1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "first_stage_mount.h"
19 #include <signal.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <sys/mount.h>
22 #include <unistd.h>
24 #include <chrono>
25 #include <filesystem>
26 #include <map>
27 #include <memory>
28 #include <set>
29 #include <string>
30 #include <vector>
32 #include <android-base/chrono_utils.h>
33 #include <android-base/file.h>
34 #include <android-base/logging.h>
35 #include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
36 #include <android-base/strings.h>
37 #include <android/avf_cc_flags.h>
38 #include <fs_avb/fs_avb.h>
39 #include <fs_mgr.h>
40 #include <fs_mgr_dm_linear.h>
41 #include <fs_mgr_overlayfs.h>
42 #include <libfiemap/image_manager.h>
43 #include <libgsi/libgsi.h>
44 #include <liblp/liblp.h>
45 #include <libsnapshot/snapshot.h>
47 #include "block_dev_initializer.h"
48 #include "devices.h"
49 #include "result.h"
50 #include "snapuserd_transition.h"
51 #include "switch_root.h"
52 #include "uevent.h"
53 #include "uevent_listener.h"
54 #include "util.h"
56 using android::base::ReadFileToString;
57 using android::base::Result;
58 using android::base::Split;
59 using android::base::StringPrintf;
60 using android::base::Timer;
61 using android::fiemap::IImageManager;
62 using android::fs_mgr::AvbHandle;
63 using android::fs_mgr::AvbHandleStatus;
64 using android::fs_mgr::AvbHashtreeResult;
65 using android::fs_mgr::AvbUniquePtr;
66 using android::fs_mgr::Fstab;
67 using android::fs_mgr::FstabEntry;
68 using android::fs_mgr::ReadDefaultFstab;
69 using android::fs_mgr::ReadFstabFromDt;
70 using android::fs_mgr::SkipMountingPartitions;
71 using android::fs_mgr::TransformFstabForDsu;
72 using android::snapshot::SnapshotManager;
74 using namespace std::literals;
76 namespace android {
77 namespace init {
79 // Class Declarations
80 // ------------------
81 class FirstStageMountVBootV2 : public FirstStageMount {
82   public:
83     friend void SetInitAvbVersionInRecovery();
85     FirstStageMountVBootV2(Fstab fstab);
86     virtual ~FirstStageMountVBootV2() = default;
88     bool DoCreateDevices() override;
89     bool DoFirstStageMount() override;
91   private:
92     bool InitDevices();
93     bool InitRequiredDevices(std::set<std::string> devices);
94     bool CreateLogicalPartitions();
95     bool CreateSnapshotPartitions(SnapshotManager* sm);
96     bool MountPartition(const Fstab::iterator& begin, bool erase_same_mounts,
97                         Fstab::iterator* end = nullptr);
99     bool MountPartitions();
100     bool TrySwitchSystemAsRoot();
101     bool IsDmLinearEnabled();
102     void GetSuperDeviceName(std::set<std::string>* devices);
103     bool InitDmLinearBackingDevices(const android::fs_mgr::LpMetadata& metadata);
104     void UseDsuIfPresent();
105     // Reads all fstab.avb_keys from the ramdisk for first-stage mount.
106     void PreloadAvbKeys();
107     // Copies /avb/*.avbpubkey used for DSU from the ramdisk to /metadata for key
108     // revocation check by DSU installation service.
109     void CopyDsuAvbKeys();
111     bool GetDmVerityDevices(std::set<std::string>* devices);
112     bool SetUpDmVerity(FstabEntry* fstab_entry);
114     bool InitAvbHandle();
116     bool need_dm_verity_;
117     bool dsu_not_on_userdata_ = false;
118     bool use_snapuserd_ = false;
120     Fstab fstab_;
121     // The super path is only set after InitDevices, and is invalid before.
122     std::string super_path_;
123     std::string super_partition_name_;
124     BlockDevInitializer block_dev_init_;
125     // Reads all AVB keys before chroot into /system, as they might be used
126     // later when mounting other partitions, e.g., /vendor and /product.
