1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3#   Copyright 2021 - Google
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17from datetime import datetime
18import os
19import re
20import shutil
21import time
23from acts import utils
24from acts.libs.proc import job
25from acts.controllers.android_device import DEFAULT_QXDM_LOG_PATH
26from acts.controllers.android_device import DEFAULT_SDM_LOG_PATH
27from acts.libs.utils.multithread import run_multithread_func
28from acts.utils import get_current_epoch_time
29from acts.utils import start_standing_subprocess
32_LS_MASK_NAME = "Lassen default + TCP"
35am broadcast -n com.android.pixellogger/.receiver.AlwaysOnLoggingReceiver \
36-a com.android.pixellogger.service.logging.LoggingService.ACTION_CONFIGURE_ALWAYS_ON_LOGGING \
37-e intent_key_enable "true" -e intent_key_config "{_LS_MASK_NAME}" \
38--ei intent_key_max_log_size_mb 100 --ei intent_key_max_number_of_files 100'
40am broadcast -n com.android.pixellogger/.receiver.AlwaysOnLoggingReceiver \
41-a com.android.pixellogger.service.logging.LoggingService.ACTION_CONFIGURE_ALWAYS_ON_LOGGING \
42-e intent_key_enable "false"'
43_LS_GET_LOG_STATUS_SHELL = 'getprop vendor.sys.modem.logging.status'
47def check_if_tensor_platform(ad):
48    """Check if current platform belongs to the Tensor platform
50    Args:
51        ad: Android object
53    Returns:
54        True if current platform belongs to the Tensor platform. Otherwise False.
55    """
56    result = ad.adb.getprop("ro.boot.hardware.platform")
57    if re.search('^gs', result, re.I):
58        return True
59    return False
62def start_pixellogger_always_on_logging(ad):
63    """Start always-on logging of Pixellogger for both Qualcomm and Tensor
64    platform.
66    Args:
67        ad: Android object
69    Returns:
70        True if the property is set correctly. Otherwise False.
71    """
72    setattr(ad, 'enable_always_on_modem_logger', True)
73    if check_if_tensor_platform(ad):
74        key = "persist.vendor.sys.modem.logging.enable"
75    else:
76        key = "persist.vendor.sys.modem.diag.mdlog"
78    if ad.adb.getprop(key) == "false":
79        ad.adb.shell("setprop persist.vendor.sys.modem.logging.enable true")
80        time.sleep(5)
81        if ad.adb.getprop(key) == "true":
82            return True
83        else:
84            return False
85    else:
86        return True
89def start_dsp_logger(ad, p21 = False, retry = 3):
90    """Start DSP logging for P21/P22 devices.
92    Args:
93        ad: Android object.
94        p21: True if p21 device, False otherwise.
95        retry: times of retry to enable DSP logger.
97    Returns:
98        True if DSP logger is enabled correctly. Otherwise False.
99    """
100    registry_name = "!LTEL1.HAL.DSP\\ clkgating\\ Enb/Dis" if p21 else "NASU.LCPU.LOG.SWITCH"
101    nv_value = "00" if p21 else "02"
103    def _is_dsp_enabled(ad):
104        return nv_value in ad.adb.shell('am instrument -w -e request '
105            f'at+googgetnv=\\"{registry_name}\\" -e response wait '
106            'com.google.mdstest/com.google.mdstest.instrument.'
107            'ModemATCommandInstrumentation')
109    for _ in range(retry):
110        if not _is_dsp_enabled(ad):
111            ad.adb.shell('am instrument -w -e request at+googsetnv=\\"'
112                f'{registry_name}\\",0,\\"{nv_value}\\" -e response wait '
113                'com.google.mdstest/com.google.mdstest.instrument.'
114                'ModemATCommandInstrumentation')
115            time.sleep(3)
116        else:
117            ad.log.info("DSP logger is enabled, reboot to start.")
118            ad.reboot()
119            return True
120    ad.log.warning("DSP logger enable failed")
121    return False
124def is_sdm_logger_running(ad):
125    """Queries the status of SDM logger.
