1 // Copyright 2021, The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 //! Microdroid Manager
17 mod dice;
18 mod instance;
19 mod ioutil;
20 mod payload;
21 mod swap;
22 mod verify;
23 mod vm_payload_service;
24 mod vm_secret;
26 use android_system_virtualizationcommon::aidl::android::system::virtualizationcommon::ErrorCode::ErrorCode;
27 use android_system_virtualmachineservice::aidl::android::system::virtualmachineservice::IVirtualMachineService::IVirtualMachineService;
28 use android_system_virtualization_payload::aidl::android::system::virtualization::payload::IVmPayloadService::{
32 };
34 use crate::dice::dice_derivation;
35 use crate::instance::{InstanceDisk, MicrodroidData};
36 use crate::verify::verify_payload;
37 use crate::vm_payload_service::register_vm_payload_service;
38 use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, ensure, Context, Error, Result};
39 use binder::Strong;
40 use dice_driver::DiceDriver;
41 use keystore2_crypto::ZVec;
42 use libc::VMADDR_CID_HOST;
43 use log::{error, info};
44 use microdroid_metadata::{Metadata, PayloadMetadata};
45 use microdroid_payload_config::{ApkConfig, OsConfig, Task, TaskType, VmPayloadConfig};
46 use nix::mount::{umount2, MntFlags};
47 use nix::sys::signal::Signal;
48 use payload::load_metadata;
49 use rpcbinder::RpcSession;
50 use rustutils::sockets::android_get_control_socket;
51 use rustutils::system_properties;
52 use rustutils::system_properties::PropertyWatcher;
53 use secretkeeper_comm::data_types::ID_SIZE;
54 use std::borrow::Cow::{Borrowed, Owned};
55 use std::env;
56 use std::ffi::CString;
57 use std::fs::{self, create_dir, File, OpenOptions};
58 use std::io::{Read, Write};
59 use std::os::unix::io::{FromRawFd, OwnedFd};
60 use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt;
61 use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt;
62 use std::path::Path;
63 use std::process::{Child, Command, Stdio};
64 use std::str;
65 use std::time::Duration;
66 use vm_secret::VmSecret;
68 const WAIT_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
69 const AVF_STRICT_BOOT: &str = "/proc/device-tree/chosen/avf,strict-boot";
70 const AVF_NEW_INSTANCE: &str = "/proc/device-tree/chosen/avf,new-instance";
71 const AVF_DEBUG_POLICY_RAMDUMP: &str = "/proc/device-tree/avf/guest/common/ramdump";
73     "/proc/device-tree/virtualization/guest/debug-microdroid,no-verified-boot";
74 const SECRETKEEPER_KEY: &str = "/proc/device-tree/avf/secretkeeper_public_key";
75 const INSTANCE_ID_PATH: &str = "/proc/device-tree/avf/untrusted/instance-id";
76 const DEFER_ROLLBACK_PROTECTION: &str = "/proc/device-tree/avf/untrusted/defer-rollback-protection";
78 const ENCRYPTEDSTORE_BIN: &str = "/system/bin/encryptedstore";
79 const ZIPFUSE_BIN: &str = "/system/bin/zipfuse";
81 const APEX_CONFIG_DONE_PROP: &str = "apex_config.done";
82 const DEBUGGABLE_PROP: &str = "ro.boot.microdroid.debuggable";
84 // SYNC WITH virtualizationservice/src/crosvm.rs
85 const FAILURE_SERIAL_DEVICE: &str = "/dev/ttyS1";
87 const ENCRYPTEDSTORE_BACKING_DEVICE: &str = "/dev/block/by-name/encryptedstore";
88 const ENCRYPTEDSTORE_KEYSIZE: usize = 32;
90 const DICE_CHAIN_FILE: &str = "/microdroid_resources/dice_chain.raw";
92 #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
93 enum MicrodroidError {