127     std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> preload_avb_key_blobs_;
129     std::vector<std::string> vbmeta_partitions_;
130     AvbUniquePtr avb_handle_;
131 };
133 // Static Functions
134 // ----------------
IsDtVbmetaCompatible(const Fstab & fstab)135 static inline bool IsDtVbmetaCompatible(const Fstab& fstab) {
136     if (std::any_of(fstab.begin(), fstab.end(),
137                     [](const auto& entry) { return entry.fs_mgr_flags.avb; })) {
138         return true;
139     }
140     return is_android_dt_value_expected("vbmeta/compatible", "android,vbmeta");
141 }
ReadFirstStageFstabAndroid()143 static Result<Fstab> ReadFirstStageFstabAndroid() {
144     Fstab fstab;
145     if (!ReadFstabFromDt(&fstab)) {
146         if (ReadDefaultFstab(&fstab)) {
147             fstab.erase(std::remove_if(fstab.begin(), fstab.end(),
148                                        [](const auto& entry) {
149                                            return !entry.fs_mgr_flags.first_stage_mount;
150                                        }),
151                         fstab.end());
152         } else {
153             return Error() << "failed to read default fstab for first stage mount";
154         }
155     }
156     return fstab;
157 }
159 // Note: this is a temporary solution to avoid blocking devs that depend on /vendor partition in
160 // Microdroid. For the proper solution the /vendor fstab should probably be defined in the DT.
161 // TODO(b/285855430): refactor this
162 // TODO(b/285855436): verify key microdroid-vendor was signed with.
163 // TODO(b/285855436): should be mounted on top of dm-verity device.
ReadFirstStageFstabMicrodroid(const std::string & cmdline)164 static Result<Fstab> ReadFirstStageFstabMicrodroid(const std::string& cmdline) {
165     Fstab fstab;
166     if (!ReadDefaultFstab(&fstab)) {
167         return Error() << "failed to read fstab";
168     }
169     if (cmdline.find("androidboot.microdroid.mount_vendor=1") == std::string::npos) {
170         // We weren't asked to mount /vendor partition, filter it out from the fstab.
171         auto predicate = [](const auto& entry) { return entry.mount_point == "/vendor"; };
172         fstab.erase(std::remove_if(fstab.begin(), fstab.end(), predicate), fstab.end());
173     }
174     return fstab;
175 }
GetRootEntry(FstabEntry * root_entry)177 static bool GetRootEntry(FstabEntry* root_entry) {
178     Fstab proc_mounts;
179     if (!ReadFstabFromFile("/proc/mounts", &proc_mounts)) {
180         LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read /proc/mounts and /system not in fstab, /system will not be "
181                       "available for overlayfs";
182         return false;
183     }
185     auto entry = std::find_if(proc_mounts.begin(), proc_mounts.end(), [](const auto& entry) {
186         return entry.mount_point == "/" && entry.fs_type != "rootfs";
187     });
189     if (entry == proc_mounts.end()) {
190         LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get mount point for '/' in /proc/mounts, /system will not be "
191                       "available for overlayfs";
192         return false;
193     }
195     *root_entry = std::move(*entry);
197     // We don't know if we're avb or not, so we query device mapper as if we are avb.  If we get a
198     // success, then mark as avb, otherwise default to verify.
199     auto& dm = android::dm::DeviceMapper::Instance();
200     if (dm.GetState("vroot") != android::dm::DmDeviceState::INVALID) {
201         root_entry->fs_mgr_flags.avb = true;
202     }
203     return true;
204 }
IsStandaloneImageRollback(const AvbHandle & builtin_vbmeta,const AvbHandle & standalone_vbmeta,const FstabEntry & fstab_entry)206 static bool IsStandaloneImageRollback(const AvbHandle& builtin_vbmeta,
207                                       const AvbHandle& standalone_vbmeta,
208                                       const FstabEntry& fstab_entry) {
209     std::string old_spl = builtin_vbmeta.GetSecurityPatchLevel(fstab_entry);
210     std::string new_spl = standalone_vbmeta.GetSecurityPatchLevel(fstab_entry);
212     bool rollbacked = false;
213     if (old_spl.empty() || new_spl.empty() || new_spl < old_spl) {
214         rollbacked = true;
215     }
217     if (rollbacked) {
218         LOG(ERROR) << "Image rollback detected for " << fstab_entry.mount_point
219                    << ", SPL switches from '" << old_spl << "' to '" << new_spl << "'";
220         if (AvbHandle::IsDeviceUnlocked()) {
221             LOG(INFO) << "Allowing rollbacked standalone image when the device is unlocked";
222             return false;
223         }
224     }
226     return rollbacked;
227 }
Create(const std::string & cmdline)229 Result<std::unique_ptr<FirstStageMount>> FirstStageMount::Create(const std::string& cmdline) {
230     Result<Fstab> fstab;
231     if (IsMicrodroid()) {
232         fstab = ReadFirstStageFstabMicrodroid(cmdline);
233     } else {
234         fstab = ReadFirstStageFstabAndroid();
235     }
236     if (!fstab.ok()) {
237         return fstab.error();
238     }
240     return std::make_unique<FirstStageMountVBootV2>(std::move(*fstab));
241 }
DoCreateDevices()243 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::DoCreateDevices() {
244     if (!InitDevices()) return false;
246     // Mount /metadata before creating logical partitions, since we need to
247     // know whether a snapshot merge is in progress.
