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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
16"""Builds SDK snapshots.
18If the environment variable TARGET_BUILD_APPS is nonempty then only the SDKs for
19the APEXes in it are built, otherwise all configured SDKs are built.
21import argparse
22import dataclasses
23import datetime
24import enum
25import functools
26import io
27import json
28import os
29from pathlib import Path
30import re
31import shutil
32import subprocess
33import sys
34import tempfile
35import typing
36from collections import defaultdict
37from typing import Callable, List
38import zipfile
42// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
44// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
45// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
46// You may obtain a copy of the License at
48//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
50// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
51// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
52// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
53// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
54// limitations under the License.
60class ConfigVar:
61    """Represents a Soong configuration variable"""
62    # The config variable namespace, e.g. ANDROID.
63    namespace: str
65    # The name of the variable within the namespace.
66    name: str
70class FileTransformation:
71    """Performs a transformation on a file within an SDK snapshot zip file."""
73    # The path of the file within the SDK snapshot zip file.
74    path: str
76    def apply(self, producer, path, build_release):
77        """Apply the transformation to the path; changing it in place."""
78        with open(path, "r+", encoding="utf8") as file:
79            self._apply_transformation(producer, file, build_release)
81    def _apply_transformation(self, producer, file, build_release):
82        """Apply the transformation to the file.
84        The file has been opened in read/write mode so the implementation of
85        this must read the contents and then reset the file to the beginning
86        and write the altered contents.
87        """
88        raise NotImplementedError
92class SoongConfigVarTransformation(FileTransformation):
94    # The configuration variable that will control the prefer setting.
95    configVar: ConfigVar
97    # The line containing the prefer property.
98    PREFER_LINE = "    prefer: false,"
100    def _apply_transformation(self, producer, file, build_release):
101        raise NotImplementedError
105class SoongConfigBoilerplateInserter(SoongConfigVarTransformation):
106    """Transforms an Android.bp file to add soong config boilerplate.
108    The boilerplate allows the prefer setting of the modules to be controlled
109    through a Soong configuration variable.
110    """
112    # The configuration variable that will control the prefer setting.
113    configVar: ConfigVar
115    # The prefix to use for the soong config module types.
116    configModuleTypePrefix: str
118    def config_module_type(self, module_type):
119        return self.configModuleTypePrefix + module_type
121    def _apply_transformation(self, producer, file, build_release):
122        # TODO(b/174997203): Remove this when we have a proper way to control
123        #  prefer flags in Mainline modules.
125        header_lines = []
126        for line in file:
127            line = line.rstrip("\n")
128            if not line.startswith("//"):
129                break
130            header_lines.append(line)
132        config_module_types = set()
134        content_lines = []
135        for line in file:
136            line = line.rstrip("\n")
138            # Check to see whether the line is the start of a new module type,
139            # e.g. <module-type> {
140            module_header = re.match("([a-z0-9_]+) +{$", line)
141            if not module_header:
142                # It is not so just add the line to the output and skip to the
143                # next line.
144                content_lines.append(line)
145                continue
147            module_type = module_header.group(1)
148            module_content = []
150            # Iterate over the Soong module contents
151            for module_line in file:
152                module_line = module_line.rstrip("\n")
154                # When the end of the module has been reached then exit.
155                if module_line == "}":
156                    break
158                # Check to see if the module is an unversioned module, i.e.
159                # without @<version>. If it is then it needs to have the soong
160                # config boilerplate added to control the setting of the prefer
161                # property. Versioned modules do not need that because they are
162                # never preferred.
163                # At the moment this differentiation between versioned and
164                # unversioned relies on the fact that the unversioned modules
165                # set "prefer: false", while the versioned modules do not. That
166                # is a little bit fragile so may require some additional checks.
167                if module_line != self.PREFER_LINE:
168                    # The line does not indicate that the module needs the
169                    # soong config boilerplate so add the line and skip to the
170                    # next one.
171                    module_content.append(module_line)
172                    continue
174                # Add the soong config boilerplate instead of the line:
175                #     prefer: false,
176                namespace = self.configVar.namespace
177                name = self.configVar.name
178                module_content.append(f"""\
179    // Do not prefer prebuilt if the Soong config variable "{name}" in namespace "{namespace}" is true.
180    prefer: true,
181    soong_config_variables: {{
182        {name}: {{
183            prefer: false,
184        }},
185    }},""")
187                # Add the module type to the list of module types that need to
188                # have corresponding config module types.
189                config_module_types.add(module_type)
191                # Change the module type to the corresponding soong config
192                # module type by adding the prefix.
193                module_type = self.config_module_type(module_type)
195            # Generate the module, possibly with the new module type and
196            # containing the soong config variables entry.
197            content_lines.append(module_type + " {")
198            content_lines.extend(module_content)
199            content_lines.append("}")
201        # Add the soong_config_module_type module definitions to the header
202        # lines so that they appear before any uses.
203        header_lines.append("")
204        for module_type in sorted(config_module_types):
205            # Create the corresponding soong config module type name by adding
206            # the prefix.
207            config_module_type = self.configModuleTypePrefix + module_type
208            header_lines.append(f"""
209// Soong config variable module type added by {producer.script}.
210soong_config_module_type {{
211    name: "{config_module_type}",
212    module_type: "{module_type}",
213    config_namespace: "{self.configVar.namespace}",
214    bool_variables: ["{self.configVar.name}"],
215    properties: ["prefer"],
219        # Overwrite the file with the updated contents.
220        file.seek(0)
221        file.truncate()
222        file.write("\n".join(header_lines + content_lines) + "\n")
226class UseSourceConfigVarTransformation(SoongConfigVarTransformation):
228    def _apply_transformation(self, producer, file, build_release):
229        lines = []
230        for line in file:
231            line = line.rstrip("\n")
232            if line != self.PREFER_LINE:
233                lines.append(line)
234                continue
236            # Replace "prefer: false" with "use_source_config_var {...}".
237            namespace = self.configVar.namespace
238            name = self.configVar.name
239            lines.append(f"""\
240    // Do not prefer prebuilt if the Soong config variable "{name}" in namespace "{namespace}" is true.
241    use_source_config_var: {{
242        config_namespace: "{namespace}",
243        var_name: "{name}",
244    }},""")
246        # Overwrite the file with the updated contents.
247        file.seek(0)
248        file.truncate()
249        file.write("\n".join(lines) + "\n")
251# Removes any lines containing prefer
253class UseNoPreferPropertyTransformation(SoongConfigVarTransformation):
255    def _apply_transformation(self, producer, file, build_release):
256        lines = []
257        for line in file:
258            line = line.rstrip("\n")
259            if line != self.PREFER_LINE:
260                lines.append(line)
261                continue
263        # Overwrite the file with the updated contents.
264        file.seek(0)
265        file.truncate()
266        file.write("\n".join(lines) + "\n")
269class SubprocessRunner:
270    """Runs subprocesses"""
272    # Destination for stdout from subprocesses.
273    #
274    # This (and the following stderr) are needed to allow the tests to be run
275    # in Intellij. This ensures that the tests are run with stdout/stderr
276    # objects that work when passed to subprocess.run(stdout/stderr). Without it
277    # the tests are run with a FlushingStringIO object that has no fileno
278    # attribute - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-27883.
279    stdout: io.TextIOBase = sys.stdout
281    # Destination for stderr from subprocesses.
282    stderr: io.TextIOBase = sys.stderr
284    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
285        return subprocess.run(
286            *args, check=True, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr, **kwargs)
289def sdk_snapshot_zip_file(snapshots_dir, sdk_name):
290    """Get the path to the sdk snapshot zip file."""
291    return os.path.join(snapshots_dir, f"{sdk_name}-{SDK_VERSION}.zip")
294def sdk_snapshot_info_file(snapshots_dir, sdk_name):
295    """Get the path to the sdk snapshot info file."""
