1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 package com.android.calendar.widget
18 import android.app.AlarmManager
19 import android.app.PendingIntent
20 import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager
21 import android.content.BroadcastReceiver
22 import android.content.Context
23 import android.content.CursorLoader
24 import android.content.Intent
25 import android.content.Loader
26 import android.content.res.Resources
27 import android.database.Cursor
28 import android.database.MatrixCursor
29 import android.net.Uri
30 import android.os.Handler
31 import android.provider.CalendarContract.Attendees
32 import android.provider.CalendarContract.Calendars
33 import android.provider.CalendarContract.Instances
34 import android.text.format.DateUtils
35 import android.text.format.Time
36 import android.util.Log
37 import android.view.View
38 import android.widget.RemoteViews
39 import android.widget.RemoteViewsService
40 import com.android.calendar.R
41 import com.android.calendar.Utils
42 import com.android.calendar.widget.CalendarAppWidgetModel.DayInfo
43 import com.android.calendar.widget.CalendarAppWidgetModel.EventInfo
44 import com.android.calendar.widget.CalendarAppWidgetModel.RowInfo
45 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
46 import java.util.concurrent.Executors
47 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
49 class CalendarAppWidgetService : RemoteViewsService() {
50     companion object {
51         private const val TAG = "CalendarWidget"
52         const val EVENT_MIN_COUNT = 20
53         const val EVENT_MAX_COUNT = 100
55         // Minimum delay between queries on the database for widget updates in ms
56         const val WIDGET_UPDATE_THROTTLE = 500
57         private val EVENT_SORT_ORDER: String = (Instances.START_DAY.toString() + " ASC, " +
58             Instances.START_MINUTE + " ASC, " + Instances.END_DAY + " ASC, " +
59             Instances.END_MINUTE + " ASC LIMIT " + EVENT_MAX_COUNT)
60         private val EVENT_SELECTION: String = Calendars.VISIBLE.toString() + "=1"
61         private val EVENT_SELECTION_HIDE_DECLINED: String =
62             (Calendars.VISIBLE.toString() + "=1 AND " +
63                 Instances.SELF_ATTENDEE_STATUS + "!=" + Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_DECLINED)
64         @JvmField
65         val EVENT_PROJECTION = arrayOf<String>(
66             Instances.ALL_DAY,
67             Instances.BEGIN,
68             Instances.END,
69             Instances.TITLE,
70             Instances.EVENT_LOCATION,
71             Instances.EVENT_ID,
72             Instances.START_DAY,
73             Instances.END_DAY,
74             Instances.DISPLAY_COLOR, // If SDK < 16, set to Instances.CALENDAR_COLOR.
75             Instances.SELF_ATTENDEE_STATUS
76         )
77         const val INDEX_ALL_DAY = 0
78         const val INDEX_BEGIN = 1
79         const val INDEX_END = 2
80         const val INDEX_TITLE = 3
81         const val INDEX_EVENT_LOCATION = 4
82         const val INDEX_EVENT_ID = 5
83         const val INDEX_START_DAY = 6
84         const val INDEX_END_DAY = 7
85         const val INDEX_COLOR = 8
86         const val INDEX_SELF_ATTENDEE_STATUS = 9
87         const val MAX_DAYS = 7
88         private val SEARCH_DURATION: Long = MAX_DAYS * DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS
90         /**
91          * Update interval used when no next-update calculated, or bad trigger time in past.
92          * Unit: milliseconds.
93          */
94         private val UPDATE_TIME_NO_EVENTS: Long = DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS * 6
96         /**
97          * Format given time for debugging output.
98          *
99          * @param unixTime Target time to report.
100          * @param now Current system time from [System.currentTimeMillis]
101          * for calculating time difference.
