1#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
3#   Copyright 2021 - The Android Open Source Project
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17import bokeh, bokeh.plotting, bokeh.io
18import collections
19import itertools
20import json
21import math
22from acts_contrib.test_utils.wifi import wifi_performance_test_utils as wputils
25# Plotting Utilities
26class BokehFigure():
27    """Class enabling  simplified Bokeh plotting."""
29    COLORS = [
30        'black',
31        'blue',
32        'blueviolet',
33        'brown',
34        'burlywood',
35        'cadetblue',
36        'cornflowerblue',
37        'crimson',
38        'cyan',
39        'darkblue',
40        'darkgreen',
41        'darkmagenta',
42        'darkorange',
43        'darkred',
44        'deepskyblue',
45        'goldenrod',
46        'green',
47        'grey',
48        'indigo',
49        'navy',
50        'olive',
51        'orange',
52        'red',
53        'salmon',
54        'teal',
55        'yellow',
56    ]
57    MARKERS = [
58        'asterisk', 'circle', 'circle_cross', 'circle_x', 'cross', 'diamond',
59        'diamond_cross', 'hex', 'inverted_triangle', 'square', 'square_x',
60        'square_cross', 'triangle', 'x'
61    ]
63    TOOLS = ('box_zoom,box_select,pan,crosshair,redo,undo,reset,hover,save')
65    def __init__(self,
66                 title=None,
67                 x_label=None,
68                 primary_y_label=None,
69                 secondary_y_label=None,
70                 height=700,
71                 width=1100,
72                 title_size='15pt',
73                 axis_label_size='12pt',
74                 legend_label_size='12pt',
75                 legend_location = 'top_right',
76                 axis_tick_label_size='12pt',
77                 x_axis_type='auto',
78                 sizing_mode='scale_both',
79                 json_file=None):
80        if json_file:
81            self.load_from_json(json_file)
82        else:
83            self.figure_data = []
84            self.fig_property = {
85                'title': title,
86                'x_label': x_label,
87                'primary_y_label': primary_y_label,
88                'secondary_y_label': secondary_y_label,
89                'num_lines': 0,
90                'height': height,
91                'width': width,
92                'title_size': title_size,
93                'axis_label_size': axis_label_size,
94                'legend_label_size': legend_label_size,
95                'legend_location': legend_location,
96                'axis_tick_label_size': axis_tick_label_size,
97                'x_axis_type': x_axis_type,
98                'sizing_mode': sizing_mode
99            }
101    def init_plot(self):
102        self.plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(
103            sizing_mode=self.fig_property['sizing_mode'],
104            width=self.fig_property['width'],
105            height=self.fig_property['height'],
106            title=self.fig_property['title'],
107            tools=self.TOOLS,
108            x_axis_type=self.fig_property['x_axis_type'],
109            output_backend='webgl')
110        tooltips = [
111            ('index', '$index'),
112            ('(x,y)', '($x, $y)'),
113        ]
114        hover_set = []
115        for line in self.figure_data:
116            hover_set.extend(line['hover_text'].keys())
117        hover_set = set(hover_set)
118        for item in hover_set:
119            tooltips.append((item, '@{}'.format(item)))
120        self.plot.hover.tooltips = tooltips
121        self.plot.add_tools(
122            bokeh.models.tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions='width'))
123        self.plot.add_tools(
124            bokeh.models.tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions='height'))
126    def _filter_line(self, x_data, y_data, hover_text=None):
127        """Function to remove NaN points from bokeh plots."""
128        x_data_filtered = []
129        y_data_filtered = []
130        hover_text_filtered = {}
131        for idx, xy in enumerate(
132                itertools.zip_longest(x_data, y_data, fillvalue=float('nan'))):
133            if not math.isnan(xy[1]):
134                x_data_filtered.append(xy[0])
135                y_data_filtered.append(xy[1])
136                if hover_text:
137                    for key, value in hover_text.items():
138                        hover_text_filtered.setdefault(key, [])
139                        hover_text_filtered[key].append(
140                            value[idx] if len(value) > idx else '')
141        return x_data_filtered, y_data_filtered, hover_text_filtered
143    def add_line(self,
144                 x_data,
145                 y_data,
146                 legend,
147                 hover_text=None,
148                 color=None,
149                 width=3,
150                 style='solid',
151                 marker=None,
152                 marker_size=10,
153                 shaded_region=None,
154                 y_axis='default'):
155        """Function to add line to existing BokehFigure.