296    return os.path.join(snapshots_dir, f"{sdk_name}-{SDK_VERSION}.info")
299def sdk_snapshot_api_diff_file(snapshots_dir, sdk_name):
300    """Get the path to the sdk snapshot api diff file."""
301    return os.path.join(snapshots_dir, f"{sdk_name}-{SDK_VERSION}-api-diff.txt")
304def sdk_snapshot_gantry_metadata_json_file(snapshots_dir, sdk_name):
305    """Get the path to the sdk snapshot gantry metadata json file."""
306    return os.path.join(snapshots_dir,
307                        f"{sdk_name}-{SDK_VERSION}-gantry-metadata.json")
310# The default time to use in zip entries. Ideally, this should be the same as is
311# used by soong_zip and ziptime but there is no strict need for that to be the
312# case. What matters is this is a fixed time so that the contents of zip files
313# created by this script do not depend on when it is run, only the inputs.
314default_zip_time = datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
315                                     datetime.timezone.utc)
318# set the timestamps of the paths to the default_zip_time.
319def set_default_timestamp(base_dir, paths):
320    for path in paths:
321        timestamp = default_zip_time.timestamp()
322        p = os.path.join(base_dir, path)
323        os.utime(p, (timestamp, timestamp))
326# Find the git project path of the module_sdk for given module.
327def module_sdk_project_for_module(module, root_dir):
328    module = module.rsplit(".", 1)[1]
329    # git_master-art and aosp-master-art branches does not contain project for
330    # art, hence adding special case for art.
331    if module == "art":
332        return "prebuilts/module_sdk/art"
333    if module == "btservices":
334        return "prebuilts/module_sdk/Bluetooth"
335    if module == "media":
336        return "prebuilts/module_sdk/Media"
337    if module == "rkpd":
338        return "prebuilts/module_sdk/RemoteKeyProvisioning"
339    if module == "tethering":
340        return "prebuilts/module_sdk/Connectivity"
342    target_dir = ""
343    for dir in os.listdir(os.path.join(root_dir, "prebuilts/module_sdk/")):
344        if module.lower() in dir.lower():
345            if target_dir:
346                print(
347                    'Multiple target dirs matched "%s": %s'
348                    % (module, (target_dir, dir))
349                )
350                sys.exit(1)
351            target_dir = dir
352    if not target_dir:
353        print("Could not find a target dir for %s" % module)
354        sys.exit(1)
356    return "prebuilts/module_sdk/%s" % target_dir
360class SnapshotBuilder:
361    """Builds sdk snapshots"""
363    # The path to this tool.
364    tool_path: str
366    # Used to run subprocesses for building snapshots.
367    subprocess_runner: SubprocessRunner
369    # The OUT_DIR environment variable.
370    out_dir: str
372    # The out/soong/mainline-sdks directory.
373    mainline_sdks_dir: str = ""
375    # True if apex-allowed-deps-check is to be skipped.
376    skip_allowed_deps_check: bool = False
378    def __post_init__(self):
379        self.mainline_sdks_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir,
380                                              "soong/mainline-sdks")
382    def get_sdk_path(self, sdk_name):
383        """Get the path to the sdk snapshot zip file produced by soong"""
384        return os.path.join(self.mainline_sdks_dir,
385                            f"{sdk_name}-{SDK_VERSION}.zip")
387    def build_target_paths(self, build_release, target_paths):
388        # Extra environment variables to pass to the build process.
389        extraEnv = {
390            # TODO(ngeoffray): remove SOONG_ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES, but
391            #  we currently break without it.
392            "SOONG_ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES": "true",
393            # Set SOONG_SDK_SNAPSHOT_USE_SRCJAR to generate .srcjars inside
394            # sdk zip files as expected by prebuilt drop.
395            "SOONG_SDK_SNAPSHOT_USE_SRCJAR": "true",
396        }
397        extraEnv.update(build_release.soong_env)
399        # Unless explicitly specified in the calling environment set
400        # TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=user.
401        # This MUST be identical to the TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT used to build
402        # the corresponding APEXes otherwise it could result in different
403        # hidden API flags, see http://b/202398851#comment29 for more info.
404        target_build_variant = os.environ.get("TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT", "user")
405        cmd = [
406            "build/soong/soong_ui.bash",
407            "--make-mode",
408            "--soong-only",
409            f"TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT={target_build_variant}",
410            "TARGET_PRODUCT=mainline_sdk",
411            "MODULE_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=true",
412        ] + target_paths
413        if not self.skip_allowed_deps_check:
414            cmd += ["apex-allowed-deps-check"]
415        print_command(extraEnv, cmd)
416        env = os.environ.copy()
417        env.update(extraEnv)
418        self.subprocess_runner.run(cmd, env=env)
420    def build_snapshots(self, build_release, modules):
421        # Compute the paths to all the Soong generated sdk snapshot files
422        # required by this script.
423        paths = [
424            sdk_snapshot_zip_file(self.mainline_sdks_dir, sdk)
425            for module in modules
426            for sdk in module.sdks
427        ]
429        if paths:
430            self.build_target_paths(build_release, paths)
431        return self.mainline_sdks_dir
433    def build_snapshots_for_build_r(self, build_release, modules):
434        # Build the snapshots as standard.
435        snapshot_dir = self.build_snapshots(build_release, modules)
437        # Each module will extract needed files from the original snapshot zip
438        # file and then use that to create a replacement zip file.
439        r_snapshot_dir = os.path.join(snapshot_dir, "for-R-build")
440        shutil.rmtree(r_snapshot_dir, ignore_errors=True)
442        build_number_file = os.path.join(self.out_dir, "soong/build_number.txt")
444        for module in modules:
445            apex = module.apex
446            dest_dir = os.path.join(r_snapshot_dir, apex)
447            os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
449            # Write the bp file in the sdk_library sub-directory rather than the
450            # root of the zip file as it will be unpacked in a directory that
451            # already contains an Android.bp file that defines the corresponding
452            # apex_set.
453            bp_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "sdk_library/Android.bp")
454            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(bp_file), exist_ok=True)
456            # The first sdk in the list is the name to use.
457            sdk_name = module.sdks[0]
459            with open(bp_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as bp:
460                bp.write("// DO NOT EDIT. Auto-generated by the following:\n")
461                bp.write(f"//     {self.tool_path}\n")
462                bp.write(COPYRIGHT_BOILERPLATE)
463                aosp_apex = google_to_aosp_name(apex)
465                for library in module.for_r_build.sdk_libraries:
466                    module_name = library.name
467                    shared_library = str(library.shared_library).lower()
468                    sdk_file = sdk_snapshot_zip_file(snapshot_dir, sdk_name)
469                    extract_matching_files_from_zip(
470                        sdk_file, dest_dir,
471                        sdk_library_files_pattern(
472                            scope_pattern=r"(public|system|module-lib)",
473                            name_pattern=fr"({module_name}(-removed|-stubs)?)"))
475                    available_apexes = [f'"{aosp_apex}"']
476                    if aosp_apex != "com.android.tethering":
477                        available_apexes.append(f'"test_{aosp_apex}"')
478                    apex_available = ",\n        ".join(available_apexes)
480                    bp.write(f"""
481java_sdk_library_import {{
482    name: "{module_name}",
483    owner: "google",
484    prefer: true,
485    shared_library: {shared_library},
486    apex_available: [
487        {apex_available},
488    ],
489    public: {{
490        jars: ["public/{module_name}-stubs.jar"],
491        current_api: "public/{module_name}.txt",
492        removed_api: "public/{module_name}-removed.txt",
493        sdk_version: "module_current",
494    }},
495    system: {{
496        jars: ["system/{module_name}-stubs.jar"],
497        current_api: "system/{module_name}.txt",
498        removed_api: "system/{module_name}-removed.txt",
499        sdk_version: "module_current",
500    }},
501    module_lib: {{
502        jars: ["module-lib/{module_name}-stubs.jar"],
503        current_api: "module-lib/{module_name}.txt",
504        removed_api: "module-lib/{module_name}-removed.txt",
505        sdk_version: "module_current",
506    }},
510                # Copy the build_number.txt file into the snapshot.
