#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2016 - The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Sanity tests for voice tests in telephony """ from acts.controllers.anritsu_lib._anritsu_utils import AnritsuError from acts.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import CBCHSetup from acts.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import CTCHSetup from acts.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import MD8475A from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_C2K_CATEGORY_AMBER from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_C2K_CATEGORY_EXTREME from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_C2K_CATEGORY_PRESIDENTIAL from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_C2K_CERTIANTY_LIKELY from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_C2K_RESPONSETYPE_EVACUATE from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_C2K_RESPONSETYPE_MONITOR from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_C2K_RESPONSETYPE_SHELTER from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_C2K_SEVERITY_EXTREME from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_C2K_URGENCY_IMMEDIATE from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_C2K_CERTIANTY_OBSERVED from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_MESSAGE_CHILD_ABDUCTION_EMERGENCY from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_MESSAGE_EXTREME_IMMEDIATE_LIKELY from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import CMAS_MESSAGE_PRESIDENTIAL_ALERT from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import cb_serial_number from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import cmas_receive_verify_message_cdma1x from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import cmas_receive_verify_message_lte_wcdma from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import set_system_model_1x from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import set_system_model_1x_evdo from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import set_system_model_lte from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import set_system_model_gsm from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import set_system_model_wcdma from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import set_usim_parameters from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import set_post_sim_params from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import NETWORK_MODE_CDMA from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import NETWORK_MODE_GSM_ONLY from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import NETWORK_MODE_GSM_UMTS from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import NETWORK_MODE_LTE_GSM_WCDMA from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import RAT_1XRTT from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import RAT_LTE from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import RAT_GSM from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import RAT_WCDMA from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import RAT_FAMILY_CDMA2000 from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import RAT_FAMILY_GSM from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import RAT_FAMILY_LTE from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import RAT_FAMILY_UMTS from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_logging_utils import start_qxdm_loggers from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import ensure_network_rat from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import ensure_phones_idle from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import toggle_airplane_mode from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.TelephonyBaseTest import TelephonyBaseTest from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_REG_AND_MSG = 15 # default 15 sec class TelLabCmasTest(TelephonyBaseTest): SERIAL_NO = cb_serial_number() def setup_class(self): super().setup_class() self.ad = self.android_devices[0] self.ad.sim_card = getattr(self.ad, "sim_card", None) self.md8475a_ip_address = self.user_params[ "anritsu_md8475a_ip_address"] self.wlan_option = self.user_params.get("anritsu_wlan_option", False) self.md8475_version = self.user_params.get("md8475", "A") self.wait_time_between_reg_and_msg = self.user_params.get( "wait_time_between_reg_and_msg", WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_REG_AND_MSG) try: self.anritsu = MD8475A(self.md8475a_ip_address, self.wlan_option, self.md8475_version) except AnritsuError: self.log.error("Error in connecting to Anritsu Simulator") return False