/* * Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace keymaster { class AeCtx { public: AeCtx() : ctx_(ae_allocate(nullptr)) {} ~AeCtx() { ae_clear(ctx_); ae_free(ctx_); } ae_ctx* get() { return ctx_; } private: ae_ctx* ctx_; }; static keymaster_error_t BuildDerivationData(const AuthorizationSet& hw_enforced, const AuthorizationSet& sw_enforced, const AuthorizationSet& hidden, UniquePtr* derivation_data, size_t* derivation_data_length) { *derivation_data_length = hidden.SerializedSize() + hw_enforced.SerializedSize() + sw_enforced.SerializedSize(); derivation_data->reset(new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[*derivation_data_length]); if (!derivation_data->get()) return KM_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED; uint8_t* buf = derivation_data->get(); uint8_t* end = derivation_data->get() + *derivation_data_length; buf = hidden.Serialize(buf, end); buf = hw_enforced.Serialize(buf, end); buf = sw_enforced.Serialize(buf, end); return KM_ERROR_OK; } static keymaster_error_t InitializeKeyWrappingContext(const AuthorizationSet& hw_enforced, const AuthorizationSet& sw_enforced, const AuthorizationSet& hidden, const KeymasterKeyBlob& master_key, AeCtx* ctx) { size_t derivation_data_length; UniquePtr derivation_data; keymaster_error_t error = BuildDerivationData(hw_enforced, sw_enforced, hidden, &derivation_data, &derivation_data_length); if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) return error; SHA256_CTX sha256_ctx; UniquePtr hash_buf(new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]); if (!hash_buf.get()) return KM_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED; Eraser hash_eraser(hash_buf.get(), SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); UniquePtr derived_key(new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]); if (!derived_key.get()) return KM_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED; Eraser derived_key_eraser(derived_key.get(), AES_BLOCK_SIZE); if (!ctx->get() || !hash_buf.get() || !derived_key.get()) return KM_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED; // Hash derivation data. Eraser sha256_ctx_eraser(sha256_ctx); SHA256_Init(&sha256_ctx); SHA256_Update(&sha256_ctx, derivation_data.get(), derivation_data_length); SHA256_Final(hash_buf.get(), &sha256_ctx); // Encrypt hash with master key to build derived key. AES_KEY aes_key; Eraser aes_key_eraser(AES_KEY); if (0 != AES_set_encrypt_key(master_key.key_material, master_key.key_material_size * 8, &aes_key)) return TranslateLastOpenSslError(); AES_encrypt(hash_buf.get(), derived_key.get(), &aes_key); // Set up AES OCB context using derived key. if (ae_init(ctx->get(), derived_key.get(), AES_BLOCK_SIZE /* key length */, OCB_NONCE_LENGTH, OCB_TAG_LENGTH) != AE_SUCCESS) { memset_s(ctx->get(), 0, ae_ctx_sizeof()); return KM_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return KM_ERROR_OK; } keymaster_error_t OcbEncryptKey(const AuthorizationSet& hw_enforced, const AuthorizationSet& sw_enforced, const AuthorizationSet& hidden, const KeymasterKeyBlob& master_key, const KeymasterKeyBlob& plaintext, const Buffer& nonce, KeymasterKeyBlob* ciphertext, Buffer* tag) { assert(ciphertext && tag); if (nonce.available_read() != OCB_NONCE_LENGTH) return KM_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if (tag->available_write() != OCB_TAG_LENGTH) return KM_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; AeCtx ctx; if (!ctx.get()) return KM_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED; keymaster_error_t error = InitializeKeyWrappingContext(hw_enforced, sw_enforced, hidden, master_key, &ctx); if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) return error; if (!ciphertext->Reset(plaintext.key_material_size)) return KM_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED; int ae_err = ae_encrypt(ctx.get(), nonce.peek_read(), plaintext.key_material, plaintext.key_material_size, nullptr /* additional data */, 0 /* additional data length */, ciphertext->writable_data(), tag->peek_write(), 1 /* final */); if (ae_err < 0) { LOG_E("Error %d while encrypting key", ae_err); return KM_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (!tag->advance_write(OCB_TAG_LENGTH)) return KM_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR; assert(ae_err == static_cast(plaintext.key_material_size)); return KM_ERROR_OK; } keymaster_error_t OcbDecryptKey(const AuthorizationSet& hw_enforced, const AuthorizationSet& sw_enforced, const AuthorizationSet& hidden, const KeymasterKeyBlob& master_key, const KeymasterKeyBlob& ciphertext, const Buffer& nonce, const Buffer& tag, KeymasterKeyBlob* plaintext) { assert(plaintext); if (nonce.available_read() != OCB_NONCE_LENGTH || tag.available_read() != OCB_TAG_LENGTH) return KM_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; AeCtx ctx; if (!ctx.get()) return KM_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED; keymaster_error_t error = InitializeKeyWrappingContext(hw_enforced, sw_enforced, hidden, master_key, &ctx); if (error != KM_ERROR_OK) return error; if (!plaintext->Reset(ciphertext.key_material_size)) return KM_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED; int ae_err = ae_decrypt(ctx.get(), nonce.peek_read(), ciphertext.key_material, ciphertext.key_material_size, nullptr /* additional data */, 0 /* additional data length */, plaintext->writable_data(), tag.peek_read(), 1 /* final */); if (ae_err == AE_INVALID) { // Authentication failed! Decryption probably succeeded(ish), but we don't want to return // any data when the authentication fails, so clear it. plaintext->Clear(); LOG_E("Failed to validate authentication tag during key decryption"); return KM_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_BLOB; } else if (ae_err < 0) { LOG_E("Failed to decrypt key, error: %d", ae_err); return KM_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } assert(ae_err == static_cast(ciphertext.key_material_size)); return KM_ERROR_OK; } } // namespace keymaster