# Command Line Interface for Netsim (netsim) Usage: * `netsim [Options] ` Options: * `-v, --verbose`: Set verbose mode * `-p, --port `: Set custom grpc port * `    --vsock `: Set vsock cid:port pair * `-h, --help`: Print help information ## Commands: * ### `version`: Print Netsim version information * Usage: `netsim version` * ### `radio`: Control the radio state of a device * Usage: `netsim radio ` * Arguments: * \: Radio type [possible values: ble, classic, wifi, uwb] * \: Radio status [possible values: up, down] * \: Device name * ### `move`: Set the device location * Usage: `netsim move [Z]` * Arguments: * \: Device name * \: x position of device * \: y position of device * [Z]: Optional z position of device * ### `devices`: Display device(s) information * Usage: `netsim devices [OPTIONS]` * Options: * `-c, --continuous`: Continuously print device(s) information every second * ### `beacon`: A chip that sends advertisements at a set interval * Usage: `netsim beacon ` * #### Commands: * `create`: Create a beacon * Usage: `netsim beacon create ` * ##### Commands: * `ble`: Create a Bluetooth low-energy beacon * Usage: `netsim beacon create ble [DEVICE_NAME | DEVICE_NAME CHIP_NAME] [OPTIONS]` * Arguments: * \[DEVICE_NAME\]: Optional name of the device to create. A default name will be generated if not supplied * \[CHIP_NAME\]: Optional name of the beacon to create within the new device. May only be specified if DEVICE_NAME is specified. A default name will be generated if not supplied * Advertisement Options: * `--advertise-mode `: Set the advertise mode which controls the duration between advertisements * Possible values: * `low-power` * `balanced` * `low-latency` * A number measuring duration in milliseconds * `--tx-power-level `: Set the beacon's transmission power level * Possible values: * `ultra-low` * `low` * `medium` * `high` * A number measuring transmission power in dBm * `--scannable`: Set whether the beacon will respond to scan requests * `--timeout `: Limit advertising to an amount of time given in milliseconds * Advertise Packet Options: * `--include-device-name`: Set whether the device name should be included in the advertise packet * `--include-tx-power-level`: Set whether the transmit power level should be included in the advertise packet * `--manufacturer-data `: Add manufacturer specific data to the advertise packet * `patch`: Modify a beacon * Usage: `netsim beacon patch ` * ##### Commands: * `ble`: Modify a Bluetooth low-energy beacon * Usage: `netsim beacon patch ble ` * Arguments: * \: Name of the device that contains the beacon * \: Name of the beacon to modify * Advertisement Options: * `--advertise-mode `: Change the advertise mode which controls the duration between advertisements * Possible values: * `low-power` * `balanced` * `low-latency` * A number measuring duration in milliseconds * `--tx-power-level `: Change the beacon's transmission power level * Possible values: * `ultra-low` * `low` * `medium` * `high` * A number measuring transmission power in dBm * `--scannable`: Change whether the beacon will respond to scan requests * `--timeout `: Limit advertising to an amount of time given in milliseconds * Advertise Packet Options: * `--include-device-name`: Change whether the device name should be included in the advertise packet * `--include-tx-power-level`: Change whether the transmit power level should be included in the advertise packet * `--manufacturer-data `: Change manufacturer specific data within the advertise packet * `remove`: Remove a beacon * Usage: `netsim beacon remove [CHIP_NAME]` * Arguments: * \: Name of the device to remove * \[CHIP_NAME\]: Optional name of the beacon to remove * ### `reset`: Reset Netsim device scene * Usage: `netsim reset` * ### `capture`: Control the packet capture functionalities with commands: list, patch, get [aliases: pcap] * Usage: `netsim capture ` * #### Commands * `list`: List currently available Captures (packet captures) * Usage: `netsim capture list [PATTERNS]...` * Arguments: * [PATTERNS]...: Optional strings of pattern for captures to list. Possible filter fields include ID, Device Name, and Chip Kind * Options: * `-c, --continuous`: Continuously print Capture information every second * `patch`: Patch a Capture source to turn packet capture on/off * Usage: `netsim capture patch [PATTERNS]...` * Arguments: * \: Packet capture state [possible values: on, off] * [PATTERNS]...: Optional strings of pattern for captures to patch. Possible filter fields include ID, Device Name, and Chip Kind * `get`: Download the packet capture content * Usage: `netsim capture get [OPTIONS] [PATTERNS]...` * Arguments: * [PATTERNS]...: Optional strings of pattern for captures to get. Possible filter fields include ID, Device Name, and Chip Kind * Options: * `-o, --location`: Directory to store downloaded capture file(s) * ### `gui`: Opens netsim Web UI * ### `artifact`: Opens netsim artifacts directory (log, pcaps) * ### `help`: Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)