94     #[error("Cannot connect to virtualization service: {0}")]
95     FailedToConnectToVirtualizationService(String),
96     #[error("Payload has changed: {0}")]
97     PayloadChanged(String),
98     #[error("Payload verification has failed: {0}")]
99     PayloadVerificationFailed(String),
100     #[error("Payload config is invalid: {0}")]
101     PayloadInvalidConfig(String),
102 }
translate_error(err: &Error) -> (ErrorCode, String)104 fn translate_error(err: &Error) -> (ErrorCode, String) {
105     if let Some(e) = err.downcast_ref::<MicrodroidError>() {
106         match e {
107             MicrodroidError::PayloadChanged(msg) => (ErrorCode::PAYLOAD_CHANGED, msg.to_string()),
108             MicrodroidError::PayloadVerificationFailed(msg) => {
109                 (ErrorCode::PAYLOAD_VERIFICATION_FAILED, msg.to_string())
110             }
111             MicrodroidError::PayloadInvalidConfig(msg) => {
112                 (ErrorCode::PAYLOAD_INVALID_CONFIG, msg.to_string())
113             }
114             // Connection failure won't be reported to VS; return the default value
115             MicrodroidError::FailedToConnectToVirtualizationService(msg) => {
116                 (ErrorCode::UNKNOWN, msg.to_string())
117             }
118         }
119     } else {
120         (ErrorCode::UNKNOWN, err.to_string())
121     }
122 }
write_death_reason_to_serial(err: &Error) -> Result<()>124 fn write_death_reason_to_serial(err: &Error) -> Result<()> {
125     let death_reason = if let Some(e) = err.downcast_ref::<MicrodroidError>() {
126         Borrowed(match e {
127             MicrodroidError::FailedToConnectToVirtualizationService(_) => {
129             }
130             MicrodroidError::PayloadChanged(_) => "MICRODROID_PAYLOAD_HAS_CHANGED",
131             MicrodroidError::PayloadVerificationFailed(_) => {
133             }
134             MicrodroidError::PayloadInvalidConfig(_) => "MICRODROID_INVALID_PAYLOAD_CONFIG",
135         })
136     } else {
137         // Send context information back after a separator, to ease diagnosis.
138         // These errors occur before the payload runs, so this should not leak sensitive
139         // information.
140         Owned(format!("MICRODROID_UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_ERROR|{:?}", err))
141     };
143     for chunk in death_reason.as_bytes().chunks(16) {
144         // TODO(b/220071963): Sometimes, sending more than 16 bytes at once makes MM hang.
145         OpenOptions::new().read(false).write(true).open(FAILURE_SERIAL_DEVICE)?.write_all(chunk)?;
146     }
148     Ok(())
149 }
151 /// The (host allocated) instance_id can be found at node /avf/untrusted/ in the device tree.
get_instance_id() -> Result<Option<[u8; ID_SIZE]>>152 fn get_instance_id() -> Result<Option<[u8; ID_SIZE]>> {
153     let path = Path::new(INSTANCE_ID_PATH);
154     let instance_id = if path.exists() {
155         Some(
156             fs::read(path)?
157                 .try_into()
158                 .map_err(|x: Vec<_>| anyhow!("Expected {ID_SIZE} bytes, found {:?}", x.len()))?,
159         )
160     } else {
161         // TODO(b/325094712): x86 support for Device tree in nested guest is limited/broken/
162         // untested. So instance_id will not be present in cuttlefish.
