#!/usr/bin/env python3.4 # # Copyright 2016 - Google # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Test Script for Live Network Telephony Conference Call """ import time from acts import signals from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info from acts.libs.utils.multithread import multithread_func from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.TelephonyBaseTest import TelephonyBaseTest from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import CALL_CAPABILITY_MERGE_CONFERENCE from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import CALL_CAPABILITY_SWAP_CONFERENCE from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import CALL_STATE_ACTIVE from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import CAPABILITY_CONFERENCE from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import PHONE_TYPE_CDMA from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import ensure_phones_idle from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import phone_setup_3g from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import phone_setup_voice_2g from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import phone_setup_voice_3g from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import phone_setup_csfb from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import phone_setup_iwlan from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import phone_setup_voice_general from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import phone_setup_volte from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_ss_utils import three_phone_call_forwarding_short_seq from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_ss_utils import three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_subscription_utils import get_outgoing_voice_sub_id from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import get_phone_number from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import install_dialer_apk from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import num_active_calls from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import verify_incall_state from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import get_capability_for_subscription from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import call_reject from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import call_setup_teardown from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_1x from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_2g from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_3g from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_csfb from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_iwlan from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_volte from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_wcdma from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import swap_calls from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import wait_and_answer_call from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _get_expected_call_state from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _hangup_call from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _three_phone_call_mo_add_mo from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _three_phone_call_mo_add_mt from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_conf_utils import _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop class TelLiveVoiceConfTest(TelephonyBaseTest): def setup_class(self): TelephonyBaseTest.setup_class(self) if not get_capability_for_subscription( self.android_devices[0], CAPABILITY_CONFERENCE, get_outgoing_voice_sub_id(self.android_devices[0])): self.android_devices[0].log.error( "Conference call is not supported, abort test.") raise signals.TestAbortClass( "Conference call is not supported, abort test.") self.dialer_util = self.user_params.get("dialer_apk", None) if isinstance(self.dialer_util, list): self.dialer_util = self.dialer_util[0] if self.dialer_util: ads = self.android_devices for ad in ads: install_dialer_apk(ad, self.dialer_util) def teardown_test(self): ensure_phones_idle(self.log, self.android_devices) # Note: Currently Conference Call do not verify voice. # So even if test cases passed, does not necessarily means # conference call functionality is working. # Need to add code to check for voice. """ Private Test Utils """ def _three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject(self, ads, verify_funcs, reject): """Use 3 phones to make MO call and MT call. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC to PhoneA. PhoneA receive incoming call. if reject is True, then reject the call on PhoneA. if reject if False, then just ignore the incoming call on PhoneA. Args: ads: list of ad object. The list should have three objects. verify_funcs: list of phone call verify functions for PhoneA and PhoneB. The list should have two objects. Returns: True if no error happened. """ class _CallException(Exception): pass try: verify_func_a, verify_func_b = verify_funcs self.log.info("Step1: Call From PhoneA to PhoneB.") if not call_setup_teardown( self.log, ads[0], ads[1], ad_hangup=None, verify_caller_func=verify_func_a, verify_callee_func=verify_func_b): raise _CallException("PhoneA call PhoneB failed.") self.log.info("Step2: Call From PhoneC to PhoneA then decline.") if not call_reject(self.log, ads[2], ads[0], reject): raise _CallException("PhoneC call PhoneA then decline failed.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1]], True): raise _CallException("PhoneA and PhoneB are not in call.") except _CallException: return False return True def _test_1x_mo_mo_add(self): """Test multi call feature in 1x call. PhoneA (1x) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (1x) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Returns: call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id if succeed; None, None, None if failed. """ ads = self.android_devices # make sure PhoneA is CDMA phone before proceed. if (ads[0].droid.telephonyGetPhoneType() != PHONE_TYPE_CDMA): raise signals.TestSkip("not CDMA phone, abort this 1x test.") call_ab_id = _three_phone_call_mo_add_mo(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [ phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_voice_general ], [is_phone_in_call_1x, None, None]) if call_ab_id is None: self.log.error("Failed to get call_ab_id") return None, None, None calls = ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallIds() ads[0].log.info("Calls in PhoneA %s", calls) if num_active_calls(self.log, ads[0]) != 3: return None, None, None for call_id in calls: if (CALL_CAPABILITY_MERGE_CONFERENCE in ads[0] .droid.telecomCallGetCapabilities(call_id)): call_conf_id = call_id elif call_id != call_ab_id: call_ac_id = call_id return call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id def _test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_x(self, num_swaps): """Test multi call feature in 1x call. PhoneA (1x) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (1x), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA.(N times) Returns: call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id if succeed; None, None, None if failed. """ ads = self.android_devices # make sure PhoneA is CDMA phone before proceed. if (ads[0].droid.telephonyGetPhoneType() != PHONE_TYPE_CDMA): raise signals.TestSkip("not CDMA phone, abort this 1x test.") call_ab_id = _three_phone_call_mo_add_mt(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [ phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_voice_general ], [is_phone_in_call_1x, None, None]) if call_ab_id is None: self.log.error("Failed to get call_ab_id") return None, None, None call_conf_id = None calls = ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallIds() ads[0].log.info("Calls in PhoneA %s", calls) if num_active_calls(self.log, ads[0]) != 3: return None, None, None for call_id in calls: if (CALL_CAPABILITY_SWAP_CONFERENCE in ads[0] .droid.telecomCallGetCapabilities(call_id)): call_conf_id = call_id elif call_id != call_ab_id: call_ac_id = call_id if num_swaps > 0: self.log.info("Step3: Begin Swap x%s test.", num_swaps) if not swap_calls( self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id, num_swaps, check_call_status=False): self.log.error("Swap test failed.") return None, None, None return call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id def _test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_x(self, num_swaps): """Test multi call feature in 1x call. PhoneB call PhoneA (1x), accept on PhoneA. PhoneC call PhoneA (1x), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA.(N times) Returns: call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id if succeed; None, None, None if failed. """ ads = self.android_devices # make sure PhoneA is CDMA phone before proceed. if (ads[0].droid.telephonyGetPhoneType() != PHONE_TYPE_CDMA): raise signals.TestSkip("not CDMA phone, abort this 1x test.") call_ab_id = self._three_phone_call_mt_add_mt( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [ phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_voice_general ], [is_phone_in_call_1x, None, None]) if call_ab_id is None: self.log.error("Failed to get call_ab_id") return None, None, None call_conf_id = None calls = ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallIds() ads[0].log.info("Calls in PhoneA %s", calls) if num_active_calls(self.log, ads[0]) != 3: return None, None, None for call_id in calls: if (CALL_CAPABILITY_SWAP_CONFERENCE in ads[0] .droid.telecomCallGetCapabilities(call_id)): call_conf_id = call_id elif call_id != call_ab_id: call_ac_id = call_id if num_swaps > 0: self.log.info("Step3: Begin Swap x%s test.", num_swaps) if not swap_calls( self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id, num_swaps, check_call_status=False): self.log.error("Swap test failed.") return None, None, None return call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id def _test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant(self, host, first_drop_ad, second_drop_ad): """Test private function to drop call from participant in 1x multi call. Host(1x) is in multi call scenario with first_drop_ad and second_drop_ad. Drop call on first_drop_ad. Verify call continues between host and second_drop_ad. Drop call on second_drop_ad and verify host also ends. Args: host: android device object for multi-call/conference-call host. first_drop_ad: android device object for call participant, end call on this participant first. second_drop_ad: android device object for call participant, end call on this