1import{__decorate as t}from"../node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.js";import{css as e,LitElement as o,html as i}from"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lit/dist@2/core/lit-core.min.js";import{property as r,customElement as s}from"https://cdn.skypack.dev/pin/lit@v2.5.0-jYRq0AKQogjUdUh7SCAE/mode=imports/optimized/lit/decorators.js";import{simulationState as d}from"./device-observer.js";let a=class extends o{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.yaw=-15,this.pitch=-15,this.roll=0,this.posZ=0,this.color=e`red`,this.size=e`30px`,this.controls=!1,this.highlighted=!1,this.handleOrientationEvent=t=>{const{detail:e}=t;e.name===this.id&&this.controls&&("yaw"===e.type?this.yaw=e.value:"pitch"===e.type?this.pitch=e.value:this.roll=e.value)}}connectedCallback(){super.connectedCallback(),d.registerObserver(this),window.addEventListener("orientationEvent",this.handleOrientationEvent)}disconnectedCallback(){window.removeEventListener("orientationEvent",this.handleOrientationEvent),d.removeObserver(this),super.disconnectedCallback()}onNotify(t){this.highlighted=t.selectedId===this.id;for(const e of t.devices)if(e.name===this.id)return void(this.posZ=100*e.position.z)}render(){return i` 2 <style> 3 :host { 4 font-size: ${this.size}; 5 --color: ${this.color}; 6 --yaw: ${this.yaw}; 7 --pitch: ${this.pitch}; 8 --roll: ${this.roll}; 9 --posZ: ${this.controls?this.posZ:0}; 10 } 11 .cube > div { 12 outline: ${this.highlighted&&this.controls?e`dashed`:e``}; 13 } 14 </style> 15 <div class="cube"> 16 <div></div> 17 <div></div> 18 <div></div> 19 <div></div> 20 <div></div> 21 <div></div> 22 </div> 23 ${this.controls?i` 24 <div class="line"></div> 25 <div class="base"></div> 26 `:i``} 27 `}};a.styles=e` 28 :host { 29 /** all sizes are relative to font-size **/ 30 display: block; 31 min-height: 1.5em; 32 min-width: 1.5em; 33 width: 1em; 34 /* overflow: hidden; */ 35 transform-origin: center; 36 transform-style: preserve-3d; 37 transform: translateZ(calc(var(--posZ) * 1px)); 38 cursor: move; 39 } 40 41 .cube { 42 transform-style: preserve-3d; 43 transform: rotateX(calc(var(--yaw) * 1deg)) 44 rotateY(calc(var(--pitch) * 1deg)) rotateZ(calc(var(--roll) * 1deg)); 45 position: absolute; 46 left: 0.25em; 47 bottom: 0.25em; 48 width: 1em; 49 height: 1em; 50 } 51 .cube > div { 52 position: absolute; 53 background-color: var(--color); 54 width: 100%; 55 height: 100%; 56 box-shadow: 0 0 0.25em #000 inset; 57 } 58 .cube > div:nth-child(1) { 59 transform: translateZ(0.5em); 60 } 61 .cube > div:nth-child(2) { 62 transform: rotateY(180deg) translateZ(0.5em); 63 } 64 .cube > div:nth-child(3) { 65 right: 0; 66 width: 1em; 67 transform: rotateY(90deg) translateZ(0.5em); 68 } 69 .cube > div:nth-child(4) { 70 width: 1em; 71 transform: rotateY(270deg) translateZ(0.5em); 72 } 73 .cube > div:nth-child(5) { 74 bottom: -0.5em; 75 height: 1em; 76 transform: rotateX(90deg); 77 box-shadow: 0 0 0.25em #000 inset, 0 0 0.25em #000; 78 } 79 .cube div:nth-child(6) { 80 height: 1em; 81 transform: translateY(-0.5em) rotateX(90deg); 82 overflow: hidden; 83 } 84 85 .line { 86 position: absolute; 87 border-bottom: 5px dashed; 88 width: calc(var(--posZ) * 1px); 89 top: 50%; 90 left: 50%; 91 transform: rotateY(90deg) rotateX(90deg); 92 transform-origin: left; 93 } 94 95 .base { 96 position: absolute; 97 border: 5px solid; 98 border-radius: 50%; 99 background-color: black; 100 height: 5px; 101 width: 5px; 102 top: 50%; 103 left: 50%; 104 transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, calc(var(--posZ) * -1px)); 105 } 106 `,t([r({type:Number})],a.prototype,"yaw",void 0),t([r({type:Number})],a.prototype,"pitch",void 0),t([r({type:Number})],a.prototype,"roll",void 0),t([r({type:Number})],a.prototype,"posZ",void 0),t([r({type:e,attribute:"color"})],a.prototype,"color",void 0),t([r({type:e,attribute:"size"})],a.prototype,"size",void 0),t([r({type:Boolean})],a.prototype,"controls",void 0),t([r({type:Boolean})],a.prototype,"highlighted",void 0),a=t([s("ns-cube-sprite")],a);export{a as CubeSprite}; 107