163         None
164     };
165     Ok(instance_id)
166 }
should_defer_rollback_protection() -> bool168 fn should_defer_rollback_protection() -> bool {
169     Path::new(DEFER_ROLLBACK_PROTECTION).exists()
170 }
main() -> Result<()>172 fn main() -> Result<()> {
173     // If debuggable, print full backtrace to console log with stdio_to_kmsg
174     if is_debuggable()? {
175         env::set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "full");
176     }
178     scopeguard::defer! {
179         info!("Shutting down...");
180         if let Err(e) = system_properties::write("sys.powerctl", "shutdown") {
181             error!("failed to shutdown {:?}", e);
182         }
183     }
185     try_main().map_err(|e| {
186         error!("Failed with {:?}.", e);
187         if let Err(e) = write_death_reason_to_serial(&e) {
188             error!("Failed to write death reason {:?}", e);
189         }
190         e
191     })
192 }
try_main() -> Result<()>194 fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
195     android_logger::init_once(
196         android_logger::Config::default()
197             .with_tag("microdroid_manager")
198             .with_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Info),
199     );
200     info!("started.");
202     // SAFETY: This is the only place we take the ownership of the fd of the vm payload service.
203     //
204     // To ensure that the CLOEXEC flag is set on the file descriptor as early as possible,
205     // it is necessary to fetch the socket corresponding to vm_payload_service at the
206     // very beginning, as android_get_control_socket() sets the CLOEXEC flag on the file
207     // descriptor.
208     let vm_payload_service_fd = unsafe { prepare_vm_payload_service_socket()? };
210     load_crashkernel_if_supported().context("Failed to load crashkernel")?;
212     swap::init_swap().context("Failed to initialize swap")?;
213     info!("swap enabled.");
215     let service = get_vms_rpc_binder()
216         .context("cannot connect to VirtualMachineService")
217         .map_err(|e| MicrodroidError::FailedToConnectToVirtualizationService(e.to_string()))?;
219     match try_run_payload(&service, vm_payload_service_fd) {
220         Ok(code) => {
221             if code == 0 {
222                 info!("task successfully finished");
223             } else {
224                 error!("task exited with exit code: {}", code);
225             }
226             if let Err(e) = post_payload_work() {
227                 error!(
228                     "Failed to run post payload work. It is possible that certain tasks
229                     like syncing encrypted store might be incomplete. Error: {:?}",
230                     e
231                 );
232             };
234             info!("notifying payload finished");
235             service.notifyPayloadFinished(code)?;
236             Ok(())
237         }
238         Err(err) => {
239             let (error_code, message) = translate_error(&err);
240             service.notifyError(error_code, &message)?;
241             Err(err)
242         }
243     }
244 }
verify_payload_with_instance_img( metadata: &Metadata, dice: &DiceDriver, ) -> Result<MicrodroidData>246 fn verify_payload_with_instance_img(
247     metadata: &Metadata,
248     dice: &DiceDriver,
249 ) -> Result<MicrodroidData> {
250     let mut instance = InstanceDisk::new().context("Failed to load instance.img")?;
251     let saved_data = instance.read_microdroid_data(dice).context("Failed to read identity data")?;
253     if is_strict_boot() {
254         // Provisioning must happen on the first boot and never again.
255         if is_new_instance() {
256             ensure!(
257                 saved_data.is_none(),
258                 MicrodroidError::PayloadInvalidConfig(
259                     "Found instance data on first boot.".to_string()
260                 )
261             );
262         } else {
263             ensure!(
264                 saved_data.is_some(),
265                 MicrodroidError::PayloadInvalidConfig("Instance data not found.".to_string())
266             );
267         };
268     }
270     // Verify the payload before using it.
271     let extracted_data = verify_payload(metadata, saved_data.as_ref())
272         .context("Payload verification failed")
273         .map_err(|e| MicrodroidError::PayloadVerificationFailed(e.to_string()))?;
275     // In case identity is ignored (by debug policy), we should reuse existing payload data, even
276     // when the payload is changed. This is to keep the derived secret same as before.
277     let instance_data = if let Some(saved_data) = saved_data {
278         if !is_verified_boot() {
279             if saved_data != extracted_data {
280                 info!("Detected an update of the payload, but continue (regarding debug policy)")
281             }
282         } else {
283             ensure!(
284                 saved_data == extracted_data,
285                 MicrodroidError::PayloadChanged(String::from(
286                     "Detected an update of the payload which isn't supported yet."
