/* * Copyright (C) 2018, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "generate_ndk.h" #include "aidl.h" #include "aidl_language.h" #include "aidl_to_common.h" #include "aidl_to_cpp_common.h" #include "aidl_to_ndk.h" #include "logging.h" #include namespace android { namespace aidl { namespace ndk { static constexpr const char* kDescriptor = "descriptor"; static constexpr const char* kVersion = "version"; static constexpr const char* kHash = "hash"; static constexpr const char* kCachedVersion = "_aidl_cached_version"; static constexpr const char* kCachedHash = "_aidl_cached_hash"; static constexpr const char* kCachedHashMutex = "_aidl_cached_hash_mutex"; namespace internals { // 4 outputs for NDK for each type: Header, BpHeader, BnHeader, Source void GenerateHeader(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options); void GenerateClientHeader(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options); void GenerateServerHeader(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options); void GenerateSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options); // Header contains ClassDecl of a root type void GenerateInterfaceClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& iface, const Options& options); void GenerateParcelClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlStructuredParcelable& parcelable, const Options& options); void GenerateParcelClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlUnionDecl& union_decl, const Options& options); void GenerateEnumClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl, const Options& options); // BpHeader/BnHeader for interface void GenerateClientHeader(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options); void GenerateServerHeader(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options); // Source for interface void GenerateSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& iface, const Options& options); void GenerateClassSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options); void GenerateClientSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options); void GenerateServerSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options); void GenerateInterfaceSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options); // Source for structured parcelable void GenerateParcelSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlStructuredParcelable& defined_type, const Options& options); // Source for union void GenerateParcelSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlUnionDecl& defined_type, const Options& options); // Compare headers so that and comes after other (probably) std headers. struct HeaderComp { static int rank(const string& a) { return base::StartsWith(a, "aidl/") ? 2 : base::StartsWith(a, "android/") ? 1 : 0; } bool operator()(const string& a, const string& b) const { return std::make_tuple(rank(a), a) < std::make_tuple(rank(b), b); } }; } // namespace internals using namespace internals; using cpp::ClassNames; using cpp::GetQualifiedName; void GenerateNdk(const string& output_file, const Options& options, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const IoDelegate& io_delegate) { using GenFn = void (*)(CodeWriter & out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options); // Wrap Generate* function to handle CodeWriter for a file. auto gen = [&](auto file, GenFn fn) { unique_ptr writer(io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(file)); GenerateAutoGenHeader(*writer, options); fn(*writer, types, defined_type, options); AIDL_FATAL_IF(!writer->Close(), defined_type) << "I/O Error!"; }; gen(options.OutputHeaderDir() + NdkHeaderFile(defined_type, ClassNames::RAW), &GenerateHeader); gen(options.OutputHeaderDir() + NdkHeaderFile(defined_type, ClassNames::CLIENT), &GenerateClientHeader); gen(options.OutputHeaderDir() + NdkHeaderFile(defined_type, ClassNames::SERVER), &GenerateServerHeader); gen(output_file, &GenerateSource); } namespace internals { void EnterNdkNamespace(CodeWriter& out, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type) { out << "namespace aidl {\n"; cpp::EnterNamespace(out, defined_type); } void LeaveNdkNamespace(CodeWriter& out, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type) { cpp::LeaveNamespace(out, defined_type); out << "} // namespace aidl\n"; } static void StatusCheckGoto(CodeWriter& out) { out << "if (_aidl_ret_status != STATUS_OK) goto _aidl_error;\n\n"; } static void StatusCheckBreak(CodeWriter& out) { out << "if (_aidl_ret_status != STATUS_OK) break;\n\n"; } static void StatusCheckReturn(CodeWriter& out) { out << "if (_aidl_ret_status != STATUS_OK) return _aidl_ret_status;\n\n"; } void GenerateHeaderIncludes(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options); void GenerateClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options); void GenerateNestedTypeDecls(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options) { auto visit = [&](const auto& nested) { GenerateClassDecl(out, types, nested, options); }; AIDL_FATAL_IF(!TopologicalVisit(defined_type.GetNestedTypes(), visit), defined_type) << "Cycle detected."; } void GenerateHeaderDefinitions(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options) { struct Visitor : AidlVisitor { CodeWriter& out; const AidlTypenames& types; const Options& options; Visitor(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const Options& options) : out(out), types(types), options(options) {} void Visit(const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl) override { const auto backing_type = NdkNameOf(types, enum_decl.GetBackingType(), StorageMode::STACK); EnterNdkNamespace(out, enum_decl); out << cpp::GenerateEnumToString(enum_decl, backing_type); LeaveNdkNamespace(out, enum_decl); out << "namespace ndk {\n"; out << "namespace internal {\n"; out << cpp::GenerateEnumValues(enum_decl, {"aidl"}); out << "} // namespace internal\n"; out << "} // namespace ndk\n"; } void Visit(const AidlStructuredParcelable& parcelable) override { if (parcelable.IsGeneric()) { GenerateParcelSource(out, types, parcelable, options); } } void Visit(const AidlUnionDecl& union_decl) override { if (union_decl.IsGeneric()) { GenerateParcelSource(out, types, union_decl, options); } } } v(out, types, options); VisitTopDown(v, defined_type); } void GenerateHeader(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options) { out << "#pragma once\n\n"; GenerateHeaderIncludes(out, types, defined_type, options); cpp::GenerateForwardDecls(out, defined_type, true); EnterNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); GenerateClassDecl(out, types, defined_type, options); LeaveNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); GenerateHeaderDefinitions(out, types, defined_type, options); } void GenerateClientHeader(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options) { if (auto iface = AidlCast(defined_type); iface) { GenerateClientHeader(out, types, *iface, options); } else if (auto parcelable = AidlCast(defined_type); parcelable) { out << "#error TODO(b/111362593) defined_types do not have bp classes\n"; } else if (auto union_decl = AidlCast(defined_type); union_decl) { out << "#error TODO(b/111362593) defined_types do not have bp classes\n"; } else if (auto enum_decl = AidlCast(defined_type); enum_decl) { out << "#error TODO(b/111362593) enums do not have bp classes\n"; } else { AIDL_FATAL(defined_type) << "Unrecognized type sent for NDK generation."; } } void GenerateServerHeader(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options) { if (auto iface = AidlCast(defined_type); iface) { GenerateServerHeader(out, types, *iface, options); } else if (auto parcelable = AidlCast(defined_type); parcelable) { out << "#error TODO(b/111362593) defined_types do not have bn classes\n"; } else if (auto union_decl = AidlCast(defined_type); union_decl) { out << "#error TODO(b/111362593) defined_types do not have bn classes\n"; } else if (auto enum_decl = AidlCast(defined_type); enum_decl) { out << "#error TODO(b/111362593) enums do not have bn classes\n"; } else { AIDL_FATAL(defined_type) << "Unrecognized type sent for CPP generation."; } } void GenerateSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options) { struct Visitor : AidlVisitor { CodeWriter& out; const AidlTypenames& types; const Options& options; Visitor(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const Options& options) : out(out), types(types), options(options) {} void Visit(const AidlInterface& interface) override { GenerateSource(out, types, interface, options); } void Visit(const AidlStructuredParcelable& parcelable) override { if (!parcelable.IsGeneric()) { GenerateParcelSource(out, types, parcelable, options); } } void Visit(const AidlUnionDecl& union_decl) override { if (!union_decl.IsGeneric()) { GenerateParcelSource(out, types, union_decl, options); } } void Visit(const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl) override { if (!enum_decl.GetParentType()) { out << "// This file is intentionally left blank as placeholder for enum declaration.\n"; } } } v(out, types, options); VisitTopDown(v, defined_type); } void GenerateHeaderIncludes(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options) { // Collect implementation related headers and referenced defined types by recursivly visiting // nested types struct Visitor : AidlVisitor { const AidlTypenames& types; const Options& options; std::set includes; Visitor(const AidlTypenames& types, const Options& options) : types(types), options(options) {} // Collect includes for each type reference void Visit(const AidlTypeSpecifier& type) override { auto defined = type.GetDefinedType(); if (!defined) return; includes.insert(NdkHeaderFile(*defined, ClassNames::RAW, false /*use_os_sep*/)); } // Collect implementation-specific includes for each type definition void Visit(const AidlInterface& interface) override { AddCommonHeaders(interface); includes.insert("android/binder_interface_utils.h"); if (options.GenLog()) { includes.insert("functional"); includes.insert("chrono"); includes.insert("sstream"); } // For nested interfaces client/server classes are defined in the same header. // So we need includes for client/server class as well. if (interface.GetParentType()) { includes.insert("android/binder_ibinder.h"); if (options.GenTraces()) { includes.insert("android/trace.h"); } } } void Visit(const AidlStructuredParcelable& parcelable) override { AddCommonHeaders(parcelable); includes.insert("android/binder_interface_utils.h"); includes.insert("android/binder_parcelable_utils.h"); includes.insert("android/binder_to_string.h"); // used by toString() } void Visit(const AidlUnionDecl& union_decl) override { AddCommonHeaders(union_decl); includes.insert("android/binder_interface_utils.h"); includes.insert("android/binder_parcelable_utils.h"); includes.insert("android/binder_to_string.h"); // used by toString() auto union_headers = cpp::UnionWriter::GetHeaders(union_decl); includes.insert(std::begin(union_headers), std::end(union_headers)); } void Visit(const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl) override { AddCommonHeaders(enum_decl); includes.insert("array"); includes.insert("android/binder_enums.h"); } void AddCommonHeaders(const AidlDefinedType& defined_type) { includes.insert("cstdint"); includes.insert("memory"); includes.insert("optional"); includes.insert("string"); includes.insert("vector"); if (defined_type.IsSensitiveData()) { includes.insert("android/binder_parcel_platform.h"); includes.insert("android/binder_ibinder_platform.h"); } } } v(types, options); VisitTopDown(v, defined_type); for (const auto& path : v.includes) { out << "#include <" << path << ">\n"; } out << "#ifdef BINDER_STABILITY_SUPPORT\n"; out << "#include \n"; out << "#endif // BINDER_STABILITY_SUPPORT\n"; out << "\n"; if (v.includes.count("cassert")) { // TODO(b/31559095) bionic on host should define __assert2 out << "#ifndef __BIONIC__\n#define __assert2(a,b,c,d) ((void)0)\n#endif\n\n"; } } void GenerateClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options) { if (auto iface = AidlCast(defined_type); iface) { GenerateInterfaceClassDecl(out, types, *iface, options); } else if (auto parcelable = AidlCast(defined_type); parcelable) { GenerateParcelClassDecl(out, types, *parcelable, options); } else if (auto union_decl = AidlCast(defined_type); union_decl) { GenerateParcelClassDecl(out, types, *union_decl, options); } else if (auto enum_decl = AidlCast(defined_type); enum_decl) { GenerateEnumClassDecl(out, types, *enum_decl, options); } else { AIDL_FATAL(defined_type) << "Unrecognized type sent for NDK generation."; } } static void GenerateSourceIncludes(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, const Options& options) { // Once in a .cpp file if (defined_type.GetParentType() != nullptr) { return; } const string self_header = NdkHeaderFile(defined_type, ClassNames::RAW, false /*use_os_sep*/); out << "#include \"" << self_header << "\"\n"; out << "\n"; std::set includes = {self_header}; includes.insert("android/binder_parcel_utils.h"); types.IterateTypes([&](const AidlDefinedType& a_defined_type) { if (a_defined_type.AsInterface() != nullptr) { includes.insert(NdkHeaderFile(a_defined_type, ClassNames::CLIENT, false /*use_os_sep*/)); includes.insert(NdkHeaderFile(a_defined_type, ClassNames::SERVER, false /*use_os_sep*/)); includes.insert(NdkHeaderFile(a_defined_type, ClassNames::RAW, false /*use_os_sep*/)); } }); struct Visitor : AidlVisitor { bool has_interface = false; void Visit(const AidlInterface&) override { has_interface = true; } } v; VisitTopDown(v, defined_type); if (v.has_interface && options.GenLog()) { includes.insert("android/binder_to_string.h"); } // Emit includes except self_header includes.erase(includes.find(self_header)); for (const auto& inc : includes) { out << "#include <" << inc << ">\n"; } out << "\n"; // Emit additional definition for gen_traces if (v.has_interface && options.GenTraces()) { out << "namespace {\n"; out << "struct ScopedTrace {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "inline explicit ScopedTrace(const char* name) { ATrace_beginSection(name); }\n"; out << "inline ~ScopedTrace() { ATrace_endSection(); }\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "};\n"; out << "} // namespace\n"; out << "\n"; } } static void GenerateConstantDeclarations(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlDefinedType& type) { for (const auto& constant : type.GetConstantDeclarations()) { const AidlTypeSpecifier& type = constant->GetType(); if (type.Signature() == "String") { out << "static const