1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.security.keystore;
19 import android.annotation.FlaggedApi;
20 import android.annotation.IntRange;
21 import android.annotation.NonNull;
22 import android.annotation.Nullable;
23 import android.annotation.TestApi;
24 import android.app.KeyguardManager;
25 import android.hardware.biometrics.BiometricManager;
26 import android.hardware.biometrics.BiometricPrompt;
27 import android.security.GateKeeper;
28 import android.security.keystore2.KeymasterUtils;
30 import java.security.Key;
31 import java.security.KeyStore.ProtectionParameter;
32 import java.security.Signature;
33 import java.security.cert.Certificate;
34 import java.util.Collections;
35 import java.util.Date;
36 import java.util.HashSet;
37 import java.util.Set;
39 import javax.crypto.Cipher;
40 import javax.crypto.Mac;
42 /**
43  * Specification of how a key or key pair is secured when imported into the
44  * <a href="{@docRoot}training/articles/keystore.html">Android Keystore system</a>. This class
45  * specifies authorized uses of the imported key, such as whether user authentication is required
46  * for using the key, what operations the key is authorized for (e.g., decryption, but not signing)
47  * with what parameters (e.g., only with a particular padding scheme or digest), and the key's
48  * validity start and end dates. Key use authorizations expressed in this class apply only to secret
49  * keys and private keys -- public keys can be used for any supported operations.
50  *
51  * <p>To import a key or key pair into the Android Keystore, create an instance of this class using
52  * the {@link Builder} and pass the instance into {@link java.security.KeyStore#setEntry(String, java.security.KeyStore.Entry, ProtectionParameter) KeyStore.setEntry}
53  * with the key or key pair being imported.
54  *
55  * <p>To obtain the secret/symmetric or private key from the Android Keystore use
56  * {@link java.security.KeyStore#getKey(String, char[]) KeyStore.getKey(String, null)} or
57  * {@link java.security.KeyStore#getEntry(String, java.security.KeyStore.ProtectionParameter) KeyStore.getEntry(String, null)}.
58  * To obtain the public key from the Android Keystore use
59  * {@link java.security.KeyStore#getCertificate(String)} and then
60  * {@link Certificate#getPublicKey()}.
61  *
62  * <p>To help obtain algorithm-specific public parameters of key pairs stored in the Android
63  * Keystore, its private keys implement {@link java.security.interfaces.ECKey} or
64  * {@link java.security.interfaces.RSAKey} interfaces whereas its public keys implement
65  * {@link java.security.interfaces.ECPublicKey} or {@link java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey}
66  * interfaces.
67  *
68  * <p>NOTE: The key material of keys stored in the Android Keystore is not accessible.
69  *
70  * <p>Instances of this class are immutable.
71  *
72  * <p><h3>Known issues</h3>
73  * A known bug in Android 6.0 (API Level 23) causes user authentication-related authorizations to be
74  * enforced even for public keys. To work around this issue extract the public key material to use
75  * outside of Android Keystore. For example:
76  * <pre> {@code
77  * PublicKey unrestrictedPublicKey =
78  *         KeyFactory.getInstance(publicKey.getAlgorithm()).generatePublic(
79  *                 new X509EncodedKeySpec(publicKey.getEncoded()));
80  * }</pre>
81  *
82  * <p><h3>Example: AES key for encryption/decryption in GCM mode</h3>
83  * This example illustrates how to import an AES key into the Android KeyStore under alias
84  * {@code key1} authorized to be used only for encryption/decryption in GCM mode with no padding.
85  * The key must export its key material via {@link Key#getEncoded()} in {@code RAW} format.
86  * <pre> {@code
87  * SecretKey key = ...; // AES key
88  *
89  * KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore");
90  * keyStore.load(null);
91  * keyStore.setEntry(
92  *         "key1",
93  *         new KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry(key),
94  *         new KeyProtection.Builder(KeyProperties.PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT)
95  *                 .setBlockMode(KeyProperties.BLOCK_MODE_GCM)
96  *                 .setEncryptionPaddings(KeyProperties.ENCRYPTION_PADDING_NONE)
97  *                 .build());
98  * // Key imported, obtain a reference to it.
99  * SecretKey keyStoreKey = (SecretKey) keyStore.getKey("key1", null);
100  * // The original key can now be discarded.
101  *
102  * Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding");
103  * cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyStoreKey);
104  * ...
105  * }</pre>
106  *
107  * <p><h3>Example: HMAC key for generating MACs using SHA-512</h3>
108  * This example illustrates how to import an HMAC key into the Android KeyStore under alias
109  * {@code key1} authorized to be used only for generating MACs using SHA-512 digest. The key must
110  * export its key material via {@link Key#getEncoded()} in {@code RAW} format.
111  * <pre> {@code
112  * SecretKey key = ...; // HMAC key of algorithm "HmacSHA512".
113  *
114  * KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore");
115  * keyStore.load(null);
116  * keyStore.setEntry(
117  *         "key1",
118  *         new KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry(key),
119  *         new KeyProtection.Builder(KeyProperties.PURPOSE_SIGN).build());
120  * // Key imported, obtain a reference to it.
121  * SecretKey keyStoreKey = (SecretKey) keyStore.getKey("key1", null);
122  * // The original key can now be discarded.
123  *
124  * Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA512");
125  * mac.init(keyStoreKey);
126  * ...
127  * }</pre>
128  *
129  * <p><h3>Example: EC key pair for signing/verification using ECDSA</h3>
130  * This example illustrates how to import an EC key pair into the Android KeyStore under alias
131  * {@code key2} with the private key authorized to be used only for signing with SHA-256 or SHA-512
132  * digests. The use of the public key is unrestricted. Both the private and the public key must
133  * export their key material via {@link Key#getEncoded()} in {@code PKCS#8} and {@code X.509} format
134  * respectively.
135  * <pre> {@code
136  * PrivateKey privateKey = ...;   // EC private key
137  * Certificate[] certChain = ...; // Certificate chain with the first certificate
138  *                                // containing the corresponding EC public key.
139  *
140  * KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore");
141  * keyStore.load(null);
142  * keyStore.setEntry(
143  *         "key2",
144  *         new KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry(privateKey, certChain),
145  *         new KeyProtection.Builder(KeyProperties.PURPOSE_SIGN)
146  *                 .setDigests(KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA256, KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA512)
147  *                 .build());
148  * // Key pair imported, obtain a reference to it.
149  * PrivateKey keyStorePrivateKey = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey("key2", null);
150  * PublicKey publicKey = keyStore.getCertificate("key2").getPublicKey();
151  * // The original private key can now be discarded.
152  *
153  * Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withECDSA");
154  * signature.initSign(keyStorePrivateKey);
155  * ...
156  * }</pre>
157  *
158  * <p><h3>Example: RSA key pair for signing/verification using PKCS#1 padding</h3>
159  * This example illustrates how to import an RSA key pair into the Android KeyStore under alias
160  * {@code key2} with the private key authorized to be used only for signing using the PKCS#1
161  * signature padding scheme with SHA-256 digest and only if the user has been authenticated within
162  * the last ten minutes. The use of the public key is unrestricted (see Known Issues). Both the
163  * private and the public key must export their key material via {@link Key#getEncoded()} in
164  * {@code PKCS#8} and {@code X.509} format respectively.