287                 ))
288             );
289             info!("Saved data is verified.");
290         }
291         saved_data
292     } else {
293         info!("Saving verified data.");
294         instance
295             .write_microdroid_data(&extracted_data, dice)
296             .context("Failed to write identity data")?;
297         extracted_data
298     };
299     Ok(instance_data)
300 }
try_run_payload( service: &Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineService>, vm_payload_service_fd: OwnedFd, ) -> Result<i32>302 fn try_run_payload(
303     service: &Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineService>,
304     vm_payload_service_fd: OwnedFd,
305 ) -> Result<i32> {
306     let metadata = load_metadata().context("Failed to load payload metadata")?;
307     let dice = if Path::new(DICE_CHAIN_FILE).exists() {
308         DiceDriver::from_file(Path::new(DICE_CHAIN_FILE))
309             .context("Failed to load DICE from file")?
310     } else {
311         DiceDriver::new(Path::new("/dev/open-dice0"), is_strict_boot())
312             .context("Failed to load DICE from driver")?
313     };
315     // Microdroid skips checking payload against instance image iff the device supports
316     // secretkeeper. In that case Microdroid use VmSecret::V2, which provide protection against
317     // rollback of boot images and packages.
318     let instance_data = if should_defer_rollback_protection() {
319         verify_payload(&metadata, None)?
320     } else {
321         verify_payload_with_instance_img(&metadata, &dice)?
322     };
324     let payload_metadata = metadata.payload.ok_or_else(|| {
325         MicrodroidError::PayloadInvalidConfig("No payload config in metadata".to_string())
326     })?;
328     // To minimize the exposure to untrusted data, derive dice profile as soon as possible.
329     info!("DICE derivation for payload");
330     let dice_artifacts = dice_derivation(dice, &instance_data, &payload_metadata)?;
331     let vm_secret =
332         VmSecret::new(dice_artifacts, service).context("Failed to create VM secrets")?;
334     if cfg!(dice_changes) {
335         // Now that the DICE derivation is done, it's ok to allow payload code to run.
337         // Start apexd to activate APEXes. This may allow code within them to run.
338         system_properties::write("ctl.start", "apexd-vm")?;
340         // Unmounting /microdroid_resources is a defence-in-depth effort to ensure that payload
341         // can't get hold of dice chain stored there.
342         umount2("/microdroid_resources", MntFlags::MNT_DETACH)?;
343     }
345     // Run encryptedstore binary to prepare the storage
346     let encryptedstore_child = if Path::new(ENCRYPTEDSTORE_BACKING_DEVICE).exists() {
347         info!("Preparing encryptedstore ...");
348         Some(prepare_encryptedstore(&vm_secret).context("encryptedstore run")?)
349     } else {
350         None
351     };
353     let mut zipfuse = Zipfuse::default();
355     // Before reading a file from the APK, start zipfuse
356     zipfuse.mount(
357         MountForExec::Allowed,
358         "fscontext=u:object_r:zipfusefs:s0,context=u:object_r:system_file:s0",
359         Path::new(verify::DM_MOUNTED_APK_PATH),
360         Path::new(VM_APK_CONTENTS_PATH),
361         "microdroid_manager.apk.mounted".to_owned(),
362     )?;
364     // Restricted APIs are only allowed to be used by platform or test components. Infer this from
365     // the use of a VM config file since those can only be used by platform and test components.
366     let allow_restricted_apis = match payload_metadata {
367         PayloadMetadata::ConfigPath(_) => true,
368         PayloadMetadata::Config(_) => false,
369         _ => false, // default is false for safety
370     };
372     let config = load_config(payload_metadata).context("Failed to load payload metadata")?;
374     let task = config
375         .task
376         .as_ref()
377         .ok_or_else(|| MicrodroidError::PayloadInvalidConfig("No task in VM config".to_string()))?;
379     ensure!(
380         config.extra_apks.len() == instance_data.extra_apks_data.len(),
381         "config expects {} extra apks, but found {}",
382         config.extra_apks.len(),
383         instance_data.extra_apks_data.len()
384     );
385     mount_extra_apks(&config, &mut zipfuse)?;
387     register_vm_payload_service(
388         allow_restricted_apis,
389         service.clone(),
390         vm_secret,
391         vm_payload_service_fd,
392     )?;
394     // Set export_tombstones if enabled
395     if should_export_tombstones(&config) {
396         // This property is read by tombstone_handler.
