#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """apexer is a command line tool for creating an APEX file, a package format for system components. Typical usage: apexer input_dir output.apex """ import apex_build_info_pb2 import argparse import hashlib import os import pkgutil import re import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import uuid import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import zipfile import glob from apex_manifest import ValidateApexManifest from apex_manifest import ApexManifestError from apex_manifest import ParseApexManifest from manifest import android_ns from manifest import find_child_with_attribute from manifest import get_children_with_tag from manifest import get_indent from manifest import parse_manifest from manifest import write_xml from xml.dom import minidom tool_path_list = None BLOCK_SIZE = 4096 def ParseArgs(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create an APEX file') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='force overwriting output') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose execution') parser.add_argument( '--manifest', default='apex_manifest.pb', help='path to the APEX manifest file (.pb)') parser.add_argument( '--manifest_json', required=False, help='path to the APEX manifest file (Q compatible .json)') parser.add_argument( '--android_manifest', help='path to the AndroidManifest file. If omitted, a default one is created and used' ) parser.add_argument( '--logging_parent', help=('specify logging parent as an additional tag.' 'This value is ignored if the logging_parent meta-data tag is present.')) parser.add_argument( '--assets_dir', help='an assets directory to be included in the APEX' ) parser.add_argument( '--file_contexts', help='selinux file contexts file. Required for "image" APEXs.') parser.add_argument( '--canned_fs_config', help='canned_fs_config specifies uid/gid/mode of files. Required for ' + '"image" APEXS.') parser.add_argument( '--key', help='path to the private key file. Required for "image" APEXs.') parser.add_argument( '--pubkey', help='path to the public key file. Used to bundle the public key in APEX for testing.' ) parser.add_argument( '--signing_args', help='the extra signing arguments passed to avbtool. Used for "image" APEXs.' ) parser.add_argument( 'input_dir', metavar='INPUT_DIR', help='the directory having files to be packaged') parser.add_argument('output', metavar='OUTPUT', help='name of the APEX file') parser.add_argument( '--payload_type', metavar='TYPE', required=False, default='image', choices=['image'], help='type of APEX payload being built..') parser.add_argument( '--payload_fs_type', metavar='FS_TYPE', required=False, default='ext4', choices=['ext4', 'f2fs', 'erofs'], help='type of filesystem being used for payload image "ext4", "f2fs" or "erofs"') parser.add_argument( '--override_apk_package_name', required=False, help='package name of the APK container. Default is the apex name in --manifest.' ) parser.add_argument( '--no_hashtree', required=False, action='store_true', help='hashtree is omitted from "image".' ) parser.add_argument( '--android_jar_path', required=False, default='prebuilts/sdk/current/public/android.jar', help='path to use as the source of the android API.') apexer_path_in_environ = 'APEXER_TOOL_PATH' in os.environ parser.add_argument( '--apexer_tool_path', required=not apexer_path_in_environ, default=os.environ['APEXER_TOOL_PATH'].split(':') if apexer_path_in_environ else None, type=lambda s: s.split(':'), help="""A list of directories containing all the tools used by apexer (e.g. mke2fs, avbtool, etc.) separated by ':'. Can also be set using the APEXER_TOOL_PATH environment variable""") parser.add_argument( '--target_sdk_version', required=False, help='Default target SDK version to use for AndroidManifest.xml') parser.add_argument( '--min_sdk_version', required=False, help='Default Min SDK version to use for AndroidManifest.xml') parser.add_argument( '--do_not_check_keyname', required=False, action='store_true', help='Do not check key name. Use the name of apex instead of the basename of --key.') parser.add_argument( '--include_build_info', required=False, action='store_true', help='Include build information file in the resulting apex.') parser.add_argument( '--include_cmd_line_in_build_info', required=False, action='store_true', help='Include the command line in the build information file in the resulting apex. ' 'Note that this makes it harder to make deterministic builds.') parser.add_argument( '--build_info', required=False, help='Build information file to be used for default