1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3#   Copyright 2020 - Google
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17import time
19from acts.libs.utils.multithread import multithread_func
20from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import NETWORK_MODE_NR_LTE_GSM_WCDMA
21from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import NETWORK_MODE_NR_ONLY
22from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import WFC_MODE_CELLULAR_PREFERRED
23from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED
24from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import GEN_4G
25from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import NETWORK_SERVICE_DATA
26from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import WAIT_TIME_ANDROID_STATE_SETTLING
27from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import NETWORK_MODE_WCDMA_ONLY
28from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_5g_utils import is_current_network_5g_nsa
29from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_5g_utils import is_current_network_5g_sa
30from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import phone_setup_volte
31from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import phone_setup_iwlan
32from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import phone_setup_csfb
33from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import wait_for_network_generation
34from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import set_preferred_network_mode_pref
35from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import toggle_airplane_mode
36from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import get_current_override_network_type
37from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_wifi_utils import ensure_wifi_connected
38from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_wifi_utils import wifi_toggle_state
41def provision_device_for_5g(log, ads, nr_type = None, mmwave = None):
42    """Provision Devices for 5G
44    Args:
45        log: Log object.
46        ads: android device object(s).
47        nr_type: NR network type.
48        mmwave: True to detect 5G millimeter wave, False to detect sub-6,
49            None to detect both.
51    Returns:
52        True: Device(s) are provisioned on 5G
53        False: Device(s) are not provisioned on 5G
54    """
55    if nr_type == 'sa':
56        if not provision_device_for_5g_sa(
57            log, ads, mmwave=mmwave):
58            return False
59    elif nr_type == 'nsa':
60        if not provision_device_for_5g_nsa(
61            log, ads, mmwave=mmwave):
62            return False
63    elif nr_type == 'mmwave':
64        if not provision_device_for_5g_nsa(
65            log, ads, mmwave=mmwave):
66            return False
67    else:
68        if not provision_device_for_5g_nsa(
69            log, ads, mmwave=mmwave):
70            return False
71    return True
74def provision_device_for_5g_nsa(log, ads, mmwave = None):
75    """Provision Devices for 5G NSA
77    Args:
78        log: Log object.
79        ads: android device object(s).
80        mmwave: True to detect 5G millimeter wave, False to detect sub-6,
81            None to detect both.
83    Returns:
84        True: Device(s) are provisioned on 5G NSA
85        False: Device(s) are not provisioned on 5G NSA
86    """
88    if isinstance(ads, list):
89        # Mode Pref
90        tasks = [(set_preferred_mode_for_5g, [ad]) for ad in ads]
91        if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
92            log.error("failed to set preferred network mode on 5g")
93            return False
94        # Attach
95        tasks = [(is_current_network_5g_nsa, [ad, None, mmwave]) for ad in ads]
96        if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
97            log.error("phone not on 5g")
98            return False
99        return True
100    else:
101        # Mode Pref
102        set_preferred_mode_for_5g(ads)
104        # Attach nsa5g
105        if not is_current_network_5g_nsa(ads, mmwave=mmwave):
106            ads.log.error("Phone not attached on 5g")
107            return False
108        return True
111def provision_both_devices_for_volte(log, ads, nw_gen, nr_type=None):
112    # LTE or NR attach and enable VoLTE on both phones
113    tasks = [(phone_setup_volte, (log, ads[0], nw_gen, nr_type)),
114             (phone_setup_volte, (log, ads[1], nw_gen, nr_type))]
115    if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
116        log.error("phone failed to set up in volte")
117        return False
118    return True
121def provision_both_devices_for_csfb(log, ads):
122    tasks = [(phone_setup_csfb, (log, ads[0])),
123             (phone_setup_csfb, (log, ads[1]))]
124    if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
125        log.error("Phone Failed to Set Up in csfb.")
