1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License
15  */
17 package com.android.server.job;
19 import static com.android.server.job.JobConcurrencyManager.WORK_TYPE_NONE;
20 import static com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService.sElapsedRealtimeClock;
21 import static com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService.safelyScaleBytesToKBForHistogram;
23 import android.Manifest;
24 import android.annotation.BytesLong;
25 import android.annotation.NonNull;
26 import android.annotation.Nullable;
27 import android.app.ActivityManager;
28 import android.app.ActivityManagerInternal;
29 import android.app.Notification;
30 import android.app.compat.CompatChanges;
31 import android.app.job.IJobCallback;
32 import android.app.job.IJobService;
33 import android.app.job.JobInfo;
34 import android.app.job.JobParameters;
35 import android.app.job.JobProtoEnums;
36 import android.app.job.JobWorkItem;
37 import android.app.usage.UsageStatsManagerInternal;
38 import android.compat.annotation.ChangeId;
39 import android.compat.annotation.EnabledAfter;
40 import android.content.ComponentName;
41 import android.content.Context;
42 import android.content.Intent;
43 import android.content.PermissionChecker;
44 import android.content.ServiceConnection;
45 import android.net.Network;
46 import android.net.TrafficStats;
47 import android.net.Uri;
48 import android.os.Binder;
49 import android.os.Build;
50 import android.os.Handler;
51 import android.os.IBinder;
52 import android.os.Looper;
53 import android.os.Message;
54 import android.os.PowerManager;
55 import android.os.RemoteException;
56 import android.os.Trace;
57 import android.os.UserHandle;
58 import android.util.EventLog;
59 import android.util.IndentingPrintWriter;
60 import android.util.Pair;
61 import android.util.Slog;
62 import android.util.TimeUtils;
64 import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy;
65 import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
66 import com.android.internal.app.IBatteryStats;
67 import com.android.internal.os.TimeoutRecord;
68 import com.android.internal.util.FrameworkStatsLog;
69 import com.android.modules.expresslog.Counter;
70 import com.android.modules.expresslog.Histogram;
71 import com.android.server.EventLogTags;
72 import com.android.server.LocalServices;
73 import com.android.server.job.controllers.JobStatus;
75 import java.util.Objects;
77 /**
78  * Handles client binding and lifecycle of a job. Jobs execute one at a time on an instance of this
79  * class.
80  *
81  * There are two important interactions into this class from the
82  * {@link com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService}. To execute a job and to cancel a job.
83  * - Execution of a new job is handled by the {@link #mAvailable}. This bit is flipped once when a
84  * job lands, and again when it is complete.
85  * - Cancelling is trickier, because there are also interactions from the client. It's possible
86  * the {@link com.android.server.job.JobServiceContext.JobServiceHandler} tries to process a
87  * {@link #doCancelLocked} after the client has already finished. This is handled by having
88  * {@link com.android.server.job.JobServiceContext.JobServiceHandler#handleCancelLocked} check whether
89  * the context is still valid.
90  * To mitigate this, we avoid sending duplicate onStopJob()
91  * calls to the client after they've specified jobFinished().
92  */
93 public final class JobServiceContext implements ServiceConnection {
94     private static final boolean DEBUG = JobSchedulerService.DEBUG;
95     private static final boolean DEBUG_STANDBY = JobSchedulerService.DEBUG_STANDBY;
97     /**
98      * Whether to trigger an ANR when apps are slow to respond on pre-UDC APIs and functionality.
99      */
100     @ChangeId
101     @EnabledAfter(targetSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU)
102     private static final long ANR_PRE_UDC_APIS_ON_SLOW_RESPONSES = 258236856L;
104     private static final String TAG = "JobServiceContext";
105     /** Amount of time the JobScheduler waits for the initial service launch+bind. */
106     private static final long OP_BIND_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 18 * 1000 * Build.HW_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER;
107     /** Amount of time the JobScheduler will wait for a response from an app for a message. */
108     private static final long OP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 8 * 1000 * Build.HW_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER;
109     /** Amount of time the JobScheduler will wait for a job to provide a required notification. */
110     private static final long NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 10_000L * Build.HW_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER;
111     private static final long EXECUTION_DURATION_STAMP_PERIOD_MILLIS = 5 * 60_000L;
113     private static final Histogram sEnqueuedJwiAtJobStart = new Histogram(
114             "job_scheduler.value_hist_w_uid_enqueued_work_items_at_job_start",
115             new Histogram.ScaledRangeOptions(20, 1, 3, 1.4f));
116     private static final Histogram sTransferredNetworkDownloadKBHighWaterMarkLogger = new Histogram(
117             "job_scheduler.value_hist_transferred_network_download_kilobytes_high_water_mark",
118             new Histogram.ScaledRangeOptions(50, 0, 32 /* 32 KB */, 1.31f));
119     private static final Histogram sTransferredNetworkUploadKBHighWaterMarkLogger = new Histogram(
120             "job_scheduler.value_hist_transferred_network_upload_kilobytes_high_water_mark",
121             new Histogram.ScaledRangeOptions(50, 0, 32 /* 32 KB */, 1.31f));
122     private static final Histogram sUpdatedEstimatedNetworkDownloadKBLogger = new Histogram(
123             "job_scheduler.value_hist_updated_estimated_network_download_kilobytes",
124             new Histogram.ScaledRangeOptions(50, 0, 32 /* 32 KB */, 1.31f));
125     private static final Histogram sUpdatedEstimatedNetworkUploadKBLogger = new Histogram(
126             "job_scheduler.value_hist_updated_estimated_network_upload_kilobytes",
127             new Histogram.ScaledRangeOptions(50, 0, 32 /* 32 KB */, 1.31f));
129     private static final String[] VERB_STRINGS = {
131     };
133     // States that a job occupies while interacting with the client.
134     static final int VERB_BINDING = 0;
135     static final int VERB_STARTING = 1;
136     static final int VERB_EXECUTING = 2;
137     static final int VERB_STOPPING = 3;
138     static final int VERB_FINISHED = 4;
140     // Messages that result from interactions with the client service.
141     /** System timed out waiting for a response. */
142     private static final int MSG_TIMEOUT = 0;
144     public static final int NO_PREFERRED_UID = -1;
146     private final Handler mCallbackHandler;
147     /** Make callbacks to {@link JobSchedulerService} to inform on job completion status. */
148     private final JobCompletedListener mCompletedListener;
149     private final JobConcurrencyManager mJobConcurrencyManager;
150     private final JobNotificationCoordinator mNotificationCoordinator;
151     private final JobSchedulerService mService;
152     /** Used for service binding, etc. */
153     private final Context mContext;
154     private final Object mLock;
155     private final ActivityManagerInternal mActivityManagerInternal;
156     private final IBatteryStats mBatteryStats;
157     private final JobPackageTracker mJobPackageTracker;
158     private final PowerManager mPowerManager;
159     private final UsageStatsManagerInternal mUsageStatsManagerInternal;
160     private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock;
162     // Execution state.
163     private JobParameters mParams;
164     @VisibleForTesting
165     int mVerb;
166     private boolean mCancelled;
167     /**
168      * True if the previous job on this context successfully finished (ie. called jobFinished or
169      * dequeueWork with no work left).
170      */
171     private boolean mPreviousJobHadSuccessfulFinish;
172     /**
173      * The last time a job on this context didn't finish successfully, in the elapsed realtime
174      * timebase.
175      */
176     private long mLastUnsuccessfulFinishElapsed;
178     /**
179      * All the information maintained about the job currently being executed.
180      *
181      * Any reads (dereferences) not done from the handler thread must be synchronized on
182      * {@link #mLock}.
183      * Writes can only be done from the handler thread,
184      * or {@link #executeRunnableJob(JobStatus, int)}.
185      */
186     private JobStatus mRunningJob;
187     @JobConcurrencyManager.WorkType
188     private int mRunningJobWorkType;
189     private JobCallback mRunningCallback;
190     /** Used to store next job to run when current job is to be preempted. */
191     private int mPreferredUid;
192     IJobService service;
194     /**
195      * Whether this context is free. This is set to false at the start of execution, and reset to
196      * true when execution is complete.
197      */
198     @GuardedBy("mLock")
199     private boolean mAvailable;
200     /** Track start time. */
201     private long mExecutionStartTimeElapsed;
202     /** Track when job will timeout. */
203     private long mTimeoutElapsed;
204     /**
205      * The minimum amount of time the context will allow the job to run before checking whether to
206      * stop it or not.
207      */
208     private long mMinExecutionGuaranteeMillis;
209     /** The absolute maximum amount of time the job can run */
210     private long mMaxExecutionTimeMillis;
211     /** Whether this job is required to provide a notification and we're still waiting for it. */
212     private boolean mAwaitingNotification;
213     /** The last time we updated the job's execution duration, in the elapsed realtime timebase. */
214     private long mLastExecutionDurationStampTimeElapsed;
216     private long mEstimatedDownloadBytes;
217     private long mEstimatedUploadBytes;
218     private long mTransferredDownloadBytes;
219     private long mTransferredUploadBytes;
221     /**
222      * The stop reason for a pending cancel. If there's not pending cancel, then the value should be
223      * {@link JobParameters#STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED}.
224      */
225     private int mPendingStopReason = JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED;
226     private int mPendingInternalStopReason;
227     private String mPendingDebugStopReason;
229     private Network mPendingNetworkChange;
231     /**
232      * The reason this job is marked for death. If it's not marked for death,
233      * then the value should be {@link JobParameters#STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED}.
234      */
235     private int mDeathMarkStopReason = JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED;
236     private int mDeathMarkInternalStopReason;
237     private String mDeathMarkDebugReason;
239     private long mInitialDownloadedBytesFromSource;
241     private long mInitialUploadedBytesFromSource;
243     private long mInitialDownloadedBytesFromCalling;
245     private long mInitialUploadedBytesFromCalling;
247     // Debugging: reason this job was last stopped.
248     public String mStoppedReason;
250     // Debugging: time this job was last stopped.