397         system_properties::write("microdroid_manager.export_tombstones.enabled", "1")
398             .context("set microdroid_manager.export_tombstones.enabled")?;
399     }
401     // Wait until apex config is done. (e.g. linker configuration for apexes)
402     wait_for_property_true(APEX_CONFIG_DONE_PROP).context("Failed waiting for apex config done")?;
404     // Trigger init post-fs-data. This will start authfs if we wask it to.
405     if config.enable_authfs {
406         system_properties::write("microdroid_manager.authfs.enabled", "1")
407             .context("failed to write microdroid_manager.authfs.enabled")?;
408     }
409     system_properties::write("microdroid_manager.config_done", "1")
410         .context("failed to write microdroid_manager.config_done")?;
412     // Wait until zipfuse has mounted the APKs so we can access the payload
413     zipfuse.wait_until_done()?;
415     // Wait for encryptedstore to finish mounting the storage (if enabled) before setting
416     // microdroid_manager.init_done. Reason is init stops uneventd after that.
417     // Encryptedstore, however requires ueventd
418     if let Some(mut child) = encryptedstore_child {
419         let exitcode = child.wait().context("Wait for encryptedstore child")?;
420         ensure!(exitcode.success(), "Unable to prepare encrypted storage. Exitcode={}", exitcode);
421     }
423     // Wait for init to have finished booting.
424     wait_for_property_true("dev.bootcomplete").context("failed waiting for dev.bootcomplete")?;
426     // And then tell it we're done so unnecessary services can be shut down.
427     system_properties::write("microdroid_manager.init_done", "1")
428         .context("set microdroid_manager.init_done")?;
430     info!("boot completed, time to run payload");
431     exec_task(task, service).context("Failed to run payload")
432 }
post_payload_work() -> Result<()>434 fn post_payload_work() -> Result<()> {
435     // Sync the encrypted storage filesystem (flushes the filesystem caches).
436     if Path::new(ENCRYPTEDSTORE_BACKING_DEVICE).exists() {
437         let mountpoint = CString::new(ENCRYPTEDSTORE_MOUNTPOINT).unwrap();
439         // SAFETY: `mountpoint` is a valid C string. `syncfs` and `close` are safe for any parameter
440         // values.
441         let ret = unsafe {
442             let dirfd = libc::open(
443                 mountpoint.as_ptr(),
444                 libc::O_DIRECTORY | libc::O_RDONLY | libc::O_CLOEXEC,
445             );
446             ensure!(dirfd >= 0, "Unable to open {:?}", mountpoint);
447             let ret = libc::syncfs(dirfd);
448             libc::close(dirfd);
449             ret
450         };
451         if ret != 0 {
452             error!("failed to sync encrypted storage.");
453             return Err(anyhow!(std::io::Error::last_os_error()));
454         }
455     }
456     Ok(())
457 }
mount_extra_apks(config: &VmPayloadConfig, zipfuse: &mut Zipfuse) -> Result<()>459 fn mount_extra_apks(config: &VmPayloadConfig, zipfuse: &mut Zipfuse) -> Result<()> {
460     // For now, only the number of apks is important, as the mount point and dm-verity name is fixed
461     for i in 0..config.extra_apks.len() {
462         let mount_dir = format!("/mnt/extra-apk/{i}");
463         create_dir(Path::new(&mount_dir)).context("Failed to create mount dir for extra apks")?;
465         let mount_for_exec =
466             if cfg!(multi_tenant) { MountForExec::Allowed } else { MountForExec::Disallowed };
467         // These run asynchronously in parallel - we wait later for them to complete.
