1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17"""ModuleData information."""
19from __future__ import absolute_import
21import glob
22import logging
23import os
24import re
26from aidegen import constant
27from aidegen.lib import common_util
28from aidegen.lib import module_info
29from aidegen.lib import project_config
31# Parse package name from the package declaration line of a java.
32# Group matches "foo.bar" of line "package foo.bar;" or "package foo.bar"
33_PACKAGE_RE = re.compile(r'\s*package\s+(?P<package>[^(;|\s)]+)\s*', re.I)
34_ANDROID_SUPPORT_PATH_KEYWORD = 'prebuilts/sdk/current/'
36# File extensions
37_JAVA_EXT = '.java'
38_KOTLIN_EXT = '.kt'
40_JARJAR_RULES_FILE = 'jarjar-rules.txt'
41_KEY_JARJAR_RULES = 'jarjar_rules'
42_TARGET_AAPT2_SRCJAR = constant.NAME_AAPT2 + constant.SRCJAR_EXT
45    # The java files under this directory have to be ignored because it will
46    # cause duplicated classes by libcore/ojluni/src/main/java.
47    'libcore/ojluni/src/lambda/java'
49_ANDROID = 'android'
50_REPACKAGES = 'repackaged'
52                                       constant.FRAMEWORK_SRCJARS)
55class ModuleData:
56    """ModuleData class.
58    Attributes:
59        All following relative paths stand for the path relative to the android
60        repo root.
62        module_path: A string of the relative path to the module.
63        src_dirs: A list to keep the unique source folder relative paths.
64        test_dirs: A list to keep the unique test folder relative paths.
65        jar_files: A list to keep the unique jar file relative paths.
66        r_java_paths: A list to keep the R folder paths to use in Eclipse.
67        srcjar_paths: A list to keep the srcjar source root paths to use in
68                      IntelliJ. Some modules' srcjar_paths will be removed when
69                      run with the MultiProjectInfo.
70        dep_paths: A list to keep the dependency modules' path.
71        referenced_by_jar: A boolean to check if the module is referenced by a
72                           jar file.
73        build_targets: A set to keep the unique build target jar or srcjar file
74                       relative paths which are ready to be rebuilt.
75        missing_jars: A set to keep the jar file relative paths if it doesn't
76                      exist.
77        specific_soong_path: A string of the relative path to the module's
78                             intermediates folder under out/.
79    """
81    def __init__(self, module_name, module_data, depth):
82        """Initialize ModuleData.
84        Args:
85            module_name: Name of the module.
86            module_data: A dictionary holding a module information.
87            depth: An integer shows the depth of module dependency referenced by
88                   source. Zero means the max module depth.
89            For example:
90                {
91                    'class': ['APPS'],
92                    'path': ['path/to/the/module'],
93                    'depth': 0,
94                    'dependencies': ['bouncycastle', 'ims-common'],
95                    'srcs': [
96                        'path/to/the/module/src/com/android/test.java',
97                        'path/to/the/module/src/com/google/test.java',
98                        'out/soong/.intermediates/path/to/the/module/test/src/
99                         com/android/test.srcjar'
100                    ],
101                    'installed': ['out/target/product/generic_x86_64/
102                                   system/framework/framework.jar'],
103                    'jars': ['settings.jar'],
104                    'jarjar_rules': ['jarjar-rules.txt']
105                }
106        """
107        assert module_name, 'Module name can\'t be null.'
108        assert module_data, 'Module data of %s can\'t be null.' % module_name
109        self.module_name = module_name
110        self.module_data = module_data
111        self._init_module_path()
112        self._init_module_depth(depth)
113        self.src_dirs = []
114        self.test_dirs = []
115        self.jar_files = []
116        self.r_java_paths = []
117        self.srcjar_paths = []
118        self.dep_paths = []
119        self.referenced_by_jar = False
120        self.build_targets = set()
121        self.missing_jars = set()
122        self.specific_soong_path = os.path.join(
123            'out/soong/.intermediates', self.module_path, self.module_name)
125    def _is_app_module(self):
126        """Check if the current module's class is APPS"""
127        return self._check_key('class') and 'APPS' in self.module_data['class']
129    def _is_target_module(self):
130        """Check if the current module is a target module.
