// Copyright 2022, The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! This module implements test utils to create Autherizations. use std::ops::Deref; use android_hardware_security_keymint::aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::{ Algorithm::Algorithm, BlockMode::BlockMode, Digest::Digest, EcCurve::EcCurve, KeyParameter::KeyParameter, KeyParameterValue::KeyParameterValue, KeyPurpose::KeyPurpose, PaddingMode::PaddingMode, Tag::Tag, }; /// Helper struct to create set of Authorizations. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] pub struct AuthSetBuilder(Vec<KeyParameter>); impl Default for AuthSetBuilder { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl AuthSetBuilder { /// Creates new Authorizations list. pub fn new() -> Self { Self(Vec::new()) } /// Add Purpose. pub fn purpose(mut self, p: KeyPurpose) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PURPOSE, value: KeyParameterValue::KeyPurpose(p) }); self } /// Add Digest. pub fn digest(mut self, d: Digest) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::DIGEST, value: KeyParameterValue::Digest(d) }); self } /// Add Algorithm. pub fn algorithm(mut self, a: Algorithm) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ALGORITHM, value: KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(a) }); self } /// Add EC-Curve. pub fn ec_curve(mut self, e: EcCurve) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::EC_CURVE, value: KeyParameterValue::EcCurve(e) }); self } /// Add Attestation-Challenge. pub fn attestation_challenge(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ATTESTATION_CHALLENGE, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } /// Add No_auth_required. pub fn no_auth_required(mut self) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::NO_AUTH_REQUIRED, value: KeyParameterValue::BoolValue(true), }); self } /// Add RSA_public_exponent. pub fn rsa_public_exponent(mut self, e: i64) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, value: KeyParameterValue::LongInteger(e), }); self } /// Add key size. pub fn key_size(mut self, s: i32) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::KEY_SIZE, value: KeyParameterValue::Integer(s) }); self } /// Add block mode. pub fn block_mode(mut self, b: BlockMode) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::BLOCK_MODE, value: KeyParameterValue::BlockMode(b) }); self } /// Add certificate_not_before. pub fn cert_not_before(mut self, b: i64) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::CERTIFICATE_NOT_BEFORE, value: KeyParameterValue::DateTime(b), }); self } /// Add certificate_not_after. pub fn cert_not_after(mut self, a: i64) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::CERTIFICATE_NOT_AFTER, value: KeyParameterValue::DateTime(a), }); self } /// Add padding mode. pub fn padding_mode(mut self, p: PaddingMode) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::PADDING, value: KeyParameterValue::PaddingMode(p) }); self } /// Add mgf_digest. pub fn mgf_digest(mut self, d: Digest) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::RSA_OAEP_MGF_DIGEST, value: KeyParameterValue::Digest(d), }); self } /// Add nonce. pub fn nonce(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::NONCE, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b) }); self } /// Add CALLER_NONCE. pub fn caller_nonce(mut self) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::CALLER_NONCE, value: KeyParameterValue::BoolValue(true), }); self } /// Add MAC length. pub fn mac_length(mut self, l: i32) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::MAC_LENGTH, value: KeyParameterValue::Integer(l) }); self } /// Add min MAC length. pub fn min_mac_length(mut self, l: i32) -> Self { self.0 .push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::MIN_MAC_LENGTH, value: KeyParameterValue::Integer(l) }); self } /// Add Attestation-Device-Brand. pub fn attestation_device_brand(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ATTESTATION_ID_BRAND, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } /// Add Attestation-Device-name. pub fn attestation_device_name(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ATTESTATION_ID_DEVICE, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } /// Add Attestation-Device-Product-Name. pub fn attestation_device_product_name(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ATTESTATION_ID_PRODUCT, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } /// Add Attestation-Device-Serial. pub fn attestation_device_serial(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ATTESTATION_ID_SERIAL, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } /// Add Attestation-Device-IMEI. pub fn attestation_device_imei(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ATTESTATION_ID_IMEI, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } /// Add Attestation-Device-IMEI. pub fn attestation_device_second_imei(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ATTESTATION_ID_SECOND_IMEI, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } /// Add Attestation-Device-MEID. pub fn attestation_device_meid(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ATTESTATION_ID_MEID, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } /// Add Attestation-Device-Manufacturer. pub fn attestation_device_manufacturer(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ATTESTATION_ID_MANUFACTURER, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } /// Add Attestation-Device-Model. pub fn attestation_device_model(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ATTESTATION_ID_MODEL, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } /// Set active date-time. pub fn active_date_time(mut self, date: i64) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ACTIVE_DATETIME, value: KeyParameterValue::DateTime(date), }); self } /// Set origination expire date-time. pub fn origination_expire_date_time(mut self, date: i64) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::ORIGINATION_EXPIRE_DATETIME, value: KeyParameterValue::DateTime(date), }); self } /// Set usage expire date-time. pub fn usage_expire_date_time(mut self, date: i64) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::USAGE_EXPIRE_DATETIME, value: KeyParameterValue::DateTime(date), }); self } /// Set boot loader only. pub fn boot_loader_only(mut self) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::BOOTLOADER_ONLY, value: KeyParameterValue::BoolValue(true), }); self } /// Set early boot only. pub fn early_boot_only(mut self) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::EARLY_BOOT_ONLY, value: KeyParameterValue::BoolValue(true), }); self } /// Set max uses per boot. pub fn max_uses_per_boot(mut self, max_uses: i32) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::MAX_USES_PER_BOOT, value: KeyParameterValue::Integer(max_uses), }); self } /// Set max usage count. pub fn usage_count_limit(mut self, usage_count: i32) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::USAGE_COUNT_LIMIT, value: KeyParameterValue::Integer(usage_count), }); self } /// Set creation date-time. pub fn creation_date_time(mut self, date: i64) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::CREATION_DATETIME, value: KeyParameterValue::DateTime(date), }); self } /// Set include unique id. pub fn include_unique_id(mut self) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::INCLUDE_UNIQUE_ID, value: KeyParameterValue::BoolValue(true), }); self } /// Add app-data. pub fn app_data(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::APPLICATION_DATA, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b) }); self } /// Add app-id. pub fn app_id(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::APPLICATION_ID, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b) }); self } /// Set device-unique-attestation. pub fn device_unique_attestation(mut self) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::DEVICE_UNIQUE_ATTESTATION, value: KeyParameterValue::BoolValue(true), }); self } /// Add certificate serial number. pub fn cert_serial(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0 .push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::CERTIFICATE_SERIAL, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b) }); self } /// Add certificate subject name. pub fn cert_subject_name(mut self, b: Vec<u8>) -> Self { self.0.push(KeyParameter { tag: Tag::CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT, value: KeyParameterValue::Blob(b), }); self } } impl Deref for AuthSetBuilder { type Target = Vec<KeyParameter>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } }