#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ This module provides a vhal class which sends and receives messages to the vehicle HAL module on an Android Auto device. It uses port forwarding via ADB to communicate with the Android device. Example Usage: import vhal_consts_2_0 as c from vhal_emulator import Vhal # Create an instance of vhal class. Need to pass the vhal_types constants. v = Vhal(c.vhal_types_2_0) # Get the property config (if desired) v.getConfig(c.VEHICLEPROPERTY_HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET) # Get the response message to getConfig() reply = v.rxMsg() print(reply) # Set left temperature to 70 degrees v.setProperty(c.VEHICLEPROPERTY_HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET, c.VEHICLEAREAZONE_ROW_1_LEFT, 70) # Get the response message to setProperty() reply = v.rxMsg() print(reply) # Get the left temperature value v.getProperty(c.VEHICLEPROPERTY_HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET, c.VEHICLEAREAZONE_ROW_1_LEFT) # Get the response message to getProperty() reply = v.rxMsg() print(reply) NOTE: The rxMsg() is a blocking call, so it may be desirable to set up a separate RX thread to handle any asynchronous messages coming from the device. Example for creating RX thread (assumes vhal has already been instantiated): from threading import Thread # Define a simple thread that receives messages from a vhal object (v) and prints them def rxThread(v): while(1): print(v.rxMsg()) rx = Thread(target=rxThread, args=(v,)) rx.start() Protocol Buffer: This module relies on VehicleHalProto_pb2.py being in sync with the protobuf in the VHAL. If the VehicleHalProto.proto file has changed, re-generate the python version using: protoc -I= --python_out= /VehicleHalProto.proto """ from __future__ import print_function # Suppress .pyc files import sys sys.dont_write_bytecode = True import socket import struct import subprocess # Generate the protobuf file from hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/2.0/default/impl/vhal_v2_0 # It is recommended to use the protoc provided in: prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/com/google/protobuf/protoc/3.0.0 # or a later version, in order to provide Python 3 compatibility # protoc -I=proto --python_out=proto proto/VehicleHalProto.proto import VehicleHalProto_pb2 # If container is a dictionary, retrieve the value for key item; # Otherwise, get the attribute named item out of container def getByAttributeOrKey(container, item, default=None): if isinstance(container, dict): try: return container[item] except KeyError as e: return default try: return getattr(container, item) except AttributeError as e: return default class Vhal: """ Dictionary of prop_id to value_type. Used by setProperty() to properly format data. """ _propToType = {} ### Private Functions def _txCmd(self, cmd): """ Transmits a protobuf to Android Auto device. Should not be called externally. """ # Serialize the protobuf into a string msgStr = cmd.SerializeToString() msgLen = len(msgStr) # Convert the message length into int32 byte array msgHdr = struct.pack('!I', msgLen) # Send the message length first self.sock.sendall(msgHdr) # Then send the protobuf self.sock.sendall(msgStr) ### Public Functions def printHex(self, data): """ For debugging, print the protobuf message string in hex. """ print("len = ", len(data), "str = ", ":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(d)) for d in data)) def openSocket(self, device=None): """ Connects to an Android Auto device running a Vehicle HAL with simulator. """ # Hard-coded socket port needs to match the one in DefaultVehicleHal remotePortNumber = 33452 extraArgs = '' if device is None else '-s %s' % device adbCmd = 'adb %s forward tcp:0 tcp:%d' % (extraArgs, remotePortNumber) adbResp = subprocess.check_output(adbCmd, shell=True)[0:-1] localPortNumber = int(adbResp) print('Connecting local port %s to remote port %s on %s' % ( localPortNumber, remotePortNumber, 'default device' if device is None else 'device %s' % device)) # Open