248     auto metadata_partition = std::find_if(fstab_.begin(), fstab_.end(), [](const auto& entry) {
249         return entry.mount_point == "/metadata";
250     });
251     if (metadata_partition != fstab_.end()) {
252         if (MountPartition(metadata_partition, true /* erase_same_mounts */)) {
253             // Copies DSU AVB keys from the ramdisk to /metadata.
254             // Must be done before the following TrySwitchSystemAsRoot().
255             // Otherwise, ramdisk will be inaccessible after switching root.
256             CopyDsuAvbKeys();
257         }
258     }
260     if (!CreateLogicalPartitions()) return false;
262     return true;
263 }
DoFirstStageMount()265 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::DoFirstStageMount() {
266     if (!IsDmLinearEnabled() && fstab_.empty()) {
267         // Nothing to mount.
268         LOG(INFO) << "First stage mount skipped (missing/incompatible/empty fstab in device tree)";
269         return true;
270     }
272     if (!MountPartitions()) return false;
274     return true;
275 }
277 // TODO: should this be in a library in packages/modules/Virtualization first_stage_init links?
IsMicrodroidStrictBoot()278 static bool IsMicrodroidStrictBoot() {
279     return access("/proc/device-tree/chosen/avf,strict-boot", F_OK) == 0;
280 }
InitDevices()282 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::InitDevices() {
283     std::set<std::string> devices;
284     GetSuperDeviceName(&devices);
286     if (!GetDmVerityDevices(&devices)) {
287         return false;
288     }
289     if (!InitRequiredDevices(std::move(devices))) {
290         return false;
291     }
293     if (IsMicrodroid() && android::virtualization::IsOpenDiceChangesFlagEnabled()) {
294         if (IsMicrodroidStrictBoot()) {
295             if (!block_dev_init_.InitPlatformDevice("open-dice0")) {
296                 return false;
297             }
298         }
299     }
301     if (IsDmLinearEnabled()) {
302         auto super_symlink = "/dev/block/by-name/"s + super_partition_name_;
303         if (!android::base::Realpath(super_symlink, &super_path_)) {
304             PLOG(ERROR) << "realpath failed: " << super_symlink;
305             return false;
306         }
307     }
308     return true;
309 }
IsDmLinearEnabled()311 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::IsDmLinearEnabled() {
312     for (const auto& entry : fstab_) {
313         if (entry.fs_mgr_flags.logical) return true;
314     }
315     return false;
316 }
GetSuperDeviceName(std::set<std::string> * devices)318 void FirstStageMountVBootV2::GetSuperDeviceName(std::set<std::string>* devices) {
319     // Add any additional devices required for dm-linear mappings.
320     if (!IsDmLinearEnabled()) {
321         return;
322     }
324     devices->emplace(super_partition_name_);
325 }
327 // Creates devices with uevent->partition_name matching ones in the given set.
328 // Found partitions will then be removed from it for the subsequent member
329 // function to check which devices are NOT created.
InitRequiredDevices(std::set<std::string> devices)330 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::InitRequiredDevices(std::set<std::string> devices) {
331     if (!block_dev_init_.InitDeviceMapper()) {
332         return false;
333     }
334     if (devices.empty()) {
335         return true;
336     }
337     return block_dev_init_.InitDevices(std::move(devices));
338 }
InitDmLinearBackingDevices(const android::fs_mgr::LpMetadata & metadata)340 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::InitDmLinearBackingDevices(
341         const android::fs_mgr::LpMetadata& metadata) {
342     std::set<std::string> devices;
344     auto partition_names = android::fs_mgr::GetBlockDevicePartitionNames(metadata);
345     for (const auto& partition_name : partition_names) {
346         // The super partition was found in the earlier pass.