511                snapshot_build_number_file = os.path.join(
512                    dest_dir, "snapshot-creation-build-number.txt")
513                shutil.copy(build_number_file, snapshot_build_number_file)
515            # Make sure that all the paths being added to the zip file have a
516            # fixed timestamp so that the contents of the zip file do not depend
517            # on when this script is run, only the inputs.
518            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dest_dir):
519                set_default_timestamp(root, dirs)
520                set_default_timestamp(root, files)
522            # Now zip up the files into a snapshot zip file.
523            base_file = os.path.join(r_snapshot_dir, sdk_name + "-current")
524            shutil.make_archive(base_file, "zip", dest_dir)
526        return r_snapshot_dir
528    @staticmethod
529    def does_sdk_library_support_latest_api(sdk_library):
530        if sdk_library == "conscrypt.module.platform.api" or \
531            sdk_library == "conscrypt.module.intra.core.api":
532            return False
533        return True
535    def latest_api_file_targets(self, sdk_info_file):
536        # Read the sdk info file and fetch the latest scope targets.
537        with open(sdk_info_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as sdk_info_file_object:
538            sdk_info_file_json = json.loads(sdk_info_file_object.read())
540        target_paths = []
541        target_dict = {}
542        for jsonItem in sdk_info_file_json:
543            if not jsonItem["@type"] == "java_sdk_library":
544                continue
546            sdk_library = jsonItem["@name"]
547            if not self.does_sdk_library_support_latest_api(sdk_library):
548                continue
550            target_dict[sdk_library] = {}
551            for scope in jsonItem["scopes"]:
552                scope_json = jsonItem["scopes"][scope]
553                target_dict[sdk_library][scope] = {}
554                target_list = [
555                    "current_api", "latest_api", "removed_api",
556                    "latest_removed_api"
557                ]
558                for target in target_list:
559                    target_dict[sdk_library][scope][target] = scope_json[target]
560                target_paths.append(scope_json["latest_api"])
561                target_paths.append(scope_json["latest_removed_api"])
562                target_paths.append(scope_json["latest_api"]
563                    .replace(".latest", ".latest.extension_version"))
564                target_paths.append(scope_json["latest_removed_api"]
565                    .replace(".latest", ".latest.extension_version"))
567        return target_paths, target_dict
569    def build_sdk_scope_targets(self, build_release, modules):
570        # Build the latest scope targets for each module sdk
571        # Compute the paths to all the latest scope targets for each module sdk.
572        target_paths = []
573        target_dict = {}
574        for module in modules:
575            for sdk in module.sdks:
576                sdk_type = sdk_type_from_name(sdk)
577                if not sdk_type.providesApis:
578                    continue
580                sdk_info_file = sdk_snapshot_info_file(self.mainline_sdks_dir,
581                                                       sdk)
582                paths, dict_item = self.latest_api_file_targets(sdk_info_file)
583                target_paths.extend(paths)
584                target_dict[sdk_info_file] = dict_item
585        if target_paths:
586            self.build_target_paths(build_release, target_paths)
587        return target_dict
589    def appendDiffToFile(self, file_object, sdk_zip_file, current_api,
590                         latest_api, snapshots_dir):
591        """Extract current api and find its diff with the latest api."""
592        with zipfile.ZipFile(sdk_zip_file, "r") as zipObj:
593            extracted_current_api = zipObj.extract(
594                member=current_api, path=snapshots_dir)
595            # The diff tool has an exit code of 0, 1 or 2 depending on whether
596            # it find no differences, some differences or an error (like missing
597            # file). As 0 or 1 are both valid results this cannot use check=True
598            # so disable the pylint check.
599            # pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check
600            diff = subprocess.run([
601                "diff", "-u0", latest_api, extracted_current_api, "--label",
602                latest_api, "--label", extracted_current_api
603            ],
604                                  capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8")
605            file_object.write(diff)
607    def create_snapshot_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff(self, sdk, target_dict,
608                                                     snapshots_dir,
609                                                     module_extension_version):
610        """Creates gantry metadata and api diff files for each module sdk.
612        For each module sdk, the scope targets are obtained for each java sdk
613        library and the api diff files are generated by performing a diff
614        operation between the current api file vs the latest api file.
615        """
616        sdk_info_file = sdk_snapshot_info_file(snapshots_dir, sdk)
617        sdk_zip_file = sdk_snapshot_zip_file(snapshots_dir, sdk)
618        sdk_api_diff_file = sdk_snapshot_api_diff_file(snapshots_dir, sdk)
620        gantry_metadata_dict = {}
621        with open(
622                sdk_api_diff_file, "w",
623                encoding="utf8") as sdk_api_diff_file_object:
624            last_finalized_version_set = set()
625            for sdk_library in target_dict[sdk_info_file]:
626                for scope in target_dict[sdk_info_file][sdk_library]:
627                    scope_json = target_dict[sdk_info_file][sdk_library][scope]
628                    current_api = scope_json["current_api"]
629                    latest_api = scope_json["latest_api"]
630                    self.appendDiffToFile(sdk_api_diff_file_object,
631                                          sdk_zip_file, current_api, latest_api,
632                                          snapshots_dir)
634                    removed_api = scope_json["removed_api"]
635                    latest_removed_api = scope_json["latest_removed_api"]
636                    self.appendDiffToFile(sdk_api_diff_file_object,
637                                          sdk_zip_file, removed_api,
638                                          latest_removed_api, snapshots_dir)
640                    def read_extension_version(target):
641                        extension_target = target.replace(
642                            ".latest", ".latest.extension_version")
643                        with open(
644                            extension_target, "r", encoding="utf8") as file:
645                            version = int(file.read())
646                            # version equal to -1 means "not an extension version".
647                            if version != -1:
648                                last_finalized_version_set.add(version)
650                    read_extension_version(scope_json["latest_api"])
651                    read_extension_version(scope_json["latest_removed_api"])
653            if len(last_finalized_version_set) == 0:
654                # Either there is no java sdk library or all java sdk libraries
655                # have not been finalized in sdk extensions yet and hence have
656                # last finalized version set as -1.
657                gantry_metadata_dict["last_finalized_version"] = -1
658            elif len(last_finalized_version_set) == 1:
659                # All java sdk library extension version match.
660                gantry_metadata_dict["last_finalized_version"] =\
661                    last_finalized_version_set.pop()
662            else:
663                # Fail the build
664                raise ValueError(
665                    "Not all sdk libraries finalized with the same version.\n")
667        gantry_metadata_dict["api_diff_file"] = sdk_api_diff_file.rsplit(
668            "/", 1)[-1]
669        gantry_metadata_dict["api_diff_file_size"] = os.path.getsize(
670            sdk_api_diff_file)
671        gantry_metadata_dict[
672            "module_extension_version"] = module_extension_version
673        sdk_metadata_json_file = sdk_snapshot_gantry_metadata_json_file(
674            snapshots_dir, sdk)
676        gantry_metadata_json_object = json.dumps(gantry_metadata_dict, indent=4)
677        with open(sdk_metadata_json_file,
678                  "w") as gantry_metadata_json_file_object:
679            gantry_metadata_json_file_object.write(gantry_metadata_json_object)
681        if os.path.getsize(sdk_metadata_json_file) > 1048576: # 1 MB
682            raise ValueError("Metadata file size should not exceed 1 MB.\n")
684    def get_module_extension_version(self):
685        return int(
686            subprocess.run([
687                "build/soong/soong_ui.bash", "--dumpvar-mode",
689            ],
690                           capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8").strip())
692    def build_snapshot_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff(self, modules, target_dict,
693                                                    snapshots_dir):
694        """For each module sdk, create the metadata and api diff file."""
