1 // Copyright 2023 Google LLC
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 //! Implementation of JNI platform functionality.
16 use crate::jnames::{SEND_REQUEST_MNAME, SEND_REQUEST_MSIG};
17 use crate::unique_jvm;
18 use anyhow::anyhow;
19 use jni::errors::Error as JNIError;
20 use jni::objects::{GlobalRef, JMethodID, JObject, JValue};
21 use jni::signature::TypeSignature;
22 use jni::sys::{jbyteArray, jint, jlong, jvalue};
23 use jni::{JNIEnv, JavaVM};
24 use lazy_static::lazy_static;
25 use log::{debug, error, info};
26 use std::collections::HashMap;
27 use std::sync::{
28 atomic::{AtomicI64, Ordering},
29 Arc, Mutex,
30 };
32 /// Macro capturing the name of the function calling this macro.
33 ///
34 /// function_name()! -> &'static str
35 /// Returns the function name as 'static reference.
36 macro_rules! function_name {
37 () => {{
38 // Declares function f inside current function.
39 fn f() {}
40 fn type_name_of<T>(_: T) -> &'static str {
41 std::any::type_name::<T>()
42 }
43 // type name of f is struct_or_crate_name::calling_function_name::f
44 let name = type_name_of(f);
45 // Find and cut the rest of the path:
46 // Third to last character, up to the first semicolon: is calling_function_name
47 match &name[..name.len() - 3].rfind(':') {
48 Some(pos) => &name[pos + 1..name.len() - 3],
49 None => &name[..name.len() - 3],
50 }
51 }};
52 }
54 lazy_static! {
55 static ref HANDLE_MAPPING: Mutex<HashMap<i64, Arc<Mutex<JavaPlatform>>>> =
56 Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
57 static ref HANDLE_RN: AtomicI64 = AtomicI64::new(0);
58 }
generate_platform_handle() -> i6460 fn generate_platform_handle() -> i64 {
61 HANDLE_RN.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)
62 }
insert_platform_handle(handle: i64, item: Arc<Mutex<JavaPlatform>>)64 fn insert_platform_handle(handle: i64, item: Arc<Mutex<JavaPlatform>>) {
65 if 0 == handle {
66 // Init once
67 logger::init(
68 logger::Config::default()
69 .with_tag_on_device("remoteauth")
70 .with_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Trace)
71 .with_filter("trace,jni=info"),
72 );
73 }
74 HANDLE_MAPPING.lock().unwrap().insert(handle, Arc::clone(&item));
75 }
77 /// Reports a response from remote device.
78 pub trait ResponseCallback {
79 /// Invoked upon successful response
on_response(&mut self, response: Vec<u8>)80 fn on_response(&mut self, response: Vec<u8>);
81 /// Invoked upon failure
on_error(&mut self, error_code: i32)82 fn on_error(&mut self, error_code: i32);
83 }
85 /// Trait to platform functionality
86 pub trait Platform {
87 /// Send a binary message to the remote with the given connection id and return the response.