127    Returns:
128      True if the SDM logger is runninng.
129    """
130    return "true" in ad.adb.shell(_LS_GET_LOG_STATUS_SHELL, ignore_status=True)
133def start_sdm_logger(ad):
134    """Start SDM logger."""
135    if not getattr(ad, "sdm_log", True): return
137    # Delete existing SDM logs which were created 15 mins prior
138    ad.sdm_log_path = DEFAULT_SDM_LOG_PATH
139    file_count = ad.adb.shell(
140        f"find {ad.sdm_log_path} -type f -iname sbuff_[0-9]*.sdm* | wc -l")
141    if int(file_count) > 3:
142        seconds = 15 * 60
143        # Remove sdm logs modified more than specified seconds ago
144        ad.adb.shell(
145            f"find {ad.sdm_log_path} -type f -iname sbuff_[0-9]*.sdm* "
146            f"-not -mtime -{seconds}s -delete")
148    if not is_sdm_logger_running(ad):
149        ad.log.debug("starting sdm logger...")
150        ad.adb.shell(_LS_ENABLE_LOG_SHELL, ignore_status=True)
152        timeout = time.monotonic() + _LS_START_LS_TIMEOUT_SECS
153        while time.monotonic() < timeout:
154            time.sleep(1)
155            if is_sdm_logger_running(ad):
156                ad.log.info('SDM logger has started')
157                break
158        else:
159            raise RuntimeError(
160                'Timed out while waiting for SDM logger to start.')
163def stop_sdm_logger(ad):
164    """Stop SDM logger."""
165    if is_sdm_logger_running(ad):
166        ad.log.info("Stopping SDM logger...")
167        ad.adb.shell(_LS_DISABLE_LOG_SHELL, ignore_status=True)
169        timeout = time.monotonic() + _LS_STOP_LS_TIMEOUT_SECS
170        while time.monotonic() < timeout:
171            time.sleep(1)
172            if not is_sdm_logger_running(ad):
173                ad.log.info('SDM logger has stoped')
174                break
175        else:
176            raise RuntimeError(
177                'Timed out while waiting for SDM logger to stop.')
180def start_sdm_loggers(log, ads):
181    tasks = [(start_sdm_logger, [ad]) for ad in ads
182             if getattr(ad, "sdm_log", True)]
183    if tasks: run_multithread_func(log, tasks)
186def stop_sdm_loggers(log, ads):
187    tasks = [(stop_sdm_logger, [ad]) for ad in ads]
188    run_multithread_func(log, tasks)
191def find_qxdm_log_mask(ad, mask="default.cfg"):
192    """Find QXDM logger mask."""
193    if "/" not in mask:
194        # Call nexuslogger to generate log mask
195        start_nexuslogger(ad)
196        # Find the log mask path
197        for path in (DEFAULT_QXDM_LOG_PATH, "/data/diag_logs",
198                     "/vendor/etc/mdlog/", "/vendor/etc/modem/"):
199            out = ad.adb.shell(
200                "find %s -type f -iname %s" % (path, mask), ignore_status=True)
201            if out and "No such" not in out and "Permission denied" not in out:
202                if path.startswith("/vendor/"):
203                    setattr(ad, "qxdm_log_path", DEFAULT_QXDM_LOG_PATH)
204                else:
205                    setattr(ad, "qxdm_log_path", path)
206                return out.split("\n")[0]
207        for mask_file in ("/vendor/etc/mdlog/", "/vendor/etc/modem/"):
208            if mask in ad.adb.shell("ls %s" % mask_file, ignore_status=True):
209                setattr(ad, "qxdm_log_path", DEFAULT_QXDM_LOG_PATH)
210                return "%s/%s" % (mask_file, mask)
211    else:
212        out = ad.adb.shell("ls %s" % mask, ignore_status=True)
213        if out and "No such" not in out:
214            qxdm_log_path, cfg_name = os.path.split(mask)
215            setattr(ad, "qxdm_log_path", qxdm_log_path)
216            return mask
217    ad.log.warning("Could NOT find QXDM logger mask path for %s", mask)
220def set_qxdm_logger_command(ad, mask=None):
221    """Set QXDM logger always on.