132        A target module is the target project or a module under the
133        target project and it's module depth is 0.
134        For example: aidegen Settings framework
135            The target projects are Settings and framework so they are also
136            target modules. And the dependent module SettingsUnitTests's path
137            is packages/apps/Settings/tests/unit so it also a target module.
138        """
139        return self.module_depth == 0
141    def _collect_r_srcs_paths(self):
142        """Collect the source folder of R.java.
144        Check if the path of aapt2.srcjar or R.srcjar exists, these are both the
145        values of key "srcjars" in module_data. If neither of the cases exists,
146        build it onto an intermediates directory.
148        For IntelliJ, we can set the srcjar file as a source root for
149        dependency. For Eclipse, we still use the R folder as dependencies until
150        we figure out how to set srcjar file as dependency.
151        # TODO(b/135594800): Set aapt2.srcjar or R.srcjar as a dependency in
152                             Eclipse.
153        """
154        if (self._is_app_module() and self._is_target_module()
155                and self._check_key(constant.KEY_SRCJARS)):
156            for srcjar in self.module_data[constant.KEY_SRCJARS]:
157                if not os.path.exists(common_util.get_abs_path(srcjar)):
158                    self.build_targets.add(srcjar)
159                self._collect_srcjar_path(srcjar)
160                r_dir = self._get_r_dir(srcjar)
161                if r_dir and r_dir not in self.r_java_paths:
162                    self.r_java_paths.append(r_dir)
164    def _collect_srcjar_path(self, srcjar):
165        """Collect the source folders from a srcjar path.
167        Set the aapt2.srcjar or R.srcjar as source root:
168        Case aapt2.srcjar:
169            The source path string is
170            out/.../Bluetooth_intermediates/aapt2.srcjar.
171        Case R.srcjar:
172            The source path string is out/soong/.../gen/android/R.srcjar.
174        Args:
175            srcjar: A file path string relative to ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, the build
176                    target of the module to generate R.java.
177        """
178        if (os.path.basename(srcjar) in _TARGET_BUILD_FILES
179                and srcjar not in self.srcjar_paths):
180            self.srcjar_paths.append(srcjar)
182    def _collect_all_srcjar_paths(self):
183        """Collect all srcjar files of target module as source folders.
185        Since the aidl files are built to *.java and collected in the
186        aidl.srcjar file by the build system. AIDEGen needs to collect these
187        aidl.srcjar files as the source root folders in IntelliJ. Furthermore,
188        AIDEGen collects all *.srcjar files for other cases to fulfil the same
189        purpose.
190        """
191        if self._is_target_module() and self._check_key(constant.KEY_SRCJARS):
192            for srcjar in self.module_data[constant.KEY_SRCJARS]:
193                if not os.path.exists(common_util.get_abs_path(srcjar)):
194                    self.build_targets.add(srcjar)
195                if srcjar not in self.srcjar_paths:
196                    self.srcjar_paths.append(srcjar)
198    @staticmethod
199    def _get_r_dir(srcjar):
200        """Get the source folder of R.java for Eclipse.
202        Get the folder contains the R.java of aapt2.srcjar or R.srcjar:
203        Case aapt2.srcjar:
204            If the relative path of the aapt2.srcjar is a/b/aapt2.srcjar, the
205            source root of the R.java is a/b/aapt2
206        Case R.srcjar:
207            If the relative path of the R.srcjar is a/b/android/R.srcjar, the
208            source root of the R.java is a/b/aapt2/R
210        Args:
211            srcjar: A file path string, the build target of the module to
212                    generate R.java.
214        Returns:
215            A relative source folder path string, and return None if the target
216            file name is not aapt2.srcjar or R.srcjar.