251     public long mStoppedTime;
253     final class JobCallback extends IJobCallback.Stub {
254         public String mStoppedReason;
255         public long mStoppedTime;
257         @Override
acknowledgeGetTransferredDownloadBytesMessage(int jobId, int workId, @BytesLong long transferredBytes)258         public void acknowledgeGetTransferredDownloadBytesMessage(int jobId, int workId,
259                 @BytesLong long transferredBytes) {
260             doAcknowledgeGetTransferredDownloadBytesMessage(this, jobId, workId, transferredBytes);
261         }
263         @Override
acknowledgeGetTransferredUploadBytesMessage(int jobId, int workId, @BytesLong long transferredBytes)264         public void acknowledgeGetTransferredUploadBytesMessage(int jobId, int workId,
265                 @BytesLong long transferredBytes) {
266             doAcknowledgeGetTransferredUploadBytesMessage(this, jobId, workId, transferredBytes);
267         }
269         @Override
acknowledgeStartMessage(int jobId, boolean ongoing)270         public void acknowledgeStartMessage(int jobId, boolean ongoing) {
271             doAcknowledgeStartMessage(this, jobId, ongoing);
272         }
274         @Override
acknowledgeStopMessage(int jobId, boolean reschedule)275         public void acknowledgeStopMessage(int jobId, boolean reschedule) {
276             doAcknowledgeStopMessage(this, jobId, reschedule);
277         }
279         @Override
dequeueWork(int jobId)280         public JobWorkItem dequeueWork(int jobId) {
281             return doDequeueWork(this, jobId);
282         }
284         @Override
completeWork(int jobId, int workId)285         public boolean completeWork(int jobId, int workId) {
286             return doCompleteWork(this, jobId, workId);
287         }
289         @Override
jobFinished(int jobId, boolean reschedule)290         public void jobFinished(int jobId, boolean reschedule) {
291             doJobFinished(this, jobId, reschedule);
292         }
294         @Override
updateEstimatedNetworkBytes(int jobId, JobWorkItem item, long downloadBytes, long uploadBytes)295         public void updateEstimatedNetworkBytes(int jobId, JobWorkItem item,
296                 long downloadBytes, long uploadBytes) {
297             doUpdateEstimatedNetworkBytes(this, jobId, item, downloadBytes, uploadBytes);
298         }
300         @Override
updateTransferredNetworkBytes(int jobId, JobWorkItem item, long downloadBytes, long uploadBytes)301         public void updateTransferredNetworkBytes(int jobId, JobWorkItem item,
302                 long downloadBytes, long uploadBytes) {
303             doUpdateTransferredNetworkBytes(this, jobId, item, downloadBytes, uploadBytes);
304         }
306         @Override
setNotification(int jobId, int notificationId, Notification notification, int jobEndNotificationPolicy)307         public void setNotification(int jobId, int notificationId,
308                 Notification notification, int jobEndNotificationPolicy) {
309             doSetNotification(this, jobId, notificationId, notification, jobEndNotificationPolicy);
310         }
311     }
JobServiceContext(JobSchedulerService service, JobConcurrencyManager concurrencyManager, JobNotificationCoordinator notificationCoordinator, IBatteryStats batteryStats, JobPackageTracker tracker, Looper looper)313     JobServiceContext(JobSchedulerService service, JobConcurrencyManager concurrencyManager,
314             JobNotificationCoordinator notificationCoordinator,
315             IBatteryStats batteryStats, JobPackageTracker tracker, Looper looper) {
316         mContext = service.getContext();
317         mLock = service.getLock();
318         mService = service;
319         mActivityManagerInternal = LocalServices.getService(ActivityManagerInternal.class);
320         mBatteryStats = batteryStats;
321         mJobPackageTracker = tracker;
322         mCallbackHandler = new JobServiceHandler(looper);
323         mJobConcurrencyManager = concurrencyManager;
324         mNotificationCoordinator = notificationCoordinator;
325         mCompletedListener = service;
326         mPowerManager = mContext.getSystemService(PowerManager.class);
327         mUsageStatsManagerInternal = LocalServices.getService(UsageStatsManagerInternal.class);
328         mAvailable = true;
329         mVerb = VERB_FINISHED;
330         mPreferredUid = NO_PREFERRED_UID;
331     }
333     /**
334      * Give a job to this context for execution. Callers must first check {@link
335      * #getRunningJobLocked()}
336      * and ensure it is null to make sure this is a valid context.
337      *
338      * @param job The status of the job that we are going to run.
339      * @return True if the job is valid and is running. False if the job cannot be executed.
340      */
executeRunnableJob(JobStatus job, @JobConcurrencyManager.WorkType int workType)341     boolean executeRunnableJob(JobStatus job, @JobConcurrencyManager.WorkType int workType) {
342         synchronized (mLock) {
343             if (!mAvailable) {
344                 Slog.e(TAG, "Starting new runnable but context is unavailable > Error.");
345                 return false;
346             }
348             mPreferredUid = NO_PREFERRED_UID;
350             mRunningJob = job;
351             mRunningJobWorkType = workType;
352             mRunningCallback = new JobCallback();
353             mPendingNetworkChange = null;
354             final boolean isDeadlineExpired =
355                     job.hasDeadlineConstraint() &&
356                             (job.getLatestRunTimeElapsed() < sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis());
357             Uri[] triggeredUris = null;
358             if (job.changedUris != null) {
359                 triggeredUris = new Uri[job.changedUris.size()];
360                 job.changedUris.toArray(triggeredUris);
361             }
362             String[] triggeredAuthorities = null;
363             if (job.changedAuthorities != null) {
364                 triggeredAuthorities = new String[job.changedAuthorities.size()];
365                 job.changedAuthorities.toArray(triggeredAuthorities);
366             }
367             final JobInfo ji = job.getJob();
368             final Network passedNetwork = canGetNetworkInformation(job) ? job.network : null;
369             mParams = new JobParameters(mRunningCallback, job.getNamespace(), job.getJobId(),
370                     ji.getExtras(),
371                     ji.getTransientExtras(), ji.getClipData(), ji.getClipGrantFlags(),
372                     isDeadlineExpired, job.shouldTreatAsExpeditedJob(),
373                     job.shouldTreatAsUserInitiatedJob(), triggeredUris, triggeredAuthorities,
374                     passedNetwork);
375             mExecutionStartTimeElapsed = sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis();
376             mLastExecutionDurationStampTimeElapsed = mExecutionStartTimeElapsed;
377             mMinExecutionGuaranteeMillis = mService.getMinJobExecutionGuaranteeMs(job);
378             mMaxExecutionTimeMillis =
379                     Math.max(mService.getMaxJobExecutionTimeMs(job), mMinExecutionGuaranteeMillis);
380             mEstimatedDownloadBytes = job.getEstimatedNetworkDownloadBytes();
381             mEstimatedUploadBytes = job.getEstimatedNetworkUploadBytes();
382             mTransferredDownloadBytes = mTransferredUploadBytes = 0;
383             mAwaitingNotification = job.isUserVisibleJob();
385             final long whenDeferred = job.getWhenStandbyDeferred();
386             if (whenDeferred > 0) {
387                 final long deferral = mExecutionStartTimeElapsed - whenDeferred;
388                 EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.JOB_DEFERRED_EXECUTION, deferral);
389                 if (DEBUG_STANDBY) {
390                     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
391                     sb.append("Starting job deferred for standby by ");
392                     TimeUtils.formatDuration(deferral, sb);
393                     sb.append(" ms : ");
394                     sb.append(job.toShortString());
395                     Slog.v(TAG, sb.toString());
396                 }
397             }
399             // Once we'e begun executing a job, we by definition no longer care whether
400             // it was inflated from disk with not-yet-coherent delay/deadline bounds.
401             job.clearPersistedUtcTimes();
403             mWakeLock = mPowerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK,
404                     job.getWakelockTag());
405             mWakeLock.setWorkSource(
406                     mService.deriveWorkSource(job.getSourceUid(), job.getSourcePackageName()));
407             mWakeLock.setReferenceCounted(false);
408             mWakeLock.acquire();
410             mVerb = VERB_BINDING;
411             scheduleOpTimeOutLocked();
412             // Use FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUND to avoid resetting the bad-app tracking.
413             final Intent intent = new Intent().setComponent(job.getServiceComponent())
414                     .setFlags(Intent.FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUND);
415             boolean binding = false;
416             boolean startedWithForegroundFlag = false;
417             try {
418                 long bindFlags = Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE | Context.BIND_NOT_APP_COMPONENT_USAGE;
419                 if (job.shouldTreatAsUserInitiatedJob() && !job.isUserBgRestricted()) {
420                     // If the user has bg restricted the app, don't give the job FG privileges
421                     // such as bypassing data saver or getting the higher foreground proc state.
422                     // If we've gotten to this point, the app is most likely in the foreground,
423                     // so the job will run just fine while the user keeps the app in the foreground.
424                     bindFlags |= Context.BIND_ALMOST_PERCEPTIBLE;
425                     if (job.hasConnectivityConstraint()) {
426                         // Only add network restriction bypass flags if the job requires network.
427                         bindFlags |= Context.BIND_BYPASS_POWER_NETWORK_RESTRICTIONS
428                                 | Context.BIND_BYPASS_USER_NETWORK_RESTRICTIONS;
429                     }
430                     startedWithForegroundFlag = true;
431                 } else if (job.shouldTreatAsExpeditedJob() || job.shouldTreatAsUserInitiatedJob()) {
432                     bindFlags |= Context.BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND | Context.BIND_ALMOST_PERCEPTIBLE;
433                     if (job.hasConnectivityConstraint()) {
434                         // Only add network restriction bypass flags if the job requires network.
435                         bindFlags |= Context.BIND_BYPASS_POWER_NETWORK_RESTRICTIONS;
436                     }
437                 } else {
438                     bindFlags |= Context.BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND | Context.BIND_NOT_PERCEPTIBLE;
439                 }
440                 binding = mContext.bindServiceAsUser(intent, this,
441                         Context.BindServiceFlags.of(bindFlags),
442                         UserHandle.of(job.getUserId()));
443             } catch (SecurityException e) {
444                 // Some permission policy, for example INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS and
445                 // android:singleUser, can result in a SecurityException being thrown from
446                 // bindServiceAsUser().  If this happens, catch it and fail gracefully.
