1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #define LOG_TAG "EffectHalHidl"
18 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
20 #include <android/hidl/manager/1.0/IServiceManager.h>
21 #include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
22 #include <common/all-versions/VersionUtils.h>
23 #include <cutils/native_handle.h>
24 #include <cutils/properties.h>
25 #include <hwbinder/IPCThreadState.h>
26 #include <media/EffectsFactoryApi.h>
27 #include <mediautils/SchedulingPolicyService.h>
28 #include <mediautils/TimeCheck.h>
29 #include <system/audio_effects/effect_spatializer.h>
30 #include <utils/Log.h>
32 #include <util/EffectUtils.h>
34 #include "EffectBufferHalHidl.h"
35 #include "EffectHalHidl.h"
37 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::utils::EnumBitfield;
38 using ::android::hardware::audio::effect::CPP_VERSION::implementation::EffectUtils;
39 using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
40 using ::android::hardware::MQDescriptorSync;
41 using ::android::hardware::Return;
43 namespace android {
44 namespace effect {
46 using namespace ::android::hardware::audio::common::CPP_VERSION;
47 using namespace ::android::hardware::audio::effect::CPP_VERSION;
EffectHalHidl(const sp<IEffect> & effect,uint64_t effectId)49 EffectHalHidl::EffectHalHidl(const sp<IEffect>& effect, uint64_t effectId)
50         : EffectConversionHelperHidl("EffectHalHidl"),
51           mEffect(effect), mEffectId(effectId), mBuffersChanged(true), mEfGroup(nullptr) {
52     effect_descriptor_t halDescriptor{};
53     if (EffectHalHidl::getDescriptor(&halDescriptor) == NO_ERROR) {
54         mIsInput = (halDescriptor.flags & EFFECT_FLAG_TYPE_PRE_PROC) == EFFECT_FLAG_TYPE_PRE_PROC;
55         const bool isSpatializer =
56                 memcmp(&halDescriptor.type, FX_IID_SPATIALIZER, sizeof(effect_uuid_t)) == 0;
57         if (isSpatializer) {
58             constexpr int32_t kRTPriorityMin = 1;
59             constexpr int32_t kRTPriorityMax = 3;
60             const int32_t priorityBoost = property_get_int32("audio.spatializer.priority", 1);
61             if (priorityBoost >= kRTPriorityMin && priorityBoost <= kRTPriorityMax) {
62                 ALOGD("%s: audio.spatializer.priority %d on effect %lld",
63                          __func__, priorityBoost, (long long)effectId);
64                 mHalThreadPriority = priorityBoost;
65             }
66         }
67     }
68 }
~EffectHalHidl()70 EffectHalHidl::~EffectHalHidl() {
71     if (mEffect != 0) {
72         close();
73         mEffect.clear();
74         hardware::IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands();
75     }
76     if (mEfGroup) {
77         EventFlag::deleteEventFlag(&mEfGroup);
78     }
79 }
setInBuffer(const sp<EffectBufferHalInterface> & buffer)81 status_t EffectHalHidl::setInBuffer(const sp<EffectBufferHalInterface>& buffer) {
82     TIME_CHECK();
84     if (!mBuffersChanged) {
85         if (buffer.get() == nullptr || mInBuffer.get() == nullptr) {
86             mBuffersChanged = buffer.get() != mInBuffer.get();
87         } else {
88             mBuffersChanged = buffer->audioBuffer() != mInBuffer->audioBuffer();
89         }
90     }
91     mInBuffer = buffer;
92     return OK;
93 }
setOutBuffer(const sp<EffectBufferHalInterface> & buffer)95 status_t EffectHalHidl::setOutBuffer(const sp<EffectBufferHalInterface>& buffer) {
96     TIME_CHECK();
98     if (!mBuffersChanged) {
99         if (buffer.get() == nullptr || mOutBuffer.get() == nullptr) {
100             mBuffersChanged = buffer.get() != mOutBuffer.get();
101         } else {
102             mBuffersChanged = buffer->audioBuffer() != mOutBuffer->audioBuffer();
103         }
104     }
105     mOutBuffer = buffer;
106     return OK;
107 }
process()109 status_t EffectHalHidl::process() {
110     // TIME_CHECK();  // TODO(b/243839867) reenable only when optimized.
112     return processImpl(static_cast<uint32_t>(MessageQueueFlagBits::REQUEST_PROCESS));
113 }
processReverse()115 status_t EffectHalHidl::processReverse() {
116     // TIME_CHECK();  // TODO(b/243839867) reenable only when optimized.