values.') parser.add_argument( '--payload_only', action='store_true', help='Outputs the payload image/zip only.' ) parser.add_argument( '--unsigned_payload_only', action='store_true', help="""Outputs the unsigned payload image/zip only. Also, setting this flag implies --payload_only is set too.""" ) parser.add_argument( '--unsigned_payload', action='store_true', help="""Skip signing the apex payload. Used only for testing purposes.""" ) parser.add_argument( '--test_only', action='store_true', help=( 'Add testOnly=true attribute to application element in ' 'AndroidManifest file.') ) return parser.parse_args(argv) def FindBinaryPath(binary): for path in tool_path_list: binary_path = os.path.join(path, binary) if os.path.exists(binary_path): return binary_path raise Exception('Failed to find binary ' + binary + ' in path ' + ':'.join(tool_path_list)) def RunCommand(cmd, verbose=False, env=None, expected_return_values={0}): env = env or {} env.update(os.environ.copy()) cmd[0] = FindBinaryPath(cmd[0]) if verbose: print('Running: ' + ' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) output, _ = p.communicate() output = output.decode() if verbose or p.returncode not in expected_return_values: print(output.rstrip()) assert p.returncode in expected_return_values, 'Failed to execute: ' + ' '.join(cmd) return (output, p.returncode) def GetDirSize(dir_name): size = 0 for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(dir_name): size += RoundUp(os.path.getsize(dirpath), BLOCK_SIZE) for f in filenames: path = os.path.join(dirpath, f) if not os.path.isfile(path): continue size += RoundUp(os.path.getsize(path), BLOCK_SIZE) return size def GetFilesAndDirsCount(dir_name): count = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_name): count += (len(dirs) + len(files)) return count def RoundUp(size, unit): assert unit & (unit - 1) == 0 return (size + unit - 1) & (~(unit - 1)) def PrepareAndroidManifest(package, version, test_only): template = """\ """ test_only_attribute = 'android:testOnly="true"' if test_only else '' return template.format(package=package, version=version, test_only_attribute=test_only_attribute) def ValidateAndroidManifest(package, android_manifest): tree = ET.parse(android_manifest) manifest_tag = tree.getroot() package_in_xml = manifest_tag.attrib['package'] if package_in_xml != package: raise Exception("Package name '" + package_in_xml + "' in '" + android_manifest + " differ from package name '" + package + "' in the apex_manifest.pb") def ValidateGeneratedAndroidManifest(android_manifest, test_only): tree = ET.parse(android_manifest) manifest_tag = tree.getroot() application_tag = manifest_tag.find('./application') if test_only: test_only_in_xml = application_tag.attrib[ '{http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android}testOnly'] if test_only_in_xml != 'true': raise Exception('testOnly attribute must be equal to true.') def ValidateArgs(args): build_info = None if args.build_info is not None: if not os.path.exists(args.build_info): print("Build info file '" + args.build_info + "' does not exist") return False with open(args.build_info, 'rb') as buildInfoFile: build_info = apex_build_info_pb2.ApexBuildInfo() build_info.ParseFromString(buildInfoFile.read()) if not os.path.exists(args.manifest): print("Manifest file '" + args.manifest + "' does not exist") return False if not os.path.isfile(args.manifest): print("Manifest file '" + args.manifest + "' is not a file") return False if args.android_manifest is not None: if not os.path.exists(args.android_manifest): print("Android Manifest file '" + args.android_manifest + "' does not exist") return False if not os.path.isfile(args.android_manifest): print("Android Manifest file '" + args.android_manifest + "' is not a file") return False elif build_info is not None: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp: temp.write(build_info.android_manifest) args.android_manifest = temp.name if not os.path.exists(args.input_dir): print("Input directory '" + args.input_dir + "' does not exist") return False if not os.path.isdir(args.input_dir): print("Input directory '" + args.input_dir + "' is not a directory") return False if not args.force and os.path.exists(args.output): print(args.output + ' already exists. Use --force to overwrite.') return False if args.unsigned_payload_only: args.payload_only = True; args.unsigned_payload = True; if not args.key and not args.unsigned_payload: print('Missing --key {keyfile} argument!') return False if not args.file_contexts: if build_info is not None: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp: temp.write(build_info.file_contexts) args.file_contexts = temp.name else: print('Missing --file_contexts {contexts} argument, or a --build_info argument!') return False if not args.canned_fs_config: if not args.canned_fs_config: if build_info is not None: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp: temp.write(build_info.canned_fs_config) args.canned_fs_config = temp.name else: print('Missing ----canned_fs_config {config} argument, or a --build_info argument!') return False if not args.target_sdk_version: if build_info is not None: if build_info.target_sdk_version: args.target_sdk_version = build_info.target_sdk_version if not args.no_hashtree: if build_info is not None: if build_info.no_hashtree: args.no_hashtree = True if not args.min_sdk_version: if build_info is not None: if build_info.min_sdk_version: args.min_sdk_version = build_info.min_sdk_version if not args.override_apk_package_name: if build_info is not None: if build_info.override_apk_package_name: args.override_apk_package_name = build_info.override_apk_package_name if not args.logging_parent: if build_info is not None: if build_info.logging_parent: args.logging_parent = build_info.logging_parent return True def GenerateBuildInfo(args): build_info = apex_build_info_pb2.ApexBuildInfo() if (args.include_cmd_line_in_build_info): build_info.apexer_command_line = str(sys.argv) with open(args.file_contexts, 'rb') as f: build_info.file_contexts = f.read() with open(args.canned_fs_config, 'rb') as f: build_info.canned_fs_config = f.read() with open(args.android_manifest, 'rb') as f: build_info.android_manifest = f.read() if args.target_sdk_version: build_info.target_sdk_version = args.target_sdk_version if args.min_sdk_version: build_info.min_sdk_version = args.min_sdk_version if args.no_hashtree: build_info.no_hashtree = True if args.override_apk_package_name: build_info.override_apk_package_name = args.override_apk_package_name if args.logging_parent: build_info.logging_parent = args.logging_parent if args.payload_type == 'image': build_info.payload_fs_type = args.payload_fs_type return build_info def AddLoggingParent(android_manifest, logging_parent_value): """Add logging parent as an additional tag. Args: android_manifest: A string representing AndroidManifest.xml logging_parent_value: A string representing the logging parent value. Raises: RuntimeError: Invalid manifest Returns: A path to modified AndroidManifest.xml """ doc = minidom.parse(android_manifest) manifest = parse_manifest(doc) logging_parent_key = 'android.content.pm.LOGGING_PARENT' elems = get_children_with_tag(manifest, 'application') application = elems[0] if len(elems) == 1 else None if len(elems) > 1: raise RuntimeError('found multiple tags') elif not elems: application = doc.createElement('application') indent = get_indent(manifest.firstChild, 1) first = manifest.firstChild manifest.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), first) manifest.insertBefore(application, first) indent = get_indent(application.firstChild, 2) last = application.lastChild if last is not None and last.nodeType != minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE: last = None if not find_child_with_attribute(application, 'meta-data', android_ns, 'name', logging_parent_key): ul = doc.createElement('meta-data') ul.setAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:name', logging_parent_key) ul.setAttributeNS(android_ns, 'android:value', logging_parent_value) application.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(indent), last) application.insertBefore(ul, last) last = application.lastChild if last and last.nodeType != minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE: indent = get_indent(application.previousSibling, 1) application.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(indent)) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode='w') as temp: write_xml(temp, doc) return temp.name def ShaHashFiles(file_paths): """get hash for a number of files.""" h = hashlib.sha256() for file_path in file_paths: with open(file_path, 'rb') as file: while True: chunk = file.read(h.block_size) if not chunk: break h.update(chunk) return h.hexdigest() def CreateImageExt4(args, work_dir, manifests_dir, img_file): """Create image for ext4 file system.""" lost_found_location = os.path.join(args.input_dir, 'lost+found') if os.path.exists(lost_found_location): print('Warning: input_dir contains a lost+found/ root folder, which ' 'has been known to cause non-deterministic apex builds.') # sufficiently big = size + 16MB margin size_in_mb = (GetDirSize(args.input_dir) // (1024 * 1024)) size_in_mb += 16 # Margin is for files that are not under args.input_dir. this consists of # n inodes