447                 Slog.w(TAG, "Job service " + job.getServiceComponent().getShortClassName()
448                         + " cannot be executed: " + e.getMessage());
449                 binding = false;
450             }
451             if (!binding) {
452                 if (DEBUG) {
453                     Slog.d(TAG, job.getServiceComponent().getShortClassName() + " unavailable.");
454                 }
455                 mContext.unbindService(this);
456                 mRunningJob = null;
457                 mRunningJobWorkType = WORK_TYPE_NONE;
458                 mRunningCallback = null;
459                 mParams = null;
460                 mExecutionStartTimeElapsed = 0L;
461                 mWakeLock.release();
462                 mVerb = VERB_FINISHED;
463                 removeOpTimeOutLocked();
464                 return false;
465             }
466             mJobPackageTracker.noteActive(job);
467             final int sourceUid = job.getSourceUid();
469             // Measure UID baseline traffic for deltas
470             mInitialDownloadedBytesFromSource = TrafficStats.getUidRxBytes(sourceUid);
471             mInitialUploadedBytesFromSource = TrafficStats.getUidTxBytes(sourceUid);
473             mInitialDownloadedBytesFromCalling = TrafficStats.getUidRxBytes(job.getUid());
474             mInitialUploadedBytesFromCalling = TrafficStats.getUidTxBytes(job.getUid());
476             FrameworkStatsLog.write(FrameworkStatsLog.SCHEDULED_JOB_STATE_CHANGED,
477                     job.isProxyJob() ? new int[]{sourceUid, job.getUid()} : new int[]{sourceUid},
478                     // Given that the source tag is set by the calling app, it should be connected
479                     // to the calling app in the attribution for a proxied job.
480                     job.isProxyJob()
481                             ? new String[]{null, job.getSourceTag()}
482                             : new String[]{job.getSourceTag()},
483                     job.getBatteryName(),
484                     FrameworkStatsLog.SCHEDULED_JOB_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__STARTED,
485                     JobProtoEnums.INTERNAL_STOP_REASON_UNKNOWN,
486                     job.getStandbyBucket(),
487                     job.getLoggingJobId(),
488                     job.hasChargingConstraint(),
489                     job.hasBatteryNotLowConstraint(),
490                     job.hasStorageNotLowConstraint(),
491                     job.hasTimingDelayConstraint(),
492                     job.hasDeadlineConstraint(),
493                     job.hasIdleConstraint(),
494                     job.hasConnectivityConstraint(),
495                     job.hasContentTriggerConstraint(),
496                     job.isRequestedExpeditedJob(),
497                     job.shouldTreatAsExpeditedJob(),
498                     JobProtoEnums.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED,
499                     job.getJob().isPrefetch(),
500                     job.getJob().getPriority(),
501                     job.getEffectivePriority(),
502                     job.getNumPreviousAttempts(),
503                     job.getJob().getMaxExecutionDelayMillis(),
504                     isDeadlineExpired,
505                     job.isConstraintSatisfied(JobInfo.CONSTRAINT_FLAG_CHARGING),
506                     job.isConstraintSatisfied(JobInfo.CONSTRAINT_FLAG_BATTERY_NOT_LOW),
507                     job.isConstraintSatisfied(JobInfo.CONSTRAINT_FLAG_STORAGE_NOT_LOW),
508                     job.isConstraintSatisfied(JobStatus.CONSTRAINT_TIMING_DELAY),
509                     job.isConstraintSatisfied(JobInfo.CONSTRAINT_FLAG_DEVICE_IDLE),
510                     job.isConstraintSatisfied(JobStatus.CONSTRAINT_CONNECTIVITY),
511                     job.isConstraintSatisfied(JobStatus.CONSTRAINT_CONTENT_TRIGGER),
512                     mExecutionStartTimeElapsed - job.enqueueTime,
513                     job.getJob().isUserInitiated(),
514                     job.shouldTreatAsUserInitiatedJob(),
515                     job.getJob().isPeriodic(),
516                     job.getJob().getMinLatencyMillis(),
517                     job.getEstimatedNetworkDownloadBytes(),
518                     job.getEstimatedNetworkUploadBytes(),
519                     job.getWorkCount(),
520                     ActivityManager.processStateAmToProto(mService.getUidProcState(job.getUid())),
521                     job.getNamespaceHash(),
522                     /* system_measured_source_download_bytes */ 0,
523                     /* system_measured_source_upload_bytes */ 0,
524                     /* system_measured_calling_download_bytes */ 0,
525                     /* system_measured_calling_upload_bytes */ 0,
526                     job.getJob().getIntervalMillis(),
527                     job.getJob().getFlexMillis(),
528                     job.hasFlexibilityConstraint(),
529                     job.isConstraintSatisfied(JobStatus.CONSTRAINT_FLEXIBLE),
530                     job.canApplyTransportAffinities(),
531                     job.getNumAppliedFlexibleConstraints(),
532                     job.getNumDroppedFlexibleConstraints(),
533                     job.getFilteredTraceTag(),
534                     job.getFilteredDebugTags());
535             sEnqueuedJwiAtJobStart.logSampleWithUid(job.getUid(), job.getWorkCount());
536             final String sourcePackage = job.getSourcePackageName();
537             if (Trace.isTagEnabled(Trace.TRACE_TAG_SYSTEM_SERVER)) {
538                 // Use the context's ID to distinguish traces since there'll only be one job
539                 // running per context.
540                 Trace.asyncTraceForTrackBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_SYSTEM_SERVER,
541                         JobSchedulerService.TRACE_TRACK_NAME, job.computeSystemTraceTag(),
542                         getId());
543             }
544             if (job.getAppTraceTag() != null) {
545                 // Use the job's ID to distinguish traces since the ID will be unique per app.
546                 Trace.asyncTraceForTrackBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_APP,
547                         JobSchedulerService.TRACE_TRACK_NAME, job.getAppTraceTag(),
548                         job.getJobId());
549             }
550             try {
551                 mBatteryStats.noteJobStart(job.getBatteryName(), job.getSourceUid());
552             } catch (RemoteException e) {
553                 // Whatever.
554             }
555             final int jobUserId = job.getSourceUserId();
556             mUsageStatsManagerInternal
557                     .setLastJobRunTime(sourcePackage, jobUserId, mExecutionStartTimeElapsed);
558             mAvailable = false;
559             mStoppedReason = null;
560             mStoppedTime = 0;
561             // Wait until after bindService() returns a success value to set these so we don't
562             // have JobStatus objects that aren't running but have these set to true.
563             job.startedAsExpeditedJob = job.shouldTreatAsExpeditedJob();
564             job.startedAsUserInitiatedJob = job.shouldTreatAsUserInitiatedJob();
565             job.startedWithForegroundFlag = startedWithForegroundFlag;
566             return true;
567         }
568     }
canGetNetworkInformation(@onNull JobStatus job)570     private boolean canGetNetworkInformation(@NonNull JobStatus job) {
571         if (job.getJob().getRequiredNetwork() == null) {
572             // The job never had a network constraint, so we're not going to give it a network
573             // object. Add this check as an early return to avoid wasting cycles doing permission
574             // checks for this job.
575             return false;
576         }
577         // The calling app is doing the work, so use its UID, not the source UID.
578         final int uid = job.getUid();
579         if (CompatChanges.isChangeEnabled(
580                 JobSchedulerService.REQUIRE_NETWORK_PERMISSIONS_FOR_CONNECTIVITY_JOBS, uid)) {
581             final String pkgName = job.getServiceComponent().getPackageName();
582             if (!hasPermissionForDelivery(uid, pkgName, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE)) {
583                 return false;
584             }
585         }
587         return true;
588     }
hasPermissionForDelivery(int uid, @NonNull String pkgName, @NonNull String permission)590     private boolean hasPermissionForDelivery(int uid, @NonNull String pkgName,
591             @NonNull String permission) {
592         final int result = PermissionChecker.checkPermissionForDataDelivery(mContext, permission,
593                 PermissionChecker.PID_UNKNOWN, uid, pkgName, /* attributionTag */ null,
594                 "network info via JS");
595         return result == PermissionChecker.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
596     }
598     /**
599      * Used externally to query the running job. Will return null if there is no job running.
600      */
601     @Nullable
getRunningJobLocked()602     JobStatus getRunningJobLocked() {
603         return mRunningJob;
604     }
606     @JobConcurrencyManager.WorkType
getRunningJobWorkType()607     int getRunningJobWorkType() {
608         return mRunningJobWorkType;
609     }
611     /**
612      * Used only for debugging. Will return <code>"&lt;null&gt;"</code> if there is no job running.
613      */
getRunningJobNameLocked()614     private String getRunningJobNameLocked() {
615         return mRunningJob != null ? mRunningJob.toShortString() : "<null>";
616     }
618     /** Called externally when a job that was scheduled for execution should be cancelled. */
619     @GuardedBy("mLock")
cancelExecutingJobLocked(@obParameters.StopReason int reason, int internalStopReason, @NonNull String debugReason)620     void cancelExecutingJobLocked(@JobParameters.StopReason int reason,
621             int internalStopReason, @NonNull String debugReason) {
622         doCancelLocked(reason, internalStopReason, debugReason);
623     }
625     /**
626      * Called when an app's process is about to be killed and we want to update the job's stop
627      * reasons without telling the job it's going to be stopped.
628      */
629     @GuardedBy("mLock")
markForProcessDeathLocked(@obParameters.StopReason int reason, int internalStopReason, @NonNull String debugReason)630     void markForProcessDeathLocked(@JobParameters.StopReason int reason,
631             int internalStopReason, @NonNull String debugReason) {
632         if (mVerb == VERB_FINISHED) {
633             if (DEBUG) {
634                 Slog.d(TAG, "Too late to mark for death (verb=" + mVerb + "), ignoring.");
635             }
636             return;
637         }
638         if (DEBUG) {
639             Slog.d(TAG,
640                     "Marking " + mRunningJob.toShortString() + " for death because "
641                             + reason + ":" + debugReason);
642         }
643         mDeathMarkStopReason = reason;
644         mDeathMarkInternalStopReason = internalStopReason;
645         mDeathMarkDebugReason = debugReason;
646         if (mParams.getStopReason() == JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED) {
647             // Only set the stop reason if we're not already trying to stop the job for some
648             // other reason in case that other stop is successful before the process dies.