468         zipfuse.mount(
469             mount_for_exec,
470             "fscontext=u:object_r:zipfusefs:s0,context=u:object_r:extra_apk_file:s0",
471             Path::new(&format!("/dev/block/mapper/extra-apk-{i}")),
472             Path::new(&mount_dir),
473             format!("microdroid_manager.extra_apk.mounted.{i}"),
474         )?;
475     }
477     Ok(())
478 }
get_vms_rpc_binder() -> Result<Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineService>>480 fn get_vms_rpc_binder() -> Result<Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineService>> {
481     // The host is running a VirtualMachineService for this VM on a port equal
482     // to the CID of this VM.
483     let port = vsock::get_local_cid().context("Could not determine local CID")?;
484     RpcSession::new()
485         .setup_vsock_client(VMADDR_CID_HOST, port)
486         .context("Could not connect to IVirtualMachineService")
487 }
489 /// Prepares a socket file descriptor for the vm payload service.
490 ///
491 /// # Safety
492 ///
493 /// The caller must ensure that this function is the only place that claims ownership
494 /// of the file descriptor and it is called only once.
prepare_vm_payload_service_socket() -> Result<OwnedFd>495 unsafe fn prepare_vm_payload_service_socket() -> Result<OwnedFd> {
496     let raw_fd = android_get_control_socket(VM_PAYLOAD_SERVICE_SOCKET_NAME)?;
498     // Creating OwnedFd for stdio FDs is not safe.
499     if [libc::STDIN_FILENO, libc::STDOUT_FILENO, libc::STDERR_FILENO].contains(&raw_fd) {
500         bail!("File descriptor {raw_fd} is standard I/O descriptor");
501     }
502     // SAFETY: Initializing OwnedFd for a RawFd created by the init.
503     // We checked that the integer value corresponds to a valid FD and that the caller
504     // ensures that this is the only place to claim its ownership.
505     Ok(unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(raw_fd) })
506 }
is_strict_boot() -> bool508 fn is_strict_boot() -> bool {
509     Path::new(AVF_STRICT_BOOT).exists()
510 }
is_new_instance() -> bool512 fn is_new_instance() -> bool {
513     Path::new(AVF_NEW_INSTANCE).exists()
514 }
is_verified_boot() -> bool516 fn is_verified_boot() -> bool {
517     !Path::new(DEBUG_MICRODROID_NO_VERIFIED_BOOT).exists()
518 }
is_debuggable() -> Result<bool>520 fn is_debuggable() -> Result<bool> {
521     Ok(system_properties::read_bool(DEBUGGABLE_PROP, true)?)
522 }
should_export_tombstones(config: &VmPayloadConfig) -> bool524 fn should_export_tombstones(config: &VmPayloadConfig) -> bool {
525     match config.export_tombstones {
526         Some(b) => b,
527         None => is_debuggable().unwrap_or(false),
528     }
529 }
531 /// Get debug policy value in bool. It's true iff the value is explicitly set to <1>.
get_debug_policy_bool(path: &'static str) -> Result<Option<bool>>532 fn get_debug_policy_bool(path: &'static str) -> Result<Option<bool>> {
533     let mut file = match File::open(path) {
534         Ok(dp) => dp,
535         Err(e) => {
536             info!(
537                 "Assumes that debug policy is disabled because failed to read debug policy ({e:?})"
538             );
539             return Ok(Some(false));
540         }
541     };
542     let mut log: [u8; 4] = Default::default();
543     file.read_exact(&mut log).context("Malformed data in {path}")?;
544     // DT spec uses big endian although Android is always little endian.