157        Args:
158            x_data: list containing x-axis values for line
159            y_data: list containing y_axis values for line
160            legend: string containing line title
161            hover_text: text to display when hovering over lines
162            color: string describing line color
163            width: integer line width
164            style: string describing line style, e.g, solid or dashed
165            marker: string specifying line marker, e.g., cross
166            shaded region: data describing shaded region to plot
167            y_axis: identifier for y-axis to plot line against
168        """
169        if y_axis not in ['default', 'secondary']:
170            raise ValueError('y_axis must be default or secondary')
171        if color == None:
172            color = self.COLORS[self.fig_property['num_lines'] %
173                                len(self.COLORS)]
174        if style == 'dashed':
175            style = [5, 5]
176        if isinstance(hover_text, list):
177            hover_text = {'info': hover_text}
178        x_data_filter, y_data_filter, hover_text_filter = self._filter_line(
179            x_data, y_data, hover_text)
180        self.figure_data.append({
181            'x_data': x_data_filter,
182            'y_data': y_data_filter,
183            'legend': legend,
184            'hover_text': hover_text_filter,
185            'color': color,
186            'width': width,
187            'style': style,
188            'marker': marker,
189            'marker_size': marker_size,
190            'shaded_region': shaded_region,
191            'y_axis': y_axis
192        })
193        self.fig_property['num_lines'] += 1
195    def add_scatter(self,
196                    x_data,
197                    y_data,
198                    legend,
199                    hover_text=None,
200                    color=None,
201                    marker=None,
202                    marker_size=10,
203                    y_axis='default'):
204        """Function to add line to existing BokehFigure.
206        Args:
207            x_data: list containing x-axis values for line
208            y_data: list containing y_axis values for line
209            legend: string containing line title
210            hover_text: text to display when hovering over lines
211            color: string describing line color
212            marker: string specifying marker, e.g., cross
213            y_axis: identifier for y-axis to plot line against
214        """
215        if y_axis not in ['default', 'secondary']:
216            raise ValueError('y_axis must be default or secondary')
217        if color == None:
218            color = self.COLORS[self.fig_property['num_lines'] %
219                                len(self.COLORS)]
220        if marker == None:
221            marker = self.MARKERS[self.fig_property['num_lines'] %
222                                  len(self.MARKERS)]
223        self.figure_data.append({
224            'x_data': x_data,
225            'y_data': y_data,
226            'legend': legend,
227            'hover_text': hover_text,
228            'color': color,
229            'width': 0,
230            'style': 'solid',
231            'marker': marker,
232            'marker_size': marker_size,
233            'shaded_region': None,
234            'y_axis': y_axis
235        })
236        self.fig_property['num_lines'] += 1
238    def generate_figure(self, output_file=None, save_json=True):
239        """Function to generate and save BokehFigure.