118     return processImpl(static_cast<uint32_t>(MessageQueueFlagBits::REQUEST_PROCESS_REVERSE));
119 }
prepareForProcessing()121 status_t EffectHalHidl::prepareForProcessing() {
122     std::unique_ptr<StatusMQ> tempStatusMQ;
123     Result retval;
124     Return<void> ret = mEffect->prepareForProcessing(
125             [&](Result r, const MQDescriptorSync<Result>& statusMQ) {
126                 retval = r;
127                 if (retval == Result::OK) {
128                     tempStatusMQ.reset(new StatusMQ(statusMQ));
129                     if (tempStatusMQ->isValid() && tempStatusMQ->getEventFlagWord()) {
130                         EventFlag::createEventFlag(tempStatusMQ->getEventFlagWord(), &mEfGroup);
131                     }
132                 }
133             });
134     if (!ret.isOk() || retval != Result::OK) {
135         return ret.isOk() ? analyzeResult(retval) : FAILED_TRANSACTION;
136     }
137     if (!tempStatusMQ || !tempStatusMQ->isValid() || !mEfGroup) {
138         ALOGE_IF(!tempStatusMQ, "Failed to obtain status message queue for effects");
139         ALOGE_IF(tempStatusMQ && !tempStatusMQ->isValid(),
140                 "Status message queue for effects is invalid");
141         ALOGE_IF(!mEfGroup, "Event flag creation for effects failed");
142         return NO_INIT;
143     }
145     (void)checkHalThreadPriority();
146     mStatusMQ = std::move(tempStatusMQ);
147     return OK;
148 }
needToResetBuffers()150 bool EffectHalHidl::needToResetBuffers() {
151     if (mBuffersChanged) return true;
152     bool inBufferFrameCountUpdated = mInBuffer->checkFrameCountChange();
153     bool outBufferFrameCountUpdated = mOutBuffer->checkFrameCountChange();
154     return inBufferFrameCountUpdated || outBufferFrameCountUpdated;
155 }
processImpl(uint32_t mqFlag)157 status_t EffectHalHidl::processImpl(uint32_t mqFlag) {
158     if (mEffect == 0 || mInBuffer == 0 || mOutBuffer == 0) return NO_INIT;
159     status_t status;
160     if (!mStatusMQ && (status = prepareForProcessing()) != OK) {
161         return status;
162     }
163     if (needToResetBuffers() && (status = setProcessBuffers()) != OK) {
164         return status;
165     }
166     // The data is already in the buffers, just need to flush it and wake up the server side.
167     std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_release);
168     mEfGroup->wake(mqFlag);
169     uint32_t efState = 0;
170 retry:
171     status_t ret = mEfGroup->wait(
172             static_cast<uint32_t>(MessageQueueFlagBits::DONE_PROCESSING), &efState);
173     if (efState & static_cast<uint32_t>(MessageQueueFlagBits::DONE_PROCESSING)) {
174         Result retval = Result::NOT_INITIALIZED;
175         mStatusMQ->read(&retval);
176         if (retval == Result::OK || retval == Result::INVALID_STATE) {
177             // Sync back the changed contents of the buffer.
178             std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_acquire);
179         }
180         return analyzeResult(retval);
181     }
182     if (ret == -EAGAIN || ret == -EINTR) {
183         // Spurious wakeup. This normally retries no more than once.
184         goto retry;
185     }
186     return ret;
187 }
setProcessBuffers()189 status_t EffectHalHidl::setProcessBuffers() {
190     Return<Result> ret = mEffect->setProcessBuffers(
191             static_cast<EffectBufferHalHidl*>(mInBuffer.get())->hidlBuffer(),
192             static_cast<EffectBufferHalHidl*>(mOutBuffer.get())->hidlBuffer());
193     if (ret.isOk() && ret == Result::OK) {
194         mBuffersChanged = false;
195         return OK;
196     }
197     return ret.isOk() ? analyzeResult(ret) : FAILED_TRANSACTION;
198 }
command(uint32_t cmdCode,uint32_t cmdSize,void * pCmdData,uint32_t * replySize,void * pReplyData)200 status_t EffectHalHidl::command(uint32_t cmdCode, uint32_t cmdSize, void *pCmdData,
201         uint32_t *replySize, void *pReplyData) {
202     TIME_CHECK();
204     if (mEffect == 0) return NO_INIT;
206     // Special cases.