send_request( &mut self, connection_id: i32, request: &[u8], callback: Box<dyn ResponseCallback + Send>, ) -> anyhow::Result<()>88 fn send_request(
89 &mut self,
90 connection_id: i32,
91 request: &[u8],
92 callback: Box<dyn ResponseCallback + Send>,
93 ) -> anyhow::Result<()>;
94 }
95 //////////////////////////////////
97 /// Implementation of Platform trait
98 pub struct JavaPlatform {
99 platform_handle: i64,
100 vm: &'static Arc<JavaVM>,
101 platform_native_obj: GlobalRef,
102 send_request_method_id: JMethodID,
103 map_futures: Mutex<HashMap<i64, Box<dyn ResponseCallback + Send>>>,
104 atomic_handle: AtomicI64,
105 }
107 impl JavaPlatform {
108 /// Creates JavaPlatform and associates with unique handle id
create( java_platform_native: JObject<'_>, ) -> Result<Arc<Mutex<impl Platform>>, JNIError>109 pub fn create(
110 java_platform_native: JObject<'_>,
111 ) -> Result<Arc<Mutex<impl Platform>>, JNIError> {
112 let platform_handle = generate_platform_handle();
113 let platform = Arc::new(Mutex::new(JavaPlatform::new(
114 platform_handle,
115 unique_jvm::get_static_ref().ok_or(JNIError::InvalidCtorReturn)?,
116 java_platform_native,
117 )?));
118 insert_platform_handle(platform_handle, Arc::clone(&platform));
119 Ok(Arc::clone(&platform))
120 }
new( platform_handle: i64, vm: &'static Arc<JavaVM>, java_platform_native: JObject, ) -> Result<JavaPlatform, JNIError>122 fn new(
123 platform_handle: i64,
124 vm: &'static Arc<JavaVM>,
125 java_platform_native: JObject,
126 ) -> Result<JavaPlatform, JNIError> {
127 vm.attach_current_thread().and_then(|env| {
128 let platform_class = env.get_object_class(java_platform_native)?;
129 let platform_native_obj = env.new_global_ref(java_platform_native)?;
130 let send_request_method: JMethodID =
131 env.get_method_id(platform_class, SEND_REQUEST_MNAME, SEND_REQUEST_MSIG)?;
133 Ok(Self {
134 platform_handle,
135 vm,
136 platform_native_obj,
137 send_request_method_id: send_request_method,
138 map_futures: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
139 atomic_handle: AtomicI64::new(0),
140 })
141 })
142 }
143 }
145 impl Platform for JavaPlatform {
send_request( &mut self, connection_id: i32, request: &[u8], callback: Box<dyn ResponseCallback + Send>, ) -> anyhow::Result<()>146 fn send_request(
147 &mut self,
148 connection_id: i32,
149 request: &[u8],
150 callback: Box<dyn ResponseCallback + Send>,
151 ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
152 let type_signature = TypeSignature::from_str(SEND_REQUEST_MSIG)
153 .map_err(|e| anyhow!("JNI: Invalid type signature: {:?}", e))?;
155 let response_handle = self.atomic_handle.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
156 self.map_futures.lock().unwrap().insert(response_handle, callback);
157 self.vm
158 .attach_current_thread()
159 .and_then(|env| {
160 let request_jbytearray = env.byte_array_from_slice(request)?;
161 // Safety: request_jbytearray is safely instantiated above.
162 let request_jobject = unsafe { JObject::from_raw(request_jbytearray) };
164 let _ = env.call_method_unchecked(
165 self.platform_native_obj.as_obj(),
166 self.send_request_method_id,
167 type_signature.ret,
168 &[
169 jvalue::from(JValue::Int(connection_id)),
170 jvalue::from(JValue::Object(request_jobject)),
171 jvalue::from(JValue::Long(response_handle)),
172 jvalue::from(JValue::Long(self.platform_handle)),
173 ],
174 );
175 Ok(info!(
176 "{} successfully sent-message, waiting for response {}:{}",
177 function_name!(),
178 self.platform_handle,
179 response_handle
180 ))
181 })
182 .map_err(|e| anyhow!("JNI: Failed to attach current thread: {:?}", e))?;
183 Ok(())
184 }
185 }
187 impl JavaPlatform {
on_send_request_success(&mut self, response: &[u8], response_handle: i64)188 fn on_send_request_success(&mut self, response: &[u8], response_handle: i64) {
189 info!(
190 "{} completed successfully {}:{}",
191 function_name!(),
192 self.platform_handle,
193 response_handle