217        """
218        target_folder, target_file = os.path.split(srcjar)
219        base_dirname = os.path.basename(target_folder)
220        if target_file == _TARGET_AAPT2_SRCJAR:
221            return os.path.join(target_folder, constant.NAME_AAPT2)
222        if target_file == constant.TARGET_R_SRCJAR and base_dirname == _ANDROID:
223            return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(target_folder),
224                                constant.NAME_AAPT2, 'R')
225        return None
227    def _init_module_path(self):
228        """Initialize self.module_path."""
229        self.module_path = (self.module_data[constant.KEY_PATH][0]
230                            if self._check_key(constant.KEY_PATH) else '')
232    def _init_module_depth(self, depth):
233        """Initialize module depth's settings.
235        Set the module's depth from module info when user have -d parameter.
236        Set the -d value from user input, default to 0.
238        Args:
239            depth: the depth to be set.
240        """
241        self.module_depth = (int(self.module_data[constant.KEY_DEPTH])
242                             if depth else 0)
243        self.depth_by_source = depth
245    def _is_android_supported_module(self):
246        """Determine if this is an Android supported module."""
247        return common_util.is_source_under_relative_path(
248            self.module_path, _ANDROID_SUPPORT_PATH_KEYWORD)
250    def _check_jarjar_rules_exist(self):
251        """Check if jarjar rules exist."""
252        return (_KEY_JARJAR_RULES in self.module_data and
253                self.module_data[_KEY_JARJAR_RULES][0] == _JARJAR_RULES_FILE)
255    def _check_jars_exist(self):
256        """Check if jars exist."""
257        return self._check_key(constant.KEY_JARS)
259    def _check_classes_jar_exist(self):
260        """Check if classes_jar exist."""
261        return self._check_key(constant.KEY_CLASSES_JAR)
263    def _collect_srcs_paths(self):
264        """Collect source folder paths in src_dirs from module_data['srcs']."""
265        if self._check_key(constant.KEY_SRCS):
266            scanned_dirs = set()
267            for src_item in self.module_data[constant.KEY_SRCS]:
268                src_dir = None
269                src_item = os.path.relpath(src_item)
270                if common_util.is_target(src_item, _TARGET_FILES):
271                    # Only scan one java file in each source directories.
272                    src_item_dir = os.path.dirname(src_item)
273                    if src_item_dir not in scanned_dirs:
274                        scanned_dirs.add(src_item_dir)
275                        src_dir = self._get_source_folder(src_item)
276                else:
277                    # To record what files except java and kt in the srcs.
278                    logging.debug('%s is not in parsing scope.', src_item)
279                if src_dir:
280                    self._add_to_source_or_test_dirs(
281                        self._switch_repackaged(src_dir))
283    def _check_key(self, key):
284        """Check if key is in self.module_data and not empty.
286        Args:
287            key: the key to be checked.
288        """
289        return key in self.module_data and self.module_data[key]
291    def _add_to_source_or_test_dirs(self, src_dir):
292        """Add folder to source or test directories.
294        Args:
295            src_dir: the directory to be added.
296        """
297        if (src_dir not in _IGNORE_DIRS and src_dir not in self.src_dirs
298                and src_dir not in self.test_dirs):
299            if self._is_test_module(src_dir):
300                self.test_dirs.append(src_dir)
301            else:
302                self.src_dirs.append(src_dir)
304    @staticmethod
305    def _is_test_module(src_dir):
306        """Check if the module path is a test module path.
308        Args:
309            src_dir: the directory to be checked.
311        Returns:
312            True if module path is a test module path, otherwise False.
313        """
314        return constant.KEY_TESTS in src_dir.split(os.sep)
316    def _get_source_folder(self, java_file):
317        """Parsing a java to get the package name to filter out source path.
319        Args:
320            java_file: A string, the java file with relative path.
321                       e.g. path/to/the/java/file.java
323        Returns:
324            source_folder: A string of path to source folder(e.g. src/main/java)
325                           or none when it failed to get package name.
