1 // Copyright 2021, The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
16 use rusqlite::{params, OptionalExtension, Transaction};
create_or_get_version(tx: &Transaction, current_version: u32) -> Result<u32>18 pub fn create_or_get_version(tx: &Transaction, current_version: u32) -> Result<u32> {
19 tx.execute(
20 "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS persistent.version (
22 version INTEGER);",
23 [],
24 )
25 .context("In create_or_get_version: Failed to create version table.")?;
27 let version = tx
28 .query_row("SELECT version FROM persistent.version WHERE id = 0;", [], |row| row.get(0))
29 .optional()
30 .context("In create_or_get_version: Failed to read version.")?;
32 let version = if let Some(version) = version {
33 version
34 } else {
35 // If no version table existed it could mean one of two things:
36 // 1) This database is completely new. In this case the version has to be set
37 // to the current version and the current version which also needs to be
38 // returned.
39 // 2) The database predates db versioning. In this case the version needs to be
40 // set to 0, and 0 needs to be returned.
41 let version = if tx
42 .query_row(
43 "SELECT name FROM persistent.sqlite_master
44 WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'keyentry';",
45 [],
46 |_| Ok(()),
47 )
48 .optional()
49 .context("In create_or_get_version: Failed to check for keyentry table.")?
50 .is_none()
51 {
52 current_version
53 } else {
54 0
55 };
57 tx.execute("INSERT INTO persistent.version (id, version) VALUES(0, ?);", params![version])
58 .context("In create_or_get_version: Failed to insert initial version.")?;
59 version
60 };
61 Ok(version)
62 }
update_version(tx: &Transaction, new_version: u32) -> Result<()>64 pub fn update_version(tx: &Transaction, new_version: u32) -> Result<()> {
65 let updated = tx
66 .execute("UPDATE persistent.version SET version = ? WHERE id = 0;", params![new_version])
67 .context("In update_version: Failed to update row.")?;
68 if updated == 1 {
69 Ok(())
70 } else {
71 Err(anyhow!("In update_version: No rows were updated."))
72 }
73 }
upgrade_database<F>(tx: &Transaction, current_version: u32, upgraders: &[F]) -> Result<()> where F: Fn(&Transaction) -> Result<u32> + 'static,75 pub fn upgrade_database<F>(tx: &Transaction, current_version: u32, upgraders: &[F]) -> Result<()>
76 where
77 F: Fn(&Transaction) -> Result<u32> + 'static,
78 {
79 if upgraders.len() < current_version as usize {
80 return Err(anyhow!("In upgrade_database: Insufficient upgraders provided."));
81 }
82 let mut db_version = create_or_get_version(tx, current_version)
83 .context("In upgrade_database: Failed to get database version.")?;
84 while db_version < current_version {
85 db_version = upgraders[db_version as usize](tx).with_context(|| {
86 format!("In upgrade_database: Trying to upgrade from db version {}.", db_version)
87 })?;
88 }
89 update_version(tx, db_version).context("In upgrade_database.")
90 }
92 #[cfg(test)]
93 mod test {
94 use super::*;
95 use rusqlite::{Connection, TransactionBehavior};
97 #[test]
upgrade_database_test()98 fn upgrade_database_test() {
99 let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
100 conn.execute("ATTACH DATABASE 'file::memory:' as persistent;", []).unwrap();
102 let upgraders: Vec<_> = (0..30_u32)
103 .map(move |i| {
104 move |tx: &Transaction| {
105 tx.execute(
106 "INSERT INTO persistent.test (test_field) VALUES(?);",
107 params![i + 1],
108 )
109 .with_context(|| format!("In upgrade_from_{}_to_{}.", i, i + 1))?;
110 Ok(i + 1)
111 }
112 })
113 .collect();
115 for legacy in &[false, true] {
116 if *legacy {
117 conn.execute(
118 "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS persistent.keyentry (
120 key_type INTEGER,
121 domain INTEGER,
122 namespace INTEGER,
123 alias BLOB,
124 state INTEGER,
125 km_uuid BLOB);",
126 [],
127 )
128 .unwrap();
129 }
130 for from in 1..29 {
131 for to in from..30 {
132 conn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS persistent.version;", []).unwrap();
133 conn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS persistent.test;", []).unwrap();
134 conn.execute(
135 "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS persistent.test (
137 test_field INTEGER);",
138 [],
139 )
140 .unwrap();
142 {
143 let tx =
144 conn.transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
145 create_or_get_version(&tx, from).unwrap();
146 tx.commit().unwrap();
147 }
148 {
149 let tx =
150 conn.transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
151 upgrade_database(&tx, to, &upgraders).unwrap();
152 tx.commit().unwrap();
153 }
155 // In the legacy database case all upgraders starting from 0 have to run. So
156 // after the upgrade step, the expectations need to be adjusted.
157 let from = if *legacy { 0 } else { from };
159 // There must be exactly to - from rows.
160 assert_eq!(
161 to - from,
162 conn.query_row(
163 "SELECT COUNT(test_field) FROM persistent.test;",
164 [],
165 |row| row.get(0)
166 )
167 .unwrap()
168 );
169 // Each row must have the correct relation between id and test_field. If this
170 // is not the case, the upgraders were not executed in the correct order.
