1 /*
2  * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "GaneshBackendTexture.h"
19 #undef LOG_TAG
20 #define LOG_TAG "RenderEngine"
23 #include <include/core/SkImage.h>
24 #include <include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h>
25 #include <include/gpu/ganesh/SkImageGanesh.h>
26 #include <include/gpu/ganesh/SkSurfaceGanesh.h>
27 #include <include/gpu/ganesh/gl/GrGLBackendSurface.h>
28 #include <include/gpu/ganesh/vk/GrVkBackendSurface.h>
29 #include <include/gpu/vk/GrVkTypes.h>
31 #include "skia/ColorSpaces.h"
32 #include "skia/compat/SkiaBackendTexture.h"
34 #include <android/hardware_buffer.h>
35 #include <log/log_main.h>
36 #include <utils/Trace.h>
38 namespace android::renderengine::skia {
GaneshBackendTexture(sk_sp<GrDirectContext> grContext,AHardwareBuffer * buffer,bool isOutputBuffer)40 GaneshBackendTexture::GaneshBackendTexture(sk_sp<GrDirectContext> grContext,
41                                            AHardwareBuffer* buffer, bool isOutputBuffer)
42       : SkiaBackendTexture(buffer, isOutputBuffer), mGrContext(grContext) {
43     ATRACE_CALL();
44     AHardwareBuffer_Desc desc;
45     AHardwareBuffer_describe(buffer, &desc);
46     const bool createProtectedImage = 0 != (desc.usage & AHARDWAREBUFFER_USAGE_PROTECTED_CONTENT);
48     GrBackendFormat backendFormat;
49     const GrBackendApi graphicsApi = grContext->backend();
50     if (graphicsApi == GrBackendApi::kOpenGL) {
51         backendFormat =
52                 GrAHardwareBufferUtils::GetGLBackendFormat(grContext.get(), desc.format, false);
53         mBackendTexture =
54                 GrAHardwareBufferUtils::MakeGLBackendTexture(grContext.get(), buffer, desc.width,
55                                                              desc.height, &mDeleteProc,
56                                                              &mUpdateProc, &mImageCtx,
57                                                              createProtectedImage, backendFormat,
58                                                              isOutputBuffer);
59     } else if (graphicsApi == GrBackendApi::kVulkan) {
60         backendFormat = GrAHardwareBufferUtils::GetVulkanBackendFormat(grContext.get(), buffer,
61                                                                        desc.format, false);
62         mBackendTexture =
63                 GrAHardwareBufferUtils::MakeVulkanBackendTexture(grContext.get(), buffer,
64                                                                  desc.width, desc.height,
65                                                                  &mDeleteProc, &mUpdateProc,
66                                                                  &mImageCtx, createProtectedImage,
67                                                                  backendFormat, isOutputBuffer);
68     } else {
69         LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Unexpected graphics API %u", static_cast<unsigned>(graphicsApi));
70     }
72     if (!mBackendTexture.isValid() || !desc.width || !desc.height) {
73         LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Failed to create a valid texture. [%p]:[%d,%d] isProtected:%d "
74                          "isWriteable:%d format:%d",
75                          this, desc.width, desc.height, createProtectedImage, isOutputBuffer,
76                          desc.format);
77     }
78 }
~GaneshBackendTexture()80 GaneshBackendTexture::~GaneshBackendTexture() {
81     if (mBackendTexture.isValid()) {
82         mDeleteProc(mImageCtx);
83         mBackendTexture = {};
84     }
85 }
makeImage(SkAlphaType alphaType,ui::Dataspace dataspace,TextureReleaseProc releaseImageProc,ReleaseContext releaseContext)87 sk_sp<SkImage> GaneshBackendTexture::makeImage(SkAlphaType alphaType, ui::Dataspace dataspace,
88                                                TextureReleaseProc releaseImageProc,
89                                                ReleaseContext releaseContext) {
90     if (mBackendTexture.isValid()) {
91         mUpdateProc(mImageCtx, mGrContext.get());
92     }
94     const SkColorType colorType = colorTypeForImage(alphaType);
95     sk_sp<SkImage> image =