102          */
formatDebugTimenull103         fun formatDebugTime(unixTime: Long, now: Long): String {
104             val time = Time()
105             time.set(unixTime)
106             var delta = unixTime - now
107             return if (delta > DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS) {
108                 delta /= DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS
109                 String.format(
110                     "[%d] %s (%+d mins)", unixTime,
111                     time.format("%H:%M:%S"), delta
112                 )
113             } else {
114                 delta /= DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS
115                 String.format(
116                     "[%d] %s (%+d secs)", unixTime,
117                     time.format("%H:%M:%S"), delta
118                 )
119             }
120         }
122         init {
123             if (!Utils.isJellybeanOrLater()) {
125             }
126         }
127     }
129     @Override
onGetViewFactorynull130     override fun onGetViewFactory(intent: Intent): RemoteViewsFactory {
131         return CalendarFactory(getApplicationContext(), intent)
132     }
134     class CalendarFactory : BroadcastReceiver, RemoteViewsService.RemoteViewsFactory,
135                             Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener<Cursor?> {
136         private var mContext: Context? = null
137         private var mResources: Resources? = null
138         private var mLastSerialNum = -1
139         private var mLoader: CursorLoader? = null
140         private val mHandler: Handler = Handler()
141         private val executor: ExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
142         private var mAppWidgetId = 0
143         private var mDeclinedColor = 0
144         private var mStandardColor = 0
145         private var mAllDayColor = 0
146         private val mTimezoneChanged: Runnable = object : Runnable {
147             @Override
runnull148             override fun run() {
149                 if (mLoader != null) {
150                     mLoader?.forceLoad()
151                 }
152             }
153         }
createUpdateLoaderRunnablenull155         private fun createUpdateLoaderRunnable(
156             selection: String,
157             result: PendingResult,
158             version: Int
159         ): Runnable {
160             return object : Runnable {
161                 @Override
162                 override fun run() {
163                     // If there is a newer load request in the queue, skip loading.
164                     if (mLoader != null && version >= currentVersion.get()) {
165                         val uri: Uri = createLoaderUri()
166                         mLoader?.setUri(uri)
167                         mLoader?.setSelection(selection)
168                         synchronized(mLock) { mLastSerialNum = ++mSerialNum }
169                         mLoader?.forceLoad()
170                     }
171                     result.finish()
172                 }
173             }
174         }
176         constructor(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
177             mContext = context
178             mResources = context.getResources()
179             mAppWidgetId = intent.getIntExtra(
180                 AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID
181             )
182             mDeclinedColor = mResources?.getColor(R.color.appwidget_item_declined_color) as Int
183             mStandardColor = mResources?.getColor(R.color.appwidget_item_standard_color) as Int
184             mAllDayColor = mResources?.getColor(R.color.appwidget_item_allday_color) as Int
185         }
187         constructor() {
188             // This is being created as part of onReceive
189         }
191         @Override
onCreatenull192         override fun onCreate() {
193             val selection = queryForSelection()
194             initLoader(selection)
195         }
197         @Override
onDataSetChangednull198         override fun onDataSetChanged() {
199         }
201         @Override
onDestroynull202         override fun onDestroy() {
203             if (mLoader != null) {
204                 mLoader?.reset()
205             }
206         }
208         @Override
getLoadingViewnull209         override fun getLoadingView(): RemoteViews {
210             val views = RemoteViews(mContext?.getPackageName(), R.layout.appwidget_loading)
211             return views
212         }
214         @Override
getViewAtnull215         override fun getViewAt(position: Int): RemoteViews? {
216             // we use getCount here so that it doesn't return null when empty
217             if (position < 0 || position >= getCount()) {
218                 return null
219             }
220             if (mModel == null) {
221                 val views = RemoteViews(
222                     mContext?.getPackageName(),
223                     R.layout.appwidget_loading
224                 )
225                 val intent: Intent = CalendarAppWidgetProvider.getLaunchFillInIntent(
226                     mContext,
227                     0,
228                     0,
229                     0,
230                     false
231                 )
232                 views.setOnClickFillInIntent(R.id.appwidget_loading, intent)
233                 return views
234             }
235             if (mModel!!.mEventInfos.isEmpty() || mModel!!.mRowInfos.isEmpty()) {
236                 val views = RemoteViews(
237                     mContext?.getPackageName(),
238                     R.layout.appwidget_no_events
239                 )
240                 val intent: Intent = CalendarAppWidgetProvider.getLaunchFillInIntent(
241                     mContext,
242                     0,
243                     0,
244                     0,
245                     false
246                 )
247                 views.setOnClickFillInIntent(R.id.appwidget_no_events, intent)
248                 return views
249             }
250             val rowInfo: RowInfo? = mModel?.mRowInfos?.get(position)
251             return if (rowInfo!!.mType == RowInfo.TYPE_DAY) {
252                 val views = RemoteViews(
253                     mContext?.getPackageName(),
254                     R.layout.appwidget_day
255                 )
256                 val dayInfo: DayInfo? = mModel?.mDayInfos?.get(rowInfo.mIndex)
257                 updateTextView(views, R.id.date, View.VISIBLE, dayInfo!!.mDayLabel)
259             } else {
260                 val views: RemoteViews?