649             mParams.setStopReason(reason, internalStopReason, debugReason);
650         }
651     }
getPreferredUid()653     int getPreferredUid() {
654         return mPreferredUid;
655     }
clearPreferredUid()657     void clearPreferredUid() {
658         mPreferredUid = NO_PREFERRED_UID;
659     }
getId()661     int getId() {
662         return hashCode();
663     }
getExecutionStartTimeElapsed()665     long getExecutionStartTimeElapsed() {
666         return mExecutionStartTimeElapsed;
667     }
getTimeoutElapsed()669     long getTimeoutElapsed() {
670         return mTimeoutElapsed;
671     }
getRemainingGuaranteedTimeMs(long nowElapsed)673     long getRemainingGuaranteedTimeMs(long nowElapsed) {
674         return Math.max(0, mExecutionStartTimeElapsed + mMinExecutionGuaranteeMillis - nowElapsed);
675     }
informOfNetworkChangeLocked(Network newNetwork)677     void informOfNetworkChangeLocked(Network newNetwork) {
678         if (newNetwork != null && mRunningJob != null && !canGetNetworkInformation(mRunningJob)) {
679             // The app can't get network information, so there's no point informing it of network
680             // changes. This case may happen if an app had scheduled network job and then
681             // started targeting U+ without requesting the required network permissions.
682             if (DEBUG) {
683                 Slog.d(TAG, "Skipping network change call because of missing permissions");
684             }
685             return;
686         }
687         if (mVerb != VERB_EXECUTING) {
688             Slog.w(TAG, "Sending onNetworkChanged for a job that isn't started. " + mRunningJob);
689             if (mVerb == VERB_BINDING || mVerb == VERB_STARTING) {
690                 // The network changed before the job has fully started. Hold the change push
691                 // until the job has started executing.
692                 mPendingNetworkChange = newNetwork;
693             }
694             return;
695         }
696         try {
697             mParams.setNetwork(newNetwork);
698             mPendingNetworkChange = null;
699             service.onNetworkChanged(mParams);
700         } catch (RemoteException e) {
701             Slog.e(TAG, "Error sending onNetworkChanged to client.", e);
702             // The job's host app apparently crashed during the job, so we should reschedule.
703             closeAndCleanupJobLocked(/* reschedule */ true,
704                     "host crashed when trying to inform of network change");
705         }
706     }
isWithinExecutionGuaranteeTime()708     boolean isWithinExecutionGuaranteeTime() {
709         return sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis()
710                 < mExecutionStartTimeElapsed + mMinExecutionGuaranteeMillis;
711     }
713     @GuardedBy("mLock")
stopIfExecutingLocked(String pkgName, int userId, @Nullable String namespace, boolean matchJobId, int jobId, int stopReason, int internalStopReason)714     boolean stopIfExecutingLocked(String pkgName, int userId, @Nullable String namespace,
715             boolean matchJobId, int jobId, int stopReason, int internalStopReason) {
716         final JobStatus executing = getRunningJobLocked();
717         if (executing != null && (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL || userId == executing.getUserId())
718                 && (pkgName == null || pkgName.equals(executing.getSourcePackageName()))
719                 && Objects.equals(namespace, executing.getNamespace())
720                 && (!matchJobId || jobId == executing.getJobId())) {
721             if (mVerb == VERB_EXECUTING) {
722                 mParams.setStopReason(stopReason, internalStopReason, "stop from shell");
723                 sendStopMessageLocked("stop from shell");
724                 return true;
725             }
726         }
727         return false;
728     }
730     @GuardedBy("mLock")
getEstimatedNetworkBytes()731     Pair<Long, Long> getEstimatedNetworkBytes() {
732         return Pair.create(mEstimatedDownloadBytes, mEstimatedUploadBytes);
733     }
735     @GuardedBy("mLock")
getTransferredNetworkBytes()736     Pair<Long, Long> getTransferredNetworkBytes() {
737         return Pair.create(mTransferredDownloadBytes, mTransferredUploadBytes);
738     }
doJobFinished(JobCallback cb, int jobId, boolean reschedule)740     void doJobFinished(JobCallback cb, int jobId, boolean reschedule) {
741         final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
742         try {
743             synchronized (mLock) {
744                 if (!verifyCallerLocked(cb)) {
745                     return;
746                 }
747                 mParams.setStopReason(JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED,
748                         JobParameters.INTERNAL_STOP_REASON_SUCCESSFUL_FINISH,
749                         "app called jobFinished");
750                 doCallbackLocked(reschedule, "app called jobFinished");
751             }
752         } finally {
753             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
754         }
755     }
doAcknowledgeGetTransferredDownloadBytesMessage(JobCallback cb, int jobId, int workId, @BytesLong long transferredBytes)757     private void doAcknowledgeGetTransferredDownloadBytesMessage(JobCallback cb, int jobId,
758             int workId, @BytesLong long transferredBytes) {
759         // TODO(255393346): Make sure apps call this appropriately and monitor for abuse
760         synchronized (mLock) {
761             if (!verifyCallerLocked(cb)) {
762                 return;
763             }
764             mTransferredDownloadBytes = transferredBytes;
765         }
766     }
doAcknowledgeGetTransferredUploadBytesMessage(JobCallback cb, int jobId, int workId, @BytesLong long transferredBytes)768     private void doAcknowledgeGetTransferredUploadBytesMessage(JobCallback cb, int jobId,
769             int workId, @BytesLong long transferredBytes) {
770         // TODO(255393346): Make sure apps call this appropriately and monitor for abuse
771         synchronized (mLock) {
772             if (!verifyCallerLocked(cb)) {
773                 return;
774             }
775             mTransferredUploadBytes = transferredBytes;
776         }
777     }
doAcknowledgeStopMessage(JobCallback cb, int jobId, boolean reschedule)779     void doAcknowledgeStopMessage(JobCallback cb, int jobId, boolean reschedule) {
780         doCallback(cb, reschedule, null);
781     }
doAcknowledgeStartMessage(JobCallback cb, int jobId, boolean ongoing)783     void doAcknowledgeStartMessage(JobCallback cb, int jobId, boolean ongoing) {
784         doCallback(cb, ongoing, "finished start");
785     }
doDequeueWork(JobCallback cb, int jobId)787     JobWorkItem doDequeueWork(JobCallback cb, int jobId) {
788         final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
789         try {
790             synchronized (mLock) {
791                 if (!assertCallerLocked(cb)) {
792                     return null;
793                 }
794                 if (mVerb == VERB_STOPPING || mVerb == VERB_FINISHED) {
795                     // This job is either all done, or on its way out.  Either way, it
796                     // should not dispatch any more work.  We will pick up any remaining
797                     // work the next time we start the job again.
798                     return null;
799                 }
800                 final JobWorkItem work = mRunningJob.dequeueWorkLocked();
801                 if (work == null && !mRunningJob.hasExecutingWorkLocked()) {
802                     mParams.setStopReason(JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED,
803                             JobParameters.INTERNAL_STOP_REASON_SUCCESSFUL_FINISH,
804                             "last work dequeued");
805                     // This will finish the job.
806                     doCallbackLocked(false, "last work dequeued");
807                 } else if (work != null) {
808                     // Delivery count has been updated, so persist JobWorkItem change.
809                     mService.mJobs.touchJob(mRunningJob);
810                 }
811                 return work;
812             }
813         } finally {
814             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
815         }
816     }
doCompleteWork(JobCallback cb, int jobId, int workId)818     boolean doCompleteWork(JobCallback cb, int jobId, int workId) {
819         final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
820         try {
821             synchronized (mLock) {
822                 if (!assertCallerLocked(cb)) {
823                     // Return true instead of false here so we don't just kick the
824                     // Exception-throwing-can down the road to JobParameters.completeWork >:(
825                     return true;
826                 }
827                 if (mRunningJob.completeWorkLocked(workId)) {
828                     mService.mJobs.touchJob(mRunningJob);
829                     return true;
830                 }
831                 return false;
832             }
833         } finally {
834             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
835         }
836     }
doUpdateEstimatedNetworkBytes(JobCallback cb, int jobId, @Nullable JobWorkItem item, long downloadBytes, long uploadBytes)838     private void doUpdateEstimatedNetworkBytes(JobCallback cb, int jobId,
839             @Nullable JobWorkItem item, long downloadBytes, long uploadBytes) {
840         // TODO(255393346): Make sure apps call this appropriately and monitor for abuse
841         synchronized (mLock) {
842             if (!verifyCallerLocked(cb)) {
843                 return;
844             }
845             Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
846                     "job_scheduler.value_cntr_w_uid_estimated_network_bytes_updated",
847                     mRunningJob.getUid());
848             sUpdatedEstimatedNetworkDownloadKBLogger.logSample(
849                     safelyScaleBytesToKBForHistogram(downloadBytes));
850             sUpdatedEstimatedNetworkUploadKBLogger.logSample(
851                     safelyScaleBytesToKBForHistogram(uploadBytes));
852             if (mEstimatedDownloadBytes != JobInfo.NETWORK_BYTES_UNKNOWN
853                     && downloadBytes != JobInfo.NETWORK_BYTES_UNKNOWN) {
854                 if (mEstimatedDownloadBytes < downloadBytes) {
855                     Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
856                             "job_scheduler."
857                                     + "value_cntr_w_uid_estimated_network_download_bytes_increased",
858                             mRunningJob.getUid());
859                 } else if (mEstimatedDownloadBytes > downloadBytes) {
860                     Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
861                             "job_scheduler."
862                                     + "value_cntr_w_uid_estimated_network_download_bytes_decreased",
863                             mRunningJob.getUid());
864                 }
865             }
866             if (mEstimatedUploadBytes != JobInfo.NETWORK_BYTES_UNKNOWN
867                     && uploadBytes != JobInfo.NETWORK_BYTES_UNKNOWN) {
868                 if (mEstimatedUploadBytes < uploadBytes) {
869                     Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
870                             "job_scheduler"
871                                     + ".value_cntr_w_uid_estimated_network_upload_bytes_increased",
872                             mRunningJob.getUid());
873                 } else if (mEstimatedUploadBytes > uploadBytes) {
874                     Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
875                             "job_scheduler"
876                                     + ".value_cntr_w_uid_estimated_network_upload_bytes_decreased",
877                             mRunningJob.getUid());
878                 }
879             }
880             mEstimatedDownloadBytes = downloadBytes;
881             mEstimatedUploadBytes = uploadBytes;
882         }
883     }
doUpdateTransferredNetworkBytes(JobCallback cb, int jobId, @Nullable JobWorkItem item, long downloadBytes, long uploadBytes)885     private void doUpdateTransferredNetworkBytes(JobCallback cb, int jobId,
886             @Nullable JobWorkItem item, long downloadBytes, long uploadBytes) {
887         // TODO(255393346): Make sure apps call this appropriately and monitor for abuse
888         synchronized (mLock) {
889             if (!verifyCallerLocked(cb)) {
890                 return;
891             }
892             Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
893                     "job_scheduler.value_cntr_w_uid_transferred_network_bytes_updated",
894                     mRunningJob.getUid());
895             sTransferredNetworkDownloadKBHighWaterMarkLogger.logSample(
896                     safelyScaleBytesToKBForHistogram(downloadBytes));
897             sTransferredNetworkUploadKBHighWaterMarkLogger.logSample(
898                     safelyScaleBytesToKBForHistogram(uploadBytes));
899             if (mTransferredDownloadBytes != JobInfo.NETWORK_BYTES_UNKNOWN
900                     && downloadBytes != JobInfo.NETWORK_BYTES_UNKNOWN) {
901                 if (mTransferredDownloadBytes < downloadBytes) {
902                     Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
903                             "job_scheduler."
