1 package com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.collection.coordinator
3 import android.util.Log
5 import com.android.systemui.log.dagger.NotificationHeadsUpLog
6 import com.android.systemui.log.LogBuffer
7 import com.android.systemui.log.core.LogLevel
8 import javax.inject.Inject
10 private const val TAG = "HeadsUpCoordinator"
12 class HeadsUpCoordinatorLogger constructor(
13     private val buffer: LogBuffer,
14     private val verbose: Boolean,
15 ) {
16     @Inject
17     constructor(@NotificationHeadsUpLog buffer: LogBuffer) :
18             this(buffer, Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE))
logPostedEntryWillEvaluatenull20     fun logPostedEntryWillEvaluate(posted: HeadsUpCoordinator.PostedEntry, reason: String) {
21         if (!verbose) return
22         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.VERBOSE, {
23             str1 = posted.key
24             str2 = reason
25             bool1 = posted.shouldHeadsUpEver
26             bool2 = posted.shouldHeadsUpAgain
27         }, {
28             "will evaluate posted entry $str1:" +
29                     " reason=$str2 shouldHeadsUpEver=$bool1 shouldHeadsUpAgain=$bool2"
30         })
31     }
logPostedEntryWillNotEvaluatenull33     fun logPostedEntryWillNotEvaluate(posted: HeadsUpCoordinator.PostedEntry, reason: String) {
34         if (!verbose) return
35         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.VERBOSE, {
36             str1 = posted.key
37             str2 = reason
38         }, {
39             "will not evaluate posted entry $str1: reason=$str2"
40         })
41     }
logEvaluatingGroupsnull43     fun logEvaluatingGroups(numGroups: Int) {
44         if (!verbose) return
45         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.VERBOSE, {
46             int1 = numGroups
47         }, {
48             "evaluating groups for alert transfer: $int1"
49         })
50     }
logEvaluatingGroupnull52     fun logEvaluatingGroup(groupKey: String, numPostedEntries: Int, logicalGroupSize: Int) {
53         if (!verbose) return
54         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.VERBOSE, {
55             str1 = groupKey
56             int1 = numPostedEntries
57             int2 = logicalGroupSize
58         }, {
59             "evaluating group for alert transfer: $str1" +
60                     " numPostedEntries=$int1 logicalGroupSize=$int2"
61         })
62     }
logEntryUpdatedByRankingnull64     fun logEntryUpdatedByRanking(key: String, shouldHun: Boolean, reason: String) {
65         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.DEBUG, {
66             str1 = key
67             bool1 = shouldHun
68             str2 = reason
69         }, {
70             "updating entry via ranking applied: $str1 updated shouldHeadsUp=$bool1 because $str2"
71         })
72     }
logEntryUpdatedToFullScreennull74     fun logEntryUpdatedToFullScreen(key: String, reason: String) {
75         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.DEBUG, {
76             str1 = key
77             str2 = reason
78         }, {
79             "updating entry to launch full screen intent: $str1 because $str2"
80         })
81     }
logEntryDisqualifiedFromFullScreennull83     fun logEntryDisqualifiedFromFullScreen(key: String, reason: String) {
84         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.DEBUG, {
85             str1 = key
86             str2 = reason
87         }, {
88             "updated entry no longer qualifies for full screen intent: $str1 because $str2"
89         })
90     }
logSummaryMarkedInterruptednull92     fun logSummaryMarkedInterrupted(summaryKey: String, childKey: String) {
93         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.DEBUG, {
94             str1 = summaryKey
95             str2 = childKey
96         }, {
97             "marked group summary as interrupted: $str1 for alert transfer to child: $str2"
98         })
99     }
100 }