1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.systemui.statusbar.pipeline.mobile.data
19 import android.content.Intent
20 import android.telephony.ServiceState
21 import android.telephony.SignalStrength
22 import android.telephony.TelephonyDisplayInfo
23 import android.telephony.TelephonyManager
24 import com.android.settingslib.SignalIcon
25 import com.android.settingslib.mobile.MobileMappings
26 import com.android.systemui.dagger.SysUISingleton
27 import com.android.systemui.log.LogBuffer
28 import com.android.systemui.log.core.LogLevel
29 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.pipeline.dagger.MobileInputLog
30 import javax.inject.Inject
32 /** Logs for inputs into the mobile pipeline. */
33 @SysUISingleton
34 class MobileInputLogger
35 @Inject
36 constructor(
37     @MobileInputLog private val buffer: LogBuffer,
38 ) {
logOnServiceStateChangednull39     fun logOnServiceStateChanged(serviceState: ServiceState, subId: Int) {
40         buffer.log(
41             TAG,
42             LogLevel.INFO,
43             {
44                 int1 = subId
45                 bool1 = serviceState.isEmergencyOnly
46                 bool2 = serviceState.roaming
47                 str1 = serviceState.operatorAlphaShort
48             },
49             {
50                 "onServiceStateChanged: subId=$int1 emergencyOnly=$bool1 roaming=$bool2" +
51                     " operator=$str1"
52             }
53         )
54     }
logTopLevelServiceStateBroadcastEmergencyOnlynull56     fun logTopLevelServiceStateBroadcastEmergencyOnly(subId: Int, serviceState: ServiceState) {
57         buffer.log(
58             TAG,
59             LogLevel.INFO,
60             {
61                 int1 = subId
62                 bool1 = serviceState.isEmergencyOnly
63             },
64             { "ACTION_SERVICE_STATE for subId=$int1. ServiceState.isEmergencyOnly=$bool1" }
65         )
66     }
logTopLevelServiceStateBroadcastMissingExtrasnull68     fun logTopLevelServiceStateBroadcastMissingExtras(subId: Int) {
69         buffer.log(
70             TAG,
71             LogLevel.INFO,
72             { int1 = subId },
73             { "ACTION_SERVICE_STATE for subId=$int1. Intent is missing extras. Ignoring" }
74         )
75     }
logOnSignalStrengthsChangednull77     fun logOnSignalStrengthsChanged(signalStrength: SignalStrength, subId: Int) {
78         buffer.log(
79             TAG,
80             LogLevel.INFO,
81             {
82                 int1 = subId
83                 str1 = signalStrength.toString()
84             },
85             { "onSignalStrengthsChanged: subId=$int1 strengths=$str1" }
86         )
87     }
logOnDataConnectionStateChangednull89     fun logOnDataConnectionStateChanged(dataState: Int, networkType: Int, subId: Int) {
90         buffer.log(
91             TAG,
92             LogLevel.INFO,
93             {
94                 int1 = subId
95                 int2 = dataState
96                 str1 = networkType.toString()
97             },
98             { "onDataConnectionStateChanged: subId=$int1 dataState=$int2 networkType=$str1" },
99         )
100     }
logOnDataActivitynull102     fun logOnDataActivity(direction: Int, subId: Int) {
103         buffer.log(
104             TAG,
105             LogLevel.INFO,
106             {
107                 int1 = subId
108                 int2 = direction
109             },
110             { "onDataActivity: subId=$int1 direction=$int2" },
111         )
112     }
logOnCarrierNetworkChangenull114     fun logOnCarrierNetworkChange(active: Boolean, subId: Int) {
115         buffer.log(
116             TAG,
117             LogLevel.INFO,
118             {
119                 int1 = subId
120                 bool1 = active
121             },
122             { "onCarrierNetworkChange: subId=$int1 active=$bool1" },
123         )
124     }
logOnCarrierRoamingNtnModeChangednull126     fun logOnCarrierRoamingNtnModeChanged(active: Boolean) {
127         buffer.log(
128             TAG,
129             LogLevel.INFO,
130             { bool1 = active },
131             { "onCarrierRoamingNtnModeChanged: $bool1" }
132         )