326        """
327        abs_java_path = common_util.get_abs_path(java_file)
328        if os.path.exists(abs_java_path):
329            package_name = self._get_package_name(abs_java_path)
330            if package_name:
331                return self._parse_source_path(java_file, package_name)
332        return None
334    @staticmethod
335    def _parse_source_path(java_file, package_name):
336        """Parse the source path by filter out the package name.
338        Case 1:
339        java file: a/b/c/d/e.java
340        package name: c.d
341        The source folder is a/b.
343        Case 2:
344        java file: a/b/c.d/e.java
345        package name: c.d
346        The source folder is a/b.
348        Case 3:
349        java file: a/b/c/d/e.java
350        package name: x.y
351        The source folder is a/b/c/d.
353        Case 4:
354        java file: a/b/c.d/e/c/d/f.java
355        package name: c.d
356        The source folder is a/b/c.d/e.
358        Case 5:
359        java file: a/b/c.d/e/c.d/e/f.java
360        package name: c.d.e
361        The source folder is a/b/c.d/e.
363        Args:
364            java_file: A string of the java file relative path.
365            package_name: A string of the java file's package name.
367        Returns:
368            A string, the source folder path.
369        """
370        java_file_name = os.path.basename(java_file)
371        pattern = r'%s/%s$' % (package_name, java_file_name)
372        search_result = re.search(pattern, java_file)
373        if search_result:
374            return java_file[:search_result.start()].strip(os.sep)
375        return os.path.dirname(java_file)
377    @staticmethod
378    def _switch_repackaged(src_dir):
379        """Changes the directory to repackaged if it does exist.
381        Args:
382            src_dir: a string of relative path.
384        Returns:
385            The source folder under repackaged if it exists, otherwise the
386            original one.
387        """
388        root_path = common_util.get_android_root_dir()
389        dir_list = src_dir.split(os.sep)
390        for i in range(1, len(dir_list)):
391            tmp_dir = dir_list.copy()
392            tmp_dir.insert(i, _REPACKAGES)
393            real_path = os.path.join(root_path, os.path.join(*tmp_dir))
394            if os.path.exists(real_path):
395                return os.path.relpath(real_path, root_path)
396        return src_dir
398    @staticmethod
399    def _get_package_name(abs_java_path):
400        """Get the package name by parsing a java file.
402        Args:
403            abs_java_path: A string of the java file with absolute path.
404                           e.g. /root/path/to/the/java/file.java
406        Returns:
407            package_name: A string of package name.
408        """
409        package_name = None
410        with open(abs_java_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as data:
411            for line in data.read().splitlines():
412                match = _PACKAGE_RE.match(line)
413                if match:
414                    package_name = match.group('package')
415                    break
416        return package_name
418    def _append_jar_file(self, jar_path):
419        """Append a path to the jar file into self.jar_files if it's exists.
421        Args:
422            jar_path: A path supposed to be a jar file.
424        Returns:
425            Boolean: True if jar_path is an existing jar file.
426        """
427        if common_util.is_target(jar_path, constant.TARGET_LIBS):
428            self.referenced_by_jar = True
429            if os.path.isfile(common_util.get_abs_path(jar_path)):
430                if jar_path not in self.jar_files:
431                    self.jar_files.append(jar_path)
432            else:
433                self.missing_jars.add(jar_path)
434            return True
435        return False
437    def _append_classes_jar(self):
438        """Append the jar file as dependency for prebuilt modules."""
439        for jar in self.module_data[constant.KEY_CLASSES_JAR]:
440            if self._append_jar_file(jar):
441                break
443    def _append_jar_from_installed(self, specific_dir=None):
444        """Append a jar file's path to the list of jar_files with matching
445        path_prefix.
447        There might be more than one jar in "installed" parameter and only the
448        first jar file is returned. If specific_dir is set, the jar file must be
449        under the specific directory or its sub-directory.
451        Args:
452            specific_dir: A string of path.
