesc.height << " graphics buffer"; break; } if (!memHandle) { LOG(ERROR) << "We didn't get a buffer handle back from the allocator"; break; } if (mStride) { if (mStride != pixelsPerLine) { LOG(ERROR) << "We did not expect to get buffers with different strides!"; } } else { // Gralloc defines stride in terms of pixels per line mStride = pixelsPerLine; } // Find a place to store the new buffer bool stored = false; for (auto&& rec : mBuffers) { if (rec.handle == nullptr) { // Use this existing entry rec.handle = memHandle; rec.inUse = false; stored = true; break; } } if (!stored) { // Add a BufferRecord wrapping this handle to our set of available buffers mBuffers.emplace_back(memHandle); } mFramesAllowed++; added++; } return added; } unsigned EvsEmulatedCamera::decreaseAvailableFrames_Locked(unsigned numToRemove) { // Acquire the graphics buffer allocator GraphicBufferAllocator& alloc(GraphicBufferAllocator::get()); unsigned removed = 0; for (auto&& rec : mBuffers) { // Is this record not in use, but holding a buffer that we can free? if ((rec.inUse == false) && (rec.handle != nullptr)) { // Release buffer and update the record so we can recognize it as "empty" alloc.free(rec.handle); rec.handle = nullptr; mFramesAllowed--; removed++; if (removed == numToRemove) { break; } } } return removed; } // This is the async callback from the video camera that tells us a frame is ready void EvsEmulatedCamera::forwardFrame(imageBufferDesc* pBufferInfo, void* pData) { bool readyForFrame = false; size_t idx = 0; // Lock scope for updating shared state { std::scoped_lock lock(mAccessLock); // Are we allowed to issue another buffer? if (mFramesInUse >= mFramesAllowed) { // Can't do anything right now -- skip this frame LOG(WARNING) << "Skipped a frame because too many are in flight"; } else { // Identify an available buffer to fill for (idx = 0; idx < mBuffers.size(); idx++) { if (!mBuffers[idx].inUse) { if (mBuffers[idx].handle != nullptr) { // Found an available record, so stop looking break; } } } if (idx >= mBuffers.size()) { // This shouldn't happen since we already checked mFramesInUse vs mFramesAllowed LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find an available buffer slot"; } else { // We're going to make the frame busy mBuffers[idx].inUse = true; readyForFrame = true; ++mFramesInUse; } } } if (!readyForFrame) { // We need to return the video buffer so it can capture a new frame mVideo->markFrameConsumed(); } else { // Assemble the buffer description we'll transmit below BufferDesc_1_1 bufDesc_1_1 = {}; AHardwareBuffer_Desc* pDesc = reinterpret_cast(&bufDesc_1_1.buffer.description); pDesc->width = mCaptureDeviceDesc.width; pDesc->height = mCaptureDeviceDesc.height; pDesc->layers = 1; pDesc->format = mFormat; pDesc->usage = mUsage; pDesc->stride = mStride; bufDesc_1_1.buffer.nativeHandle = mBuffers[idx].handle; bufDesc_1_1.bufferId = idx; bufDesc_1_1.deviceId = mDescription.v1.cameraId; // timestamp in microseconds. bufDesc_1_1.timestamp = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); // Lock our output buffer for writing void* targetPixels = nullptr; GraphicBufferMapper& mapper = GraphicBufferMapper::get(); status_t result = mapper.lock(bufDesc_1_1.buffer.nativeHandle, GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_NEVER, android::Rect(pDesc->width, pDesc->height), (void**)&targetPixels); // If we failed to lock the pixel buffer, we're about to crash, but log it first if (!targetPixels) { LOG(ERROR) << "Camera failed to gain access to image buffer for writing - " << " status: " << statusToString(result) << " , error: " << strerror(errno); } // Transfer the video image into the output buffer, making any needed // format conversion along the way switch (pBufferInfo->info.format) { case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV: fillRGBAFromYUYV(bufDesc_1_1, reinterpret_cast(targetPixels), pData, mVideo->getStride(), mVideo->getHeight()); break; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_XBGR32: [[fallthrough]]; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_ABGR32: fillBufferCopy(bufDesc_1_1, reinterpret_cast(targetPixels), pData, mVideo->getStride(), mVideo->getHeight()); break; default: LOG(ERROR) << "Source data is in unsupported format"; break; } // Unlock the output buffer mapper.unlock(bufDesc_1_1.buffer.nativeHandle); // Give the video frame back to the underlying device for reuse // Note that we do this before making the client callback to give the // underlying camera more time to capture the next frame mVideo->markFrameConsumed(); // Issue the (asynchronous) callback to the client -- can't be holding // the lock bool flag = false; { hidl_vec frames; frames.resize(1); frames[0] = bufDesc_1_1; auto result = mStream->deliverFrame_1_1(frames); flag = result.isOk(); } if (flag) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Delivered " << bufDesc_1_1.buffer.nativeHandle.getNativeHandle() << " as id " << bufDesc_1_1.bufferId; } else { // This can happen if the client dies and is likely unrecoverable. // To avoid consuming resources generating failing calls, we stop sending // frames. Note, however, that the stream remains in the "STREAMING" state // until cleaned up on the main thread. LOG(ERROR) << "Frame delivery call failed in the transport layer."; // Since we didn't actually deliver it, mark the frame as available std::scoped_lock lock(mAccessLock); mBuffers[idx].inUse = false; --mFramesInUse; } } } sp EvsEmulatedCamera::Create(const char* deviceName, const EmulatedCameraDesc& desc) { LOG(INFO) << "Create " << deviceName; sp pCamera = new EvsEmulatedCamera(deviceName, desc); if (pCamera->openDevice()) { return pCamera; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open a video device."; return nullptr; } } } // namespace implementation } // namespace V1_1 } // namespace evs } // namespace automotive } // namespace android