participant second. Returns: True if no error happened. Otherwise False. """ self.log.info("Drop 1st call.") if not _hangup_call(self.log, first_drop_ad): return False time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) calls = host.droid.telecomCallGetCallIds() host.log.info("Calls list: %s", calls) if num_active_calls(self.log, host) != 3: return False if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [host, second_drop_ad], True): return False if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [first_drop_ad], False): return False self.log.info("Drop 2nd call.") if not _hangup_call(self.log, second_drop_ad): return False time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state( self.log, [host, second_drop_ad, first_drop_ad], False): return False return True def _test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_host(self, host, active_participant_ad, held_participant_ad): """Test private function to drop call from host in 1x multi call. Host(1x) is in multi call scenario with first_drop_ad and second_drop_ad. Drop call on host. Then active_participant_ad should ends as well. Host should receive a call back from held_participant_ad. Answer on host. Drop call on host. Then verify held_participant_ad ends as well. Args: host: android device object for multi-call/conference-call host. active_participant_ad: android device object for the current active call participant. held_participant_ad: android device object for the current held call participant. Returns: True if no error happened. Otherwise False. """ self.log.info("Drop current call on Host.") if not _hangup_call(self.log, host, "Host"): return False if not wait_and_answer_call(self.log, host, get_phone_number(self.log, held_participant_ad)): self.log.error("Did not receive call back.") return False time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [host, held_participant_ad], True): return False if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [active_participant_ad], False): return False self.log.info("Drop current call on Host.") if not _hangup_call(self.log, host, "Host"): return False time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state( self.log, [host, held_participant_ad, active_participant_ad], False): return False return True def _test_1x_conf_call_drop_from_host(self, host, participant_list): """Test private function to drop call from host in 1x conference call. Host(1x) is in conference call scenario with phones in participant_list. End call on host. Then all phones in participant_list should end call. Args: host: android device object for multi-call/conference-call host. participant_list: android device objects list for all other participants in multi-call/conference-call. Returns: True if no error happened. Otherwise False. """ self.log.info("Drop conference call on Host.") if not _hangup_call(self.log, host, "Host"): return False time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [host], False): return False if not verify_incall_state(self.log, participant_list, False): return False return True def _test_1x_merge_conference(self, host, participant_list, call_conf_id): """Test private function to merge to conference in 1x multi call scenario. Host(1x) is in multi call scenario with phones in participant_list. Merge to conference on host. Verify merge succeed. Args: host: android device object for multi-call/conference-call host. participant_list: android device objects list for all other participants in multi-call/conference-call. call_conf_id: conference call id in host android device object. Returns: True if no error happened. Otherwise False. """ host.droid.telecomCallMergeToConf(call_conf_id) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) calls = host.droid.telecomCallGetCallIds() host.log.info("Calls in Phone %s", calls) if num_active_calls(self.log, host) != 3: return False if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [host], True): return False if not verify_incall_state(self.log, participant_list, True): return False if (CALL_CAPABILITY_MERGE_CONFERENCE in host.droid.telecomCallGetCapabilities(call_conf_id)): self.log.error("Merge conference failed.") return False return True """ Tests Begin """ @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3cd45972-3862-4956-9504-7fefacdd5ca6") def test_wcdma_mo_mo_add_merge_drop(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA to PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c1158bd3-6327-4c91-96a7-400e69f68698") def test_wcdma_mt_mt_add_merge_drop(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneB to PhoneA, accept on PhoneA. Call from PhoneC to PhoneA, accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="804478b4-a826-48be-a9fa-9a0cec66ee54") def test_1x_mo_mo_add_merge_drop_from_participant(self): """ Test 1x Conf Call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. Call from DUT to PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. 3. Call from DUT to PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. 4. On DUT, merge to conference call. 5. End call PhoneC, verify call continues on DUT and PhoneB. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 4. Merge Call succeed on DUT. 5. PhoneC drop call, DUT and PhoneB call continues. 6. PhoneB drop call, call also end on DUT. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mo_add() if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Merge to Conf Call and verify Conf Call.") if not self._test_1x_merge_conference(ads[0], [ads[1], ads[2]], call_conf_id): self.log.error("1x Conference merge failed.") self.log.info("End call on PhoneC, and end call on PhoneB.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a36b02a6-480e-4cb6-9201-bd8bfa5ae8a4") def test_1x_mo_mo_add_merge_drop_from_host(self): """ Test 1x Conf Call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. Call from DUT to PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. 3. Call from DUT to PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. 4. On DUT, merge to conference call. 5. End call on DUT, make sure all participants drop. Expected Results: 4. Merge Call succeed on DUT. 5. Make sure DUT and all participants drop call. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mo_add() if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Merge to Conf Call and verify Conf Call.") if not self._test_1x_merge_conference(ads[0], [ads[1], ads[2]], call_conf_id): self.log.error("1x Conference merge failed.") self.log.info("End call on PhoneC, and end call on PhoneB.") return self._test_1x_conf_call_drop_from_host(ads[0], [ads[2], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="0c9e5da6-90db-4cb5-9b2c-4be3460b49d0") def test_1x_mo_mt_add_drop_active(self): """ Test 1x MO+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. Call from DUT to PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. 3. Call from PhoneC to DUT, accept on DUT. 4. End call PhoneC, verify call continues on DUT and PhoneB. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 4. PhoneC drop call, DUT and PhoneB call continues. 5. PhoneB drop call, call also end on DUT. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_x( 0) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneC, and end call on PhoneB.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="9dc16b45-3470-44c8-abf8-19cd5944a53c") def test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_twice_drop_active(self): """ Test 1x MO+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. DUT MO call to PhoneB, answer on PhoneB. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Swap active call on DUT. 6. Drop on PhoneC. 7. Drop on PhoneB. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. Swap call succeed. 6. Call between DUT and PhoneB continues. 7. All participant call end. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_x( 2) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneC, and end call on PhoneB.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="dc7a3187-142e-4754-a914-d0241397a2b3") def test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_once_drop_active(self): """ Test 1x MO+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. DUT MO call to PhoneB, answer on PhoneB. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Drop on PhoneB. 6. Drop on PhoneC. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. Call between DUT and PhoneC continues. 6. All participant call end. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_x( 1) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneB, and end call on PhoneC.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="24cd0ef0-1a69-4603-89c2-0f2b96715348") def test_1x_mo_mt_add_drop_held(self): """ Test 1x MO+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. Call from DUT to PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. 3. Call from PhoneC to DUT, accept on DUT. 4. End call PhoneB, verify call continues on DUT and PhoneC. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 4. DUT drop call, PhoneC also end. Then DUT receive callback from PhoneB. 5. DUT drop call, call also end on PhoneB. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_x( 0) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneB, and end call on PhoneC.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="1c5c1780-84c2-4547-9e57-eeadac6569d7") def test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_twice_drop_held(self): """ Test 1x MO+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. DUT MO call to PhoneB, answer on PhoneB. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Swap active call on DUT. 6. Drop on PhoneB. 7. Drop on PhoneC. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. Swap call succeed. 6. Call between DUT and PhoneC continues. 7. All participant call end. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_x( 2) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneB, and end call on PhoneC.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="928a2b21-c4ca-4553-9acc-8d3db61ed6eb") def test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_once_drop_held(self): """ Test 1x MO+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. DUT MO call to PhoneB, answer on PhoneB. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Drop on PhoneC. 6. Drop on PhoneB. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. Call between DUT and PhoneB continues. 6. All participant call end. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_x( 1) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneC, and end call on PhoneB.