165  * <pre> {@code
166  * PrivateKey privateKey = ...;   // RSA private key
167  * Certificate[] certChain = ...; // Certificate chain with the first certificate
168  *                                // containing the corresponding RSA public key.
169  *
170  * KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore");
171  * keyStore.load(null);
172  * keyStore.setEntry(
173  *         "key2",
174  *         new KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry(privateKey, certChain),
175  *         new KeyProtection.Builder(KeyProperties.PURPOSE_SIGN)
176  *                 .setDigests(KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA256)
177  *                 .setSignaturePaddings(KeyProperties.SIGNATURE_PADDING_RSA_PKCS1)
178  *                 // Only permit this key to be used if the user
179  *                 // authenticated within the last ten minutes.
180  *                 .setUserAuthenticationRequired(true)
181  *                 .setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(10 * 60)
182  *                 .build());
183  * // Key pair imported, obtain a reference to it.
184  * PrivateKey keyStorePrivateKey = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey("key2", null);
185  * PublicKey publicKey = keyStore.getCertificate("key2").getPublicKey();
186  * // The original private key can now be discarded.
187  *
188  * Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");
189  * signature.initSign(keyStorePrivateKey);
190  * ...
191  * }</pre>
192  *
193  * <p><h3>Example: RSA key pair for encryption/decryption using PKCS#1 padding</h3>
194  * This example illustrates how to import an RSA key pair into the Android KeyStore under alias
195  * {@code key2} with the private key authorized to be used only for decryption using the PKCS#1
196  * encryption padding scheme. The use of public key is unrestricted, thus permitting encryption
197  * using any padding schemes and digests. Both the private and the public key must export their key
198  * material via {@link Key#getEncoded()} in {@code PKCS#8} and {@code X.509} format respectively.
199  * <pre> {@code
200  * PrivateKey privateKey = ...;   // RSA private key
201  * Certificate[] certChain = ...; // Certificate chain with the first certificate
202  *                                // containing the corresponding RSA public key.
203  *
204  * KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore");
205  * keyStore.load(null);
206  * keyStore.setEntry(
207  *         "key2",
208  *         new KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry(privateKey, certChain),
209  *         new KeyProtection.Builder(KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT)
210  *                 .setEncryptionPaddings(KeyProperties.ENCRYPTION_PADDING_RSA_PKCS1)
211  *                 .build());
212  * // Key pair imported, obtain a reference to it.
213  * PrivateKey keyStorePrivateKey = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey("key2", null);
214  * PublicKey publicKey = keyStore.getCertificate("key2").getPublicKey();
215  * // The original private key can now be discarded.
216  *
217  * Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
218  * cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keyStorePrivateKey);
219  * ...
220  * }</pre>
221  */
222 public final class KeyProtection implements ProtectionParameter, UserAuthArgs {
223     private final Date mKeyValidityStart;
224     private final Date mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd;
225     private final Date mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd;
226     private final @KeyProperties.PurposeEnum int mPurposes;
227     private final @KeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String[] mEncryptionPaddings;
228     private final @KeyProperties.SignaturePaddingEnum String[] mSignaturePaddings;
229     private final @KeyProperties.DigestEnum String[] mDigests;
230     private final @NonNull @KeyProperties.DigestEnum Set<String> mMgf1Digests;
231     private final @KeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String[] mBlockModes;
232     private final boolean mRandomizedEncryptionRequired;
233     private final boolean mUserAuthenticationRequired;
234     private final @KeyProperties.AuthEnum int mUserAuthenticationType;
235     private final int mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds;
236     private final boolean mUserPresenceRequred;
237     private final boolean mUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody;
238     private final boolean mInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment;
239     private final long mBoundToSecureUserId;
240     private final boolean mCriticalToDeviceEncryption;
241     private final boolean mUserConfirmationRequired;
242     private final boolean mUnlockedDeviceRequired;
243     private final boolean mIsStrongBoxBacked;
244     private final int mMaxUsageCount;
245     private final boolean mRollbackResistant;
KeyProtection( Date keyValidityStart, Date keyValidityForOriginationEnd, Date keyValidityForConsumptionEnd, @KeyProperties.PurposeEnum int purposes, @KeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String[] encryptionPaddings, @KeyProperties.SignaturePaddingEnum String[] signaturePaddings, @KeyProperties.DigestEnum String[] digests, @KeyProperties.DigestEnum Set<String> mgf1Digests, @KeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String[] blockModes, boolean randomizedEncryptionRequired, boolean userAuthenticationRequired, @KeyProperties.AuthEnum int userAuthenticationType, int userAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds, boolean userPresenceRequred, boolean userAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody, boolean invalidatedByBiometricEnrollment, long boundToSecureUserId, boolean criticalToDeviceEncryption, boolean userConfirmationRequired, boolean unlockedDeviceRequired, boolean isStrongBoxBacked, int maxUsageCount, boolean rollbackResistant)247     private KeyProtection(
248             Date keyValidityStart,
249             Date keyValidityForOriginationEnd,
250             Date keyValidityForConsumptionEnd,
251             @KeyProperties.PurposeEnum int purposes,
252             @KeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String[] encryptionPaddings,
253             @KeyProperties.SignaturePaddingEnum String[] signaturePaddings,
254             @KeyProperties.DigestEnum String[] digests,
255             @KeyProperties.DigestEnum Set<String> mgf1Digests,
256             @KeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String[] blockModes,
257             boolean randomizedEncryptionRequired,
258             boolean userAuthenticationRequired,
259             @KeyProperties.AuthEnum int userAuthenticationType,
260             int userAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds,
261             boolean userPresenceRequred,
262             boolean userAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody,
263             boolean invalidatedByBiometricEnrollment,
264             long boundToSecureUserId,
265             boolean criticalToDeviceEncryption,
266             boolean userConfirmationRequired,
267             boolean unlockedDeviceRequired,
268             boolean isStrongBoxBacked,
269             int maxUsageCount,
270             boolean rollbackResistant) {
271         mKeyValidityStart = Utils.cloneIfNotNull(keyValidityStart);
272         mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd = Utils.cloneIfNotNull(keyValidityForOriginationEnd);
273         mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd = Utils.cloneIfNotNull(keyValidityForConsumptionEnd);
274         mPurposes = purposes;
275         mEncryptionPaddings =
276                 ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(ArrayUtils.nullToEmpty(encryptionPaddings));
277         mSignaturePaddings =
278                 ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(ArrayUtils.nullToEmpty(signaturePaddings));
279         mDigests = ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(digests);
280         mMgf1Digests = mgf1Digests;
281         mBlockModes = ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(ArrayUtils.nullToEmpty(blockModes));
282         mRandomizedEncryptionRequired = randomizedEncryptionRequired;
283         mUserAuthenticationRequired = userAuthenticationRequired;
284         mUserAuthenticationType = userAuthenticationType;
285         mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds = userAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds;
286         mUserPresenceRequred = userPresenceRequred;
287         mUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody = userAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody;
288         mInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment = invalidatedByBiometricEnrollment;
289         mBoundToSecureUserId = boundToSecureUserId;
290         mCriticalToDeviceEncryption = criticalToDeviceEncryption;
291         mUserConfirmationRequired = userConfirmationRequired;
292         mUnlockedDeviceRequired = unlockedDeviceRequired;
293         mIsStrongBoxBacked = isStrongBoxBacked;
294         mMaxUsageCount = maxUsageCount;
295         mRollbackResistant = rollbackResistant;
296     }
298     /**
299      * Gets the time instant before which the key is not yet valid.
