1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 package com.android.tradefed.testtype.binary;
18 import com.android.tradefed.log.LogUtil.CLog;
19 import com.android.tradefed.metrics.proto.MetricMeasurement.Metric;
20 import com.android.tradefed.result.ITestInvocationListener;
21 import com.android.tradefed.result.TestDescription;
23 import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
25 import java.util.ArrayList;
26 import java.util.Arrays;
27 import java.util.HashMap;
28 import java.util.Iterator;
29 import java.util.List;
30 import java.util.function.Predicate;
31 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
32 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
34 /**
35  * Reads KTAP output as that produced by a KUnit test module and placed in a `results` file under
36  * debugfs.
37  *
38  * <p>This implementation is based off of the official documentation, kunit_parser.py and specific
39  * caveats found during testing. Additional logic needed:
40  *
41  * <ul>
42  *   <li>Indentation is ignored because it's not consistent across usage.
43  *   <li>Line starting with "# Subtest:" is required to properly nest into subtest groups. This
44  *       approach was taken from kunit_parser.py.
45  *   <li>Sometimes a "- " proceeds the test name and diagnostic data when a '#' isn't used. When
46  *       it's encountered it's stripped off.
47  *   <li>The test name can technically have any character besides '#'. This will probably become an
48  *       issue when getting translated to TF test results. For now only post processing is to
49  *       replace spaces with underscores.
50  * </ul>
51  *
52  * @See <a href="The Kernel Test Anything Protocol (KTAP), version
53  * 1">https://docs.kernel.org/dev-tools/ktap.html</a>
54  */
55 public class KTapResultParser {
57     public enum ParseResolution {
60     }
62     enum ResultDirective {
63         NOTSET,
64         SKIP,
65         TODO,
66         XFAIL,
67         TIMEOUT,
68         ERROR
69     }
71     @VisibleForTesting
72     static class TestResult {
73         public String version;
74         public boolean expectSubtests;
75         public int numberOfSubtests;
76         public List<TestResult> subtests;
77         public boolean isOk;
78         public int testNum;
79         public String name;
80         public ResultDirective directive;
81         public String diagnosticData;
82         public List<String> diagnosticLines;
83         public boolean isRoot;
TestResult()85         public TestResult() {
86             numberOfSubtests = 0;
87             subtests = new ArrayList<TestResult>();
88             diagnosticLines = new ArrayList<String>();
89         }
createDiagnosticTrace()91         public String createDiagnosticTrace() {
92             return String.format("%s\n%s", String.join("\n", diagnosticLines), diagnosticData)
93                     .trim();
94         }
toStringWithSubtests(String prefix)96         public String toStringWithSubtests(String prefix) {
97             StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
98             builder.append(prefix + name + System.lineSeparator());
99             for (TestResult tr : subtests) {
100                 builder.append(tr.toStringWithSubtests(prefix + "   "));
101             }
102             return builder.toString();
103         }
104     }
106     static final String DIR_OPTIONS =
107             String.format(
108                     "%s",
109                     Arrays.toString(
110                                     new ResultDirective[] {
111                                         ResultDirective.SKIP,
112                                         ResultDirective.TODO,
113                                         ResultDirective.XFAIL,
114                                         ResultDirective.TIMEOUT,
115                                         ResultDirective.ERROR
116                                     })
117                             .replace("[", "")
118                             .replace(", ", "|")
119                             .replace("]", ""));
121     // Regex Group Names
122     static final String SUBTEST_NAME = "name";
123     static final String SUBTEST_COUNT = "count";
124     static final String OK_OR_NOT = "okOrNot";
125     static final String TEST_NUM = "testNum";
126     static final String TEST_NAME = "testName";
127     static final String DIRECTIVE = "directive";
128     static final String DIAGNOSTIC = "diagnosticData";
130     static final Pattern VERSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^\\s*K?TAP version.*");
131     static final Pattern SUBTEST_PATTERN =
132             Pattern.compile(String.format("^\\s*# Subtest: (?<%s>\\S+)", SUBTEST_NAME));
133     static final Pattern PLAN_PATTERN =
134             Pattern.compile(String.format("^\\s*1..(?<%s>\\d+)", SUBTEST_COUNT));
135     static final Pattern TEST_CASE_RESULT_PATTERN =
136             Pattern.compile(
137                     String.format(
138                             "^\\s*(?<%s>ok|not ok)\\s+(?<%s>\\d+)\\s+(-"
139                                     + " )?(?<%s>[^#]+)?(\\s*#\\s+)?(?<%s>%s)?\\s*(?<%s>.*)?$",
142     static final Predicate<String> IS_VERSION = VERSION_PATTERN.asPredicate();
143     static final Predicate<String> IS_SUBTEST = SUBTEST_PATTERN.asPredicate();
144     static final Predicate<String> IS_PLAN = PLAN_PATTERN.asPredicate();