453        """
454        if self._check_key(constant.KEY_INSTALLED):
455            for jar in self.module_data[constant.KEY_INSTALLED]:
456                if specific_dir and not jar.startswith(specific_dir):
457                    continue
458                if self._append_jar_file(jar):
459                    break
461    def _set_jars_jarfile(self):
462        """Append prebuilt jars of module into self.jar_files.
464        Some modules' sources are prebuilt jar files instead of source java
465        files. The jar files can be imported into IntelliJ as a dependency
466        directly. There is only jar file name in self.module_data['jars'], it
467        has to be combined with self.module_data['path'] to append into
468        self.jar_files.
469        Once the file doesn't exist, it's not assumed to be a prebuilt jar so
470        that we can ignore it.
471        # TODO(b/141959125): Collect the correct prebuilt jar files by jdeps.go.
473        For example:
474        'asm-6.0': {
475            'jars': [
476                'asm-6.0.jar'
477            ],
478            'path': [
479                'prebuilts/misc/common/asm'
480            ],
481        },
482        Path to the jar file is prebuilts/misc/common/asm/asm-6.0.jar.
483        """
484        if self._check_key(constant.KEY_JARS):
485            for jar_name in self.module_data[constant.KEY_JARS]:
486                if self._check_key(constant.KEY_INSTALLED):
487                    self._append_jar_from_installed()
488                else:
489                    jar_path = os.path.join(self.module_path, jar_name)
490                    jar_abs = common_util.get_abs_path(jar_path)
491                    if not os.path.isfile(jar_abs) and jar_name.endswith(
492                            'prebuilt.jar'):
493                        rel_path = self._get_jar_path_from_prebuilts(jar_name)
494                        if rel_path:
495                            jar_path = rel_path
496                    if os.path.exists(common_util.get_abs_path(jar_path)):
497                        self._append_jar_file(jar_path)
499    @staticmethod
500    def _get_jar_path_from_prebuilts(jar_name):
501        """Get prebuilt jar file from prebuilts folder.
503        If the prebuilt jar file we get from method _set_jars_jarfile() does not
504        exist, we should search the prebuilt jar file in prebuilts folder.
505        For example:
506        'platformprotos': {
507            'jars': [
508                'platformprotos-prebuilt.jar'
509            ],
510            'path': [
511                'frameworks/base'
512            ],
513        },
514        We get an incorrect path: 'frameworks/base/platformprotos-prebuilt.jar'
515        If the file does not exist, we should search the file name from
516        prebuilts folder. If we can get the correct path from 'prebuilts', we
517        can replace it with the incorrect path.
519        Args:
520            jar_name: The prebuilt jar file name.
522        Return:
523            A relative prebuilt jar file path if found, otherwise None.
524        """
525        rel_path = ''
526        search = os.sep.join(
527            [common_util.get_android_root_dir(), 'prebuilts/**', jar_name])
528        results = glob.glob(search, recursive=True)
529        if results:
530            jar_abs = results[0]
531            rel_path = os.path.relpath(
532                jar_abs, common_util.get_android_root_dir())
533        return rel_path
535    def _collect_specific_jars(self):
536        """Collect specific types of jar files."""
537        if self._is_android_supported_module():
538            self._append_jar_from_installed()
539        elif self._check_jarjar_rules_exist():
540            self._append_jar_from_installed(self.specific_soong_path)
541        elif self._check_jars_exist():
542            self._set_jars_jarfile()
544    def _collect_classes_jars(self):
545        """Collect classes jar files."""
546        # If there is no source/tests folder of the module, reference the
547        # module by jar.
548        if not self.src_dirs and not self.test_dirs:
549            # Add the classes.jar from the classes_jar attribute as
550            # dependency if it exists. If the classes.jar doesn't exist,
551            # find the jar file from the installed attribute and add the jar
552            # as dependency.
553            if self._check_classes_jar_exist():
554                self._append_classes_jar()
555            else:
556                self._append_jar_from_installed()
558    def _collect_srcs_and_r_srcs_paths(self):
559        """Collect source and R source folder paths for the module."""
