#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. r"""AVDSpec class. AVDSpec will take in args from the user and be the main data type that will get passed into the create classes. The inferring magic will happen within initialization of AVDSpec (like LKGB build id, image branch, etc). """ import glob import logging import os import re import subprocess import tempfile import threading from acloud import errors from acloud.create import create_common from acloud.internal import constants from acloud.internal.lib import android_build_client from acloud.internal.lib import auth from acloud.internal.lib import utils from acloud.list import list as list_instance from acloud.public import config logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Default values for build target. _BRANCH_RE = re.compile(r"^Manifest branch: (?P.+)") _COMMAND_REPO_INFO = "repo info platform/tools/acloud" _REPO_TIMEOUT = 3 _CF_ZIP_PATTERN = "*img*.zip" _DEFAULT_BUILD_BITNESS = "x86_64" _DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE = "userdebug" _ENV_ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT = "ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" _ENV_ANDROID_BUILD_TOP = "ANDROID_BUILD_TOP" _GCE_LOCAL_IMAGE_CANDIDATES = ["avd-system.tar.gz", "android_system_disk_syslinux.img"] _LOCAL_ZIP_WARNING_MSG = "'adb sync' will take a long time if using images " \ "built with `m dist`. Building with just `m` will " \ "enable a faster 'adb sync' process." _RE_ANSI_ESCAPE = re.compile(r"(\x9B|\x1B\[)[0-?]*[ -\/]*[@-~]") _RE_FLAVOR = re.compile(r"^.+_(?P.+)-img.+") _RE_MEMORY = re.compile(r"(?P\d+)g$|(?P\d+)m$", re.IGNORECASE) _RE_INT = re.compile(r"^\d+$") _RE_RES = re.compile(r"^(?P\d+)x(?P\d+)$") _X_RES = "x_res" _Y_RES = "y_res" _COMMAND_GIT_REMOTE = ["git", "remote"] # The branch prefix is necessary for the Android Build system to know what we're # talking about. For instance, on an aosp remote repo in the master branch, # Android Build will recognize it as aosp-master. _BRANCH_PREFIX = {"aosp": "aosp-"} _DEFAULT_BRANCH_PREFIX = "git_" _DEFAULT_BRANCH = "aosp-master" # The target prefix is needed to help concoct the lunch target name given a # the branch, avd type and device flavor: # aosp, cf and phone -> aosp_cf_x86_phone. _BRANCH_TARGET_PREFIX = {"aosp": "aosp_"} _BRANCH_TARGET_TRUNK_STAGEING = {"aosp-main": "-trunk_staging", "git_main": "-trunk_staging"} def EscapeAnsi(line): """Remove ANSI control sequences (e.g. temrinal color codes...) Args: line: String, one line of command output. Returns: String without ANSI code. """ return _RE_ANSI_ESCAPE.sub('', line) # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods,too-many-lines,too-many-statements class AVDSpec(): """Class to store data on the type of AVD to create.""" def __init__(self, args): """Process the args into class vars. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. """ # Let's define the private class vars here and then process the user # args afterwards. self._client_adb_port = args.adb_port self._autoconnect = None self._cvd_host_package = None self._instance_name_to_reuse = None self._unlock_screen = None self._report_internal_ip = None self._disable_external_ip = None self._extra_files = None self._avd_type = None self._flavor = None self._force_sync = None self._image_source = None self._instance_type = None self._launch_args = None self._local_image_dir = None self._local_image_artifact = None self._local_instance_dir = None self._local_kernel_image = None self._local_system_image = None self._local_system_dlkm_image = None self._local_vendor_image = None self._local_vendor_boot_image = None self._local_tool_dirs = None self._image_download_dir = None self._num_of_instances = None self._num_avds_per_instance = None self._no_pull_log = None self._mkcert = None self._oxygen = None self._openwrt = None self._remote_image = {} self._system_build_info = {} self._kernel_build_info = {} self._boot_build_info = {} self._ota_build_info = {} self._host_package_build_info = {} self._bootloader_build_info = {} self._android_efi_loader_build_info = {} self._hw_property = None self._hw_customize = False self._remote_host = None self._remote_image_dir = None self._gce_metadata = None self._gce_only = None self._host_user = None self._host_ssh_private_key_path = None