1 /*
2  * Copyright 2018, The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
21 #include <memory>
23 #include <utils/Mutex.h>
25 #include <C2.h>
26 #include <C2Buffer.h>
28 /**
29  * Extern C interface for creating block pool from platform store extension.
30  *
31  * \param alloctorId  the ID of the backing allocator type.
32  * \parem blockPoolId the ID of created block pool.
33  *
34  * \return pointer of created C2BlockPool, nullptr on error.
35  */
36 typedef ::C2BlockPool* (*CreateBlockPoolFunc)(::C2Allocator::id_t, ::C2BlockPool::local_id_t);
38 /**
39  * Extern C interface for creating allocator from platform store extension.
40  *
41  * \param alloctorId  the ID of the allocator to create.
42  * \param status      the returned status from creating allocator.
43  *
44  * \return pointer of created C2Allocator, nullptr on error.
45  */
46 typedef ::C2Allocator* (*CreateAllocatorFunc)(::C2Allocator::id_t, ::c2_status_t*);
48 class C2PlatformStorePluginLoader {
49 public:
50     static const std::unique_ptr<C2PlatformStorePluginLoader>& GetInstance();
51     ~C2PlatformStorePluginLoader();
53     /**
54      * Creates block pool from platform store extension.
55      *
56      * \param alloctorId  the ID of the backing allocator type.
57      * \param blockPoolId the ID of created block pool.
58      * \param pool        shared pointer where the created block pool is stored.
59      *
60      * \retval C2_OK        the block pool was created successfully.
61      * \retval C2_NOT_FOUND the extension symbol was not found.
62      * \retval C2_BAD_INDEX the input allocatorId is not defined in platform store extension.
63      */
64     c2_status_t createBlockPool(
65             ::C2Allocator::id_t allocatorId,
66             ::C2BlockPool::local_id_t blockPoolId,
67             std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool>* pool,
68             std::function<void(C2BlockPool *)> deleter = std::default_delete<C2BlockPool>());
70     /**
71      * Creates allocator from platform store extension.
72      *
73      * Note that this allocator is not created as shared singleton as C2AllocatorStore does, because
74      * C interface only allows raw pointer transmission for extension.
75      *
76      * \param alloctorId  the ID of the allocator to create.
77      * \param allocator   shared pointer where the created allocator is stored.
78      *
79      * \retval C2_OK        the allocator was created successfully.
80      * \retval C2_TIMED_OUT could not create the allocator within the time limit (unexpected)
81      * \retval C2_CORRUPTED some unknown error prevented the creation of the allocator (unexpected)
82      * \retval C2_NOT_FOUND the extension symbol was not found.
83      * \retval C2_BAD_INDEX the input allocatorId is not defined in platform store extension.
84      * \retval C2_NO_MEMORY not enough memory to create the allocator
85      */
86     c2_status_t createAllocator(
87             ::C2Allocator::id_t allocatorId,
88             std::shared_ptr<C2Allocator>* const allocator,
89             std::function<void(C2Allocator *)> deleter = std::default_delete<C2Allocator>());
91 private:
92     explicit C2PlatformStorePluginLoader(const char *libPath);
94     static android::Mutex sMutex;
95     static std::unique_ptr<C2PlatformStorePluginLoader> sInstance;
97     void *mLibHandle;
98     CreateBlockPoolFunc mCreateBlockPool;
99     CreateAllocatorFunc mCreateAllocator;
100 };