695        module_extension_version = self.get_module_extension_version()
696        for module in modules:
697            for sdk in module.sdks:
698                sdk_type = sdk_type_from_name(sdk)
699                if not sdk_type.providesApis:
700                    continue
701                self.create_snapshot_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff(
702                    sdk, target_dict, snapshots_dir, module_extension_version)
705# The sdk version to build
707# This is legacy from the time when this could generate versioned sdk snapshots.
708SDK_VERSION = "current"
710# The initially empty list of build releases. Every BuildRelease that is created
711# automatically appends itself to this list.
715class PreferHandling(enum.Enum):
716    """Enumeration of the various ways of handling prefer properties"""
718    # No special prefer property handling is required.
719    NONE = enum.auto()
721    # Apply the SoongConfigBoilerplateInserter transformation.
722    SOONG_CONFIG = enum.auto()
724    # Use the use_source_config_var property added in T.
727    # No prefer in Android.bp file
728    # Starting with V, prebuilts will be enabled using apex_contributions flags.
729    USE_NO_PREFER_PROPERTY = enum.auto()
734class BuildRelease:
735    """Represents a build release"""
737    # The name of the build release, e.g. Q, R, S, T, etc.
738    name: str
740    # The function to call to create the snapshot in the dist, that covers
741    # building and copying the snapshot into the dist.
742    creator: Callable[
743        ["BuildRelease", "SdkDistProducer", List["MainlineModule"]], None]
745    # The sub-directory of dist/mainline-sdks into which the build release
746    # specific snapshots will be copied.
747    #
748    # Defaults to for-<name>-build.
749    sub_dir: str = None
751    # Additional environment variables to pass to Soong when building the
752    # snapshots for this build release.
753    #
754    # Defaults to {
756    # }
757    soong_env: typing.Dict[str, str] = None
759    # The position of this instance within the BUILD_RELEASES list.
760    ordinal: int = dataclasses.field(default=-1, init=False)
762    # Whether this build release supports the Soong config boilerplate that is
763    # used to control the prefer setting of modules via a Soong config variable.
764    preferHandling: PreferHandling = \
765        PreferHandling.USE_SOURCE_CONFIG_VAR_PROPERTY
767    # Whether the generated snapshots should include flagged APIs. Defaults to
768    # false because flagged APIs are not suitable for use outside Android.
769    include_flagged_apis: bool = False
771    # Whether the build release should generate Gantry metadata and API diff.
772    generate_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff: bool = False
774    def __post_init__(self):
775        # The following use object.__setattr__ as this object is frozen and
776        # attempting to set the fields directly would cause an exception to be
777        # thrown.
778        object.__setattr__(self, "ordinal", len(ALL_BUILD_RELEASES))
779        # Add this to the end of the list of all build releases.
780        ALL_BUILD_RELEASES.append(self)
781        # If no sub_dir was specified then set the default.
782        if self.sub_dir is None:
783            object.__setattr__(self, "sub_dir", f"for-{self.name}-build")
784        # If no soong_env was specified then set the default.
785        if self.soong_env is None:
786            object.__setattr__(
787                self,
788                "soong_env",
789                {
790                    # Set SOONG_SDK_SNAPSHOT_TARGET_BUILD_RELEASE to generate a
791                    # snapshot suitable for a specific target build release.
792                    "SOONG_SDK_SNAPSHOT_TARGET_BUILD_RELEASE": self.name,
793                })
795    def __eq__(self, other):
796        return self.ordinal == other.ordinal
798    def __le__(self, other):
799        return self.ordinal <= other.ordinal
802def create_no_dist_snapshot(_: BuildRelease, __: "SdkDistProducer",
803                            modules: List["MainlineModule"]):
804    """A place holder dist snapshot creation function that does nothing."""
805    print(f"create_no_dist_snapshot for modules {[m.apex for m in modules]}")
808def create_dist_snapshot_for_r(build_release: BuildRelease,
809                               producer: "SdkDistProducer",
810                               modules: List["MainlineModule"]):
811    """Generate a snapshot suitable for use in an R build."""
812    producer.product_dist_for_build_r(build_release, modules)
815def create_sdk_snapshots_in_soong(build_release: BuildRelease,
816                                  producer: "SdkDistProducer",
817                                  modules: List["MainlineModule"]):
818    """Builds sdks and populates the dist for unbundled modules."""
819    producer.produce_unbundled_dist_for_build_release(build_release, modules)
822def create_latest_sdk_snapshots(build_release: BuildRelease,
823                                producer: "SdkDistProducer",
824                                modules: List["MainlineModule"]):
825    """Builds and populates the latest release, including bundled modules."""
826    producer.produce_unbundled_dist_for_build_release(build_release, modules)
827    producer.produce_bundled_dist_for_build_release(build_release, modules)
830Q = BuildRelease(
831    name="Q",
832    # At the moment we do not generate a snapshot for Q.
833    creator=create_no_dist_snapshot,
834    # This does not support or need any special prefer property handling.
835    preferHandling=PreferHandling.NONE,
837R = BuildRelease(
838    name="R",
839    # Generate a simple snapshot for R.
840    creator=create_dist_snapshot_for_r,
841    # By default a BuildRelease creates an environment to pass to Soong that
842    # creates a release specific snapshot. However, Soong does not yet (and is
843    # unlikely to) support building an sdk snapshot for R so create an empty
844    # environment to pass to Soong instead.
845    soong_env={},
846    # This does not support or need any special prefer property handling.
847    preferHandling=PreferHandling.NONE,
849S = BuildRelease(
850    name="S",
851    # Generate a snapshot for this build release using Soong.
852    creator=create_sdk_snapshots_in_soong,
853    # This requires the SoongConfigBoilerplateInserter transformation to be
854    # applied.
855    preferHandling=PreferHandling.SOONG_CONFIG,
857Tiramisu = BuildRelease(
858    name="Tiramisu",
859    # Generate a snapshot for this build release using Soong.
860    creator=create_sdk_snapshots_in_soong,
861    # This build release supports the use_source_config_var property.
862    preferHandling=PreferHandling.USE_SOURCE_CONFIG_VAR_PROPERTY,
864UpsideDownCake = BuildRelease(
865    name="UpsideDownCake",
866    # Generate a snapshot for this build release using Soong.
867    creator=create_sdk_snapshots_in_soong,
868    # This build release supports the use_source_config_var property.
869    preferHandling=PreferHandling.USE_SOURCE_CONFIG_VAR_PROPERTY,
872# Insert additional BuildRelease definitions for following releases here,
873# before LATEST.
875# A build release for the latest build excluding flagged apis.
876NEXT = BuildRelease(
877    name="next",
878    creator=create_latest_sdk_snapshots,
879    # There are no build release specific environment variables to pass to
880    # Soong.
881    soong_env={},
882    generate_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff=True,
883    # Starting with V, setting `prefer|use_source_config_var` on soong modules
884    # in prebuilts/module_sdk is not necessary.
885    # prebuilts will be enabled using apex_contributions release build flags.
886    preferHandling=PreferHandling.USE_NO_PREFER_PROPERTY,
889# The build release for the latest build supported by this build, i.e. the
890# current build. This must be the last BuildRelease defined in this script.
891LATEST = BuildRelease(
892    name="latest",
893    creator=create_latest_sdk_snapshots,
894    # There are no build release specific environment variables to pass to
895    # Soong.
896    soong_env={},
897    # Latest must include flagged APIs because it may be dropped into the main
898    # Android branches.