347         if (partition_name == super_partition_name_) {
348             continue;
349         }
350         devices.emplace(partition_name);
351     }
352     if (devices.empty()) {
353         return true;
354     }
355     return InitRequiredDevices(std::move(devices));
356 }
CreateLogicalPartitions()358 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::CreateLogicalPartitions() {
359     if (!IsDmLinearEnabled()) {
360         return true;
361     }
362     if (super_path_.empty()) {
363         LOG(ERROR) << "Could not locate logical partition tables in partition "
364                    << super_partition_name_;
365         return false;
366     }
368     if (SnapshotManager::IsSnapshotManagerNeeded()) {
369         auto sm = SnapshotManager::NewForFirstStageMount();
370         if (!sm) {
371             return false;
372         }
373         if (sm->NeedSnapshotsInFirstStageMount()) {
374             return CreateSnapshotPartitions(sm.get());
375         }
376     }
378     auto metadata = android::fs_mgr::ReadCurrentMetadata(super_path_);
379     if (!metadata) {
380         LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read logical partition metadata from " << super_path_;
381         return false;
382     }
383     if (!InitDmLinearBackingDevices(*metadata.get())) {
384         return false;
385     }
386     return android::fs_mgr::CreateLogicalPartitions(*metadata.get(), super_path_);
387 }
CreateSnapshotPartitions(SnapshotManager * sm)389 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::CreateSnapshotPartitions(SnapshotManager* sm) {
390     // When COW images are present for snapshots, they are stored on
391     // the data partition.
392     if (!InitRequiredDevices({"userdata"})) {
393         return false;
394     }
396     use_snapuserd_ = sm->IsSnapuserdRequired();
397     if (use_snapuserd_) {
398         if (sm->UpdateUsesUserSnapshots()) {
399             LaunchFirstStageSnapuserd();
400         } else {
401             LOG(FATAL) << "legacy virtual-ab is no longer supported";
402             return false;
403         }
404     }
406     sm->SetUeventRegenCallback([this](const std::string& device) -> bool {
407         if (android::base::StartsWith(device, "/dev/block/dm-")) {
408             return block_dev_init_.InitDmDevice(device);
409         }
410         if (android::base::StartsWith(device, "/dev/dm-user/")) {
411             return block_dev_init_.InitDmUser(android::base::Basename(device));
412         }
413         return block_dev_init_.InitDevices({device});
414     });
415     if (!sm->CreateLogicalAndSnapshotPartitions(super_path_)) {
416         return false;
417     }
419     if (use_snapuserd_) {
420         CleanupSnapuserdSocket();
421     }
422     return true;
423 }
MountPartition(const Fstab::iterator & begin,bool erase_same_mounts,Fstab::iterator * end)425 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::MountPartition(const Fstab::iterator& begin, bool erase_same_mounts,
426                                             Fstab::iterator* end) {
427     // Sets end to begin + 1, so we can just return on failure below.
428     if (end) {
429         *end = begin + 1;
430     }
432     if (!fs_mgr_create_canonical_mount_point(begin->mount_point)) {
433         return false;
434     }
436     if (begin->fs_mgr_flags.logical) {
437         if (!fs_mgr_update_logical_partition(&(*begin))) {
438             return false;
439         }
440         if (!block_dev_init_.InitDmDevice(begin->blk_device)) {
441             return false;
442         }
443     }
444     if (!SetUpDmVerity(&(*begin))) {
445         PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to setup verity for '" << begin->mount_point << "'";
446         return false;
447     }
449     bool mounted = (fs_mgr_do_mount_one(*begin) == 0);
451     // Try other mounts with the same mount point.
452     Fstab::iterator current = begin + 1;
453     for (; current != fstab_.end() && current->mount_point == begin->mount_point; current++) {
454         if (!mounted) {
455             // blk_device is already updated to /dev/dm-<N> by SetUpDmVerity() above.
456             // Copy it from the begin iterator.
457             current->blk_device = begin->blk_device;
458             mounted = (fs_mgr_do_mount_one(*current) == 0);
459         }
460     }
461     if (erase_same_mounts) {
462         current = fstab_.erase(begin, current);
463     }
464     if (end) {
465         *end = current;
466     }
467     return mounted;
468 }
PreloadAvbKeys()470 void FirstStageMountVBootV2::PreloadAvbKeys() {
471     for (const auto& entry : fstab_) {
472         // No need to cache the key content if it's empty, or is already cached.
473         if (entry.avb_keys.empty() || preload_avb_key_blobs_.count(entry.avb_keys)) {
474             continue;
475         }
477         // Determines all key paths first.
478         std::vector<std::string> key_paths;
479         if (is_dir(entry.avb_keys.c_str())) {  // fstab_keys might be a dir, e.g., /avb.
480             const char* avb_key_dir = entry.avb_keys.c_str();
481             std::unique_ptr<DIR, int (*)(DIR*)> dir(opendir(avb_key_dir), closedir);
482             if (!dir) {
483                 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to opendir: " << dir;
484                 continue;
485             }
486             // Gets all key pathes under the dir.