300      *
301      * @return instant or {@code null} if not restricted.
302      */
303     @Nullable
getKeyValidityStart()304     public Date getKeyValidityStart() {
305         return Utils.cloneIfNotNull(mKeyValidityStart);
306     }
308     /**
309      * Gets the time instant after which the key is no long valid for decryption and verification.
310      *
311      * @return instant or {@code null} if not restricted.
312      */
313     @Nullable
getKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd()314     public Date getKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd() {
315         return Utils.cloneIfNotNull(mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd);
316     }
318     /**
319      * Gets the time instant after which the key is no long valid for encryption and signing.
320      *
321      * @return instant or {@code null} if not restricted.
322      */
323     @Nullable
getKeyValidityForOriginationEnd()324     public Date getKeyValidityForOriginationEnd() {
325         return Utils.cloneIfNotNull(mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd);
326     }
328     /**
329      * Gets the set of purposes (e.g., encrypt, decrypt, sign) for which the key can be used.
330      * Attempts to use the key for any other purpose will be rejected.
331      *
332      * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code PURPOSE} flags.
333      */
getPurposes()334     public @KeyProperties.PurposeEnum int getPurposes() {
335         return mPurposes;
336     }
338     /**
339      * Gets the set of padding schemes (e.g., {@code PKCS7Padding}, {@code PKCS1Padding},
340      * {@code NoPadding}) with which the key can be used when encrypting/decrypting. Attempts to use
341      * the key with any other padding scheme will be rejected.
342      *
343      * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code ENCRYPTION_PADDING} constants.
344      */
345     @NonNull
getEncryptionPaddings()346     public @KeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String[] getEncryptionPaddings() {
347         return ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(mEncryptionPaddings);
348     }
350     /**
351      * Gets the set of padding schemes (e.g., {@code PSS}, {@code PKCS#1}) with which the key
352      * can be used when signing/verifying. Attempts to use the key with any other padding scheme
353      * will be rejected.
354      *
355      * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code SIGNATURE_PADDING} constants.
356      */
357     @NonNull
getSignaturePaddings()358     public @KeyProperties.SignaturePaddingEnum String[] getSignaturePaddings() {
359         return ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(mSignaturePaddings);
360     }
362     /**
363      * Gets the set of digest algorithms (e.g., {@code SHA-256}, {@code SHA-384}) with which the key
364      * can be used.
365      *
366      * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code DIGEST} constants.
367      *
368      * @throws IllegalStateException if this set has not been specified.
369      *
370      * @see #isDigestsSpecified()
371      */
372     @NonNull
getDigests()373     public @KeyProperties.DigestEnum String[] getDigests() {
374         if (mDigests == null) {
375             throw new IllegalStateException("Digests not specified");
376         }
377         return ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(mDigests);
378     }
380     /**
381      * Returns {@code true} if the set of digest algorithms with which the key can be used has been
382      * specified.
383      *
384      * @see #getDigests()
385      */
isDigestsSpecified()386     public boolean isDigestsSpecified() {
387         return mDigests != null;
388     }
390     /**
391      * Returns the set of digests that can be used by the MGF1 mask generation function
392      * (e.g., {@code SHA-256}, {@code SHA-384}) with the key. Useful with the {@code RSA-OAEP}
393      * scheme.
394      * If not explicitly specified  during key generation, the default {@code SHA-1} digest is
395      * used and may be specified.
396      *
397      * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code DIGEST} constants.
398      *
399      * @throws IllegalStateException if this set has not been specified.
400      *
401      * @see #isMgf1DigestsSpecified()
402      */
403     @NonNull
404     @FlaggedApi(android.security.Flags.FLAG_MGF1_DIGEST_SETTER_V2)
getMgf1Digests()405     public @KeyProperties.DigestEnum Set<String> getMgf1Digests() {
406         if (mMgf1Digests.isEmpty()) {
407             throw new IllegalStateException("Mask generation function (MGF) not specified");
408         }
409         return new HashSet(mMgf1Digests);
410     }
412     /**
413      * Returns {@code true} if the set of digests for the MGF1 mask generation function,
414      * with which the key can be used, has been specified. Useful with the {@code RSA-OAEP} scheme.
415      *
416      * @see #getMgf1Digests()
417      */
418     @NonNull
419     @FlaggedApi(android.security.Flags.FLAG_MGF1_DIGEST_SETTER_V2)
isMgf1DigestsSpecified()420     public boolean isMgf1DigestsSpecified() {
421         return !mMgf1Digests.isEmpty();
422     }
424     /**
425      * Gets the set of block modes (e.g., {@code GCM}, {@code CBC}) with which the key can be used
426      * when encrypting/decrypting. Attempts to use the key with any other block modes will be
427      * rejected.
428      *
429      * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code BLOCK_MODE} constants.
430      */
431     @NonNull
getBlockModes()432     public @KeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String[] getBlockModes() {
433         return ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(mBlockModes);
434     }
436     /**
437      * Returns {@code true} if encryption using this key must be sufficiently randomized to produce
438      * different ciphertexts for the same plaintext every time. The formal cryptographic property
439      * being required is <em>indistinguishability under chosen-plaintext attack ({@code
440      * IND-CPA})</em>. This property is important because it mitigates several classes of
441      * weaknesses due to which ciphertext may leak information about plaintext. For example, if a
442      * given plaintext always produces the same ciphertext, an attacker may see the repeated
443      * ciphertexts and be able to deduce something about the plaintext.
444      */
isRandomizedEncryptionRequired()445     public boolean isRandomizedEncryptionRequired() {
446         return mRandomizedEncryptionRequired;
447     }
449     /**
450      * Returns {@code true} if the key is authorized to be used only if the user has been
451      * authenticated.
452      *
453      * <p>This authorization applies only to secret key and private key operations. Public key
454      * operations are not restricted.
455      *
456      * @see #getUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds()
457      * @see Builder#setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean)
458      */
isUserAuthenticationRequired()459     public boolean isUserAuthenticationRequired() {
460         return mUserAuthenticationRequired;
461     }
463     /**
464      * Returns {@code true} if the key is authorized to be used only for messages confirmed by the
465      * user.
466      *
467      * Confirmation is separate from user authentication (see
468      * {@link #isUserAuthenticationRequired()}). Keys can be created that require confirmation but
469      * not user authentication, or user authentication but not confirmation, or both. Confirmation
470      * verifies that some user with physical possession of the device has approved a displayed
471      * message. User authentication verifies that the correct user is present and has
472      * authenticated.
473      *
474      * <p>This authorization applies only to secret key and private key operations. Public key
475      * operations are not restricted.