171 assert_eq!(
172 to - from,
173 conn.query_row(
174 "SELECT COUNT(test_field) FROM persistent.test
175 WHERE id = test_field - ?;",
176 params![from],
177 |row| row.get(0)
178 )
179 .unwrap()
180 );
181 }
182 }
183 }
184 }
186 #[test]
create_or_get_version_new_database()187 fn create_or_get_version_new_database() {
188 let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
189 conn.execute("ATTACH DATABASE 'file::memory:' as persistent;", []).unwrap();
190 {
191 let tx = conn.transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
192 let version = create_or_get_version(&tx, 3).unwrap();
193 tx.commit().unwrap();
194 assert_eq!(version, 3);
195 }
197 // Was the version table created as expected?
198 assert_eq!(
199 Ok("version".to_owned()),
200 conn.query_row(
201 "SELECT name FROM persistent.sqlite_master
202 WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'version';",
203 [],
204 |row| row.get(0),
205 )
206 );
208 // There is exactly one row in the version table.
209 assert_eq!(
210 Ok(1),
211 conn.query_row("SELECT COUNT(id) from persistent.version;", [], |row| row.get(0))
212 );
214 // The version must be set to 3
215 assert_eq!(
216 Ok(3),
217 conn.query_row("SELECT version from persistent.version WHERE id = 0;", [], |row| row
218 .get(0))
219 );
221 // Will subsequent calls to create_or_get_version still return the same version even
222 // if the current version changes.
223 {
224 let tx = conn.transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
225 let version = create_or_get_version(&tx, 5).unwrap();
226 tx.commit().unwrap();
227 assert_eq!(version, 3);
228 }
230 // There is still exactly one row in the version table.
231 assert_eq!(
232 Ok(1),
233 conn.query_row("SELECT COUNT(id) from persistent.version;", [], |row| row.get(0))
234 );
236 // Bump the version.
237 {
238 let tx = conn.transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
239 update_version(&tx, 5).unwrap();
240 tx.commit().unwrap();
241 }
243 // Now the version should have changed.
244 {
245 let tx = conn.transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
246 let version = create_or_get_version(&tx, 7).unwrap();
247 tx.commit().unwrap();
248 assert_eq!(version, 5);
249 }
251 // There is still exactly one row in the version table.
252 assert_eq!(
253 Ok(1),
254 conn.query_row("SELECT COUNT(id) from persistent.version;", [], |row| row.get(0))
255 );
257 // The version must be set to 5
258 assert_eq!(
259 Ok(5),
260 conn.query_row("SELECT version from persistent.version WHERE id = 0;", [], |row| row
261 .get(0))
262 );
263 }
265 #[test]
create_or_get_version_legacy_database()266 fn create_or_get_version_legacy_database() {
267 let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
268 conn.execute("ATTACH DATABASE 'file::memory:' as persistent;", []).unwrap();
269 // A legacy (version 0) database is detected if the keyentry table exists but no
270 // version table.
271 conn.execute(
272 "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS persistent.keyentry (
274 key_type INTEGER,
275 domain INTEGER,
276 namespace INTEGER,
277 alias BLOB,
278 state INTEGER,
279 km_uuid BLOB);",
280 [],
281 )
282 .unwrap();
284 {
285 let tx = conn.transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
286 let version = create_or_get_version(&tx, 3).unwrap();
287 tx.commit().unwrap();
288 // In the legacy case, version 0 must be returned.
289 assert_eq!(version, 0);
290 }
292 // Was the version table created as expected?
293 assert_eq!(
294 Ok("version".to_owned()),
295 conn.query_row(
296 "SELECT name FROM persistent.sqlite_master
297 WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'version';",
298 [],
299 |row| row.get(0),
300 )
301 );
303 // There is exactly one row in the version table.
304 assert_eq!(
305 Ok(1),
306 conn.query_row("SELECT COUNT(id) from persistent.version;", [], |row| row.get(0))
307 );
309 // The version must be set to 0
310 assert_eq!(
311 Ok(0),
312 conn.query_row("SELECT version from persistent.version WHERE id = 0;", [], |row| row
313 .get(0))
314 );
316 // Will subsequent calls to create_or_get_version still return the same version even
317 // if the current version changes.
318 {
319 let tx = conn.transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
320 let version = create_or_get_version(&tx, 5).unwrap();
321 tx.commit().unwrap();
322 assert_eq!(version, 0);
323 }
325 // There is still exactly one row in the version table.
326 assert_eq!(
327 Ok(1),
328 conn.query_row("SELECT COUNT(id) from persistent.version;", [], |row| row.get(0))
329 );
331 // Bump the version.
332 {
333 let tx = conn.transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
334 update_version(&tx, 5).unwrap();
335 tx.commit().unwrap();
336 }
338 // Now the version should have changed.
339 {
340 let tx = conn.transaction_with_behavior(TransactionBehavior::Immediate).unwrap();
341 let version = create_or_get_version(&tx, 7).unwrap();
342 tx.commit().unwrap();
343 assert_eq!(version, 5);
344 }
346 // There is still exactly one row in the version table.
347 assert_eq!(
348 Ok(1),
349 conn.query_row("SELECT COUNT(id) from persistent.version;", [], |row| row.get(0))
350 );
352 // The version must be set to 5
353 assert_eq!(
354 Ok(5),
355 conn.query_row("SELECT version from persistent.version WHERE id = 0;", [], |row| row
356 .get(0))
357 );
358 }
359 }