487             struct dirent* de;
488             while ((de = readdir(dir.get()))) {
489                 if (de->d_type != DT_REG) continue;
490                 std::string full_path = StringPrintf("%s/%s", avb_key_dir, de->d_name);
491                 key_paths.emplace_back(std::move(full_path));
492             }
493             std::sort(key_paths.begin(), key_paths.end());
494         } else {
495             // avb_keys are key paths separated by ":", if it's not a dir.
496             key_paths = Split(entry.avb_keys, ":");
497         }
499         // Reads the key content then cache it.
500         std::vector<std::string> key_blobs;
501         for (const auto& path : key_paths) {
502             std::string key_value;
503             if (!ReadFileToString(path, &key_value)) {
504                 continue;
505             }
506             key_blobs.emplace_back(std::move(key_value));
507         }
509         // Maps entry.avb_keys to actual key blobs.
510         preload_avb_key_blobs_[entry.avb_keys] = std::move(key_blobs);
511     }
512 }
514 // If system is in the fstab then we're not a system-as-root device, and in
515 // this case, we mount system first then pivot to it.  From that point on,
516 // we are effectively identical to a system-as-root device.
TrySwitchSystemAsRoot()517 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::TrySwitchSystemAsRoot() {
518     UseDsuIfPresent();
519     // Preloading all AVB keys from the ramdisk before switching root to /system.
520     PreloadAvbKeys();
522     auto system_partition = std::find_if(fstab_.begin(), fstab_.end(), [](const auto& entry) {
523         return entry.mount_point == "/system";
524     });
526     if (system_partition == fstab_.end()) return true;
528     if (use_snapuserd_) {
529         SaveRamdiskPathToSnapuserd();
530     }
532     if (!MountPartition(system_partition, false /* erase_same_mounts */)) {
533         PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mount /system";
534         return false;
535     }
536     if (dsu_not_on_userdata_ && fs_mgr_verity_is_check_at_most_once(*system_partition)) {
537         LOG(ERROR) << "check_at_most_once forbidden on external media";
538         return false;
539     }
541     SwitchRoot("/system");
543     return true;
544 }
MaybeDeriveMicrodroidVendorDiceNode(Fstab * fstab)546 static bool MaybeDeriveMicrodroidVendorDiceNode(Fstab* fstab) {
547     std::optional<std::string> microdroid_vendor_block_dev;
548     for (auto entry = fstab->begin(); entry != fstab->end(); entry++) {
549         if (entry->mount_point == "/vendor") {
550             microdroid_vendor_block_dev.emplace(entry->blk_device);
551             break;
552         }
553     }
554     if (!microdroid_vendor_block_dev.has_value()) {
555         LOG(VERBOSE) << "No microdroid vendor partition to mount";
556         return true;
557     }
558     // clang-format off
559     const std::array<const char*, 8> args = {
560         "/system/bin/derive_microdroid_vendor_dice_node",
561                 "--dice-driver", "/dev/open-dice0",
562                 "--microdroid-vendor-disk-image", microdroid_vendor_block_dev->data(),
563                 "--output", "/microdroid_resources/dice_chain.raw", nullptr,
564     };
565     // clang-format-on
566     // ForkExecveAndWaitForCompletion calls waitpid to wait for the fork-ed process to finish.
567     // The first_stage_console adds SA_NOCLDWAIT flag to the SIGCHLD handler, which means that
568     // waitpid will always return -ECHLD. Here we re-register a default handler, so that waitpid
569     // works.
570     LOG(INFO) << "Deriving dice node for microdroid vendor partition";
571     signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
572     if (!ForkExecveAndWaitForCompletion(args[0], (char**)args.data())) {
573         LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to derive microdroid vendor dice node";
574         return false;
575     }
576     return true;
577 }
MountPartitions()579 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::MountPartitions() {
580     if (!TrySwitchSystemAsRoot()) return false;
582     if (IsMicrodroid() && android::virtualization::IsOpenDiceChangesFlagEnabled()) {
583         if (!MaybeDeriveMicrodroidVendorDiceNode(&fstab_)) {
584             return false;
585         }
586     }
588     if (!SkipMountingPartitions(&fstab_, true /* verbose */)) return false;
590     for (auto current = fstab_.begin(); current != fstab_.end();) {
591         // We've already mounted /system above.
592         if (current->mount_point == "/system") {
593             ++current;
594             continue;
595         }
597         // Handle overlayfs entries later.
598         if (current->fs_type == "overlay") {
599             ++current;
600             continue;
601         }
603         // Skip raw partition entries such as boot, dtbo, etc.