476      *
477      * @see Builder#setUserConfirmationRequired(boolean)
478      */
isUserConfirmationRequired()479     public boolean isUserConfirmationRequired() {
480         return mUserConfirmationRequired;
481     }
getUserAuthenticationType()483     public @KeyProperties.AuthEnum int getUserAuthenticationType() {
484         return mUserAuthenticationType;
485     }
487     /**
488      * Gets the duration of time (seconds) for which this key is authorized to be used after the
489      * user is successfully authenticated. This has effect only if user authentication is required
490      * (see {@link #isUserAuthenticationRequired()}).
491      *
492      * <p>This authorization applies only to secret key and private key operations. Public key
493      * operations are not restricted.
494      *
495      * @return duration in seconds or {@code -1} if authentication is required for every use of the
496      *         key.
497      *
498      * @see #isUserAuthenticationRequired()
499      * @see Builder#setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(int)
500      */
getUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds()501     public int getUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds() {
502         return mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds;
503     }
505     /**
506      * Returns {@code true} if the key is authorized to be used only if a test of user presence has
507      * been performed between the {@code Signature.initSign()} and {@code Signature.sign()} calls.
508      * It requires that the KeyStore implementation have a direct way to validate the user presence
509      * for example a KeyStore hardware backed strongbox can use a button press that is observable
510      * in hardware. A test for user presence is tangential to authentication. The test can be part
511      * of an authentication step as long as this step can be validated by the hardware protecting
512      * the key and cannot be spoofed. For example, a physical button press can be used as a test of
513      * user presence if the other pins connected to the button are not able to simulate a button
514      * press. There must be no way for the primary processor to fake a button press, or that
515      * button must not be used as a test of user presence.
516      */
isUserPresenceRequired()517     public boolean isUserPresenceRequired() {
518         return mUserPresenceRequred;
519     }
521     /**
522      * Returns {@code true} if the key will be de-authorized when the device is removed from the
523      * user's body.  This option has no effect on keys that don't have an authentication validity
524      * duration, and has no effect if the device lacks an on-body sensor.
525      *
526      * <p>Authorization applies only to secret key and private key operations. Public key operations
527      * are not restricted.
528      *
529      * @see #isUserAuthenticationRequired()
530      * @see #getUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds()
531      * @see Builder#setUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody(boolean)
532      */
isUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody()533     public boolean isUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody() {
534         return mUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody;
535     }
537     /**
538      * Returns {@code true} if the key is irreversibly invalidated when a new biometric is
539      * enrolled or all enrolled biometrics are removed. This has effect only for keys that
540      * require biometric user authentication for every use.
541      *
542      * @see #isUserAuthenticationRequired()
543      * @see #getUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds()
544      * @see Builder#setInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment(boolean)
545      */
isInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment()546     public boolean isInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment() {
547         return mInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment;
548     }
550     /**
551      * Return the secure user id that this key should be bound to.
552      *
553      * Normally an authentication-bound key is tied to the secure user id of the current user
554      * (either the root SID from GateKeeper for auth-bound keys with a timeout, or the authenticator
555      * id of the current biometric set for keys requiring explicit biometric authorization).
556      * If this parameter is set (this method returning non-zero value), the key should be tied to
557      * the specified secure user id, overriding the logic above.
558      *
559      * This is only applicable when {@link #isUserAuthenticationRequired} is {@code true}
560      *
561      * @see KeymasterUtils#addUserAuthArgs
562      * @hide
563      */
564     @TestApi
getBoundToSpecificSecureUserId()565     public long getBoundToSpecificSecureUserId() {
566         return mBoundToSecureUserId;
567     }
569     /**
570      * Return whether this key is critical to the device encryption flow.
571      *
572      * @see Builder#setCriticalToDeviceEncryption(boolean)
573      * @hide
574      */
isCriticalToDeviceEncryption()575     public boolean isCriticalToDeviceEncryption() {
576         return mCriticalToDeviceEncryption;
577     }
579     /**
580      * Returns {@code true} if the key is authorized to be used only while the device is unlocked.
581      *
582      * @see Builder#setUnlockedDeviceRequired(boolean)
583      */
isUnlockedDeviceRequired()584     public boolean isUnlockedDeviceRequired() {
585         return mUnlockedDeviceRequired;
586     }
588     /**
589      * Returns {@code true} if the key is protected by a Strongbox security chip.
590      * @hide
591      */
isStrongBoxBacked()592     public boolean isStrongBoxBacked() {
593         return mIsStrongBoxBacked;
594     }
596     /**
597      * Returns the maximum number of times the limited use key is allowed to be used or
598      * {@link KeyProperties#UNRESTRICTED_USAGE_COUNT} if there’s no restriction on the number of
599      * times the key can be used.
600      *
601      * @see Builder#setMaxUsageCount(int)
602      */
getMaxUsageCount()603     public int getMaxUsageCount() {
604         return mMaxUsageCount;
605     }
607     /**
608      * Returns {@code true} if the key is rollback-resistant, meaning that when deleted it is
609      * guaranteed to be permanently deleted and unusable.
610      *
611      * @see Builder#setRollbackResistant(boolean)
612      * @hide
613      */
isRollbackResistant()614     public boolean isRollbackResistant() {
615         return mRollbackResistant;
616     }
618     /**
619      * Builder of {@link KeyProtection} instances.
620      */
621     public final static class Builder {
622         private @KeyProperties.PurposeEnum int mPurposes;
624         private Date mKeyValidityStart;
625         private Date mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd;
626         private Date mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd;
627         private @KeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String[] mEncryptionPaddings;
628         private @KeyProperties.SignaturePaddingEnum String[] mSignaturePaddings;
629         private @KeyProperties.DigestEnum String[] mDigests;
630         private @NonNull @KeyProperties.DigestEnum Set<String> mMgf1Digests =
631                 Collections.emptySet();
632         private @KeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String[] mBlockModes;
633         private boolean mRandomizedEncryptionRequired = true;
634         private boolean mUserAuthenticationRequired;
635         private int mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds = 0;
636         private @KeyProperties.AuthEnum int mUserAuthenticationType =
637                 KeyProperties.AUTH_BIOMETRIC_STRONG;
638         private boolean mUserPresenceRequired = false;
639         private boolean mUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody;
640         private boolean mInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment = true;
641         private boolean mUserConfirmationRequired;
642         private boolean mUnlockedDeviceRequired = false;
644         private long mBoundToSecureUserId = GateKeeper.INVALID_SECURE_USER_ID;
645         private boolean mCriticalToDeviceEncryption = false;
646         private boolean mIsStrongBoxBacked = false;
647         private int mMaxUsageCount = KeyProperties.UNRESTRICTED_USAGE_COUNT;
648         private String mAttestKeyAlias = null;
649         private boolean mRollbackResistant = false;
651         /**
652          * Creates a new instance of the {@code Builder}.
653          *
654          * @param purposes set of purposes (e.g., encrypt, decrypt, sign) for which the key can be
655          *        used. Attempts to use the key for any other purpose will be rejected.
656          *
657          *        <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code PURPOSE} flags.