904                                     + "value_cntr_w_uid_transferred_network_download_bytes_increased",
905                             mRunningJob.getUid());
906                 } else if (mTransferredDownloadBytes > downloadBytes) {
907                     Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
908                             "job_scheduler."
909                                     + "value_cntr_w_uid_transferred_network_download_bytes_decreased",
910                             mRunningJob.getUid());
911                 }
912             }
913             if (mTransferredUploadBytes != JobInfo.NETWORK_BYTES_UNKNOWN
914                     && uploadBytes != JobInfo.NETWORK_BYTES_UNKNOWN) {
915                 if (mTransferredUploadBytes < uploadBytes) {
916                     Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
917                             "job_scheduler."
918                                     + "value_cntr_w_uid_transferred_network_upload_bytes_increased",
919                             mRunningJob.getUid());
920                 } else if (mTransferredUploadBytes > uploadBytes) {
921                     Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
922                             "job_scheduler."
923                                     + "value_cntr_w_uid_transferred_network_upload_bytes_decreased",
924                             mRunningJob.getUid());
925                 }
926             }
927             mTransferredDownloadBytes = downloadBytes;
928             mTransferredUploadBytes = uploadBytes;
929         }
930     }
doSetNotification(JobCallback cb, int jodId, int notificationId, Notification notification, int jobEndNotificationPolicy)932     private void doSetNotification(JobCallback cb, int jodId, int notificationId,
933             Notification notification, int jobEndNotificationPolicy) {
934         final int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
935         final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
936         final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
937         try {
938             synchronized (mLock) {
939                 if (!verifyCallerLocked(cb)) {
940                     return;
941                 }
942                 if (callingUid != mRunningJob.getUid()) {
943                     Slog.wtfStack(TAG, "Calling UID isn't the same as running job's UID...");
944                     throw new SecurityException("Can't post notification on behalf of another app");
945                 }
946                 final String callingPkgName = mRunningJob.getServiceComponent().getPackageName();
947                 mNotificationCoordinator.enqueueNotification(this, callingPkgName,
948                         callingPid, callingUid, notificationId,
949                         notification, jobEndNotificationPolicy);
950                 if (mAwaitingNotification) {
951                     mAwaitingNotification = false;
952                     if (mVerb == VERB_EXECUTING) {
953                         scheduleOpTimeOutLocked();
954                     }
955                 }
956             }
957         } finally {
958             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
959         }
960     }
962     /**
963      * We acquire/release a wakelock on onServiceConnected/unbindService. This mirrors the work
964      * we intend to send to the client - we stop sending work when the service is unbound so until
965      * then we keep the wakelock.
966      * @param name The concrete component name of the service that has been connected.
967      * @param service The IBinder of the Service's communication channel,
968      */
969     @Override
onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service)970     public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
971         JobStatus runningJob;
972         synchronized (mLock) {
973             // This isn't strictly necessary b/c the JobServiceHandler is running on the main
974             // looper and at this point we can't get any binder callbacks from the client. Better
975             // safe than sorry.
976             runningJob = mRunningJob;
978             if (runningJob == null || !name.equals(runningJob.getServiceComponent())) {
979                 closeAndCleanupJobLocked(true /* needsReschedule */,
980                         "connected for different component");
981                 return;
982             }
983             this.service = IJobService.Stub.asInterface(service);
984             doServiceBoundLocked();
985         }
986     }
988     /** If the client service crashes we reschedule this job and clean up. */
989     @Override
onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name)990     public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
991         synchronized (mLock) {
992             if (mDeathMarkStopReason != JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED) {
993                 // Service "unexpectedly" disconnected, but we knew the process was going to die.
994                 // Use that as the stop reason for logging/debugging purposes.
995                 mParams.setStopReason(
996                         mDeathMarkStopReason, mDeathMarkInternalStopReason, mDeathMarkDebugReason);
997             } else if (mRunningJob != null) {
998                 Counter.logIncrementWithUid(
999                         "job_scheduler.value_cntr_w_uid_unexpected_service_disconnects",
1000                         // Use the calling UID since that's the one this context was connected to.
1001                         mRunningJob.getUid());
1002             }
1003             closeAndCleanupJobLocked(true /* needsReschedule */, "unexpectedly disconnected");
1004         }
1005     }
1007     @Override
onBindingDied(ComponentName name)1008     public void onBindingDied(ComponentName name) {
1009         synchronized (mLock) {
1010             if (mRunningJob == null) {
1011                 Slog.e(TAG, "Binding died for " + name.getPackageName()
1012                         + " but no running job on this context");
1013             } else if (mRunningJob.getServiceComponent().equals(name)) {
1014                 Slog.e(TAG, "Binding died for "
1015                         + mRunningJob.getSourceUserId() + ":" + name.getPackageName());
1016             } else {
1017                 Slog.e(TAG, "Binding died for " + name.getPackageName()
1018                         + " but context is running a different job");
1019             }
1020             closeAndCleanupJobLocked(true /* needsReschedule */, "binding died");
1021         }
1022     }
1024     @Override
onNullBinding(ComponentName name)1025     public void onNullBinding(ComponentName name) {
1026         synchronized (mLock) {
1027             if (mRunningJob == null) {
1028                 Slog.wtf(TAG, "Got null binding for " + name.getPackageName()
1029                         + " but no running job on this context");
1030             } else if (mRunningJob.getServiceComponent().equals(name)) {
1031                 Slog.wtf(TAG, "Got null binding for "
1032                         + mRunningJob.getSourceUserId() + ":" + name.getPackageName());
1033             } else {
1034                 Slog.wtf(TAG, "Got null binding for " + name.getPackageName()
1035                         + " but context is running a different job");
1036             }
1037             // Don't reschedule the job since returning a null binding is an explicit choice by the
1038             // app which breaks things.
1039             closeAndCleanupJobLocked(false /* needsReschedule */, "null binding");
1040         }
1041     }
1043     /**
1044      * This class is reused across different clients, and passes itself in as a callback. Check
1045      * whether the client exercising the callback is the client we expect.
1046      * @return True if the binder calling is coming from the client we expect.
1047      */
verifyCallerLocked(JobCallback cb)1048     private boolean verifyCallerLocked(JobCallback cb) {
1049         if (mRunningCallback != cb) {
1050             if (DEBUG) {
1051                 Slog.d(TAG, "Stale callback received, ignoring.");
1052             }
1053             return false;
1054         }
1055         return true;
1056     }
1058     /**
1059      * Will throw a {@link SecurityException} if the callback is not for the currently running job,
1060      * but may decide not to throw an exception if the call from the previous job appears to be an
1061      * accident.
1062      *
1063      * @return true if the callback is for the current job, false otherwise
1064      */
assertCallerLocked(JobCallback cb)1065     private boolean assertCallerLocked(JobCallback cb) {
1066         if (!verifyCallerLocked(cb)) {
1067             final long nowElapsed = sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis();
1068             if (!mPreviousJobHadSuccessfulFinish
1069                     && (nowElapsed - mLastUnsuccessfulFinishElapsed) < 15_000L) {
1070                 // Don't punish apps for race conditions
1071                 return false;
1072             }
1073             // It's been long enough that the app should really not be calling into JS for the
1074             // stopped job.
1075             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
1076             sb.append("Caller no longer running");
1077             if (cb.mStoppedReason != null) {
1078                 sb.append(", last stopped ");
1079                 TimeUtils.formatDuration(nowElapsed - cb.mStoppedTime, sb);
1080                 sb.append(" because: ");
1081                 sb.append(cb.mStoppedReason);
1082             }
1083             throw new SecurityException(sb.toString());
1084         }
1085         return true;
1086     }
1088     /**
1089      * Scheduling of async messages (basically timeouts at this point).
1090      */
1091     private class JobServiceHandler extends Handler {
JobServiceHandler(Looper looper)1092         JobServiceHandler(Looper looper) {
1093             super(looper);
1094         }
1096         @Override
handleMessage(Message message)1097         public void handleMessage(Message message) {
1098             switch (message.what) {
1099                 case MSG_TIMEOUT:
1100                     synchronized (mLock) {
1101                         if (message.obj == mRunningCallback) {
1102                             handleOpTimeoutLocked();
1103                         } else {
1104                             JobCallback jc = (JobCallback)message.obj;
1105                             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
1106                             sb.append("Ignoring timeout of no longer active job");
1107                             if (jc.mStoppedReason != null) {
1108                                 sb.append(", stopped ");
1109                                 TimeUtils.formatDuration(sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis()
1110                                         - jc.mStoppedTime, sb);
1111                                 sb.append(" because: ");
1112                                 sb.append(jc.mStoppedReason);
1113                             }
1114                             Slog.w(TAG, sb.toString());
1115                         }
1116                     }
1117                     break;
1118                 default:
1119                     Slog.e(TAG, "Unrecognised message: " + message);
1120             }
1121         }
1122     }
1124     @GuardedBy("mLock")
doServiceBoundLocked()1125     void doServiceBoundLocked() {
1126         removeOpTimeOutLocked();
1127         handleServiceBoundLocked();
1128     }
doCallback(JobCallback cb, boolean reschedule, String reason)1130     void doCallback(JobCallback cb, boolean reschedule, String reason) {
1131         final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
1132         try {
1133             synchronized (mLock) {
1134                 if (!verifyCallerLocked(cb)) {
1135                     return;
1136                 }
1137                 doCallbackLocked(reschedule, reason);
1138             }
1139         } finally {
1140             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
1141         }
1142     }
1144     @GuardedBy("mLock")
doCallbackLocked(boolean reschedule, String reason)1145     void doCallbackLocked(boolean reschedule, String reason) {
1146         if (DEBUG) {
1147             Slog.d(TAG, "doCallback of : " + mRunningJob
1148                     + " v:" + VERB_STRINGS[mVerb]);
1149         }
1150         removeOpTimeOutLocked();
1152         if (mVerb == VERB_STARTING) {
1153             handleStartedLocked(reschedule);
1154         } else if (mVerb == VERB_EXECUTING ||
1155                 mVerb == VERB_STOPPING) {
1156             handleFinishedLocked(reschedule, reason);
1157         } else {
1158             if (DEBUG) {
1159                 Slog.d(TAG, "Unrecognised callback: " + mRunningJob);
1160             }
1161         }
1162     }
1164     @GuardedBy("mLock")
doCancelLocked(@obParameters.StopReason int stopReasonCode, int internalStopReasonCode, @Nullable String debugReason)1165     private void doCancelLocked(@JobParameters.StopReason int stopReasonCode,
1166             int internalStopReasonCode, @Nullable String debugReason) {
1167         if (mVerb == VERB_FINISHED || mVerb == VERB_STOPPING) {
1168             if (DEBUG) {
1169                 Slog.d(TAG,
1170                         "Too late to process cancel for context (verb=" + mVerb + "), ignoring.");
1171             }
1172             return;
1173         }
1174         if (mRunningJob.startedAsExpeditedJob
1175                 && stopReasonCode == JobParameters.STOP_REASON_QUOTA) {
1176             // EJs should be able to run for at least the min upper limit regardless of quota.