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="deb57627-a717-41f0-b8f4-f3ccf9ce2e15") def test_1x_mo_mt_add_drop_on_dut(self): """ Test 1x MO+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. Call from DUT to PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. 3. Call from PhoneC to DUT, accept on DUT. 4. End call on DUT. 5. End call on DUT. Expected Results: 4. DUT drop call, PhoneC also end. Then DUT receive callback from PhoneB. 5. DUT drop call, call also end on PhoneB. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_x( 0) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on DUT, DUT should receive callback.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_host(ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="9cdee9c2-98cf-40de-9396-516192e493a1") def test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_twice_drop_on_dut(self): """ Test 1x MO+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. DUT MO call to PhoneB, answer on PhoneB. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Swap active call on DUT. 6. Drop current call on DUT. 7. Drop current call on DUT. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. Swap call succeed. 6. DUT drop call, PhoneC also end. Then DUT receive callback from PhoneB. 7. DUT drop call, call also end on PhoneB. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_x( 2) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on DUT, DUT should receive callback.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_host(ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="26187827-64c0-436e-9792-20c216aeb442") def test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_once_drop_on_dut(self): """ Test 1x MO+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. DUT MO call to PhoneB, answer on PhoneB. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Drop current call on DUT. 6. Drop current call on DUT. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. DUT drop call, PhoneB also end. Then DUT receive callback from PhoneC. 6. DUT drop call, call also end on PhoneC. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mo_mt_add_swap_x( 1) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on DUT, DUT should receive callback.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_host(ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ce590b72-b4ab-4a27-9c01-f8e3b110419f") def test_1x_mt_mt_add_drop_active(self): """ Test 1x MT+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. Call from PhoneB to DUT, accept on DUT. 3. Call from PhoneC to DUT, accept on DUT. 4. End call PhoneC, verify call continues on DUT and PhoneB. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 4. PhoneC drop call, DUT and PhoneB call continues. 5. PhoneB drop call, call also end on DUT. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_x( 0) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneC, and end call on PhoneB.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="736aa74e-1d0b-4f85-b0f7-11840543cf54") def test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_twice_drop_active(self): """ Test 1x MT+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. PhoneB call to DUT, answer on DUT. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Swap active call on DUT. 6. Drop on PhoneC. 7. Drop on PhoneB. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. Swap call succeed. 6. Call between DUT and PhoneB continues. 7. All participant call end. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_x( 2) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneC, and end call on PhoneB.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3eee6b6e-e1b1-43ec-82d5-d298b514fc07") def test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_once_drop_active(self): """ Test 1x MT+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. PhoneB call to DUT, answer on DUT. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Drop on PhoneB. 6. Drop on PhoneC. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. Call between DUT and PhoneC continues. 6. All participant call end. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_x( 1) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneB, and end call on PhoneC.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="432549a9-e4bb-44d3-bd44-befffc1af02d") def test_1x_mt_mt_add_drop_held(self): """ Test 1x MT+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. Call from PhoneB to DUT, accept on DUT. 3. Call from PhoneC to DUT, accept on DUT. 4. End call PhoneB, verify call continues on DUT and PhoneC. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 4. PhoneB drop call, DUT and PhoneC call continues. 5. PhoneC drop call, call also end on DUT. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_x( 0) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneB, and end call on PhoneC.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c8f30fc1-8586-4eb0-854e-264989fd69b8") def test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_twice_drop_held(self): """ Test 1x MT+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. PhoneB call to DUT, answer on DUT. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Swap active call on DUT. 6. Drop on PhoneB. 7. Drop on PhoneC. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. Swap call succeed. 6. Call between DUT and PhoneC continues. 7. All participant call end. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_x( 2) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneB, and end call on PhoneC.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="065ba51e-9843-4018-8009-7fdc6590011d") def test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_once_drop_held(self): """ Test 1x MT+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. PhoneB call to DUT, answer on DUT. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Drop on PhoneC. 6. Drop on PhoneB. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. Call between DUT and PhoneB continues. 6. All participant call end. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_x( 1) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on PhoneC, and end call on PhoneB.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_participant( ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="69c69449-d430-4f00-ae19-c51242561ac9") def test_1x_mt_mt_add_drop_on_dut(self): """ Test 1x MT+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. Call from PhoneB to DUT, accept on DUT. 3. Call from PhoneC to DUT, accept on DUT. 4. End call on DUT. 5. End call on DUT. Expected Results: 4. DUT drop call, PhoneC also end. Then DUT receive callback from PhoneB. 5. DUT drop call, call also end on PhoneB. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_x( 0) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on DUT, DUT should receive callback.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_host(ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="282583a3-d455-4caf-a184-718f8bbccb91") def test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_twice_drop_on_dut(self): """ Test 1x MT+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. PhoneB call to DUT, answer on DUT. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Swap active call on DUT. 6. Drop current call on DUT. 7. Drop current call on DUT. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. Swap call succeed. 6. DUT drop call, PhoneC also end. Then DUT receive callback from PhoneB. 7. DUT drop call, call also end on PhoneB. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_x( 2) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on DUT, DUT should receive callback.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_host(ads[0], ads[2], ads[1]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="1cf83159-d230-41a4-842c-064be5ef11e6") def test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_once_drop_on_dut(self): """ Test 1x MT+MT call among three phones. Steps: 1. DUT in 1x idle, PhoneB and PhoneC idle. 2. PhoneB call to DUT, answer on DUT. 3. PhoneC call to DUT, answer on DUT 4. Swap active call on DUT. 5. Drop current call on DUT. 6. Drop current call on DUT. Expected Results: 4. Swap call succeed. 5. DUT drop call, PhoneB also end. Then DUT receive callback from PhoneC. 6. DUT drop call, call also end on PhoneC. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id, call_conf_id = self._test_1x_mt_mt_add_swap_x( 1) if ((call_ab_id is None) or (call_ac_id is None) or (call_conf_id is None)): self.log.error("Failed to setup 3 way call.") return False self.log.info("Verify no one dropped call.") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False self.log.info("End call on DUT, DUT should receive callback.") return self._test_1x_multi_call_drop_from_host(ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="602db3cb-e02b-4e4c-9043-338e1231f51b") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7c9ae738-9031-4a77-9ff7-356a186820a5") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f50e7e94-0956-41c4-b02b-384a12668f10") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a6c22e39-fd7e-4bed-982a-145065572281") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="2188722a-31e3-4e46-8f74-6ea4cbc08476") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ef5ec1c9-7771-4289-ad94-08a80145d680") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="2111001d-c310-4eff-a6ef-201d199796ea") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="eee3577b-5427-43ee-aff0-ed7f7846b41c") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="86faf200-be78-452d-8662-85e7f42a2d3b") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="d0e18f3c-71a1-49c9-b3ad-b8c24f8a43ec") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b27d6b3d-b73b-4a20-a5ae-2990d73a07fe") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Call from PhoneB (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f66e940c-30bd-48c7-b5e2-91147fa04ba2") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ad313a8b-8bb0-43eb-a10e-e2c17f530ee4") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="18b30c14-fef1-4055-8987-ee6137609b81") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7dc24162-f06e-453b-93e6-926d31e6d387") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="eb90a56b-2085-4fde-a156-ada3620200df") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (VOLTE) to PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ae999260-7856-41cc-bf4c-67b26e18c9a3") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="cd48de00-c1e5-4716-b232-3f1f98e89510") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a84ea6e8-dabc-4bab-b6d1-700b0a0fb9e9") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7ac9a806-c608-42dd-a4fd-66b0ba535434") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="35f9eb31-3a77-457c-aeb0-55a73c60dda1") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f3314f74-e929-45ed-91cb-27c1c26e240f") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="5e521ff1-505b-4d63-8b12-7b0187dea94b") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="d5732ea2-a657-40ea-bb30-151e53cf8058") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="78e73444-3dde-465f-bf5e-dc48b40a93f3") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f4efbf04-b117-4508-ba86-0ef37481cc3a") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Call from PhoneB (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="064109cf-d166-448a-8655-81744ea37e05") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="bedd0576-5bb6-4fef-9700-f638cf742201") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, self.android_devices, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="46178387-a0dc-4e77-8ca4-06f731e1104f") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a1d13168-078b-47d8-89f0-0798b085502d") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="08a26dc4-78e5-47cb-af75-9695453e82bb") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (VOLTE) to PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="bde45028-b844-4192-89b1-8579941a03ed") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f38d3031-d7f1-4990-bce3-9c329beb5eeb") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="d1391513-8592-4159-81b7-16cb10c406e8") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return self._test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e05c261e-e99a-4ca7-a8db-9ad982e06913") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f4329201-a388-4070-9225-37d4c8045096") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="fafa96ef-649a-4ff7-8fed-d4bfd6d88c2e") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="66d79e0b-879d-461c-bf5d-b27495f73754") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a5f2a3d0-9b00-4496-8316-ea626b1c978a") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="98cfd8d8-200f-4820-94ed-1561df1ed152") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneA (VoLTE) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c9ee6bb1-4aee-4fc9-95b0-f899d3d31d82") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Call from PhoneB (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f4fb92a1-d4a0-4796-bdb4-f441b926c63c") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="8ad0e672-83cc-463a-aa12-d331faa5eb17") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3dad2fd1-d2c0-477c-a758-3c054df6e92a") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e382469b-8767-47fd-b3e6-8c81d8fb45ef") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep(self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. 1. Call from PhoneB (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="98db2430-07c2-4ec7-8644-2aa081a3eb22") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_twice_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in VoLTE call. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7504958b-172b-4afc-97ea-9562b8429dfe") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_twice_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in VoLTE call. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ac02ce22-fd8c-48ba-9e68-6748d1e48c68") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in VoLTE call. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="2fb2c4f6-1c14-4122-bc3e-a7a6416003a3") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in VoLTE call. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="deed9c13-2e9d-464a-b8f7-62e91265451d") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_once_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in VoLTE call. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3324a4d3-68db-41a4-b0d0-3e8e82b84f46") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_once_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in VoLTE call. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="57c8c3f6-c690-41c3-aaed-98e5548cc4b6") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_once_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in VoLTE call. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="96376148-f069-41f9-b22f-f5240de427f7") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_once_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in VoLTE call. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="baac4ef4-198b-4a33-a09a-5507c6aa740d") def test_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_twice_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="8c2588ff-3857-49eb-8db0-9e76d7c99c68") def test_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_twice_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="16a6aa3c-fe68-41b4-af42-75847062d4ec") def test_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_twice_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f38c4cd5-53b4-43d0-a5fa-2a008a96cedc") def test_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_twice_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="734689e8-2acd-405f-be93-db62e2606252") def test_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_once_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="126f294e-590a-4392-8fbd-1b826cd97214") def test_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_once_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e5f36f28-ec2b-4958-8578-c0454ef2a8ad") def test_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_once_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a2252ebe-3ee2-4b9e-b76b-6be68d6b2719") def test_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_once_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="cba48f87-4026-422d-a760-f913d2763ee9") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_twice_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3e6bd083-ccae-4962-a3d7-4194ed685b64") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_twice_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a1972846-0bca-4583-a966-11ebf0670c04") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_twice_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="98609dfd-07fb-4414-bf6e-46144205fe70") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_twice_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="0c4c9b0b-ef7a-4e3d-9d31-dde721444820") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_once_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ee0f7772-9e58-4a00-8eb5-a03b3e5baf40") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_once_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="2f9e0120-c052-467b-be45-313ada433dce") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_once_drop_held(self): """Test swap feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="9110ad34-04e4-4d0f-9ac0-183ad9e6fa8a") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_once_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="8cca4681-a5d4-472a-b0b5-46b79a6892a7") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="9168698e-987a-42e3-8bc6-2a433fa4b5e3") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="397bfab8-6651-4438-a603-22657fd69b84") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, self.android_devices, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ba766c4c-690f-407b-87f8-05a91783e224") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="1e45c749-6d4c-4d30-b104-bfcc37e13f1d") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="d6648e19-8001-483a-a83b-a92b638a7650") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="18d3c304-ad04-409f-bfd4-fd3f01f9a51e") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f1e71550-3a45-45e4-88e4-7e4da919d58e") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="60cc8bd1-4270-4b5c-9d29-9fa36a357503") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7d81c5f8-5ee1-4ad2-b08e-3e4c97748a66") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="5a887fde-8f9b-436b-ae8d-5ff97a884fc9") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="82574508-0d77-42cf-bf60-9fdddee24c42") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="8f30c425-c689-43b8-84f3-f24f7d9216f6") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, self.android_devices, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="2a67845f-ccfd-4c06-aedc-9d6c1f022959") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="0a5d1305-0890-40c4-8c7a-070876423e16") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="77bbb5ec-fd16-4031-b316-7f6563b79a3d") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="09cd41cd-821d-4d09-9b1e-7330dca77150") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="bdb2791e-92d0-44a3-aa8f-bd83e8159cb7") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="4f54e67d-7c7a-4952-ae09-f940094ec1ff") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="4ca28f9f-098f-4f71-b89c-9b2793aa2f5f") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f025c100-bb77-436e-b8ab-0c23a3d43318") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneB (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b6cd6b06-0984-4588-892e-939d332bf147") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f7bda827-79bd-41cc-b720-140f49b381d9") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="de8aae4e-c8fc-4996-9d0b-56c3904c9bb4") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="35d72ebf-1a99-4571-8993-2899925f5489") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="96c4c9d2-2e00-41a8-b4ce-3a9377262d36") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneB (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e1e0bb6c-c2d5-4566-80b1-46bfb0b95544") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="764b5930-ba96-4901-b629-e753bc5c8d8e") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e03e52a1-7e7b-4a53-a496-3092a35153ae") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="10a63692-56de-4563-b223-91e8814ddbc9") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_volte, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="cf4b1fe2-40d7-409b-a4ec-06bdb9a0d957") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="fcc9dbd2-919d-4552-838c-2b672fb24b2b") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="37021d31-4242-46a2-adbf-eb7b987e4a43") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="cc362118-ccd1-4502-96f1-b3584b0c6bf3") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="be57dd4f-020f-4491-9cd0-2461dcd0806b") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="058425ca-7b25-4a85-a5c7-bfdcd7920f15") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="5f691165-d099-419d-a50e-1547c8677f6b") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="4fc8459e-23c6-408a-a061-e8f182086dd6") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3026802f-ddca-41e4-ae6f-db0c994613a7") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="5ce98774-66b4-4710-b0da-e43bb7fa1c0f") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="61766517-8762-4db3-9366-609c0f1a43b5") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="9a809168-1ca4-4672-a5b3-934aeed0f06c") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="4a146608-fbc7-4828-b2ee-77e08c19ddec") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="4a3d4c0b-912a-4922-a4a3-f0bdf600c376") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="614903e0-7091-4791-9af6-076799e43a97") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="cea2ffc9-b8c8-46df-8f58-b606f3d352e2") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="4b0e040a-f199-4dc4-9f98-eb923f79814e") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="56d45561-8e9b-40d4-bacc-a4c5ac4c2af0") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="790ccd53-07e6-471b-a224-b7eeb3a83116") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="84083401-22af-4568-929a-4fd29e39db5c") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="11a3d9cd-6f05-4638-9683-3ee475e41fdb") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. PhoneB (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ff03b64e-fccd-45e3-8245-f8c6cb328212") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c1822404-df8e-4b0c-b5d2-f70bb8c3119d") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3ebf7526-57f9-47f5-9196-b483384d6759") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="8b8e664d-e872-493f-bff9-34a9500b2c25") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="aa4079dd-b5c6-41a3-ae0f-99f17fd0bae0") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test VoLTE Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. PhoneB (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="d9f32013-529c-46c3-9963-405ebbdbc537") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="93331954-4403-47ec-8af3-1a791ea2fc8b") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c5a47e45-166b-46db-8b12-734d5d062509") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="05bff9cf-492d-4511-ac0e-b54f1d5fa454") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f02add29-d61a-42f4-a1f0-271815e03c45") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="776821e8-259b-441e-a126-45a990e6e14d") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c542c999-d1c7-47f9-ba5c-50a582afa9e5") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="d40c681a-1bce-4012-a30c-774e6698ba3a") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="2805f272-5ada-4dd4-916a-36070905aec4") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="eb2d010c-ec32-409b-8272-5b950e0076f9") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="03bb2fa3-8596-4c66-8adb-a3f9c9085420") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="df3bb0e7-7d72-487a-8cb8-fa75b86662ef") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3893ce25-0fad-4eb8-af35-f9ebf47c0615") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="fcd0e656-4e98-40f2-b0ce-5ed90c7c4a81") def test_volte_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="009b5b45-d863-4891-8403-06656b542f3d") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="8cfe9354-70db-4dbb-8950-b02e65f9d6ba") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="d2502a9f-b35a-4390-b664-300b8310b55a") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="1fbddcd1-2268-4c2c-a737-c0bcbdc842cb") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="91a33ca8-508b-457e-a72f-6fabd00b2453") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3642995f-4de0-4327-86d6-c9e37416c7e7") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="dd11f3af-09af-4fa3-9c90-8497bbd8687e") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="172360a1-47b2-430a-8a9c-cae6d29813b6") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="05d63cef-45b6-47df-8999-aac2e6ecfc9f") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e02dfbc5-ffa3-4bff-a45e-1b3f4147005e") def test_volte_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneA (VoLTE) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="55bb85a0-bfbd-4b97-bd94-871e82276875") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneB (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="31e71818-3522-4e04-8f26-ad26683f16d1") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="0b51183d-3f92-4fe8-9487-64a72696a838") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="2aee2db7-fcd0-4b0a-aaa0-b946a14e91bd") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="d78bbe8e-6d39-4843-9eaa-47f06b6e9a95") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="bbf4dcd8-3e1d-4ad0-a4fd-bf875e409f15") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. No CEP. PhoneB (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c222e199-497b-4c34-886d-b35592ccd3b2") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="d916eef5-b942-48fe-9c63-be7e283b197d") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, self.android_devices, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e34acc9d-4389-4bc3-b34d-6b7e8173cadf") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 7. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, hone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="31ddc496-03a5-407f-b925-8cea04dbdae0") def test_volte_mt_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in VoLTE call. CEP enabled. 1. PhoneB (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (VoLTE), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. Swap active call on PhoneA. 5. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (VoLTE CEP conference call). 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 7. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_volte, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_3g, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="35b6fa0f-780f-4436-93a0-70f9b79bc71a") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_once_merge_drop(self): """Test swap and merge feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB_WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (CSFB_WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="9102ce81-0c17-4c7a-93df-f240245a07c5") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_twice_merge_drop(self): """Test swap and merge feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b85ff5a7-f512-4585-a6b1-d92c9e7c25de") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_once_merge_drop(self): """Test swap and merge feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="83a74ce1-9028-4e67-a417-599616ab0b2c") def test_csfb_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_twice_merge_drop(self): """Test swap and merge feature in CSFB WCDMA call. PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (CSFB WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_csfb, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_csfb, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="835fe3d6-4e44-451c-9c5f-277b8842bf10") def test_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_once_merge_drop(self): """Test swap and merge feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="627eb239-c6f6-47dc-b4cf-8d1796599417") def test_wcdma_mo_mo_add_swap_twice_merge_drop(self): """Test swap and merge feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="571efb21-0ed5-4871-a7d8-f86d94e0ef25") def test_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_once_merge_drop(self): """Test swap and merge feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c981a90a-19b8-4582-a07c-1e9447fbe9ae") def test_wcdma_mo_mt_add_swap_twice_merge_drop(self): """Test swap and merge feature in WCDMA call. PhoneA (WCDMA) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneC call PhoneA (WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="23843881-320b-4071-bbc8-93cd1ee08408") def test_wcdma_mt_mt_add_swap_once_merge_drop(self): """Test swap and merge feature in WCDMA call. PhoneB call PhoneA (WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. PhoneC call PhoneA (WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e447ec45-016c-4723-a954-4bde2e342cb2") def test_wcdma_mt_mt_add_swap_twice_merge_drop(self): """Test swap and merge feature in WCDMA call. PhoneB call PhoneA (WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. PhoneC call PhoneA (WCDMA), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_wcdma_conference_merge_drop(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="876dc6b2-75c2-4fb5-92a0-35d3d29fbd42") def test_wcdma_mt_mt_add_merge_unmerge_swap_drop(self): """Test Conference Call Unmerge operation. Phones A, B, C are in WCDMA Conference call (MT-MT-Merge) Unmerge call with B on PhoneA Check the number of Call Ids to be 2 on PhoneA Check if call AB is active since 'B' was unmerged Swap call to C Check if call AC is active Tear down calls All Phones should be in Idle """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_3g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_3g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: self.log.error("Either of Call AB ID or Call AC ID is None.") return False self.log.info("Step4: Merge to Conf Call and verify Conf Call.") ads[0].droid.telecomCallJoinCallsInConf(call_ab_id, call_ac_id) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) calls = ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallIds() ads[0].log.info("Calls in PhoneA %s", calls) if num_active_calls(self.log, ads[0]) != 3: ads[0].log.error("Total number of call ids is not 3.") return False call_conf_id = None for call_id in calls: if call_id != call_ab_id and call_id != call_ac_id: call_conf_id = call_id if not call_conf_id: self.log.error("Merge call fail, no new conference call id.") return False if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False # Check if Conf Call currently active if ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallState( call_conf_id) != CALL_STATE_ACTIVE: ads[0].log.error( "Call_id: %s, state: %s, expected: STATE_ACTIVE", call_conf_id, ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallState(call_conf_id)) return False # Unmerge self.log.info("Step5: UnMerge Conf Call into individual participants.") ads[0].droid.telecomCallSplitFromConf(call_ab_id) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) calls = ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallIds() ads[0].log.info("Calls in PhoneA %s", calls) # Are there 2 calls? if num_active_calls(self.log, ads[0]) != 2: ads[0].log.error("Total number of call ids is not 2") return False # Unmerged calls not dropped? if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): self.log.error("Either Call_AB or Call_AC was dropped") return False # Unmerged call in call state ACTIVE? if ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallState( call_ab_id) != CALL_STATE_ACTIVE: ads[0].log.error("Call_id: %s, state:%s, expected: STATE_ACTIVE", call_ab_id, ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallState(call_ab_id)) return False # Swap call self.log.info("Step6: Swap call and see if Call_AC is ACTIVE.") num_swaps = 1 if not swap_calls(self.log, ads, call_ac_id, call_ab_id, num_swaps): self.log.error("Failed to swap calls.") return False # Other call in call state ACTIVE? if ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallState( call_ac_id) != CALL_STATE_ACTIVE: ads[0].log.error("Call_id: %s, state: %s, expected: STATE_ACTIVE", call_ac_id, ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallState(call_ac_id)) return False # All calls still CONNECTED? return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="63da439e-23f3-4c3c-9e7e-3af6500342c5") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="89b9f228-97a6-4e5c-96b9-a7f87d847c22") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="2c6dc281-59b0-4ea4-b811-e4c3a4d654ab") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (epdg) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f6727241-b727-4eb8-8c0d-f61d3a14a635") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (epdg) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c9e54db0-2b0b-428b-ba63-619ad0b8637b") def test_epdg_mt_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneB (epdg) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Call from PhoneC (epdg) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a478cc82-d95c-43fc-9735-d8333b8937e2") def test_epdg_mt_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneB (epdg) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Call from PhoneC (epdg) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b1acb263-1481-44a5-b18e-58bdeff7bc1e") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_volte_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="03b8a0d2-80dd-465a-ad14-5db94cdbcc53") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_volte_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="9eb1a816-1e2c-41da-b083-2026163a3893") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3d66a1b6-916f-4221-bd99-21ff4d40ebb8") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_volte_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (VoLTE) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="9d8e8b2f-e2b9-4607-8c54-6233b3096123") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_wcdma_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="0884206b-2471-4a7e-95aa-228379416ff8") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_wcdma_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c7706af6-dc77-4002-b295-66c60aeace6b") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b079618f-e32b-4ba0-9009-06e013805c39") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_wcdma_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (WCDMA) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="571fe98b-354f-4038-8441-0e4b1840eb7a") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_1x_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="8f531f3c-493e-43d6-9d6d-f4990b5feba4") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_1x_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="00e1194b-3c06-46c4-8764-0339c0aa9f9e") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c94f6444-d265-4277-9555-57041e3c4ff4") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_1x_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA (epdg) to PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneC (1x) to PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="0980745e-dcdc-4c56-84e3-e2ee076059ee") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="6bf0b152-fb1c-4edc-9525-b39e8640b967") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e3013df6-98ca-4318-85ba-04011ba0a24f") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e88bf042-8799-44c7-bc50-66ac1e1fb2ac") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a8302e73-82a4-4409-b038-5c604fb4c66c") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="80f69baf-1649-4858-b35c-b25baf79b42c") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="1ac0c067-49fb-41d9-8649-cc709bdd8926") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b20b1a94-048c-4f10-9261-dde79e1edb00") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="402b175f-1510-4e2a-97c2-7c9ea5ce40f6") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7c710fbf-4b77-4b46-9719-e17b3d047cfc") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="642afbac-30c1-4dbf-bf3e-758ab6c3a306") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a4ae1e39-ed6d-412e-b821-321c715a5d47") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (VoLTE), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7b8431f2-8a49-4aa9-b84d-77f16a6a2c30") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="5b4d7444-32a1-4e82-8847-1c4ae002edca") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="88c6c179-0b56-4d03-b5e4-76a147a40995") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7f744ab3-f919-4a7a-83ce-e38487d619cc") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_volte_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (VoLTE), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (VoLTE) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_volte) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="5c861a99-a1b8-45fc-ba67-f8fde4575efc") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="fdb32a13-302c-4c1c-a77e-f78ed7e90911") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a2cf3366-ae66-4e8f-a682-df506173f282") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="fc5f0f1c-9610-4d0f-adce-9c8db351e7da") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (WCDMA), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="05332b1e-c36b-4874-b13b-f8e49d0d9bca") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="2421d340-f9cb-47e7-ac3e-8581e141a6d0") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7c1f6008-cf59-4e63-9285-3cf1c26bc0aa") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="be153f3d-0707-45d0-9ddd-4aa696e0e536") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_wcdma_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (WCDMA), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (WCDMA) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_wcdma) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7235c917-a2d4-4561-bda5-630171053f8f") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="8e52b9a4-c0d1-4dcd-9359-746354124763") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="49a4440f-40a1-4518-810a-6ba9f1fbc243") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="9d05bde3-50ac-4a49-a0db-2181c9b5a10f") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (1x), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="5c44eb64-b184-417a-97c9-8c22c48fb731") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e16e2e81-1b59-4b02-b601-bb27b62d6468") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_once_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="fd4c3b72-ea2d-4cd4-af79-b93635eda8b8") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a33d7b2b-cc22-40c3-9689-a2a14642396d") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_1x_swap_twice_merge_drop_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap and merge feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (1x), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (1x) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_3g, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_1x) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7839c6a3-6797-4cd0-a918-c7d317881e3d") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_twice_drop_held_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3f4e761e-8fa2-4b85-bc11-8150532b7686") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_twice_drop_held_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="9fd4f171-9eea-4fc7-91f1-d3c7f08a5fad") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_twice_drop_active_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="8b97d6b9-253a-4ab7-8afb-126df71fee41") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_twice_drop_active_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="6617e779-c987-41dd-acda-ff132662ccf0") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_twice_drop_active_apm_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f8b61289-ccc5-4adf-b291-94c73925edb3") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_twice_drop_held_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="bb975203-7cee-4fbc-ad4a-da473413e410") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_twice_drop_held_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="593f6034-fd15-4b1d-a9fe-c4331e6a7f72") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_twice_drop_active_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="adc3fb00-543e-44ec-905b-0eea52790896") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_twice_drop_active_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=2, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e96aac52-c536-4a08-9e6a-8bf598db9267") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_once_drop_held_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="74efa176-1ff2-4b06-9739-06f67009cb5d") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_once_drop_held_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="dfcdeebe-dada-4722-8880-5b3877d0809b") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_once_drop_active_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b9658029-90da-4df8-bbb2-9c08eb3a3a8c") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_once_drop_active_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3381c8e0-cdf1-47d1-8a17-58592f3cd6e6") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_swap_once_drop_active_apm_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneC (epdg), accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="fb655f12-aabe-45bf-8020-61c21ada9440") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_once_drop_held_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="35e7b36d-e2d5-42bd-99d9-dbc7986ef93a") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_once_drop_held_wfc_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e959e668-8150-46c1-bf49-a1ab2a9f45a5") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_once_drop_held_apm_wifi_preferred(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b9c47ccd-cc84-42cc-83f4-0a98c22c1d7a") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_once_drop_active_wfc_wifi_only(self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_ONLY, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="273d521f-d11c-4956-ae51-33f69de87663") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_once_drop_active_wfc_wifi_preferred( self): """Test swap feature in epdg call. PhoneA (epdg) call PhoneB (epdg), accept on PhoneB. PhoneC (epdg) call PhoneA (epdg), accept on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneB, check if call continues between AC. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[1], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ac_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[2]]) def _test_gsm_conference_merge_drop(self, call_ab_id, call_ac_id): """Test conference merge and drop in GSM call. PhoneA in GSM call with PhoneB. PhoneA in GSM call with PhoneC. Merge calls to conference on PhoneA. Hangup on PhoneC, check call continues between AB. Hangup on PhoneB, check A ends. Args: call_ab_id: call id for call_AB on PhoneA. call_ac_id: call id for call_AC on PhoneA. Returns: True if succeed; False if failed. """ ads = self.android_devices self.log.info("Step4: Merge to Conf Call and verify Conf Call.") ads[0].droid.telecomCallJoinCallsInConf(call_ab_id, call_ac_id) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) calls = ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallIds() ads[0].log.info("Calls in PhoneA %s", calls) if num_active_calls(self.log, ads[0]) != 3: ads[0].log.error("Total number of call ids is not 3.") return False call_conf_id = None for call_id in calls: if call_id != call_ab_id and call_id != call_ac_id: call_conf_id = call_id if not call_conf_id: self.log.error("Merge call fail, no new conference call id.") return False if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], True): return False # Check if Conf Call is currently active if ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallState( call_conf_id) != CALL_STATE_ACTIVE: ads[0].log.error( "Call_id: %s, state: %s, expected: STATE_ACTIVE", call_conf_id, ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallState(call_conf_id)) return False self.log.info("Step5: End call on PhoneC and verify call continues.") if not _hangup_call(self.log, ads[2], "PhoneC"): return False time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) calls = ads[0].droid.telecomCallGetCallIds() ads[0].log.info("Calls in PhoneA %s", calls) if num_active_calls(self.log, ads[0]) != 1: return False if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1]], True): return False if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[2]], False): return False self.log.info("Step6: End call on PhoneB and verify PhoneA end.") if not _hangup_call(self.log, ads[1], "PhoneB"): return False time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL) if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], False): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="03eb38b1-bd7f-457e-8b80-d58651d82741") def test_gsm_mo_mo_add_merge_drop(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA to PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_2g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_2g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return self._test_gsm_conference_merge_drop(call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3286306f-4d66-48c4-9303-f691c53bcfe0") def test_gsm_mo_mo_add_swap_once_drop_held(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. Call from PhoneA to PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. On PhoneA, swap active call. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_2g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_2g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=CALL_STATE_ACTIVE, ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="af4ff690-be2a-42d8-930a-8258fe81c77e") def test_gsm_mt_mt_add_merge_drop(self): """ Test Conf Call among three phones. Call from PhoneB to PhoneA, accept on PhoneA. Call from PhoneC to PhoneA, accept on PhoneA. On PhoneA, merge to conference call. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_2g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_2g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return self._test_gsm_conference_merge_drop(call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="6b70902e-ca59-4d92-9bfe-2116dcc91213") def test_gsm_mo_mo_add_swap_twice_drop_active(self): """Test swap feature in GSM call. PhoneA (GSM) call PhoneB, accept on PhoneB. PhoneA (GSM) call PhoneC, accept on PhoneC. Swap active call on PhoneA. Swap active call on PhoneA. Hangup call from PhoneC, check if call continues between AB. """ ads = self.android_devices call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=phone_setup_voice_2g, phone_setup_b=phone_setup_voice_general, phone_setup_c=phone_setup_voice_general, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_2g, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=None, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=None) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _three_phone_hangup_call_verify_call_state(log=self.log, ad_hangup=ads[2], ad_verify=ads[0], call_id=call_ab_id, call_state=_get_expected_call_state(ads[0]), ads_active=[ads[0], ads[1]]) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a9ddf5a7-8399-4a8c-abc9-b9235b0153b0") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_no_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, No_CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="5aaff055-3329-4077-91e8-5707a0f6a309") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="d3624dd8-20bd-4f6b-8a81-0c8671987b84") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ba43d88c-1347-4570-92d0-ebfa6404788f") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-C continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="fbcd20ec-ebac-45c2-b228-30fdec42752f") def test_epdg_mo_mo_add_epdg_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneC. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-C continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mo_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="fc54b329-4ec6-45b2-8f91-0a5789542596") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_no_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, No_CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="64096e42-1fb2-4eb4-9f60-3e22c7ad5c83") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="24b6abb4-03c8-464c-a584-ca597bd67b46") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f54776e4-84c0-43db-8724-f012ef551ebd") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-C continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="6635aeff-f10a-4fb0-b658-4f1e7f2d9a68") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-C continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c2534477-74ff-43ca-920a-48238928f344") def test_epdg_mt_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_no_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. No CEP. Steps: 1. PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, No_CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ef5ea03d-1c1b-4c9a-a72d-14b2ba7e87cb") def test_epdg_mt_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps 1. PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b0df507f-2adf-45fe-a174-44f62718296e") def test_epdg_mt_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="278c6bec-7065-4f54-9834-33d8a6172f58") def test_epdg_mt_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. End call on PhoneB, verify call continues. 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-C continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="1ffceadc-8bd1-489d-bb66-4b3081df3a64") def test_epdg_mt_mt_add_epdg_merge_drop_first_call_from_host_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test WFC Conference Call among three phones. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 4. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. Expected Results: 3. Conference merged successfully. 4. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-C continues. 5. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mt_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=0, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_first_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b3dfaa38-8e9b-45b7-8e4e-6e6ca10887bd") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_no_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in WFC call. No CEP. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (No CEP). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Swap operation succeeded. 4. Conference merged successfully. 5. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 6. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, No_CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="eb82f1ac-e5a3-42bc-b9d9-806442263f79") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_host_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in WFC call. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 5. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-C, verify call continues. 6. On PhoneA disconnect call between A-B, verify call continues. Expected Results: 3. Swap operation succeeded. 4. Conference merged successfully. 5. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 6. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_host(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="53ba057d-5c5c-4236-9ff9-829177e6f51e") def test_epdg_mo_mt_add_epdg_swap_once_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant_wfc_apm_wifi_preferred_cep( self): """ Test swap and merge features in WFC call. CEP enabled. Steps: 1. PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneB (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneB. 2. PhoneC (WFC APM WiFi Preferred) call PhoneA (WFC APM WiFi Preferred), accept on PhoneA. 3. Swap active call on PhoneA. 4. On PhoneA, merge to conference call (WFC CEP conference call). 