207     if (cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_SET_CONFIG || cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_SET_CONFIG_REVERSE) {
208         return setConfigImpl(cmdCode, cmdSize, pCmdData, replySize, pReplyData);
209     } else if (cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_GET_CONFIG || cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_GET_CONFIG_REVERSE) {
210         return getConfigImpl(cmdCode, replySize, pReplyData);
211     }
213     // Common case.
214     hidl_vec<uint8_t> hidlData;
215     if (pCmdData != nullptr && cmdSize > 0) {
216         hidlData.setToExternal(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(pCmdData), cmdSize);
217     }
218     status_t status;
219     uint32_t replySizeStub = 0;
220     if (replySize == nullptr || pReplyData == nullptr) replySize = &replySizeStub;
221     Return<void> ret = mEffect->command(cmdCode, hidlData, *replySize,
222             [&](int32_t s, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& result) {
223                 status = s;
224                 if (status == 0) {
225                     if (*replySize > result.size()) *replySize = result.size();
226                     if (pReplyData != nullptr && *replySize > 0) {
227                         memcpy(pReplyData, &result[0], *replySize);
228                     }
229                 }
230             });
231     return ret.isOk() ? status : FAILED_TRANSACTION;
232 }
getDescriptor(effect_descriptor_t * pDescriptor)234 status_t EffectHalHidl::getDescriptor(effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor) {
235     TIME_CHECK();
237     if (mEffect == 0) return NO_INIT;
238     Result retval = Result::NOT_INITIALIZED;
239     Return<void> ret = mEffect->getDescriptor(
240             [&](Result r, const EffectDescriptor& result) {
241                 retval = r;
242                 if (retval == Result::OK) {
243                     EffectUtils::effectDescriptorToHal(result, pDescriptor);
244                 }
245             });
246     return ret.isOk() ? analyzeResult(retval) : FAILED_TRANSACTION;
247 }
close()249 status_t EffectHalHidl::close() {
250     TIME_CHECK();
252     if (mEffect == 0) return NO_INIT;
253     Return<Result> ret = mEffect->close();
254     return ret.isOk() ? analyzeResult(ret) : FAILED_TRANSACTION;
255 }
dump(int fd)257 status_t EffectHalHidl::dump(int fd) {
258     TIME_CHECK();
260     if (mEffect == 0) return NO_INIT;
261     native_handle_t* hidlHandle = native_handle_create(1, 0);
262     hidlHandle->data[0] = fd;
263     Return<void> ret = mEffect->debug(hidlHandle, {} /* options */);
264     native_handle_delete(hidlHandle);
266     // TODO(b/111997867, b/177271958)  Workaround - remove when fixed.
267     // A Binder transmitted fd may not close immediately due to a race condition b/111997867
268     // when the remote binder thread removes the last refcount to the fd blocks in the
269     // kernel for binder activity. We send a Binder ping() command to unblock the thread
270     // and complete the fd close / release.
271     //
272     // See DeviceHalHidl::dump(), EffectHalHidl::dump(), StreamHalHidl::dump(),
273     //     EffectsFactoryHalHidl::dumpEffects().
275     (void)mEffect->ping(); // synchronous Binder call
277     return ret.isOk() ? OK : FAILED_TRANSACTION;
278 }
getConfigImpl(uint32_t cmdCode,uint32_t * replySize,void * pReplyData)280 status_t EffectHalHidl::getConfigImpl(
281         uint32_t cmdCode, uint32_t *replySize, void *pReplyData) {
282     if (replySize == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(effect_config_t) || pReplyData == NULL) {
283         return BAD_VALUE;
284     }
285     status_t result = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
286     Return<void> ret;
287     if (cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_GET_CONFIG) {
288         ret = mEffect->getConfig([&] (Result r, const EffectConfig &hidlConfig) {
289             result = analyzeResult(r);
290             if (r == Result::OK) {
291                 EffectUtils::effectConfigToHal(
292                         hidlConfig, static_cast<effect_config_t*>(pReplyData));
293             }
294         });
295     } else {
296         ret = mEffect->getConfigReverse([&] (Result r, const EffectConfig &hidlConfig) {
297             result = analyzeResult(r);
298             if (r == Result::OK) {
299                 EffectUtils::effectConfigToHal(
300                         hidlConfig, static_cast<effect_config_t*>(pReplyData));
301             }
302         });
303     }
304     if (!ret.isOk()) {
305         result = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
306     }
307     return result;
308 }
setConfigImpl(uint32_t cmdCode,uint32_t cmdSize,void * pCmdData,uint32_t * replySize,void * pReplyData)310 status_t EffectHalHidl::setConfigImpl(
311         uint32_t cmdCode, uint32_t cmdSize, void *pCmdData, uint32_t *replySize, void *pReplyData) {
312     if (pCmdData == NULL || cmdSize != sizeof(effect_config_t) ||
313             replySize == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(int32_t) || pReplyData == NULL) {
314         return BAD_VALUE;
315     }
316     const effect_config_t *halConfig = static_cast<effect_config_t*>(pCmdData);