223    Args:
224        ad: android device object.
226    """
227    ## Neet to check if log mask will be generated without starting nexus logger
228    masks = []
229    mask_path = None
230    if mask:
231        masks = [mask]
232    masks.extend(["QC_Default.cfg", "default.cfg"])
233    for mask in masks:
234        mask_path = find_qxdm_log_mask(ad, mask)
235        if mask_path: break
236    if not mask_path:
237        ad.log.error("Cannot find QXDM mask %s", mask)
238        ad.qxdm_logger_command = None
239        return False
240    else:
241        ad.log.info("Use QXDM log mask %s", mask_path)
242        ad.log.debug("qxdm_log_path = %s", ad.qxdm_log_path)
243        output_path = os.path.join(ad.qxdm_log_path, "logs")
244        ad.qxdm_logger_command = ("diag_mdlog -f %s -o %s -s 90 -c" %
245                                  (mask_path, output_path))
246        return True
249def stop_qxdm_logger(ad):
250    """Stop QXDM logger."""
251    for cmd in ("diag_mdlog -k", "killall diag_mdlog"):
252        output = ad.adb.shell("ps -ef | grep mdlog") or ""
253        if "diag_mdlog" not in output:
254            break
255        ad.log.debug("Kill the existing qxdm process")
256        ad.adb.shell(cmd, ignore_status=True)
257        time.sleep(5)
260def start_qxdm_logger(ad, begin_time=None):
261    """Start QXDM logger."""
262    if not getattr(ad, "qxdm_log", True): return
263    # Delete existing QXDM logs 5 minutes earlier than the begin_time
264    current_time = get_current_epoch_time()
265    if getattr(ad, "qxdm_log_path", None):
266        seconds = None
267        file_count = ad.adb.shell(
268            "find %s -type f -iname *.qmdl | wc -l" % ad.qxdm_log_path)
269        if int(file_count) > 3:
270            if begin_time:
271                # if begin_time specified, delete old qxdm logs modified
272                # 10 minutes before begin time
273                seconds = int((current_time - begin_time) / 1000.0) + 10 * 60
274            else:
275                # if begin_time is not specified, delete old qxdm logs modified
276                # 15 minutes before current time
277                seconds = 15 * 60
278        if seconds:
279            # Remove qxdm logs modified more than specified seconds ago
280            ad.adb.shell(
281                "find %s -type f -iname *.qmdl -not -mtime -%ss -delete" %
282                (ad.qxdm_log_path, seconds))
283            ad.adb.shell(
284                "find %s -type f -iname *.xml -not -mtime -%ss -delete" %
285                (ad.qxdm_log_path, seconds))
286    if getattr(ad, "qxdm_logger_command", None):
287        output = ad.adb.shell("ps -ef | grep mdlog") or ""
288        if ad.qxdm_logger_command not in output:
289            ad.log.debug("QXDM logging command %s is not running",
290                         ad.qxdm_logger_command)
291            if "diag_mdlog" in output:
292                # Kill the existing non-matching diag_mdlog process
293                # Only one diag_mdlog process can be run
294                stop_qxdm_logger(ad)
295            ad.log.info("Start QXDM logger")
296            ad.adb.shell_nb(ad.qxdm_logger_command)
297            time.sleep(10)
298        else:
299            run_time = check_qxdm_logger_run_time(ad)
300            if run_time < 600:
301                # the last diag_mdlog started within 10 minutes ago
302                # no need to restart
303                return True
304            if ad.search_logcat(
305                    "Diag_Lib: diag: In delete_log",
306                    begin_time=current_time -
307                    run_time) or not ad.get_file_names(
308                        ad.qxdm_log_path,
309                        begin_time=current_time - 600000,
310                        match_string="*.qmdl"):
311                # diag_mdlog starts deleting files or no qmdl logs were
312                # modified in the past 10 minutes
313                ad.log.debug("Quit existing diag_mdlog and start a new one")
314                stop_qxdm_logger(ad)
