1 // Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 //! Generate the attestation key and CSR for client VM in the remote
16 //! attestation.
18 use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
19 use coset::{
20 iana, CborSerializable, CoseKey, CoseKeyBuilder, CoseSign, CoseSignBuilder, CoseSignature,
21 CoseSignatureBuilder, HeaderBuilder,
22 };
23 use diced_open_dice::{
24 derive_cdi_leaf_priv, sign, DiceArtifacts, PrivateKey, DICE_COSE_KEY_ALG_VALUE,
25 };
26 use openssl::{
27 bn::{BigNum, BigNumContext},
28 ec::{EcGroup, EcKey, EcKeyRef},
29 ecdsa::EcdsaSig,
30 nid::Nid,
31 pkey::Private,
32 sha::sha256,
33 };
34 use service_vm_comm::{Csr, CsrPayload};
35 use zeroize::Zeroizing;
37 /// Key parameters for the attestation key.
38 ///
39 /// See service_vm/comm/client_vm_csr.cddl for more information about the attestation key.
40 const ATTESTATION_KEY_NID: Nid = Nid::X9_62_PRIME256V1; // NIST P-256 curve
41 const ATTESTATION_KEY_ALGO: iana::Algorithm = iana::Algorithm::ES256;
42 const ATTESTATION_KEY_CURVE: iana::EllipticCurve = iana::EllipticCurve::P_256;
45 /// Represents the output of generating the attestation key and CSR for the client VM.
46 pub struct ClientVmAttestationData {
47 /// DER-encoded ECPrivateKey to be attested.
48 pub private_key: Zeroizing<Vec<u8>>,
50 /// CSR containing client VM information and the public key corresponding to the
51 /// private key to be attested.
52 pub csr: Csr,
53 }
55 /// Generates the attestation key and CSR including the public key to be attested for the
56 /// client VM in remote attestation.
generate_attestation_key_and_csr( challenge: &[u8], dice_artifacts: &dyn DiceArtifacts, ) -> Result<ClientVmAttestationData>57 pub fn generate_attestation_key_and_csr(
58 challenge: &[u8],
59 dice_artifacts: &dyn DiceArtifacts,
60 ) -> Result<ClientVmAttestationData> {
61 let group = EcGroup::from_curve_name(ATTESTATION_KEY_NID)?;
62 let attestation_key = EcKey::generate(&group)?;
64 let csr = build_csr(challenge, attestation_key.as_ref(), dice_artifacts)?;
65 let private_key = attestation_key.private_key_to_der()?;
66 Ok(ClientVmAttestationData { private_key: Zeroizing::new(private_key), csr })
67 }
build_csr( challenge: &[u8], attestation_key: &EcKeyRef<Private>, dice_artifacts: &dyn DiceArtifacts, ) -> Result<Csr>69 fn build_csr(
70 challenge: &[u8],
71 attestation_key: &EcKeyRef<Private>,
72 dice_artifacts: &dyn DiceArtifacts,
73 ) -> Result<Csr> {
74 // Builds CSR Payload to be signed.
75 let public_key =
76 to_cose_public_key(attestation_key)?.to_vec().context("Failed to serialize public key")?;
77 let csr_payload = CsrPayload { public_key, challenge: challenge.to_vec() };
78 let csr_payload = csr_payload.into_cbor_vec()?;
80 // Builds signed CSR Payload.
81 let cdi_leaf_priv = derive_cdi_leaf_priv(dice_artifacts)?;
82 let signed_csr_payload = build_signed_data(csr_payload, &cdi_leaf_priv, attestation_key)?
83 .to_vec()
84 .context("Failed to serialize signed CSR payload")?;
86 // Builds CSR.
87 let dice_cert_chain = dice_artifacts.bcc().ok_or(anyhow!("bcc is none"))?.to_vec();
88 Ok(Csr { dice_cert_chain, signed_csr_payload })
89 }
build_signed_data( payload: Vec<u8>, cdi_leaf_priv: &PrivateKey, attestation_key: &EcKeyRef<Private>, ) -> Result<CoseSign>91 fn build_signed_data(
92 payload: Vec<u8>,
93 cdi_leaf_priv: &PrivateKey,
94 attestation_key: &EcKeyRef<Private>,
95 ) -> Result<CoseSign> {
96 let dice_key_alg = cbor_util::dice_cose_key_alg(DICE_COSE_KEY_ALG_VALUE)?;
97 let cdi_leaf_sig_headers = build_signature_headers(dice_key_alg);
98 let attestation_key_sig_headers = build_signature_headers(ATTESTATION_KEY_ALGO);
99 let aad = &[];
100 let signed_data = CoseSignBuilder::new()
101 .payload(payload)
102 .try_add_created_signature(cdi_leaf_sig_headers, aad, |message| {
103 sign(message, cdi_leaf_priv.as_array()).map(|v| v.to_vec())
104 })?