self._gpu = None self._disk_type = None self._base_instance_num = None self._stable_host_image_name = None self._use_launch_cvd = None self._remote_fetch = None self._webrtc_device_id = None self._connect_hostname = None self._fetch_cvd_wrapper = None self._fetch_cvd_version = None # Create config instance for android_build_client to query build api. self._cfg = config.GetAcloudConfig(args) # Reporting args. self._serial_log_file = None # emulator_* are only used for goldfish avd_type. self._emulator_build_id = None self._emulator_build_target = None self._emulator_zip = None # Fields only used for cheeps type. self._stable_cheeps_host_image_name = None self._stable_cheeps_host_image_project = None self._username = None self._password = None self._cheeps_betty_image = None self._cheeps_features = None # The maximum time in seconds used to wait for the AVD to boot. self._boot_timeout_secs = None # The maximum time in seconds used to wait for the instance ready. self._ins_timeout_secs = None # The local instance id self._local_instance_id = None self._ProcessArgs(args) def __repr__(self): """Let's make it easy to see what this class is holding.""" # TODO: I'm pretty sure there's a better way to do this, but I'm not # quite sure what that would be. representation = [] representation.append("") representation.append(" - instance_type: %s" % self._instance_type) representation.append(" - avd type: %s" % self._avd_type) representation.append(" - flavor: %s" % self._flavor) representation.append(" - autoconnect: %s" % self._autoconnect) representation.append(" - num of instances requested: %s" % self._num_of_instances) representation.append(" - image source type: %s" % self._image_source) image_summary = None image_details = None if self._image_source == constants.IMAGE_SRC_LOCAL: image_summary = "local image dir" image_details = self._local_image_dir representation.append(" - instance id: %s" % self._local_instance_id) elif self._image_source == constants.IMAGE_SRC_REMOTE: image_summary = "remote image details" image_details = self._remote_image representation.append(" - %s: %s" % (image_summary, image_details)) representation.append(" - hw properties: %s" % self._hw_property) return "\n".join(representation) def _ProcessArgs(self, args): """Main entry point to process args for the different type of args. Split up the arg processing into related areas (image, instance type, etc) so that we don't have one huge monolilthic method that does everything. It makes it easier to review, write tests, and maintain. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. """ self._ProcessMiscArgs(args) self._ProcessImageArgs(args) self._ProcessHWPropertyArgs(args) self._ProcessAutoconnect() def _ProcessAutoconnect(self): """Process autoconnect. Only Cuttlefish AVD support 'webrtc' and need to default use 'webrtc'. Other AVD types(goldfish, cheeps..etc.) still keep using ‘vnc’. """ if self._autoconnect == constants.INS_KEY_WEBRTC: if self.avd_type != constants.TYPE_CF: self._autoconnect = constants.INS_KEY_VNC def _ProcessImageArgs(self, args): """ Process Image Args. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. """ # If user didn't specify --local-image, infer remote image args if args.local_image is None: self._image_source = constants.IMAGE_SRC_REMOTE self._ProcessRemoteBuildArgs(args) else: self._image_source = constants.IMAGE_SRC_LOCAL self._ProcessLocalImageArgs(args) if args.local_kernel_image is not None: self._local_kernel_image = self._GetLocalImagePath( args.local_kernel_image) if args.local_system_image is not None: self._local_system_image = self._GetLocalImagePath( args.local_system_image) if args.local_system_dlkm_image is not None: self._local_system_dlkm_image = self._GetLocalImagePath( args.local_system_dlkm_image) if args.local_vendor_image is not None: self._local_vendor_image = self._GetLocalImagePath( args.local_vendor_image) if args.local_vendor_boot_image is not None: self._local_vendor_boot_image = self._GetLocalImagePath( args.local_vendor_boot_image) self.image_download_dir = ( args.image_download_dir if args.image_download_dir else tempfile.gettempdir()) @staticmethod def _ParseHWPropertyStr(hw_property_str): """Parse string to dict. Args: hw_property_str: A hw properties string. Returns: Dict converted from a string. Raises: error.MalformedHWPropertyError: If hw_property_str is malformed. """ hw_dict = create_common.ParseKeyValuePairArgs(hw_property_str) arg_hw_properties = {} for key, value in hw_dict.items(): # Parsing HW properties int to avdspec. if key == constants.HW_ALIAS_RESOLUTION: match = _RE_RES.match(value) if match: arg_hw_properties[_X_RES] = match.group("x_res") arg_hw_properties[_Y_RES] = match.group("y_res") else: raise errors.InvalidHWPropertyError( "[%s] is an invalid resolution. Example:1280x800" % value) elif key in [constants.HW_ALIAS_MEMORY, constants.HW_ALIAS_DISK]: match = _RE_MEMORY.match(value) if match and match.group("gb_size"): arg_hw_properties[key] = str( int(match.group("gb_size")) * 1024) elif match and match.group("mb_size"): arg_hw_properties[key] = match.group("mb_size") else: raise errors.InvalidHWPropertyError( "Expected gb size.[%s] is not allowed. Example:4g" % value) elif key in [constants.HW_ALIAS_CPUS, constants.HW_ALIAS_DPI]: if not _RE_INT.match(value): raise errors.InvalidHWPropertyError( "%s value [%s] is not an integer." % (key, value)) arg_hw_properties[key] = value return arg_hw_properties def _ProcessHWPropertyArgs(self, args): """Get the HW properties from argparse.parse_args. This method will initialize _hw_property in the following manner: 1. Get default hw properties from flavor. 2. Override hw properties from config. 3. Override by hw_property args. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. """ self._hw_property = {} default_property = self._cfg.GetDefaultHwProperty(self._flavor, self._instance_type) self._hw_property = self._ParseHWPropertyStr(default_property) logger.debug("Default hw property for [%s] flavor: %s", self._flavor, self._hw_property) if self._cfg.hw_property: self._hw_customize = True cfg_hw_property = self._ParseHWPropertyStr(self._cfg.hw_property) logger.debug("Hw property from config: %s", cfg_hw_property) self._hw_property.update(cfg_hw_property) if args.hw_property: self._hw_customize = True arg_hw_property = self._ParseHWPropertyStr(args.hw_property) logger.debug("Use custom hw property: %s", arg_hw_property) self._hw_property.update(arg_hw_property) def _ProcessMiscArgs(self, args): """These args we can take as and don't belong to a group of args. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. """ self._autoconnect = args.autoconnect self._unlock_screen = args.unlock_screen self._report_internal_ip = args.report_internal_ip self._disable_external_ip = args.disable_external_ip self._avd_type = args.avd_type self._extra_files = create_common.ParseExtraFilesArgs(args.extra_files) self._flavor = args.flavor or constants.FLAVOR_PHONE self._force_sync = args.force_sync if args.remote_host: self._instance_type = constants.INSTANCE_TYPE_HOST else: self._instance_type = (constants.INSTANCE_TYPE_REMOTE if args.local_instance is None else constants.INSTANCE_TYPE_LOCAL) self._remote_host = args.remote_host self._remote_image_dir = args.remote_image_dir self._host_user = args.host_user self._host_ssh_private_key_path = args.host_ssh_private_key_path self._local_instance_id = args.local_instance self._local_instance_dir = args.local_instance_dir self._local_tool_dirs = args.local_tool self._cvd_host_package = args.cvd_host_package self._num_of_instances = args.num self._num_avds_per_instance = args.num_avds_per_instance self._no_pull_log = args.no_pull_log self._mkcert = args.mkcert self._oxygen = args.oxygen self._openwrt = args.openwrt self._use_launch_cvd = args.use_launch_cvd self._serial_log_file = args.serial_log_file self._emulator_build_id = args.emulator_build_id self._emulator_build_target = (args.emulator_build_target or self._cfg.emulator_build_target) self._emulator_zip = args.emulator_zip self._gpu = args.gpu self._disk_type = (args.disk_type or self._cfg.disk_type) self._base_instance_num = args.base_instance_num self._gce_only = args.gce_only self._gce_metadata = create_common.ParseKeyValuePairArgs(args.gce_metadata) self._stable_host_image_name = ( args.stable_host_image_name or self._cfg.stable_host_image_name) self._stable_cheeps_host_image_name = args.stable_cheeps_host_image_name self._stable_cheeps_host_image_project = args.stable_cheeps_host_image_project self._username = args.username self._password = args.password self._cheeps_betty_image = ( args.cheeps_betty_image or self._cfg.betty_image) self._cheeps_features = args.cheeps_features self._boot_timeout_secs = args.boot_timeout_secs self._ins_timeout_secs = args.ins_timeout_secs self._launch_args = " ".join( list(filter(None, [self._cfg.launch_args, args.launch_args]))) self._remote_fetch = args.remote_fetch self._webrtc_device_id = args.webrtc_device_id self._connect_hostname = args.connect_hostname or self._cfg.connect_hostname self._fetch_cvd_wrapper = args.fetch_cvd_wrapper self._fetch_cvd_version = self._GetFetchCVDVersion(args) if args.reuse_gce: if args.reuse_gce != constants.SELECT_ONE_GCE_INSTANCE: if list_instance.GetInstancesFromInstanceNames( self._cfg, [args.reuse_gce]): self._instance_name_to_reuse = args.reuse_gce if self._instance_name_to_reuse is None: instance = list_instance.ChooseOneRemoteInstance(self._cfg) self._instance_name_to_reuse = instance.name def _GetFetchCVDVersion(self, args): """Get the fetch_cvd version. Acloud will get the LKGB of fetch_cvd if no version specified. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. Returns: The build id of fetch_cvd. """ if args.fetch_cvd_build_id: return args.fetch_cvd_build_id return constants.LKGB @staticmethod def _GetFlavorFromString(flavor_string): """Get flavor name from flavor string. Flavor string can come from the zipped image name or the lunch target. e.g. If flavor_string come from zipped name:aosp_cf_x86_phone-img-5455843.zip , then "phone" is the flavor. If flavor_string come from a lunch'd target:aosp_cf_x86_auto-userdebug, then "auto" is the flavor. Args: flavor_string: String which contains flavor.It can be a build target or filename. Returns: String of flavor name. None if flavor can't be determined. """ for flavor in constants.ALL_FLAVORS: if re.match(r"(.*_)?%s" % flavor, flavor_string): return flavor logger.debug("Unable to determine flavor from build target: %s", flavor_string) return None def _ProcessLocalImageArgs(self, args): """Get local image path. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. """ if self._avd_type == constants.TYPE_CF: self._ProcessCFLocalImageArgs(args.local_image, args.flavor) elif self._avd_type == constants.TYPE_FVP: self._ProcessFVPLocalImageArgs() elif self._avd_type == constants.TYPE_GF: local_image_path = self._GetLocalImagePath(args.local_image) if os.path.isdir(local_image_path): self._local_image_dir = local_image_path else: self._local_image_artifact = local_image_path elif self._avd_type == constants.TYPE_GCE: self._local_image_artifact = self._GetGceLocalImagePath( args.local_image) else: raise errors.CreateError( "Local image doesn't support the AVD type: %s" % self._avd_type ) @staticmethod def _GetGceLocalImagePath(local_image_dir): """Get gce local image path. Choose image file in local_image_dir over $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT. There are various img files so we prioritize returning the one we find first based in the specified order in _GCE_LOCAL_IMAGE_CANDIDATES. Args: local_image_dir: A string to specify local image dir. Returns: String, image file path if exists. Raises: errors.ImgDoesNotExist if image doesn't exist. """ # IF the user specified a file, return it if local_image_dir and os.path.isfile(local_image_dir): return local_image_dir # If the user didn't specify a dir, assume $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT if not local_image_dir: local_image_dir = utils.GetBuildEnvironmentVariable( _ENV_ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT) for img_name in _GCE_LOCAL_IMAGE_CANDIDATES: full_file_path = os.path.join(local_image_dir, img_name) if os.path.exists(full_file_path): return full_file_path raise errors.ImgDoesNotExist("Could not find any GCE images (%s), you " "can build them via \"m dist\"" % ", ".join(_GCE_LOCAL_IMAGE_CANDIDATES)) @staticmethod def _GetLocalImagePath(local_image_arg): """Get local image path from argument or environment variable. Args: local_image_arg: The path to the unzipped image package. If the value is empty, this method returns ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT in build environment. Returns: String, the path to the image file or directory. Raises: errors.GetLocalImageError if the path does not exist. """ if local_image_arg == constants.FIND_IN_BUILD_ENV: image_path = utils.GetBuildEnvironmentVariable( constants.ENV_ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT) else: image_path = local_image_arg if not os.path.exists(image_path): raise errors.GetLocalImageError("%s does not exist." % local_image_arg) return image_path def _ProcessCFLocalImageArgs(self, local_image_arg, flavor_arg): """Get local built image path for cuttlefish-type AVD. Two scenarios of using --local-image: - Without a following argument Set flavor string if the required images are in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT, - With a following filename/dirname Set flavor string from the specified image/dir name. Args: local_image_arg: String of local image args. flavor_arg: String of flavor arg """ flavor_from_build_string = None if local_image_arg == constants.FIND_IN_BUILD_ENV: self._CheckCFBuildTarget(self._instance_type) local_image_path = utils.GetBuildEnvironmentVariable( _ENV_ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT) # Since dir is provided, check that any images exist to ensure user # didn't forget to 'make' before launch AVD. image_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(local_image_path, "*.img")) if not image_list: raise errors.GetLocalImageError( "No image found(Did you choose a lunch target and run `m`?)" ": %s.\n " % local_image_path) else: local_image_path = local_image_arg if os.path.isfile(local_image_path): self._local_image_artifact = local_image_arg flavor_from_build_string = self._GetFlavorFromString( self._local_image_artifact) # Since file is provided and I assume it's a zip, so print the # warning message. utils.PrintColorString(_LOCAL_ZIP_WARNING_MSG, utils.TextColors.WARNING) else: self._local_image_dir = local_image_path try: flavor_from_build_string = self._GetFlavorFromString( utils.GetBuildEnvironmentVariable(constants.ENV_BUILD_TARGET)) except errors.GetAndroidBuildEnvVarError: logger.debug("Unable to determine flavor from env variable: %s", constants.ENV_BUILD_TARGET) if flavor_from_build_string and not flavor_arg: self._flavor = flavor_from_build_string def _ProcessFVPLocalImageArgs(self): """Get local built image path for FVP-type AVD.""" build_target = utils.GetBuildEnvironmentVariable( constants.ENV_BUILD_TARGET) if build_target != "fvp": utils.PrintColorString( "%s is not an fvp target (Try lunching fvp-eng " "and running 'm')" % build_target, utils.TextColors.WARNING) self._local_image_dir = utils.GetBuildEnvironmentVariable( _ENV_ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT) # Since dir is provided, so checking that any images exist to ensure # user didn't forget to 'make' before launch AVD. image_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.local_image_dir, "*.img")) if not image_list: raise errors.GetLocalImageError( "No image found(Did you choose a lunch target and run `m`?)" ": %s.\n " % self._local_image_dir) def _ProcessRemoteBuildArgs(self, args): """Get the remote build args. Some of the acloud magic happens here, we will infer some of these values if the user hasn't specified them. Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. """ self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_BRANCH] = args.branch if not self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_BRANCH]: self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_BRANCH] = self._GetBuildBranch( args.build_id, args.build_target) self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_TARGET] = args.build_target if not self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_TARGET]: self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_TARGET] = self._GetBuildTarget( args, self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_BRANCH]) else: # If flavor isn't specified, try to infer it from build target, # if we can't, just default to phone flavor. self._flavor = args.flavor or self._GetFlavorFromString( self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_TARGET]) or constants.FLAVOR_PHONE # infer avd_type from build_target. for avd_type, avd_type_abbr in constants.AVD_TYPES_MAPPING.items(): if re.match(r"(.*_)?