241        Args:
242            output_file: string specifying output file path
243        """
244        self.init_plot()
245        two_axes = False
246        for line in self.figure_data:
247            data_dict = {'x': line['x_data'], 'y': line['y_data']}
248            for key, value in line['hover_text'].items():
249                data_dict[key] = value
250            source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(data=data_dict)
251            if line['width'] > 0:
252                self.plot.line(x='x',
253                               y='y',
254                               legend_label=line['legend'],
255                               line_width=line['width'],
256                               color=line['color'],
257                               line_dash=line['style'],
258                               name=line['y_axis'],
259                               y_range_name=line['y_axis'],
260                               source=source)
261            if line['shaded_region']:
262                band_x = line['shaded_region']['x_vector']
263                band_x.extend(line['shaded_region']['x_vector'][::-1])
264                band_y = line['shaded_region']['lower_limit']
265                band_y.extend(line['shaded_region']['upper_limit'][::-1])
266                self.plot.patch(band_x,
267                                band_y,
268                                color='#7570B3',
269                                line_alpha=0.1,
270                                fill_alpha=0.1)
271            if line['marker'] in self.MARKERS:
272                marker_func = getattr(self.plot, line['marker'])
273                marker_func(x='x',
274                            y='y',
275                            size=line['marker_size'],
276                            legend_label=line['legend'],
277                            line_color=line['color'],
278                            fill_color=line['color'],
279                            name=line['y_axis'],
280                            y_range_name=line['y_axis'],
281                            source=source)
282            if line['y_axis'] == 'secondary':
283                two_axes = True
285        #x-axis formatting
286        self.plot.xaxis.axis_label = self.fig_property['x_label']
287        self.plot.x_range.range_padding = 0
288        self.plot.xaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
289            'axis_label_size']
290        self.plot.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
291            'axis_tick_label_size']
292        #y-axis formatting
293        self.plot.yaxis[0].axis_label = self.fig_property['primary_y_label']
294        self.plot.yaxis[0].axis_label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
295            'axis_label_size']
296        self.plot.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
297            'axis_tick_label_size']
298        self.plot.y_range = bokeh.models.DataRange1d(names=['default'])
299        if two_axes and 'secondary' not in self.plot.extra_y_ranges:
300            self.plot.extra_y_ranges = {
301                'secondary': bokeh.models.DataRange1d(names=['secondary'])
302            }
303            self.plot.add_layout(
304                bokeh.models.LinearAxis(
305                    y_range_name='secondary',
306                    axis_label=self.fig_property['secondary_y_label'],
307                    axis_label_text_font_size=self.
308                    fig_property['axis_label_size']), 'right')
309        # plot formatting
310        self.plot.legend.location = self.fig_property['legend_location']
311        self.plot.legend.click_policy = 'hide'
312        self.plot.title.text_font_size = self.fig_property['title_size']
313        self.plot.legend.label_text_font_size = self.fig_property[
314            'legend_label_size']
316        if output_file is not None:
317            self.save_figure(output_file, save_json)
318        return self.plot
320    def load_from_json(self, file_path):
321        with open(file_path, 'r') as json_file:
322            fig_dict = json.load(json_file)
323        self.fig_property = fig_dict['fig_property']
324        self.figure_data = fig_dict['figure_data']
326    def _save_figure_json(self, output_file):
327        """Function to save a json format of a figure"""
328        figure_dict = collections.OrderedDict(fig_property=self.fig_property,
329                                              figure_data=self.figure_data)
330        output_file = output_file.replace('.html', '_plot_data.json')
331        with open(output_file, 'w') as outfile:
332            json.dump(wputils.serialize_dict(figure_dict), outfile, indent=4)
334    def save_figure(self, output_file, save_json=True):
335        """Function to save BokehFigure.
337        Args:
338            output_file: string specifying output file path
339            save_json: flag controlling json outputs
340        """
341        if save_json:
342            self._save_figure_json(output_file)
343        bokeh.io.output_file(output_file)
344        bokeh.io.save(self.plot)
346    @staticmethod
347    def save_figures(figure_array, output_file_path, save_json=True):
348        """Function to save list of BokehFigures in one file.
350        Args:
351            figure_array: list of BokehFigure object to be plotted
352            output_file: string specifying output file path
353        """
354        for idx, figure in enumerate(figure_array):
355            figure.generate_figure()
356            if save_json:
357                json_file_path = output_file_path.replace(
358                    '.html', '{}-plot_data.json'.format(idx))
359                figure._save_figure_json(json_file_path)
360        plot_array = [figure.plot for figure in figure_array]
361        all_plots = bokeh.layouts.column(children=plot_array,
362                                         sizing_mode='scale_width')
363        bokeh.plotting.output_file(output_file_path)
364        bokeh.plotting.save(all_plots)