1 /**
2  * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <ImsMediaDefine.h>
21 #include <ImsMediaCondition.h>
22 #include <ISocket.h>
23 #include <stdint.h>
24 #include <list>
25 #include <mutex>
27 class ImsMediaSocket : public ISocket
28 {
29 public:
30     static ImsMediaSocket* GetInstance(
31             uint32_t localPort, const char* peerIpAddress, uint32_t peerPort);
32     static void ReleaseInstance(ImsMediaSocket* node);
34 private:
35     ImsMediaSocket();
36     virtual ~ImsMediaSocket();
37     static void StartSocketMonitor();
38     static void StopSocketMonitor();
39     static void SocketMonitorThread();
40     static uint32_t SetSocketFD(void* pReadFds, void* pWriteFds, void* pExceptFds);
41     static void ReadDataFromSocket(void* pReadfds);
42     bool isValidDscp(int32_t dscp);
43     int32_t convertDscpToTos(int32_t dscp);
45 public:
46     /**
47      * @brief Set the local ip address and port number
48      */
49     virtual void SetLocalEndpoint(const char* ipAddress, const uint32_t port);
51     /**
52      * @brief Set the peer ip address and port number
53      */
54     virtual void SetPeerEndpoint(const char* ipAddress, const uint32_t port);
55     virtual int GetLocalPort();
56     virtual int GetPeerPort();
57     virtual char* GetLocalIPAddress();
58     virtual char* GetPeerIPAddress();
60     /**
61      * @brief Add socket file descriptor to the list, stack into list is done only once when the
62      * socket reference counter is zero
63      *
64      * @param socketFd The unique socket file descriptor
65      * @return true Returns when the give argument is valid
66      * @return false Returns when the give argument is invalid
67      */
68     virtual bool Open(int socketFd = -1);
70     /**
71      * @brief Add socket listener to the rx socket list for callback when the socket listener is not
72      * null, if the listener is null, remove the socket instance from the rx socket list
73      *
74      * @param listener The listener to decide add or remove from the rx socket list.
75      */
76     virtual void Listen(ISocketListener* listener);
78     /**
79      * @brief Send data to registered socket
80      *
81      * @param pData The data array
82      * @param nDataSize The length of data
83      * @return int32_t The length of data which is sent successfully, return -1 when it is failed
84      * to send
85      */
86     virtual int32_t SendTo(uint8_t* pData, uint32_t nDataSize);
88     /**
89      * @brief Receive data to the give buffer
90      *
91      * @param pData The data buffer to copy
92      * @param nBufferSize The size of buffer
93      * @return int32_t The length of data which is received successfully, return -1 when it is
94      * failed to received or has invalid arguments
95      */
96     virtual int32_t ReceiveFrom(uint8_t* pData, uint32_t nBufferSize);
98     /**
99      * @brief Retrieve optional data from the socket
100      *
101      * @param type The type of the socket option to receive
102      * @param value The value to received, if method returns true, the value is valid
103      */
104     virtual bool RetrieveOptionMsg(uint32_t type, int32_t& value);
106     /**
107      * @brief Remove the socket from the socket list
108      */
109     virtual void Close();
111     /**
112      * @brief Set the socket option, calls setsockopt
113      *
114      * @param nOption The option type defined as kSocketOption
115      * @param nOptionValue The value to set
116      * @return true Returns when the setsockopt returns valid status
117      * @return false Returns when the setsockopt returns -1
118      */
119     virtual bool SetSocketOpt(kSocketOption nOption, int32_t nOptionValue);
120     int32_t GetSocketFd();
121     ISocketListener* GetListener();
123 private:
124     static std::list<ImsMediaSocket*> slistSocket;
125     static std::list<ImsMediaSocket*> slistRxSocket;
126     static int32_t sRxSocketCount;
127     static bool mSocketListUpdated;
128     static bool mTerminateMonitor;
129     static std::mutex sMutexRxSocket;
130     static std::mutex sMutexSocketList;
131     static ImsMediaCondition mConditionExit;
132     int32_t mSocketFd;
133     int32_t mRefCount;
134     ISocketListener* mListener;
135     kIpVersion mLocalIPVersion;
136     kIpVersion mPeerIPVersion;
137     char mLocalIP[MAX_IP_LEN]{};
138     char mPeerIP[MAX_IP_LEN]{};
139     uint32_t mLocalPort;
140     uint32_t mPeerPort;
141     bool mRemoteIpFiltering;
142 };
144 #endif