%s_" % avd_type_abbr, self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_TARGET]): self._avd_type = avd_type break self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_ID] = args.build_id if not self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_ID]: build_client = android_build_client.AndroidBuildClient( auth.CreateCredentials(self._cfg)) self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_ID] = build_client.GetLKGB( self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_TARGET], self._remote_image[constants.BUILD_BRANCH]) # Process system image, kernel image, bootloader, and otatools. self._system_build_info = {constants.BUILD_ID: args.system_build_id, constants.BUILD_BRANCH: args.system_branch, constants.BUILD_TARGET: args.system_build_target} self._ota_build_info = {constants.BUILD_ID: args.ota_build_id, constants.BUILD_BRANCH: args.ota_branch, constants.BUILD_TARGET: args.ota_build_target} self._kernel_build_info = {constants.BUILD_ID: args.kernel_build_id, constants.BUILD_BRANCH: args.kernel_branch, constants.BUILD_TARGET: args.kernel_build_target} self._boot_build_info = {constants.BUILD_ID: args.boot_build_id, constants.BUILD_BRANCH: args.boot_branch, constants.BUILD_TARGET: args.boot_build_target, constants.BUILD_ARTIFACT: args.boot_artifact} self._bootloader_build_info = { constants.BUILD_ID: args.bootloader_build_id, constants.BUILD_BRANCH: args.bootloader_branch, constants.BUILD_TARGET: args.bootloader_build_target} self._android_efi_loader_build_info = { constants.BUILD_ID: args.android_efi_loader_build_id, constants.BUILD_ARTIFACT: args.android_efi_loader_artifact} self._host_package_build_info = { constants.BUILD_ID: args.host_package_build_id, constants.BUILD_BRANCH: args.host_package_branch, constants.BUILD_TARGET: args.host_package_build_target} @staticmethod def _CheckCFBuildTarget(instance_type): """Check build target for the given instance type Args: instance_type: String of instance type Raises: errors.GetLocalImageError if the pattern is not match with current build target. """ build_target = utils.GetBuildEnvironmentVariable( constants.ENV_BUILD_TARGET) pattern = constants.CF_AVD_BUILD_TARGET_PATTERN_MAPPING[instance_type] if pattern not in build_target: utils.PrintColorString( "%s is not a %s target (Try lunching a proper cuttlefish " "target and running 'm')" % (build_target, pattern), utils.TextColors.WARNING) @staticmethod def _GetGitRemote(): """Get the remote repo. We'll go to a project we know exists (tools/acloud) and grab the git remote output from there. Returns: remote: String, git remote (e.g. "aosp"). """ try: android_build_top = os.environ[constants.ENV_ANDROID_BUILD_TOP] except KeyError as e: raise errors.GetAndroidBuildEnvVarError( "Could not get environment var: %s\n" "Try to run '#source build/envsetup.sh && lunch '" % _ENV_ANDROID_BUILD_TOP) from e acloud_project = os.path.join(android_build_top, "tools", "acloud") return EscapeAnsi(utils.CheckOutput(_COMMAND_GIT_REMOTE, cwd=acloud_project).strip()) def _GetBuildBranch(self, build_id, build_target): """Infer build branch if user didn't specify branch name. Args: build_id: String, Build id, e.g. "2263051", "P2804227" build_target: String, the build target, e.g. cf_x86_phone-userdebug Returns: String, name of build branch. """ # Infer branch from build_target and build_id if build_id and build_target: build_client = android_build_client.AndroidBuildClient( auth.CreateCredentials(self._cfg)) return build_client.GetBranch(build_target, build_id) return self._GetBranchFromRepo() def _GetBranchFromRepo(self): """Get branch information from command "repo info". If branch can't get from "repo info", it will be set as default branch "aosp-master". Returns: branch: String, git branch name. e.g. "aosp-master" """ branch = None # TODO(149460014): Migrate acloud to py3, then remove this # workaround. env = os.environ.copy() env.pop("PYTHONPATH", None) logger.info("Running command \"%s\"", _COMMAND_REPO_INFO) # TODO(154173071): Migrate acloud to py3, then apply Popen to append with encoding process = subprocess.Popen(_COMMAND_REPO_INFO, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, universal_newlines=True) timer = threading.Timer(_REPO_TIMEOUT, process.kill) timer.start() stdout, _ = process.communicate() if stdout: for line in stdout.splitlines(): match = _BRANCH_RE.match(EscapeAnsi(line)) if match: branch_prefix = _BRANCH_PREFIX.get(self._GetGitRemote(), _DEFAULT_BRANCH_PREFIX) branch = branch_prefix + match.group("branch") timer.cancel() if