658          */
Builder(@eyProperties.PurposeEnum int purposes)659         public Builder(@KeyProperties.PurposeEnum int purposes) {
660             mPurposes = purposes;
661         }
663         /**
664          * Sets the time instant before which the key is not yet valid.
665          *
666          * <p>By default, the key is valid at any instant.
667          *
668          * @see #setKeyValidityEnd(Date)
669          */
670         @NonNull
setKeyValidityStart(Date startDate)671         public Builder setKeyValidityStart(Date startDate) {
672             mKeyValidityStart = Utils.cloneIfNotNull(startDate);
673             return this;
674         }
676         /**
677          * Sets the time instant after which the key is no longer valid.
678          *
679          * <p>By default, the key is valid at any instant.
680          *
681          * @see #setKeyValidityStart(Date)
682          * @see #setKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd(Date)
683          * @see #setKeyValidityForOriginationEnd(Date)
684          */
685         @NonNull
setKeyValidityEnd(Date endDate)686         public Builder setKeyValidityEnd(Date endDate) {
687             setKeyValidityForOriginationEnd(endDate);
688             setKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd(endDate);
689             return this;
690         }
692         /**
693          * Sets the time instant after which the key is no longer valid for encryption and signing.
694          *
695          * <p>By default, the key is valid at any instant.
696          *
697          * @see #setKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd(Date)
698          */
699         @NonNull
setKeyValidityForOriginationEnd(Date endDate)700         public Builder setKeyValidityForOriginationEnd(Date endDate) {
701             mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd = Utils.cloneIfNotNull(endDate);
702             return this;
703         }
705         /**
706          * Sets the time instant after which the key is no longer valid for decryption and
707          * verification.
708          *
709          * <p>By default, the key is valid at any instant.
710          *
711          * @see #setKeyValidityForOriginationEnd(Date)
712          */
713         @NonNull
setKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd(Date endDate)714         public Builder setKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd(Date endDate) {
715             mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd = Utils.cloneIfNotNull(endDate);
716             return this;
717         }
719         /**
720          * Sets the set of padding schemes (e.g., {@code OAEPPadding}, {@code PKCS7Padding},
721          * {@code NoPadding}) with which the key can be used when encrypting/decrypting. Attempts to
722          * use the key with any other padding scheme will be rejected.
723          *
724          * <p>This must be specified for keys which are used for encryption/decryption.
725          *
726          * <p>For RSA private keys used by TLS/SSL servers to authenticate themselves to clients it
727          * is usually necessary to authorize the use of no/any padding
728          * ({@link KeyProperties#ENCRYPTION_PADDING_NONE}) and/or PKCS#1 encryption padding
729          * ({@link KeyProperties#ENCRYPTION_PADDING_RSA_PKCS1}). This is because RSA decryption is
730          * required by some cipher suites, and some stacks request decryption using no padding
731          * whereas others request PKCS#1 padding.
732          *
733          * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code ENCRYPTION_PADDING} constants.
734          */
735         @NonNull
setEncryptionPaddings( @eyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String... paddings)736         public Builder setEncryptionPaddings(
737                 @KeyProperties.EncryptionPaddingEnum String... paddings) {
738             mEncryptionPaddings = ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(paddings);
739             return this;
740         }
742         /**
743          * Sets the set of padding schemes (e.g., {@code PSS}, {@code PKCS#1}) with which the key
744          * can be used when signing/verifying. Attempts to use the key with any other padding scheme
745          * will be rejected.
746          *
747          * <p>This must be specified for RSA keys which are used for signing/verification.
748          *
749          * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code SIGNATURE_PADDING} constants.
750          */
751         @NonNull
setSignaturePaddings( @eyProperties.SignaturePaddingEnum String... paddings)752         public Builder setSignaturePaddings(
753                 @KeyProperties.SignaturePaddingEnum String... paddings) {
754             mSignaturePaddings = ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(paddings);
755             return this;
756         }
758         /**
759          * Sets the set of digest algorithms (e.g., {@code SHA-256}, {@code SHA-384}) with which the
760          * key can be used. Attempts to use the key with any other digest algorithm will be
761          * rejected.
762          *
763          * <p>This must be specified for signing/verification keys and RSA encryption/decryption
764          * keys used with RSA OAEP padding scheme because these operations involve a digest. For
765          * HMAC keys, the default is the digest specified in {@link Key#getAlgorithm()} (e.g.,
766          * {@code SHA-256} for key algorithm {@code HmacSHA256}). HMAC keys cannot be authorized
767          * for more than one digest.
768          *
769          * <p>For private keys used for TLS/SSL client or server authentication it is usually
770          * necessary to authorize the use of no digest ({@link KeyProperties#DIGEST_NONE}). This is
771          * because TLS/SSL stacks typically generate the necessary digest(s) themselves and then use
772          * a private key to sign it.
773          *
774          * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code DIGEST} constants.
775          */
776         @NonNull
setDigests(@eyProperties.DigestEnum String... digests)777         public Builder setDigests(@KeyProperties.DigestEnum String... digests) {
778             mDigests = ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(digests);
779             return this;
780         }
782         /**
783          * Sets the set of hash functions (e.g., {@code SHA-256}, {@code SHA-384}) which could be
784          * used by the mask generation function MGF1 (which is used for certain operations with
785          * the key). Attempts to use the key with any other digest for the mask generation
786          * function will be rejected.
787          *
788          * <p>This can only be specified for signing/verification keys and RSA encryption/decryption
789          * keys used with RSA OAEP padding scheme because these operations involve a mask generation
790          * function (MGF1) with a digest.
791          * The default digest for MGF1 is {@code SHA-1}, which will be specified during key import
792          * time if no digests have been explicitly provided.
793          * When using the key, the caller may not specify any digests that were not provided during
794          * key import time. The caller may specify the default digest, {@code SHA-1}, if no
795          * digests were explicitly provided during key import (but it is not necessary to do so).
796          *
797          * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code DIGEST} constants.
798          */
799         @NonNull
800         @FlaggedApi(android.security.Flags.FLAG_MGF1_DIGEST_SETTER_V2)
setMgf1Digests(@ullable @eyProperties.DigestEnum String... mgf1Digests)801         public Builder setMgf1Digests(@Nullable @KeyProperties.DigestEnum String... mgf1Digests) {
802             mMgf1Digests = Set.of(mgf1Digests);
803             return this;
804         }
806         /**
807          * Sets the set of block modes (e.g., {@code GCM}, {@code CBC}) with which the key can be
808          * used when encrypting/decrypting. Attempts to use the key with any other block modes will
809          * be rejected.
810          *
811          * <p>This must be specified for symmetric encryption/decryption keys.
812          *
813          * <p>See {@link KeyProperties}.{@code BLOCK_MODE} constants.
814          */
815         @NonNull
setBlockModes(@eyProperties.BlockModeEnum String... blockModes)816         public Builder setBlockModes(@KeyProperties.BlockModeEnum String... blockModes) {
817             mBlockModes = ArrayUtils.cloneIfNotEmpty(blockModes);
818             return this;
819         }
821         /**
822          * Sets whether encryption using this key must be sufficiently randomized to produce
823          * different ciphertexts for the same plaintext every time. The formal cryptographic
824          * property being required is <em>indistinguishability under chosen-plaintext attack
825          * ({@code IND-CPA})</em>. This property is important because it mitigates several classes
826          * of weaknesses due to which ciphertext may leak information about plaintext. For example,
827          * if a given plaintext always produces the same ciphertext, an attacker may see the
828          * repeated ciphertexts and be able to deduce something about the plaintext.