for apex_manifest files and 11 reserved inodes for ext4. # TOBO(b/122991714) eliminate these details. Use build_image.py which # determines the optimal inode count by first building an image and then # count the inodes actually used. inode_num_margin = GetFilesAndDirsCount(manifests_dir) + 11 inode_num = GetFilesAndDirsCount(args.input_dir) + inode_num_margin cmd = ['mke2fs'] cmd.extend(['-O', '^has_journal']) # because image is read-only cmd.extend(['-b', str(BLOCK_SIZE)]) cmd.extend(['-m', '0']) # reserved block percentage cmd.extend(['-t', 'ext4']) cmd.extend(['-I', '256']) # inode size cmd.extend(['-N', str(inode_num)]) uu = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, 'www.android.com')) cmd.extend(['-U', uu]) cmd.extend(['-E', 'hash_seed=' + uu]) cmd.append(img_file) cmd.append(str(size_in_mb) + 'M') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=work_dir, suffix='mke2fs.conf') as conf_file: conf_data = pkgutil.get_data('apexer', 'mke2fs.conf') conf_file.write(conf_data) conf_file.flush() RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose, {'MKE2FS_CONFIG': conf_file.name, 'E2FSPROGS_FAKE_TIME': '1'}) # Compile the file context into the binary form compiled_file_contexts = os.path.join(work_dir, 'file_contexts.bin') cmd = ['sefcontext_compile'] cmd.extend(['-o', compiled_file_contexts]) cmd.append(args.file_contexts) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose) # Add files to the image file cmd = ['e2fsdroid'] cmd.append('-e') # input is not android_sparse_file cmd.extend(['-f', args.input_dir]) cmd.extend(['-T', '0']) # time is set to epoch cmd.extend(['-S', compiled_file_contexts]) cmd.extend(['-C', args.canned_fs_config]) cmd.extend(['-a', '/']) cmd.append('-s') # share dup blocks cmd.append(img_file) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose, {'E2FSPROGS_FAKE_TIME': '1'}) cmd = ['e2fsdroid'] cmd.append('-e') # input is not android_sparse_file cmd.extend(['-f', manifests_dir]) cmd.extend(['-T', '0']) # time is set to epoch cmd.extend(['-S', compiled_file_contexts]) cmd.extend(['-C', args.canned_fs_config]) cmd.extend(['-a', '/']) cmd.append('-s') # share dup blocks cmd.append(img_file) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose, {'E2FSPROGS_FAKE_TIME': '1'}) # Resize the image file to save space cmd = ['resize2fs'] cmd.append('-M') # shrink as small as possible cmd.append(img_file) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose, {'E2FSPROGS_FAKE_TIME': '1'}) def CreateImageF2fs(args, manifests_dir, img_file): """Create image for f2fs file system.""" # F2FS requires a ~100M minimum size (necessary for ART, could be reduced # a bit for other) # TODO(b/158453869): relax these requirements for readonly devices size_in_mb = (GetDirSize(args.input_dir) // (1024 * 1024)) size_in_mb += 100 # Create an empty image cmd = ['/usr/bin/fallocate'] cmd.extend(['-l', str(size_in_mb) + 'M']) cmd.append(img_file) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose) # Format the image to F2FS cmd = ['make_f2fs'] cmd.extend(['-g', 'android']) uu = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, 'www.android.com')) cmd.extend(['-U', uu]) cmd.extend(['-T', '0']) cmd.append('-r') # sets checkpointing seed to 0 to remove random bits cmd.append(img_file) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose) # Add files to the image cmd = ['sload_f2fs'] cmd.extend(['-C', args.canned_fs_config]) cmd.extend(['-f', manifests_dir]) cmd.extend(['-s', args.file_contexts]) cmd.extend(['-T', '0']) cmd.append(img_file) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose, expected_return_values={0, 1}) cmd = ['sload_f2fs'] cmd.extend(['-C', args.canned_fs_config]) cmd.extend(['-f', args.input_dir]) cmd.extend(['-s', args.file_contexts]) cmd.extend(['-T', '0']) cmd.append(img_file) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose, expected_return_values={0, 1}) # TODO(b/158453869): resize the image file to save space def CreateImageErofs(args, work_dir, manifests_dir, img_file): """Create image for erofs file system.""" # mkfs.erofs doesn't support multiple input tmp_input_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'tmp_input_dir') os.mkdir(tmp_input_dir) cmd = ['/bin/cp', '-ra'] cmd.extend(glob.glob(manifests_dir + '/*')) cmd.extend(glob.glob(args.input_dir + '/*')) cmd.append(tmp_input_dir) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose) cmd = ['make_erofs'] cmd.extend(['-z', 'lz4hc']) cmd.extend(['--fs-config-file', args.canned_fs_config]) cmd.extend(['--file-contexts', args.file_contexts]) uu = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, 