1 /*
2  * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <android-base/logging.h>
18 #include <fuzzer/FuzzedDataProvider.h>
19 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
20 #include "ClientConfig.pb.h"
21 #include "Common.h"
22 #include "LocalPrebuiltGraph.h"
23 #include "PrebuiltEngineInterfaceImpl.h"
25 using ::android::automotive::computepipe::runner::ClientConfig;
27 namespace android {
28 namespace automotive {
29 namespace computepipe {
30 namespace graph {
32 namespace {
LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t * data,size_t size)36 extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
37     // Initialization goes here
38     bool graphHasTerminated = false;
39     int numOutputStreamCallbacksReceived[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
41     PrebuiltEngineInterfaceImpl callback;
42     callback.SetGraphTerminationCallback(
43             [&graphHasTerminated](Status, std::string) { graphHasTerminated = true; });
45     // Add multiple pixel stream callback functions to see if all of them register.
46     callback.SetPixelCallback([&numOutputStreamCallbacksReceived](int streamIndex, int64_t,
47                                                                   const runner::InputFrame&) {
48         ASSERT_TRUE(streamIndex == 0 || streamIndex == 1);
49         numOutputStreamCallbacksReceived[streamIndex]++;
50     });
52     // Add multiple stream callback functions to see if all of them register.
53     callback.SetSerializedStreamCallback(
54             [&numOutputStreamCallbacksReceived](int streamIndex, int64_t, std::string&&) {
55                 ASSERT_TRUE(streamIndex == 2 || streamIndex == 3);
56                 numOutputStreamCallbacksReceived[streamIndex]++;
57             });
59     std::shared_ptr<PrebuiltEngineInterface> engineInterface =
60             std::static_pointer_cast<PrebuiltEngineInterface, PrebuiltEngineInterfaceImpl>(
61                     std::make_shared<PrebuiltEngineInterfaceImpl>(callback));
62     PrebuiltGraph* graph = GetLocalGraphFromLibrary("libstubgraphimpl.so", engineInterface);
64     // Fuzz goes here
65     FuzzedDataProvider fdp(data, size);
66     while (fdp.remaining_bytes() > runner::test::kMaxFuzzerConsumedBytes) {
67         switch (fdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint32_t>(0, API_SUM - 1)) {
68             case GET_GRAPH_TYPE: {
69                 graph->GetGraphType();
70                 break;
71             }
72             case GET_GRAPH_STATE: {
73                 graph->GetGraphState();
74                 break;
75             }
76             case GET_STATUS: {
77                 graph->GetStatus();
78                 break;
79             }
80             case GET_ERROR_MESSAGE: {
81                 graph->GetErrorMessage();
82                 break;
83             }
84             case GET_SUPPORTED_GRAPH_CONFIGS: {
85                 graph->GetSupportedGraphConfigs();
86                 break;
87             }
88             case SET_INPUT_STREAM_DATA: {
89                 graph->SetInputStreamData(/*streamIndex =*/2, /* timestamp =*/0, /* data =*/"");
90                 break;
91             }
92             case SET_INPUT_STREAM_PIXEL_DATA: {
93                 runner::InputFrame inputFrame(0, 0, PixelFormat::RGB, 0, nullptr);
94                 graph->SetInputStreamPixelData(/*streamIndex =*/1, /*timestamp =*/0,
95                                                /*inputFrame =*/inputFrame);
96                 break;
97             }
98             case START_GRAPH_PROFILING: {
99                 graph->StartGraphProfiling();
100                 break;
101             }
102             case STOP_GRAPH_PROFILING: {
103                 graph->StopGraphProfiling();
104                 break;
105             }
106             case HANDLE_CONFIG_PHASE: {
107                 std::map<int, int> maxOutputPacketsPerStream;
108                 ClientConfig e(0, 0, 0, maxOutputPacketsPerStream, proto::ProfilingType::DISABLED);
109                 e.setPhaseState(runner::PhaseState::ENTRY);
110                 graph->handleConfigPhase(e);
111                 break;
112             }
113             case HANDLE_EXECUTION_PHASE: {
114                 std::map<int, int> maxOutputPacketsPerStream;
115                 ClientConfig e(0, 0, 0, maxOutputPacketsPerStream, proto::ProfilingType::DISABLED);
116                 e.setPhaseState(runner::PhaseState::ENTRY);
117                 graph->handleExecutionPhase(e);
118                 break;
119             }
120             case HANDLE_STOP_IMMEDIATE_PHASE: {
121                 std::map<int, int> maxOutputPacketsPerStream;
122                 ClientConfig e(0, 0, 0, maxOutputPacketsPerStream, proto::ProfilingType::DISABLED);
123                 e.setPhaseState(runner::PhaseState::ENTRY);
124                 graph->handleStopImmediatePhase(e);
125                 break;
126             }
127             case HANDLE_STOP_WITH_FLUSH_PHASE: {
128                 std::map<int, int> maxOutputPacketsPerStream;
129                 ClientConfig e(0, 0, 0, maxOutputPacketsPerStream, proto::ProfilingType::DISABLED);
130                 e.setPhaseState(runner::PhaseState::ENTRY);
131                 graph->handleStopWithFlushPhase(e);
132                 break;
133             }
134             case HANDLE_RESET_PHASE: {
135                 std::map<int, int> maxOutputPacketsPerStream;
136                 ClientConfig e(0, 0, 0, maxOutputPacketsPerStream, proto::ProfilingType::DISABLED);
137                 e.setPhaseState(runner::PhaseState::ENTRY);
138                 graph->handleResetPhase(e);
139                 break;
140             }
141             default:
142                 LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected option aborting...";
143                 break;
144         }
145     }
146     return 0;
147 }
149 }  // namespace
150 }  // namespace graph
151 }  // namespace computepipe
152 }  // namespace automotive
153 }  // namespace android