261                 val eventInfo: EventInfo? = mModel?.mEventInfos?.get(rowInfo.mIndex)
262                 if (eventInfo!!.allDay) {
263                     views = RemoteViews(
264                         mContext?.getPackageName(),
265                         R.layout.widget_all_day_item
266                     )
267                 } else {
268                     views = RemoteViews(mContext?.getPackageName(), R.layout.widget_item)
269                 }
270                 val displayColor: Int = Utils.getDisplayColorFromColor(eventInfo.color)
271                 val now: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()
272                 if (!eventInfo.allDay && eventInfo.start <= now && now <= eventInfo.end) {
273                     views.setInt(
274                         R.id.widget_row, "setBackgroundResource",
275                         R.drawable.agenda_item_bg_secondary
276                     )
277                 } else {
278                     views.setInt(
279                         R.id.widget_row, "setBackgroundResource",
280                         R.drawable.agenda_item_bg_primary
281                     )
282                 }
283                 if (!eventInfo.allDay) {
284                     updateTextView(views, R.id.`when`, eventInfo.visibWhen
285                         as Int, eventInfo.`when`)
286                     updateTextView(views, R.id.where, eventInfo.visibWhere
287                         as Int, eventInfo.where)
288                 }
289                 updateTextView(views, R.id.title, eventInfo.visibTitle as Int, eventInfo.title)
290                 views.setViewVisibility(R.id.agenda_item_color, View.VISIBLE)
291                 val selfAttendeeStatus: Int = eventInfo.selfAttendeeStatus as Int
292                 if (eventInfo.allDay) {
293                     if (selfAttendeeStatus == Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_INVITED) {
294                         views.setInt(
295                             R.id.agenda_item_color, "setImageResource",
296                             R.drawable.widget_chip_not_responded_bg
297                         )
298                         views.setInt(R.id.title, "setTextColor", displayColor)
299                     } else {
300                         views.setInt(
301                             R.id.agenda_item_color, "setImageResource",
302                             R.drawable.widget_chip_responded_bg
303                         )
304                         views.setInt(R.id.title, "setTextColor", mAllDayColor)
305                     }
306                     if (selfAttendeeStatus == Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_DECLINED) {
307                         // 40% opacity
308                         views.setInt(
309                             R.id.agenda_item_color, "setColorFilter",
310                             Utils.getDeclinedColorFromColor(displayColor)
311                         )
312                     } else {
313                         views.setInt(R.id.agenda_item_color, "setColorFilter", displayColor)
314                     }
315                 } else if (selfAttendeeStatus == Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_DECLINED) {
316                     views.setInt(R.id.title, "setTextColor", mDeclinedColor)
317                     views.setInt(R.id.`when`, "setTextColor", mDeclinedColor)
318                     views.setInt(R.id.where, "setTextColor", mDeclinedColor)
319                     views.setInt(
320                         R.id.agenda_item_color, "setImageResource",
321                         R.drawable.widget_chip_responded_bg
322                     )
323                     // 40% opacity
324                     views.setInt(
325                         R.id.agenda_item_color, "setColorFilter",
326                         Utils.getDeclinedColorFromColor(displayColor)
327                     )
328                 } else {
329                     views.setInt(R.id.title, "setTextColor", mStandardColor)
330                     views.setInt(R.id.`when`, "setTextColor", mStandardColor)
331                     views.setInt(R.id.where, "setTextColor", mStandardColor)
332                     if (selfAttendeeStatus == Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_INVITED) {
333                         views.setInt(
334                             R.id.agenda_item_color, "setImageResource",
335                             R.drawable.widget_chip_not_responded_bg
336                         )
337                     } else {
338                         views.setInt(
339                             R.id.agenda_item_color, "setImageResource",
340                             R.drawable.widget_chip_responded_bg
341                         )
342                     }
343                     views.setInt(R.id.agenda_item_color, "setColorFilter", displayColor)
344                 }
345                 var start: Long = eventInfo.start as Long
346                 var end: Long = eventInfo.end as Long
347                 // An element in ListView.