315                ad.adb.shell_nb(ad.qxdm_logger_command)
316                time.sleep(10)
317        return True
320def disable_qxdm_logger(ad):
321    for prop in ("persist.sys.modem.diag.mdlog",
322                 "persist.vendor.sys.modem.diag.mdlog",
323                 "vendor.sys.modem.diag.mdlog_on"):
324        if ad.adb.getprop(prop):
325            ad.adb.shell("setprop %s false" % prop, ignore_status=True)
326    for apk in ("com.android.nexuslogger", "com.android.pixellogger"):
327        if ad.is_apk_installed(apk) and ad.is_apk_running(apk):
328            ad.force_stop_apk(apk)
329    stop_qxdm_logger(ad)
330    return True
333def check_qxdm_logger_run_time(ad):
334    output = ad.adb.shell("ps -eo etime,cmd | grep diag_mdlog")
335    result = re.search(r"(\d+):(\d+):(\d+) diag_mdlog", output)
336    if result:
337        return int(result.group(1)) * 60 * 60 + int(
338            result.group(2)) * 60 + int(result.group(3))
339    else:
340        result = re.search(r"(\d+):(\d+) diag_mdlog", output)
341        if result:
342            return int(result.group(1)) * 60 + int(result.group(2))
343        else:
344            return 0
347def start_qxdm_loggers(log, ads, begin_time=None):
348    tasks = [(start_qxdm_logger, [ad, begin_time]) for ad in ads
349             if getattr(ad, "qxdm_log", True)]
350    if tasks: run_multithread_func(log, tasks)
353def stop_qxdm_loggers(log, ads):
354    tasks = [(stop_qxdm_logger, [ad]) for ad in ads]
355    run_multithread_func(log, tasks)
358def check_qxdm_logger_mask(ad, mask_file="QC_Default.cfg"):
359    """Check if QXDM logger always on is set.
361    Args:
362        ad: android device object.
364    """
365    output = ad.adb.shell(
366        "ls /data/vendor/radio/diag_logs/", ignore_status=True)
367    if not output or "No such" in output:
368        return True
369    if mask_file not in ad.adb.shell(
370            "cat /data/vendor/radio/diag_logs/diag.conf", ignore_status=True):
371        return False
372    return True
375def start_nexuslogger(ad):
376    """Start Nexus/Pixel Logger Apk."""
377    qxdm_logger_apk = None
378    for apk, activity in (("com.android.nexuslogger", ".MainActivity"),
379                          ("com.android.pixellogger",
380                           ".ui.main.MainActivity")):
381        if ad.is_apk_installed(apk):
382            qxdm_logger_apk = apk
383            break
384    if not qxdm_logger_apk: return
385    if ad.is_apk_running(qxdm_logger_apk):
386        if "granted=true" in ad.adb.shell(
387                "dumpsys package %s | grep READ_EXTERN" % qxdm_logger_apk):
388            return True
389        else:
390            ad.log.info("Kill %s" % qxdm_logger_apk)
391            ad.force_stop_apk(qxdm_logger_apk)
392            time.sleep(5)
393    ad.adb.shell("pm grant %s android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" % (qxdm_logger_apk))
394    time.sleep(2)
395    for i in range(3):
396        ad.unlock_screen()
397        ad.log.info("Start %s Attempt %d" % (qxdm_logger_apk, i + 1))
398        ad.adb.shell("am start -n %s/%s" % (qxdm_logger_apk, activity))
399        time.sleep(5)
400        if ad.is_apk_running(qxdm_logger_apk):
401            ad.send_keycode("HOME")
402            return True
403    return False
406def start_tcpdumps(ads,
407                   test_name="",
408                   begin_time=None,
409                   interface="any",
410                   mask="all"):
411    for ad in ads:
412        try:
413            start_adb_tcpdump(
414                ad,
415                test_name=test_name,
416                begin_time=begin_time,
417                interface=interface,
418                mask=mask)
419        except Exception as e:
420            ad.log.warning("Fail to start tcpdump due to %s", e)
423def start_adb_tcpdump(ad,
424                      test_name="",
425                      begin_time=None,
426                      interface="any",
427                      mask="all"):
428    """Start tcpdump on any iface
430    Args:
431        ad: android device object.