return True def setup_test(self): if getattr(self, "qxdm_log", True): start_qxdm_loggers(self.log, self.android_devices) ensure_phones_idle(self.log, self.android_devices) toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, self.ad, True) self.ad.adb.shell("logcat -c -b all", ignore_status=True) return True def teardown_test(self): self.log.info("Stopping Simulation") self.anritsu.stop_simulation() toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, self.ad, True) return True def teardown_class(self): self.anritsu.disconnect() return True def _send_receive_cmas_message( self, set_simulation_func, rat, message_id, warning_message, c2k_response_type=CMAS_C2K_RESPONSETYPE_SHELTER, c2k_severity=CMAS_C2K_SEVERITY_EXTREME, c2k_urgency=CMAS_C2K_URGENCY_IMMEDIATE, c2k_certainty=CMAS_C2K_CERTIANTY_OBSERVED): try: [self.bts1] = set_simulation_func(self.anritsu, self.user_params, self.ad.sim_card) set_usim_parameters(self.anritsu, self.ad.sim_card) if rat == RAT_LTE: set_post_sim_params(self.anritsu, self.user_params, self.ad.sim_card) self.anritsu.start_simulation() if rat == RAT_LTE: preferred_network_setting = NETWORK_MODE_LTE_GSM_WCDMA rat_family = RAT_FAMILY_LTE elif rat == RAT_WCDMA: self.bts1.wcdma_ctch = CTCHSetup.CTCH_ENABLE self.ad.droid.telephonyToggleDataConnection(False) preferred_network_setting = NETWORK_MODE_GSM_UMTS rat_family = RAT_FAMILY_UMTS elif rat == RAT_GSM: self.bts1.gsm_cbch = CBCHSetup.CBCH_ENABLE self.ad.droid.telephonyToggleDataConnection(False) preferred_network_setting = NETWORK_MODE_GSM_ONLY rat_family = RAT_FAMILY_GSM elif rat == RAT_1XRTT: self.ad.droid.telephonyToggleDataConnection(False) preferred_network_setting = NETWORK_MODE_CDMA rat_family = RAT_FAMILY_CDMA2000 else: self.log.error("No valid RAT provided for CMAS test.") return False if not ensure_network_rat(self.log, self.ad, preferred_network_setting, rat_family, toggle_apm_after_setting=True): self.log.error( "Failed to set rat family {}, preferred network:{}".format( rat_family, preferred_network_setting)) return False self.anritsu.wait_for_registration_state() if rat != RAT_1XRTT: if not cmas_receive_verify_message_lte_wcdma( self.log, self.ad, self.anritsu, next(TelLabCmasTest.SERIAL_NO), message_id, warning_message): self.log.warning( "Phone {} Failed to receive CMAS message".format( self.ad.serial)) # Another check of logcat before confirming failure if self.ad.search_logcat(warning_message): self.ad.log.info( "Confirmed from Logcat - User received %s", warning_message) return True return False else: if not cmas_receive_verify_message_cdma1x( self.log, self.ad, self.anritsu, next(TelLabCmasTest.SERIAL_NO), message_id, warning_message, c2k_response_type, c2k_severity, c2k_urgency, c2k_certainty): self.log.warning( "Phone {} Failed to receive CMAS message".format( self.ad.serial)) if self.ad.search_logcat(warning_message): self.ad.log.info( "Confirmed from Logcat - User received %s", warning_message) return True return False except AnritsuError as e: self.log.error("Error in connection with Anritsu Simulator: " + str(e)) return False except Exception as e: self.log.error("Exception during CMAS send/receive: " + str(e)) return False return True def test_carrier_tmobile(self): """ Sets the Carrier to TMO. Returns: None """ setattr(self.ad, "sim_card", "FiTMO") def test_carrier_sprint(self): """ Sets the Carrier to SPR. Returns: None """ setattr(self.ad, "sim_card", "FiSPR") def test_carrier_uscc(self): """ Sets the Carrier to USCC. Returns: None """ setattr(self.ad, "sim_card", "FiUSCC") """ Tests Begin """ @test_tracker_info(uuid="e5ddf562-e94b-4b58-bc7d-6635c01f290e") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_presidential_alert_lte(self): """CMAS Presidential alert message reception on LTE Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the CMAS presedential alert message when camped on LTE newtork Steps: 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on LTE network 2. Send CMAS Presidential message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Presidential alert message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_lte, RAT_LTE, CMAS_MESSAGE_PRESIDENTIAL_ALERT, "LTE CMAS Presidential Alert") @test_tracker_info(uuid="33be2aaa-e8a6-4832-afea-8bd7e5555cc7") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_extreme_immediate_likely_lte(self): """CMAS Extreme immediate likely message reception on LTE Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the Extreme immediate likely message when camped on LTE newtork 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on LTE network 2. Send CMAS Extreme immediate likely message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Extreme