// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// The below module creates a standalone zip that end-to-end tests can depend
// on for running the suite. This is a workaround since we can't use csuite.zip
// which is defined in an external Makefile that Soong can't depend on.
// Besides listing jars we know the launcher script depends on which is
// brittle, this is a hack for several reasons. First, we're listing our
// dependencies in the tools attribute when we should be using the 'srcs'
// attribute. Second, we're accessing jars using a path relative to a known
// artifact location instead of using the Soong 'location' feature.

package {
    default_team: "trendy_team_app_compat",
    default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],

java_genrule_host {
    name: "csuite_standalone_zip",
    cmd: "ANDROID_CSUITE=$(genDir)/android-csuite && " +
        "CSUITE_TOOLS=$${ANDROID_CSUITE}/tools && " +
        "CSUITE_TESTCASES=$${ANDROID_CSUITE}/testcases && " +
        "ANDROID_HOST_OUT=$$(dirname $(location :csuite-tradefed))/.. && " +
        "rm -rf $${CSUITE_TOOLS} && mkdir -p $${CSUITE_TOOLS} && " +
        "rm -rf $${CSUITE_TESTCASES} && mkdir -p $${CSUITE_TESTCASES} && " +
        "cp $(location :csuite-tradefed) $${CSUITE_TOOLS} && " +
        "cp $(location :test-utils-script) $${CSUITE_TOOLS} && " +
        "cp $${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/framework/csuite-tradefed.jar $${CSUITE_TOOLS} && " +
        "cp $(location :tradefed) $${CSUITE_TOOLS} && " +
        "cp $(location :compatibility-host-util) $${CSUITE_TOOLS} && " +
        "cp $(location :csuite-app-launch) $${CSUITE_TESTCASES} && " +
        // We skip copying the csuite-tradefed-tests jar since its location is
        // not straight-forward to deduce and not really necessary.
        "touch $${CSUITE_TOOLS}/csuite-tradefed-tests.jar && " +
        "chmod a+x $${CSUITE_TOOLS}/csuite-tradefed && " +
        "$(location soong_zip) -o $(out) -d -C $(genDir) -D $${ANDROID_CSUITE}",
    out: ["testdata/csuite-standalone.zip"],
    srcs: [
    tools: [

python_library_host {
    name: "csuite_test_utils",
    srcs: [
    java_data: [
    libs: [

python_test_host {
    name: "csuite_cli_test",
    srcs: [
    test_config_template: "csuite_test_template.xml",
    test_suites: [
    libs: [
    version: {
        py3: {
            embedded_launcher: true,

python_test_host {
    name: "csuite_crash_detection_test",
    srcs: [
    test_config_template: "csuite_test_template.xml",
    test_suites: [
    libs: [
    test_options: {
        unit_test: false,
    version: {
        py3: {
            embedded_launcher: true,

// importlib.resources cannot load resources from the root package, so move the test apps
// into a "testdata" subpackage
python_library_host {
    name: "csuite_crash_detection_test_data",
    pkg_path: "testdata",
    data: [
    visibility: ["//visibility:private"],