432        test_name: tcpdump file name will have this
434    """
435    out = ad.adb.shell("ls -l /data/local/tmp/tcpdump/", ignore_status=True)
436    if "No such file" in out or not out:
437        ad.adb.shell("mkdir /data/local/tmp/tcpdump")
438    else:
439        ad.adb.shell(
440            "find /data/local/tmp/tcpdump -type f -not -mtime -1800s -delete",
441            ignore_status=True)
442        ad.adb.shell(
443            "find /data/local/tmp/tcpdump -type f -size +5G -delete",
444            ignore_status=True)
446    if not begin_time:
447        begin_time = get_current_epoch_time()
449    out = ad.adb.shell(
450        'ifconfig | grep -v -E "r_|-rmnet" | grep -E "lan|data"',
451        ignore_status=True,
452        timeout=180)
453    intfs = re.findall(r"(\S+).*", out)
454    if interface and interface not in ("any", "all"):
455        if interface not in intfs: return
456        intfs = [interface]
458    out = ad.adb.shell("ps -ef | grep tcpdump")
459    cmds = []
460    for intf in intfs:
461        if intf in out:
462            ad.log.info("tcpdump on interface %s is already running", intf)
463            continue
464        else:
465            log_file_name = "/data/local/tmp/tcpdump/tcpdump_%s_%s_%s_%s.pcap" \
466                            % (ad.serial, intf, test_name, begin_time)
467            if mask == "ims":
468                cmds.append(
469                    "adb -s %s shell tcpdump -i %s -s0 -n -p udp port 500 or "
470                    "udp port 4500 -w %s" % (ad.serial, intf, log_file_name))
471            else:
472                cmds.append("adb -s %s shell tcpdump -i %s -s0 -w %s" %
473                            (ad.serial, intf, log_file_name))
474    if "Qualcomm" not in str(ad.adb.shell("getprop gsm.version.ril-impl")):
475        log_file_name = ("/data/local/tmp/tcpdump/tcpdump_%s_any_%s_%s.pcap"
476                         % (ad.serial, test_name, begin_time))
477        cmds.append("adb -s %s shell nohup tcpdump -i any -s0 -w %s" %
478                    (ad.serial, log_file_name))
479    for cmd in cmds:
480        ad.log.info(cmd)
481        try:
482            start_standing_subprocess(cmd, 10)
483        except Exception as e:
484            ad.log.error(e)
485    if cmds:
486        time.sleep(5)
489def stop_tcpdumps(ads):
490    for ad in ads:
491        stop_adb_tcpdump(ad)
494def stop_adb_tcpdump(ad, interface="any"):
495    """Stops tcpdump on any iface
496       Pulls the tcpdump file in the tcpdump dir
498    Args:
499        ad: android device object.
501    """
502    if interface == "any":
503        try:
504            ad.adb.shell("killall -9 tcpdump", ignore_status=True)
505        except Exception as e:
506            ad.log.error("Killing tcpdump with exception %s", e)
507    else:
508        out = ad.adb.shell("ps -ef | grep tcpdump | grep %s" % interface)
509        if "tcpdump -i" in out:
510            pids = re.findall(r"\S+\s+(\d+).*tcpdump -i", out)
511            for pid in pids:
512                ad.adb.shell("kill -9 %s" % pid)
513    ad.adb.shell(
514        "find /data/local/tmp/tcpdump -type f -not -mtime -1800s -delete",
515        ignore_status=True)
518def get_tcpdump_log(ad, test_name="", begin_time=None):
519    """Stops tcpdump on any iface
520       Pulls the tcpdump file in the tcpdump dir
521       Zips all tcpdump files
523    Args:
524        ad: android device object.
