1;; new_objects - a collection of types that have been introduced with ToT policy 2;; that have no analogue in 34.0 policy. Thus, we do not need to map these types to 3;; previous ones. Add here to pass checkapi tests. 4(type new_objects) 5(typeattribute new_objects) 6(typeattributeset new_objects 7 ( new_objects 8 archive_service 9 artd_pre_reboot_service 10 contextual_search_service 11 dexopt_chroot_setup_service 12 dtbo_block_device 13 ota_build_prop 14 snapuserd_log_data_file 15 fwk_vibrator_control_service 16 ecm_enhanced_confirmation_service 17 hal_authgraph_service 18 hal_graphics_mapper_service 19 hal_secretkeeper_service 20 hal_codec2_service 21 hal_macsec_service 22 hal_remotelyprovisionedcomponent_avf_service 23 hal_threadnetwork_service 24 hidl_memory_prop 25 hidraw_device 26 input_device_config_prop 27 virtual_camera_service 28 ot_daemon_service 29 ot_daemon_socket 30 pm_archiving_enabled_prop 31 remote_auth_service 32 security_state_service 33 sensitive_content_protection_service 34 setupwizard_mode_prop 35 sysfs_sync_on_suspend 36 tv_ad_service 37 threadnetwork_service 38 device_config_aconfig_flags_prop 39 virtual_device_native_service 40 next_boot_prop 41 binderfs_logs_stats 42 drm_forcel3_prop 43 proc_percpu_pagelist_high_fraction 44 vendor_microdroid_file 45 threadnetwork_config_prop 46 profiling_service 47 aconfig_storage_metadata_file 48 aconfig_storage_flags_metadata_file 49 aconfigd 50 aconfigd_exec 51 aconfigd_socket 52 enable_16k_pages_prop 53 proc_cgroups 54 )) 55