1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "partition_installer.h"
19 #include <sys/statvfs.h>
21 #include <android-base/file.h>
22 #include <android-base/logging.h>
23 #include <android-base/properties.h>
24 #include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
25 #include <ext4_utils/ext4_utils.h>
26 #include <fs_mgr.h>
27 #include <fs_mgr_dm_linear.h>
28 #include <libdm/dm.h>
29 #include <libgsi/libgsi.h>
30 #include <liblp/partition_opener.h>
32 #include "file_paths.h"
33 #include "gsi_service.h"
34 #include "libgsi_private.h"
36 namespace android {
37 namespace gsi {
39 using namespace std::literals;
40 using namespace android::dm;
41 using namespace android::fiemap;
42 using namespace android::fs_mgr;
43 using android::base::unique_fd;
PartitionInstaller(GsiService * service,const std::string & install_dir,const std::string & name,const std::string & active_dsu,int64_t size,bool read_only)45 PartitionInstaller::PartitionInstaller(GsiService* service, const std::string& install_dir,
46                                        const std::string& name, const std::string& active_dsu,
47                                        int64_t size, bool read_only)
48     : service_(service),
49       install_dir_(install_dir),
50       name_(name),
51       active_dsu_(active_dsu),
52       size_(size),
53       readOnly_(read_only) {
54     images_ = ImageManager::Open(MetadataDir(active_dsu), install_dir_);
55 }
~PartitionInstaller()57 PartitionInstaller::~PartitionInstaller() {
58     if (FinishInstall() != IGsiService::INSTALL_OK) {
59         LOG(ERROR) << "Installation failed: install_dir=" << install_dir_
60                    << ", dsu_slot=" << active_dsu_ << ", partition_name=" << name_;
61     }
62     if (IsAshmemMapped()) {
63         UnmapAshmem();
64     }
65 }
FinishInstall()67 int PartitionInstaller::FinishInstall() {
68     if (finished_) {
69         return finished_status_;
70     }
71     finished_ = true;
72     finished_status_ = CheckInstallState();
73     system_device_ = nullptr;
74     if (finished_status_ != IGsiService::INSTALL_OK) {
75         auto file = GetBackingFile(name_);
76         LOG(ERROR) << "Installation failed, clean up: " << file;
77         if (images_->IsImageMapped(file)) {
78             LOG(ERROR) << "unmap " << file;
79             images_->UnmapImageDevice(file);
80         }
81         images_->DeleteBackingImage(file);
82     }
83     return finished_status_;
84 }
StartInstall()86 int PartitionInstaller::StartInstall() {
87     if (int status = PerformSanityChecks()) {
88         return status;
89     }
90     if (int status = Preallocate()) {
91         return status;
92     }
93     if (!readOnly_) {
94         if (!Format()) {
95             return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
96         }
97     } else {
98         // Map ${name}_gsi so we can write to it.
99         system_device_ = OpenPartition(GetBackingFile(name_));
100         if (!system_device_) {
101             return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
102         }
104         // Clear the progress indicator.
105         service_->UpdateProgress(IGsiService::STATUS_NO_OPERATION, 0);
106     }
107     return IGsiService::INSTALL_OK;
108 }
PerformSanityChecks()110 int PartitionInstaller::PerformSanityChecks() {
111     if (!images_) {
112         LOG(ERROR) << "unable to create image manager";
113         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
114     }
115     if (size_ < 0) {
116         LOG(ERROR) << "image size " << size_ << " is negative";
117         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
118     }
119     if (android::gsi::IsGsiRunning()) {
120         LOG(ERROR) << "cannot install gsi inside a live gsi";
121         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
122     }
124     struct statvfs sb;
125     if (statvfs(install_dir_.c_str(), &sb)) {
126         PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to read file system stats";
127         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
128     }
130     // This is the same as android::vold::GetFreebytes() but we also
131     // need the total file system size so we open code it here.
132     uint64_t free_space = static_cast<uint64_t>(sb.f_bavail) * sb.f_frsize;
133     if (free_space <= (size_)) {
134         LOG(ERROR) << "not enough free space (only " << free_space << " bytes available)";
135         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_NO_SPACE;
136     }
138     const auto free_space_threshold = GetMinimumFreeSpaceThreshold(install_dir_);
139     if (!free_space_threshold.has_value()) {
140         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
141     }
142     if (free_space < size_ + *free_space_threshold) {
143         LOG(ERROR) << "post-installation free space (" << free_space << " - " << size_
144                    << ") would be below the minimum threshold of " << *free_space_threshold;
145         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_FILE_SYSTEM_CLUTTERED;
146     }
147     return IGsiService::INSTALL_OK;
148 }
Preallocate()150 int PartitionInstaller::Preallocate() {
151     std::string file = GetBackingFile(name_);
152     if (!images_->UnmapImageIfExists(file)) {
153         LOG(ERROR) << "failed to UnmapImageIfExists " << file;
154         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
155     }
156     // always delete the old one when it presents in case there might a partition
157     // with same name but different size.