194 );
195 if let Some(mut callback) = self.map_futures.lock().unwrap().remove(&response_handle) {
196 callback.on_response(response.to_vec());
197 } else {
198 error!(
199 "Failed to find TX for {} and {}:{}",
200 function_name!(),
201 self.platform_handle,
202 response_handle
203 );
204 }
205 }
on_send_request_error(&self, error_code: i32, response_handle: i64)207 fn on_send_request_error(&self, error_code: i32, response_handle: i64) {
208 error!(
209 "{} completed with error {} {}:{}",
210 function_name!(),
211 error_code,
212 self.platform_handle,
213 response_handle
214 );
215 if let Some(mut callback) = self.map_futures.lock().unwrap().remove(&response_handle) {
216 callback.on_error(error_code);
217 } else {
218 error!(
219 "Failed to find callback for {} and {}:{}",
220 function_name!(),
221 self.platform_handle,
222 response_handle
223 );
224 }
225 }
226 }
228 /// Returns successful response from remote device
229 #[no_mangle]
Java_com_android_server_remoteauth_jni_NativeRemoteAuthJavaPlatform_native_on_send_request_success( env: JNIEnv, _: JObject, app_response: jbyteArray, platform_handle: jlong, response_handle: jlong, )230 pub extern "system" fn Java_com_android_server_remoteauth_jni_NativeRemoteAuthJavaPlatform_native_on_send_request_success(
231 env: JNIEnv,
232 _: JObject,
233 app_response: jbyteArray,
234 platform_handle: jlong,
235 response_handle: jlong,
236 ) {
237 debug!("{}: enter", function_name!());
238 native_on_send_request_success(env, app_response, platform_handle, response_handle);
239 }
native_on_send_request_success( env: JNIEnv<'_>, app_response: jbyteArray, platform_handle: jlong, response_handle: jlong, )241 fn native_on_send_request_success(
242 env: JNIEnv<'_>,
243 app_response: jbyteArray,
244 platform_handle: jlong,
245 response_handle: jlong,
246 ) {
247 if let Some(platform) = HANDLE_MAPPING.lock().unwrap().get(&platform_handle) {
248 let response =
249 env.convert_byte_array(app_response).map_err(|_| JNIError::InvalidCtorReturn).unwrap();
250 let mut platform = (*platform).lock().unwrap();
251 platform.on_send_request_success(&response, response_handle);
252 } else {
253 let _ = env.throw_new(
254 "com/android/server/remoteauth/jni/BadHandleException",
255 format!("Failed to find Platform with ID {} in {}", platform_handle, function_name!()),
256 );
257 }
258 }
260 /// Notifies about failure to receive a response from remote device
261 #[no_mangle]
Java_com_android_server_remoteauth_jni_NativeRemoteAuthJavaPlatform_native_on_send_request_error( env: JNIEnv, _: JObject, error_code: jint, platform_handle: jlong, response_handle: jlong, )262 pub extern "system" fn Java_com_android_server_remoteauth_jni_NativeRemoteAuthJavaPlatform_native_on_send_request_error(
263 env: JNIEnv,
264 _: JObject,
265 error_code: jint,
266 platform_handle: jlong,
267 response_handle: jlong,
268 ) {
269 debug!("{}: enter", function_name!());
270 native_on_send_request_error(env, error_code, platform_handle, response_handle);
271 }
native_on_send_request_error( env: JNIEnv<'_>, error_code: jint, platform_handle: jlong, response_handle: jlong, )273 fn native_on_send_request_error(
274 env: JNIEnv<'_>,
275 error_code: jint,
276 platform_handle: jlong,
277 response_handle: jlong,
278 ) {
279 if let Some(platform) = HANDLE_MAPPING.lock().unwrap().get(&platform_handle) {
280 let platform = (*platform).lock().unwrap();
281 platform.on_send_request_error(error_code, response_handle);
282 } else {
283 let _ = env.throw_new(
284 "com/android/server/remoteauth/jni/BadHandleException",
285 format!("Failed to find Platform with ID {} in {}", platform_handle, function_name!()),
286 );
287 }
288 }
290 #[cfg(test)]
291 mod tests {
292 //use super::*;
294 //use tokio::runtime::Builder;
296 /// Checks validity of the function_name! macro.
297 #[test]
test_function_name()298 fn test_function_name() {
299 assert_eq!(function_name!(), "test_function_name");
300 }
301 }