899    include_flagged_apis=True,
900    generate_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff=True,
901    # Starting with V, setting `prefer|use_source_config_var` on soong modules
902    # in prebuilts/module_sdk is not necessary.
903    # prebuilts will be enabled using apex_contributions release build flags.
904    preferHandling=PreferHandling.USE_NO_PREFER_PROPERTY,
909class SdkLibrary:
910    """Information about a java_sdk_library."""
912    # The name of java_sdk_library module.
913    name: str
915    # True if the sdk_library module is a shared library.
916    shared_library: bool = False
920class ForRBuild:
921    """Data structure needed for generating a snapshot for an R build."""
923    # The java_sdk_library modules to export to the r snapshot.
924    sdk_libraries: typing.List[SdkLibrary] = dataclasses.field(
925        default_factory=list)
929class MainlineModule:
930    """Represents an unbundled mainline module.
932    This is a module that is distributed as a prebuilt and intended to be
933    updated with Mainline trains.
934    """
935    # The name of the apex.
936    apex: str
938    # The names of the sdk and module_exports.
939    sdks: list[str]
941    # The first build release in which the SDK snapshot for this module is
942    # needed.
943    #
944    # Note: This is not necessarily the same build release in which the SDK
945    #       source was first included. So, a module that was added in build T
946    #       could potentially be used in an S release and so its SDK will need
947    #       to be made available for S builds.
948    first_release: BuildRelease
950    # The configuration variable, defaults to ANDROID:module_build_from_source
951    configVar: ConfigVar = ConfigVar(
952        namespace="ANDROID",
953        name="module_build_from_source",
954    )
956    for_r_build: typing.Optional[ForRBuild] = None
958    # The last release on which this module was optional.
959    #
960    # Some modules are optional when they are first released, usually because
961    # some vendors of Android devices have their own customizations of the
962    # module that they would like to preserve and which cannot yet be achieved
963    # through the existing APIs. Once those issues have been resolved then they
964    # will become mandatory.
965    #
966    # This field records the last build release in which they are optional. It
967    # defaults to None which indicates that the module was never optional.
968    #
969    # TODO(b/238203992): remove the following warning once all modules can be
970    #  treated as optional at build time.
971    #
972    # DO NOT use this attr for anything other than controlling whether the
973    # generated snapshot uses its own Soong config variable or the common one.
974    # That is because this is being temporarily used to force Permission to have
975    # its own Soong config variable even though Permission is not actually
976    # optional at runtime on a GMS capable device.
977    #
978    # b/238203992 will make all modules have their own Soong config variable by
979    # default at which point this will no longer be needed on Permission and so
980    # it can be used to indicate that a module is optional at runtime.
981    last_optional_release: typing.Optional[BuildRelease] = None
983    # The short name for the module.
984    #
985    # Defaults to the last part of the apex name.
986    short_name: str = ""
988    # Additional transformations
989    additional_transformations: list[FileTransformation] = None
991    # The module key of SdkModule Enum defined in
992    # packages/modules/common/proto/sdk.proto.
993    module_proto_key: str = ""
995    def __post_init__(self):
996        # If short_name is not set then set it to the last component of the apex
997        # name.
998        if not self.short_name:
999            short_name = self.apex.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
1000            object.__setattr__(self, "short_name", short_name)
1002    def is_bundled(self):
1003        """Returns true for bundled modules. See BundledMainlineModule."""
1004        return False
1006    def transformations(self, build_release, sdk_type):
1007        """Returns the transformations to apply to this module's snapshot(s)."""
1008        transformations = []
1010        config_var = self.configVar
1012        # If the module is optional then it needs its own Soong config
1013        # variable to allow it to be managed separately from other modules.
1014        if self.last_optional_release:
1015            config_var = ConfigVar(
1016                namespace=f"{self.short_name}_module",
1017                name="source_build",
1018            )
1020        prefer_handling = build_release.preferHandling
1021        if prefer_handling == PreferHandling.SOONG_CONFIG:
1022            sdk_type_prefix = sdk_type.configModuleTypePrefix
1023            config_module_type_prefix = \
1024                f"{self.short_name}{sdk_type_prefix}_prebuilt_"
1025            inserter = SoongConfigBoilerplateInserter(
1026                "Android.bp",
1027                configVar=config_var,
1028                configModuleTypePrefix=config_module_type_prefix)
1029            transformations.append(inserter)
1030        elif prefer_handling == PreferHandling.USE_SOURCE_CONFIG_VAR_PROPERTY:
1031            transformation = UseSourceConfigVarTransformation(
1032                "Android.bp", configVar=config_var)
1033            transformations.append(transformation)
1034        elif prefer_handling == PreferHandling.USE_NO_PREFER_PROPERTY:
1035            transformation = UseNoPreferPropertyTransformation(
1036                "Android.bp", configVar=config_var
1037            )
1038            transformations.append(transformation)
1039        elif prefer_handling == PreferHandling.USE_NO_PREFER_PROPERTY:
1040            transformation = UseNoPreferPropertyTransformation(
1041                "Android.bp", configVar=config_var
1042            )
1043            transformations.append(transformation)
1045        if self.additional_transformations and build_release > R:
1046            transformations.extend(self.additional_transformations)
1048        return transformations
1050    def is_required_for(self, target_build_release):
1051        """True if this module is required for the target build release."""
1052        return self.first_release <= target_build_release
1056class BundledMainlineModule(MainlineModule):
1057    """Represents a bundled Mainline module or a platform SDK for module use.
1059    A bundled module is always preloaded into the platform images.
1060    """
1062    # Defaults to the latest build, i.e. the build on which this script is run
1063    # as bundled modules are, by definition, only needed in this build.
1064    first_release: BuildRelease = LATEST
1066    def is_bundled(self):
1067        return True
1069    def transformations(self, build_release, sdk_type):
1070        # Bundled modules are only used on thin branches where the corresponding
1071        # sources are absent, so skip transformations and keep the default
1072        # `prefer: false`.
1073        return []
1076# List of mainline modules.
1078    MainlineModule(
1079        apex="com.android.adservices",
1080        sdks=["adservices-module-sdk"],
1081        first_release=Tiramisu,
1082        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1083        module_proto_key="AD_SERVICES",
1084    ),
1085    MainlineModule(
1086        apex="com.android.appsearch",
1087        sdks=["appsearch-sdk"],
1088        first_release=Tiramisu,
1089        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1090        module_proto_key="APPSEARCH",
1091    ),
1092    MainlineModule(
1093        apex="com.android.art",
1094        sdks=[
1095            "art-module-sdk",
1096            "art-module-test-exports",
1097            "art-module-host-exports",
1098        ],
1099        first_release=S,
1100        # Override the config... fields.
1101        configVar=ConfigVar(
1102            namespace="art_module",
1103            name="source_build",
1104        ),
1105        module_proto_key="ART",
1106    ),
1107    MainlineModule(
1108        apex="com.android.btservices",
1109        sdks=["btservices-module-sdk"],
1110        first_release=UpsideDownCake,
1111        # Bluetooth has always been and is still optional.
1112        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1113        module_proto_key="",
1114    ),
1115    MainlineModule(
1116        apex="com.android.configinfrastructure",
1117        sdks=["configinfrastructure-sdk"],
1118        first_release=UpsideDownCake,
1119        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1120        module_proto_key="CONFIG_INFRASTRUCTURE",
1121    ),
1122    MainlineModule(
1123        apex="com.android.conscrypt",
1124        sdks=[
1125            "conscrypt-module-sdk",
1126            "conscrypt-module-test-exports",
1127            "conscrypt-module-host-exports",
1128        ],
1129        first_release=Q,
1130        # No conscrypt java_sdk_library modules are exported to the R snapshot.
1131        # Conscrypt was updatable in R but the generate_ml_bundle.sh does not
1132        # appear to generate a snapshot for it.