348                 if (eventInfo.allDay) {
349                     val tz: String? = Utils.getTimeZone(mContext, null)
350                     val recycle = Time()
351                     start = Utils.convertAlldayLocalToUTC(recycle, start, tz as String)
352                     end = Utils.convertAlldayLocalToUTC(recycle, end, tz as String)
353                 }
354                 val fillInIntent: Intent = CalendarAppWidgetProvider.getLaunchFillInIntent(
355                     mContext, eventInfo.id, start, end, eventInfo.allDay
356                 )
357                 views.setOnClickFillInIntent(R.id.widget_row, fillInIntent)
359             }
360         }
362         @Override
getViewTypeCountnull363         override fun getViewTypeCount(): Int {
364             return 5
365         }
367         @Override
getCountnull368         override fun getCount(): Int {
369             // if there are no events, we still return 1 to represent the "no
370             // events" view
371             if (mModel == null) {
372                 return 1
373             }
374             return Math.max(1, mModel?.mRowInfos?.size as Int)
375         }
377         @Override
getItemIdnull378         override fun getItemId(position: Int): Long {
379             if (mModel == null || mModel?.mRowInfos?.isEmpty() as Boolean ||
380                 position >= getCount()) {
381                 return 0
382             }
383             val rowInfo: RowInfo = mModel?.mRowInfos?.get(position) as RowInfo
384             if (rowInfo.mType == RowInfo.TYPE_DAY) {
385                 return rowInfo.mIndex.toLong()
386             }
387             val eventInfo: EventInfo = mModel?.mEventInfos?.get(rowInfo.mIndex) as EventInfo
388             val prime: Long = 31
389             var result: Long = 1
390             result = prime * result + (eventInfo.id xor (eventInfo.id ushr 32)) as Int
391             result = prime * result + (eventInfo.start xor (eventInfo.start ushr 32)) as Int
392             return result
393         }
395         @Override
hasStableIdsnull396         override fun hasStableIds(): Boolean {
397             return true
398         }
400         /**
401          * Query across all calendars for upcoming event instances from now
402          * until some time in the future. Widen the time range that we query by
403          * one day on each end so that we can catch all-day events. All-day
404          * events are stored starting at midnight in UTC but should be included
405          * in the list of events starting at midnight local time. This may fetch
406          * more events than we actually want, so we filter them out later.
407          *
408          * @param selection The selection string for the loader to filter the query with.
409          */
initLoadernull410         fun initLoader(selection: String?) {
411             if (LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "Querying for widget events...")
413             // Search for events from now until some time in the future
414             val uri: Uri = createLoaderUri()
415             mLoader = CursorLoader(
416                 mContext, uri, EVENT_PROJECTION, selection, null,
417                 EVENT_SORT_ORDER
418             )
419             mLoader?.setUpdateThrottle(WIDGET_UPDATE_THROTTLE.toLong())
420             synchronized(mLock) { mLastSerialNum = ++mSerialNum }
421             mLoader?.registerListener(mAppWidgetId, this)
422             mLoader?.startLoading()
423         }
425         /**
426          * This gets the selection string for the loader.  This ends up doing a query in the
427          * shared preferences.
428          */
queryForSelectionnull429         private fun queryForSelection(): String {
430             return if (Utils.getHideDeclinedEvents(mContext)) EVENT_SELECTION_HIDE_DECLINED
431             else EVENT_SELECTION
432         }
434         /**
435          * @return The uri for the loader
436          */
createLoaderUrinull437         private fun createLoaderUri(): Uri {
438             val now: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()
439             // Add a day on either side to catch all-day events
440             val begin: Long = now - DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS
441             val end: Long =
442                 now + SEARCH_DURATION + DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS
443             return Uri.withAppendedPath(
444                 Instances.CONTENT_URI,
445                 begin.toString() + "/" + end
446             )
447         }
449         /**
450          * Calculates and returns the next time we should push widget updates.