126        return False
127    return True
130def provision_both_devices_for_wfc_cell_pref(log,
131                                             ads,
132                                             wifi_ssid,
133                                             wifi_pass,
134                                             apm_mode=False):
135    tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan,
136              (log, ads[0], apm_mode, WFC_MODE_CELLULAR_PREFERRED,
137               wifi_ssid, wifi_pass)),
138             (phone_setup_iwlan,
139              (log, ads[1], apm_mode, WFC_MODE_CELLULAR_PREFERRED,
140               wifi_ssid, wifi_pass))]
141    if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
142        log.error("failed to setup in wfc_cell_pref mode")
143        return False
144    return True
147def provision_both_devices_for_wfc_wifi_pref(log,
148                                             ads,
149                                             wifi_ssid,
150                                             wifi_pass,
151                                             apm_mode=False):
152    tasks = [(phone_setup_iwlan,
153              (log, ads[0], apm_mode, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED,
154               wifi_ssid, wifi_pass)),
155             (phone_setup_iwlan,
156              (log, ads[1], apm_mode, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED,
157               wifi_ssid, wifi_pass))]
158    if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
159        log.error("failed to setup in wfc_wifi_pref mode")
160        return False
161    return True
164def disable_apm_mode_both_devices(log, ads):
165    # Turn off airplane mode
166    log.info("Turn off apm mode on both devices")
167    tasks = [(toggle_airplane_mode, (log, ads[0], False)),
168             (toggle_airplane_mode, (log, ads[1], False))]
169    if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
170        log.error("Failed to turn off airplane mode")
171        return False
172    return True
175def connect_both_devices_to_wifi(log,
176                                 ads,
177                                 wifi_ssid,
178                                 wifi_pass):
179    tasks = [(ensure_wifi_connected, (log, ad, wifi_ssid, wifi_pass))
180             for ad in ads]
181    if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
182        log.error("phone failed to connect to wifi.")
183        return False
184    return True
187def verify_5g_attach_for_both_devices(log, ads, nr_type = None, mmwave = None):
188    """Verify the network is attached
190    Args:
191        log: Log object.
192        ads: android device object(s).
193        nr_type: 'sa' for 5G standalone, 'nsa' for 5G non-standalone,
194            'mmwave' for 5G millimeter wave.
195        mmwave: True to detect 5G millimeter wave, False to detect sub-6,
196            None to detect both.
198    Returns:
199        True: Device(s) are attached on 5G
200        False: Device(s) are not attached on 5G NSA
201    """
203    if nr_type=='sa':
204        # Attach
205        tasks = [(is_current_network_5g_sa, [ad, None, mmwave]) for ad in ads]
206        if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
207            log.error("phone not on 5g sa")
208            return False
209        return True
210    else:
211        # Attach
212        tasks = [(is_current_network_5g_nsa, [ad, None, mmwave]) for ad in ads]
213        if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
214            log.error("phone not on 5g nsa")
215            return False
216        return True
219def set_preferred_mode_for_5g(ad, sub_id=None, mode=None):
220    """Set Preferred Network Mode for 5G NSA
221    Args:
222        ad: Android device object.
223        sub_id: Subscription ID.
224        mode: 5G Network Mode Type
225    """
226    if sub_id is None:
227        sub_id = ad.droid.subscriptionGetDefaultSubId()
228    if mode is None:
230    return set_preferred_network_mode_pref(ad.log, ad, sub_id, mode)
233def provision_device_for_5g_sa(log, ads, mmwave = None):
234    """Provision Devices for 5G SA
236    Args:
237        log: Log object.
238        ads: android device object(s).
