1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3#   Copyright 2016 - The Android Open Source Project
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17from builtins import str
19import logging
20import re
21import shlex
22import shutil
24from acts.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbCommandError
25from acts.controllers.adb_lib.error import AdbError
26from acts.libs.proc import job
27from acts.metrics.loggers import usage_metadata_logger
32ADB_REGEX = re.compile('adb:')
33# Uses a regex to be backwards compatible with previous versions of ADB
34# (N and above add the serial to the error msg).
35DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_REGEX = re.compile('error: device (?:\'.*?\' )?not found')
36DEVICE_OFFLINE_REGEX = re.compile('error: device offline')
37# Raised when adb forward commands fail to forward a port.
38CANNOT_BIND_LISTENER_REGEX = re.compile('error: cannot bind listener:')
39# Expected output is "Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.XX
40ADB_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile('Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.(\d+)')
41GREP_REGEX = re.compile('grep(\s+)')
43ROOT_USER_ID = '0'
44SHELL_USER_ID = '2000'
47def parsing_parcel_output(output):
48    """Parsing the adb output in Parcel format.
50    Parsing the adb output in format:
51      Result: Parcel(
52        0x00000000: 00000000 00000014 00390038 00340031 '........'
53        0x00000010: 00300038 00300030 00300030 00340032 ''
54        0x00000020: 00350034 00330035 00320038 00310033 ''
55        0x00000030: 00000000                            '....            ')
56    """
57    output = ''.join(re.findall(r"'(.*)'", output))
58    return re.sub(r'[.\s]', '', output)
61class AdbProxy(object):
62    """Proxy class for ADB.
64    For syntactic reasons, the '-' in adb commands need to be replaced with
65    '_'. Can directly execute adb commands on an object:
66    >> adb = AdbProxy(<serial>)
67    >> adb.start_server()
68    >> adb.devices() # will return the console output of "adb devices".
69    """
71    def __init__(self, serial="", ssh_connection=None):
72        """Construct an instance of AdbProxy.
74        Args:
75            serial: str serial number of Android device from `adb devices`
76            ssh_connection: SshConnection instance if the Android device is
77                            connected to a remote host that we can reach via SSH.
78        """
79        self.serial = serial
80        self._server_local_port = None
81        adb_path = shutil.which('adb')
82        adb_cmd = [shlex.quote(adb_path)]
83        if serial:
84            adb_cmd.append("-s %s" % serial)
85        if ssh_connection is not None:
86            # Kill all existing adb processes on the remote host (if any)
87            # Note that if there are none, then pkill exits with non-zero status
88            ssh_connection.run("pkill adb", ignore_status=True)
89            # Copy over the adb binary to a temp dir
90            temp_dir = ssh_connection.run("mktemp -d").stdout.strip()
91            ssh_connection.send_file(adb_path, temp_dir)
92            # Start up a new adb server running as root from the copied binary.
93            remote_adb_cmd = "%s/adb %s root" % (temp_dir, "-s %s" % serial
94                                                 if serial else "")
95            ssh_connection.run(remote_adb_cmd)
96            # Proxy a local port to the adb server port
97            local_port = ssh_connection.create_ssh_tunnel(5037)
98            self._server_local_port = local_port
100        if self._server_local_port:
101            adb_cmd.append("-P %d" % local_port)
102        self.adb_str = " ".join(adb_cmd)
103        self._ssh_connection = ssh_connection
105    def get_user_id(self):
106        """Returns the adb user. Either 2000 (shell) or 0 (root)."""
107        return self.shell('id -u')
109    def is_root(self, user_id=None):
110        """Checks if the user is root.
112        Args:
113            user_id: if supplied, the id to check against.
114        Returns:
115            True if the user is root. False otherwise.
116        """
117        if not user_id:
118            user_id = self.get_user_id()
119        return user_id == ROOT_USER_ID
121    def ensure_root(self):
122        """Ensures the user is root after making this call.
124        Note that this will still fail if the device is a user build, as root
125        is not accessible from a user build.
127        Returns:
128            False if the device is a user build. True otherwise.
129        """
130        self.ensure_user(ROOT_USER_ID)
131        return self.is_root()
133    def ensure_user(self, user_id=SHELL_USER_ID):
134        """Ensures the user is set to the given user.
136        Args:
137            user_id: The id of the user.
138        """
139        if self.is_root(user_id):
140            self.root()
141        else:
142            self.unroot()
143        self.wait_for_device()
144        return self.get_user_id() == user_id
146    def _exec_cmd(self, cmd, ignore_status=False, timeout=DEFAULT_ADB_TIMEOUT):
147        """Executes adb commands in a new shell.
149        This is specific to executing adb commands.
151        Args:
152            cmd: A string or list that is the adb command to execute.