560        self._collect_specific_jars()
561        self._collect_srcs_paths()
562        self._collect_classes_jars()
563        self._collect_r_srcs_paths()
564        self._collect_all_srcjar_paths()
566    def _collect_missing_jars(self):
567        """Collect missing jar files to rebuild them."""
568        if self.referenced_by_jar and self.missing_jars:
569            self.build_targets |= self.missing_jars
571    def _collect_dep_paths(self):
572        """Collects the path of dependency modules."""
573        config = project_config.ProjectConfig.get_instance()
574        modules_info = config.atest_module_info
575        self.dep_paths = []
576        if self.module_path != constant.FRAMEWORK_PATH:
577            self.dep_paths.append(constant.FRAMEWORK_PATH)
578        self.dep_paths.append(_FRAMEWORK_SRCJARS_PATH)
579        if self.module_path != constant.LIBCORE_PATH:
580            self.dep_paths.append(constant.LIBCORE_PATH)
581        for module in self.module_data.get(constant.KEY_DEPENDENCIES, []):
582            for path in modules_info.get_paths(module):
583                if path not in self.dep_paths and path != self.module_path:
584                    self.dep_paths.append(path)
586    def locate_sources_path(self):
587        """Locate source folders' paths or jar files."""
588        # Check if users need to reference source according to source depth.
589        if not self.module_depth <= self.depth_by_source:
590            self._append_jar_from_installed(self.specific_soong_path)
591        else:
592            self._collect_srcs_and_r_srcs_paths()
593        self._collect_missing_jars()
596class EclipseModuleData(ModuleData):
597    """Deal with modules data for Eclipse
599    Only project target modules use source folder type and the other ones use
600    jar as their source. We'll combine both to establish the whole project's
601    dependencies. If the source folder used to build dependency jar file exists
602    in Android, we should provide the jar file path as <linkedResource> item in
603    source data.
604    """
606    def __init__(self, module_name, module_data, project_relpath):
607        """Initialize EclipseModuleData.
609        Only project target modules apply source folder type, so set the depth
610        of module referenced by source to 0.
612        Args:
613            module_name: String type, name of the module.
614            module_data: A dictionary contains a module information.
615            project_relpath: A string stands for the project's relative path.
616        """
617        super().__init__(module_name, module_data, depth=0)
618        related = module_info.AidegenModuleInfo.is_project_path_relative_module(
619            module_data, project_relpath)
620        self.is_project = related
622    def locate_sources_path(self):
623        """Locate source folders' paths or jar files.
625        Only collect source folders for the project modules and collect jar
626        files for the other dependent modules.
627        """
628        if self.is_project:
629            self._locate_project_source_path()
630        else:
631            self._locate_jar_path()
632        self._collect_classes_jars()
633        self._collect_missing_jars()
635    def _add_to_source_or_test_dirs(self, src_dir):
636        """Add a folder to source list if it is not in ignored directories.
638        Override the parent method since the tests folder has no difference
639        with source folder in Eclipse.
641        Args:
642            src_dir: a string of relative path to the Android root.
643        """
644        if src_dir not in _IGNORE_DIRS and src_dir not in self.src_dirs:
645            self.src_dirs.append(src_dir)
647    def _locate_project_source_path(self):
648        """Locate the source folder paths of the project module.
650        A project module is the target modules or paths that users key in
651        aidegen command. Collecting the source folders is necessary for
652        developers to edit code. And also collect the central R folder for the
653        dependency of resources.
654        """
655        self._collect_srcs_paths()
656        self._collect_r_srcs_paths()
658    def _locate_jar_path(self):
659        """Locate the jar path of the module.
661        Use jar files for dependency modules for Eclipse. Collect the jar file
662        path with different cases.
663        """
664        if self._check_jarjar_rules_exist():
665            self._append_jar_from_installed(self.specific_soong_path)
666        elif self._check_jars_exist():
667            self._set_jars_jarfile()
668        elif self._check_classes_jar_exist():
669            self._append_classes_jar()
670        else:
671            self._append_jar_from_installed()