145     static final Predicate<String> IS_TEST_CASE_RESULT = TEST_CASE_RESULT_PATTERN.asPredicate();
applyKTapResultToListener( ITestInvocationListener listener, String testRunName, String ktapFileContent, ParseResolution resolution)147     public static void applyKTapResultToListener(
148             ITestInvocationListener listener,
149             String testRunName,
150             String ktapFileContent,
151             ParseResolution resolution) {
152         KTapResultParser parser = new KTapResultParser();
153         TestResult root = parser.processResultsFileContent(ktapFileContent);
154         parser.applyToListener(listener, testRunName, root, resolution);
155     }
157     @VisibleForTesting
processResultsFileContent(String fileContent)158     TestResult processResultsFileContent(String fileContent) {
159         TestResult root = new TestResult();
160         root.isRoot = true;
161         root.expectSubtests = true;
162         Iterator<String> lineIterator = fileContent.lines().iterator();
163         processLines(root, lineIterator);
164         return root;
165     }
processLines(TestResult currentTest, Iterator<String> lineIterator)167     private void processLines(TestResult currentTest, Iterator<String> lineIterator) {
168         if (!lineIterator.hasNext()) {
169             // Reached the end of file, confirm that the final test is in fact the root test
170             if (!currentTest.isRoot) {
171                 throw new RuntimeException(
172                         String.format("Incomplete KTap results. All tests not closed properly."));
173             }
174             return;
175         }
177         String line = lineIterator.next().trim();
179         if (IS_VERSION.test(line)) {
180             if (currentTest.isRoot && currentTest.version == null || !currentTest.expectSubtests) {
181                 currentTest.version = line;
182             } else {
183                 TestResult subtest = new TestResult();
184                 subtest.version = line;
185                 currentTest.subtests.add(subtest);
186                 processLines(subtest, lineIterator);
187             }
188         } else if (IS_SUBTEST.test(line)) {
189             Matcher matcher = SUBTEST_PATTERN.matcher(line);
190             matcher.matches();
192             String subtestName = matcher.group(SUBTEST_NAME);
193             if (currentTest.isRoot
194                     || (currentTest.expectSubtests && currentTest.numberOfSubtests > 0)) {
195                 // If we've already seen a PLAN line then this subtest line
196                 // belongs to a different test.
197                 TestResult subtest = new TestResult();
198                 subtest.expectSubtests = true;
199                 subtest.name = subtestName;
200                 currentTest.subtests.add(subtest);
201                 processLines(subtest, lineIterator);
202             } else {
203                 currentTest.expectSubtests = true;
204                 currentTest.name = subtestName;
205             }
206         } else if (IS_PLAN.test(line)) {
207             Matcher matcher = PLAN_PATTERN.matcher(line);
208             matcher.matches();
210             currentTest.expectSubtests = true;
211             currentTest.numberOfSubtests = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(SUBTEST_COUNT));
212         } else if (IS_TEST_CASE_RESULT.test(line)) {
213             Matcher matcher = TEST_CASE_RESULT_PATTERN.matcher(line);
214             matcher.matches();
216             boolean isOk = matcher.group(OK_OR_NOT).equals("ok");
217             int testNum = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(TEST_NUM));
219             String name =
220                     matcher.group(TEST_NAME) != null
221                             ? matcher.group(TEST_NAME).trim().replace(" ", "_")
222                             : String.format("unnamed_test_%d", testNum);
223             ResultDirective directive =
224                     matcher.group(DIRECTIVE) != null
225                             ? ResultDirective.valueOf(matcher.group(DIRECTIVE))
226                             : ResultDirective.NOTSET;
227             String diagnosticData =
228                     matcher.group(DIAGNOSTIC) != null ? matcher.group(DIAGNOSTIC) : "";
230             if (name.equals(currentTest.name)
231                     || (currentTest.name == null
232                             && (currentTest.numberOfSubtests != 0
233                                     && currentTest.subtests.size()
234                                             == currentTest.numberOfSubtests))) {
235                 // This test with subtests has completed.
236                 currentTest.name = name;
237                 currentTest.isOk = isOk;
238                 currentTest.testNum = testNum;
239                 currentTest.directive = directive;
240                 currentTest.diagnosticData = diagnosticData;
241                 return; // No more recurse with this test.
242             } else {
243                 // This is a subtest within currentTest.
244                 TestResult leafSubtest = new TestResult();
245                 leafSubtest.name = name;
246                 leafSubtest.isOk = isOk;
248                 // For situations where the number of subtests is known
249                 // validate that the testNum is not out of order.
