/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.atest.toolWindow; import com.android.atest.AtestUtils; import com.android.atest.Constants; import com.android.atest.commandAdapter.CommandRunner; import com.android.atest.dialog.MessageDialog; import com.android.atest.widget.AtestFastInputController; import com.android.atest.widget.AtestNotification; import com.intellij.notification.Notifications; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindow; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowManager; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ex.ToolWindowEx; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.ToolWindowImpl; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /** UI content of Atest tool window. */ public class AtestToolWindow { private static final int INITIAL_WIDTH = 1000; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(AtestToolWindow.class); private static AtestToolWindow sAtestToolWindowInstance; private JPanel mAtestToolWindowPanel; private JScrollPane mScorll; private JLabel mAtestlabel; private JTextField mLunchTarget; private JCheckBox mRunOnHost; private JCheckBox mTestMapping; private JCheckBox mSkipBuild; private JButton mRunButton; private JComboBox mTestTarget; private JButton mStopButton; private Project mProject; /** * Initializes AtestToolWindow with ToolWindow and Project. * * @param toolWindow a child window of the IDE used to display information. * @param project the current intelliJ project. */ private AtestToolWindow(ToolWindow toolWindow, Project project) { mProject = project; String basePath = project.getBasePath(); setInitialWidth((ToolWindowEx) toolWindow); setRunButton(basePath); setStopButton(); initTestTarget(basePath); AtestFastInputController fastInputController = new AtestFastInputController(mTestTarget, mRunOnHost, mTestMapping, mSkipBuild); fastInputController.linkCheckBoxWithTestTarget(); } /** * Initializes AtestToolWindow instance. * *
Because the AtestToolWindow should be modified when the project is changed. It can't be * singleton. This initializer is used by the ToolWindowFactory. We use IntelliJ's mechanism to * make sure AtestToolWindow's instance can always follow the project. * * @param toolWindow a child window of the IDE used to display information. * @param project the current intelliJ project. * @return the AtestToolWindow instance. */ @NotNull public static AtestToolWindow initAtestToolWindow(ToolWindow toolWindow, Project project) { sAtestToolWindowInstance = new AtestToolWindow(toolWindow, project); return sAtestToolWindowInstance; } /** * Gets AtestToolWindow instance by project. * *
When using ToolWindowManager to get atest tool window, it will initialize the * AtestToolWindow by {@link AtestToolWindowFactory} asynchronously. We use * ensureContentInitialized from ToolWindowImpl to ensure the AtestToolWindow has been * initialized. * * @param project the current intelliJ project. * @return the AtestToolWindow instance. */ @NotNull public static AtestToolWindow getInstance(@NotNull Project project) { ToolWindow AtestTW = ToolWindowManager.getInstance(project).getToolWindow(Constants.ATEST_TOOL_WINDOW); if (AtestTW instanceof ToolWindowImpl) { ((ToolWindowImpl) AtestTW).ensureContentInitialized(); } if (sAtestToolWindowInstance == null) { LOG.error("AtestToolWindowInstance is null when getting instance by project"); Notifications.Bus.notify(new AtestNotification(Constants.ATEST_WINDOW_FAIL)); } return sAtestToolWindowInstance; } /** * Initializes mTestTarget. * * @param basePath a string that represents current project's base path. */ private void initTestTarget(String basePath) { mTestTarget.setEditable(true); if (AtestUtils.hasTestMapping(basePath)) { mTestTarget.setSelectedItem(basePath); } } /** * Sets the initial width of the tool window. * * @param toolWindowEx a toolWindow which has more methods. */ private void setInitialWidth(@NotNull ToolWindowEx toolWindowEx) { int width = toolWindowEx.getComponent().getWidth(); if (width < INITIAL_WIDTH) { toolWindowEx.stretchWidth(INITIAL_WIDTH - width); } } /** Initializes the run button. */ private void setRunButton(String basePath) { // When command running, the run button will be set to disable, then the focus will set to // next object. Set run button not focusable to prevent it. mRunButton.setFocusable(false); mRunButton.addActionListener( e -> { String lunchTarget = mLunchTarget.getText(); String testTarget = mTestTarget.getEditor().getItem().toString(); String workPath = AtestUtils.getAndroidRoot(basePath); try { CommandRunner runner = new CommandRunner( lunchTarget, testTarget, workPath, AtestToolWindow.this, mProject); runner.run(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { String errorMessage = AtestUtils.checkError(lunchTarget, testTarget, workPath); MessageDialog.showMessageDialog(errorMessage); } }); } /** Initializes the stop button. */ private void setStopButton() { mStopButton.addActionListener( e -> { CommandRunner.stopProcess(mProject); }); } /** Scrolls the output window scroll bar to the bottom. */ public void scrollToEnd() { JScrollBar vertical = mScorll.getVerticalScrollBar(); vertical.setValue(vertical.getMaximum()); } /** * Enables (or disables) the run button. * * @param isEnable true to enable the run button, otherwise disable it. */ public void setRunEnable(boolean isEnable) { mRunButton.setEnabled(isEnable); } /** * Gets the UI panel of Atest tool window. * * @return the JPanel of Atest tool window. */ public JPanel getContent() { return mAtestToolWindowPanel; } /** * Sets the test target of Atest tool window. * * @param target the test target of Atest tool window. */ public void setTestTarget(@NotNull String target) { mTestTarget.setSelectedItem(target); } /** * Sets the lunch target of Atest tool window. * * @param target the lunch target of Atest tool window. */ public void setLunchTarget(@NotNull String target) { mLunchTarget.setText(target); } }