604         // Having emmc fstab entries allows us to probe current->vbmeta_partition
605         // in InitDevices() when they are AVB chained partitions.
606         if (current->fs_type == "emmc") {
607             ++current;
608             continue;
609         }
611         Fstab::iterator end;
612         if (!MountPartition(current, false /* erase_same_mounts */, &end)) {
613             if (current->fs_mgr_flags.no_fail) {
614                 LOG(INFO) << "Failed to mount " << current->mount_point
615                           << ", ignoring mount for no_fail partition";
616             } else if (current->fs_mgr_flags.formattable) {
617                 LOG(INFO) << "Failed to mount " << current->mount_point
618                           << ", ignoring mount for formattable partition";
619             } else {
620                 PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mount " << current->mount_point;
621                 return false;
622             }
623         }
624         current = end;
625     }
627     for (const auto& entry : fstab_) {
628         if (entry.fs_type == "overlay") {
629             fs_mgr_mount_overlayfs_fstab_entry(entry);
630         }
631     }
633     // If we don't see /system or / in the fstab, then we need to create an root entry for
634     // overlayfs.
635     if (!GetEntryForMountPoint(&fstab_, "/system") && !GetEntryForMountPoint(&fstab_, "/")) {
636         FstabEntry root_entry;
637         if (GetRootEntry(&root_entry)) {
638             fstab_.emplace_back(std::move(root_entry));
639         }
640     }
642     // heads up for instantiating required device(s) for overlayfs logic
643     auto init_devices = [this](std::set<std::string> devices) -> bool {
644         for (auto iter = devices.begin(); iter != devices.end();) {
645             if (android::base::StartsWith(*iter, "/dev/block/dm-")) {
646                 if (!block_dev_init_.InitDmDevice(*iter)) {
647                     return false;
648                 }
649                 iter = devices.erase(iter);
650             } else {
651                 iter++;
652             }
653         }
654         return InitRequiredDevices(std::move(devices));
655     };
656     MapScratchPartitionIfNeeded(&fstab_, init_devices);
658     fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount_all(&fstab_);
660     return true;
661 }
663 // Preserves /avb/*.avbpubkey to /metadata/gsi/dsu/avb/, so they can be used for
664 // key revocation check by DSU installation service.  Note that failing to
665 // copy files to /metadata is NOT fatal, because it is auxiliary to perform
666 // public key matching before booting into DSU images on next boot. The actual
667 // public key matching will still be done on next boot to DSU.
CopyDsuAvbKeys()668 void FirstStageMountVBootV2::CopyDsuAvbKeys() {
669     std::error_code ec;
670     // Removing existing keys in gsi::kDsuAvbKeyDir as they might be stale.
671     std::filesystem::remove_all(gsi::kDsuAvbKeyDir, ec);
672     if (ec) {
673         LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to remove directory " << gsi::kDsuAvbKeyDir << ": " << ec.message();
674     }
675     // Copy keys from the ramdisk /avb/* to gsi::kDsuAvbKeyDir.
676     static constexpr char kRamdiskAvbKeyDir[] = "/avb";
677     std::filesystem::copy(kRamdiskAvbKeyDir, gsi::kDsuAvbKeyDir, ec);
678     if (ec) {
679         LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to copy " << kRamdiskAvbKeyDir << " into " << gsi::kDsuAvbKeyDir
680                    << ": " << ec.message();
681     }
682 }
UseDsuIfPresent()684 void FirstStageMountVBootV2::UseDsuIfPresent() {
685     std::string error;
687     if (!android::gsi::CanBootIntoGsi(&error)) {
688         LOG(INFO) << "DSU " << error << ", proceeding with normal boot";
689         return;
690     }
692     auto init_devices = [this](std::set<std::string> devices) -> bool {
693         if (devices.count("userdata") == 0 || devices.size() > 1) {
694             dsu_not_on_userdata_ = true;
695         }
696         return InitRequiredDevices(std::move(devices));
697     };
698     std::string active_dsu;
699     if (!gsi::GetActiveDsu(&active_dsu)) {
700         LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to GetActiveDsu";
701         return;
702     }
703     LOG(INFO) << "DSU slot: " << active_dsu;
704     auto images = IImageManager::Open("dsu/" + active_dsu, 0ms);
705     if (!images || !images->MapAllImages(init_devices)) {
706         LOG(ERROR) << "DSU partition layout could not be instantiated";
707         return;
708     }
710     if (!android::gsi::MarkSystemAsGsi()) {
711         PLOG(ERROR) << "DSU indicator file could not be written";
712         return;
713     }
715     // Publish the logical partition names for TransformFstabForDsu() and ReadFstabFromFile().