317     if (halConfig->inputCfg.bufferProvider.getBuffer != NULL ||
318             halConfig->inputCfg.bufferProvider.releaseBuffer != NULL ||
319             halConfig->outputCfg.bufferProvider.getBuffer != NULL ||
320             halConfig->outputCfg.bufferProvider.releaseBuffer != NULL) {
321         ALOGE("Buffer provider callbacks are not supported");
322     }
323     EffectConfig hidlConfig;
324     EffectUtils::effectConfigFromHal(*halConfig, mIsInput, &hidlConfig);
325     Return<Result> ret = cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_SET_CONFIG ?
326             mEffect->setConfig(hidlConfig, nullptr, nullptr) :
327             mEffect->setConfigReverse(hidlConfig, nullptr, nullptr);
328     status_t result = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
329     if (ret.isOk()) {
330         result = analyzeResult(ret);
331         *static_cast<int32_t*>(pReplyData) = result;
332     }
333     return result;
334 }
getHalPid(pid_t * pid) const336 status_t EffectHalHidl::getHalPid(pid_t *pid) const {
337     using ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo;
338     using ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager;
339     DebugInfo debugInfo;
340     const auto ret = mEffect->getDebugInfo([&] (const auto &info) {
341         debugInfo = info;
342     });
343     if (!ret.isOk()) {
344         ALOGW("%s: cannot get effect debug info", __func__);
345         return INVALID_OPERATION;
346     }
347     if (debugInfo.pid != (int)IServiceManager::PidConstant::NO_PID) {
348         *pid = debugInfo.pid;
349         return NO_ERROR;
350     }
351     ALOGW("%s: effect debug info does not contain pid", __func__);
352     return NAME_NOT_FOUND;
353 }
getHalWorkerTid(pid_t * tid)355 status_t EffectHalHidl::getHalWorkerTid(pid_t *tid) {
356     int32_t reply = -1;
357     uint32_t replySize = sizeof(reply);
358     const status_t status =
359             command('gtid', 0 /* cmdSize */, nullptr /* pCmdData */, &replySize, &reply);
360     if (status == OK) {
361         *tid = (pid_t)reply;
362     } else {
363         ALOGW("%s: failed with status:%d", __func__, status);
364     }
365     return status;
366 }
requestHalThreadPriority(pid_t threadPid,pid_t threadId)368 bool EffectHalHidl::requestHalThreadPriority(pid_t threadPid, pid_t threadId) {
369     if (mHalThreadPriority == kRTPriorityDisabled) {
370         return true;
371     }
372     const int err = requestPriority(
373             threadPid, threadId,
374             mHalThreadPriority, false /*isForApp*/, true /*asynchronous*/);
375     ALOGW_IF(err, "%s: failed to set RT priority %d for pid %d tid %d; error %d",
376             __func__, mHalThreadPriority, threadPid, threadId, err);
377     // Audio will still work, but may be more susceptible to glitches.
378     return err == 0;
379 }
checkHalThreadPriority()381 status_t EffectHalHidl::checkHalThreadPriority() {
382     if (mHalThreadPriority == kRTPriorityDisabled) return OK;
383     if (mHalThreadPriority < kRTPriorityMin
384             || mHalThreadPriority > kRTPriorityMax) return BAD_VALUE;
386     pid_t halPid, halWorkerTid;
387     const status_t status = getHalPid(&halPid) ?: getHalWorkerTid(&halWorkerTid);
388     const bool success = status == OK && requestHalThreadPriority(halPid, halWorkerTid);
389     ALOGD("%s: effectId %lld RT priority(%d) request %s%s",
390             __func__, (long long)mEffectId, mHalThreadPriority,
391             success ? "succeeded" : "failed",
392             status == OK
393                     ? base::StringPrintf(" for pid:%d tid:%d", halPid, halWorkerTid).c_str()
394                     : " (pid / tid cannot be read)");
395     return success ? OK : status != OK ? status : INVALID_OPERATION /* request failed */;
396 }
398 } // namespace effect
399 } // namespace android