96             SkImages::BorrowTextureFrom(mGrContext.get(), mBackendTexture, kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
97                                         colorType, alphaType, toSkColorSpace(dataspace),
98                                         releaseImageProc, releaseContext);
99     if (!image) {
100         logFatalTexture("Unable to generate SkImage.", dataspace, colorType);
101     }
102     return image;
103 }
makeSurface(ui::Dataspace dataspace,TextureReleaseProc releaseSurfaceProc,ReleaseContext releaseContext)105 sk_sp<SkSurface> GaneshBackendTexture::makeSurface(ui::Dataspace dataspace,
106                                                    TextureReleaseProc releaseSurfaceProc,
107                                                    ReleaseContext releaseContext) {
108     const SkColorType colorType = internalColorType();
109     sk_sp<SkSurface> surface =
110             SkSurfaces::WrapBackendTexture(mGrContext.get(), mBackendTexture,
111                                            kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin, 0, colorType,
112                                            toSkColorSpace(dataspace), nullptr, releaseSurfaceProc,
113                                            releaseContext);
114     if (!surface) {
115         logFatalTexture("Unable to generate SkSurface.", dataspace, colorType);
116     }
117     return surface;
118 }
logFatalTexture(const char * msg,ui::Dataspace dataspace,SkColorType colorType)120 void GaneshBackendTexture::logFatalTexture(const char* msg, ui::Dataspace dataspace,
121                                            SkColorType colorType) {
122     switch (mBackendTexture.backend()) {
123         case GrBackendApi::kOpenGL: {
124             GrGLTextureInfo textureInfo;
125             bool retrievedTextureInfo =
126                     GrBackendTextures::GetGLTextureInfo(mBackendTexture, &textureInfo);
127             LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s isTextureValid:%d dataspace:%d"
128                              "\n\tGrBackendTexture: (%i x %i) hasMipmaps: %i isProtected: %i "
129                              "texType: %i\n\t\tGrGLTextureInfo: success: %i fTarget: %u fFormat: %u"
130                              " colorType %i",
131                              msg, mBackendTexture.isValid(), static_cast<int32_t>(dataspace),
132                              mBackendTexture.width(), mBackendTexture.height(),
133                              mBackendTexture.hasMipmaps(), mBackendTexture.isProtected(),
134                              static_cast<int>(mBackendTexture.textureType()), retrievedTextureInfo,
135                              textureInfo.fTarget, textureInfo.fFormat, colorType);
136             break;
137         }
138         case GrBackendApi::kVulkan: {
139             GrVkImageInfo imageInfo;
140             bool retrievedImageInfo =
141                     GrBackendTextures::GetVkImageInfo(mBackendTexture, &imageInfo);
142             LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s isTextureValid:%d dataspace:%d"
143                              "\n\tGrBackendTexture: (%i x %i) hasMipmaps: %i isProtected: %i "
144                              "texType: %i\n\t\tVkImageInfo: success: %i fFormat: %i "
145                              "fSampleCount: %u fLevelCount: %u colorType %i",
146                              msg, mBackendTexture.isValid(), static_cast<int32_t>(dataspace),
147                              mBackendTexture.width(), mBackendTexture.height(),
148                              mBackendTexture.hasMipmaps(), mBackendTexture.isProtected(),
149                              static_cast<int>(mBackendTexture.textureType()), retrievedImageInfo,
150                              imageInfo.fFormat, imageInfo.fSampleCount, imageInfo.fLevelCount,
151                              colorType);
152             break;
153         }
154         default:
155             LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s Unexpected backend %u", msg,
156                              static_cast<unsigned>(mBackendTexture.backend()));
157             break;
158     }
159 }
161 } // namespace android::renderengine::skia