545     Ok(Some(u32::from_be_bytes(log) == 1))
546 }
548 enum MountForExec {
549     Allowed,
550     Disallowed,
551 }
553 #[derive(Default)]
554 struct Zipfuse {
555     ready_properties: Vec<String>,
556 }
558 impl Zipfuse {
mount( &mut self, noexec: MountForExec, option: &str, zip_path: &Path, mount_dir: &Path, ready_prop: String, ) -> Result<Child>559     fn mount(
560         &mut self,
561         noexec: MountForExec,
562         option: &str,
563         zip_path: &Path,
564         mount_dir: &Path,
565         ready_prop: String,
566     ) -> Result<Child> {
567         let mut cmd = Command::new(ZIPFUSE_BIN);
568         if let MountForExec::Disallowed = noexec {
569             cmd.arg("--noexec");
570         }
571         // Let root own the files in APK, so we can access them, but set the group to
572         // allow all payloads to have access too.
573         let (uid, gid) = (microdroid_uids::ROOT_UID, microdroid_uids::MICRODROID_PAYLOAD_GID);
575         cmd.args(["-p", &ready_prop, "-o", option]);
576         cmd.args(["-u", &uid.to_string()]);
577         cmd.args(["-g", &gid.to_string()]);
578         cmd.arg(zip_path).arg(mount_dir);
579         self.ready_properties.push(ready_prop);
580         cmd.spawn().with_context(|| format!("Failed to run zipfuse for {mount_dir:?}"))
581     }
wait_until_done(self) -> Result<()>583     fn wait_until_done(self) -> Result<()> {
584         // We check the last-started check first in the hope that by the time it is done
585         // all or most of the others will also be done, minimising the number of times we
586         // block on a property.
587         for property in self.ready_properties.into_iter().rev() {
588             wait_for_property_true(&property)
589                 .with_context(|| format!("Failed waiting for {property}"))?;
590         }
591         Ok(())
592     }
593 }
wait_for_property_true(property_name: &str) -> Result<()>595 fn wait_for_property_true(property_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
596     let mut prop = PropertyWatcher::new(property_name)?;
597     loop {
598         prop.wait(None)?;
599         if system_properties::read_bool(property_name, false)? {
600             break;
601         }
602     }
603     Ok(())
604 }
load_config(payload_metadata: PayloadMetadata) -> Result<VmPayloadConfig>606 fn load_config(payload_metadata: PayloadMetadata) -> Result<VmPayloadConfig> {
607     match payload_metadata {
608         PayloadMetadata::ConfigPath(path) => {
609             let path = Path::new(&path);
610             info!("loading config from {:?}...", path);
611             let file = ioutil::wait_for_file(path, WAIT_TIMEOUT)
612                 .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read {:?}", path))?;
613             Ok(serde_json::from_reader(file)?)
614         }
615         PayloadMetadata::Config(payload_config) => {
616             let task = Task {
617                 type_: TaskType::MicrodroidLauncher,
618                 command: payload_config.payload_binary_name,
619             };
620             // We don't care about the paths, only the number of extra APKs really matters.
621             let extra_apks = (0..payload_config.extra_apk_count)
622                 .map(|i| ApkConfig { path: format!("extra-apk-{i}") })
623                 .collect();
624             Ok(VmPayloadConfig {
625                 os: OsConfig { name: "microdroid".to_owned() },
626                 task: Some(task),
627                 apexes: vec![],
628                 extra_apks,
629                 prefer_staged: false,
630                 export_tombstones: None,
631                 enable_authfs: false,
632                 hugepages: false,
633             })
634         }
635         _ => bail!("Failed to match config against a config type."),
636     }
637 }
639 /// Loads the crashkernel into memory using kexec if debuggable or debug policy says so.