immediate likely message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_lte, RAT_LTE, CMAS_MESSAGE_EXTREME_IMMEDIATE_LIKELY, "LTE CMAS Extreme Immediate Likely") @test_tracker_info(uuid="111d3b0b-020a-4818-9681-e46d1d4d61fd") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_child_abduction_emergency_lte(self): """CMAS Child abduction emergency message reception on LTE Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the CMAS Child abduction emergency message when camped on LTE newtork 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on LTE network 2. Send CMAS Child abduction emergency message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Child abduction emergency message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_lte, RAT_LTE, CMAS_MESSAGE_CHILD_ABDUCTION_EMERGENCY, "LTE CMAS Child abduction Alert") @test_tracker_info(uuid="df5676b2-cfab-4d64-8c51-ed2b95642dce") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_presidential_alert_wcdma(self): """CMAS Presidential alert message reception on WCDMA Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the CMAS presedential alert message when camped on WCDMA newtork Steps: 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on WCDMA network 2. Send CMAS Presidential message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Presidential alert message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_wcdma, RAT_WCDMA, CMAS_MESSAGE_PRESIDENTIAL_ALERT, "WCDMA CMAS Presidential Alert") @test_tracker_info(uuid="954544cc-75e8-408b-a5a5-4d820d0e0b3d") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_extreme_immediate_likely_wcdma(self): """CMAS Extreme immediate likely message reception on WCDMA Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the Extreme immediate likely message when camped on WCDMA newtork 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on WCDMA network 2. Send CMAS Extreme immediate likely message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Extreme immediate likely message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_wcdma, RAT_WCDMA, CMAS_MESSAGE_EXTREME_IMMEDIATE_LIKELY, "WCDMA CMAS Extreme Immediate Likely") @test_tracker_info(uuid="8c681524-b217-422b-9b45-0dea9b30deed") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_child_abduction_emergency_wcdma(self): """CMAS Child abduction emergency message reception on WCDMA Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the CMAS Child abduction emergency message when camped on WCDMA newtork 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on WCDMA network 2. Send CMAS Child abduction emergency message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Child abduction emergency message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_wcdma, RAT_WCDMA, CMAS_MESSAGE_CHILD_ABDUCTION_EMERGENCY, "WCDMA CMAS Child abduction Alert") @test_tracker_info(uuid="44b0c8c5-b5f4-4fe0-b62f-6586bd37c728") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_presidential_alert_1x(self): """CMAS Presidential alert message reception on 1x Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the CMAS presedential alert message when camped on 1x newtork Steps: 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on 1x network 2. Send CMAS Presidential message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Presidential alert message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message(set_system_model_1x, RAT_1XRTT, CMAS_C2K_CATEGORY_PRESIDENTIAL, "1X CMAS Presidential Alert") @test_tracker_info(uuid="67cccd46-4cce-47b2-9cba-a24abe7aedc5") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_extreme_immediate_likely_1x(self): """CMAS Extreme immediate likely message reception on 1x Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the Extreme immediate likely message when camped on 1x newtork 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on 1x network 2. Send CMAS Extreme immediate likely message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Extreme immediate likely message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_1x, RAT_1XRTT, CMAS_C2K_CATEGORY_EXTREME, "1X CMAS Extreme Immediate Likely", CMAS_C2K_RESPONSETYPE_EVACUATE, CMAS_C2K_SEVERITY_EXTREME, CMAS_C2K_URGENCY_IMMEDIATE, CMAS_C2K_CERTIANTY_LIKELY) @test_tracker_info(uuid="4053c54b-cda8-456a-8bce-5483732c9aee") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_child_abduction_emergency_1x(self): """CMAS Child abduction emergency message reception on 1x Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the CMAS Child abduction emergency message when camped on 1x newtork 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on 1x network 