716     const auto dsu_partitions = images->GetAllBackingImages();
717     WriteFile(gsi::kGsiLpNamesFile, android::base::Join(dsu_partitions, ","));
718     TransformFstabForDsu(&fstab_, active_dsu, dsu_partitions);
719 }
FirstStageMountVBootV2(Fstab fstab)721 FirstStageMountVBootV2::FirstStageMountVBootV2(Fstab fstab)
722     : need_dm_verity_(false), fstab_(std::move(fstab)), avb_handle_(nullptr) {
723     super_partition_name_ = fs_mgr_get_super_partition_name();
725     std::string device_tree_vbmeta_parts;
726     read_android_dt_file("vbmeta/parts", &device_tree_vbmeta_parts);
728     for (auto&& partition : Split(device_tree_vbmeta_parts, ",")) {
729         if (!partition.empty()) {
730             vbmeta_partitions_.emplace_back(std::move(partition));
731         }
732     }
734     for (const auto& entry : fstab_) {
735         if (!entry.vbmeta_partition.empty()) {
736             vbmeta_partitions_.emplace_back(entry.vbmeta_partition);
737         }
738     }
740     if (vbmeta_partitions_.empty()) {
741         LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read vbmeta partitions.";
742     }
743 }
GetDmVerityDevices(std::set<std::string> * devices)745 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::GetDmVerityDevices(std::set<std::string>* devices) {
746     need_dm_verity_ = false;
748     std::set<std::string> logical_partitions;
750     // fstab_rec->blk_device has A/B suffix.
751     for (const auto& fstab_entry : fstab_) {
752         if (fstab_entry.fs_mgr_flags.avb) {
753             need_dm_verity_ = true;
754         }
755         // Skip pseudo filesystems.
756         if (fstab_entry.fs_type == "overlay") {
757             continue;
758         }
759         if (fstab_entry.fs_mgr_flags.logical) {
760             // Don't try to find logical partitions via uevent regeneration.
761             logical_partitions.emplace(basename(fstab_entry.blk_device.c_str()));
762         } else {
763             devices->emplace(basename(fstab_entry.blk_device.c_str()));
764         }
765     }
767     // Any partitions needed for verifying the partitions used in first stage mount, e.g. vbmeta
768     // must be provided as vbmeta_partitions.
769     if (need_dm_verity_) {
770         if (vbmeta_partitions_.empty()) {
771             LOG(ERROR) << "Missing vbmeta partitions";
772             return false;
773         }
774         std::string ab_suffix = fs_mgr_get_slot_suffix();
775         for (const auto& partition : vbmeta_partitions_) {
776             std::string partition_name = partition + ab_suffix;
777             if (logical_partitions.count(partition_name)) {
778                 continue;
779             }
780             // devices is of type std::set so it's not an issue to emplace a
781             // partition twice. e.g., /vendor might be in both places:
782             //   - device_tree_vbmeta_parts_ = "vbmeta,boot,system,vendor"
783             //   - mount_fstab_recs_: /vendor_a
784             devices->emplace(partition_name);
785         }
786     }
787     return true;
788 }
IsHashtreeDisabled(const AvbHandle & vbmeta,const std::string & mount_point)790 bool IsHashtreeDisabled(const AvbHandle& vbmeta, const std::string& mount_point) {
791     if (vbmeta.status() == AvbHandleStatus::kHashtreeDisabled ||
792         vbmeta.status() == AvbHandleStatus::kVerificationDisabled) {
793         LOG(ERROR) << "Top-level vbmeta is disabled, skip Hashtree setup for " << mount_point;
794         return true;  // Returns true to mount the partition directly.
795     }
796     return false;
797 }
SetUpDmVerity(FstabEntry * fstab_entry)799 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::SetUpDmVerity(FstabEntry* fstab_entry) {
800     AvbHashtreeResult hashtree_result;
802     // It's possible for a fstab_entry to have both avb_keys and avb flag.
803     // In this case, try avb_keys first, then fallback to avb flag.
804     if (!fstab_entry->avb_keys.empty()) {
805         if (!InitAvbHandle()) return false;
806         // Checks if hashtree should be disabled from the top-level /vbmeta.
807         if (IsHashtreeDisabled(*avb_handle_, fstab_entry->mount_point)) {
808             return true;
809         }
810         auto avb_standalone_handle = AvbHandle::LoadAndVerifyVbmeta(
811                 *fstab_entry, preload_avb_key_blobs_[fstab_entry->avb_keys]);
812         if (!avb_standalone_handle) {
813             LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load offline vbmeta for " << fstab_entry->mount_point;
814             // Fallbacks to built-in hashtree if fs_mgr_flags.avb is set.