640 /// The VM should be loaded with `crashkernel=' parameter in the cmdline to allocate memory
641 /// for crashkernel.
load_crashkernel_if_supported() -> Result<()>642 fn load_crashkernel_if_supported() -> Result<()> {
643     let supported = std::fs::read_to_string("/proc/cmdline")?.contains(" crashkernel=");
644     info!("ramdump supported: {}", supported);
646     if !supported {
647         return Ok(());
648     }
650     let debuggable = is_debuggable()?;
651     let ramdump = get_debug_policy_bool(AVF_DEBUG_POLICY_RAMDUMP)?.unwrap_or_default();
652     let requested = debuggable | ramdump;
654     if requested {
655         let status = Command::new("/system/bin/kexec_load").status()?;
656         if !status.success() {
657             return Err(anyhow!("Failed to load crashkernel: {:?}", status));
658         }
659         info!("ramdump is loaded: debuggable={debuggable}, ramdump={ramdump}");
660     }
661     Ok(())
662 }
664 /// Executes the given task.
exec_task(task: &Task, service: &Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineService>) -> Result<i32>665 fn exec_task(task: &Task, service: &Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineService>) -> Result<i32> {
666     info!("executing main task {:?}...", task);
667     let mut command = match task.type_ {
668         TaskType::Executable => {
669             // TODO(b/297501338): Figure out how to handle non-root for system payloads.
670             Command::new(&task.command)
671         }
672         TaskType::MicrodroidLauncher => {
673             let mut command = Command::new("/system/bin/microdroid_launcher");
674             command.arg(find_library_path(&task.command)?);
675             command.uid(microdroid_uids::MICRODROID_PAYLOAD_UID);
676             command.gid(microdroid_uids::MICRODROID_PAYLOAD_GID);
677             command
678         }
679     };
681     // SAFETY: We are not accessing any resource of the parent process. This means we can't make any
682     // log calls inside the closure.
683     unsafe {
684         command.pre_exec(|| {
685             // It is OK to continue with payload execution even if the calls below fail, since
686             // whether process can use a capability is controlled by the SELinux. Dropping the
687             // capabilities here is just another defense-in-depth layer.
688             let _ = cap::drop_inheritable_caps();
689             let _ = cap::drop_bounding_set();
690             Ok(())
691         });
692     }
694     command.stdin(Stdio::null()).stdout(Stdio::null()).stderr(Stdio::null());
696     info!("notifying payload started");
697     service.notifyPayloadStarted()?;
699     let exit_status = command.spawn()?.wait()?;
700     match exit_status.code() {
701         Some(exit_code) => Ok(exit_code),
702         None => Err(match exit_status.signal() {
703             Some(signal) => anyhow!(
704                 "Payload exited due to signal: {} ({})",
705                 signal,
706                 Signal::try_from(signal).map_or("unknown", |s| s.as_str())
707             ),
708             None => anyhow!("Payload has neither exit code nor signal"),
709         }),
710     }
711 }
find_library_path(name: &str) -> Result<String>713 fn find_library_path(name: &str) -> Result<String> {
714     let mut watcher = PropertyWatcher::new("ro.product.cpu.abilist")?;
715     let value = watcher.read(|_name, value| Ok(value.trim().to_string()))?;
716     let abi = value.split(',').next().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no abilist"))?;
717     let path = format!("{}/lib/{}/{}", VM_APK_CONTENTS_PATH, abi, name);
719     let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).with_context(|| format!("Unable to access {}", path))?;
720     if !metadata.is_file() {
721         bail!("{} is not a file", &path);
722     }
724     Ok(path)
725 }
prepare_encryptedstore(vm_secret: &VmSecret) -> Result<Child>727 fn prepare_encryptedstore(vm_secret: &VmSecret) -> Result<Child> {
728     let mut key = ZVec::new(ENCRYPTEDSTORE_KEYSIZE)?;
729     vm_secret.derive_encryptedstore_key(&mut key)?;
730     let mut cmd = Command::new(ENCRYPTEDSTORE_BIN);
731     cmd.arg("--blkdevice")
733         .arg("--key")
734         .arg(hex::encode(&*key))
735         .args(["--mountpoint", ENCRYPTEDSTORE_MOUNTPOINT])
736         .spawn()
737         .context("encryptedstore failed")
738 }