branch: return branch utils.PrintColorString( "Unable to determine your repo branch, defaulting to %s" % _DEFAULT_BRANCH, utils.TextColors.WARNING) return _DEFAULT_BRANCH def _GetBuildTarget(self, args, branch): """Infer build target if user doesn't specified target name. Target = {REPO_PREFIX}{avd_type}_{bitness}_{flavor}- {DEFAULT_BUILD_TARGET_TYPE}. Example target: aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug Args: args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args. branch: String, name of build branch. Returns: build_target: String, name of build target. """ branch_prefix = re.split("-|_", branch)[0] return "%s%s_%s_%s%s-%s" % ( _BRANCH_TARGET_PREFIX.get(branch_prefix, ""), constants.AVD_TYPES_MAPPING[args.avd_type], _DEFAULT_BUILD_BITNESS, self._flavor, _BRANCH_TARGET_TRUNK_STAGEING.get(branch, ""), _DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE) @property def instance_type(self): """Return the instance type.""" return self._instance_type @property def image_source(self): """Return the image type.""" return self._image_source @property def hw_property(self): """Return the hw_property.""" return self._hw_property @property def hw_customize(self): """Return the hw_customize.""" return self._hw_customize @property def local_image_dir(self): """Return local image dir.""" return self._local_image_dir @property def local_image_artifact(self): """Return local image artifact.""" return self._local_image_artifact @property def local_instance_dir(self): """Return local instance directory.""" return self._local_instance_dir @property def local_kernel_image(self): """Return local kernel image path.""" return self._local_kernel_image @property def local_system_image(self): """Return local system image path.""" return self._local_system_image @property def local_system_dlkm_image(self): """Return local system_dlkm image path.""" return self._local_system_dlkm_image @property def local_vendor_image(self): """Return local vendor image path.""" return self._local_vendor_image @property def local_vendor_boot_image(self): """Return local vendor boot image path.""" return self._local_vendor_boot_image @property def local_tool_dirs(self): """Return a list of local tool directories.""" return self._local_tool_dirs @property def avd_type(self): """Return the avd type.""" return self._avd_type @property def autoconnect(self): """autoconnect. args.autoconnect could pass as Boolean or String. Return: Boolean, True only if self._autoconnect is not False. """ return self._autoconnect is not False @property def connect_adb(self): """Auto-connect to adb. Return: Boolean, whether autoconnect is enabled. """ return self._autoconnect is not False @property def connect_vnc(self): """Launch vnc. Return: Boolean, True if self._autoconnect is 'vnc'. """ return self._autoconnect == constants.INS_KEY_VNC @property def connect_webrtc(self): """Auto-launch webRTC AVD on the browser. Return: Boolean, True if args.autoconnect is "webrtc". """ return self._autoconnect == constants.INS_KEY_WEBRTC @property def unlock_screen(self): """Return unlock_screen.""" return self._unlock_screen @property def remote_image(self): """Return the remote image.""" return self._remote_image @property def remote_fetch(self): """Fetch cvd in remote host. Return: Boolean, whether fetch cvd in remote host. """ return self._remote_fetch is True @property def fetch_cvd_wrapper(self): """use fetch_cvd wrapper Return: Boolean, whether fetch cvd in remote host. """ return self._fetch_cvd_wrapper @property def fetch_cvd_version(self): """Return fetch_cvd_version.""" return self._fetch_cvd_version @property def num(self): """Return num of instances.""" return self._num_of_instances @property def num_avds_per_instance(self): """Return num_avds_per_instance.""" return self._num_avds_per_instance @property def report_internal_ip(self): """Return report internal ip.""" return self._report_internal_ip @property def disable_external_ip(self): """Return disable_external_ip.""" return self._disable_external_ip @property def kernel_build_info(self): """Return kernel build info.""" return self._kernel_build_info @property def boot_build_info(self): """Return boot build info.""" return self._boot_build_info @property def bootloader_build_info(self): """Return