158     if (images_->BackingImageExists(file)) {
159         if (!images_->DeleteBackingImage(file)) {
160             LOG(ERROR) << "failed to DeleteBackingImage " << file;
161             return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
162         }
163     }
164     service_->StartAsyncOperation("create " + name_, size_);
165     if (!CreateImage(file, size_)) {
166         LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create userdata image";
167         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
168     }
169     service_->UpdateProgress(IGsiService::STATUS_COMPLETE, 0);
170     return IGsiService::INSTALL_OK;
171 }
CreateImage(const std::string & name,uint64_t size)173 bool PartitionInstaller::CreateImage(const std::string& name, uint64_t size) {
174     auto progress = [this](uint64_t bytes, uint64_t /* total */) -> bool {
175         service_->UpdateProgress(IGsiService::STATUS_WORKING, bytes);
176         if (service_->should_abort()) return false;
177         return true;
178     };
179     int flags = ImageManager::CREATE_IMAGE_DEFAULT;
180     if (readOnly_) {
181         flags |= ImageManager::CREATE_IMAGE_READONLY;
182     }
183     return images_->CreateBackingImage(name, size, flags, std::move(progress));
184 }
OpenPartition(const std::string & name)186 std::unique_ptr<MappedDevice> PartitionInstaller::OpenPartition(const std::string& name) {
187     return MappedDevice::Open(images_.get(), 10s, name);
188 }
CommitGsiChunk(int stream_fd,int64_t bytes)190 bool PartitionInstaller::CommitGsiChunk(int stream_fd, int64_t bytes) {
191     service_->StartAsyncOperation("write " + name_, size_);
193     if (bytes < 0) {
194         LOG(ERROR) << "chunk size " << bytes << " is negative";
195         return false;
196     }
198     static const size_t kBlockSize = 4096;
199     auto buffer = std::make_unique<char[]>(kBlockSize);
201     int progress = -1;
202     uint64_t remaining = bytes;
203     while (remaining) {
204         size_t max_to_read = std::min(static_cast<uint64_t>(kBlockSize), remaining);
205         ssize_t rv = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(stream_fd, buffer.get(), max_to_read));
206         if (rv < 0) {
207             PLOG(ERROR) << "read gsi chunk";
208             return false;
209         }
210         if (rv == 0) {
211             LOG(ERROR) << "no bytes left in stream";
212             return false;
213         }
214         if (!CommitGsiChunk(buffer.get(), rv)) {
215             return false;
216         }
217         CHECK(static_cast<uint64_t>(rv) <= remaining);
218         remaining -= rv;
220         // Only update the progress when the % (or permille, in this case)
221         // significantly changes.
222         int new_progress = ((size_ - remaining) * 1000) / size_;
223         if (new_progress != progress) {
224             service_->UpdateProgress(IGsiService::STATUS_WORKING, size_ - remaining);
225         }
226     }
228     service_->UpdateProgress(IGsiService::STATUS_COMPLETE, size_);
229     return true;
230 }
IsFinishedWriting()232 bool PartitionInstaller::IsFinishedWriting() {
233     return gsi_bytes_written_ == size_;
234 }
IsAshmemMapped()236 bool PartitionInstaller::IsAshmemMapped() {
237     return ashmem_data_ != MAP_FAILED;
238 }
CommitGsiChunk(const void * data,size_t bytes)240 bool PartitionInstaller::CommitGsiChunk(const void* data, size_t bytes) {
241     if (static_cast<uint64_t>(bytes) > size_ - gsi_bytes_written_) {
242         // We cannot write past the end of the image file.