829          *
830          * <p>By default, {@code IND-CPA} is required.
831          *
832          * <p>When {@code IND-CPA} is required:
833          * <ul>
834          * <li>transformation which do not offer {@code IND-CPA}, such as symmetric ciphers using
835          * {@code ECB} mode or RSA encryption without padding, are prohibited;</li>
836          * <li>in transformations which use an IV, such as symmetric ciphers in {@code GCM},
837          * {@code CBC}, and {@code CTR} block modes, caller-provided IVs are rejected when
838          * encrypting, to ensure that only random IVs are used.</li>
839          *
840          * <p>Before disabling this requirement, consider the following approaches instead:
841          * <ul>
842          * <li>If you are generating a random IV for encryption and then initializing a {@code}
843          * Cipher using the IV, the solution is to let the {@code Cipher} generate a random IV
844          * instead. This will occur if the {@code Cipher} is initialized for encryption without an
845          * IV. The IV can then be queried via {@link Cipher#getIV()}.</li>
846          * <li>If you are generating a non-random IV (e.g., an IV derived from something not fully
847          * random, such as the name of the file being encrypted, or transaction ID, or password,
848          * or a device identifier), consider changing your design to use a random IV which will then
849          * be provided in addition to the ciphertext to the entities which need to decrypt the
850          * ciphertext.</li>
851          * <li>If you are using RSA encryption without padding, consider switching to padding
852          * schemes which offer {@code IND-CPA}, such as PKCS#1 or OAEP.</li>
853          * </ul>
854          */
855         @NonNull
setRandomizedEncryptionRequired(boolean required)856         public Builder setRandomizedEncryptionRequired(boolean required) {
857             mRandomizedEncryptionRequired = required;
858             return this;
859         }
861         /**
862          * Sets whether this key is authorized to be used only if the user has been authenticated.
863          *
864          * <p>By default, the key is authorized to be used regardless of whether the user has been
865          * authenticated.
866          *
867          * <p>When user authentication is required:
868          * <ul>
869          * <li>The key can only be import if secure lock screen is set up (see
870          * {@link KeyguardManager#isDeviceSecure()}). Additionally, if the key requires that user
871          * authentication takes place for every use of the key (see
872          * {@link #setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(int)}), at least one biometric
873          * must be enrolled (see {@link BiometricManager#canAuthenticate()}).</li>
874          * <li>The use of the key must be authorized by the user by authenticating to this Android
875          * device using a subset of their secure lock screen credentials such as
876          * password/PIN/pattern or biometric.
877          * <a href="{@docRoot}training/articles/keystore.html#UserAuthentication">More
878          * information</a>.
879          * <li>The key will become <em>irreversibly invalidated</em> once the secure lock screen is
880          * disabled (reconfigured to None, Swipe or other mode which does not authenticate the user)
881          * or when the secure lock screen is forcibly reset (e.g., by a Device Administrator).
882          * Additionally, if the key requires that user authentication takes place for every use of
883          * the key, it is also irreversibly invalidated once a new biometric is enrolled or once\
884          * no more biometrics are enrolled, unless {@link
885          * #setInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment(boolean)} is used to allow validity after
886          * enrollment. Attempts to initialize cryptographic operations using such keys will throw
887          * {@link KeyPermanentlyInvalidatedException}.</li> </ul>
888          *
889          * <p>This authorization applies only to secret key and private key operations. Public key
890          * operations are not restricted.
891          *
892          * @see #setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(int)
893          * @see KeyguardManager#isDeviceSecure()
894          * @see BiometricManager#canAuthenticate()
895          */
896         @NonNull
setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean required)897         public Builder setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean required) {
898             mUserAuthenticationRequired = required;
899             return this;
900         }
902         /**
903          * Sets whether this key is authorized to be used only for messages confirmed by the
904          * user.
905          *
906          * Confirmation is separate from user authentication (see
907          * {@link #setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean)}). Keys can be created that require
908          * confirmation but not user authentication, or user authentication but not confirmation,
909          * or both. Confirmation verifies that some user with physical possession of the device has
910          * approved a displayed message. User authentication verifies that the correct user is
911          * present and has authenticated.
912          *
913          * <p>This authorization applies only to secret key and private key operations. Public key
914          * operations are not restricted.
915          *
916          * See {@link android.security.ConfirmationPrompt} class for
917          * more details about user confirmations.
918          */
919         @NonNull
setUserConfirmationRequired(boolean required)920         public Builder setUserConfirmationRequired(boolean required) {
921             mUserConfirmationRequired = required;
922             return this;
923         }
925         /**
926          * Sets the duration of time (seconds) for which this key is authorized to be used after the
927          * user is successfully authenticated. This has effect if the key requires user
928          * authentication for its use (see {@link #setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean)}).
929          *
930          * <p>By default, if user authentication is required, it must take place for every use of
931          * the key.
932          *
933          * <p>Cryptographic operations involving keys which require user authentication to take
934          * place for every operation can only use biometric authentication. This is achieved by
935          * initializing a cryptographic operation ({@link Signature}, {@link Cipher}, {@link Mac})
936          * with the key, wrapping it into a {@link BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject}, invoking
937          * {@code BiometricPrompt.authenticate} with {@code CryptoObject}, and proceeding with
938          * the cryptographic operation only if the authentication flow succeeds.
939          *
940          * <p>Cryptographic operations involving keys which are authorized to be used for a duration
941          * of time after a successful user authentication event can only use secure lock screen
942          * authentication. These cryptographic operations will throw
943          * {@link UserNotAuthenticatedException} during initialization if the user needs to be
944          * authenticated to proceed. This situation can be resolved by the user unlocking the secure
945          * lock screen of the Android or by going through the confirm credential flow initiated by
946          * {@link KeyguardManager#createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(CharSequence, CharSequence)}.
947          * Once resolved, initializing a new cryptographic operation using this key (or any other
948          * key which is authorized to be used for a fixed duration of time after user
949          * authentication) should succeed provided the user authentication flow completed
950          * successfully.
951          *
952          * @param seconds duration in seconds or {@code -1} if user authentication must take place
953          *        for every use of the key.
954          *
955          * @see #setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean)
956          * @see BiometricPrompt
957          * @see BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject
958          * @see KeyguardManager
959          * @deprecated See {@link #setUserAuthenticationParameters(int, int)}
960          */
961         @Deprecated
962         @NonNull
setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds( @ntRangefrom = -1) int seconds)963         public Builder setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(
964                 @IntRange(from = -1) int seconds) {
965             if (seconds < -1) {
966                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("seconds must be -1 or larger");
967             }
968             if (seconds == -1) {
969                 return setUserAuthenticationParameters(0, KeyProperties.AUTH_BIOMETRIC_STRONG);
970             }
971             return setUserAuthenticationParameters(seconds, KeyProperties.AUTH_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL
972                                                             | KeyProperties.AUTH_BIOMETRIC_STRONG);
973         }
975         /**
976          * Sets the duration of time (seconds) and authorization type for which this key is
977          * authorized to be used after the user is successfully authenticated. This has effect if
978          * the key requires user authentication for its use (see
979          * {@link #setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean)}).