1133        for_r_build=None,
1134        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1135        module_proto_key="CONSCRYPT",
1136    ),
1137    MainlineModule(
1138        apex="com.android.devicelock",
1139        sdks=["devicelock-module-sdk"],
1140        first_release=UpsideDownCake,
1141        # Treat DeviceLock as optional at build time
1142        # TODO(b/238203992): remove once all modules are optional at build time.
1143        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1144        module_proto_key="",
1145    ),
1146    MainlineModule(
1147        apex="com.android.healthfitness",
1148        sdks=["healthfitness-module-sdk"],
1149        first_release=UpsideDownCake,
1150        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1151        module_proto_key="HEALTH_FITNESS",
1152    ),
1153    MainlineModule(
1154        apex="com.android.ipsec",
1155        sdks=["ipsec-module-sdk"],
1156        first_release=R,
1157        for_r_build=ForRBuild(sdk_libraries=[
1158            SdkLibrary(
1159                name="android.net.ipsec.ike",
1160                shared_library=True,
1161            ),
1162        ]),
1163        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1164        module_proto_key="IPSEC",
1165    ),
1166    MainlineModule(
1167        apex="com.android.media",
1168        sdks=["media-module-sdk"],
1169        first_release=R,
1170        for_r_build=ForRBuild(sdk_libraries=[
1171            SdkLibrary(name="framework-media"),
1172        ]),
1173        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1174        module_proto_key="MEDIA",
1175    ),
1176    MainlineModule(
1177        apex="com.android.mediaprovider",
1178        sdks=["mediaprovider-module-sdk"],
1179        first_release=R,
1180        for_r_build=ForRBuild(sdk_libraries=[
1181            SdkLibrary(name="framework-mediaprovider"),
1182        ]),
1183        # MP is a mandatory mainline module but in some cases (b/294190883) this
1184        # needs to be optional for Android Go on T. GTS tests might be needed to
1185        # to check the specific condition mentioned in the bug.
1186        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1187        module_proto_key="MEDIA_PROVIDER",
1188    ),
1189    MainlineModule(
1190        apex="com.android.ondevicepersonalization",
1191        sdks=["ondevicepersonalization-module-sdk"],
1192        first_release=Tiramisu,
1193        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1194        module_proto_key="ON_DEVICE_PERSONALIZATION",
1195    ),
1196    MainlineModule(
1197        apex="com.android.permission",
1198        sdks=["permission-module-sdk"],
1199        first_release=R,
1200        for_r_build=ForRBuild(sdk_libraries=[
1201            SdkLibrary(name="framework-permission"),
1202            # framework-permission-s is not needed on R as it contains classes
1203            # that are provided in R by non-updatable parts of the
1204            # bootclasspath.
1205        ]),
1206        # Although Permission is not, and has never been, optional for GMS
1207        # capable devices it does need to be treated as optional at build time
1208        # when building non-GMS devices.
1209        # TODO(b/238203992): remove once all modules are optional at build time.
1210        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1211        module_proto_key="PERMISSIONS",
1212    ),
1213    MainlineModule(
1214        apex="com.android.rkpd",
1215        sdks=["rkpd-sdk"],
1216        first_release=UpsideDownCake,
1217        # Rkpd has always been and is still optional.
1218        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1219        module_proto_key="",
1220    ),
1221    MainlineModule(
1222        apex="com.android.scheduling",
1223        sdks=["scheduling-sdk"],
1224        first_release=S,
1225        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1226        module_proto_key="SCHEDULING",
1227    ),
1228    MainlineModule(
1229        apex="com.android.sdkext",
1230        sdks=["sdkextensions-sdk"],
1231        first_release=R,
1232        for_r_build=ForRBuild(sdk_libraries=[
1233            SdkLibrary(name="framework-sdkextensions"),
1234        ]),
1235        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1236        module_proto_key="SDK_EXTENSIONS",
1237    ),
1238    MainlineModule(
1239        apex="com.android.os.statsd",
1240        sdks=["statsd-module-sdk"],
1241        first_release=R,
1242        for_r_build=ForRBuild(sdk_libraries=[
1243            SdkLibrary(name="framework-statsd"),
1244        ]),
1245        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1246        module_proto_key="STATSD",
1247    ),
1248    MainlineModule(
1249        apex="com.android.tethering",
1250        sdks=["tethering-module-sdk"],
1251        first_release=R,
1252        for_r_build=ForRBuild(sdk_libraries=[
1253            SdkLibrary(name="framework-tethering"),
1254        ]),
1255        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1256        module_proto_key="TETHERING",
1257    ),
1258    MainlineModule(
1259        apex="com.android.uwb",
1260        sdks=["uwb-module-sdk"],
1261        first_release=Tiramisu,
1262        # Uwb has always been and is still optional.
1263        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1264        module_proto_key="",
1265    ),
1266    MainlineModule(
1267        apex="com.android.wifi",
1268        sdks=["wifi-module-sdk"],
1269        first_release=R,
1270        for_r_build=ForRBuild(sdk_libraries=[
1271            SdkLibrary(name="framework-wifi"),
1272        ]),
1273        # Wifi has always been and is still optional.
1274        last_optional_release=LATEST,
1275        module_proto_key="",
1276    ),
1279# List of Mainline modules that currently are never built unbundled. They must
1280# not specify first_release, and they don't have com.google.android
1281# counterparts.
1283    BundledMainlineModule(
1284        apex="com.android.i18n",
1285        sdks=[
1286            "i18n-module-sdk",
1287            "i18n-module-test-exports",
1288            "i18n-module-host-exports",
1289        ],
1290    ),
1291    BundledMainlineModule(
1292        apex="com.android.runtime",
1293        sdks=[
1294            "runtime-module-host-exports",
1295            "runtime-module-sdk",
1296        ],
1297    ),
1298    BundledMainlineModule(
1299        apex="com.android.tzdata",
1300        sdks=["tzdata-module-test-exports"],
1301    ),
1304# List of platform SDKs for Mainline module use.
1306    BundledMainlineModule(
1307        apex="platform-mainline",
1308        sdks=[
1309            "platform-mainline-sdk",
1310            "platform-mainline-test-exports",
1311        ],
1312    ),
1317class SdkDistProducer:
1318    """Produces the DIST_DIR/mainline-sdks and DIST_DIR/stubs directories.
1320    Builds SDK snapshots for mainline modules and then copies them into the
1321    DIST_DIR/mainline-sdks directory. Also extracts the sdk_library txt, jar and
1322    srcjar files from each SDK snapshot and copies them into the DIST_DIR/stubs
1323    directory.
1324    """
1326    # Used to run subprocesses for this.
1327    subprocess_runner: SubprocessRunner
1329    # Builds sdk snapshots
1330    snapshot_builder: SnapshotBuilder
1332    # The DIST_DIR environment variable.
1333    dist_dir: str = "uninitialized-dist"
1335    # The path to this script. It may be inserted into files that are
1336    # transformed to document where the changes came from.
1337    script: str = sys.argv[0]
1339    # The path to the mainline-sdks dist directory for unbundled modules.
1340    #
1341    # Initialized in __post_init__().
1342    mainline_sdks_dir: str = dataclasses.field(init=False)
1344    # The path to the mainline-sdks dist directory for bundled modules and
1345    # platform SDKs.
1346    #
1347    # Initialized in __post_init__().
1348    bundled_mainline_sdks_dir: str = dataclasses.field(init=False)
1350    def __post_init__(self):
1351        self.mainline_sdks_dir = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, "mainline-sdks")
1352        self.bundled_mainline_sdks_dir = os.path.join(self.dist_dir,
1353                                                      "bundled-mainline-sdks")
1355    def prepare(self):
1356        pass
1358    def produce_dist(self, modules, build_releases):
1359        # Prepare the dist directory for the sdks.
