1 /*
<lambda>null2 * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16 package com.android.systemui.animation
18 import android.graphics.Canvas
19 import android.graphics.Paint
20 import android.graphics.fonts.Font
21 import android.graphics.fonts.FontVariationAxis
22 import android.graphics.text.PositionedGlyphs
23 import android.text.Layout
24 import android.text.TextPaint
25 import android.text.TextShaper
26 import android.util.MathUtils
27 import com.android.internal.graphics.ColorUtils
28 import java.lang.Math.max
30 /** Provide text style linear interpolation for plain text. */
31 class TextInterpolator(
32 layout: Layout,
33 var typefaceCache: TypefaceVariantCache,
34 numberOfAnimationSteps: Int? = null,
35 ) {
36 /**
37 * Returns base paint used for interpolation.
38 *
39 * Once you modified the style parameters, you have to call reshapeText to recalculate base text
40 * layout.
41 *
42 * Do not bypass the cache and update the typeface or font variation directly.
43 *
44 * @return a paint object
45 */
46 val basePaint = TextPaint(layout.paint)
48 /**
49 * Returns target paint used for interpolation.
50 *
51 * Once you modified the style parameters, you have to call reshapeText to recalculate target
52 * text layout.
53 *
54 * Do not bypass the cache and update the typeface or font variation directly.
55 *
56 * @return a paint object
57 */
58 val targetPaint = TextPaint(layout.paint)
60 /**
61 * A class represents a single font run.
62 *
63 * A font run is a range that will be drawn with the same font.
64 */
65 private data class FontRun(
66 val start: Int, // inclusive
67 val end: Int, // exclusive
68 var baseFont: Font,
69 var targetFont: Font
70 ) {
71 val length: Int
72 get() = end - start
73 }
75 /** A class represents text layout of a single run. */
76 private class Run(
77 val glyphIds: IntArray,
78 val baseX: FloatArray, // same length as glyphIds
79 val baseY: FloatArray, // same length as glyphIds
80 val targetX: FloatArray, // same length as glyphIds
81 val targetY: FloatArray, // same length as glyphIds
82 val fontRuns: List<FontRun>
83 )
85 /** A class represents text layout of a single line. */
86 private class Line(val runs: List<Run>)
88 private var lines = listOf<Line>()
89 private val fontInterpolator = FontInterpolator(numberOfAnimationSteps)
91 // Recycling object for glyph drawing and tweaking.
92 private val tmpPaint = TextPaint()
93 private val tmpPaintForGlyph by lazy { TextPaint() }
94 private val tmpGlyph by lazy { MutablePositionedGlyph() }
95 // Will be extended for the longest font run if needed.
96 private var tmpPositionArray = FloatArray(20)
98 /**
99 * The progress position of the interpolation.
100 *
101 * The 0f means the start state, 1f means the end state.
102 */
103 var progress: Float = 0f
105 /**
106 * The layout used for drawing text.
107 *
108 * Only non-styled text is supported. Even if the given layout is created from Spanned, the span
109 * information is not used.
110 *
111 * The paint objects used for interpolation are not changed by this method call.
112 *
113 * Note: disabling ligature is strongly recommended if you give extra letter spacing since they
114 * may be disjointed based on letter spacing value and cannot be interpolated. Animator will
115 * throw runtime exception if they cannot be interpolated.
116 */
117 var layout: Layout = layout
118 get() = field
119 set(value) {
120 field = value
121 shapeText(value)
122 }
124 var shapedText: String = ""
125 private set
127 init {
128 // shapeText needs to be called after all members are initialized.
129 shapeText(layout)
130 }
132 /**
133 * Recalculate internal text layout for interpolation.
134 *
135 * Whenever the target paint is modified, call this method to recalculate internal text layout
136 * used for interpolation.
137 */
138 fun onTargetPaintModified() {
139 updatePositionsAndFonts(shapeText(layout, targetPaint), updateBase = false)
140 }
142 /**
143 * Recalculate internal text layout for interpolation.
144 *
145 * Whenever the base paint is modified, call this method to recalculate internal text layout
146 * used for interpolation.
147 */
148 fun onBasePaintModified() {
149 updatePositionsAndFonts(shapeText(layout, basePaint), updateBase = true)
150 }
152 /**
153 * Rebase the base state to the middle of the interpolation.
154 *
155 * The text interpolator does not calculate all the text position by text shaper due to
156 * performance reasons. Instead, the text interpolator shape the start and end state and
157 * calculate text position of the middle state by linear interpolation. Due to this trick, the
158 * text positions of the middle state is likely different from the text shaper result. So, if
159 * you want to start animation from the middle state, you will see the glyph jumps due to this
160 * trick, i.e. the progress 0.5 of interpolation between weight 400 and 700 is different from
161 * text shape result of weight 550.