1177             final long earliestStopTimeElapsed =
1178                     mExecutionStartTimeElapsed + mMinExecutionGuaranteeMillis;
1179             final long nowElapsed = sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis();
1180             if (nowElapsed < earliestStopTimeElapsed) {
1181                 mPendingStopReason = stopReasonCode;
1182                 mPendingInternalStopReason = internalStopReasonCode;
1183                 mPendingDebugStopReason = debugReason;
1184                 return;
1185             }
1186         }
1187         mParams.setStopReason(stopReasonCode, internalStopReasonCode, debugReason);
1188         if (stopReasonCode == JobParameters.STOP_REASON_PREEMPT) {
1189             // Only preserve the UID when we're preempting the job for another one of the same UID.
1190             mPreferredUid = mRunningJob != null ? mRunningJob.getUid() : NO_PREFERRED_UID;
1191         }
1192         handleCancelLocked(debugReason);
1193     }
1195     /** Start the job on the service. */
1196     @GuardedBy("mLock")
handleServiceBoundLocked()1197     private void handleServiceBoundLocked() {
1198         if (DEBUG) {
1199             Slog.d(TAG, "handleServiceBound for " + getRunningJobNameLocked());
1200         }
1201         if (mVerb != VERB_BINDING) {
1202             Slog.e(TAG, "Sending onStartJob for a job that isn't pending. "
1203                     + VERB_STRINGS[mVerb]);
1204             closeAndCleanupJobLocked(false /* reschedule */, "started job not pending");
1205             return;
1206         }
1207         if (mCancelled) {
1208             if (DEBUG) {
1209                 Slog.d(TAG, "Job cancelled while waiting for bind to complete. "
1210                         + mRunningJob);
1211             }
1212             closeAndCleanupJobLocked(true /* reschedule */, "cancelled while waiting for bind");
1213             return;
1214         }
1215         try {
1216             mVerb = VERB_STARTING;
1217             scheduleOpTimeOutLocked();
1218             service.startJob(mParams);
1219         } catch (Exception e) {
1220             // We catch 'Exception' because client-app malice or bugs might induce a wide
1221             // range of possible exception-throw outcomes from startJob() and its handling
1222             // of the client's ParcelableBundle extras.
1223             Slog.e(TAG, "Error sending onStart message to '" +
1224                     mRunningJob.getServiceComponent().getShortClassName() + "' ", e);
1225         }
1226     }
1228     /**
1229      * State behaviours.
1230      * VERB_STARTING   -> Successful start, change job to VERB_EXECUTING and post timeout.
1231      *     _PENDING    -> Error
1232      *     _EXECUTING  -> Error
1233      *     _STOPPING   -> Error
1234      */
1235     @GuardedBy("mLock")
handleStartedLocked(boolean workOngoing)1236     private void handleStartedLocked(boolean workOngoing) {
1237         switch (mVerb) {
1238             case VERB_STARTING:
1239                 mVerb = VERB_EXECUTING;
1240                 if (!workOngoing) {
1241                     // Job is finished already so fast-forward to handleFinished.
1242                     handleFinishedLocked(false, "onStartJob returned false");
1243                     return;
1244                 }
1245                 if (mCancelled) {
1246                     if (DEBUG) {
1247                         Slog.d(TAG, "Job cancelled while waiting for onStartJob to complete.");
1248                     }
1249                     // Cancelled *while* waiting for acknowledgeStartMessage from client.
1250                     handleCancelLocked(null);
1251                     return;
1252                 }
1253                 scheduleOpTimeOutLocked();
1254                 if (mPendingNetworkChange != null
1255                         && !Objects.equals(mParams.getNetwork(), mPendingNetworkChange)) {
1256                     informOfNetworkChangeLocked(mPendingNetworkChange);
1257                 }
1258                 if (mRunningJob.isUserVisibleJob()) {
1259                     mService.informObserversOfUserVisibleJobChange(this, mRunningJob, true);
1260                 }
1261                 break;
1262             default:
1263                 Slog.e(TAG, "Handling started job but job wasn't starting! Was "
1264                         + VERB_STRINGS[mVerb] + ".");
1265                 return;
1266         }
1267     }
1269     /**
1270      * VERB_EXECUTING  -> Client called jobFinished(), clean up and notify done.
1271      *     _STOPPING   -> Successful finish, clean up and notify done.
1272      *     _STARTING   -> Error
1273      *     _PENDING    -> Error
1274      */
1275     @GuardedBy("mLock")
handleFinishedLocked(boolean reschedule, String reason)1276     private void handleFinishedLocked(boolean reschedule, String reason) {
1277         switch (mVerb) {
1278             case VERB_EXECUTING:
1279             case VERB_STOPPING:
1280                 closeAndCleanupJobLocked(reschedule, reason);
1281                 break;
1282             default:
1283                 Slog.e(TAG, "Got an execution complete message for a job that wasn't being" +
1284                         "executed. Was " + VERB_STRINGS[mVerb] + ".");
1285         }
1286     }
1288     /**
1289      * A job can be in various states when a cancel request comes in:
1290      * VERB_BINDING    -> Cancelled before bind completed. Mark as cancelled and wait for
1291      *                    {@link #onServiceConnected(android.content.ComponentName, android.os.IBinder)}
1292      *     _STARTING   -> Mark as cancelled and wait for
1293      *                    {@link JobServiceContext#doAcknowledgeStartMessage}
1294      *     _EXECUTING  -> call {@link #sendStopMessageLocked}}, but only if there are no callbacks
1295      *                      in the message queue.
1296      *     _ENDING     -> No point in doing anything here, so we ignore.
1297      */
1298     @GuardedBy("mLock")
handleCancelLocked(@ullable String reason)1299     private void handleCancelLocked(@Nullable String reason) {
1300         if (JobSchedulerService.DEBUG) {
1301             Slog.d(TAG, "Handling cancel for: " + mRunningJob.getJobId() + " "
1302                     + VERB_STRINGS[mVerb]);
1303         }
1304         switch (mVerb) {
1305             case VERB_BINDING:
1306             case VERB_STARTING:
1307                 mCancelled = true;
1308                 applyStoppedReasonLocked(reason);
1309                 break;
1310             case VERB_EXECUTING:
1311                 sendStopMessageLocked(reason);
1312                 break;
1313             case VERB_STOPPING:
1314                 // Nada.
1315                 break;
1316             default:
1317                 Slog.e(TAG, "Cancelling a job without a valid verb: " + mVerb);
1318                 break;
1319         }
1320     }
1322     /** Process MSG_TIMEOUT here. */
1323     @GuardedBy("mLock")
handleOpTimeoutLocked()1324     private void handleOpTimeoutLocked() {
1325         switch (mVerb) {
1326             case VERB_BINDING:
1327                 // The system may have been too busy. Don't drop the job or trigger an ANR.
1328                 onSlowAppResponseLocked(/* reschedule */ true, /* updateStopReasons */ true,
1329                         /* texCounterMetricId */
1330                         "job_scheduler.value_cntr_w_uid_slow_app_response_binding",
1331                         /* debugReason */ "timed out while binding",
1332                         /* anrMessage */ "Timed out while trying to bind",
1333                         /* triggerAnr */ false);
1334                 break;
1335             case VERB_STARTING:
1336                 // Client unresponsive - wedged or failed to respond in time. We don't really
1337                 // know what happened so let's log it and notify the JobScheduler
1338                 // FINISHED/NO-RETRY.
1339                 onSlowAppResponseLocked(/* reschedule */ false, /* updateStopReasons */ true,
1340                         /* texCounterMetricId */
1341                         "job_scheduler.value_cntr_w_uid_slow_app_response_on_start_job",
1342                         /* debugReason */ "timed out while starting",
1343                         /* anrMessage */ "No response to onStartJob",
1344                         CompatChanges.isChangeEnabled(ANR_PRE_UDC_APIS_ON_SLOW_RESPONSES,
1345                             mRunningJob.getUid()));
1346                 break;
1347             case VERB_STOPPING:
1348                 // At least we got somewhere, so fail but ask the JobScheduler to reschedule.
1349                 // Don't update the stop reasons since we were already stopping the job for some
1350                 // other reason.
1351                 onSlowAppResponseLocked(/* reschedule */ true, /* updateStopReasons */ false,
1352                         /* texCounterMetricId */
1353                         "job_scheduler.value_cntr_w_uid_slow_app_response_on_stop_job",
1354                         /* debugReason */ "timed out while stopping",
1355                         /* anrMessage */ "No response to onStopJob",
1356                         CompatChanges.isChangeEnabled(ANR_PRE_UDC_APIS_ON_SLOW_RESPONSES,
1357                             mRunningJob.getUid()));
1358                 break;
1359             case VERB_EXECUTING:
1360                 if (mPendingStopReason != JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED) {
1361                     if (mService.isReadyToBeExecutedLocked(mRunningJob, false)) {
1362                         // Job became ready again while we were waiting to stop it (for example,
1363                         // the device was temporarily taken off the charger). Ignore the pending
1364                         // stop and see what the manager says.