1360        self.prepare()
1362        # Group build releases so that those with the same Soong environment are
1363        # run consecutively to avoid having to regenerate ninja files.
1364        grouped_by_env = defaultdict(list)
1365        for build_release in build_releases:
1366            grouped_by_env[str(build_release.soong_env)].append(build_release)
1367        ordered = [br for _, group in grouped_by_env.items() for br in group]
1369        for build_release in ordered:
1370            # Only build modules that are required for this build release.
1371            filtered_modules = [
1372                m for m in modules if m.is_required_for(build_release)
1373            ]
1374            if filtered_modules:
1375                print(f"Building SDK snapshots for {build_release.name}"
1376                      f" build release")
1377                build_release.creator(build_release, self, filtered_modules)
1379    def product_dist_for_build_r(self, build_release, modules):
1380        # Although we only need a subset of the files that a java_sdk_library
1381        # adds to an sdk snapshot generating the whole snapshot is the simplest
1382        # way to ensure that all the necessary files are produced.
1384        # Filter out any modules that do not provide sdk for R.
1385        modules = [m for m in modules if m.for_r_build]
1387        snapshot_dir = self.snapshot_builder.build_snapshots_for_build_r(
1388            build_release, modules)
1389        self.populate_unbundled_dist(build_release, modules, snapshot_dir)
1391    def produce_unbundled_dist_for_build_release(self, build_release, modules):
1392        modules = [m for m in modules if not m.is_bundled()]
1393        snapshots_dir = self.snapshot_builder.build_snapshots(
1394            build_release, modules)
1395        if build_release.generate_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff:
1396            target_dict = self.snapshot_builder.build_sdk_scope_targets(
1397                build_release, modules)
1398            self.snapshot_builder.build_snapshot_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff(
1399                modules, target_dict, snapshots_dir)
1400        self.populate_unbundled_dist(build_release, modules, snapshots_dir)
1401        return snapshots_dir
1403    def produce_bundled_dist_for_build_release(self, build_release, modules):
1404        modules = [m for m in modules if m.is_bundled()]
1405        if modules:
1406            snapshots_dir = self.snapshot_builder.build_snapshots(
1407                build_release, modules)
1408            self.populate_bundled_dist(build_release, modules, snapshots_dir)
1410    def dist_sdk_snapshot_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff(self, sdk_dist_dir, sdk,
1411                                                       module, snapshots_dir):
1412        """Copy the sdk snapshot api diff file to a dist directory."""
1413        sdk_type = sdk_type_from_name(sdk)
1414        if not sdk_type.providesApis:
1415            return
1417        sdk_dist_module_subdir = os.path.join(sdk_dist_dir, module.apex)
1418        sdk_dist_subdir = os.path.join(sdk_dist_module_subdir, "sdk")
1419        os.makedirs(sdk_dist_subdir, exist_ok=True)
1420        sdk_api_diff_path = sdk_snapshot_api_diff_file(snapshots_dir, sdk)
1421        shutil.copy(sdk_api_diff_path, sdk_dist_subdir)
1423        sdk_gantry_metadata_json_path = sdk_snapshot_gantry_metadata_json_file(
1424            snapshots_dir, sdk)
1425        sdk_dist_gantry_metadata_json_path = os.path.join(
1426            sdk_dist_module_subdir, "gantry-metadata.json")
1427        shutil.copy(sdk_gantry_metadata_json_path,
1428                    sdk_dist_gantry_metadata_json_path)
1430    def dist_generate_sdk_supported_modules_file(self, modules):
1431        sdk_modules_file = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, "sdk-modules.txt")
1432        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(sdk_modules_file), exist_ok=True)
1433        with open(sdk_modules_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
1434            for module in modules:
1435                if module in MAINLINE_MODULES:
1436                    file.write(aosp_to_google_name(module.apex) + "\n")
1438    def generate_mainline_modules_info_file(self, modules, root_dir):
1439        mainline_modules_info_file = os.path.join(
1440            self.dist_dir, "mainline-modules-info.json"
1441        )
1442        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(mainline_modules_info_file), exist_ok=True)
1443        mainline_modules_info_dict = {}
1444        for module in modules:
1445            if module not in MAINLINE_MODULES:
1446                continue
1447            module_name = aosp_to_google_name(module.apex)
1448            mainline_modules_info_dict[module_name] = dict()
1449            mainline_modules_info_dict[module_name]["module_sdk_project"] = (
1450                module_sdk_project_for_module(module_name, root_dir)
1451            )
1452            mainline_modules_info_dict[module_name][
1453                "module_proto_key"
1454            ] = module.module_proto_key
1455            # The first sdk in the list is the name to use.
1456            mainline_modules_info_dict[module_name]["sdk_name"] = module.sdks[0]
1458        with open(mainline_modules_info_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
1459            json.dump(mainline_modules_info_dict, file, indent=4)
1461    def populate_unbundled_dist(self, build_release, modules, snapshots_dir):
1462        build_release_dist_dir = os.path.join(self.mainline_sdks_dir,
1463                                              build_release.sub_dir)
1464        for module in modules:
1465            for sdk in module.sdks:
1466                sdk_dist_dir = os.path.join(build_release_dist_dir, SDK_VERSION)
1467                if build_release.generate_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff:
1468                    self.dist_sdk_snapshot_gantry_metadata_and_api_diff(
1469                        sdk_dist_dir, sdk, module, snapshots_dir)
1470                self.populate_dist_snapshot(build_release, module, sdk,
1471                                            sdk_dist_dir, snapshots_dir)
1473    def populate_bundled_dist(self, build_release, modules, snapshots_dir):
1474        sdk_dist_dir = self.bundled_mainline_sdks_dir
1475        for module in modules:
1476            for sdk in module.sdks:
1477                self.populate_dist_snapshot(build_release, module, sdk,
1478                                            sdk_dist_dir, snapshots_dir)
1480    def populate_dist_snapshot(self, build_release, module, sdk, sdk_dist_dir,
1481                               snapshots_dir):
1482        sdk_type = sdk_type_from_name(sdk)
1483        subdir = sdk_type.name
1485        sdk_dist_subdir = os.path.join(sdk_dist_dir, module.apex, subdir)
1486        sdk_path = sdk_snapshot_zip_file(snapshots_dir, sdk)
1487        sdk_type = sdk_type_from_name(sdk)
1488        transformations = module.transformations(build_release, sdk_type)
1489        self.dist_sdk_snapshot_zip(
1490            build_release, sdk_path, sdk_dist_subdir, transformations)
1492    def dist_sdk_snapshot_zip(
1493        self, build_release, src_sdk_zip, sdk_dist_dir, transformations):
1494        """Copy the sdk snapshot zip file to a dist directory.
1496        If no transformations are provided then this simply copies the show sdk
1497        snapshot zip file to the dist dir. However, if transformations are
1498        provided then the files to be transformed are extracted from the
1499        snapshot zip file, they are transformed to files in a separate directory
1500        and then a new zip file is created in the dist directory with the
1501        original files replaced by the newly transformed files. build_release is
1502        provided for transformations if it is needed.
1503        """
1504        os.makedirs(sdk_dist_dir, exist_ok=True)
1505        dest_sdk_zip = os.path.join(sdk_dist_dir, os.path.basename(src_sdk_zip))
1506        print(f"Copying sdk snapshot {src_sdk_zip} to {dest_sdk_zip}")
1508        # If no transformations are provided then just copy the zip file
1509        # directly.
1510        if len(transformations) == 0:
1511            shutil.copy(src_sdk_zip, sdk_dist_dir)
1512            return
1514        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
1515            # Create a single pattern that will match any of the paths provided
1516            # in the transformations.