250                 if (currentTest.numberOfSubtests != 0
251                         && testNum != currentTest.subtests.size() + 1) {
252                     throw new RuntimeException(
253                             String.format(
254                                     "Test encountered out of order expected '%d' but received '%d'."
255                                             + " Line: '%s'",
256                                     currentTest.subtests.size() + 1, testNum, line));
257                 }
258                 leafSubtest.testNum = testNum;
259                 leafSubtest.directive = directive;
260                 leafSubtest.diagnosticData = diagnosticData;
262                 // Any diagnostic lines encountered up until this point actually
263                 // belong to this leaf test. Copy over from the parent and then clear
264                 // out the parents lines.
265                 leafSubtest.diagnosticLines.addAll(currentTest.diagnosticLines);
266                 currentTest.diagnosticLines.clear();
267                 currentTest.subtests.add(leafSubtest);
268             }
269         } else if (!line.isEmpty()) {
270             // Diagnostic lines or unknown lines.
271             currentTest.diagnosticLines.add(line);
272         }
274         processLines(currentTest, lineIterator);
275     }
applyToListener( ITestInvocationListener listener, String testRunName, TestResult root, ParseResolution resolution)277     private void applyToListener(
278             ITestInvocationListener listener,
279             String testRunName,
280             TestResult root,
281             ParseResolution resolution) {
282         if (resolution == ParseResolution.INDIVIDUAL_LEAVES) {
283             applySubtestLeavesToListener(listener, testRunName, root, "");
284         } else if (resolution == ParseResolution.AGGREGATED_TOP_LEVEL) {
285             applyAggregatedTopLevelToListener(listener, testRunName, root, "");
286         }
287     }
applySubtestLeavesToListener( ITestInvocationListener listener, String testRunName, TestResult test, String prefix)289     private void applySubtestLeavesToListener(
290             ITestInvocationListener listener, String testRunName, TestResult test, String prefix) {
291         String testName = prefix == null || prefix.isEmpty() ? test.name : prefix + "." + test.name;
292         if (test.subtests.size() > 0) {
293             for (TestResult subtest : test.subtests) {
294                 applySubtestLeavesToListener(listener, testRunName, subtest, testName);
295             }
296         } else {
297             applyTestResultToListener(listener, testRunName, testName, test);
298         }
299     }
applyAggregatedTopLevelToListener( ITestInvocationListener listener, String testRunName, TestResult root, String fullKTapResult)301     private void applyAggregatedTopLevelToListener(
302             ITestInvocationListener listener,
303             String testRunName,
304             TestResult root,
305             String fullKTapResult) {
306         // Here we want to apply a single test result based on the one or more top level KTAP
307         // results. If there are more than one top level result, their names are concatenated
308         // and pass/fail results are AND'd into a final value.
310         if (root.subtests.isEmpty()) {
311             throw new IllegalArgumentException(
312                     "No valid test results in KTAP results. " + fullKTapResult);
313         }
315         String testName = root.subtests.get(0).name;
316         boolean isOk = root.subtests.get(0).isOk;
317         for (int i = 1; i < root.subtests.size(); ++i) {
318             testName += "." + root.subtests.get(i).name;
319             isOk &= root.subtests.get(i).isOk;
320         }
322         TestDescription testDescription = new TestDescription(testRunName, testName);
323         listener.testStarted(testDescription);
324         if (!isOk) {
325             listener.testFailed(testDescription, fullKTapResult);
326         }
327         listener.testEnded(testDescription, new HashMap<String, Metric>());
328     }
applyTestResultToListener( ITestInvocationListener listener, String testRunName, String testName, TestResult test)330     private void applyTestResultToListener(
331             ITestInvocationListener listener,
332             String testRunName,
333             String testName,
334             TestResult test) {
335         TestDescription testDescription = new TestDescription(testRunName, testName);
336         listener.testStarted(testDescription);
337         switch (test.directive) {
338             case NOTSET:
339                 if (!test.isOk) {
340                     listener.testFailed(testDescription, test.createDiagnosticTrace());
341                 }
342                 break;
343             case TIMEOUT:
344                 // fall through
345             case ERROR:
346                 listener.testFailed(testDescription, test.createDiagnosticTrace());
347                 if (!test.isOk) {
348                     CLog.w(
349                             "%s has directive '%s' but also shows 'ok', forcing 'not ok'",
350                             testName, test.directive);
351                 }
352                 break;
353             case SKIP:
354                 // fall through
355             case TODO:
356                 // fall through
357             case XFAIL:
358                 listener.testIgnored(testDescription);
359                 break;
360         }
361         listener.testEnded(testDescription, new HashMap<String, Metric>());
362     }
363 }