451          */
calculateUpdateTimenull452         private fun calculateUpdateTime(
453             model: CalendarAppWidgetModel,
454             now: Long,
455             timeZone: String
456         ): Long {
457             // Make sure an update happens at midnight or earlier
458             var minUpdateTime = getNextMidnightTimeMillis(timeZone)
459             for (event in model.mEventInfos) {
460                 val start: Long
461                 val end: Long
462                 start = event.start
463                 end = event.end
465                 // We want to update widget when we enter/exit time range of an event.
466                 if (now < start) {
467                     minUpdateTime = Math.min(minUpdateTime, start)
468                 } else if (now < end) {
469                     minUpdateTime = Math.min(minUpdateTime, end)
470                 }
471             }
472             return minUpdateTime
473         }
475         /*
476          * (non-Javadoc)
477          * @see
478          * android.content.Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener#onLoadComplete(android
479          * .content.Loader, java.lang.Object)
480          */
481         @Override
onLoadCompletenull482         override fun onLoadComplete(loader: Loader<Cursor?>?, cursor: Cursor?) {
483             if (cursor == null) {
484                 return
485             }
486             // If a newer update has happened since we started clean up and
487             // return
488             synchronized(mLock) {
489                 if (cursor.isClosed()) {
490                     Log.wtf(TAG, "Got a closed cursor from onLoadComplete")
491                     return
492                 }
493                 if (mLastSerialNum != mSerialNum) {
494                     return
495                 }
496                 val now: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()
497                 val tz: String? = Utils.getTimeZone(mContext, mTimezoneChanged)
499                 // Copy it to a local static cursor.
500                 val matrixCursor: MatrixCursor? = Utils.matrixCursorFromCursor(cursor)
501                 try {
502                     mModel = buildAppWidgetModel(mContext, matrixCursor, tz)
503                 } finally {
504                     if (matrixCursor != null) {
505                         matrixCursor.close()
506                     }
507                     cursor.close()
508                 }
510                 // Schedule an alarm to wake ourselves up for the next update.
511                 // We also cancel
512                 // all existing wake-ups because PendingIntents don't match
513                 // against extras.
514                 var triggerTime = calculateUpdateTime(mModel as CalendarAppWidgetModel,
515                     now, tz as String)
517                 // If no next-update calculated, or bad trigger time in past,
518                 // schedule
519                 // update about six hours from now.
520                 if (triggerTime < now) {
521                     Log.w(TAG, "Encountered bad trigger time " + formatDebugTime(triggerTime, now))
522                     triggerTime = now + UPDATE_TIME_NO_EVENTS
523                 }
524                 val alertManager: AlarmManager = mContext
525                     ?.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE) as AlarmManager
526                 val pendingUpdate: PendingIntent = CalendarAppWidgetProvider
527                     .getUpdateIntent(mContext)
528                 alertManager.cancel(pendingUpdate)
529                 alertManager.set(AlarmManager.RTC, triggerTime, pendingUpdate)
530                 val time = Time(Utils.getTimeZone(mContext, null))
531                 time.setToNow()
532                 if (time.normalize(true) !== sLastUpdateTime) {
533                     val time2 = Time(Utils.getTimeZone(mContext, null))
534                     time2.set(sLastUpdateTime)
535                     time2.normalize(true)
536                     if (time.year !== time2.year || time.yearDay !== time2.yearDay) {
537                         val updateIntent = Intent(
538                             Utils.getWidgetUpdateAction(mContext as Context)
539                         )
540                         mContext?.sendBroadcast(updateIntent)
541                     }
542                     sLastUpdateTime = time.toMillis(true)
543                 }
544                 val widgetManager: AppWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(mContext)
545                 if (widgetManager == null) {
546                     return
547                 }
548                 if (mAppWidgetId == -1) {
549                     val ids: IntArray = widgetManager.getAppWidgetIds(
550                         CalendarAppWidgetProvider
551                             .getComponentName(mContext)
552                     )
553                     widgetManager.notifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged(ids, R.id.events_list)
554                 } else {
555                     widgetManager.notifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged(mAppWidgetId, R.id.events_list)
556                 }
557             }
558         }
560         @Override
onReceivenull561         override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent) {
562             if (LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "AppWidgetService received an intent. It was " + intent.toString())
563             mContext = context
565             // We cannot do any queries from the UI thread, so push the 'selection' query
566             // to a background thread.  However the implementation of the latter query
567             // (cursor loading) uses CursorLoader which must be initiated from the UI thread,
568             // so there is some convoluted handshaking here.