1517            pattern = "|".join(
1518                [f"({re.escape(t.path)})" for t in transformations])
1520            # Extract the matching files from the zip into the temporary
1521            # directory.
1522            extract_matching_files_from_zip(src_sdk_zip, tmp_dir, pattern)
1524            # Apply the transformations to the extracted files in situ.
1525            apply_transformations(self, tmp_dir, transformations, build_release)
1527            # Replace the original entries in the zip with the transformed
1528            # files.
1529            paths = [transformation.path for transformation in transformations]
1530            copy_zip_and_replace(self, src_sdk_zip, dest_sdk_zip, tmp_dir,
1531                                 paths)
1534def print_command(env, cmd):
1535    print(" ".join([f"{name}={value}" for name, value in env.items()] + cmd))
1538def sdk_library_files_pattern(*, scope_pattern=r"[^/]+", name_pattern=r"[^/]+"):
1539    """Return a pattern to match sdk_library related files in an sdk snapshot"""
1540    return rf"sdk_library/{scope_pattern}/{name_pattern}\.(txt|jar|srcjar)"
1543def extract_matching_files_from_zip(zip_path, dest_dir, pattern):
1544    """Extracts files from a zip file into a destination directory.
1546    The extracted files are those that match the specified regular expression
1547    pattern.
1548    """
1549    os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
1550    with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path) as zip_file:
1551        for filename in zip_file.namelist():
1552            if re.match(pattern, filename):
1553                print(f"    extracting {filename}")
1554                zip_file.extract(filename, dest_dir)
1557def copy_zip_and_replace(producer, src_zip_path, dest_zip_path, src_dir, paths):
1558    """Copies a zip replacing some of its contents in the process.
1560     The files to replace are specified by the paths parameter and are relative
1561     to the src_dir.
1562    """
1563    # Get the absolute paths of the source and dest zip files so that they are
1564    # not affected by a change of directory.
1565    abs_src_zip_path = os.path.abspath(src_zip_path)
1566    abs_dest_zip_path = os.path.abspath(dest_zip_path)
1568    # Make sure that all the paths being added to the zip file have a fixed
1569    # timestamp so that the contents of the zip file do not depend on when this
1570    # script is run, only the inputs.
1571    set_default_timestamp(src_dir, paths)
1573    producer.subprocess_runner.run(
1574        ["zip", "-q", abs_src_zip_path, "--out", abs_dest_zip_path] + paths,
1575        # Change into the source directory before running zip.
1576        cwd=src_dir)
1579def apply_transformations(producer, tmp_dir, transformations, build_release):
1580    for transformation in transformations:
1581        path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, transformation.path)
1583        # Record the timestamp of the file.
1584        modified = os.path.getmtime(path)
1586        # Transform the file.
1587        transformation.apply(producer, path, build_release)
1589        # Reset the timestamp of the file to the original timestamp before the
1590        # transformation was applied.
1591        os.utime(path, (modified, modified))
1594def create_producer(tool_path, skip_allowed_deps_check):
1595    # Variables initialized from environment variables that are set by the
1596    # calling mainline_modules_sdks.sh.
1597    out_dir = os.environ["OUT_DIR"]
1598    dist_dir = os.environ["DIST_DIR"]
1600    top_dir = os.environ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"]
1601    tool_path = os.path.relpath(tool_path, top_dir)
1602    tool_path = tool_path.replace(".py", ".sh")
1604    subprocess_runner = SubprocessRunner()
1605    snapshot_builder = SnapshotBuilder(
1606        tool_path=tool_path,
1607        subprocess_runner=subprocess_runner,
1608        out_dir=out_dir,
1609        skip_allowed_deps_check=skip_allowed_deps_check,
1610    )
1611    return SdkDistProducer(
1612        subprocess_runner=subprocess_runner,
1613        snapshot_builder=snapshot_builder,
1614        dist_dir=dist_dir,
1615    )
1618def aosp_to_google(module):
1619    """Transform an AOSP module into a Google module"""
1620    new_apex = aosp_to_google_name(module.apex)
1621    # Create a copy of the AOSP module with the internal specific APEX name.
1622    return dataclasses.replace(module, apex=new_apex)
1625def aosp_to_google_name(name):
1626    """Transform an AOSP module name into a Google module name"""
1627    return name.replace("com.android.", "com.google.android.")
1630def google_to_aosp_name(name):
1631    """Transform a Google module name into an AOSP module name"""
1632    return name.replace("com.google.android.", "com.android.")
1636class SdkType:
1637    name: str
1639    configModuleTypePrefix: str
1641    providesApis: bool = False
1644Sdk = SdkType(
1645    name="sdk",
1646    configModuleTypePrefix="",
1647    providesApis=True,
1649HostExports = SdkType(
1650    name="host-exports",
1651    configModuleTypePrefix="_host_exports",
1653TestExports = SdkType(
1654    name="test-exports",
1655    configModuleTypePrefix="_test_exports",
1659def sdk_type_from_name(name):
1660    if name.endswith("-sdk"):
1661        return Sdk
1662    if name.endswith("-host-exports"):
1663        return HostExports
1664    if name.endswith("-test-exports"):
1665        return TestExports
1667    raise Exception(f"{name} is not a valid sdk name, expected it to end"
1668                    f" with -(sdk|host-exports|test-exports)")
1671def filter_modules(modules, target_build_apps):
1672    if target_build_apps:
1673        target_build_apps = target_build_apps.split()
1674        return [m for m in modules if m.apex in target_build_apps]
1675    return modules
1678def main(args):
1679    """Program entry point."""
1680    if not os.path.exists("build/make/core/Makefile"):
1681        sys.exit("This script must be run from the top of the tree.")
1683    args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
1684        description="Build snapshot zips for consumption by Gantry.")
1685    args_parser.add_argument(
1686        "--tool-path",
1687        help="The path to this tool.",
1688        default="unspecified",
1689    )
1690    args_parser.add_argument(
1691        "--build-release",
1692        action="append",
1693        choices=[br.name for br in ALL_BUILD_RELEASES],
1694        help="A target build for which snapshots are required. "
1695        "If it is \"latest\" then Mainline module SDKs from platform and "
1696        "bundled modules are included.",
1697    )
1698    args_parser.add_argument(
1699        "--build-platform-sdks-for-mainline",
1700        action="store_true",
1701        help="Also build the platform SDKs for Mainline modules. "
1702        "Defaults to true when TARGET_BUILD_APPS is not set. "
1703        "Applicable only if the \"latest\" build release is built.",
1704    )
1705    args_parser.add_argument(
1706        "--skip-allowed-deps-check",
1707        action="store_true",
1708        help="Skip apex-allowed-deps-check.",
1709    )
1710    args = args_parser.parse_args(args)
1712    build_releases = ALL_BUILD_RELEASES
1713    if args.build_release:
1714        selected_build_releases = {b.lower() for b in args.build_release}
1715        build_releases = [
1716            b for b in build_releases
1717            if b.name.lower() in selected_build_releases
1718        ]
1720    target_build_apps = os.environ.get("TARGET_BUILD_APPS")
1721    modules = filter_modules(MAINLINE_MODULES + BUNDLED_MAINLINE_MODULES,
1722                             target_build_apps)
1724    # Also build the platform Mainline SDKs either if no specific modules are
1725    # requested or if --build-platform-sdks-for-mainline is given.
1726    if not target_build_apps or args.build_platform_sdks_for_mainline:
1727        modules += PLATFORM_SDKS_FOR_MAINLINE
1729    producer = create_producer(args.tool_path, args.skip_allowed_deps_check)
1730    producer.dist_generate_sdk_supported_modules_file(modules)
1731    producer.generate_mainline_modules_info_file(
1732        modules, os.environ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"]
1733    )
1734    producer.produce_dist(modules, build_releases)
1737if __name__ == "__main__":
1738    main(sys.argv[1:])