243         LOG(ERROR) << "chunk size " << bytes << " exceeds remaining image size (" << size_
244                    << " expected, " << gsi_bytes_written_ << " written)";
245         return false;
246     }
247     if (service_->should_abort()) {
248         return false;
249     }
250     if (!android::base::WriteFully(system_device_->fd(), data, bytes)) {
251         PLOG(ERROR) << "write failed";
252         return false;
253     }
254     gsi_bytes_written_ += bytes;
255     return true;
256 }
GetPartitionFd()258 int PartitionInstaller::GetPartitionFd() {
259     if (!system_device_) {
260         return -1;
261     }
262     return system_device_->fd();
263 }
MapAshmem(int fd,size_t size)265 bool PartitionInstaller::MapAshmem(int fd, size_t size) {
266     ashmem_size_ = size;
267     ashmem_data_ = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
268     return ashmem_data_ != MAP_FAILED;
269 }
UnmapAshmem()271 void PartitionInstaller::UnmapAshmem() {
272     if (munmap(ashmem_data_, ashmem_size_) != 0) {
273         PLOG(ERROR) << "cannot munmap";
274         return;
275     }
276     ashmem_data_ = MAP_FAILED;
277     ashmem_size_ = -1;
278 }
CommitGsiChunk(size_t bytes)280 bool PartitionInstaller::CommitGsiChunk(size_t bytes) {
281     if (!IsAshmemMapped()) {
282         PLOG(ERROR) << "ashmem is not mapped";
283         return false;
284     }
285     bool success = CommitGsiChunk(ashmem_data_, bytes);
286     if (success && IsFinishedWriting()) {
287         UnmapAshmem();
288     }
289     return success;
290 }
GetBackingFile(std::string name)292 const std::string PartitionInstaller::GetBackingFile(std::string name) {
293     return name + "_gsi";
294 }
Format()296 bool PartitionInstaller::Format() {
297     auto file = GetBackingFile(name_);
298     auto device = OpenPartition(file);
299     if (!device) {
300         return false;
301     }
303     // libcutils checks the first 4K, no matter the block size.
304     std::string zeroes(4096, 0);
305     if (!android::base::WriteFully(device->fd(), zeroes.data(), zeroes.size())) {
306         PLOG(ERROR) << "write " << file;
307         return false;
308     }
309     return true;
310 }
CheckInstallState()312 int PartitionInstaller::CheckInstallState() {
313     if (readOnly_ && !IsFinishedWriting()) {
314         // We cannot boot if the image is incomplete.
315         LOG(ERROR) << "image incomplete; expected " << size_ << " bytes, waiting for "
316                    << (size_ - gsi_bytes_written_) << " bytes";
317         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
318     }
319     if (system_device_ != nullptr && fsync(GetPartitionFd())) {
320         PLOG(ERROR) << "fsync failed for " << GetBackingFile(name_);
321         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
322     }
323     // If files moved (are no longer pinned), the metadata file will be invalid.
324     // This check can be removed once b/133967059 is fixed.
325     if (!images_->Validate()) {
326         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
327     }
328     return IGsiService::INSTALL_OK;
329 }
WipeWritable(const std::string & active_dsu,const std::string & install_dir,const std::string & name)331 int PartitionInstaller::WipeWritable(const std::string& active_dsu, const std::string& install_dir,
332                                      const std::string& name) {
333     auto image = ImageManager::Open(MetadataDir(active_dsu), install_dir);
334     // The device object has to be destroyed before the image object
335     auto device = MappedDevice::Open(image.get(), 10s, name);
336     if (!device) {
337         return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
338     }
340     // Wipe the first 1MiB of the device, ensuring both the first block and
341     // the superblock are destroyed.
342     static constexpr uint64_t kEraseSize = 1024 * 1024;
344     std::string zeroes(4096, 0);
345     uint64_t erase_size = std::min(kEraseSize, get_block_device_size(device->fd()));
346     for (uint64_t i = 0; i < erase_size; i += zeroes.size()) {
347         if (!android::base::WriteFully(device->fd(), zeroes.data(), zeroes.size())) {
348             PLOG(ERROR) << "write " << name;
349             return IGsiService::INSTALL_ERROR_GENERIC;
350         }
351     }
352     return IGsiService::INSTALL_OK;
353 }
GetMinimumFreeSpaceThreshold(const std::string & install_dir)355 std::optional<uint64_t> PartitionInstaller::GetMinimumFreeSpaceThreshold(
356         const std::string& install_dir) {
357     // No need to retain any space if we were not installing to the internal storage
358     // or device is not using VAB.
359     if (!android::base::StartsWith(install_dir, "/data"s)
360             || !android::base::GetBoolProperty("ro.virtual_ab.enabled", false)) {
361         return 0;
362     }
363     // Dynamic Partitions device must have a "super" block device.
364     BlockDeviceInfo info;
365     PartitionOpener opener;
366     if (!opener.GetInfo(fs_mgr_get_super_partition_name(), &info)) {
367         // We shouldn't reach here, but handle it just in case.
368         LOG(ERROR) << "could not get block device info of super";
369         return std::nullopt;
370     }
371     // Reserve |super partition| of storage space so we don't disable VAB.
372     return info.size;
373 }
375 }  // namespace gsi
376 }  // namespace android