105 .try_add_created_signature(attestation_key_sig_headers, aad, |message| {
106 ecdsa_sign_cose(message, attestation_key)
107 })?
108 .build();
109 Ok(signed_data)
110 }
112 /// Builds a signature with headers filled with the provided algorithm.
113 /// The signature data will be filled later when building the signed data.
build_signature_headers(alg: iana::Algorithm) -> CoseSignature114 fn build_signature_headers(alg: iana::Algorithm) -> CoseSignature {
115 let protected = HeaderBuilder::new().algorithm(alg).build();
116 CoseSignatureBuilder::new().protected(protected).build()
117 }
ecdsa_sign_cose(message: &[u8], key: &EcKeyRef<Private>) -> Result<Vec<u8>>119 fn ecdsa_sign_cose(message: &[u8], key: &EcKeyRef<Private>) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
120 let digest = sha256(message);
121 // Passes the digest to `ECDSA_do_sign` as recommended in the spec:
122 // https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-boringssl-docs/ecdsa.h.html#ECDSA_do_sign
123 let sig = EcdsaSig::sign::<Private>(&digest, key)?;
124 ecdsa_sig_to_cose(&sig)
125 }
ecdsa_sig_to_cose(signature: &EcdsaSig) -> Result<Vec<u8>>127 fn ecdsa_sig_to_cose(signature: &EcdsaSig) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
128 let mut result = signature.r().to_vec_padded(ATTESTATION_KEY_AFFINE_COORDINATE_SIZE)?;
129 result.extend_from_slice(&signature.s().to_vec_padded(ATTESTATION_KEY_AFFINE_COORDINATE_SIZE)?);
130 Ok(result)
131 }
get_affine_coordinates(key: &EcKeyRef<Private>) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>133 fn get_affine_coordinates(key: &EcKeyRef<Private>) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)> {
134 let mut ctx = BigNumContext::new()?;
135 let mut x = BigNum::new()?;
136 let mut y = BigNum::new()?;
137 key.public_key().affine_coordinates_gfp(key.group(), &mut x, &mut y, &mut ctx)?;
138 let x = x.to_vec_padded(ATTESTATION_KEY_AFFINE_COORDINATE_SIZE)?;
139 let y = y.to_vec_padded(ATTESTATION_KEY_AFFINE_COORDINATE_SIZE)?;
140 Ok((x, y))
141 }
to_cose_public_key(key: &EcKeyRef<Private>) -> Result<CoseKey>143 fn to_cose_public_key(key: &EcKeyRef<Private>) -> Result<CoseKey> {
144 let (x, y) = get_affine_coordinates(key)?;
145 Ok(CoseKeyBuilder::new_ec2_pub_key(ATTESTATION_KEY_CURVE, x, y)
146 .algorithm(ATTESTATION_KEY_ALGO)
147 .build())
148 }
150 #[cfg(test)]
151 mod tests {
152 use super::*;
153 use anyhow::bail;
154 use ciborium::Value;
155 use coset::{iana::EnumI64, Label};
156 use hwtrust::{dice, session::Session};
157 use openssl::pkey::Public;
159 /// The following data was generated randomly with urandom.
160 const CHALLENGE: [u8; 16] = [
161 0xb3, 0x66, 0xfa, 0x72, 0x92, 0x32, 0x2c, 0xd4, 0x99, 0xcb, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x0e, 0xe0, 0xc7,
162 0x41,
163 ];
165 #[test]
csr_and_private_key_have_correct_format() -> Result<()>166 fn csr_and_private_key_have_correct_format() -> Result<()> {
167 let dice_artifacts = diced_sample_inputs::make_sample_bcc_and_cdis()?;
169 let ClientVmAttestationData { private_key, csr } =
170 generate_attestation_key_and_csr(&CHALLENGE, &dice_artifacts)?;
171 let ec_private_key = EcKey::private_key_from_der(&private_key)?;
172 let cose_sign = CoseSign::from_slice(&csr.signed_csr_payload).unwrap();
173 let aad = &[];
175 // Checks CSR payload.