162 *
163 * After calling this method, do not call onBasePaintModified() since it reshape the text and
164 * update the base state. As in above notice, the text shaping result at current progress is
165 * different shaped result. By calling onBasePaintModified(), you may see the glyph jump.
166 *
167 * By calling this method, the progress will be reset to 0.
168 *
169 * This API is useful to continue animation from the middle of the state. For example, if you
170 * animate weight from 200 to 400, then if you want to move back to 200 at the half of the
171 * animation, it will look like
172 * <pre> <code>
173 * ```
174 * val interp = TextInterpolator(layout)
175 *
176 * // Interpolate between weight 200 to 400.
177 * interp.basePaint.fontVariationSettings = "'wght' 200"
178 * interp.onBasePaintModified()
179 * interp.targetPaint.fontVariationSettings = "'wght' 400"
180 * interp.onTargetPaintModified()
181 *
182 * // animate
183 * val animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(1f).apply {
184 * addUpdaterListener {
185 * interp.progress = it.animateValue as Float
186 * }
187 * }.start()
188 *
189 * // Here, assuming you receive some event and want to start new animation from current
190 * // state.
191 * OnSomeEvent {
192 * animator.cancel()
193 *
194 * // start another animation from the current state.
195 * interp.rebase() // Use current state as base state.
196 * interp.targetPaint.fontVariationSettings = "'wght' 200" // set new target
197 * interp.onTargetPaintModified() // reshape target
198 *
199 * // Here the textInterpolator interpolate from 'wght' from 300 to 200 if the current
200 * // progress is 0.5
201 * animator.start()
202 * }
203 * ```
204 * </code> </pre>
205 */
206 fun rebase() {
207 if (progress == 0f) {
208 return
209 } else if (progress == 1f) {
210 basePaint.set(targetPaint)
211 } else {
212 lerp(basePaint, targetPaint, progress, tmpPaint)
213 basePaint.set(tmpPaint)
214 }
216 lines.forEach { line ->
217 line.runs.forEach { run ->
218 for (i in run.baseX.indices) {
219 run.baseX[i] = MathUtils.lerp(run.baseX[i], run.targetX[i], progress)
220 run.baseY[i] = MathUtils.lerp(run.baseY[i], run.targetY[i], progress)
221 }
222 run.fontRuns.forEach { fontRun ->
223 fontRun.baseFont =
224 fontInterpolator.lerp(fontRun.baseFont, fontRun.targetFont, progress)
225 val fvar = FontVariationAxis.toFontVariationSettings(fontRun.baseFont.axes)
226 basePaint.typeface = typefaceCache.getTypefaceForVariant(fvar)
227 }
228 }
229 }
231 progress = 0f
232 }
234 /**
235 * Draws interpolated text at the given progress.
236 *
237 * @param canvas a canvas.
238 */
239 fun draw(canvas: Canvas) {
240 lerp(basePaint, targetPaint, progress, tmpPaint)
241 lines.forEachIndexed { lineNo, line ->
242 line.runs.forEach { run ->
243 canvas.save()
244 try {
245 // Move to drawing origin.
246 val origin = layout.getDrawOrigin(lineNo)
247 canvas.translate(origin, layout.getLineBaseline(lineNo).toFloat())
249 run.fontRuns.forEach { fontRun ->
250 drawFontRun(canvas, run, fontRun, lineNo, tmpPaint)
251 }
252 } finally {
253 canvas.restore()
254 }
255 }
256 }
257 }
259 // Shape text with current paint parameters.
260 private fun shapeText(layout: Layout) {
261 val baseLayout = shapeText(layout, basePaint)
262 val targetLayout = shapeText(layout, targetPaint)
264 require(baseLayout.size == targetLayout.size) {
265 "The new layout result has different line count."
266 }
268 var maxRunLength = 0
269 lines =
270 baseLayout.zip(targetLayout) { baseLine, targetLine ->
271 val runs =
272 baseLine.zip(targetLine) { base, target ->
273 require(base.glyphCount() == target.glyphCount()) {
274 "Inconsistent glyph count at line ${lines.size}"
275 }
277 val glyphCount = base.glyphCount()
279 // Good to recycle the array if the existing array can hold the new layout
280 // result.