980          *
981          * <p>By default, if user authentication is required, it must take place for every use of
982          * the key.
983          *
984          * <p>These cryptographic operations will throw {@link UserNotAuthenticatedException} during
985          * initialization if the user needs to be authenticated to proceed. This situation can be
986          * resolved by the user authenticating with the appropriate biometric or credential as
987          * required by the key. See {@link BiometricPrompt.Builder#setAllowedAuthenticators(int)}
988          * and {@link BiometricManager.Authenticators}.
989          *
990          * <p>Once resolved, initializing a new cryptographic operation using this key (or any other
991          * key which is authorized to be used for a fixed duration of time after user
992          * authentication) should succeed provided the user authentication flow completed
993          * successfully.
994          *
995          * @param timeout duration in seconds or {@code 0} if user authentication must take place
996          *        for every use of the key.
997          * @param type set of authentication types which can authorize use of the key. See
998          *        {@link KeyProperties}.{@code AUTH} flags.
999          *
1000          * @see #setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean)
1001          * @see BiometricPrompt
1002          * @see BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject
1003          * @see KeyguardManager
1004          */
1005         @NonNull
setUserAuthenticationParameters(@ntRangefrom = 0) int timeout, @KeyProperties.AuthEnum int type)1006         public Builder setUserAuthenticationParameters(@IntRange(from = 0) int timeout,
1007                                                        @KeyProperties.AuthEnum int type) {
1008             if (timeout < 0) {
1009                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout must be 0 or larger");
1010             }
1011             mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds = timeout;
1012             mUserAuthenticationType = type;
1013             return this;
1014         }
1016         /**
1017          * Sets whether a test of user presence is required to be performed between the
1018          * {@code Signature.initSign()} and {@code Signature.sign()} method calls. It requires that
1019          * the KeyStore implementation have a direct way to validate the user presence for example
1020          * a KeyStore hardware backed strongbox can use a button press that is observable in
1021          * hardware. A test for user presence is tangential to authentication. The test can be part
1022          * of an authentication step as long as this step can be validated by the hardware
1023          * protecting the key and cannot be spoofed. For example, a physical button press can be
1024          * used as a test of user presence if the other pins connected to the button are not able
1025          * to simulate a button press. There must be no way for the primary processor to fake a
1026          * button press, or that button must not be used as a test of user presence.
1027          */
1028         @NonNull
setUserPresenceRequired(boolean required)1029         public Builder setUserPresenceRequired(boolean required) {
1030             mUserPresenceRequired = required;
1031             return this;
1032         }
1034         /**
1035          * Sets whether the key will remain authorized only until the device is removed from the
1036          * user's body up to the limit of the authentication validity period (see
1037          * {@link #setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds} and
1038          * {@link #setUserAuthenticationRequired}). Once the device has been removed from the
1039          * user's body, the key will be considered unauthorized and the user will need to
1040          * re-authenticate to use it. If the device does not have an on-body sensor or the key does
1041          * not have an authentication validity period, this parameter has no effect.
1042          * <p>
1043          * Since Android 12 (API level 31), this parameter has no effect even on devices that have
1044          * an on-body sensor. A future version of Android may restore enforcement of this parameter.
1045          * Meanwhile, it is recommended to not use it.
1046          *
1047          * @param remainsValid if {@code true}, and if the device supports enforcement of this
1048          * parameter, the key will be invalidated when the device is removed from the user's body or
1049          * when the authentication validity expires, whichever occurs first.
1050          */
1051         @NonNull
setUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody(boolean remainsValid)1052         public Builder setUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody(boolean remainsValid) {
1053             mUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody = remainsValid;
1054             return this;
1055         }
1057         /**
1058          * Sets whether this key should be invalidated on biometric enrollment.  This
1059          * applies only to keys which require user authentication (see {@link
1060          * #setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean)}) and if no positive validity duration has been
1061          * set (see {@link #setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(int)}, meaning the key is
1062          * valid for biometric authentication only.
1063          *
1064          * <p>By default, {@code invalidateKey} is {@code true}, so keys that are valid for
1065          * biometric authentication only are <em>irreversibly invalidated</em> when a new
1066          * biometric is enrolled, or when all existing biometrics are deleted.  That may be
1067          * changed by calling this method with {@code invalidateKey} set to {@code false}.
1068          *
1069          * <p>Invalidating keys on enrollment of a new biometric or unenrollment of all biometrics
1070          * improves security by ensuring that an unauthorized person who obtains the password can't
1071          * gain the use of biometric-authenticated keys by enrolling their own biometric.  However,
1072          * invalidating keys makes key-dependent operations impossible, requiring some fallback
1073          * procedure to authenticate the user and set up a new key.
1074          */
1075         @NonNull
setInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment(boolean invalidateKey)1076         public Builder setInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment(boolean invalidateKey) {
1077             mInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment = invalidateKey;
1078             return this;
1079         }
1081         /**
1082          * Set the secure user id that this key should be bound to.
1083          *
1084          * Normally an authentication-bound key is tied to the secure user id of the current user
1085          * (either the root SID from GateKeeper for auth-bound keys with a timeout, or the
1086          * authenticator id of the current biometric set for keys requiring explicit biometric
1087          * authorization). If this parameter is set (this method returning non-zero value), the key
1088          * should be tied to the specified secure user id, overriding the logic above.
1089          *
1090          * This is only applicable when {@link #setUserAuthenticationRequired} is set to
1091          * {@code true}
1092          *
1093          * @see KeyProtection#getBoundToSpecificSecureUserId()
1094          * @hide
1095          */
1096         @TestApi
setBoundToSpecificSecureUserId(long secureUserId)1097         public Builder setBoundToSpecificSecureUserId(long secureUserId) {
1098             mBoundToSecureUserId = secureUserId;
1099             return this;
1100         }
1102         /**
1103          * Set whether this key is critical to the device encryption flow
1104          *
1105          * This is a special flag only available to system servers to indicate the current key
1106          * is part of the device encryption flow. Setting this flag causes the key to not
1107          * be cryptographically bound to the LSKF even if the key is otherwise authentication
1108          * bound.
1109          *
1110          * @hide
1111          */
setCriticalToDeviceEncryption(boolean critical)1112         public Builder setCriticalToDeviceEncryption(boolean critical) {
1113             mCriticalToDeviceEncryption = critical;
1114             return this;
1115         }
1117         /**
1118          * Sets whether this key is authorized to be used only while the device is unlocked.
1119          * <p>
1120          * The device is considered to be locked for a user when the user's apps are currently
1121          * inaccessible and some form of lock screen authentication is required to regain access to
1122          * them. For the full definition, see {@link KeyguardManager#isDeviceLocked()}.
1123          * <p>
1124          * Public key operations aren't restricted by {@code setUnlockedDeviceRequired(true)} and
1125          * may be performed even while the device is locked. In Android 11 (API level 30) and lower,
1126          * encryption and verification operations with symmetric keys weren't restricted either.