'www.android.com')) cmd.extend(['-U', uu]) cmd.extend(['-T', '0']) cmd.extend([img_file, tmp_input_dir]) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose) shutil.rmtree(tmp_input_dir) # The minimum image size of erofs is 4k, which will cause an error # when execute generate_hash_tree in avbtool cmd = ['/bin/ls', '-lgG', img_file] output, _ = RunCommand(cmd, verbose=False) image_size = int(output.split()[2]) if image_size == 4096: cmd = ['/usr/bin/fallocate', '-l', '8k', img_file] RunCommand(cmd, verbose=False) def CreateImage(args, work_dir, manifests_dir, img_file): """create payload image.""" if args.payload_fs_type == 'ext4': CreateImageExt4(args, work_dir, manifests_dir, img_file) elif args.payload_fs_type == 'f2fs': CreateImageF2fs(args, manifests_dir, img_file) elif args.payload_fs_type == 'erofs': CreateImageErofs(args, work_dir, manifests_dir, img_file) def SignImage(args, manifest_apex, img_file): """sign payload image. Args: args: apexer options manifest_apex: apex manifest proto img_file: unsigned payload image file """ if args.do_not_check_keyname or args.unsigned_payload: key_name = manifest_apex.name else: key_name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(args.key)[0]) cmd = ['avbtool'] cmd.append('add_hashtree_footer') cmd.append('--do_not_generate_fec') cmd.extend(['--algorithm', 'SHA256_RSA4096']) cmd.extend(['--hash_algorithm', 'sha256']) cmd.extend(['--key', args.key]) cmd.extend(['--prop', 'apex.key:' + key_name]) # Set up the salt based on manifest content which includes name # and version salt = hashlib.sha256(manifest_apex.SerializeToString()).hexdigest() cmd.extend(['--salt', salt]) cmd.extend(['--image', img_file]) if args.no_hashtree: cmd.append('--no_hashtree') if args.signing_args: cmd.extend(shlex.split(args.signing_args)) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose) # Get the minimum size of the partition required. # TODO(b/113320014) eliminate this step info, _ = RunCommand(['avbtool', 'info_image', '--image', img_file], args.verbose) vbmeta_offset = int(re.search('VBMeta\ offset:\ *([0-9]+)', info).group(1)) vbmeta_size = int(re.search('VBMeta\ size:\ *([0-9]+)', info).group(1)) partition_size = RoundUp(vbmeta_offset + vbmeta_size, BLOCK_SIZE) + BLOCK_SIZE # Resize to the minimum size # TODO(b/113320014) eliminate this step cmd = ['avbtool'] cmd.append('resize_image') cmd.extend(['--image', img_file]) cmd.extend(['--partition_size', str(partition_size)]) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose) def CreateApexPayload(args, work_dir, content_dir, manifests_dir, manifest_apex): """Create payload. Args: args: apexer options work_dir: apex container working directory content_dir: the working directory for payload contents manifests_dir: manifests directory manifest_apex: apex manifest proto Returns: payload file """ img_file = os.path.join(content_dir, 'apex_payload.img') CreateImage(args, work_dir, manifests_dir, img_file) if not args.unsigned_payload: SignImage(args, manifest_apex, img_file) return img_file def CreateAndroidManifestXml(args, work_dir, manifest_apex): """Create AndroidManifest.xml file. Args: args: apexer options work_dir: apex container working directory manifest_apex: apex manifest proto Returns: AndroidManifest.xml file inside the work dir """ android_manifest_file = os.path.join(work_dir, 'AndroidManifest.xml') if not args.android_manifest: if args.verbose: print('Creating AndroidManifest ' + android_manifest_file) with open(android_manifest_file, 'w') as f: app_package_name = manifest_apex.name f.write(PrepareAndroidManifest(app_package_name, manifest_apex.version, args.test_only)) args.android_manifest = android_manifest_file ValidateGeneratedAndroidManifest(args.android_manifest, args.test_only) else: ValidateAndroidManifest(manifest_apex.name, args.android_manifest) shutil.copyfile(args.android_manifest, android_manifest_file) # If logging parent is specified, add it to the AndroidManifest. if args.logging_parent: android_manifest_file = AddLoggingParent(android_manifest_file, args.logging_parent) return android_manifest_file def CreateApex(args, work_dir): if not ValidateArgs(args): return False if args.verbose: print('Using tools from ' + str(tool_path_list)) def CopyFile(src, dst): if args.verbose: print('Copying ' + src + ' to ' + dst) shutil.copyfile(src, dst) try: manifest_apex = CreateApexManifest(args.manifest) except ApexManifestError as err: print("'" + args.manifest + "' is not a valid manifest file") print(err.errmessage) return False # Create content dir and manifests dir, the manifests dir is used to # create the payload image