5. End call on PhoneC, verify call continues. 6. End call on PhoneB, verify call end on PhoneA. Expected Results: 3. Swap operation succeeded. 4. Conference merged successfully. 5. Drop calls succeeded. Call between A-B continues. 6. Drop calls succeeded, all call participants drop. Returns: True if pass; False if fail. TAGS: Telephony, WFC, Conference, CEP Priority: 1 """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[1], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[2], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False call_ab_id, call_ac_id = _test_call_mo_mt_add_swap_x(log=self.log, ads=ads, num_swaps=1, phone_setup_a=None, phone_setup_b=None, phone_setup_c=None, verify_phone_a_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_b_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan, verify_phone_c_network_subscription=is_phone_in_call_iwlan) if call_ab_id is None or call_ac_id is None: return False return _test_ims_conference_merge_drop_second_call_from_participant(self.log, ads, call_ab_id, call_ac_id) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a246cbd0-915d-4068-8d63-7e099d41fd43") def test_wcdma_add_mt_decline(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_3g, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False if not self._three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [is_phone_in_call_wcdma, None], True): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="2789388a-c67c-4c37-a4ea-98c9083abcf9") def test_wcdma_add_mt_ignore(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_3g, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False if not self._three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [is_phone_in_call_wcdma, None], False): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="8f5399b2-5075-45b2-b916-2d436d1c1c93") def test_1x_add_mt_decline(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_3g, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False if not self._three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [is_phone_in_call_1x, None], True): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a7e6ea10-d4d4-4089-a012-31565314cf65") def test_1x_add_mt_ignore(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_3g, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False if not self._three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [is_phone_in_call_1x, None], False): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c7d878f6-2f1c-4029-bcf9-2aecf2d202e7") def test_volte_add_mt_decline(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False if not self._three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [is_phone_in_call_volte, None], True): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="4f03240f-88a7-4d39-9d90-6327e835d5e2") def test_volte_add_mt_ignore(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False if not self._three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [is_phone_in_call_volte, None], False): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ce51844a-4879-470e-9a22-4eafe25f8e2a") def test_wfc_lte_add_mt_decline(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False if not self._three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [is_phone_in_call_volte, None], True): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b5058cd0-4073-4018-9683-335fd27ab529") def test_wfc_lte_add_mt_ignore(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], False, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False if not self._three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [is_phone_in_call_iwlan, None], False): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="456e0a04-7d82-4387-89bb-80613732412e") def test_wfc_apm_add_mt_decline(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False if not self._three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [is_phone_in_call_iwlan, None], True): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="ee71fc98-9e52-406f-8d8a-6d9c62cbe6f4") def test_wfc_apm_add_mt_ignore(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan, (self.log, ads[0], True, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED, self.wifi_network_ssid, self.wifi_network_pass)), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False if not self._three_phone_call_mo_add_mt_reject( [ads[0], ads[1], ads[2]], [is_phone_in_call_iwlan, None], False): return False return True @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f4990e20-4a40-4238-9a2a-a75d9be3d354") def test_call_forwarding_unconditional(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_forwarding_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_forwarding_type="unconditional") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f4990e20-4a40-4238-9a2a-a75d9be3d354") def test_volte_call_forwarding_unconditional(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_forwarding_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_forwarding_type="unconditional") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="26b85c3f-5a38-465a-a6e3-dfd03c6ea315") def test_call_forwarding_busy(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_forwarding_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_forwarding_type="busy") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="26b85c3f-5a38-465a-a6e3-dfd03c6ea315") def test_volte_call_forwarding_busy(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_forwarding_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_forwarding_type="busy") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="96638a39-efe2-40e2-afb6-6a97f87c4af5") def test_call_forwarding_not_answered(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_forwarding_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_forwarding_type="not_answered") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="96638a39-efe2-40e2-afb6-6a97f87c4af5") def test_volte_call_forwarding_not_answered(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_forwarding_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_forwarding_type="not_answered") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a13e586a-3345-49d8-9e84-ca33bd3fbd7d") def test_call_forwarding_not_reachable(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_forwarding_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_forwarding_type="not_reachable") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="a13e586a-3345-49d8-9e84-ca33bd3fbd7d") def test_volte_call_forwarding_not_reachable(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_forwarding_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_forwarding_type="not_reachable") @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e9a6027b-7dd1-4dca-a700-e4d42c9c947d") def test_call_waiting_scenario_1(self): """ Call waiting scenario 1: 1st call ended first by caller1 during 2nd call incoming. 2nd call ended by caller2. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_waiting=True, scenario=1) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="e9a6027b-7dd1-4dca-a700-e4d42c9c947d") def test_volte_call_waiting_scenario_1(self): """Tests that the call waiting function is workable by scenario 1. Initial Condition: (1) Network Type: - DUT: LTE, VoLTE ON. - Caller1: LTE/3G. Execution Criteria: (1) Enable call waiting on DUT. (2) Let caller1 make the first MO call to DUT and let DUT answer the call. (3) Let caller2 make the second MO call to DUT. Do NOT answer the call and keep the call alerting. (4) End the first call by caller1. (5) Let DUT answer the second call. (6) End the second call by caller2. Pass Criteria: (2)(5) All the call can be made/answered correctly. (4)(6) All the call can be released correctly. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_volte, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_waiting=True, scenario=1) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="3fe02cb7-68d7-4762-882a-02bff8ce32f9") def test_call_waiting_scenario_2(self): """ Call waiting scenario 2: 1st call ended first by caller1 during 2nd call incoming. 2nd call ended by callee. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_waiting=True, scenario=2) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="bf5eb9ad-1fa2-468d-99dc-3cbcee8c89f8") def test_call_waiting_scenario_3(self): """ Call waiting scenario 3: 1st call ended first by callee during 2nd call incoming. 2nd call ended by caller2. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_waiting=True, scenario=3) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f2e4b6a9-6a6f-466c-884c-c0ef79d6ff01") def test_call_waiting_scenario_4(self): """Call waiting scenario 4: 1st call ended first by callee during 2nd call incoming. 2nd call ended by callee. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_waiting=True, scenario=4) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f2d36f45-63f6-4e01-9844-6fa53c26def7") def test_call_waiting_scenario_5(self): """ Call waiting scenario 5: 1st call ended by caller1. 2nd call ended by caller2. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_waiting=True, scenario=5) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="7eb2a89d-30ad-4a34-8e63-87d0181b91aa") def test_call_waiting_scenario_6(self): """Call waiting scenario 6: 1st call ended by caller1. 2nd call ended by callee. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_waiting=True, scenario=6) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="c63882e5-5b72-4ca6-8e36-260c50f42028") def test_call_waiting_scenario_7(self): """ Call waiting scenario 7: 1st call ended by callee. 2nd call ended by caller2. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_waiting=True, scenario=7) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="f9be652f-a307-4fa5-9b30-ea78404110bd") def test_call_waiting_scenario_8(self): """Call waiting scenario 8: 1st call ended by callee. 2nd call ended by callee. """ ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_waiting=True, scenario=8) @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap @test_tracker_info(uuid="b2e816b5-8e8f-4863-981c-47847d9527e0") def test_call_waiting_deactivated(self): ads = self.android_devices tasks = [(phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[0])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[1])), (phone_setup_voice_general, (self.log, ads[2]))] if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks): self.log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.") return False return three_phone_call_waiting_short_seq( self.log, ads[0], None, None, ads[1], ads[2], call_waiting=False) """ Tests End """