1365                         mPendingStopReason = JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED;
1366                         mPendingInternalStopReason = 0;
1367                         mPendingDebugStopReason = null;
1368                     } else {
1369                         Slog.i(TAG, "JS was waiting to stop this job."
1370                                 + " Sending onStop: " + getRunningJobNameLocked());
1371                         mParams.setStopReason(mPendingStopReason, mPendingInternalStopReason,
1372                                 mPendingDebugStopReason);
1373                         sendStopMessageLocked(mPendingDebugStopReason);
1374                         break;
1375                     }
1376                 }
1377                 final long latestStopTimeElapsed =
1378                         mExecutionStartTimeElapsed + mMaxExecutionTimeMillis;
1379                 final long earliestStopTimeElapsed =
1380                         mExecutionStartTimeElapsed + mMinExecutionGuaranteeMillis;
1381                 final long nowElapsed = sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis();
1382                 if (nowElapsed >= latestStopTimeElapsed) {
1383                     // Not an error - client ran out of time.
1384                     Slog.i(TAG, "Client timed out while executing (no jobFinished received)."
1385                             + " Sending onStop: " + getRunningJobNameLocked());
1386                     mParams.setStopReason(JobParameters.STOP_REASON_TIMEOUT,
1387                             JobParameters.INTERNAL_STOP_REASON_TIMEOUT, "client timed out");
1388                     sendStopMessageLocked("timeout while executing");
1389                 } else if (nowElapsed >= earliestStopTimeElapsed) {
1390                     // We've given the app the minimum execution time. See if we should stop it or
1391                     // let it continue running
1392                     final String reason = mJobConcurrencyManager.shouldStopRunningJobLocked(this);
1393                     if (reason != null) {
1394                         Slog.i(TAG, "Stopping client after min execution time: "
1395                                 + getRunningJobNameLocked() + " because " + reason);
1396                         // Tell the developer we're stopping the job due to device state instead
1397                         // of timeout since all of the reasons could equate to "the system needs
1398                         // the resources the app is currently using."
1399                         mParams.setStopReason(JobParameters.STOP_REASON_DEVICE_STATE,
1400                                 JobParameters.INTERNAL_STOP_REASON_TIMEOUT, reason);
1401                         sendStopMessageLocked(reason);
1402                     } else {
1403                         Slog.i(TAG, "Letting " + getRunningJobNameLocked()
1404                                 + " continue to run past min execution time");
1405                         scheduleOpTimeOutLocked();
1406                     }
1407                 } else if (mAwaitingNotification) {
1408                     onSlowAppResponseLocked(/* reschedule */ true, /* updateStopReasons */ true,
1409                             /* texCounterMetricId */
1410                             "job_scheduler.value_cntr_w_uid_slow_app_response_set_notification",
1411                             /* debugReason */ "timed out while stopping",
1412                             /* anrMessage */ "required notification not provided",
1413                             /* triggerAnr */ true);
1414                 } else {
1415                     final long timeSinceDurationStampTimeMs =
1416                             nowElapsed - mLastExecutionDurationStampTimeElapsed;
1417                     if (timeSinceDurationStampTimeMs < EXECUTION_DURATION_STAMP_PERIOD_MILLIS) {
1418                         Slog.e(TAG, "Unexpected op timeout while EXECUTING");
1419                     }
1420                     // Update the execution time even if this wasn't the pre-set time.
1421                     mRunningJob.incrementCumulativeExecutionTime(timeSinceDurationStampTimeMs);
1422                     mService.mJobs.touchJob(mRunningJob);
1423                     mLastExecutionDurationStampTimeElapsed = nowElapsed;
1424                     scheduleOpTimeOutLocked();
1425                 }
1426                 break;
1427             default:
1428                 Slog.e(TAG, "Handling timeout for an invalid job state: "
1429                         + getRunningJobNameLocked() + ", dropping.");
1430                 closeAndCleanupJobLocked(false /* needsReschedule */, "invalid timeout");
1431         }
1432     }
1434     /**
1435      * Already running, need to stop. Will switch {@link #mVerb} from VERB_EXECUTING ->
1436      * VERB_STOPPING.
1437      */
1438     @GuardedBy("mLock")
sendStopMessageLocked(@ullable String reason)1439     private void sendStopMessageLocked(@Nullable String reason) {
1440         removeOpTimeOutLocked();
1441         if (mVerb != VERB_EXECUTING) {
1442             Slog.e(TAG, "Sending onStopJob for a job that isn't started. " + mRunningJob);
1443             closeAndCleanupJobLocked(false /* reschedule */, reason);
1444             return;
1445         }
1446         try {
1447             applyStoppedReasonLocked(reason);
1448             mVerb = VERB_STOPPING;
1449             scheduleOpTimeOutLocked();
1450             service.stopJob(mParams);
1451         } catch (RemoteException e) {
1452             Slog.e(TAG, "Error sending onStopJob to client.", e);
1453             // The job's host app apparently crashed during the job, so we should reschedule.
1454             closeAndCleanupJobLocked(true /* reschedule */, "host crashed when trying to stop");
1455         }
1456     }
1458     @GuardedBy("mLock")
onSlowAppResponseLocked(boolean reschedule, boolean updateStopReasons, @NonNull String texCounterMetricId, @NonNull String debugReason, @NonNull String anrMessage, boolean triggerAnr)1459     private void onSlowAppResponseLocked(boolean reschedule, boolean updateStopReasons,
1460             @NonNull String texCounterMetricId,
1461             @NonNull String debugReason, @NonNull String anrMessage, boolean triggerAnr) {
1462         Slog.w(TAG, anrMessage + " for " + getRunningJobNameLocked());
1463         // Use the calling UID since that's the one this context was connected to.
1464         Counter.logIncrementWithUid(texCounterMetricId, mRunningJob.getUid());
1465         if (updateStopReasons) {
1466             mParams.setStopReason(
1467                     JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED,
1468                     JobParameters.INTERNAL_STOP_REASON_ANR,
1469                     debugReason);
1470         }
1471         if (triggerAnr) {
1472             mActivityManagerInternal.appNotResponding(
1473                     mRunningJob.serviceProcessName, mRunningJob.getUid(),
1474                     TimeoutRecord.forJobService(anrMessage));
1475         }
1476         closeAndCleanupJobLocked(reschedule, debugReason);
1477     }
1479     /**
1480      * The provided job has finished, either by calling
1481      * {@link android.app.job.JobService#jobFinished(android.app.job.JobParameters, boolean)}
1482      * or from acknowledging the stop message we sent. Either way, we're done tracking it and
1483      * we want to clean up internally.
1484      */
1485     @GuardedBy("mLock")
closeAndCleanupJobLocked(boolean reschedule, @Nullable String loggingDebugReason)1486     private void closeAndCleanupJobLocked(boolean reschedule, @Nullable String loggingDebugReason) {
1487         final JobStatus completedJob;
1488         if (mVerb == VERB_FINISHED) {
1489             return;
1490         }
1491         if (DEBUG) {
1492             Slog.d(TAG, "Cleaning up " + mRunningJob.toShortString()
1493                     + " reschedule=" + reschedule + " reason=" + loggingDebugReason);
1494         }
1495         final long nowElapsed = sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis();
1496         applyStoppedReasonLocked(loggingDebugReason);
1497         completedJob = mRunningJob;
1498         completedJob.incrementCumulativeExecutionTime(
1499                 nowElapsed - mLastExecutionDurationStampTimeElapsed);
1500         // Use the JobParameters stop reasons for logging and metric purposes,
1501         // but if the job was marked for death, use that reason for rescheduling purposes.
1502         // The discrepancy could happen if a job ends up stopping for some reason
1503         // in the time between the job being marked and the process actually dying.
1504         // Since the job stopped for another reason, we want to log the actual stop reason
1505         // for the sake of accurate metrics and debugging,
1506         // but we should use the death mark reasons when determining reschedule policy.
1507         final int loggingStopReason = mParams.getStopReason();
1508         final int loggingInternalStopReason = mParams.getInternalStopReasonCode();
1509         final int reschedulingStopReason, reschedulingInternalStopReason;
1510         if (mDeathMarkStopReason != JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED) {
1511             if (DEBUG) {
1512                 Slog.d(TAG, "Job marked for death because of "
1513                         + JobParameters.getInternalReasonCodeDescription(
1514                                 mDeathMarkInternalStopReason)
1515                         + ": " + mDeathMarkDebugReason);
1516             }
1517             reschedulingStopReason = mDeathMarkStopReason;
1518             reschedulingInternalStopReason = mDeathMarkInternalStopReason;
1519         } else {
1520             reschedulingStopReason = loggingStopReason;
1521             reschedulingInternalStopReason = loggingInternalStopReason;
1522         }
1523         mPreviousJobHadSuccessfulFinish =
1524                 (loggingInternalStopReason == JobParameters.INTERNAL_STOP_REASON_SUCCESSFUL_FINISH);
1525         if (!mPreviousJobHadSuccessfulFinish) {
1526             mLastUnsuccessfulFinishElapsed = nowElapsed;
1527         }
1528         mJobPackageTracker.noteInactive(completedJob,
1529                 loggingInternalStopReason, loggingDebugReason);
1530         final int sourceUid = completedJob.getSourceUid();
1531         FrameworkStatsLog.write(FrameworkStatsLog.SCHEDULED_JOB_STATE_CHANGED,
1532                 completedJob.isProxyJob()
1533                         ? new int[]{sourceUid, completedJob.getUid()} : new int[]{sourceUid},
1534                 // Given that the source tag is set by the calling app, it should be connected
1535                 // to the calling app in the attribution for a proxied job.