569             //
570             // Note that as currently implemented, this must run in a single threaded executor
571             // or else the loads may be run out of order.
572             //
573             // TODO: Remove use of mHandler and CursorLoader, and do all the work synchronously
574             // in the background thread.  All the handshaking going on here between the UI and
575             // background thread with using goAsync, mHandler, and CursorLoader is confusing.
576             val result: PendingResult = goAsync()
577             executor.submit(object : Runnable {
578                 @Override
579                 override fun run() {
580                     // We always complete queryForSelection() even if the load task ends up being
581                     // canceled because of a more recent one.  Optimizing this to allow
582                     // canceling would require keeping track of all the PendingResults
583                     // (from goAsync) to abort them.  Defer this until it becomes a problem.
584                     val selection = queryForSelection()
585                     if (mLoader == null) {
586                         mAppWidgetId = -1
587                         mHandler.post(object : Runnable {
588                             @Override
589                             override fun run() {
590                                 initLoader(selection)
591                                 result.finish()
592                             }
593                         })
594                     } else {
595                         mHandler.post(
596                             createUpdateLoaderRunnable(
597                                 selection, result,
598                                 currentVersion.incrementAndGet()
599                             )
600                         )
601                     }
602                 }
603             })
604         }
606         internal companion object {
607             private const val LOGD = false
609             // Suppress unnecessary logging about update time. Need to be static as this object is
610             // re-instantiated frequently.
611             // TODO: It seems loadData() is called via onCreate() four times, which should mean
612             // unnecessary CalendarFactory object is created and dropped. It is not efficient.
613             private var sLastUpdateTime = UPDATE_TIME_NO_EVENTS
614             private var mModel: CalendarAppWidgetModel? = null
615             private val mLock: Object = Object()
617             @Volatile
618             private var mSerialNum = 0
619             private val currentVersion: AtomicInteger = AtomicInteger(0)
621             /* @VisibleForTesting */
buildAppWidgetModelnull622             @JvmStatic protected fun buildAppWidgetModel(
623                 context: Context?,
624                 cursor: Cursor?,
625                 timeZone: String?
626             ): CalendarAppWidgetModel {
627                 val model = CalendarAppWidgetModel(context as Context, timeZone)
628                 model.buildFromCursor(cursor as Cursor, timeZone)
629                 return model
630             }
getNextMidnightTimeMillisnull632             @JvmStatic private fun getNextMidnightTimeMillis(timezone: String): Long {
633                 val time = Time()
634                 time.setToNow()
635                 time.monthDay++
636                 time.hour = 0
637                 time.minute = 0
638                 time.second = 0
639                 val midnightDeviceTz: Long = time.normalize(true)
640                 time.timezone = timezone
641                 time.setToNow()
642                 time.monthDay++
643                 time.hour = 0
644                 time.minute = 0
645                 time.second = 0
646                 val midnightHomeTz: Long = time.normalize(true)
647                 return Math.min(midnightDeviceTz, midnightHomeTz)
648             }
updateTextViewnull650             @JvmStatic fun updateTextView(
651                 views: RemoteViews,
652                 id: Int,
653                 visibility: Int,
654                 string: String?
655             ) {
656                 views.setViewVisibility(id, visibility)
657                 if (visibility == View.VISIBLE) {
658                     views.setTextViewText(id, string)
659                 }
660             }
661         }
662     }
663 }