bootloader build info.""" return self._bootloader_build_info @property def android_efi_loader_build_info(self): """Return android efi loader build info.""" return self._android_efi_loader_build_info @property def flavor(self): """Return flavor.""" return self._flavor @property def cfg(self): """Return cfg instance.""" return self._cfg @property def image_download_dir(self): """Return image download dir.""" return self._image_download_dir @image_download_dir.setter def image_download_dir(self, value): """Set image download dir.""" self._image_download_dir = value @property def serial_log_file(self): """Return serial log file path.""" return self._serial_log_file @property def disk_type(self): """Return disk type.""" return self._disk_type @property def base_instance_num(self): """Return base instance num.""" return self._base_instance_num @property def gpu(self): """Return gpu.""" return self._gpu @property def emulator_build_id(self): """Return emulator_build_id.""" return self._emulator_build_id @property def emulator_build_target(self): """Return emulator_build_target.""" return self._emulator_build_target @property def emulator_zip(self): """Return emulator_zip.""" return self._emulator_zip @property def client_adb_port(self): """Return the client adb port.""" return self._client_adb_port @property def stable_host_image_name(self): """Return the Cuttlefish host image name.""" return self._stable_host_image_name @property def stable_cheeps_host_image_name(self): """Return the Cheeps host image name.""" return self._stable_cheeps_host_image_name # pylint: disable=invalid-name @property def stable_cheeps_host_image_project(self): """Return the project hosting the Cheeps host image.""" return self._stable_cheeps_host_image_project @property def username(self): """Return username.""" return self._username @property def password(self): """Return password.""" return self._password @property def cheeps_betty_image(self): """Return cheeps_betty_image.""" return self._cheeps_betty_image @property def cheeps_features(self): """Return cheeps_features.""" return self._cheeps_features @property def boot_timeout_secs(self): """Return boot_timeout_secs.""" return self._boot_timeout_secs @property def ins_timeout_secs(self): """Return ins_timeout_secs.""" return self._ins_timeout_secs @property def ota_build_info(self): """Return ota_build_info.""" return self._ota_build_info @property def host_package_build_info(self): """Return host_package_build_info.""" return self._host_package_build_info @property def system_build_info(self): """Return system_build_info.""" return self._system_build_info @property def local_instance_id(self): """Return local_instance_id.""" return self._local_instance_id @property def instance_name_to_reuse(self): """Return instance_name_to_reuse.""" return self._instance_name_to_reuse @property def remote_host(self): """Return host.""" return self._remote_host @property def remote_image_dir(self): """Return remote_image_dir.""" return self._remote_image_dir @property def host_user(self): """Return host_user.""" return self._host_user @property def host_ssh_private_key_path(self): """Return host_ssh_private_key_path.""" return self._host_ssh_private_key_path @property def no_pull_log(self): """Return no_pull_log.""" return self._no_pull_log @property def mkcert(self): """Return mkcert.""" return self._mkcert @property def gce_metadata(self): """Return gce_metadata.""" return self._gce_metadata @property def gce_only(self): """Return gce_only.""" return self._gce_only @property def oxygen(self): """Return oxygen.""" return self._oxygen @property def openwrt(self): """Return openwrt.""" return self._openwrt @property def use_launch_cvd(self): """Return use_launch_cvd.""" return self._use_launch_cvd @property def launch_args(self): """Return launch_args.""" return self._launch_args @property def cvd_host_package(self): """Return cvd_host_package.""" return self._cvd_host_package @property def extra_files(self): """Return extra_files.""" return self._extra_files @property def force_sync(self): """Return force_sync.""" return self._force_sync @property def webrtc_device_id(self): """Return webrtc_device_id.""" return self._webrtc_device_id @property def connect_hostname(self): """Return connect_hostname""" return self._connect_hostname