1536                 completedJob.isProxyJob()
1537                         ? new String[]{null, completedJob.getSourceTag()}
1538                         : new String[]{completedJob.getSourceTag()},
1539                 completedJob.getBatteryName(),
1540                 FrameworkStatsLog.SCHEDULED_JOB_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__FINISHED,
1541                 loggingInternalStopReason, completedJob.getStandbyBucket(),
1542                 completedJob.getLoggingJobId(),
1543                 completedJob.hasChargingConstraint(),
1544                 completedJob.hasBatteryNotLowConstraint(),
1545                 completedJob.hasStorageNotLowConstraint(),
1546                 completedJob.hasTimingDelayConstraint(),
1547                 completedJob.hasDeadlineConstraint(),
1548                 completedJob.hasIdleConstraint(),
1549                 completedJob.hasConnectivityConstraint(),
1550                 completedJob.hasContentTriggerConstraint(),
1551                 completedJob.isRequestedExpeditedJob(),
1552                 completedJob.startedAsExpeditedJob,
1553                 loggingStopReason,
1554                 completedJob.getJob().isPrefetch(),
1555                 completedJob.getJob().getPriority(),
1556                 completedJob.getEffectivePriority(),
1557                 completedJob.getNumPreviousAttempts(),
1558                 completedJob.getJob().getMaxExecutionDelayMillis(),
1559                 mParams.isOverrideDeadlineExpired(),
1560                 completedJob.isConstraintSatisfied(JobInfo.CONSTRAINT_FLAG_CHARGING),
1561                 completedJob.isConstraintSatisfied(JobInfo.CONSTRAINT_FLAG_BATTERY_NOT_LOW),
1562                 completedJob.isConstraintSatisfied(JobInfo.CONSTRAINT_FLAG_STORAGE_NOT_LOW),
1563                 completedJob.isConstraintSatisfied(JobStatus.CONSTRAINT_TIMING_DELAY),
1564                 completedJob.isConstraintSatisfied(JobInfo.CONSTRAINT_FLAG_DEVICE_IDLE),
1565                 completedJob.isConstraintSatisfied(JobStatus.CONSTRAINT_CONNECTIVITY),
1566                 completedJob.isConstraintSatisfied(JobStatus.CONSTRAINT_CONTENT_TRIGGER),
1567                 mExecutionStartTimeElapsed - completedJob.enqueueTime,
1568                 completedJob.getJob().isUserInitiated(),
1569                 completedJob.startedAsUserInitiatedJob,
1570                 completedJob.getJob().isPeriodic(),
1571                 completedJob.getJob().getMinLatencyMillis(),
1572                 completedJob.getEstimatedNetworkDownloadBytes(),
1573                 completedJob.getEstimatedNetworkUploadBytes(),
1574                 completedJob.getWorkCount(),
1575                 ActivityManager
1576                         .processStateAmToProto(mService.getUidProcState(completedJob.getUid())),
1577                 completedJob.getNamespaceHash(),
1578                 TrafficStats.getUidRxBytes(completedJob.getSourceUid())
1579                         - mInitialDownloadedBytesFromSource,
1580                 TrafficStats.getUidTxBytes(completedJob.getSourceUid())
1581                         - mInitialUploadedBytesFromSource,
1582                 TrafficStats.getUidRxBytes(completedJob.getUid())
1583                         - mInitialDownloadedBytesFromCalling,
1584                 TrafficStats.getUidTxBytes(completedJob.getUid())
1585                         - mInitialUploadedBytesFromCalling,
1586                 completedJob.getJob().getIntervalMillis(),
1587                 completedJob.getJob().getFlexMillis(),
1588                 completedJob.hasFlexibilityConstraint(),
1589                 completedJob.isConstraintSatisfied(JobStatus.CONSTRAINT_FLEXIBLE),
1590                 completedJob.canApplyTransportAffinities(),
1591                 completedJob.getNumAppliedFlexibleConstraints(),
1592                 completedJob.getNumDroppedFlexibleConstraints(),
1593                 completedJob.getFilteredTraceTag(),
1594                 completedJob.getFilteredDebugTags());
1595         if (Trace.isTagEnabled(Trace.TRACE_TAG_SYSTEM_SERVER)) {
1596             Trace.asyncTraceForTrackEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_SYSTEM_SERVER,
1597                     JobSchedulerService.TRACE_TRACK_NAME, getId());
1598         }
1599         if (completedJob.getAppTraceTag() != null) {
1600             Trace.asyncTraceForTrackEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_APP,
1601                     JobSchedulerService.TRACE_TRACK_NAME, completedJob.getJobId());
1602         }
1603         try {
1604             mBatteryStats.noteJobFinish(mRunningJob.getBatteryName(), mRunningJob.getSourceUid(),
1605                     loggingInternalStopReason);
1606         } catch (RemoteException e) {
1607             // Whatever.
1608         }
1609         mNotificationCoordinator.removeNotificationAssociation(this,
1610                 reschedulingStopReason, completedJob);
1611         if (mWakeLock != null) {
1612             mWakeLock.release();
1613         }
1614         final int workType = mRunningJobWorkType;
1615         mContext.unbindService(JobServiceContext.this);
1616         mWakeLock = null;
1617         mRunningJob = null;
1618         mRunningJobWorkType = WORK_TYPE_NONE;
1619         mRunningCallback = null;
1620         mParams = null;
1621         mVerb = VERB_FINISHED;
1622         mCancelled = false;
1623         service = null;
1624         mAvailable = true;
1625         mDeathMarkStopReason = JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED;
1626         mDeathMarkInternalStopReason = 0;
1627         mDeathMarkDebugReason = null;
1628         mLastExecutionDurationStampTimeElapsed = 0;
1629         mPendingStopReason = JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED;
1630         mPendingInternalStopReason = 0;
1631         mPendingDebugStopReason = null;
1632         mPendingNetworkChange = null;
1633         removeOpTimeOutLocked();
1634         if (completedJob.isUserVisibleJob()) {
1635             mService.informObserversOfUserVisibleJobChange(this, completedJob, false);
1636         }
1637         mCompletedListener.onJobCompletedLocked(completedJob,
1638                 reschedulingStopReason, reschedulingInternalStopReason, reschedule);
1639         mJobConcurrencyManager.onJobCompletedLocked(this, completedJob, workType);
1640     }
applyStoppedReasonLocked(@ullable String reason)1642     private void applyStoppedReasonLocked(@Nullable String reason) {
1643         if (reason != null && mStoppedReason == null) {
1644             mStoppedReason = reason;
1645             mStoppedTime = sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis();
1646             if (mRunningCallback != null) {
1647                 mRunningCallback.mStoppedReason = mStoppedReason;
1648                 mRunningCallback.mStoppedTime = mStoppedTime;
1649             }
1650         }
1651     }
1653     /**
1654      * Called when sending a message to the client, over whose execution we have no control. If
1655      * we haven't received a response in a certain amount of time, we want to give up and carry
1656      * on with life.
1657      */
scheduleOpTimeOutLocked()1658     private void scheduleOpTimeOutLocked() {
1659         removeOpTimeOutLocked();
1661         final long timeoutMillis;
1662         switch (mVerb) {
1663             case VERB_EXECUTING:
1664                 long minTimeout;
1665                 final long earliestStopTimeElapsed =
1666                         mExecutionStartTimeElapsed + mMinExecutionGuaranteeMillis;
1667                 final long latestStopTimeElapsed =
1668                         mExecutionStartTimeElapsed + mMaxExecutionTimeMillis;
1669                 final long nowElapsed = sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis();
1670                 if (nowElapsed < earliestStopTimeElapsed) {
1671                     minTimeout = earliestStopTimeElapsed - nowElapsed;
1672                 } else {
1673                     minTimeout = latestStopTimeElapsed - nowElapsed;
1674                 }
1675                 if (mAwaitingNotification) {
1676                     minTimeout = Math.min(minTimeout, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
1677                 }
1678                 minTimeout = Math.min(minTimeout, EXECUTION_DURATION_STAMP_PERIOD_MILLIS);
1679                 timeoutMillis = minTimeout;
1680                 break;
1682             case VERB_BINDING:
1683                 timeoutMillis = OP_BIND_TIMEOUT_MILLIS;
1684                 break;
1686             default:
1687                 timeoutMillis = OP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS;
1688                 break;
1689         }
1690         if (DEBUG) {
1691             Slog.d(TAG, "Scheduling time out for '" +
1692                     mRunningJob.getServiceComponent().getShortClassName() + "' jId: " +
1693                     mParams.getJobId() + ", in " + (timeoutMillis / 1000) + " s");
1694         }
1695         Message m = mCallbackHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_TIMEOUT, mRunningCallback);
1696         mCallbackHandler.sendMessageDelayed(m, timeoutMillis);
1697         mTimeoutElapsed = sElapsedRealtimeClock.millis() + timeoutMillis;
1698     }
removeOpTimeOutLocked()1700     private void removeOpTimeOutLocked() {
1701         mCallbackHandler.removeMessages(MSG_TIMEOUT);
1702     }
dumpLocked(IndentingPrintWriter pw, final long nowElapsed)1704     void dumpLocked(IndentingPrintWriter pw, final long nowElapsed) {
1705         if (mRunningJob == null) {
1706             if (mStoppedReason != null) {
1707                 pw.print("inactive since ");
1708                 TimeUtils.formatDuration(mStoppedTime, nowElapsed, pw);
1709                 pw.print(", stopped because: ");
1710                 pw.println(mStoppedReason);
1711             } else {
1712                 pw.println("inactive");
1713             }
1714         } else {
1715             pw.println(mRunningJob.toShortString());
1717             pw.increaseIndent();
1718             pw.print("Running for: ");
1719             TimeUtils.formatDuration(nowElapsed - mExecutionStartTimeElapsed, pw);
1720             pw.print(", timeout at: ");
1721             TimeUtils.formatDuration(mTimeoutElapsed - nowElapsed, pw);
1722             pw.println();
1723             pw.print("Remaining execution limits: [");
1724             TimeUtils.formatDuration(
1725                     (mExecutionStartTimeElapsed + mMinExecutionGuaranteeMillis) - nowElapsed, pw);
1726             pw.print(", ");
1727             TimeUtils.formatDuration(
1728                     (mExecutionStartTimeElapsed + mMaxExecutionTimeMillis) - nowElapsed, pw);
1729             pw.print("]");
1730             if (mPendingStopReason != JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED) {
1731                 pw.print(" Pending stop because ");
1732                 pw.print(mPendingStopReason);
1733                 pw.print("/");
1734                 pw.print(mPendingInternalStopReason);
1735                 pw.print("/");
1736                 pw.print(mPendingDebugStopReason);
1737             }
1738             pw.println();
1739             pw.decreaseIndent();
1740         }
1741     }
1742 }