239        mmwave: True to detect 5G millimeter wave, False to detect sub-6,
240            None to detect both.
242    Returns:
243        True: Device(s) are provisioned on 5G SA
244        False: Device(s) are not provisioned on 5G SA
245    """
247    if isinstance(ads, list):
248        # Mode Pref
249        tasks = [(set_preferred_mode_for_5g, [ad, None, NETWORK_MODE_NR_ONLY]) for ad in ads]
250        if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
251            log.error("failed to set preferred network mode on 5g SA")
252            return False
254        tasks = [(is_current_network_5g_sa, [ad, None, mmwave]) for ad in ads]
255        if not multithread_func(log, tasks):
256            log.error("phone not on 5g SA")
257            return False
258        return True
259    else:
260        # Mode Pref
261        set_preferred_mode_for_5g(ads, None, NETWORK_MODE_NR_ONLY)
263        if not is_current_network_5g_sa(ads, None, mmwave):
264            ads.log.error("Phone not attached on SA 5g")
265            return False
266        return True
269def check_current_network_5g(
270    ad, sub_id = None, nr_type = None, mmwave = None, timeout = 30):
271    """Verifies data network type is on 5G
273    Args:
274        ad: android device object.
275        sub_id: The target SIM for querying.
276        nr_type: 'sa' for 5G standalone, 'nsa' for 5G non-standalone, 'mmwave' for 5G millimeter
277                wave.
278        mmwave: True to detect 5G millimeter wave, False to detect sub-6,
279            None to detect both.
280        timeout: max time to wait for event.
282    Returns:
283        True: if data is on 5g
284        False: if data is not on 5g
285    """
286    sub_id = sub_id if sub_id else ad.droid.subscriptionGetDefaultDataSubId()
288    if nr_type == 'sa':
289        if not is_current_network_5g_sa(ad, sub_id, mmwave=mmwave):
290            return False
291    else:
292        if not is_current_network_5g_nsa(ad, sub_id, mmwave=mmwave,
293                                         timeout=timeout):
294            return False
295    return True
298def test_activation_by_condition(ad, sub_id=None, from_3g=False, nr_type=None,
299                                 precond_func=None, mmwave=None):
300    """Test 5G activation based on various pre-conditions.
302    Args:
303        ad: android device object.
304        sub_id: The target SIM for querying.
305        from_3g: If true, test 5G activation from 3G attaching. Otherwise, starting from 5G attaching.
306        nr_type: check the band of NR network. Default is to check sub-6.
307        precond_func: A function to execute pre conditions before testing 5G activation.
308        mmwave: True to detect 5G millimeter wave, False to detect sub-6,
309            None to detect both.
311    Returns:
312        If success, return true. Otherwise, return false.
313    """
314    sub_id = sub_id if sub_id else ad.droid.subscriptionGetDefaultDataSubId()
316    wifi_toggle_state(ad.log, ad, False)
317    toggle_airplane_mode(ad.log, ad, False)
318    if not from_3g:
319        set_preferred_mode_for_5g(ad)
320    for iteration in range(3):
321        ad.log.info("Attempt %d", iteration + 1)
322        sub_id=ad.droid.subscriptionGetDefaultSubId()
323        if from_3g:
324            # Set mode pref to 3G
325            set_preferred_network_mode_pref(ad.log,
326                                            ad,
327                                            sub_id,
328                                            NETWORK_MODE_WCDMA_ONLY)
329            time.sleep(15)
330            # Set mode pref to 5G
331            set_preferred_mode_for_5g(ad)
333        elif precond_func:
334            if not precond_func():
335                return False
336        # LTE attach
337        if not wait_for_network_generation(
338                ad.log, ad, GEN_4G, voice_or_data=NETWORK_SERVICE_DATA):
339            ad.log.error("Fail to ensure initial data in 4G")
340        # 5G attach
341        ad.log.info("Waiting for 5g NSA attach for 60 secs")
342        if is_current_network_5g_nsa(ad, sub_id, mmwave=mmwave, timeout=60):
343            ad.log.info("Success! attached on 5g NSA")
344            return True
345        else:
346            ad.log.error("Failure - expected NR_NSA, current %s",
347                         get_current_override_network_type(ad))
349    ad.log.info("nsa5g attach test FAIL for all 3 iterations")
350    return False