1127          * <p>
1128          * Keys that use {@code setUnlockedDeviceRequired(true)} can be imported and generated even
1129          * while the device is locked, as long as the device has been unlocked at least once since
1130          * the last reboot. However, such keys cannot be used (except for the unrestricted
1131          * operations mentioned above) until the device is unlocked. Apps that need to encrypt data
1132          * while the device is locked such that it can only be decrypted while the device is
1133          * unlocked can generate a key and encrypt the data in software, import the key into
1134          * Keystore using {@code setUnlockedDeviceRequired(true)}, and zeroize the original key.
1135          * <p>
1136          * {@code setUnlockedDeviceRequired(true)} is related to but distinct from
1137          * {@link #setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean) setUserAuthenticationRequired(true)}.
1138          * {@code setUnlockedDeviceRequired(true)} requires that the device be unlocked, whereas
1139          * {@code setUserAuthenticationRequired(true)} requires that a specific type of strong
1140          * authentication has happened within a specific time period. They may be used together or
1141          * separately; there are cases in which one requirement can be satisfied but not the other.
1142          * <p>
1143          * <b>Warning:</b> Be careful using {@code setUnlockedDeviceRequired(true)} on Android 14
1144          * (API level 34) and lower, since the following bugs existed in Android 12 through 14:
1145          * <ul>
1146          *   <li>When the user didn't have a secure lock screen, unlocked-device-required keys
1147          *   couldn't be generated, imported, or used.</li>
1148          *   <li>When the user's secure lock screen was removed, all of that user's
1149          *   unlocked-device-required keys were automatically deleted.</li>
1150          *   <li>Unlocking the device with a non-strong biometric, such as face on many devices,
1151          *   didn't re-authorize the use of unlocked-device-required keys.</li>
1152          *   <li>Unlocking the device with a biometric didn't re-authorize the use of
1153          *   unlocked-device-required keys in profiles that share their parent user's lock.</li>
1154          * </ul>
1155          * These issues are fixed in Android 15, so apps can avoid them by using
1156          * {@code setUnlockedDeviceRequired(true)} only on Android 15 and higher.
1157          * Apps that use both {@code setUnlockedDeviceRequired(true)} and
1158          * {@link #setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean) setUserAuthenticationRequired(true)}
1159          * are unaffected by the first two issues, since the first two issues describe expected
1160          * behavior for {@code setUserAuthenticationRequired(true)}.
1161          */
1162         @NonNull
setUnlockedDeviceRequired(boolean unlockedDeviceRequired)1163         public Builder setUnlockedDeviceRequired(boolean unlockedDeviceRequired) {
1164             mUnlockedDeviceRequired = unlockedDeviceRequired;
1165             return this;
1166         }
1168         /**
1169          * Sets whether this key should be protected by a StrongBox security chip.
1170          */
1171         @NonNull
setIsStrongBoxBacked(boolean isStrongBoxBacked)1172         public Builder setIsStrongBoxBacked(boolean isStrongBoxBacked) {
1173             mIsStrongBoxBacked = isStrongBoxBacked;
1174             return this;
1175         }
1177         /**
1178          * Sets the maximum number of times the key is allowed to be used. After every use of the
1179          * key, the use counter will decrease. This authorization applies only to secret key and
1180          * private key operations. Public key operations are not restricted. For example, after
1181          * successfully encrypting and decrypting data using methods such as
1182          * {@link Cipher#doFinal()}, the use counter of the secret key will decrease. After
1183          * successfully signing data using methods such as {@link Signature#sign()}, the use
1184          * counter of the private key will decrease.
1185          *
1186          * When the use counter is depleted, the key will be marked for deletion by Android
1187          * Keystore and any subsequent attempt to use the key will throw
1188          * {@link KeyPermanentlyInvalidatedException}. There is no key to be loaded from the
1189          * Android Keystore once the exhausted key is permanently deleted, as if the key never
1190          * existed before.
1191          *
1192          * <p>By default, there is no restriction on the usage of key.
1193          *
1194          * <p>Some secure hardware may not support this feature at all, in which case it will
1195          * be enforced in software, some secure hardware may support it but only with
1196          * maxUsageCount = 1, and some secure hardware may support it with larger value
1197          * of maxUsageCount.
1198          *
1199          * <p>The PackageManger feature flags:
1200          * {@link android.content.pm.PackageManager#FEATURE_KEYSTORE_SINGLE_USE_KEY} and
1201          * {@link android.content.pm.PackageManager#FEATURE_KEYSTORE_LIMITED_USE_KEY} can be used
1202          * to check whether the secure hardware cannot enforce this feature, can only enforce it
1203          * with maxUsageCount = 1, or can enforce it with larger value of maxUsageCount.
1204          *
1205          * @param maxUsageCount maximum number of times the key is allowed to be used or
1206          *        {@link KeyProperties#UNRESTRICTED_USAGE_COUNT} if there is no restriction on the
1207          *        usage.
1208          */
1209         @NonNull
setMaxUsageCount(int maxUsageCount)1210         public Builder setMaxUsageCount(int maxUsageCount) {
1211             if (maxUsageCount == KeyProperties.UNRESTRICTED_USAGE_COUNT || maxUsageCount > 0) {
1212                 mMaxUsageCount = maxUsageCount;
1213                 return this;
1214             }
1215             throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxUsageCount is not valid");
1216         }
1218         /**
1219          * Sets whether the key should be rollback-resistant, meaning that when deleted it is
1220          * guaranteed to be permanently deleted and unusable.  Not all implementations support
1221          * rollback-resistant keys.  This method is hidden because implementations only support a
1222          * limited number of rollback-resistant keys; currently the available space is reserved for
1223          * critical system keys.
1224          *
1225          * @hide
1226          */
1227         @NonNull
setRollbackResistant(boolean rollbackResistant)1228         public Builder setRollbackResistant(boolean rollbackResistant) {
1229             mRollbackResistant = rollbackResistant;
1230             return this;
1231         }
1233         /**
1234          * Builds an instance of {@link KeyProtection}.
1235          *
1236          * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a required field is missing
1237          */
1238         @NonNull
build()1239         public KeyProtection build() {
1240             return new KeyProtection(
1241                     mKeyValidityStart,
1242                     mKeyValidityForOriginationEnd,
1243                     mKeyValidityForConsumptionEnd,
1244                     mPurposes,
1245                     mEncryptionPaddings,
1246                     mSignaturePaddings,
1247                     mDigests,
1248                     mMgf1Digests,
1249                     mBlockModes,
1250                     mRandomizedEncryptionRequired,
1251                     mUserAuthenticationRequired,
1252                     mUserAuthenticationType,
1253                     mUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds,
1254                     mUserPresenceRequired,
1255                     mUserAuthenticationValidWhileOnBody,
1256                     mInvalidatedByBiometricEnrollment,
1257                     mBoundToSecureUserId,
1258                     mCriticalToDeviceEncryption,
1259                     mUserConfirmationRequired,
1260                     mUnlockedDeviceRequired,
1261                     mIsStrongBoxBacked,
1262                     mMaxUsageCount,
1263                     mRollbackResistant);
1264         }
1265     }
1266 }