content_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'content') os.mkdir(content_dir) manifests_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'manifests') os.mkdir(manifests_dir) # Create AndroidManifest.xml file first so that we can hash the file # and store the hashed value in the manifest proto buf that goes into # the payload image. So any change in this file will ensure changes # in payload image file android_manifest_file = CreateAndroidManifestXml( args, work_dir, manifest_apex) # APEX manifest is also included in the image. The manifest is included # twice: once inside the image and once outside the image (but still # within the zip container). with open(os.path.join(manifests_dir, 'apex_manifest.pb'), 'wb') as f: f.write(manifest_apex.SerializeToString()) with open(os.path.join(content_dir, 'apex_manifest.pb'), 'wb') as f: f.write(manifest_apex.SerializeToString()) if args.manifest_json: CopyFile(args.manifest_json, os.path.join(manifests_dir, 'apex_manifest.json')) CopyFile(args.manifest_json, os.path.join(content_dir, 'apex_manifest.json')) # Create payload img_file = CreateApexPayload(args, work_dir, content_dir, manifests_dir, manifest_apex) if args.unsigned_payload_only or args.payload_only: shutil.copyfile(img_file, args.output) if args.verbose: if args.unsigned_payload_only: print('Created (unsigned payload only) ' + args.output) else: print('Created (payload only) ' + args.output) return True # copy the public key, if specified if args.pubkey: shutil.copyfile(args.pubkey, os.path.join(content_dir, 'apex_pubkey')) if args.include_build_info: build_info = GenerateBuildInfo(args) with open(os.path.join(content_dir, 'apex_build_info.pb'), 'wb') as f: f.write(build_info.SerializeToString()) apk_file = os.path.join(work_dir, 'apex.apk') cmd = ['aapt2'] cmd.append('link') cmd.extend(['--manifest', android_manifest_file]) if args.override_apk_package_name: cmd.extend(['--rename-manifest-package', args.override_apk_package_name]) # This version from apex_manifest.json is used when versionCode isn't # specified in AndroidManifest.xml cmd.extend(['--version-code', str(manifest_apex.version)]) if manifest_apex.versionName: cmd.extend(['--version-name', manifest_apex.versionName]) if args.target_sdk_version: cmd.extend(['--target-sdk-version', args.target_sdk_version]) if args.min_sdk_version: cmd.extend(['--min-sdk-version', args.min_sdk_version]) else: # Default value for minSdkVersion. cmd.extend(['--min-sdk-version', '29']) if args.assets_dir: cmd.extend(['-A', args.assets_dir]) cmd.extend(['-o', apk_file]) cmd.extend(['-I', args.android_jar_path]) RunCommand(cmd, args.verbose) zip_file = os.path.join(work_dir, 'apex.zip') CreateZip(content_dir, zip_file) MergeZips([apk_file, zip_file], args.output) if args.verbose: print('Created ' + args.output) return True def CreateApexManifest(manifest_path): try: manifest_apex = ParseApexManifest(manifest_path) ValidateApexManifest(manifest_apex) return manifest_apex except IOError: raise ApexManifestError("Cannot read manifest file: '" + manifest_path + "'") class TempDirectory(object): def __enter__(self): self.name = tempfile.mkdtemp() return self.name def __exit__(self, *unused): shutil.rmtree(self.name) def CreateZip(content_dir, apex_zip): with zipfile.ZipFile(apex_zip, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as out: for root, _, files in os.walk(content_dir): for file in files: path = os.path.join(root, file) rel_path = os.path.relpath(path, content_dir) # "apex_payload.img" shouldn't be compressed if rel_path == 'apex_payload.img': out.write(path, rel_path, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED) else: out.write(path, rel_path) def MergeZips(zip_files, output_zip): with zipfile.ZipFile(output_zip, 'w') as out: for file in zip_files: # copy to output_zip with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') as inzip: for info in inzip.infolist(): # reset timestamp for deterministic output info.date_time = (1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) # reset filemode for deterministic output. The high 16 bits are for # filemode. 0x81A4 corresponds to 0o100644(a regular file with # '-rw-r--r--' permission). info.external_attr = 0x81A40000 # "apex_payload.img" should be 4K aligned if info.filename == 'apex_payload.img': data_offset = out.fp.tell() + len(info.FileHeader()) info.extra = b'\0' * (BLOCK_SIZE - data_offset % BLOCK_SIZE) data = inzip.read(info) out.writestr(info, data) def main(argv): global tool_path_list args = ParseArgs(argv) tool_path_list = args.apexer_tool_path with TempDirectory() as work_dir: success = CreateApex(args, work_dir) if not success: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])