525        test_name: test case name
526        begin_time: test begin time
527    """
528    logs = ad.get_file_names("/data/local/tmp/tcpdump", begin_time=begin_time)
529    if logs:
530        ad.log.info("Pulling tcpdumps %s", logs)
531        log_path = os.path.join(
532            ad.device_log_path, "TCPDUMP_%s_%s" % (ad.model, ad.serial))
533        os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
534        ad.pull_files(logs, log_path)
535        shutil.make_archive(log_path, "zip", log_path)
536        shutil.rmtree(log_path)
537    return True
540def wait_for_log(ad, pattern, begin_time=None, end_time=None, max_wait_time=120):
541    """Wait for logcat logs matching given pattern. This function searches in
542    logcat for strings matching given pattern by using search_logcat per second
543    until max_wait_time reaches.
545    Args:
546        ad: android device object
547        pattern: pattern to be searched in grep format
548        begin_time: only the lines in logcat with time stamps later than
549            begin_time will be searched.
550        end_time: only the lines in logcat with time stamps earlier than
551            end_time will be searched.
552        max_wait_time: timeout of this function
554    Returns:
555        All matched lines will be returned. If no line matches the given pattern
556        None will be returned.
557    """
558    start_time = datetime.now()
559    while True:
560        ad.log.info(
561            '====== Searching logcat for "%s" ====== ', pattern)
562        res = ad.search_logcat(
563            pattern, begin_time=begin_time, end_time=end_time)
564        if res:
565            return res
566        time.sleep(1)
567        stop_time = datetime.now()
568        passed_time = (stop_time - start_time).total_seconds()
569        if passed_time > max_wait_time:
570            return
573def extract_test_log(log, src_file, dst_file, test_tag):
574    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_file), exist_ok=True)
575    cmd = "grep -n '%s' %s" % (test_tag, src_file)
576    result = job.run(cmd, ignore_status=True)
577    if not result.stdout or result.exit_status == 1:
578        log.warning("Command %s returns %s", cmd, result)
579        return
580    line_nums = re.findall(r"(\d+).*", result.stdout)
581    if line_nums:
582        begin_line = int(line_nums[0])
583        end_line = int(line_nums[-1])
584        if end_line - begin_line <= 5:
585            result = job.run("wc -l < %s" % src_file)
586            if result.stdout:
587                end_line = int(result.stdout)
588        log.info("Extract %s from line %s to line %s to %s", src_file,
589                 begin_line, end_line, dst_file)
590        job.run("awk 'NR >= %s && NR <= %s' %s > %s" % (begin_line, end_line,
591                                                        src_file, dst_file))
594def log_screen_shot(ad, test_name=""):
595    file_name = "/sdcard/Pictures/screencap"
596    if test_name:
597        file_name = "%s_%s" % (file_name, test_name)
598    file_name = "%s_%s.png" % (file_name, utils.get_current_epoch_time())
599    try:
600        ad.adb.shell("screencap -p %s" % file_name)
601    except:
602        ad.log.error("Fail to log screen shot to %s", file_name)
605def get_screen_shot_log(ad, test_name="", begin_time=None):
606    logs = ad.get_file_names("/sdcard/Pictures", begin_time=begin_time)
607    if logs:
608        ad.log.info("Pulling %s", logs)
609        log_path = os.path.join(ad.device_log_path, "Screenshot_%s" % ad.serial)
610        os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
611        ad.pull_files(logs, log_path)
612    ad.adb.shell("rm -rf /sdcard/Pictures/screencap_*", ignore_status=True)
615def get_screen_shot_logs(ads, test_name="", begin_time=None):
616    for ad in ads:
617        get_screen_shot_log(ad, test_name=test_name, begin_time=begin_time)