281 val glyphIds =
282 IntArray(glyphCount) {
283 base.getGlyphId(it).also { baseGlyphId ->
284 require(baseGlyphId == target.getGlyphId(it)) {
285 "Inconsistent glyph ID at $it in line ${lines.size}"
286 }
287 }
288 }
290 val baseX = FloatArray(glyphCount) { base.getGlyphX(it) }
291 val baseY = FloatArray(glyphCount) { base.getGlyphY(it) }
292 val targetX = FloatArray(glyphCount) { target.getGlyphX(it) }
293 val targetY = FloatArray(glyphCount) { target.getGlyphY(it) }
295 // Calculate font runs
296 val fontRun = mutableListOf<FontRun>()
297 if (glyphCount != 0) {
298 var start = 0
299 var baseFont = base.getFont(start)
300 var targetFont = target.getFont(start)
301 require(FontInterpolator.canInterpolate(baseFont, targetFont)) {
302 "Cannot interpolate font at $start ($baseFont vs $targetFont)"
303 }
305 for (i in 1 until glyphCount) {
306 val nextBaseFont = base.getFont(i)
307 val nextTargetFont = target.getFont(i)
309 if (baseFont !== nextBaseFont) {
310 require(targetFont !== nextTargetFont) {
311 "Base font has changed at $i but target font is unchanged."
312 }
313 // Font transition point. push run and reset context.
314 fontRun.add(FontRun(start, i, baseFont, targetFont))
315 maxRunLength = max(maxRunLength, i - start)
316 baseFont = nextBaseFont
317 targetFont = nextTargetFont
318 start = i
319 require(FontInterpolator.canInterpolate(baseFont, targetFont)) {
320 "Cannot interpolate font at $start" +
321 " ($baseFont vs $targetFont)"
322 }
323 } else { // baseFont === nextBaseFont
324 require(targetFont === nextTargetFont) {
325 "Base font is unchanged at $i but target font has changed."
326 }
327 }
328 }
329 fontRun.add(FontRun(start, glyphCount, baseFont, targetFont))
330 maxRunLength = max(maxRunLength, glyphCount - start)
331 }
332 Run(glyphIds, baseX, baseY, targetX, targetY, fontRun)
333 }
334 Line(runs)
335 }
337 // Update float array used for drawing.
338 if (tmpPositionArray.size < maxRunLength * 2) {
339 tmpPositionArray = FloatArray(maxRunLength * 2)
340 }
341 }
343 private class MutablePositionedGlyph : TextAnimator.PositionedGlyph() {
344 override var runStart: Int = 0
345 public set
346 override var runLength: Int = 0
347 public set
348 override var glyphIndex: Int = 0
349 public set
350 override lateinit var font: Font
351 public set
352 override var glyphId: Int = 0
353 public set
354 }
356 var glyphFilter: GlyphCallback? = null
358 // Draws single font run.
359 private fun drawFontRun(c: Canvas, line: Run, run: FontRun, lineNo: Int, paint: Paint) {
360 var arrayIndex = 0
361 val font = fontInterpolator.lerp(run.baseFont, run.targetFont, progress)
363 val glyphFilter = glyphFilter
364 if (glyphFilter == null) {
365 for (i in run.start until run.end) {
366 tmpPositionArray[arrayIndex++] =
367 MathUtils.lerp(line.baseX[i], line.targetX[i], progress)
368 tmpPositionArray[arrayIndex++] =
369 MathUtils.lerp(line.baseY[i], line.targetY[i], progress)
370 }
371 c.drawGlyphs(line.glyphIds, run.start, tmpPositionArray, 0, run.length, font, paint)
372 return
373 }
375 tmpGlyph.font = font
376 tmpGlyph.runStart = run.start
377 tmpGlyph.runLength = run.end - run.start
378 tmpGlyph.lineNo = lineNo
380 tmpPaintForGlyph.set(paint)
381 var prevStart = run.start
383 for (i in run.start until run.end) {
384 tmpGlyph.glyphIndex = i
385 tmpGlyph.glyphId = line.glyphIds[i]
386 tmpGlyph.x = MathUtils.lerp(line.baseX[i], line.targetX[i], progress)
387 tmpGlyph.y = MathUtils.lerp(line.baseY[i], line.targetY[i], progress)
388 tmpGlyph.textSize = paint.textSize
389 tmpGlyph.color = paint.color
391 glyphFilter(tmpGlyph, progress)
393 if (tmpGlyph.textSize != paint.textSize || tmpGlyph.color != paint.color) {
394 tmpPaintForGlyph.textSize = tmpGlyph.textSize
395 tmpPaintForGlyph.color = tmpGlyph.color
397 c.drawGlyphs(
398 line.glyphIds,
399 prevStart,
400 tmpPositionArray,
401 0,
402 i - prevStart,
403 font,
404 tmpPaintForGlyph
405 )
406 prevStart = i
407 arrayIndex = 0
408 }
410 tmpPositionArray[arrayIndex++] = tmpGlyph.x
411 tmpPositionArray[arrayIndex++] = tmpGlyph.y
412 }
414 c.drawGlyphs(
415 line.glyphIds,
416 prevStart,
417 tmpPositionArray,
418 0,
419 run.end - prevStart,
420 font,
421 tmpPaintForGlyph
422 )
423 }
425 private fun updatePositionsAndFonts(
426 layoutResult: List<List<PositionedGlyphs>>,
427 updateBase: Boolean
428 ) {
429 // Update target positions with newly calculated text layout.
