1// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 NVIDIA Corporation 2// 3// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 4 5[open,refpage='vkGetMemoryWin32HandleNV',desc='Retrieve Win32 handle to a device memory object',type='protos'] 6-- 7To retrieve the handle corresponding to a device memory object created with 8slink:VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoNV::pname:handleTypes set to include 9ename:VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_BIT_NV or 10ename:VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_KMT_BIT_NV, call: 11 12include::{generated}/api/protos/vkGetMemoryWin32HandleNV.adoc[] 13 14 * pname:device is the logical device that owns the memory. 15 * pname:memory is the slink:VkDeviceMemory object. 16 * pname:handleType is a bitmask of 17 elink:VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV containing a single bit 18 specifying the type of handle requested. 19 * pname:handle is a pointer to a Windows code:HANDLE in which the handle 20 is returned. 21 22.Valid Usage 23**** 24 * [[VUID-vkGetMemoryWin32HandleNV-handleType-01326]] 25 pname:handleType must: be a flag specified in 26 slink:VkExportMemoryAllocateInfoNV::pname:handleTypes when allocating 27 pname:memory 28**** 29 30include::{generated}/validity/protos/vkGetMemoryWin32HandleNV.adoc[] 31-- 32