the socket and connect self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect(('localhost', localPortNumber)) def rxMsg(self): """ Receive a message over the socket. This function blocks if a message is not available. May want to wrap this function inside of an rx thread to also collect asynchronous messages generated by the device. """ # Receive the message length (int32) first b = self.sock.recv(4) if (len(b) == 4): msgLen, = struct.unpack('!I', b) if (msgLen > 0): # Receive the actual message b = self.sock.recv(msgLen) if (len(b) == msgLen): # Unpack the protobuf msg = VehicleHalProto_pb2.EmulatorMessage() msg.ParseFromString(b) return msg else: print("Ignored message fragment") def getConfig(self, prop): """ Sends a getConfig message for the specified property. """ cmd = VehicleHalProto_pb2.EmulatorMessage() cmd.msg_type = VehicleHalProto_pb2.GET_CONFIG_CMD propGet = cmd.prop.add() propGet.prop = prop self._txCmd(cmd) def getConfigAll(self): """ Sends a getConfigAll message to the host. This will return all configs available. """ cmd = VehicleHalProto_pb2.EmulatorMessage() cmd.msg_type = VehicleHalProto_pb2.GET_CONFIG_ALL_CMD self._txCmd(cmd) def getProperty(self, prop, area_id): """ Sends a getProperty command for the specified property ID and area ID. """ cmd = VehicleHalProto_pb2.EmulatorMessage() cmd.msg_type = VehicleHalProto_pb2.GET_PROPERTY_CMD propGet = cmd.prop.add() propGet.prop = prop propGet.area_id = area_id self._txCmd(cmd) def getPropertyAll(self): """ Sends a getPropertyAll message to the host. This will return all properties available. """ cmd = VehicleHalProto_pb2.EmulatorMessage() cmd.msg_type = VehicleHalProto_pb2.GET_PROPERTY_ALL_CMD self._txCmd(cmd) def setProperty(self, prop, area_id, value, status=VehicleHalProto_pb2.AVAILABLE): """ Sends a setProperty command for the specified property ID, area ID, value and status. If Status is not specified, automatically send AVAILABLE as the default. This function chooses the proper value field to populate based on the config for the property. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure the value data is the proper type. """ cmd = VehicleHalProto_pb2.EmulatorMessage() cmd.msg_type = VehicleHalProto_pb2.SET_PROPERTY_CMD propValue = cmd.value.add() propValue.prop = prop # Insert value into the proper area propValue.area_id = area_id propValue.status = status # Determine the value_type and populate the correct value field in protoBuf try: valType = self._propToType[prop] except KeyError: raise ValueError('propId is invalid:', prop) return propValue.value_type = valType if valType in self._types.TYPE_STRING: propValue.string_value = value elif valType in self._types.TYPE_BYTES: propValue.bytes_value = value elif valType in self._types.TYPE_INT32: propValue.int32_values.append(value) elif valType in self._types.TYPE_INT64: propValue.int64_values.append(value) elif valType in self._types.TYPE_FLOAT: propValue.float_values.append(value) elif valType in self._types.TYPE_INT32S: propValue.int32_values.extend(value) elif valType in self._types.TYPE_FLOATS: propValue.float_values.extend(value) elif valType in self._types.TYPE_MIXED: propValue.string_value = \ getByAttributeOrKey(value, 'string_value', '') propValue.bytes_value = \ getByAttributeOrKey(value, 'bytes_value', '') for newValue in getByAttributeOrKey(value, 'int32_values', []): propValue.int32_values.append(newValue) for newValue in getByAttributeOrKey(value, 'int64_values', []): propValue.int64_values.append(newValue) for newValue in getByAttributeOrKey(value, 'float_values', []): propValue.float_values.append(newValue) else: raise ValueError('value type not recognized:', valType) return self._txCmd(cmd) def __init__(self, types, device=None): # Save the list of types constants self._types = types # Open the socket self.openSocket(device) # Get the list of configs self.getConfigAll() msg = self.rxMsg() # Parse the list of configs to generate a dictionary of prop_id to type for cfg in msg.config: self._propToType[cfg.prop] = cfg.value_type