2. Send CMAS Child abduction emergency message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Child abduction emergency message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_1x, RAT_1XRTT, CMAS_C2K_CATEGORY_AMBER, "1X CMAS Child abduction Alert", CMAS_C2K_RESPONSETYPE_MONITOR, CMAS_C2K_SEVERITY_EXTREME, CMAS_C2K_URGENCY_IMMEDIATE, CMAS_C2K_CERTIANTY_OBSERVED) @test_tracker_info(uuid="95e4643b-3387-41ce-ac24-8db3a8f96557") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_presidential_alert_1x_evdo(self): """CMAS Presidential alert message reception on 1x with EVDO Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the CMAS presedential alert message when camped on 1x newtork Steps: 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on 1x network with EVDO 2. Send CMAS Presidential message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Presidential alert message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message(set_system_model_1x_evdo, RAT_1XRTT, CMAS_C2K_CATEGORY_PRESIDENTIAL, "1X CMAS Presidential Alert") @test_tracker_info(uuid="d1283544-81d0-4852-9387-c94826794896") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_extreme_immediate_likely_1x_evdo(self): """CMAS Extreme immediate likely message reception on 1x with EVDO Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the Extreme immediate likely message when camped on 1x newtork 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on 1x network with EVDO 2. Send CMAS Extreme immediate likely message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Extreme immediate likely message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_1x_evdo, RAT_1XRTT, CMAS_C2K_CATEGORY_EXTREME, "1X CMAS Extreme Immediate Likely", CMAS_C2K_RESPONSETYPE_EVACUATE, CMAS_C2K_SEVERITY_EXTREME, CMAS_C2K_URGENCY_IMMEDIATE, CMAS_C2K_CERTIANTY_LIKELY) @test_tracker_info(uuid="8ae7027e-77ec-4c9b-88e5-c20caef007a5") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_child_abduction_emergency_1x_evdo(self): """CMAS Child abduction emergency message reception on 1x with EVDO Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the CMAS Child abduction emergency message when camped on 1x newtork 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on 1x network 2. Send CMAS Child abduction emergency message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Child abduction emergency message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_1x_evdo, RAT_1XRTT, CMAS_C2K_CATEGORY_AMBER, "1X CMAS Child abduction Alert", CMAS_C2K_RESPONSETYPE_MONITOR, CMAS_C2K_SEVERITY_EXTREME, CMAS_C2K_URGENCY_IMMEDIATE, CMAS_C2K_CERTIANTY_OBSERVED) @test_tracker_info(uuid="7e4ab36b-4e9b-4bdf-bdb8-8356103a3e79") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_presidential_alert_gsm(self): """CMAS Presidential alert message reception on GSM Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the CMAS presedential alert message when camped on GSM newtork Steps: 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on GSM network 2. Send CMAS Presidential message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Presidential alert message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_gsm, RAT_GSM, CMAS_MESSAGE_PRESIDENTIAL_ALERT, "GSM CMAS Presidential Alert") @test_tracker_info(uuid="c6d6b57b-c915-46e3-acbe-4d7f8cd6e52e") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_extreme_immediate_likely_gsm(self): """CMAS Extreme immediate likely message reception on GSM Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the Extreme immediate likely message when camped on GSM newtork 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on GSM network 2. Send CMAS Extreme immediate likely message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Extreme immediate likely message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_gsm, RAT_GSM, CMAS_MESSAGE_EXTREME_IMMEDIATE_LIKELY, "GSM CMAS Extreme Immediate Likely") @test_tracker_info(uuid="eb0a51de-f5fa-4b66-b0c2-21320fca44ca") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap def test_cmas_child_abduction_emergency_gsm(self): """CMAS Child abduction emergency message reception on GSM Tests the capability of device to receive and inform the user about the CMAS Child abduction emergency message when camped on GSM newtork 1. Make Sure Phone is camped on GSM network 2. Send CMAS Child abduction emergency message from Anritsu Expected Result: Phone receives CMAS Child abduction emergency message Returns: True if pass; False if fail """ return self._send_receive_cmas_message( set_system_model_gsm, RAT_GSM, CMAS_MESSAGE_CHILD_ABDUCTION_EMERGENCY, "GSM CMAS Child abduction Alert") """ Tests End """