1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #define LOG_TAG "DEBUG"
19 #include "libdebuggerd/tombstone.h"
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <signal.h>
23 #include <stddef.h>
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include <stdlib.h>
26 #include <sys/prctl.h>
27 #include <sys/types.h>
28 #include <unistd.h>
30 #include <memory>
31 #include <string>
33 #include <android-base/file.h>
34 #include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
35 #include <android/log.h>
36 #include <async_safe/log.h>
37 #include <log/log.h>
38 #include <private/android_filesystem_config.h>
39 #include <unwindstack/AndroidUnwinder.h>
40 #include <unwindstack/Error.h>
41 #include <unwindstack/Regs.h>
43 #include "libdebuggerd/backtrace.h"
44 #include "libdebuggerd/open_files_list.h"
45 #include "libdebuggerd/utility.h"
46 #include "util.h"
48 #include "tombstone.pb.h"
50 using android::base::unique_fd;
52 using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
engrave_tombstone_ucontext(int tombstone_fd,int proto_fd,uint64_t abort_msg_address,siginfo_t * siginfo,ucontext_t * ucontext)54 void engrave_tombstone_ucontext(int tombstone_fd, int proto_fd, uint64_t abort_msg_address,
55                                 siginfo_t* siginfo, ucontext_t* ucontext) {
56   pid_t uid = getuid();
57   pid_t pid = getpid();
58   pid_t target_tid = gettid();
60   log_t log;
61   log.current_tid = target_tid;
62   log.crashed_tid = target_tid;
63   log.tfd = tombstone_fd;
64   log.amfd_data = nullptr;
66   std::string thread_name = get_thread_name(target_tid);
67   std::vector<std::string> command_line = get_command_line(pid);
69   std::unique_ptr<unwindstack::Regs> regs(
70       unwindstack::Regs::CreateFromUcontext(unwindstack::Regs::CurrentArch(), ucontext));
72   std::string selinux_label;
73   android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/self/attr/current", &selinux_label);
75   std::map<pid_t, ThreadInfo> threads;
76   threads[target_tid] = ThreadInfo {
77     .registers = std::move(regs), .uid = uid, .tid = target_tid,
78     .thread_name = std::move(thread_name), .pid = pid, .command_line = std::move(command_line),
79     .selinux_label = std::move(selinux_label), .siginfo = siginfo, .signo = siginfo->si_signo,
80     // Only supported on aarch64 for now.
81 #if defined(__aarch64__)
82     .tagged_addr_ctrl = prctl(PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL, 0, 0, 0, 0),
83     .pac_enabled_keys = prctl(PR_PAC_GET_ENABLED_KEYS, 0, 0, 0, 0),
84 #endif
85   };
86   const ThreadInfo& thread = threads[pid];
87   if (!iterate_tids(pid, [&threads, &thread, &target_tid](pid_t tid) {
88         if (target_tid == tid) {
89           return;
90         }
91         threads[tid] = ThreadInfo{
92             .uid = thread.uid,
93             .tid = tid,
94             .pid = thread.pid,
95             .command_line = thread.command_line,
96             .thread_name = get_thread_name(tid),
97             .tagged_addr_ctrl = thread.tagged_addr_ctrl,
98             .pac_enabled_keys = thread.pac_enabled_keys,
99         };
100       })) {
101     async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "failed to open /proc/%d/task: %s", pid,
102                           strerror(errno));
103   }
105   // Do not use the thread cache here because it will call pthread_key_create
106   // which doesn't work in linker code. See b/189803009.
107   // Use a normal cached object because the thread is stopped, and there
108   // is no chance of data changing between reads.
109   auto process_memory = unwindstack::Memory::CreateProcessMemoryCached(getpid());
110   unwindstack::AndroidLocalUnwinder unwinder(process_memory);
111   unwindstack::ErrorData error;
112   if (!unwinder.Initialize(error)) {
113     async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "failed to init unwinder object: %s",
114                           unwindstack::GetErrorCodeString(error.code));
115     return;
116   }
118   ProcessInfo process_info;
119   process_info.abort_msg_address = abort_msg_address;
120   engrave_tombstone(unique_fd(dup(tombstone_fd)), unique_fd(dup(proto_fd)), &unwinder, threads,
121                     target_tid, process_info, nullptr, nullptr);
122 }
engrave_tombstone(unique_fd output_fd,unique_fd proto_fd,unwindstack::AndroidUnwinder * unwinder,const std::map<pid_t,ThreadInfo> & threads,pid_t target_thread,const ProcessInfo & process_info,OpenFilesList * open_files,std::string * amfd_data,const Architecture * guest_arch,unwindstack::AndroidUnwinder * guest_unwinder)124 void engrave_tombstone(unique_fd output_fd, unique_fd proto_fd,
125                        unwindstack::AndroidUnwinder* unwinder,
126                        const std::map<pid_t, ThreadInfo>& threads, pid_t target_thread,
127                        const ProcessInfo& process_info, OpenFilesList* open_files,
128                        std::string* amfd_data, const Architecture* guest_arch,
129                        unwindstack::AndroidUnwinder* guest_unwinder) {
130   // Don't copy log messages to tombstone unless this is a development device.
131   Tombstone tombstone;
132   engrave_tombstone_proto(&tombstone, unwinder, threads, target_thread, process_info, open_files,
133                           guest_arch, guest_unwinder);
135   if (proto_fd != -1) {
136     if (!tombstone.SerializeToFileDescriptor(proto_fd.get())) {
137       async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "failed to write proto tombstone: %s",
138                             strerror(errno));
139     }
140   }
142   log_t log;
143   log.current_tid = target_thread;
144   log.crashed_tid = target_thread;
145   log.tfd = output_fd.get();
146   log.amfd_data = amfd_data;
148   tombstone_proto_to_text(tombstone, [&log](const std::string& line, bool should_log) {
149     _LOG(&log, should_log ? logtype::HEADER : logtype::LOGS, "%s\n", line.c_str());
150   });
151 }