1 //! Tools to work with rustyline readline() library.
3 use futures::Future;
5 use rustyline::completion::Completer;
6 use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;
7 use rustyline::highlight::Highlighter;
8 use rustyline::hint::Hinter;
9 use rustyline::validate::Validator;
10 use rustyline::{CompletionType, Config, Editor};
11 use rustyline_derive::Helper;
13 use std::collections::HashSet;
14 use std::pin::Pin;
15 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
16 use std::task::{Context, Poll};
18 use crate::console_blue;
19 use crate::ClientContext;
21 #[derive(Helper)]
22 struct BtHelper {
23     // Command rules must follow below format:
24     // cmd arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
25     // where each argument could have multiple options separated by a single '|'
26     //
27     // It is not required to put an argument in angle brackets.
28     //
29     // "address" in options is a keyword, which will be matched by any of the founded
30     // and bonded devices.
31     //
32     // Example:
33     // list <found|bonded> <address>
34     // This will match
35     //     list found any-cached-address
36     // and
37     //     list bond any-cached-address
38     command_rules: Vec<String>,
39     client_context: Arc<Mutex<ClientContext>>,
40 }
42 #[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
43 struct CommandCandidate {
44     suggest_word: String,
45     matched_len: usize,
46 }
48 impl Completer for BtHelper {
49     type Candidate = String;
complete( &self, line: &str, pos: usize, _ctx: &rustyline::Context<'_>, ) -> Result<(usize, Vec<String>), ReadlineError>51     fn complete(
52         &self,
53         line: &str,
54         pos: usize,
55         _ctx: &rustyline::Context<'_>,
56     ) -> Result<(usize, Vec<String>), ReadlineError> {
57         let slice = &line[..pos];
58         let candidates = self.get_candidates(slice.to_string().clone());
59         let mut completions =
60             candidates.iter().map(|c| c.suggest_word.clone() + " ").collect::<Vec<String>>();
62         completions.sort();
64         // |start| points to the starting position of the current token
65         let start = match slice.rfind(' ') {
66             Some(x) => x + 1,
67             None => 0,
68         };
70         Ok((start, completions))
71     }
72 }
74 impl Hinter for BtHelper {
75     type Hint = String;
76 }
78 impl Highlighter for BtHelper {}
80 impl Validator for BtHelper {}
82 impl BtHelper {
get_candidates(&self, cmd: String) -> HashSet<CommandCandidate>83     fn get_candidates(&self, cmd: String) -> HashSet<CommandCandidate> {
84         let mut result = HashSet::<CommandCandidate>::new();
86         for rule in self.command_rules.iter() {
87             let n_splits = cmd.split(" ").count();
88             // The tokens should have empty strings removed from them, except the last one.
89             let tokens = cmd
90                 .split(" ")
91                 .enumerate()
92                 .filter_map(|(i, token)| (i == n_splits - 1 || token != "").then(|| token));
94             let n_cmd = tokens.clone().count();
95             for (i, (rule_token, cmd_token)) in rule.split(" ").zip(tokens).enumerate() {
96                 let mut candidates = Vec::<String>::new();
97                 let mut match_some = false;
99                 for opt in rule_token.replace("<", "").replace(">", "").split("|") {
100                     if opt.eq("address") {
101                         let devices = self.client_context.lock().unwrap().get_devices();
102                         candidates.extend(devices);
103                     } else {
104                         candidates.push(opt.to_string());
105                     }
106                 }
108                 if cmd_token.len() == 0 {
109                     candidates.iter().for_each(|s| {
110                         result.insert(CommandCandidate { suggest_word: s.clone(), matched_len: 0 });
111                     });
112                     break;
113                 }
115                 for opt in candidates {
116                     if opt.starts_with(cmd_token) {
117                         match_some = true;
118                         if i == n_cmd - 1 {
119                             // we add candidates only if it's the last word
120                             result.insert(CommandCandidate {
121                                 suggest_word: opt.clone(),
122                                 matched_len: cmd_token.len(),
123                             });
124                         }
125                     }
126                 }
128                 if !match_some {
129                     break;
130                 }
131             }
132         }
133         result
134     }
135 }
137 /// A future that does async readline().
138 ///
139 /// async readline() is implemented by spawning a thread for the blocking readline(). While this
140 /// readline() thread is blocked, it yields back to executor and will wake the executor up when the
141 /// blocked thread has proceeded and got input from readline().
142 pub struct AsyncReadline {
143     rl: Arc<Mutex<Editor<BtHelper>>>,
144     result: Arc<Mutex<Option<rustyline::Result<String>>>>,
145 }
147 impl Future for AsyncReadline {
148     type Output = rustyline::Result<String>;
poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<rustyline::Result<String>>150     fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<rustyline::Result<String>> {
151         let option = self.result.lock().unwrap().take();
152         if let Some(res) = option {
153             return Poll::Ready(res);
154         }
156         let waker = cx.waker().clone();
157         let result_clone = self.result.clone();
158         let rl = self.rl.clone();
159         std::thread::spawn(move || {
160             let readline = rl.lock().unwrap().readline(console_blue!("bluetooth> "));
161             *result_clone.lock().unwrap() = Some(readline);
162             waker.wake();
163         });
165         Poll::Pending
166     }
167 }
169 /// Wrapper of rustyline editor that supports async readline().
170 pub struct AsyncEditor {
171     rl: Arc<Mutex<Editor<BtHelper>>>,
172 }
174 impl AsyncEditor {
175     /// Creates new async rustyline editor.
176     ///
177     /// * `commands` - List of commands for autocomplete.
new( command_rules: Vec<String>, client_context: Arc<Mutex<ClientContext>>, ) -> rustyline::Result<AsyncEditor>178     pub(crate) fn new(
179         command_rules: Vec<String>,
180         client_context: Arc<Mutex<ClientContext>>,
181     ) -> rustyline::Result<AsyncEditor> {
182         let builder = Config::builder()
183             .auto_add_history(true)
184             .history_ignore_dups(true)
185             .completion_type(CompletionType::List);
186         let config = builder.build();
187         let mut rl = rustyline::Editor::with_config(config)?;
188         let helper = BtHelper { command_rules, client_context };
189         rl.set_helper(Some(helper));
190         Ok(AsyncEditor { rl: Arc::new(Mutex::new(rl)) })
191     }
193     /// Does async readline().
194     ///
195     /// Returns a future that will do the readline() when await-ed. This does not block the thread
196     /// but rather yields to the executor while waiting for a command to be entered.
readline(&self) -> AsyncReadline197     pub fn readline(&self) -> AsyncReadline {
198         AsyncReadline { rl: self.rl.clone(), result: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)) }
199     }
200 }