176 let csr_payload =
177 cose_sign.payload.as_ref().and_then(|v| CsrPayload::from_cbor_slice(v).ok()).unwrap();
178 let public_key = to_cose_public_key(&ec_private_key)?.to_vec().unwrap();
179 let expected_csr_payload = CsrPayload { challenge: CHALLENGE.to_vec(), public_key };
180 assert_eq!(expected_csr_payload, csr_payload);
182 // Checks the first signature is signed with CDI_Leaf_Priv.
183 let session = Session::default();
184 let chain = dice::Chain::from_cbor(&session, &csr.dice_cert_chain)?;
185 let public_key = chain.leaf().subject_public_key();
186 cose_sign
187 .verify_signature(0, aad, |signature, message| public_key.verify(signature, message))
188 .context("Verifying CDI_Leaf_Priv signature")?;
190 // Checks the second signature is signed with attestation key.
191 let attestation_public_key = CoseKey::from_slice(&csr_payload.public_key).unwrap();
192 let ec_public_key = to_ec_public_key(&attestation_public_key)?;
193 cose_sign
194 .verify_signature(1, aad, |signature, message| {
195 ecdsa_verify_cose(signature, message, &ec_public_key)
196 })
197 .context("Verifying attestation key signature")?;
199 // Verifies that private key and the public key form a valid key pair.
200 let message = b"test message";
201 let signature = ecdsa_sign_cose(message, &ec_private_key)?;
202 ecdsa_verify_cose(&signature, message, &ec_public_key)
203 .context("Verifying signature with attested key")?;
205 Ok(())
206 }
ecdsa_verify_cose( signature: &[u8], message: &[u8], ec_public_key: &EcKeyRef<Public>, ) -> Result<()>208 fn ecdsa_verify_cose(
209 signature: &[u8],
210 message: &[u8],
211 ec_public_key: &EcKeyRef<Public>,
212 ) -> Result<()> {
213 let coord_bytes = signature.len() / 2;
214 assert_eq!(signature.len(), coord_bytes * 2);
216 let r = BigNum::from_slice(&signature[..coord_bytes])?;
217 let s = BigNum::from_slice(&signature[coord_bytes..])?;
218 let sig = EcdsaSig::from_private_components(r, s)?;
219 let digest = sha256(message);
220 if sig.verify(&digest, ec_public_key)? {
221 Ok(())
222 } else {
223 bail!("Signature does not match")
224 }
225 }
to_ec_public_key(cose_key: &CoseKey) -> Result<EcKey<Public>>227 fn to_ec_public_key(cose_key: &CoseKey) -> Result<EcKey<Public>> {
228 check_ec_key_params(cose_key)?;
229 let group = EcGroup::from_curve_name(ATTESTATION_KEY_NID)?;
230 let x = get_label_value_as_bignum(cose_key, Label::Int(iana::Ec2KeyParameter::X.to_i64()))?;
231 let y = get_label_value_as_bignum(cose_key, Label::Int(iana::Ec2KeyParameter::Y.to_i64()))?;
232 let key = EcKey::from_public_key_affine_coordinates(&group, &x, &y)?;
233 key.check_key()?;
234 Ok(key)
235 }
check_ec_key_params(cose_key: &CoseKey) -> Result<()>237 fn check_ec_key_params(cose_key: &CoseKey) -> Result<()> {
238 assert_eq!(coset::KeyType::Assigned(iana::KeyType::EC2), cose_key.kty);
239 assert_eq!(Some(coset::Algorithm::Assigned(ATTESTATION_KEY_ALGO)), cose_key.alg);
240 let crv = get_label_value(cose_key, Label::Int(iana::Ec2KeyParameter::Crv.to_i64()))?;
241 assert_eq!(&Value::from(ATTESTATION_KEY_CURVE.to_i64()), crv);
242 Ok(())
243 }
get_label_value_as_bignum(key: &CoseKey, label: Label) -> Result<BigNum>245 fn get_label_value_as_bignum(key: &CoseKey, label: Label) -> Result<BigNum> {
246 get_label_value(key, label)?
247 .as_bytes()
248 .map(|v| BigNum::from_slice(&v[..]).unwrap())
249 .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Value not a bstr."))
250 }
get_label_value(key: &CoseKey, label: Label) -> Result<&Value>252 fn get_label_value(key: &CoseKey, label: Label) -> Result<&Value> {
253 Ok(&key
254 .params
255 .iter()
256 .find(|(k, _)| k == &label)
257 .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Label {:?} not found", label))?
258 .1)
259 }
260 }