154        Returns:
155            The stdout of the adb command.
157        Raises:
158            AdbError for errors in ADB operations.
159            AdbCommandError for errors from commands executed through ADB.
160        """
161        if isinstance(cmd, list):
162            cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
163        result = job.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, timeout=timeout)
164        ret, out, err = result.exit_status, result.stdout, result.stderr
166        if any(pattern.match(err) for pattern in
168                CANNOT_BIND_LISTENER_REGEX]):
169            raise AdbError(cmd=cmd, stdout=out, stderr=err, ret_code=ret)
170        if "Result: Parcel" in out:
171            return parsing_parcel_output(out)
172        if ignore_status or (ret == 1 and GREP_REGEX.search(cmd)):
173            return out or err
174        if ret != 0:
175            raise AdbCommandError(cmd=cmd, stdout=out, stderr=err, ret_code=ret)
176        return out
178    def _exec_adb_cmd(self, name, arg_str, **kwargs):
179        return self._exec_cmd(' '.join((self.adb_str, name, arg_str)),
180                              **kwargs)
182    def _exec_cmd_nb(self, cmd, **kwargs):
183        """Executes adb commands in a new shell, non blocking.
185        Args:
186            cmds: A string that is the adb command to execute.
188        """
189        return job.run_async(cmd, **kwargs)
191    def _exec_adb_cmd_nb(self, name, arg_str, **kwargs):
192        return self._exec_cmd_nb(' '.join((self.adb_str, name, arg_str)),
193                                 **kwargs)
195    def tcp_forward(self, host_port, device_port):
196        """Starts tcp forwarding from localhost to this android device.
198        Args:
199            host_port: Port number to use on localhost
200            device_port: Port number to use on the android device.
202        Returns:
203            Forwarded port on host as int or command output string on error
204        """
205        if self._ssh_connection:
206            # We have to hop through a remote host first.
207            #  1) Find some free port on the remote host's localhost
208            #  2) Setup forwarding between that remote port and the requested
209            #     device port
210            remote_port = self._ssh_connection.find_free_port()
211            host_port = self._ssh_connection.create_ssh_tunnel(
212                remote_port, local_port=host_port)
213        output = self.forward("tcp:%d tcp:%d" % (host_port, device_port),
214                              ignore_status=True)
215        # If hinted_port is 0, the output will be the selected port.
216        # Otherwise, there will be no output upon successfully
217        # forwarding the hinted port.
218        if not output:
219            return host_port
220        try:
221            output_int = int(output)
222        except ValueError:
223            return output
224        return output_int
226    def remove_tcp_forward(self, host_port):
227        """Stop tcp forwarding a port from localhost to this android device.
229        Args:
230            host_port: Port number to use on localhost
231        """
232        if self._ssh_connection:
233            remote_port = self._ssh_connection.close_ssh_tunnel(host_port)
234            if remote_port is None:
235                logging.warning("Cannot close unknown forwarded tcp port: %d",
236                                host_port)
237                return
238            # The actual port we need to disable via adb is on the remote host.
239            host_port = remote_port
240        self.forward("--remove tcp:%d" % host_port)
242    def getprop(self, prop_name):
243        """Get a property of the device.
245        This is a convenience wrapper for "adb shell getprop xxx".
247        Args:
248            prop_name: A string that is the name of the property to get.
250        Returns:
251            A string that is the value of the property, or None if the property
252            doesn't exist.
253        """
254        return self.shell("getprop %s" % prop_name)
256    # TODO: This should be abstracted out into an object like the other shell
257    # command.
258    def shell(self, command, ignore_status=False, timeout=DEFAULT_ADB_TIMEOUT):
259        return self._exec_adb_cmd(
260            'shell',
261            shlex.quote(command),
262            ignore_status=ignore_status,
263            timeout=timeout)
265    def shell_nb(self, command):
266        return self._exec_adb_cmd_nb('shell', shlex.quote(command))
268    def __getattr__(self, name):
269        def adb_call(*args, **kwargs):
270            usage_metadata_logger.log_usage(self.__module__, name)
271            clean_name = name.replace('_', '-')
272            if clean_name in ['pull', 'push', 'remount'] and 'timeout' not in kwargs:
273                kwargs['timeout'] = DEFAULT_ADB_PULL_TIMEOUT
274            arg_str = ' '.join(str(elem) for elem in args)
275            return self._exec_adb_cmd(clean_name, arg_str, **kwargs)
277        return adb_call
279    def get_version_number(self):
280        """Returns the version number of ADB as an int (XX in 1.0.XX).
282        Raises:
283            AdbError if the version number is not found/parsable.
284        """
285        version_output = self.version()
286        match = re.search(ADB_VERSION_REGEX, version_output)
288        if not match:
289            logging.error('Unable to capture ADB version from adb version '
290                          'output: %s' % version_output)
291            raise AdbError('adb version', version_output, '', '')
292        return int(match.group(1))