430 check(layoutResult.size == lines.size) { "The new layout result has different line count." }
432 lines.zip(layoutResult) { line, runs ->
433 line.runs.zip(runs) { lineRun, newGlyphs ->
434 require(newGlyphs.glyphCount() == lineRun.glyphIds.size) {
435 "The new layout has different glyph count."
436 }
438 lineRun.fontRuns.forEach { run ->
439 val newFont = newGlyphs.getFont(run.start)
440 for (i in run.start until run.end) {
441 require(newGlyphs.getGlyphId(run.start) == lineRun.glyphIds[run.start]) {
442 "The new layout has different glyph ID at ${run.start}"
443 }
444 require(newFont === newGlyphs.getFont(i)) {
445 "The new layout has different font run." +
446 " $newFont vs ${newGlyphs.getFont(i)} at $i"
447 }
448 }
450 // The passing base font and target font is already interpolatable, so just
451 // check new font can be interpolatable with base font.
452 require(FontInterpolator.canInterpolate(newFont, run.baseFont)) {
453 "New font cannot be interpolated with existing font. $newFont," +
454 " ${run.baseFont}"
455 }
457 if (updateBase) {
458 run.baseFont = newFont
459 } else {
460 run.targetFont = newFont
461 }
462 }
464 if (updateBase) {
465 for (i in lineRun.baseX.indices) {
466 lineRun.baseX[i] = newGlyphs.getGlyphX(i)
467 lineRun.baseY[i] = newGlyphs.getGlyphY(i)
468 }
469 } else {
470 for (i in lineRun.baseX.indices) {
471 lineRun.targetX[i] = newGlyphs.getGlyphX(i)
472 lineRun.targetY[i] = newGlyphs.getGlyphY(i)
473 }
474 }
475 }
476 }
477 }
479 // Linear interpolate the paint.
480 private fun lerp(from: Paint, to: Paint, progress: Float, out: Paint) {
481 out.set(from)
483 // Currently only font size & colors are interpolated.
484 // TODO(172943390): Add other interpolation or support custom interpolator.
485 out.textSize = MathUtils.lerp(from.textSize, to.textSize, progress)
486 out.color = ColorUtils.blendARGB(from.color, to.color, progress)
487 out.strokeWidth = MathUtils.lerp(from.strokeWidth, to.strokeWidth, progress)
488 }
490 // Shape the text and stores the result to out argument.
491 private fun shapeText(layout: Layout, paint: TextPaint): List<List<PositionedGlyphs>> {
492 var text = StringBuilder()
493 val out = mutableListOf<List<PositionedGlyphs>>()
494 for (lineNo in 0 until layout.lineCount) { // Shape all lines.
495 val lineStart = layout.getLineStart(lineNo)
496 val lineEnd = layout.getLineEnd(lineNo)
497 var count = lineEnd - lineStart
498 // Do not render the last character in the line if it's a newline and unprintable
499 val last = lineStart + count - 1
500 if (last > lineStart && last < layout.text.length && layout.text[last] == '\n') {
501 count--
502 }
504 val runs = mutableListOf<PositionedGlyphs>()
505 TextShaper.shapeText(
506 layout.text,
507 lineStart,
508 count,
509 layout.textDirectionHeuristic,
510 paint
511 ) { _, _, glyphs, _ ->
512 runs.add(glyphs)
513 }
514 out.add(runs)
516 if (lineNo > 0) {
517 text.append("\n")
518 }
519 text.append(layout.text.substring(lineStart, lineEnd))
520 }
521 shapedText = text.toString()
522 return out
523 }
524 }
Layoutnull526 private fun Layout.getDrawOrigin(lineNo: Int) =
527 if (getParagraphDirection(lineNo) == Layout.DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
528 getLineLeft(lineNo)
529 } else {
530 getLineRight(lineNo)
531 }