133     }
logOnDisplayInfoChangednull135     fun logOnDisplayInfoChanged(displayInfo: TelephonyDisplayInfo, subId: Int) {
136         buffer.log(
137             TAG,
138             LogLevel.INFO,
139             {
140                 int1 = subId
141                 str1 = displayInfo.toString()
142                 bool1 = displayInfo.isRoaming
143             },
144             { "onDisplayInfoChanged: subId=$int1 displayInfo=$str1 isRoaming=$bool1" },
145         )
146     }
logCarrierConfigChangednull148     fun logCarrierConfigChanged(subId: Int) {
149         buffer.log(
150             TAG,
151             LogLevel.INFO,
152             { int1 = subId },
153             { "onCarrierConfigChanged: subId=$int1" },
154         )
155     }
logOnDataEnabledChangednull157     fun logOnDataEnabledChanged(enabled: Boolean, subId: Int) {
158         buffer.log(
159             TAG,
160             LogLevel.INFO,
161             {
162                 int1 = subId
163                 bool1 = enabled
164             },
165             { "onDataEnabledChanged: subId=$int1 enabled=$bool1" },
166         )
167     }
logActionCarrierConfigChangednull169     fun logActionCarrierConfigChanged() {
170         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.INFO, {}, { "Intent received: ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED" })
171     }
logDefaultDataSubRatConfignull173     fun logDefaultDataSubRatConfig(config: MobileMappings.Config) {
174         buffer.log(
175             TAG,
176             LogLevel.INFO,
177             { str1 = config.toString() },
178             { "defaultDataSubRatConfig: $str1" }
179         )
180     }
logDefaultMobileIconMappingnull182     fun logDefaultMobileIconMapping(mapping: Map<String, SignalIcon.MobileIconGroup>) {
183         buffer.log(
184             TAG,
185             LogLevel.INFO,
186             { str1 = mapping.toString() },
187             { "defaultMobileIconMapping: $str1" }
188         )
189     }
logDefaultMobileIconGroupnull191     fun logDefaultMobileIconGroup(group: SignalIcon.MobileIconGroup) {
192         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.INFO, { str1 = group.name }, { "defaultMobileIconGroup: $str1" })
193     }
logOnSubscriptionsChangednull195     fun logOnSubscriptionsChanged() {
196         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.INFO, {}, { "onSubscriptionsChanged" })
197     }
logServiceProvidersUpdatedBroadcastnull199     fun logServiceProvidersUpdatedBroadcast(intent: Intent) {
200         val showSpn = intent.getBooleanExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_SHOW_SPN, false)
201         val spn = intent.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_DATA_SPN)
202         val showPlmn = intent.getBooleanExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_SHOW_PLMN, false)
203         val plmn = intent.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_PLMN)
205         buffer.log(
206             TAG,
207             LogLevel.INFO,
208             {
209                 bool1 = showSpn
210                 str1 = spn
211                 bool2 = showPlmn
212                 str2 = plmn
213             },
214             {
215                 "Intent: ACTION_SERVICE_PROVIDERS_UPDATED." +
216                     " showSpn=$bool1 spn=$str1 showPlmn=$bool2 plmn=$str2"
217             }
218         )
219     }
logOnSimStateChangednull221     fun logOnSimStateChanged() {
222         buffer.log(TAG, LogLevel.INFO, "onSimStateChanged")
223     }
logPrioritizedNetworkAvailablenull225     fun logPrioritizedNetworkAvailable(netId: Int) {
226         buffer.log(
227             TAG,
228             LogLevel.INFO,
229             { int1 = netId },
230             { "Found prioritized network (nedId=$int1)" },
231         )
232     }
logPrioritizedNetworkLostnull234     fun logPrioritizedNetworkLost(netId: Int) {
235         buffer.log(
236             TAG,
237             LogLevel.INFO,
238             { int1 = netId },
239             { "Lost prioritized network (nedId=$int1)" },
240         )
241     }
242 }
244 private const val TAG = "MobileInputLog"