char*"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, *constant); out << " " << constant->GetName() << ";\n"; } else if (type.Signature() == "float" || type.Signature() == "double") { out << "static constexpr " << NdkNameOf(types, type, StorageMode::STACK) << " "; out << constant->GetName(); cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, *constant); out << " = " << constant->ValueString(ConstantValueDecorator) << ";\n"; } else { out << "enum : " << NdkNameOf(types, type, StorageMode::STACK) << " { "; out << constant->GetName(); cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, *constant); out << " = " << constant->ValueString(ConstantValueDecorator) << " };\n"; } } } static void GenerateConstantDefinitions(CodeWriter& out, const AidlDefinedType& interface, const std::string& clazz, const std::string& tmpl_decl = "") { for (const auto& constant : interface.GetConstantDeclarations()) { const AidlConstantValue& value = constant->GetValue(); AIDL_FATAL_IF(value.GetType() == AidlConstantValue::Type::UNARY || value.GetType() == AidlConstantValue::Type::BINARY, value); if (value.GetType() == AidlConstantValue::Type::STRING) { out << tmpl_decl; out << "const char* " << clazz << "::" << constant->GetName() << " = " << constant->ValueString(ConstantValueDecorator) << ";\n"; } } } void GenerateSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { GenerateSourceIncludes(out, types, defined_type, options); EnterNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); GenerateClassSource(out, types, defined_type, options); GenerateClientSource(out, types, defined_type, options); GenerateServerSource(out, types, defined_type, options); GenerateInterfaceSource(out, types, defined_type, options); LeaveNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); } static std::string MethodId(const AidlMethod& m) { return "(FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + " + std::to_string(m.GetId()) + " /*" + m.GetName() + "*/)"; } static void GenerateClientMethodDefinition(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const AidlMethod& method, const Options& options) { const std::string q_name = GetQualifiedName(defined_type, ClassNames::CLIENT); const std::string clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::CLIENT); out << NdkMethodDecl(types, method, q_name) << " {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "binder_status_t _aidl_ret_status = STATUS_OK;\n"; out << "::ndk::ScopedAStatus _aidl_status;\n"; if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) { out << "const std::lock_guard lock(" << kCachedHashMutex << ");\n"; out << "if (" << kCachedHash << " != \"-1\") {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "*_aidl_return = " << kCachedHash << ";\n" << "_aidl_status.set(AStatus_fromStatus(_aidl_ret_status));\n" << "return _aidl_status;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } else if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) { out << "if (" << kCachedVersion << " != -1) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "*_aidl_return = " << kCachedVersion << ";\n" << "_aidl_status.set(AStatus_fromStatus(_aidl_ret_status));\n" << "return _aidl_status;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } out << "::ndk::ScopedAParcel _aidl_in;\n"; out << "::ndk::ScopedAParcel _aidl_out;\n"; out << "\n"; if (options.GenLog()) { out << cpp::GenLogBeforeExecute(q_name, method, false /* isServer */, true /* isNdk */); } if (options.GenTraces()) { out << "ScopedTrace _aidl_trace(\"AIDL::" << to_string(options.TargetLanguage()) << "::" << ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE) << "::" << method.GetName() << "::client\");\n"; } if (method.IsNew() && ShouldForceDowngradeFor(CommunicationSide::WRITE) && method.IsUserDefined()) { out << "if (true) {\n"; out << " _aidl_ret_status = STATUS_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION;\n"; out << " goto _aidl_error;\n"; out << "}\n"; } out << "_aidl_ret_status = AIBinder_prepareTransaction(asBinder().get(), _aidl_in.getR());\n"; if (defined_type.IsSensitiveData()) { out << "AParcel_markSensitive(_aidl_in.get());\n"; } StatusCheckGoto(out); for (const auto& arg : method.GetArguments()) { const std::string var_name = cpp::BuildVarName(*arg); if (arg->IsIn()) { out << "_aidl_ret_status = "; const std::string prefix = (arg->IsOut() ? "*" : ""); WriteToParcelFor({out, types, arg->GetType(), "_aidl_in.get()", prefix + var_name}); out << ";\n"; StatusCheckGoto(out); } else if (arg->IsOut() && arg->GetType().IsDynamicArray()) { out << "_aidl_ret_status = ::ndk::AParcel_writeVectorSize(_aidl_in.get(), *" << var_name << ");\n"; StatusCheckGoto(out); } } out << "_aidl_ret_status = AIBinder_transact(\n"; out.Indent(); out << "asBinder().get(),\n"; out << MethodId(method) << ",\n"; out << "_aidl_in.getR(),\n"; out << "_aidl_out.getR(),\n"; std::vector flags; if (method.IsOneway()) flags.push_back("FLAG_ONEWAY"); if (defined_type.IsSensitiveData()) flags.push_back("FLAG_CLEAR_BUF"); out << (flags.empty() ? "0" : base::Join(flags, " | ")) << "\n"; out << "#ifdef BINDER_STABILITY_SUPPORT\n"; out << "| FLAG_PRIVATE_LOCAL\n"; out << "#endif // BINDER_STABILITY_SUPPORT\n"; out << ");\n"; out.Dedent(); // If the method is not implmented in the server side but the client has // provided the default implementation, call it instead of failing hard. const std::string iface = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE); out << "if (_aidl_ret_status == STATUS_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION && "; out << iface << "::getDefaultImpl()) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "_aidl_status = " << iface << "::getDefaultImpl()->" << method.GetName() << "("; out << NdkArgList(types, method, FormatArgNameOnly) << ");\n"; out << "goto _aidl_status_return;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; StatusCheckGoto(out); if (!method.IsOneway()) { out << "_aidl_ret_status = AParcel_readStatusHeader(_aidl_out.get(), _aidl_status.getR());\n"; StatusCheckGoto(out); out << "if (!AStatus_isOk(_aidl_status.get())) goto _aidl_status_return;\n"; } if (method.GetType().GetName() != "void") { out << "_aidl_ret_status = "; ReadFromParcelFor({out, types, method.GetType(), "_aidl_out.get()", "_aidl_return"}); out << ";\n"; StatusCheckGoto(out); if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) { out << kCachedHash << " = *_aidl_return;\n"; } else if (method.GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) { out << kCachedVersion << " = *_aidl_return;\n"; } } for (const AidlArgument* arg : method.GetOutArguments()) { out << "_aidl_ret_status = "; ReadFromParcelFor({out, types, arg->GetType(), "_aidl_out.get()", cpp::BuildVarName(*arg)}); out << ";\n"; StatusCheckGoto(out); } out << "_aidl_error:\n"; out << "_aidl_status.set(AStatus_fromStatus(_aidl_ret_status));\n"; out << "_aidl_status_return:\n"; if (options.GenLog()) { out << cpp::GenLogAfterExecute(q_name, defined_type, method, "_aidl_status", "_aidl_return", false /* isServer */, true /* isNdk */); } out << "return _aidl_status;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } static void GenerateServerCaseDefinition(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const AidlMethod& method, const Options& options) { const string q_name = GetQualifiedName(defined_type, ClassNames::SERVER); out << "case " << MethodId(method) << ": {\n"; out.Indent(); if (defined_type.EnforceExpression() || method.GetType().EnforceExpression()) { out.Write("#error Permission checks not implemented for the ndk backend\n"); } if (method.IsNew() && ShouldForceDowngradeFor(CommunicationSide::READ) && method.IsUserDefined()) { out << "if (true) break;\n"; } for (const auto& arg : method.GetArguments()) { out << NdkNameOf(types, arg->GetType(), StorageMode::STACK) << " " << cpp::BuildVarName(*arg) << ";\n"; } if (method.GetType().GetName() != "void") { out << NdkNameOf(types, method.GetType(), StorageMode::STACK) << " _aidl_return;\n"; } out << "\n"; if (options.GenTraces()) { out << "ScopedTrace _aidl_trace(\"AIDL::" << to_string(options.TargetLanguage()) << "::" << ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE) << "::" << method.GetName() << "::server\");\n"; } for (const auto& arg : method.GetArguments()) { const std::string var_name = cpp::BuildVarName(*arg); if (arg->IsIn()) { out << "_aidl_ret_status = "; ReadFromParcelFor({out, types, arg->GetType(), "_aidl_in", "&" + var_name}); out << ";\n"; StatusCheckBreak(out); } else if (arg->IsOut() && arg->GetType().IsDynamicArray()) { out << "_aidl_ret_status = ::ndk::AParcel_resizeVector(_aidl_in, &" << var_name << ");\n"; StatusCheckBreak(out); } } if (options.GenLog()) { out << cpp::GenLogBeforeExecute(q_name, method, true /* isServer */, true /* isNdk */); } out << "::ndk::ScopedAStatus _aidl_status = _aidl_impl->" << method.GetName() << "(" << NdkArgList(types, method, FormatArgForCall) << ");\n"; if (options.GenLog()) { out << cpp::GenLogAfterExecute(q_name, defined_type, method, "_aidl_status", "_aidl_return", true /* isServer */, true /* isNdk */); } if (method.IsOneway()) { // For a oneway transaction, the kernel will have already returned a result. This is for the // in-process case when a oneway transaction is parceled/unparceled in the same process. out << "_aidl_ret_status = STATUS_OK;\n"; } else { out << "_aidl_ret_status = AParcel_writeStatusHeader(_aidl_out, _aidl_status.get());\n"; StatusCheckBreak(out); out << "if (!AStatus_isOk(_aidl_status.get())) break;\n\n"; if (method.GetType().GetName() != "void") { out << "_aidl_ret_status = "; WriteToParcelFor({out, types, method.GetType(), "_aidl_out", "_aidl_return"}); out << ";\n"; StatusCheckBreak(out); } for (const AidlArgument* arg : method.GetOutArguments()) { out << "_aidl_ret_status = "; WriteToParcelFor({out, types, arg->GetType(), "_aidl_out", cpp::BuildVarName(*arg)}); out << ";\n"; StatusCheckBreak(out); } } out << "break;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } static string OnTransactFuncName(const AidlInterface& interface) { string name = interface.GetCanonicalName(); std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '.', '_'); return "_aidl_" + name + "_onTransact"; } static string GlobalClassVarName(const AidlInterface& interface) { string name = interface.GetCanonicalName(); std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '.', '_'); return "_g_aidl_" + name + "_clazz"; } void GenerateClassSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { const std::string i_name = GetQualifiedName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE); const std::string q_name = GetQualifiedName(defined_type, ClassNames::SERVER); const string on_transact = OnTransactFuncName(defined_type); bool deprecated = defined_type.IsDeprecated() || std::any_of(defined_type.GetMethods().begin(), defined_type.GetMethods().end(), [](const auto& m) { return m->IsDeprecated(); }); if (deprecated) { out << "#pragma clang diagnostic push\n"; out << "#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated\"\n"; } out << "static binder_status_t " << on_transact << "(AIBinder* _aidl_binder, transaction_code_t _aidl_code, const AParcel* _aidl_in, " "AParcel* _aidl_out) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "(void)_aidl_in;\n"; out << "(void)_aidl_out;\n"; out << "binder_status_t _aidl_ret_status = STATUS_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION;\n"; if (!defined_type.GetMethods().empty()) { // we know this cast is valid because this method is only called by the ICInterface // AIBinder_Class object which is associated with this class. out << "std::shared_ptr<" << q_name << "> _aidl_impl = std::static_pointer_cast<" << q_name << ">(::ndk::ICInterface::asInterface(_aidl_binder));\n"; out << "switch (_aidl_code) {\n"; out.Indent(); for (const auto& method : defined_type.GetMethods()) { GenerateServerCaseDefinition(out, types, defined_type, *method, options); } out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } else { out << "(void)_aidl_binder;\n"; out << "(void)_aidl_code;\n"; } out << "return _aidl_ret_status;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "static AIBinder_Class* " << GlobalClassVarName(defined_type) << " = ::ndk::ICInterface::defineClass(" << i_name << "::" << kDescriptor << ", " << on_transact << ");\n\n"; if (deprecated) { out << "#pragma clang diagnostic pop\n"; } } void GenerateClientSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { const std::string q_name = GetQualifiedName(defined_type, ClassNames::CLIENT); const std::string clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::CLIENT); out << q_name << "::" << clazz << "(const ::ndk::SpAIBinder& binder) : BpCInterface(binder) {}\n"; out << q_name << "::~" << clazz << "() {}\n"; if (options.GenLog()) { out << "std::function " << q_name << "::logFunc;\n"; } out << "\n"; for (const auto& method : defined_type.GetMethods()) { GenerateClientMethodDefinition(out, types, defined_type, *method, options); } } void GenerateServerSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { const std::string q_name = GetQualifiedName(defined_type, ClassNames::SERVER); const std::string clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::SERVER); const std::string iface = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE); out << "// Source for " << clazz << "\n"; out << q_name << "::" << clazz << "() {}\n"; out << q_name << "::~" << clazz << "() {}\n"; if (options.GenLog()) { out << "std::function " << q_name << "::logFunc;\n"; } out << "::ndk::SpAIBinder " << q_name << "::createBinder() {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "AIBinder* binder = AIBinder_new(" << GlobalClassVarName(defined_type) << ", static_cast(this));\n"; out << "#ifdef BINDER_STABILITY_SUPPORT\n"; if (defined_type.IsVintfStability()) { out << "AIBinder_markVintfStability(binder);\n"; } else { out << "AIBinder_markCompilationUnitStability(binder);\n"; } out << "#endif // BINDER_STABILITY_SUPPORT\n"; out << "return ::ndk::SpAIBinder(binder);\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; // Implement the meta methods for (const auto& method : defined_type.GetMethods()) { if (method->IsUserDefined()) { continue; } if (method->GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) { out << NdkMethodDecl(types, *method, q_name) << " {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "*_aidl_return = " << iface << "::" << kVersion << ";\n"; out << "return ::ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_newOk());\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } if (method->GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && (!options.Hash().empty())) { out << NdkMethodDecl(types, *method, q_name) << " {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "*_aidl_return = " << iface << "::" << kHash << ";\n"; out << "return ::ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_newOk());\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } } } void GenerateInterfaceSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { const std::string q_name = GetQualifiedName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE); const std::string clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE); const std::string bp_clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::CLIENT); out << "// Source for " << clazz << "\n"; out << "const char* " << q_name << "::" << kDescriptor << " = \"" << defined_type.GetDescriptor() << "\";\n"; out << q_name << "::" << clazz << "() {}\n"; out << q_name << "::~" << clazz << "() {}\n"; out << "\n"; GenerateConstantDefinitions(out, defined_type, q_name); out << "\n"; out << "std::shared_ptr<" << q_name << "> " << q_name << "::fromBinder(const ::ndk::SpAIBinder& binder) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "if (!AIBinder_associateClass(binder.get(), " << GlobalClassVarName(defined_type) << ")) {\n"; out.Indent(); // since NDK users don't use weak symbol support, we don't check builtin available. We could // optionally check it if __ANDROID_UNAVAILABLE_SYMBOLS_ARE_WEAK__ is defined, but this would // also mean that app developers relying on this behavior would be missing test parity, and if // local transactions aren't supported, due to missing the descriptor API, they will need to // work around it a different way, so it's best to check based on __ANDROID_API__ out << "#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 31\n"; out << "const AIBinder_Class* originalClass = AIBinder_getClass(binder.get());\n"; out << "if (originalClass == nullptr) return nullptr;\n"; out << "if (0 == strcmp(AIBinder_Class_getDescriptor(originalClass), descriptor)) {\n"; out.Indent(); // parcel transactions in process, e.g. NDK<->Rust (okay..) out << "return ::ndk::SharedRefBase::make<" << GetQualifiedName(defined_type, ClassNames::CLIENT) << ">(binder);\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; out << "#endif\n"; out << "return nullptr;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; out << "std::shared_ptr<::ndk::ICInterface> interface = " "::ndk::ICInterface::asInterface(binder.get());\n"; out << "if (interface) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "return std::static_pointer_cast<" << clazz << ">(interface);\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; out << "return ::ndk::SharedRefBase::make<" << GetQualifiedName(defined_type, ClassNames::CLIENT) << ">(binder);\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n\n"; out << "binder_status_t " << q_name << "::writeToParcel(AParcel* parcel, const std::shared_ptr<" << clazz << ">& instance) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "return AParcel_writeStrongBinder(parcel, instance ? instance->asBinder().get() : " "nullptr);\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; out << "binder_status_t " << q_name << "::readFromParcel(const AParcel* parcel, std::shared_ptr<" << clazz << ">* instance) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "::ndk::SpAIBinder binder;\n"; out << "binder_status_t status = AParcel_readStrongBinder(parcel, binder.getR());\n"; out << "if (status != STATUS_OK) return status;\n"; out << "*instance = " << clazz << "::fromBinder(binder);\n"; out << "return STATUS_OK;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; // defintion for static member setDefaultImpl out << "bool " << q_name << "::setDefaultImpl(const std::shared_ptr<" << clazz << ">& impl) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "// Only one user of this interface can use this function\n"; out << "// at a time. This is a heuristic to detect if two different\n"; out << "// users in the same process use this function.\n"; out << "assert(!" << clazz << "::default_impl);\n"; out << "if (impl) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << clazz << "::default_impl = impl;\n"; out << "return true;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; out << "return false;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; // definition for static member getDefaultImpl out << "const std::shared_ptr<" << q_name << ">& " << q_name << "::getDefaultImpl() {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "return " << clazz << "::default_impl;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; // definition for the static field default_impl out << "std::shared_ptr<" << q_name << "> " << q_name << "::default_impl = nullptr;\n"; // default implementation for the Default class members const std::string defaultClazz = q_name + "Default"; for (const auto& method : defined_type.GetMethods()) { if (method->IsUserDefined()) { out << "::ndk::ScopedAStatus " << defaultClazz << "::" << method->GetName() << "(" << NdkArgList(types, *method, FormatArgNameUnused) << ") {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "::ndk::ScopedAStatus _aidl_status;\n"; out << "_aidl_status.set(AStatus_fromStatus(STATUS_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION));\n"; out << "return _aidl_status;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } else { if (method->GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) { out << "::ndk::ScopedAStatus " << defaultClazz << "::" << method->GetName() << "(" << "int32_t* _aidl_return) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "*_aidl_return = 0;\n"; out << "return ::ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_newOk());\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } if (method->GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) { out << "::ndk::ScopedAStatus " << defaultClazz << "::" << method->GetName() << "(" << "std::string* _aidl_return) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "*_aidl_return = \"\";\n"; out << "return ::ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_newOk());\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } } } out << "::ndk::SpAIBinder " << defaultClazz << "::asBinder() {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "return ::ndk::SpAIBinder();\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; out << "bool " << defaultClazz << "::isRemote() {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "return false;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } void GenerateClientClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { const std::string clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::CLIENT); out << "class"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, defined_type); out << " " << clazz << " : public ::ndk::BpCInterface<" << ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE) << "> {\n"; out << "public:\n"; out.Indent(); out << "explicit " << clazz << "(const ::ndk::SpAIBinder& binder);\n"; out << "virtual ~" << clazz << "();\n"; out << "\n"; for (const auto& method : defined_type.GetMethods()) { out << NdkMethodDecl(types, *method) << " override"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, *method); out << ";\n"; } if (options.Version() > 0) { out << "int32_t " << kCachedVersion << " = -1;\n"; } if (!options.Hash().empty()) { out << "std::string " << kCachedHash << " = \"-1\";\n"; out << "std::mutex " << kCachedHashMutex << ";\n"; } if (options.GenLog()) { out << cpp::kTransactionLogStruct; out << "static std::function logFunc;\n"; } out.Dedent(); out << "};\n"; } void GenerateClientHeader(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { out << "#pragma once\n\n"; out << "#include \"" << NdkHeaderFile(defined_type, ClassNames::RAW, false /*use_os_sep*/) << "\"\n"; out << "\n"; out << "#include \n"; if (options.GenLog()) { out << "#include \n"; out << "#include \n"; out << "#include \n"; } if (options.GenTraces()) { out << "#include \n"; } out << "\n"; EnterNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); GenerateClientClassDecl(out, types, defined_type, options); LeaveNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); } void GenerateDelegatorClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { const std::string clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::DELEGATOR_IMPL); const std::string iface = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE); const std::string bn_name = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::SERVER); const std::string kDelegateImplVarName = "_impl"; const std::string kStatusType = "::ndk::ScopedAStatus"; out << "class"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, defined_type); out << " " << clazz << " : public " << bn_name << " {\n"; out << "public:\n"; out.Indent(); out << "explicit " << clazz << "(const std::shared_ptr<" << iface << "> &impl)" << " : " << kDelegateImplVarName << "(impl) {\n"; if (options.Version() > 0) { // TODO(b/222347502) If we need to support mismatched versions of delegator and // impl, this check will be removed. The NDK backend can't override the // getInterface* meta methods because they are marked "final". Removing // "final" changes the ABI and breaks prebuilts. out << " int32_t _impl_ver = 0;\n"; out << " if (!impl->" << kGetInterfaceVersion << "(&_impl_ver).isOk()) {;\n"; out << " __assert2(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, \"Delegator failed to get " "version of the implementation.\");\n"; out << " }\n"; out << " if (_impl_ver != " << iface << "::" << kVersion << ") {\n"; out << " __assert2(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, \"Mismatched versions of " "delegator and implementation is not allowed.\");\n"; out << " }\n"; } out << "}\n\n"; for (const auto& method : defined_type.GetMethods()) { if (method->IsUserDefined()) { out << kStatusType << " " << method->GetName() << "(" << NdkArgList(types, *method, FormatArgForDecl) << ") override"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, *method); out << " {\n" << " return " << kDelegateImplVarName << "->" << method->GetName() << "(" << NdkArgList(types, *method, FormatArgNameOnly) << ");\n"; out << "}\n"; } } out.Dedent(); out << "protected:\n"; out.Indent(); out.Dedent(); out << "private:\n"; out.Indent(); out << "std::shared_ptr<" << iface << "> " << kDelegateImplVarName << ";\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "};\n\n"; } void GenerateServerClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { const std::string clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::SERVER); const std::string iface = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE); out << "class"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, defined_type); out << " " << clazz << " : public ::ndk::BnCInterface<" << iface << "> {\n"; out << "public:\n"; out.Indent(); out << clazz << "();\n"; out << "virtual ~" << clazz << "();\n"; // Declare the meta methods for (const auto& method : defined_type.GetMethods()) { if (method->IsUserDefined()) { continue; } if (method->GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) { out << NdkMethodDecl(types, *method) << " final;\n"; } else if (method->GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) { out << NdkMethodDecl(types, *method) << " final;\n"; } else { AIDL_FATAL(defined_type) << "Meta method '" << method->GetName() << "' is unimplemented."; } } if (options.GenLog()) { out << cpp::kTransactionLogStruct; out << "static std::function logFunc;\n"; } out.Dedent(); out << "protected:\n"; out.Indent(); out << "::ndk::SpAIBinder createBinder() override;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "private:\n"; out.Indent(); out.Dedent(); out << "};\n"; } void GenerateServerHeader(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { out << "#pragma once\n\n"; out << "#include \"" << NdkHeaderFile(defined_type, ClassNames::RAW, false /*use_os_sep*/) << "\"\n"; out << "\n"; out << "#include \n"; // Needed for *Delegator classes while delegator version is required to be // the same as the implementation version // TODO(b/222347502) If we ever need to support mismatched versions of delegator and // impl, this include can be removed. out << "#include \n\n"; // TODO(b/31559095) bionic on host should define __assert2 out << "#ifndef __BIONIC__\n#ifndef __assert2\n#define __assert2(a,b,c,d) " "((void)0)\n#endif\n#endif\n"; out << "\n"; EnterNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); GenerateServerClassDecl(out, types, defined_type, options); GenerateDelegatorClassDecl(out, types, defined_type, options); LeaveNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); } void GenerateInterfaceClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlInterface& defined_type, const Options& options) { const std::string clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE); out << "class " << ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::DELEGATOR_IMPL) << ";\n\n"; out << "class"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, defined_type); out << " " << clazz << " : public ::ndk::ICInterface {\n"; out << "public:\n"; out.Indent(); out << "typedef " << ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::DELEGATOR_IMPL) << " DefaultDelegator;\n"; out << "static const char* " << kDescriptor << ";\n"; out << clazz << "();\n"; out << "virtual ~" << clazz << "();\n"; out << "\n"; GenerateNestedTypeDecls(out, types, defined_type, options); GenerateConstantDeclarations(out, types, defined_type); if (options.Version() > 0) { if (options.IsLatestUnfrozenVersion()) { out << "static inline const int32_t " << kVersion << " = true ? " << std::to_string(options.PreviousVersion()) << " : " << std::to_string(options.Version()) << ";\n"; } else { out << "static inline const int32_t " << kVersion << " = " << std::to_string(options.Version()) << ";\n"; } } if (!options.Hash().empty()) { if (options.IsLatestUnfrozenVersion()) { out << "static inline const std::string " << kHash << " = true ? \"" << options.PreviousHash() << "\" : \"" << options.Hash() << "\";\n"; } else { out << "static inline const std::string " << kHash << " = \"" << options.Hash() << "\";\n"; } } for (const auto& method : defined_type.GetMethods()) { if (!method->IsUserDefined()) { continue; } out << "static constexpr uint32_t TRANSACTION_" << method->GetName() << " = " << "FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + " << std::to_string(method->GetId()) << ";\n"; } out << "\n"; out << "static std::shared_ptr<" << clazz << "> fromBinder(const ::ndk::SpAIBinder& binder);\n"; out << "static binder_status_t writeToParcel(AParcel* parcel, const std::shared_ptr<" << clazz << ">& instance);"; out << "\n"; out << "static binder_status_t readFromParcel(const AParcel* parcel, std::shared_ptr<" << clazz << ">* instance);"; out << "\n"; out << "static bool setDefaultImpl(const std::shared_ptr<" << clazz << ">& impl);"; out << "\n"; out << "static const std::shared_ptr<" << clazz << ">& getDefaultImpl();"; out << "\n"; for (const auto& method : defined_type.GetMethods()) { out << "virtual " << NdkMethodDecl(types, *method); cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, *method); out << " = 0;\n"; } out.Dedent(); out << "private:\n"; out.Indent(); out << "static std::shared_ptr<" << clazz << "> default_impl;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "};\n"; const std::string defaultClazz = clazz + "Default"; out << "class"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, defined_type); out << " " << defaultClazz << " : public " << clazz << " {\n"; out << "public:\n"; out.Indent(); for (const auto& method : defined_type.GetMethods()) { if (method->IsUserDefined()) { out << NdkMethodDecl(types, *method) << " override"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, *method); out << ";\n"; } else if (method->GetName() == kGetInterfaceVersion && options.Version() > 0) { out << NdkMethodDecl(types, *method) << " override;\n"; } else if (method->GetName() == kGetInterfaceHash && !options.Hash().empty()) { out << NdkMethodDecl(types, *method) << " override;\n"; } } out << "::ndk::SpAIBinder asBinder() override;\n"; out << "bool isRemote() override;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "};\n"; // When an interface is nested, every class should be defined together here // because we don't have separate headers for them. // (e.g. IFoo, IFooDefault, BpFoo, BnFoo, IFooDelegator) if (defined_type.GetParentType()) { GenerateClientClassDecl(out, types, defined_type, options); GenerateServerClassDecl(out, types, defined_type, options); } } void GenerateParcelClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlStructuredParcelable& defined_type, const Options& options) { const std::string clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::RAW); cpp::ClangDiagnosticIgnoreDeprecated guard(out, cpp::HasDeprecatedField(defined_type)); out << cpp::TemplateDecl(defined_type); out << "class"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, defined_type); out << " " << clazz << " {\n"; out << "public:\n"; out.Indent(); if (defined_type.IsFixedSize()) { out << "typedef std::true_type fixed_size;\n"; } else { out << "typedef std::false_type fixed_size;\n"; } out << "static const char* descriptor;\n"; out << "\n"; GenerateNestedTypeDecls(out, types, defined_type, options); for (const auto& variable : defined_type.GetFields()) { const auto& type = variable->GetType(); std::string cpp_type = NdkNameOf(types, type, StorageMode::STACK); out << cpp_type; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, *variable); out << " " << variable->GetName(); if (defined_type.IsFixedSize()) { auto alignment = cpp::AlignmentOf(type, types); if (alignment) { out << " __attribute__((aligned (" << std::to_string(*alignment) << ")))"; } } if (variable->GetDefaultValue()) { out << " = " << variable->ValueString(ConstantValueDecorator); } else { // Some types needs to be explicitly initialized even when no default value is set. // - ParcelableHolder should be initialized with stability. // - enum should be zero initialized, otherwise the value will be indeterminate // - fixed-size arrays should be initialized, otherwise the value will be indeterminate if (type.GetName() == "ParcelableHolder") { if (defined_type.IsVintfStability()) { out << "{::ndk::STABILITY_VINTF}"; } else { out << "{::ndk::STABILITY_LOCAL}"; } } else if (types.GetEnumDeclaration(type) && !type.IsArray()) { out << " = " << cpp_type << "(0)"; } else if (type.IsFixedSizeArray() && !type.IsNullable()) { out << " = {{}}"; } } out << ";\n"; } out << "\n"; out << "binder_status_t readFromParcel(const AParcel* parcel);\n"; out << "binder_status_t writeToParcel(AParcel* parcel) const;\n"; out << "\n"; cpp::GenerateParcelableComparisonOperators(out, defined_type); out << "static const ::ndk::parcelable_stability_t _aidl_stability = ::ndk::" << (defined_type.IsVintfStability() ? "STABILITY_VINTF" : "STABILITY_LOCAL") << ";\n"; GenerateConstantDeclarations(out, types, defined_type); cpp::GenerateToString(out, defined_type); out.Dedent(); out << "};\n"; if (defined_type.IsFixedSize()) { size_t variable_offset = 0; for (const auto& variable : defined_type.GetFields()) { const auto& var_type = variable->GetType(); // Assert the offset of each field within the struct auto alignment = cpp::AlignmentOf(var_type, types); AIDL_FATAL_IF(alignment == std::nullopt, var_type); variable_offset = cpp::AlignTo(variable_offset, *alignment); out << "static_assert(offsetof(" << defined_type.GetName() << ", " << variable->GetName() << ") == " << std::to_string(variable_offset) << ");\n"; // Assert the size of each field std::string cpp_type = NdkNameOf(types, var_type, StorageMode::STACK); auto variable_size = cpp::SizeOf(var_type, types); AIDL_FATAL_IF(variable_size == std::nullopt, var_type); out << "static_assert(sizeof(" << cpp_type << ") == " << std::to_string(*variable_size) << ");\n"; variable_offset += *variable_size; } auto parcelable_alignment = cpp::AlignmentOfDefinedType(defined_type, types); AIDL_FATAL_IF(parcelable_alignment == std::nullopt, defined_type); // Assert the alignment of the struct. Since we asserted the field offsets, this also ensures // fields have the right alignment out << "static_assert(alignof(" << defined_type.GetName() << ") == " << std::to_string(*parcelable_alignment) << ");\n"; auto parcelable_size = cpp::SizeOfDefinedType(defined_type, types); AIDL_FATAL_IF(parcelable_size == std::nullopt, defined_type); // Assert the size of the struct out << "static_assert(sizeof(" << defined_type.GetName() << ") == " << std::to_string(*parcelable_size) << ");\n"; } } void GenerateParcelSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlStructuredParcelable& defined_type, const Options& options) { std::string clazz = GetQualifiedName(defined_type); if (defined_type.IsGeneric()) { std::vector template_params; for (const auto& parameter : defined_type.GetTypeParameters()) { template_params.push_back(parameter); } clazz += base::StringPrintf("<%s>", base::Join(template_params, ", ").c_str()); } GenerateSourceIncludes(out, types, defined_type, options); EnterNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); out << cpp::TemplateDecl(defined_type); out << "const char* " << clazz << "::" << kDescriptor << " = \"" << defined_type.GetCanonicalName() << "\";\n"; out << "\n"; GenerateConstantDefinitions(out, defined_type, clazz, cpp::TemplateDecl(defined_type)); { cpp::ClangDiagnosticIgnoreDeprecated guard(out, cpp::HasDeprecatedField(defined_type)); out << cpp::TemplateDecl(defined_type); out << "binder_status_t " << clazz << "::readFromParcel(const AParcel* _aidl_parcel) {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "binder_status_t _aidl_ret_status = STATUS_OK;\n"; out << "int32_t _aidl_start_pos = AParcel_getDataPosition(_aidl_parcel);\n"; out << "int32_t _aidl_parcelable_size = 0;\n"; out << "_aidl_ret_status = AParcel_readInt32(_aidl_parcel, &_aidl_parcelable_size);\n"; StatusCheckReturn(out); out << "if (_aidl_parcelable_size < 4) return STATUS_BAD_VALUE;\n"; out << "if (_aidl_start_pos > INT32_MAX - _aidl_parcelable_size) return STATUS_BAD_VALUE;\n"; for (const auto& variable : defined_type.GetFields()) { if (variable->IsNew() && ShouldForceDowngradeFor(CommunicationSide::READ)) { out << "if (false) {\n"; out.Indent(); } out << "if (AParcel_getDataPosition(_aidl_parcel) - _aidl_start_pos >= " "_aidl_parcelable_size) " "{\n" << " AParcel_setDataPosition(_aidl_parcel, _aidl_start_pos + _aidl_parcelable_size);\n" << " return _aidl_ret_status;\n" << "}\n"; out << "_aidl_ret_status = "; ReadFromParcelFor( {out, types, variable->GetType(), "_aidl_parcel", "&" + variable->GetName()}); out << ";\n"; StatusCheckReturn(out); if (variable->IsNew() && ShouldForceDowngradeFor(CommunicationSide::READ)) { out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } } out << "AParcel_setDataPosition(_aidl_parcel, _aidl_start_pos + _aidl_parcelable_size);\n" << "return _aidl_ret_status;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; out << cpp::TemplateDecl(defined_type); out << "binder_status_t " << clazz << "::writeToParcel(AParcel* _aidl_parcel) const {\n"; out.Indent(); out << "binder_status_t _aidl_ret_status;\n"; out << "size_t _aidl_start_pos = AParcel_getDataPosition(_aidl_parcel);\n"; out << "_aidl_ret_status = AParcel_writeInt32(_aidl_parcel, 0);\n"; StatusCheckReturn(out); for (const auto& variable : defined_type.GetFields()) { if (variable->IsNew() && ShouldForceDowngradeFor(CommunicationSide::WRITE)) { out << "if (false) {\n"; out.Indent(); } out << "_aidl_ret_status = "; WriteToParcelFor({out, types, variable->GetType(), "_aidl_parcel", variable->GetName()}); out << ";\n"; StatusCheckReturn(out); if (variable->IsNew() && ShouldForceDowngradeFor(CommunicationSide::WRITE)) { out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } } out << "size_t _aidl_end_pos = AParcel_getDataPosition(_aidl_parcel);\n"; out << "AParcel_setDataPosition(_aidl_parcel, _aidl_start_pos);\n"; out << "AParcel_writeInt32(_aidl_parcel, _aidl_end_pos - _aidl_start_pos);\n"; out << "AParcel_setDataPosition(_aidl_parcel, _aidl_end_pos);\n"; out << "return _aidl_ret_status;\n"; out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } out << "\n"; LeaveNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); } void GenerateParcelClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlUnionDecl& defined_type, const Options& options) { const std::string clazz = ClassName(defined_type, ClassNames::RAW); cpp::ClangDiagnosticIgnoreDeprecated guard(out, cpp::HasDeprecatedField(defined_type)); cpp::UnionWriter uw{defined_type, types, [&](const AidlTypeSpecifier& type, const AidlTypenames& types) { return NdkNameOf(types, type, StorageMode::STACK); }, &ConstantValueDecorator}; out << cpp::TemplateDecl(defined_type); out << "class"; cpp::GenerateDeprecated(out, defined_type); out << " " << clazz << " {\n"; out << "public:\n"; out.Indent(); if (defined_type.IsFixedSize()) { out << "typedef std::true_type fixed_size;\n"; } else { out << "typedef std::false_type fixed_size;\n"; } out << "static const char* descriptor;\n"; out << "\n"; GenerateNestedTypeDecls(out, types, defined_type, options); uw.PublicFields(out); out << "binder_status_t readFromParcel(const AParcel* _parcel);\n"; out << "binder_status_t writeToParcel(AParcel* _parcel) const;\n"; out << "\n"; cpp::GenerateParcelableComparisonOperators(out, defined_type); out << "static const ::ndk::parcelable_stability_t _aidl_stability = ::ndk::" << (defined_type.IsVintfStability() ? "STABILITY_VINTF" : "STABILITY_LOCAL") << ";\n"; GenerateConstantDeclarations(out, types, defined_type); cpp::GenerateToString(out, defined_type); out.Dedent(); out << "private:\n"; out.Indent(); uw.PrivateFields(out); out.Dedent(); out << "};\n"; if (defined_type.IsFixedSize()) { auto alignment = cpp::AlignmentOfDefinedType(defined_type, types); AIDL_FATAL_IF(alignment == std::nullopt, defined_type); for (const auto& variable : defined_type.GetFields()) { // Assert the size of each union variant const auto& var_type = variable->GetType(); std::string cpp_type = NdkNameOf(types, var_type, StorageMode::STACK); auto variable_size = cpp::SizeOf(var_type, types); AIDL_FATAL_IF(variable_size == std::nullopt, var_type); out << "static_assert(sizeof(" << cpp_type << ") == " << std::to_string(*variable_size) << ");\n"; } // Assert the alignment of the tagged union out << "static_assert(alignof(" << clazz << ") == " << std::to_string(*alignment) << ");\n"; // Assert the size of the tagged union, taking the tag and its padding into account auto union_size = cpp::SizeOfDefinedType(defined_type, types); AIDL_FATAL_IF(union_size == std::nullopt, defined_type); out << "static_assert(sizeof(" << clazz << ") == " << std::to_string(*union_size) << ");\n"; } } void GenerateParcelSource(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlUnionDecl& defined_type, const Options& options) { std::string clazz = GetQualifiedName(defined_type); if (defined_type.IsGeneric()) { std::vector template_params; for (const auto& parameter : defined_type.GetTypeParameters()) { template_params.push_back(parameter); } clazz += base::StringPrintf("<%s>", base::Join(template_params, ", ").c_str()); } cpp::UnionWriter uw{defined_type, types, [&](const AidlTypeSpecifier& type, const AidlTypenames& types) { return NdkNameOf(types, type, StorageMode::STACK); }, &ConstantValueDecorator}; cpp::ParcelWriterContext ctx{ .status_type = "binder_status_t", .status_ok = "STATUS_OK", .status_bad = "STATUS_BAD_VALUE", .read_func = [&](CodeWriter& out, const std::string& var, const AidlTypeSpecifier& type) { ReadFromParcelFor({out, types, type, "_parcel", "&" + var}); }, .write_func = [&](CodeWriter& out, const std::string& value, const AidlTypeSpecifier& type) { WriteToParcelFor({out, types, type, "_parcel", value}); }, }; GenerateSourceIncludes(out, types, defined_type, options); EnterNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); out << cpp::TemplateDecl(defined_type); out << "const char* " << clazz << "::" << kDescriptor << " = \"" << defined_type.GetCanonicalName() << "\";\n"; out << "\n"; GenerateConstantDefinitions(out, defined_type, clazz, cpp::TemplateDecl(defined_type)); { cpp::ClangDiagnosticIgnoreDeprecated guard(out, cpp::HasDeprecatedField(defined_type)); out << cpp::TemplateDecl(defined_type); out << "binder_status_t " << clazz << "::readFromParcel(const AParcel* _parcel) {\n"; out.Indent(); uw.ReadFromParcel(out, ctx); out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; out << cpp::TemplateDecl(defined_type); out << "binder_status_t " << clazz << "::writeToParcel(AParcel* _parcel) const {\n"; out.Indent(); uw.WriteToParcel(out, ctx); out.Dedent(); out << "}\n"; } out << "\n"; LeaveNdkNamespace(out, defined_type); } void GenerateEnumClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl, const Options&) { cpp::GenerateEnumClassDecl(out, enum_decl, NdkNameOf(types, enum_decl.GetBackingType(), StorageMode::STACK), ConstantValueDecorator); out << "\n"; } } // namespace internals } // namespace ndk } // namespace aidl } // namespace android