815             if (!fstab_entry->fs_mgr_flags.avb) return false;
816             LOG(INFO) << "Fallback to built-in hashtree for " << fstab_entry->mount_point;
817             hashtree_result =
818                     avb_handle_->SetUpAvbHashtree(fstab_entry, false /* wait_for_verity_dev */);
819         } else {
820             // Sets up hashtree via the standalone handle.
821             if (IsStandaloneImageRollback(*avb_handle_, *avb_standalone_handle, *fstab_entry)) {
822                 return false;
823             }
824             hashtree_result = avb_standalone_handle->SetUpAvbHashtree(
825                     fstab_entry, false /* wait_for_verity_dev */);
826         }
827     } else if (fstab_entry->fs_mgr_flags.avb) {
828         if (!InitAvbHandle()) return false;
829         hashtree_result =
830                 avb_handle_->SetUpAvbHashtree(fstab_entry, false /* wait_for_verity_dev */);
831     } else if (!fstab_entry->avb_hashtree_digest.empty()) {
832         // When fstab_entry has neither avb_keys nor avb flag, try using
833         // avb_hashtree_digest.
834         if (!InitAvbHandle()) return false;
835         // Checks if hashtree should be disabled from the top-level /vbmeta.
836         if (IsHashtreeDisabled(*avb_handle_, fstab_entry->mount_point)) {
837             return true;
838         }
839         auto avb_standalone_handle = AvbHandle::LoadAndVerifyVbmeta(*fstab_entry);
840         if (!avb_standalone_handle) {
841             LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load vbmeta based on hashtree descriptor root digest for "
842                        << fstab_entry->mount_point;
843             return false;
844         }
845         hashtree_result = avb_standalone_handle->SetUpAvbHashtree(fstab_entry,
846                                                                   false /* wait_for_verity_dev */);
847     } else {
848         return true;  // No need AVB, returns true to mount the partition directly.
849     }
851     switch (hashtree_result) {
852         case AvbHashtreeResult::kDisabled:
853             return true;  // Returns true to mount the partition.
854         case AvbHashtreeResult::kSuccess:
855             // The exact block device name (fstab_rec->blk_device) is changed to
856             // "/dev/block/dm-XX". Needs to create it because ueventd isn't started in init
857             // first stage.
858             return block_dev_init_.InitDmDevice(fstab_entry->blk_device);
859         default:
860             return false;
861     }
862 }
InitAvbHandle()864 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::InitAvbHandle() {
865     if (avb_handle_) return true;  // Returns true if the handle is already initialized.
867     avb_handle_ = AvbHandle::Open();
869     if (!avb_handle_) {
870         PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open AvbHandle";
871         return false;
872     }
873     // Sets INIT_AVB_VERSION here for init to set ro.boot.avb_version in the second stage.
874     setenv("INIT_AVB_VERSION", avb_handle_->avb_version().c_str(), 1);
875     return true;
876 }
SetInitAvbVersionInRecovery()878 void SetInitAvbVersionInRecovery() {
879     if (!IsRecoveryMode()) {
880         LOG(INFO) << "Skipped setting INIT_AVB_VERSION (not in recovery mode)";
881         return;
882     }
884     auto fstab = ReadFirstStageFstabAndroid();
885     if (!fstab.ok()) {
886         LOG(ERROR) << fstab.error();
887         return;
888     }
890     if (!IsDtVbmetaCompatible(*fstab)) {
891         LOG(INFO) << "Skipped setting INIT_AVB_VERSION (not vbmeta compatible)";
892         return;
893     }
895     // Initializes required devices for the subsequent AvbHandle::Open()
896     // to verify AVB metadata on all partitions in the verified chain.
897     // We only set INIT_AVB_VERSION when the AVB verification succeeds, i.e., the
898     // Open() function returns a valid handle.
899     // We don't need to mount partitions here in recovery mode.
900     FirstStageMountVBootV2 avb_first_mount(std::move(*fstab));
901     if (!avb_first_mount.InitDevices()) {
902         LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to init devices for INIT_AVB_VERSION";
903         return;
904     }
906     AvbUniquePtr avb_handle = AvbHandle::Open();
907     if (!avb_handle) {
908         PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open AvbHandle for INIT_AVB_VERSION";
909         return;
910     }
911     setenv("INIT_AVB_VERSION", avb_handle->avb_version().c_str(), 1);
912 }
914 }  // namespace init
915 }  // namespace android